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Chapter 5


Instead, when I woke I was in Mike’s room, in his bed, and he was at the doorway arguing with someone.


“No fucking way.  He’s exhausted.  He hasn’t had enough time to recover.  I’m the Prefect, he is mine, and I’m the one who decides when he is ready.”  The door banged shut, and I sighed with relief.


“Darr, honey, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to wake you,” said Mike.


Honey?  What was up with that and the nickname?  I sat up, wincing at the soreness of my ass and the muscles in my thighs.  I wanted to rage at him, to scream at him.  But I was naked, didn’t know where my clothes or my wallet were.  I didn’t even know what day it was, and he’d just finished protecting me from someone who probably wanted to use me again.


I said the first thing that popped into my head.  And it was even true.  “I’m hungry.  What do I have to do around here to get something to eat?”


He looked slightly relieved, then waggled his eyebrows.  “Well, if you’re very nice to me…”


“I was plenty nice to this entire fraternity already.  Not that it really matters, but how long ago was that?”


“Last night.”


I felt oddly comforted that it’d only been a night.  For all I knew, I could have been out for a month, though I suppose my parents would have come looking for me.  If I could get out of here somehow, I’d be able to get to a clinic and get the drug that’d stop the infection.  I hoped.  And I was banking on catching this particular fly with “honey” rather than vinegar.  If I could do that, my chances of getting away were probably much better.


“What do you want?” he asked.  “It’s just about noon.”


“What have you got?” I asked, putting on a playfully seductive manner.


He leered at me in the same spirit.  “Anything you want.  You’re the ‘Prefect’s consort,’ so I can tell any member to either make or buy you something.”


I thought a minute.  “Toasted poppy seed bagel with cream cheese and lox, orange juice and iced coffee.”


“No problem,” he said, and headed towards the door, but then something struck me.


“You’re not going to leave, are you?”  I was afraid that if he wasn’t here I’d have to fight off the entire frat on my own.


He grinned.  “Can’t stand to be away from me for a minute, huh?  I’ll send someone out.  You’re too scrumptious to leave unprotected just now.”  He opened the door and shouted, “Hey, Ike, come here, I need you.”


The big, muscular black guy who had fucked me so brutally came to the door with an inquiring look on his face.


“Can you or Aaron go out and get Darr something for brunch?  I don’t want to leave him alone.”


It was stupid of me, but I felt absurdly touched when he said that.  It was his fault I was in this position, but at least he wasn’t going to abandon me.


“No problem, Mike.  We were just going out to pick up something to bring back here anyway.”  Ike glanced at me, gulped, and looked back over his shoulder as if to check whether anyone was listening, then said in low voice “Darren, sorry about last night.  Carlos and I were trying to make it convincing, but Mike tells me we overdid it.”


I couldn’t really imagine what this apology could mean.  It didn’t make much sense.


“Ike,” Mike said warningly.  “We’ll talk about this later.”


I still didn’t understand, but I felt like I should say something.  I mean even if it was a bullshit apology, I should at least acknowledge he’d made it.


“Uh, okay, Ike.  Thanks.”


He gave me a tentative smile and then said to Mike, “All right, Now I’ll go bitch to everyone how you’ve turned me into an errand boy.”  They laughed conspiratorially, and then Ike raised his voice and said “Okay you arrogant prick.  I’ll buy your fucking pussy boy his breakfast,” and banged the door closed.


“Mike, what the hell is going on here?” I asked.


“We’ve got a lot of time to talk about that.”


I rolled my eyes.  “If you want to live beyond the next five minutes you don’t have much time at all,” I said.


He threw his head back and laughed.  “You’re so funny.  I loved it when you called the Father ‘Daddy Scorpion,’ I nearly exploded because I couldn’t laugh out loud.”


“Mike,” I said impatiently.


He came over and sat next to me on the bed, and put an arm around me.


“It’s a whole internal political battle here.  I’ve got my allies and my double-agents, though for all I know they might be double-double agents, but I don’t think so.”


He didn’t say anything more, so I prodded, “And….”


“Later, okay, when Aaron and Ike get back.  I just want to hold you for a minute.”


