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Part One: A Blinking Light


A bump in the road snapped me back to reality.  It was nothing more than a gravel driveway, and I slowly navigated the darkness, the crunching sound of tire on stone and rock the only audible noise, heading for my destination.  My stomach lurched with every tiny bump and pothole I hit.  Yes, I was really doing this.

My mind began to wander back again to our conversation just a few minutes previously.  I had been driving when the telltale flash of my phones status light told me I had a message, that distinct orangish hue indicating it was from Grindr.  I was in the middle of nowhere so I did what I shouldn't have and flicked open the app.  He had started simply enough with a "hey man," and little did I know it would be anything but simple from there on out.

As I always do, I flipped to his profile to see what I was dealing with:  no picture, 46, 6'0", 145#, top, right now, positive.  My pulse quickly sped up with that last part.  It didn't say undetectable. Ordinarily no picture means instant dismissal but a guy on Grindr who straight up said positive was a rare find indeed!  Of course guys who say positive often mean undetectable, but still the thrill of his stats (that one in particular) had me intrigued enough to respond.

"Hi there."

"You looking for some fun sexy stud?  Slightly older guy here, but always ready to please."

Slightly corny, but okay, I was still horned.

"Depends on what you have in mind for me."

Vague and elusive, I wanted him to give me more so that even if he turned out to be one of the thousands of flakes, at least I'd have something to beat off to when I get home.

"Looking to slide inside a young buck such as yourself and ride him until I unleash my seed inside."

A barebacker it sounded like, just my type of response!  But now for the real test.

"Sounds hot, you got any pics to share?"

My phone fell silent for a moment.  I knew it, he was one of those guys who probably hit up everyone in range just to amuse himself.  I set the phone back down and returned myself to the task at hand of driving, though I noticed with slight amusement that he had definitely gotten the blood flow going down there.  And then the steady pulsing of the notification light returned.  He had responded.

Oh fuck!  His pictures took my growing uncut 7-inch piece straight to a solid state.  His first pic was a full body shot.  He was definitely rocking a semi-wasted look. He was thin with a hint of rib cage showing beneath his well-tanned skin, a nice but not too thick pellet of fur on his chest.  His face was slightly gaunt, a thick but trimmed beard and a buzzed head.  Thin, hairy, and veiny legs supported him, but his cock... my god, it was true what they said about wasting men--it makes their cocks more impressive.  It looked long, uncut like mine, with an ample shaft but a quite impressive head that definitely flared out under the hood.  It was the type of head, much thicker than the shaft, that would create that feel of a suctioning plunger inside an ass.

There was a second picture, an even more impressive close-up of his wonderful monster.  Now clearly hard and pointing at an erect and upright angle the head looked solidly larger than the shaft as I had noticed from the first picture, and just the tip of his piss slit peaking through the opening of his foreskin with a succulent and substantial strand of precum dangling down.

I was sold.

I responded with a picture of myself and one of my ass, as clearly that would be the most interesting part of me to him.  I am a pretty good looking guy if you can get me to admit it.  I stand 28, 5'11", 179#, fit though not muscular or ripped, but well exercised from all the sports I play.  My chest is smooth, my skin a lightly tanned color, and my ass nice and firm--a slight bubble to it--and just a hint of fuzz on it.

"Boy, I would love to be inside that beautiful pink hole, unleashing my seed inside you."

"Fuck yeah man.  It sounds like you play raw and shoot positive seed, right?"

Again my phone fell silent.  Had I perhaps broached that topic too quickly?  I'm not one for small talk usually, but maybe this time should I have held off slightly, let the conversation develop more? The flash returned.

"Prefer raw here, boy.  My cock doesn't appreciate plastic.  Oh, and my seed will change you - if that's what you want."

Fuuuuuuck.  It was.

"It is, but your cock looks quite large, not sure that head will make it in!"

"It's the hardest part to take, but once it's in, you'll never want it out."

"Where are you?"

This time there was no pause.  Up popped the little map clip with the marker.  Holy hell, he was just a few miles ahead.  I was on a state road, but at 11:00 PM it was all but deserted and dark from the thick woods on either side.  I had driven this road many times and had never noticed a house along my drive.

"Looks like I'm driving toward you now and would arrive at your place in about five minutes.  Is that too quick an arrival?"

"Not at all.  That cock pic is me - now.  I'm ready if you are, boy."

"Then I guess I'll see you shortly!"

"Fuck yeah boy.  Just be sure, 'cause I don't stop once I start, and once I'm in my head doesn't soften until it has unleashed its load inside you."

Music to my ears.  "I want it."

"See you soon."

