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Yeah, I’m a bug chaser. 


It didn’t take me long into my bareback bottomhood to realize that the thrill of sex increased exponentially if there was a danger element involved. So I started doing it with married men. In public places. With the partners of friends of mine.


And eventually with Poz men.


I must admit that the whole Poz thing really turned me on. At first I was kind of freaked out about how I got off on the idea of playing roulette with my health, but once you experience that thrill of living on the edge and letting a Poz guy stay in you when he cums... well. It’s all over from there. 


But this was the mid 90’s and dating/hookup apps didn’t really exist yet. And Poz guys weren’t really to be found on AOL and gay.com. At least not where I lived in middle America. 


What we did have in my community, though, was a small AIDS hospice. 


Okay, okay. I know how this sounds. Pretty sick, right?  A young guy trolling an AIDS hospice for Poz cock?  Preying on gay men in the last stages of life?? But that’s exactly what I did. And very successfully too, I might add. 


I was in my mid-20’s back then.  I was decently attractive with a sort of “golly gee” innocent charm about me (that totally hid my pervy side).  And I had a good ass. Total bubble butt. 


I mean, from the age of twelve I knew I was built to be a bottom. 


Anyway, I applied to be a volunteer at the hospice.  I said I would love to come read to the guys or talk or just keep them company. I could come by in the evenings and on weekends when I wasn’t working. AIDS still had a strong stigma back then, so having a young gay such as myself willing to volunteer was a bit of a novelty. I was snapped up quickly. 


Now, don’t go thinking that I immediately started going down on and raping all the men in hospice— because I didn’t. I actually did read to them and chat and keep them company, as I had volunteered to do. But I was also developing relationships and sussing out which men might be up for some unprotected sex with an eager, 20-something bottom slut. 


Eventually I found Ken. 


Ken was in the later stages of his illness. He was still handsome, in a way, but pretty gaunt. Blonde. Sharp Blue eyes.  Mustachioed.  He was one that I read to on a consistent basis. But we also talked and developed a decent friendship. 


Once we were fairly comfortable with each other, I asked him about his past. Like, did he have a partner ever?  Did he used to have lots of sex? Did he know how he became infected?  Did he used to go to bath houses or anything?


He smiled slyly at me and opened up about being quite promiscuous in his day. “How promiscuous?” I prompted. Which is when he started regaling me with tales of sex parties, orgies, back rooms of dance clubs, bookstores, and yes— bath houses. He’d done them all. 


“And I really liked it,” he said wistfully. “I just really liked sex.”


In subsequent visits I prodded him for more and more details, always saying things like “Life is so different now— this doesn’t happen. Back then it was so much more... exciting.” To which he’d agree.


He didn’t know how he’d become infected, but it was several years ago now- probably in the later 80’s.  He laughed and confided, “Yeah, I was stupid back then. I figured since I was a top, I was immune. That only bottoms got infected.  Whoops.”


Hearing this I asked if he only ever topped.  He shrugged. “I tried bottoming a couple times— didn’t really enjoy it. Besides, once guys saw my dick I sort of automatically became the top.”


“That big, huh?  You poor thing! You must have been very popular!” I laughed. 


“How else do you think I wound up in this bed?” He chuckled. 


From there, I started steering our conversations into more sexual waters. Like did he miss sex?  When was the last time he had some ass, etc. He looked at me wistfully and said he hadn’t had any since a year before hospice and that he did miss it. 


“With all the ass I’ve had, you think I’d be satiated, but I’m not.  You always want more,” He said quietly. 


“Yeah, I know.” I told him.  “I’m such a slut for big cock, I can never get enough of it.”  Then I winked at him. 


He actually blushed. 


That was as far as I pushed it for awhile, letting the seed I’d planted in his mind to germinate a little. Plus, I needed to be sure about what I was going to do and then prepare my next steps.


After a couple more “innocent” visits to Ken, I was ready to take it to the next level. This time, for my reading material, I brought some gay erotica. I started reading it aloud, as I would have our other book. After it became apparent what I was reading, he stopped me. 


“This is a bit of a departure from our usual,” He said hesitantly. 


“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to mix it up. And given some of our conversations I thought you might like this change of pace.”  And I kept reading. 


As I read, I looked over occasionally and could see him fidgeting a bit and shifting around. I also saw him casually put his hands in his lap to mask his growing erection.  I smiled at this and kept on reading. 


It was a particularly vivid account of a young bottom going to the baths and getting bred by stud after stud- cum leaking out of his chute. After the account of the fourth load from a particularly randy well-hung black stud I put down the magazine and said, “Hmm.  You don’t have to be shy.  Let that boner be free, it’s ok.  We’re both gay, and I got one too.”