His arms, solid, warm and comforting went around me, and he pulled me between his legs.  I raised my face to his, our eyes met, and we kissed again.  And even though I was plenty sore, just that touch was enough to make me remember how good it had been between us last night, and to start yearning for him again.


He broke off the kiss, and just held me.


“Darr, it’s messed up, but I’m really happy right now.  It’s been so lonely here, but then I felt a connection as soon as we started talking at orientation.  I had to bring someone back and I wanted it to be someone I could talk and laugh with, not just have sex.”


Honey appeared to be working.  “The fucking was pretty good with you,” I said pressing against him.


“Pretty good?” Mike said disbelievingly, pulling away to look at me.  “You came so hard you hit yourself in the face with your own load both times!”


“Okay, I’ve never come that hard in my life,” I conceded.  Satisfied?”


He gave me a cocky smile, and pulled me close again.


We shouldn’t have mentioned fucking.  All right, I’m the one who mentioned it.  Maybe there was something to all their dumb rituals, because I was starting to feel like a bitch in heat.  Ave libidinem, indeed.  Mike seemed to be feeling it too, if the erection I could feel growing through his jeans was anything to go by.


He pulled back again and kissed me, then we were shifting so he was on top of me, kissing my neck.  I gasped, and like a reflex action my legs were parting and he was between them, humping his crotch against my butt; then my legs wrapped around his waist, and I kissed him back, matching his hunger, our tongues tangling.  Both of us were breathing heavily; I ran my hands down his back to his butt, then started pushing his t-shirt out of the way so I could touch his bare skin.  He gave something between a moan and a growl, then broke of the kiss.


“Are you sure you’re okay with this?  You must still be sore…”


“Yeah, and I don’t care,” I murmured back, and was surprised to realize I meant it.  “I need you to fuck me again.  I wish last night could have just been us.”


He smiled down at me and tenderly said, “Ave libidinem.”


Fratres, in cupiditate” I answered.


Then he kissed my forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin, finally settling on my lips.


This time I broke off the kiss to say “Mike.  I need it!”


He grinned.  “Anyone ever tell you you’re bossy?”


He sat up and pulled off his t-shirt over his head and threw it on the floor.  I reached over and undid the button on his jeans and opened the zipper.  He pushed them lower, and with some awkward thrashing managed to get them off, and tossed the jeans on the floor, too.


He brought his dick to my lips, and I licked the head and the shaft, then his balls, and knowing how much he enjoyed it, licked his musky ass.  He moaned loudly, and reached down to pull my head against his butt more securely, and began to thrust his hips, rubbing his asshole over my mouth.


“You have no idea how good that feels,” he said huskily.  “So let me show you.”


With that he was moving back, pushing my legs to my chest, and delving into my ass with his tongue.  I gasped and inhaled sharply, now hugging my thighs hard against my chest, tilting my hips to give him easier access.  He didn’t stop, kept going, kissing, licking, teasing me with his tongue until I was all but whimpering.


“Mike,” I said in an agonized whisper.


“Yeah?” he said looking at me between my legs.  “What can I do for you?”


“FUCK ME.  Please, I need to feel your dick inside me, need your charged load filling up my butt,” I was shocked to hear myself say.  Did I really want him to pump more of the virus in me?  Dumb question on all counts:  I’d already taken 45 poz loads the night before, and the bitch in heat thing was not letting up, it was intensifying.  The whole thing was incredibly erotic, and much as I hated to admit it, Daddy Scorpio knew his stuff.  I was moaning with desire, burning with lust.


“Oh, baby,” he breathed, and he grabbed a jar of Vaseline from the drawer in his nightstand, smeared it over his huge, hard cock, and then put a generous coating of it on the outside of my butt, and gently, carefully spread it inside of me with his finger.  The greasy stuff actually helped the sting from being used so hard last night, which was good since I was determined to get him inside of me no matter what.


He took my legs over his shoulders, pulled his rigid dick down, and then in a replay of the night before said, “Look at me Darren,” this time adding, “sweetheart.”


He eased his cock inside me carefully, and I saw how good it felt:  his jaw went slack and he groaned as he began to fill my ass up with his thick, rigid cock.