And now, just a few minutes later, here I was, his small house in front of me, deep back in the woods. I parked, turned-off the Jeep, and took a deep breath.  Last chance.  I opened the door and stepped out into the crisp, cold, late-night air of a fall evening.  Another deep breath and a pause.  I turned and walked to the door and knocked.  A few seconds later I heard footsteps approach the door.  A hand on the knob, and the door opened.

"Come on in," a voice said from inside.  The room was dark, I couldn't see him in there.  One last deep breath.  I stepped inside.

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Part Two: The Entrance


My eyes took a few seconds to adjust. The room was dark, but not pitch black.  A subtle glow of light from the staircase in front of me made just the major details of the room in front of me barely visible.  A couch stood in front of me, facing the opposing wall and what looked like a bookshelf or entertainment center.  It was a living room, and had just the scent of candle smoke wafting in the air.

I heard the door close and felt him come up behind me; he put his hands on the outside of my shoulders and brought his head right up behind mine.

"So glad you came, boy.  You're going to enjoy yourself.  Why don't you lose those clothes?"

He stepped back just a few feet as I shucked my overjacket, t-shirt, and track pants, and followed that up by sliding out of my sneakers.  I stood there in the near dark with just a tight black jock and socks, having stayed facing the couch with him behind me.  He stepped up again and I felt his fur-covered chest press hard up against my back, and a wet, prodding cock push in between my legs, nestling itself between my thighs, slightly forcing my legs apart.  God, his ample acorn head felt as amazing as it looked.  He wrapped his arms tight around my chest as his beard and lips began nuzzling the back of my neck.

"Mmmm, you feel and smell amazing boy.  My rock hard cock clearly approves."

He kissed my neck, slowly nibbling from side to side, I let my head droop forward as I uttered not a word.  His attention was giving my shoulders goosebumps, his hands were playing with my nipples, every now and then subtly pinching them, and I felt the wet tip of his cock ever so slightly thrusting into the back of my nutsack as his head found just that slight opening at the bottom of my jock.  He pushed slightly and the tip of his hooded head began to make it a jock for two.  My moans could not be misunderstood.

"Feel good baby?"

Normally "baby" just pisses me off but fuck it, the way I was feeling I couldn't have given a shit.

"Oh god yeah, feels so fucking amazing."

"Bend forward.  I want to taste your hole."

I leaned front and propped myself on the back of his couch.  He took a step back and I could imagine him smiling at the unsullied pink hole in front of him, the one he would shortly violate, impale, and impregnate.  The thought had my rock hard shaft straining painfully against the thin fabric of my jock.

His warm breath against my hole gave my knees the sudden shakes.  He wrapped his arms around my legs, almost steadying me in place.  I heard the sound of him inhaling deeply, and then the wetness of the tip of his tongue touched my skin just below my hole.  He licked slowly upward, across my hole, tailing off as he pulled back to dive back in.  He repeated his licking motion, slightly harder each time.  Soon it wasn't even a licking motion, it was a suctioning as his lips locked around my hole and his tongue began pushing inside.  My ass greedily opened for his oral organ.

As I moaned in ecstasy.  His right hand loosened from around my corresponding leg and reach up to my jock, pulled the pouched upward, slowly releasing first my balls, and then my own leaking hard-on.  He let the fabric snap back against my groin, my throbbing member free only for a moment, before his hand slowly wrapped around it and pulled slightly, my foreskin sliding back to reveal half of an angry red head and a pearl or two of precum.  I felt a finger touch the tip and swirl around my leaking juices; I throbbed again and a bit more of my man lube oozed out as his tongue pressed deeply into my hole.

He continued eating me with vigor, slurping and working my hole hard and deep while he slowly stroked my dick.  I had to reach down and grab his hand to stop him; I was getting so close and it was far too soon for me to lose the contents of my own balls.  He paused his oral assault, and I felt his shoulder brush my right thigh as his hand switched to his own rigid tool.

"Are you ready boy?  I'm starting to create a small pool of drool here."

Taking another deep breath, I replied "Yes, I want to feel you inside me."

He stood back up behind me, and gently pulled me back upright.  But this time, as I stood, his well positioned cock head found itself sandwiched between my ass cheeks, just below the entrance to my inner body.  Despite my ass feeling incredibly wet from his saliva, I could feel the wetness of his precum as his head slid easily within my crevice, painting my skin with his noxious fluid.  He again wrapped his arms around me, his hairy chest again tight against my back as his hood slowed its back and forth until it was right on my hole.  He gave a slight push and then it was there; against my hole, almost painfully spreading my cheeks due to its girth, and wet as anything.  I knew he was ready to begin his toxic conversion of my young body.  But how that painfully large head would make it through my tight ring was enough to give me pause.  And then he spoke, almost as if he could read my every inner thought.

