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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?


What age of consent would you choose?  

1,751 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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At the time of this post...1 out of 5 guys who voted, 20 percent, almost 300 guys, i'm assuming mostly tops...would have wanted to legally cum in my ass when I was 12.  I imagine several of those 300 guys would have cum in my ass regularly or at least multiple times.... wish i could have met some of you then.

Edited by samsonfifty
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  • 3 months later...

I truly don’t know what the right answer to this question is as every teen is different. I’ll say that I am not alarmed by the idea of a 15/16/17 year old having a sexual relationship with an adult. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it per se HOWEVER most teens should NOT be engaging in sexual relationship with adults, especially adult males. The power dynamic isn’t remotely equal & I don’t think teens can handle the pressure/responsibility nor advocate for themselves. That being said, I recognize there are young teens who can handle the responsibility. 

My first boyfriend and first sexual partner was 40 and I was 15. We started dating when I was a finishing my 2nd year of high school. We dated for 3 years. While I was young, I was also someone very mature for my age. I consider myself as he wasn’t someone who pressured me into doing things nor did he take advantage of me. Our first sexual as couple happened months into dating as he waited bring the discussion up. 

I don’t know what the right age is but I would say it should be minimum 15

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I started sucking dick at 12 and to fuck at 14, although I wish I would have started earlier. I remember that at the age of 8, whenever I was peeing at public toilets, I found myself looking at the dicks of the guys standing next to me and I wanted to touch them and suck them but I was too shy back then.

I think it's really very individual when it comes to being ready for it. I find it therefore hard to give a general number but as I've wrote above, in my case I felt ready at around 8. 

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  • 3 months later...

Discussing this subject openly is considered [banned word] in most societies. However, from my personal experience, I knew I was transgender from a really young age (was about 7). My first sexual experience was with a kid who was few years older than me, it was consentual act, I was the one who initiated the sex, and I remember exactly that moment when I leand towards him and kissed him on the neck, couldn't kiss him on the mouth because he was taller than me. At the time I was aware of everything and knew what I was doing. Maybe I was way more mature for my peer group, I can't really tell. 

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If we were to follow the science on brain development, it would make most sense to set age difference limits under age 25, the difference based on maybe 15% of age. However this only works for the "average person", and it's impossible to make a blanket law that serves everyone's needs. Police states do not work well.

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I have seen this subject debated time and time again.  I know that the age to marry can vary from state to state.   As far as countries abroad, I know they too can vary.

It's really confusing here in the US, especially regarding marriage.  In some states I have read it varies for the female, others for the male.

In the US, I think 18 is a fair number.  Now I know the majority of us started having sex well before that age and on a regular basis.  However I live in a Republican state that now seems to want to close down drag shows, so having sex with a 17 year old isn't at the top of my list anytime soon.

I think, at least here in the US, an age should be set for both males and females across the board.

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I have a single mother /co-worker, who's 15yo son tested positive in Nov. last year.   She is devastated her son is HIV positive, and kid isn't giving up any names of his sexual partners.  My state is among the highest STI rates in the country, may ranked 4th or 5th.   Is there a teenager unknowingly stealthing other kids with his "gift" or an adult male knocking up gay boy.  Local media does write about this since it's an underage/ child.  The mother isn't really pushing because of the fear her son's identify will come up and the stigma of being HIV.  

Reading through some of the group's answers ... several of us were sexually active at an early age.  I was experimenting with friends at 12 myself.    

But to answer the question, 16yo for age of consent

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A couple of thoughts:

There is no way to enforce any "age-of-consent" laws in the spirit they have been conceived.  These laws, hardly uniform, exist only for punitive purposes, once some event is reported to the authorities.  I don't believe it's possible for every parent to "protect" the little darlings 24/7 anyway, so I don't think tinkering with the existing laws will offer much in the way of amelioration to whatever these laws are intended to ameliorate.  However, if there were some way to actually protect children from predatory behavior, I'd be all for it.  Meaning, prevent that from happening in the first place.  Bothering little kids, as yet unaware of any sexual thoughts, is criminal by any definition.  If this were even possible though, smarter folks than me would have already figured out how to do it. 

If a kid can get a drivers license at 16, he can officially start to fuck too.  He's gonna anyway, so save the CockCops for more important things.  My vote goes for No Age Restriction, only serious punishment for inappropriate predatory behavior.  

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36 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

If a kid can get a drivers license at 16, he can officially start to fuck too.  He's gonna anyway, so save the CockCops for more important things.  My vote goes for No Age Restriction, only serious punishment for inappropriate predatory behavior.  

Have to agree 100%.  I didn't read all the comments, but for you that started young, I'm sure the consensual part was not an issue, unless a parent found out.  I'm guessing it started out as simple exploration between two young boys, which is perfectly normal.  Both consented to take it further. For those having family relationships, it's a slippery slope.  My thoughts are as long as the child is at least old enough to at least partially understand.   I knew someone in such a relationship, and "groomed" to think it was OK. SADLY I lost the friendship of that person when i shared my thoughts with him.

As was stated, if you can drive at 16, you should be able to have sex on a consensual basis.  Any laws in place, regardless of age are to protect young people. As was stated, Florida is a super conservative state that's even looking at banning drag shows!  I've seen MANY drag brunches, with VERY young children there. They were there with parents though! It's not like they were at a tatty bar alone!

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Here in Texas we have a lot of problems of sex trafficking of underage from south of the border, SE Asian and Arab countries.  If I was sure it was really consentual, I'd have a different opinion on ages, but I don't believe in abusing minors, and a lot of these kids, mostly girls, are being sold and used against their wills.  Because of that, I would prefer to keep the age the way it is.


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I started at 14 and yes, I feel like I was sexually assaulted by the older guys I had sex with.  I went after them not for sex, but for the emotional support that I wasn't getting at home.  I allowed myself to be manipulated by them.  I still associate trading sex for love even today.  Yes, I know that not everyone who had similar experiences feels the same way, but this is how I feel.  Both of my molesters were eventually arrested and spent time in jail.  Thank goodness I had the sense to not let them take pictures of me or else I would have been a witness in their trials.  In a small town, that wouldn't have been a good thing.  

A 14 year old cannot consent to have sex with an adult.  A 12 year old certainly can't.  A 12 year is just coming into their sexuality.  I knew I gay when I was six but I didn't know anything about sex.  I barely knew anything about it was I started having sex.  If teenagers want to have sex, that's fine, but keep it among your peers.  

This whole discussion creeps me out.  With the whole groomer thing going on, I can't imagine what would happen if someone got ahold of this and broadcast it to the world.  I really don't think I'm being judgmental.  Maybe others do, but I'm coming at this from personal experience.  

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