“Oh, honey,” he whispered once he was all inside of me.  “Darling…” he breathed, and began to pump in and out, slowly at first, but gaining steam quickly.


He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “You have the most amazing ass, tight, sweet, like velvet and satin all in one.”


His thrusts picked up in force and speed.  He was kissing, licking and biting my neck and ears.


“Harder,” I gasped, even though I was sore.  He was hitting that spot inside me, and it was as if I were jerking myself off, but better.  Look ma, no hands!


It seemed that was the magic word.  He was pounding against me, out of control, and began to grunt with each thrust.  I was grunting in counterpoint with him, and then…I erupted.  My own cum was splashing me in the face once more, and I was groaning out loud, my hips meeting his thrusts, matching his rhythm as I took what I wanted and needed so badly.


Mike cried out, “Oh, baby, your ass is pumping the cum out of me!”


I pushed my butt up into his crotch, holding it in place and Mike gave a last incoherent shout, and again rammed against me three times as his dick spasmed inside of me and he shot his load.  His mouth covered mine, claiming my lips and thrusting his tongue in my mouth.


And then the door opened…

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Okay, another long build-up...but I think it's worth it!


Chapter 6


The first one through the door was Father Scorpion, and he didn’t look pleased.  At least he was wearing street clothes, a navy polo, jeans and work boots, and not that dopey robe.  He was followed by what looked to be the rest of the frat minus Aaron and Ike.


“Prefect, what is this I hear?  The Novice hasn’t been continuously bred starting at first light, according to our customs.  We must ensure that the conversion takes hold.  And you sent one of your Brothers out to buy the newest member something to eat?  Explain yourself!” he demanded.


I felt Mike tense, and his dick started to soften inside of me.  Before he could even take a breath, I fired back at Daddy Scorpio.


“Do you mind?  Have you ever heard of knocking?!?”


Just as it happened during my initiation, the room went silent.  Mike gasped, and went completely still.


“How dare you address me that way!  You aren’t even officially of the brotherhood yet.  You will be punished…”


“How?” I said contemptuously.  All my anger was now directed at him.  It wasn’t Mike’s fault, not really, not anyone who’d been infected and somehow imprisoned by this lunatic.


“I can make your life very difficult,” he said with heavy emphasis on each word.


“Oh, really?” I answered.


“Darr, please don’t…”


“Don’t shush me, Mike.  This is between me and ‘The Father,’” I said making the quote marks around the title audible.  I returned to my offensive.  “So what are you going to do to me?  Drug me, tie me up and have twenty-one guys rape me?  Oops, you already did that.”


I heard gasps and suppressed laughter from the others; Father Scorpion looked as if he was going to have an apoplexy.


“Or maybe you’ll infect me with an incurable illness?  Oops, did that too.  So what’s left?”


“You will obey me,” he snarled.  “You aren’t going anywhere, and once the infection takes hold, I’ll be holding the keys to the medicine that will keep you alive.”


“What are you talking about?  I’m covered by my parent’s health insurance, I don’t need you,” I said, putting every ounce of contempt I could muster in the last word.


He laughed.  “What will you tell your parents?  That you’re gay and infected with HIV?”


“Yeah.  They know I’m gay.  And I’ll tell them the whole story.”


“It’ll be your word against mine,” the Father said ominously.  “There will be no proof, and none of my loyal sons will step forward and corroborate your version of events.  In fact, they’ll all say how you threw yourself at Mike, even though he tried to discourage you.”


“I’m up for it if you are.  By the way, my dad is a top litigation partner in one of the largest law firms in the country.  Even if there’s not enough evidence for a criminal case, he’ll sue the pants off you and this university.  And don’t be so sure that no one else will back me up.”


His eyes widened at that one.


“And you can’t have me expelled from your little club or the university, because I know too much.  So here’s the deal, Daddy Scorpio.  I have nothing left to lose, and I have you to thank for it.  Back off, old man, before I pull the plug on you.”


The Father was clearly seething.  “You will pay for this.”


“Yeah, right.  ‘Begone before someone drops a house on you!’”


He turned a stalked out of the room; a few of the guys who’d come with him followed, the rest stayed, looking shocked.


“Where did that come from?” Mike asked, incredulous.


“What do you mean?”