"Shhh, I'll go slow, but once I start I won't stop until I'm in, and it will hurt as the base of my head finally enters you.  But then it will be over and you will feel a pleasure deep inside your body you can't even imagine."

And with that I felt him slowly push forward, the tip of his head emerging from under his foreskin as he slowly began to separate my opening, his piss slit ever so slightly entering my chute.  His cock flexed and I heard the words that told me there was no looking back.

"Mmmm, I just leaked some precum inside you.  The start of my toxic seed.  I've never taken a pill; there's no regimen for my strain.  And there won't be for you anymore, your soft asswalls are already being lined with my death."

He pulled back slightly and pushed just a little deeper this time.  I knew barely half an inch was inside me, we had just begun.  And he pulled back and pushed again, begin a short repeating rhythm.  Each time he pushed a little further and my ring separated a bit more.  Gradually I felt my hole begin to reach the limit of what it had ever opened to before, and still I knew he barely had half his head in.

His rhythm continued each time pushing deeper as we stood there, him holding me tightly.  My hole was beginning to feel a slightly painful stretching each time he thrust into by ass, and that pain continued to grow as, with each thrust, more of his massive knob entered me.  Involuntarily I began to rise up on the front of my feet, but his bear hug tightened and he pulled me back down onto my flat feet, spreading my hole more than it had ever been before as our opposite motion slammed his head deeper than it had yet been.

"Shhhh, we're getting there, don't worry, it will be in soon."

My eyes closed and tightened as I tried to ignore what was becoming a significant pain as he pressed even more.  A few more thrusts and then he prepared me for what was about to happen, saying "It's time, I'm going inside you now, take a deep breath.  It's okay to let out a yell."

He withdrew almost completely, and then began his final thrust; he was giving me the final half inch of a nearly two inch head this time.  He pushed and slid forward, the stretching beginning one last time.  As he again reached my point of discomfort, I tried once more to rise up but he knew I would and held me tightly.  The thrust continued and a moan slowly turned into a groan of pain that grew as the pain achieved a level I had never felt.  I cried out.

"Oh shit, please stop.  I can't go any further!  It's too much," tears forming and leaking from the corner of my eyes.

"Shhh, no stopping, one little last thrust."

And with that his hips bucked forward and I screamed out in agony as the base of his head ripped through my opening and my poor, overstretched hole clamped down gratefully on his shaft in relief, no longer past its ripping point.  I felt an instant relief from my hole, but a dull ache from my chute as that monster still stretched the soft lining of my rectum.

"There we go boy, I'm in.  You did it.  You have my head inside you, leaking my generous AIDS lube to prepare you for a fuck you'll never forget."

My knees, weak and wobbly from his breakthrough, nearly gave out, but somehow his frail body held me in place.  Just two inches of head inside me, and another seven inches of shaft behind it, waiting to join its leader in the soft, wet, and warm recesses of a hole that was already doomed.

His entrance was complete.

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Part Three: The Warmth Inside


It may have seemed like an eternity but it was only a few seconds of stillness before I felt a pressure inside and realized he was beginning to slowly thrust again.

"Oh fuck boy, it's been a long time since I've been in such a warm and willing hole.  Give me a sec while I adjust and let my foreskin inside you too."

His gyrations were slow and shallow, but I could feel a slight fullness growing inside me as I realized his abundant foreskin was slowly inching back up and over his exposed head.  A bit of his shaft followed with each push, and after a minute or so he paused again.

"Muuuch better.  Fuck boy, you are so wet inside.  And my load will eventually make that a flood."

I felt myself go limp, not that I had been capable of tensing any muscles since his entrance just moments ago.  But he definitely felt me surrender to his grip.  My nipples once again being tweaked and lightly pinched as my shaft again grew, having gone flaccid from the pain I had so recently felt.  I was hard in no time and I felt my hormones again begin to flow as his well-lubricated death stick began a new mission:  burying itself as deep as it could go.

I knew it wouldn't take long, with his head now inside, his shaft would have no trouble following and I again closer my eyes tightly as he began to sink into me with one long continuous push.  He was nearly there and then I felt him reach my second, more inner ring and begin stretching it just as he had my outermost one.  Again, I felt a ripping, tearing pain as his head spread my inner muscle apart further than anything ever had.  He gripped me tight, sensing my latest round of discomfort.  He all but cooed into my ear, the short hairs of his beard tickling my skin.

"It's okay, once more, just a thrust."

And a thrust it was.  There was no gentle working of this ring.  He pushed hard and deep and for the second time (and not the last) I cried out in a scream of pain as he pushed his massive head through in one flick of his hips.  With no resistance left his cock kept its momentum and sank completely into me, his groin settling against on my upper ass and his quite hefty ball sack slapped gently up against my lower cheeks; I remember thinking his balls felt as large as his ass-splitting acorn.