“No one has ever spoken to him like that,” said Aiden, one of the Acolytes.


“Why not?  What is it?  Can’t you all see he’s nothing but a pathetic, petty little tyrant?”


“He does give us the meds, Darr,” said Mike.


Something wasn’t making sense to me.  “He’s not the only one who has access.”


“Yeah, but not all of us are the children of highly-paid professionals.  Some depend on scholarships and work study programs to get by.  It’s hard to pay for expensive prescriptions on top of everything else.  And some of us,” he gulped, “can’t tell our families.  My dad and mom would go ballistic.  My entire family is born-again Christians.  On both sides.”


I was finally beginning to understand The Father’s hold on these guys.


“He withholds the meds as punishment, and has us take a drug holiday every year when new freshman are pledging so that our viral loads go up and we can pass along the virus more easily,” Mike finished.


I was suddenly afraid, not for myself, but for the others who were vulnerable in ways I hadn’t even considered.  He couldn’t do much to me, really, but what if he hurt someone…like Mike.  What have I done?  His erection had completely subsided, and his dick slipped out of me.  I felt the emptiness keenly.


“We need to have a meeting,” Mike said, and started to pull on his clothes.


“I’m sorry, Mike.  I didn’t know,” I said, pleading with him.


“Yeah, I know,” he said with a grimace.  He grinned weakly.  “It was great to watch you in action.”  He started for the door, then stopped and said, “Someone has to stay here with him.  I wouldn’t put it past The Father to arrange a convenient accident.”


“When are you coming back?” I said, anguished at the worry I’d caused.


He gave me another ghostly grin.  “Can’t stand to be away from me for a minute?  I’ll be back.  Carlos, lock the door and stay with him.  You can use those biceps for something other than hoisting barbells or passing a football.  I’ll fill you in later.”


Everyone filed out after him, except Carlos, who locked the door as Mike had ordered.  I recognized him as the Latino guy with the huge dick and lousy hygiene.


There was an awkward silence.


“Hey, man, you were great,” Carlos said.


“Thanks,” I answered glumly.  “I didn’t mean to make everybody’s life harder.”


He sat next to me, and took my hand.  “Don’t back down.  I been here four years, the same as Mike, and I’ve never seen The Father like that.  I think you shook him up pretty bad.”




“No, The Father.”


“Does he have an actual name?  Who is this guy?”


“Ron Zetcher.  He’s the football coach, but he’s got his fingers in everything here.  A lot of us are on football scholarships, and the team is the main thing here.  It’s all tied up with fundraising for the University, so he ends up with a lot of clout.”


There was a tap at the door.  Carlos stood, moving to shield me from a possible threat.


“Who is it?” he asked suspiciously.


“Aaron.  I’ve got Darren’s food.”


I hadn’t realized how tense I was until I heard a friendly voice.


Carlos unlocked the door.


“Honey, what did you do!!?” Aaron exclaimed as he handed me a bag with the food I’d asked for.  Too bad I wasn’t hungry anymore.  “Everyone said you scared off The Father.”


“Yeah, I guess I did.”


Aaron laughed, “I’m sorry I missed it.  You have to give me your version later, I better get back downstairs.”  He turned to leave, and then said over his shoulder, “And Carlos, behave yourself.”


Carlos grinned, and re-locked the door.


“You should eat,” he said.


“I’m not hungry.”


“Yeah, but you were cleaned out completely while you were under, so we could all fuck you.  You gotta replenish yourself, guy, or you’ll get sick.”


“I’m already sick, remember?”  And then it all hit me.  I was more or less imprisoned here, and had likely made things impossible for the guy I was hoping would get me out in time to get the medicine that would save me.  I started to cry.


“Hey, hey, hey,” Carlos said, sitting next to me again, and hugging me.  “It’s gonna be all right, you’ll see.  Between you and Mike and everybody else, I know we’ll figure out something.”


“I’m so scared,” I sniffled into his tight, clingy t-shirt.  “What’s going to happen to me?  How is it having HIV, is it really hard?”


“It’s not the greatest thing, but you get used to it.  The meds they got will take care of it.  And you’re strong, you’ll be okay.”


I gave a last few sniffles.  “Is there any tissue?  I don’t want to use your shirt as a handkerchief.”  He looked around, found a box of Kleenex in the closet, and handed it to me.  I dried my eyes, and lay back down.


“Oh, baby, don’t look like that,” Carlos said, stretching out next to me, kissing me on the forehead and putting a beefy arm across me, propping himself on his elbow.


“Look like what?”


“Like your life is over.  There’s great things about being poz.  You can relax and have sex without worrying about it anymore.  I mean, you could still pick up the clap or something, but if you go with the right guys, ones who take care of themselves, it’s great.”


I was suddenly aware of his body, the way the t-shirt clung to his shoulders and chest, the warmth that radiated off of him.  Our eyes met, and my lips felt dry, so I licked them.


“I think I’m hungry now,” I said.


He grinned wolfishly.  “Me, too,” and lowered his head and kissed me on the mouth.


I found myself helpless to do anything but kiss him back.  The bitch in heat thing was still with me in force.  He shifted to lie on top of me, with nothing but his soft, skin-tight t-shirt, loose linen drawstring pants and the sheet between us.  I could feel his monstrous dick starting to stir as he intensified the kiss.


“Oh, baby,” he said, and started kissing my neck.  “I’m so sorry about last night.  We were trying to make it look like we weren’t with Mike.”


I gasped and shivered, but still asked “Why?”


Carlos pulled away and smiled down at me.  “We were planning a coup, gonna take over the frat.  Looks like you jumpstarted it.  But forget that now.  I want to show it’s not just my buddy Miguelito who knows how to make love.  We Latins are the best.”


I mustered a weak smile.  “Didn’t Aaron say to behave?”


“Ah, forget him,” he said, and went back to kissing my neck and shoulders, pinning me in place with his heavy, muscular body.


I twisted and writhed under him.  He certainly knew how to zero in on my hotspots.


“You are a fidgety little thing,” he said, teasing me.  “Hold still,” and then he went back to kissing my neck, and followed my jaw line to my left ear.  He began to lick my ear, and then closed his mouth over it and used his lips along with his tongue.  I groaned, and felt him push my legs apart…or did I open them, and push closer to him?  I wasn’t sure who was doing what to whom anymore.


“Yeah, baby, this is what you need, a man to make love to you.  Don’t worry about anything, you’ll be safe as long as I’m around.  I won’t let anybody hurt you,” he whispered, and then switched to kissing and licking the right ear.


“Carlos, oh, God…”


“What, baby?”


It tore out of me.  “Fuck me again.  I want your hot poz cum inside of me, I want that monster dick of yours to rip me to pieces.”


“My plan exactly,” he said, and kissed me on the mouth.  My arms were around his neck; his skin was completely smooth and soft underneath my fingers.  I worked my arms down his back, and felt his butt which was just as muscular as the rest of him.


“Oh, yeah, baby, that’s it.  Play with my butt.”  He began to rub against me, and I could feel his hardening dick against my own.  “It really turns me on.”


We kissed for a little longer, and then he was pinning my arms to the bed, and rising to his knees above me.  He pulled off his t-shirt, and I must have goggled at his bulging pecs and arms, along with his perfectly flat gut.  And his body was hairless; somehow I hadn’t noticed during the initiation.  He looked down, smiled and then flexed for me.


“Like my body?”


“It’s a work of art,” I said, trying to sit up.


“Just lay back, baby.  Follow my lead.”


He moved forward, and pressed his crotch against my face.


“Sniff out that crotch, boy.  Yeah, that’s it.  I got all showered and cleaned up just for you,” he said, pulling my head against his hardening dick, trapped by his underwear.  “Inhale, let me hear it.”  I did as he asked, feeling extremely excited by his easy, natural dominance.


“Yeah, now kiss it for me.  Kiss my cock, oh, baby, go for the balls, that’s it.”  I was under him, my head between his thighs; His scent was strong and clean, like freshly cut wood.  Wood being the operative word.


Then he was turning around to push his butt in my face.  He had a huge body-builder’s butt, one that could rival Rafael Nadal’s justly famous backside.


“Yeah, bury your face in my ass, boy.  Worship that man’s butt, get your nose right in the crack.”  I did as he asked. “Oh,” he groaned, “that feels so good.  Now kiss it.  Let me hear you kiss it.”