"I'm all the way in now boy."

I slowly opened my eyes and forced myself to resume a normal breathing rhythm.  He was so deep inside me, I could feel his head pushing against the lower front wall of my abdomen.  Things were definitely being rearranged internally, I could feel it.  And then, I felt something else:  a dull, burning, almost hot pain inside me.  He wasn't cumming already was he?

Again, he had read my mind.

"Fuuuuck, leaking so badly boy.  More of my death lube inside you."

Precum, just precum?  Were his balls also furnaces?  The liquid his piss slit was generously oozing onto my ass walls was all but scalding hot inside me!  I felt his plug of a head gently rocking deep inside my second ring, and I knew he was making sure the coating was evenly distributed.  AIDS.  In my hole.  What the fuck was I doing?  Wait.  NOW I was having second thoughts?

I thought back just a couple years to when I had been a condom-nazi.  Never touched a guy or gal back then without them.  Then, while fucking a FTM trans guy, my rubber had broken, and a few weeks later there had been a pregnancy scare.  To say I had been a nervous wreck was an understatement, but the feel of my sensitive uncut head touching skin had intrigued me, and while a war had raged inside me about safe sex and long healthy life, I found myself experimenting with raw encounters.  At first I only topped one of my regular buds bare; he had admitted it was a fantasy of his and was all to ready to help me experiment when I shared with him my desire.

Still, I never took him bare at first.  But one day I was just so damn horny that when the rubber broke as he was about to climax, I ignored his warning and slammed myself down on him until his prodigious load filled me inside.  I was hooked.  As I explored bareback sex, both in bed and online, it was a natural progression to curiosity about poz men, and gradually I began engaging with several undetectable fuck buds.  But I had never played with a man so riddled by the virus, so willing to share it, and so potent as to ensure that once would be enough.

Until now.

The rocking continued and became, once again, a thrusting, gentle at first, and then gradually increasing in speed.  Yet, he was still shallow, completely inside my second ring until... I felt the back of his head hit my second ring, moving in the opposite direction from which it had entered.  I knew this would hurt, as there was no flare to make it a gradual exit.  Instead his head began pulling my inner sphincter along with it as he tried to withdraw. I felt it pull, painfully, and then it ripped open again as his head popped back into my lower chute.  Another scream.

"That's it, boy, feel me tearing open your inner hole.  A few more thrusts in and out and you'll be used it it."

And with that, his half withdrawn monster slammed back through my inner barrier.  My head fell back as I screamed.  Again.  And again.  And again.  This was no longer gentle - he was busting me open, his massive plow probably destroying my ability to ever walk or defecate normally again.  Still, little by little the pain decreased to a tolerable amount, although in no way disappearing.  Somehow I realized with each withdraw his cock head was now also pulling against my outer ring.  He was deep-dicking me hard and rhythmically.

"No need to worry boy.  I'm not exiting that first ring until my balls have emptied their cargo of demon seed inside you."

His fucking continued, us standing there just inside his door.  Pounding thrusts created involuntary, guttural grunts from me as he continued to bust my second ass ring wide open with every pass.

"I've never shot my seed at this toxicity into anyone before, boy.  You will never be able to treat it or fight it.  I have created the ultimate weapon and will give it to you now."

His rhythm picked up as his thrusting increased in fury.  His breathing began to sound labored and I knew the time had come.  He was about to impregnate me with his AIDS.  A strain so virulent that no treatment for it yet existed.  Its noxious brew already sliming my ass walls in his precum, but now a voluminous amount of liquid death was about to enter me and my journey to a wasted state similar to him would begin.

I was ready.

And so was he.

I felt his cock grow incredibly hard inside me as the blood flowed in to create a rock solid weapon capable of unleashing a deadly force inside its victim, a straight shot to the soft tissue that would absorb the poison that would change it forever.

"Oh god, boy, I'm going to cum!"

And with that he thrust deeply one last, painful time as his steel shaft thrust a rock hard head past my inner sphincter one last time and lodged it there so it could finally accomplish its mission.


He screamed into my ear and that hot burning sensation I had felt deep in my bowels before, created just by a single strand of precum, was replaced by a flood of scalding liquid as the first wave of his load splashed against innocent, unprotected soft tissue.  It was quickly followed by another seven or eight spurts, each gradually decreasing in size until it was just an oozing dribble.  As each wave of liquid toxicity entered me I felt his nutsack jump behind me, signalling the rocketing of another wave through those tiny, miniscule tubules that blend semen and sperm and send the mixture on to its destination.  Each wave of his load of course stayed right where it was, his ample head plugging my inner hole in a tight seal.  He gradually relaxed himself, and his hands slowly moved to my chest, again focusing on my soft and tender pink nipples.