He was pulling down his thin linen pants to reveal a pair of tighty whities that stretched over his muscular ass, and then pushed his ass crack back over my nose.  “Like that, baby?  How’s it smell?  That’s how a man’s ass should smell.  Kiss it for me.  Lick it, let me feel your tongue in my crack.”


I had never been so turned on by anyone outside of Mike.  With him, it was more…gentle, less frantic.  But for now I was completely caught up in this moment, servicing this hot muscle hunk.  Carlos pulled down his underwear, now completely naked.  He slowly spread his ass cheeks so I could see his ass hole. 


“You know what I want.  First you sniff it,” I did as he said and he pushed hard against me; I could feel precum leaking off his dick onto my chest.  “Now kiss it…yeah, just like that, little kisses…don’t stop till I say so.”  He moaned with pleasure.  “Lick it, eat it, taste your man.”


His dick was now dribbling continuously, and he turned around and brought his dick to my lips.


“Just kiss it, don’t suck, or I’ll cum, and I want to save it for that sweet little ass of yours.”  I delicately applied my lips to the front of his massive meat; I couldn’t have gotten it in my mouth anyway.  My jaws weren’t double-jointed.  I began to slip my tongue between my lips as I kissed his swollen shaft, and his hips bucked.


“Gotta do it now, gotta fuck you hard.”


He pulled my legs over his shoulders and pushed against my still-lubed ass, slipping in without too much trouble.  He pressed my thighs to my chest, kissed me feverishly.  I was completely pinned in place, unable to move, and not really wanting to.


“I love fucking an ass that’s full of cum,” he said as he began to pump in and out.  “And I can taste my ass on your lips, smell it on your face.  It gets me really hot,” he said in a low voice.


He was hitting my hotspot with his huge dick, massaging it with each powerful thrust.  He was so big and thick, the pressure was constant, and my dick began to leak precum.


“Yeah, you like it baby, don’t you, you like being used by a man.  And your sweet little butt was made just for my big Latino cock to fuck.”


“No,” I gasped, “your big cock was made for my butt,” and I pushed my hips towards him as he hammered his dick into me, and I reached around to toy with his big balls, tickling right where his ball sac met his body, and down at the bottom, right on his testicles.  I could feel him losing control at that light touch.


“Here it comes,” he said panting, his thrusts going wild, his balls slapping against me.  “Cum with me, shoot your load while I fill you with my dirty leche,” he said.


That was it for both of us.  I began to shoot another load – it was like I was always ready to go now.  Carlos had pushed his entire dick inside me, his back arched, and he was groaning and speaking in Spanish, thrusting against me as his balls emptied inside of me.


He collapsed on top of me, and kissed me deeply.


“You are one hot little piece,” he said.  “Miguelito is a lucky son of a bitch.”


I could only wonder if Mike would agree with him.

Very hot, just spilled another load.

Glad to help relieve your...tensions!

Edited by NYBBGUY58
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I hadn't really planned on this, but I thought everyone would enjoy more of Carlos and Darren...



Chapter 7


“Okay, open up the hangar, the jet in coming in for a landing,” said Carlos in a sing-song voice.


I rolled my eyes and sighed.  I was sitting with him wrapped around me on the bed, and he was trying to get me to eat my bagel.


“You gotta eat something, sweetie.  You’ll feel better if you do, trust me.”


I heaved another sigh and grudgingly opened my mouth and took a bite out of the bagel.  The minute the combined smoky taste of the salmon mixed with the slightly tart flavor of the cream cheese and the silky texture hit my tongue, I was ravenous.  I chewed and swallowed.


“Okay, you win.  I’m hungry, I’ll eat.”


“Good boy,” he said, and held up the bagel to my mouth.  I reached for it, and he snatched it away, holding it above his head out of my reach.


“Hey!” I said.


“Let me feed you,” he murmured against my ear.


“I feel silly.”


“Good, you need to relax and let me take care of everything, okay?  And I think it’s fun to feed you the way I do my nephews back home.”


“Where is home?” I asked after I’d taken another bite of bagel, chewed and swallowed.