"Fuuuck boy, I haven't cum like that in ages.  There's just no substitute for an ass like your's.  Don't worry, I won't be going soft for a while, there's more seed to unload inside you.  I felt your ass clamping down on me and throbbing.  How big a load did you shoot?"

How big a load did I shoot?  DID I shoot?  I looked down.  Fuck!  I had.  I could barely see the glistening last strand of cum hanging from my slowly softening penis.  I hadn't even felt myself blow.  But I could make out several spots of cum on the back of the couch in front of me.  Yeah, I had cum, quite impressively even for me.  I noticed I felt an ache in my balls, the way you do when a load has been building for a while and is finally released.

"Quite a bit it seems."

Aside from my screams, they were the first words I had uttered since we began, if you ignored my feeble pleas for him to 'take it out' as he entered.

"Mmmm, one of your last negative loads.  How about we move up to the bed?"

With that we somehow moved to the staircase and waddled our way up, me still in his embrace and with his ever so slightly softened piece still plugging his load deep in my chute.  I welcomed the warmth inside me as we entered his bedroom.

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Guest mspsubmale

excellent story so far, and looking forward to more in the bedroom.  the imagery of the feel of the hot cum in his ass only helps reinforce for me the feeling of also why i so  much prefer to be taken bareback:  to feel the warmth of a hard cock in me as we become united as one, and to feel that Cock pulsing its cum in me, to become a part of me as i absorb the Cock's DNA as it melds with mine.  thanks for a wonderful story, and will look forward to its continuations.


Part Four: A Surprise Visitor


We slowly made our way into his bedroom, me still impaled on a not-softening weapon of ass destruction as they say. We reached the bed, which was a little lower than most, and we gradually climbed onto it, making our way to the middle. I leaned forward and put my hands down in front of me, assuming an all-fours position. Just doing so pulled me forward ever so slightly, and I felt that now-familiar tug of his head on my inner ring. Fuck. With that pounding and constant bullying open of that sphincter muscle, how was it still tight enough to resist? But it was, and I felt myself scoot back just a bit to ease the pressure. He had other ideas though.

"Here boy, slowly turn yourself over and lay on your back."

He slid a pillow in front of his knees to help raise my ass once I turned, and slowly I managed to turn myself, lifting my left leg up and over him as I went from face down to upright. And then, I felt myself falling back onto the bed and his pillow as I lost the arm support that had been holding me up. And as I sank down to the bed, my ass pulled away, painfully ripping his head out of my inner chute and leaving it halfway inside that first segment of rectum.

I looked up and, from the soft light emerging into the room from the hallway, I saw him for the first time in person. He looked much like his picture but now with the light from outside I noticed that underneath the patch of fur on his chest and, indeed, up and down his arms, were dark blotches. Lesions. They dotted him all over below his neckline, a testament to just how truly sick and virulent this man was--this man who had just impregnated me with seed that would likely treat me just the same. My inner ass was drowning in poison, and I could feel the still-hot liquid slowly sliding further up into me as, with my ass elevated, gravity pulled it along previously untainted tissue.

My head fell back against the bed.

"Fuuuck. What did I just do?"

He chuckled at hearing this. I looked him straight in the eyes as he spoke.

"You surrendered yourself to me, and now I am part of you. Inside you."

And with that he pushed his half burried shaft into me again, lodging up against the weakening resistance of my inner core. He fell forward, his hands landing on either side of me, his face now above me, and he flexed his cock inside me as I tried to push my head back further into a bed that would resist me as I had not him. He pushed again through my inner ring, lodging even more deeply than before as my eyes shot open and my mouth dropped open to cry out. Yet that cry was quickly muffled by his mouth on mine as I once again felt his ballsack come to rest against me, both globes inside still feeling amply full.

His tongue pushed mine aside as he explored my mouth just as enthusiastically as he had my ass just a few moments ago. All the while his uncut meat launched itself into a steady fuck rhythm once again, battering a torn and bruised anal cavity that was susceptible to every disease that coarsed through his veins. His eyes locked on mine as he raised his head, never slowing but gradually increasing the forcefulness of his second assault.

"Mmmm boy, yeah, take me. Take everything I have, deep inside you let it become part of you."

My voice wavered now, suddenly I realized that while the thought of a poz man turned me on, I hadn't thought completely about what other bugs he might have.

"What do you mean, 'take everything'?"

"Shhh, I've given you many special gifts, and will soon gift them to you again. Not just my deadly and untreatable AIDS but other beautiful things for your body to enjoy. You will discover them over time, but they are already part of you now."

His thrusts continued to increase and the slapping sound of his balls faded slightly as they began to draw up for another release. I looked at him as his eyes rolled up into his head. He practically shouted.

"Oh god boy, I'm going to cum in you again, more seed inside you!"

His cock once again became a steel pole and with a few more thrusts, he lodged himself deep inside me and froze, his body convulsing and shaking this time as wave after wave of toxic cum shot like bullets into me, gravity sliding them down soft tissue as the burning sensation in me reappeared and seemed to spread. His head flew back in ecstasy.


He continued to convulse as another 7-8 thick spurts of cum fired into my ass. Apparently he had not cum in quite some time as this load was just as big, if not substantially larger than the first. He collapsed on me, still buried balls-deep, his rigid penis still twitching and pulsing death into me. He was himself also still convulsing slightly, and as my hands found their way up and over him and landed on his back, I felt more lesions there and realized I was again taking his potent seed, another few pulses as liquid dribbled from his piss slit.


It was all he could say as his frail body lay on top of mine. His head came down to the right of mine. Little flexes of his shaft still felt in every corner of my abused, diseased rectum. He lay there, and I felt his cock finally begin to shrink a bit. I still had his head trapped up inside my second hole, but even it eventually softened enough and I felt it pop back into my main chute as he began to slowly pull himself up and withdraw his cock until just that legendary head remained. He returned himself fully to a squatting position, 2 inches still inside me, and looked at the results of his entrance and subsequent destruction.

"Mmmm, only a few specks of blood boy. I thought for sure I had ripped you wide open the way you screamed earlier."

I felt the tug of his head as he pulled it back against my asshole. Blood. It was certain then. With everything he said he had, no way would some of it not find its way there.

"In a few days you'll probably feel quite sick, but then you will possess the same seed as me. Ready to be spread to whomever you desire. An attractive young buck like yourself will have no trouble finding himself willing holes to seed. Holes I cannot tag looking like this."

He pointed to his lesions. He was right. Had I seen them I very well may not have ever turned off the road earlier. But here I was, his hooded head still inside me. I had taken him willingly, my hormonal desires impairing any form of better judgement and now two loads of an untreatable form of AIDS lay deep inside me, being absorb even as my brain pondered the wisdom of my choices.

"Would you like a surprise visitor?"

As if I any longer had a choice? I knew what awaited me, what was to be my fate. With everything he had hinted at contained in his semen, I would have many, many surprise visitors in the next few months. Visitors that would be hard to get rid of, if at all, and who would all contribute to the deterioration of my body, until I too was frail, lesioned, and searching for a vessel to carry my eventual lethality. I spoke again in my now scratchy voice, words that escaped reason and sanity.

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Who said anything about waiting?"

Wait. Oh god. That wasn't his voice! Where had it come from? We weren't alone??? I looked past him and there, as my eyes focused, silhouetted in the doorway--by the light of the hallway--stood another naked man.

We did indeed have a surprise visitor.

And my night was clearly not over.

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To the author, this is by far one of the most amazing, twisted, kinky stories I’ve read in a while. 

As a Top myself, the only thing that could make it better, is if it was being told by the Tops POV just that hear him monologuing about death fucking the boy... 

And it’s the “death fuck” aspect of that story That makes it so hot. It used to be the taboo nature of poz fucking was hot to read, and it still is. But for Poz Tops, especially toxic HVL Tops.. the prospect of holding life or death over someone is now the ultimate rush. Using language like Death dick or death fuck, telling a bottom how their life is yours, and your AIDSbone is going to kill poison them, literarily going to fuck someone to death...

i hope we get to see and hear much more of this in future chapters.



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  On 10/27/2017 at 5:47 PM, lancguy14 said:

"Are you ready boy? I'm starting to create a small pool of drool here."

Yet another deep breath I took.

"Yes, I want to feel you inside me."

He stood back up behind me, and gently pulled me back upright. But this time, as I stood, his well positioned cock head found itself sandwiched between my ass cheeks, just below the entrance to my inner body. Despite my ass feeling incredibly wet from his saliva, I could feel the wetness of his precum as his head slid easily within my crevice, painting my skin with his noxious fluid. He again wrapped his arms around me, his hairy chest again tight against my back as his hood slowed its back and forth until it was right on my hole. He gave a slight push and then it was there; against my hole, almost painfully spreading my cheeks due to its girth, and wet as anything. I knew he was ready to begin his toxic conversion of my young body. But how that painfully large head would make it through my tight ring was enough to give me pause. And then he spoke, almost as if he could read my every inner thought.

"Shhh, I'll go slow, but once I start I won't stop until I'm in, and it will hurt as the base of my head finally enters you. But then it will be over and you will feel a pleasure deep inside your body you can't even imagine."