“Argentina,” he said with a thoroughly authentic accent.  “I was born in the USA, so I’m a citizen.  My dad’s job brought him here for a year, just before Mom was set to deliver.  I ended up living here most of my life, but I go back and visit a lot.”


I reached for the orange juice, but he easily pinned my arm to my side, picked it up, and held the straw to my lips.


“Suck,” he said, and I could feel his dick jump against me.  I took a sip, and then he said “And if you’re a real good boy and finish all your breakfast, then I’ll give you some lechada de semen for dessert.”


“Ha-ha,” I said.


Carlos nuzzled the side of my neck.  “You know Spanish?”


“I’ve picked up a word or two growing up, and you used a version of one of them.”


“Where are you from?”


“New York.”


“What the hell are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?  New York would be an awesome place to live, and there are so many schools to choose from.”


“My parents wanted me to go someplace safer, so they wouldn’t have to worry about me.  That worked out really well, didn’t it?”


Carlos was silent, and then kissed the back of my neck.  “I’m sorry.”


“I’ll enjoy saying ‘I told you so’ to them.”


He laughed and gave me a hug.  “Okay, gotta finish your juice, your sandwich and all the coffee.”


It was comforting to be with Carlos, to have him petting and pampering me.  Oh well, if Mike decided he didn’t want me as his “consort” anymore, Carlos would probably be happy to be with me.  My eyes stung; it was fortunate that I wasn’t facing Carlos.  I liked him, but it just wasn’t the same as it was with Mike.


What was I going to do?  The situation was insane.  Mike had been the one to seduce me, get my guard down and deliver me to that beastly initiation last night.  And here I was, pining for him, wishing that he was feeding me breakfast and making bad puns about milk and semen and food.


When I’d finished the rest of my breakfast (Carlos insisted on feeding me every bit) he said, “Okay, buen chico, it’s time for dessert.”


He shifted so that my back was to him and wrapped his legs around and arms around me, and started planting soft little kisses on the side of my neck.  I leaned back into him so that he had better access to the sensitive skin, and shivered and squirmed a little at the gentle, teasing touch of his lips.


“You’re fidgeting again,” he whispered, and tightened his hold on me.  He was starting to sprout a hard-on – I could feel it against my lower back.  “It gets me really hard when you do that, and you make those little noises in your throat.”


I twisted around to look at him.  “What little noises?”


He grinned at me.  “Hot, you’re so into it you don’t even realize what you sound like.”  He demonstrated some little gasps and moans.


“Ugh, how embarrassing,” I said.


“It’s cute.  Like you.”  He kissed my shoulder.  “You have the softest skin.  And you’re just the right size, you feel so good in my arms, baby.  Let me make love to you again.  It’ll cheer you up.”


I froze.  “What makes you think I need cheering up?”


“I know you’re upset.  It’s a lot to take in all at once.”


Underneath the macho posturing and slightly goofy sense of humor, Carlos was a sensitive, perceptive romantic.  If I hadn’t met Mike, I would have been thrilled to be with him.


“You think too much,” he breathed against my ear.  “Stop thinking and just feel…”


He turned my head and touched his lips to mine.  It was an awkward angle, but it made my heart skip a beat.  He eased me back over one of his massive thighs, and soon was on top of me, without having ever broken the kiss.  His tongue pushed through my lips, tasting, savoring, then plundering with a suggestive in and out motion.  I was aware of the little noises I was making this time in response to his kisses.


Soon it started to heat up between us as we kissed more and more deeply, our tongues doing a sensual duel.  He broke it off to kiss my forehead, my cheeks, my chin, then worked his way down to my chest and lazily tongued my nipples.  The sound I made wasn’t so quiet that time, and he didn’t let up, stoking the fire that burned between us.  He kept going down my torso, nuzzled and kissed my dick – a surprise given how dominating he was in our earlier foreplay – and kept going downwards until his lips reached the tender skin between my legs, and his tongue touched my asshole.


I moaned loudly, and he was pulling my legs over his shoulders and lapping at the sensitive flesh that had been used so roughly the night before.


“I’m going to kiss it all better,” he said, and I snorted with laughter.  He finally put me down, straddled my face and put his huge dick against my lips.  I opened my mouth as wide as I could manage, but could only just accommodate the head.