And with that I felt him slowly push forward, the tip of his head emerging from under his foreskin as he slowly began to separate my opening, his piss slit ever so slightly entering my chute. His cock flexed and I heard the words that told me there was no looking back.

"Mmmm, I just leaked some precum inside you. The start of my toxic seed. I've never taken a pill; there's no regimen for my strain. And there won't be for you anymore, your soft asswalls are already being lined with my death."

He pulled back slightly and pushed just a little deeper this time. I knew barely half an inch was inside me, we had just begun. And he pulled back and pushed again, begin a short repeating rhythm. Each time he pushed a little further and my ring separated a bit more. Gradually I felt my hole begin to reach the limit of what it had ever opened to before, and still I knew he barely had half his head in.

His rhythm continued each time pushing deeper as we stood there, him holding me tightly. My hole was beginning to feel a slightly painful stretching each time he thrusted, and that pain continued to grow as more of his massive knob entered me each time. Involuntarily I began to rise up on the front of my feet, but his bearhug tightened and he pulled me back down onto my flat feet, spreading my hole more than it had ever been before as our opposite motion slammed his head deeper than it had yet been.

"Shhhh, we're getting there, don't worry, it will be in soon."

My eyes closed and tightened as I tried to ignore what was becoming a significant pain as he pressed even more. A few more thrusts and then he spoke.

"It's time, I'm going inside you now, take a deep breath, and it's okay to let out a yell."

He withdrew almost completely, and then began his final thrust; he was giving me the final half inch of a nearly two inch head this time. He pushed and slid forward, the stretching beginning one last time. As he again reached my point of discomfort, I tried once more to rise up but he knew I would and held me tightly. The thrust continued and a moan slowly turned into a groan of pain that grew as the pain achieved a level I had never felt. I cried out.

"Oh shit, please stop. I can't go any further! It's too much!"

Tears were beginning to form and leak from the corner of my eyes.

"Shhh, no stopping, one little last thrust."

And with that his hips bucked forward and I screamed out in agony as the base of his head ripped through my opening and my poor, overstretched hole clamped down gratefully on his shaft in relief, no longer past its ripping point. I felt an instant relief from my hole, but a dull ache from my chute as that monster still stretched the soft lining of my rectum.

"There we go boy, I'm in. You did it. You have my head inside you, leaking my generous AIDS lube to prepare you for a fuck you'll never forget."

My knees, weak and wobbly from his breakthrough, nearly gave out, but somehow his frail body held me in place. Just two inches of head inside me, and another seven inches of shaft behind it, waiting to join its leader in the soft, wet, and warm recesses of a hole that was already doomed.

His entrance was complete.


What writing! My hole could feel his entry, yearning for for that toxic gift.

  On 10/29/2017 at 9:21 PM, PartyFFPig said:

Three days of smoke, piss, cum, chems, fists, breeding, toys... all the good stuff!  You and I can make a vid that will blow that old one out of the water!  Love taking pics and video, playing on cam, big exhibitionist here too


damn  -- count me in

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Part Five: The Weight Was Worth It


My eyes continued to bring this new arrival into focus and I examined what was obviously about to become a twisted new player in this turn of events. He stood there, wasted just as much as my gifter, thin and boney, clearly older, marked with the same display of blotchy lesions and a thick cut cock pointing straight out in front of him. A large barbell piercing lodged in his cut head, his cock obviously thicker than my gifter's, but without the oversized head. In fact, his head was more or less a small triangle that quickly reached it's maximum width as it blended into the shaft. His erect weapon appeared to be ever so slightly shorter in length, but this time there would be no respite for my ass ring once he was inside me as his shaft maintained its thickness the entire way to his crotch.

The piercing clearly had some heft as, despite being fully erect, his cock seemed "head heavy", quite a feat considering the head was just a minor part of him. The barbell was parallel to his cock, with the front ball angled downward from his piss slit, and the rear ball clearly visible on the underside of where his head met shaft. He began to move forward toward the bed.

"He's quite the noise maker. Good thing no one lives nearby. Mmmm, quite a looker too. What's your name boy?"

My name? It was then I realized that not since the first blink of my phones notification light had I or the man still lodged in me ever exchanged names; my ass wasn't just full of his cum, it was full of anonymous AIDS. And now it was time to put names to faces. My raspy voice from my now very dry throat forced out a reply.


"That's a great name. I'm Tom. You've clearly already met Gary."


"Sounds like you two have been having quite the night. It was the hottest thing I've seen, watching the two of you fuck standing up downstairs."

He had been watching us? What the fuck? I had neither seen nor heard hint of a voyeur in the room, but he definitely knew what we had been up to. On cue, Gary--I now had a name for the man who possessed ever inch of my torn, battered, bleeding, and coated rectum--joined in the conversation.