“Don’t try, baby.  No one can get my cock in their mouth.  My dad and brothers are all the same, big fucking cocks run in my family.  Just kiss it like you did before, with that little bit of tongue.  That felt awesome, no one else has ever done that.”  I immediately complied, kissing the enormous shaft up and down on the front and the sides, flicked my tongue in over his balls, and started to work my way back up.


He held my head in place, and said in a low, sexy, growl “Go back the other way.  And don’t stop at my balls.”


I did as he said, feeling aroused by the way he delivered his order.


“Oh, yeah, that’s it,” he moaned.  “Keep going, baby.”  My head was between his thighs, and I licked him from balls to ass, stopping just short of putting my tongue in the crack just to drive him wild.


He tightened his thighs, and moved his butt forward, brushing it over my mouth to press it against my nose.


“For being such a tease, you have to sniff my ass again.”  I inhaled loudly, and he pressed his butt against my face harder.  “You would have had your face in my ass whatever you did,” he said in that same low, sexy commanding voice.  “I like to put my ass in my boy’s face because my ass is important when I fuck you.  It does all the work of pushing my big, fat polla into your tight, little hole so I can plant my seed deep in you.  When I’m fucking you, I want you to have the taste and smell of my butt on your lips and nose, so you can imagine how my ass goes up and down, and how the muscles flex to get it all the way inside of you.  Kiss it baby, obey me, show me you love doing what I tell you.  And use that little bit of tongue like you did on my dick and balls.”


I did exactly as he demanded, and as unimaginable as it might seem my own ass was aching for his penetration, to have everything else erased and obliterated, even if only for a little while.


He moved back and blanketed me with his body again, and kissed and licked my lips, and then, playfully, my nose.


“Mmm, you taste good, like me.  This time on your stomach,” he said and raised himself off of me so I could roll over.


As soon as I did, I could feel his cock pressing against my ass crack, and he rubbed against me a little, pinning me down again, lacing his fingers through mine and kissing the back of my neck.


“Sweet,” he hissed against my ear.  “I love how your ass cheeks press against my dick.  And I want to feel them up against the root of my cock while I make love to you.”


I could feel the head of his dick probing the sensitive portal to my body, and just that touch made me arch my butt up against him, giving him a better angle to make his entry.  He grabbed one of the pillows, and put it under me so I could relax as he pushed in.


“Plenty of juice still in there,” he said as he slowly pushed in.  “Oh, mi amor, you have an ass like velvet.  It’s squeezes so tight, but still sweet.  And those pretty little ass cheeks open so nicely for me.”


He was now completely inside me; I could feel him pressed close and tight against me.  He pushed himself up.


“I want to watch my dick go in and out of your hole,” he said, and he began to thrust more deeply.  “It looks beautiful, the way you open up and hug me close at the same time.”


I pushed back against him, wanting to be as close as possible.  And that seemed to galvanize him.  He lay back down, twined his fingers through mine and started to fuck me for real; no more slow sweet strokes, just pure animal lust, his breathing getting heavier, the rhythmic slap of his skin against mine, and the feeling of his dick pummeling my insides, each stroke bringing both of us closer to climax.


“Ah,” he said, the sound exploding from him on a gasp as his thrusts went even faster.  “Here it is, take my toxic load…” and he rammed into me with an inarticulate shout.


His dirty talk and the word "toxic" drove me wild.  I came in buckets onto the pillow underneath me while he buried his dick inside of me.  I could feel his cock pulse and flex as we shuddered with the force of mutual orgasm.  We finally started to come down from the intense high, and he just lay atop me, his body heavy and warm, like a living, breathing blanket.


He kissed the back of my neck languidly, then the side of my face.  I turned my head, and we managed to brush our lips together.


“You are amazing.  If Miguelito is too dumb to know how special you are, that’s his loss.  I’d love for you to be mine.”  I smiled, and squeezed my sphincter, enjoying is little gasp of pleasure.


My eyelids felt heavy, and I relaxed in a way I hadn't since the night before.  In spite of the large glass of iced coffee I’d drunk, I felt myself pulled down into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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