"That's right boy, Tom and I enjoy watching each other. It's why we always keep the room dark, so no one notices the other one of us off to the side. And then, if and when we've moved ourselves upstairs, two becomes three, assuming our guest hasn't already called it quits."

"And with Gary's wrecking piece, you can understand how often I never get the opportunity to join in. Rarely can an ass survive his first assault, much less take him back inside for a second."

Listening to Gary and then Tom was twisting my mind; they were a team, working to tag men. And if Tom's lesions were any indication, he probably carried as potent a virus as his teammate. Again, Gary's mind seemed to read mine.

"And for those who make it past me and can still accept Tom in, his piercing brings with it the guarantee that your insides will be torn sufficiently to allow our lethal loads entry into your inner being. Are you ready to take this final step?"

I felt his definitely soft but still sizeable head begin tugging against my outer ring as he started pulling back, clearly ready to exit my ass and make way for the metalic intruder that was now pointing over the edge of the bed, right toward my face. The pressure built, not painfully so as it had before, and then I felt a pop as my ass right suddenly opened to expel the hooded demon that had wrecked it just moments ago. He half-slid, half-rolled himself off the end of the bed, as Tom crawled forward to take his place, his cock clearly ready to destroy whatever resistance my ass muscles could still muster.

I took a moment to examine him. Yes, he was definitely older, perhaps late 50s to early 60s, short white hair, a white beard, and a dusting of white chest hair on a body covered by dark, leathery skin. He had that look of being overtanned a few too many times, and stretch marks told me that once upon a time he was quite muscular, until that muscle mass had wasted away, leaving stretched and wrinkled skin and lesions behind. His thighs still had a little muscle mass, though they now served more to accent the bulging vascular features, his veins clearly popping. His penis though, as had Gary's, seemed untouched by his wasting; it was thick, solid, and definitely engorged, no doubt at the site of what had to be my gaping, wrecked ass.

He moved forward slightly, his head aimed toward my hole which was still elevated by the pillow beneath me. I felt the cold metal of the front ball of his piercing arrive first as it lodged itself inside the opening presented to it. There was no resistance as it popped inside, bringing his head forward to make skin-on-skin contact. I felt my ass open just slightly as the tip of his head moved inside just far enough to bring the second ball to rest on the skin surrounding my ring. I knew he wanted me to feel his augment, his enhancement, before it moved inside.

"Have you ever had a pierced cock inside you boy?"

It was Gary speaking; Tom's eyes were rolling back into his head, the warmth of my hole clearly already setting his mind to task.


"You are in for quite a treat. The back ball is right where his cock reaches full thickness to force it into the soft walls of your ass. It will scratch and abrade you, opening paths to your inner sanctum for our cum to continue converting you."

"Oh fuuuuck."

It was all I could manage to say as my head fell back against the bed again. The pressure against my ass again built, but this was already a bit painful. Where Gary had lubricated me with his tongue and precum before his entrance, I was now dry outside and Tom clearly did not leak those ass-preparing juices in sufficient quantities, if at all. He continued to push forward as my ass ring painfully expanded to give him entrance, the bottom of my ring being pushed inward by the second ball seeking to join his brother inside me; I had no doubt it was going to hurt when it busted its way in.

And boy was I right. Suddenly my ass gave way and the second ball broke through and his shaft suddenly slide a good inch inside as my hole pushed out slightly, attempting to reestablish normal position. As if. God he was thick; where my ass had found relief after Gary's head gave way to a more tolerably thick shaft, Tom's rigid tool wouldn't give me that moment to breathe. This painful, stretched-out feeling was going to be constant. My eyes clamped shut as he continued to move forward, his dry shaft pulling my ass ring inward as he agonizingly forced himself inside.

"You're doing well boy, I'm halfway there."


It was like a moan, groan, and gasp all in one. His steady push forward continued, the second ball clearly pressing itself into me as it slowly inched internally, until I felt the hint of pubic hairs begin tickling my ass while simultaneously feeling his first ball pass though my inner sphincter and the second ball slide against it. He never stopped, pushing forward as I felt my inner block give way and his metalic insert fully embed itself in my inner core. His balls came to rest against my ass as his long, dry shaft kept me fully expanded.

Despite the pain, this feeling of metal inside me, pushing outward, digging in while all the while scraping and gouging my soft tissues was something I had never experienced before. It was a sensation like no other and no matter how excrutiatingly full I felt I was determined to enjoy this. And while his cock alone would have been more than enough to fill me and inseminate me, after playing so many times with unpierced cocks I had clearly already decided that the "weight" was worth it.

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