The chair I was reading in faced him so I shifted my legs so he could see my crotch. I saw him eye my bulge hungrily although he did blush again. But he also moved his hands for me. 


Holy fucking tent. 


“Damn Ken, you DO Have a big one, don’t you?” I said breathlessly. I could see the sheet moving slightly as his pulse made his dick jump. “Can I... can I see it?  Just a peek.  Please??”


He looked toward the door and hesitated, and I looked him squarely in the eye and said please again. Slowly he lifted the edge of the sheet and freed his impressive cock. 


“Ohhh.  My.” I exhaled. 


His Dick was beautiful. It had to be 9 inches at least. It was one of those cocks where the head wasn’t huge and flared— just behind the rim of the head his shaft grew in girth until it reached its widest point about 1/3 of the way down the shaft. Then it tapered slightly to the base. It also arced proudly out from his groin, like the weight of the end of it pulled it slightly downward. And below it all were a nice pair of low hangers, just resting on the mattress. 


“Damn, you are blessed aren’t you?” I whispered in awe. 


“Sometimes I think it was a curse,” he said. “Like, if I had an average dick maybe I wouldn’t be sick right now.”


“Maybe,” I said matter of factly. “But do you really think having a smaller cock would have changed your sex drive though? I mean, I know big dick guys who have no libido at all, and small dick guys who jack off 10 times a day.  All I know is that you seem to have been sexually insatiable and probably would have found a way to have tons of sex, with or without that monster.”


This talk was making him lose his hard on, so I quickly said, “Hey. How about you tell ME an erotic story. Like from your bathhouse days. Don’t be a lazy bitch and entertain ME for a change.” I smiled. “Surely you must have a hot tale of a favorite fuck to share.”


He smiled back slowly and said, “Oh yeah. I have a few good ones.  How about I tell you about the young marine?”


“Sounds good to me! Let’s hear it,” i urged.


“So this was at the bath house, oh many years ago now. I was there one night and in the sling room was this young, muscle-stud. He had a ‘friend’ who was guarding the entry and whoring him out. Several guys were peering in and and watching the action so I asked the ‘friend’ what what was going on.


Turns out this little muscle stud was a Marine, had just turned 21 and wanted his own 21 gun salute. The friend was helping to line up good Dick and to make sure things didn’t get out of control.  So far the kid was up to 11 loads and #12 sounded like he was getting close. 


So I asked if I could take a turn and flashed my dick at the friend. The friend smiled and said “you’re up next”.”


“Oh damn, man,” I said. “This is my total fantasy!  Sorry for doing this but....” I then unfastened my pants and pulled out my throbbing cock. Ken watched me do it and made no protestations. After watching me slow stroke a few times he went back to his story.


“So I hear #12 finish up— loudly. And as soon as he left the room, I walked in.  The kid was fucking hot. Exactly what you’d think of when you think US Marine. Tan. Well muscled. Lanky. Buzz cut dark hair. Even the dog tags laying between his pecs. His legs were slightly furry as was his ass.


The kid looked up at me and his eyes were totally blown- probably on something. Or it could have been that sex haze. Anyway, I walked up to his face so he could get a look at my cock and his eyes got real big!  And then his mouth opened...


So I fucked his mouth to get myself good and hard. He was choking and gagging on my cock, but also just moaning like a bitch in heat. It didn’t take me long before I was raging hard. 


Like I am now.”


I looked back at his cock and he was back at full mast and throbbing. I scored my chair right up next to his bed so he was within reach. I think Ken knew what I was thinking, but he didn’t stop me. 


“Go on...” I urged. 


“So, I pull out of his mouth and moved to position. I look down and can see a trickle of cum leaking out his ass, as well as a good puddle on the floor. I can’t believe I’m saying this but— I bent down and scooped up some floor spunk and slathered it on my Dick. Then I pushed into him. 


This boy was so used and so full of cum, I really didn’t need the extra lube, but the idea was hot to me. I pushed in pretty easily to a point, then met with resistance as I got to his second ring. So I took my time and slow-stroked him with just enough Dick so I was teasing his second ring. It felt so... WHOA!”


It was at this point in his story when I reached over and grabbed his cock. It startled him. 


“Whaaa what are you doing?” He asked in a shaky voice. 


“I’m helping you out, man.  You need this. And I want to do this. I wanna make you cum as you finish this story.”


His breath was shaky and shallow, but I kept my hand on that impressive cock and jacked it slowly. His eyes half closed and he swallowed thickly. And I knew I had him.


“So, you were fucking him slowly, right up to that second ring....” I promoted. His eyes close...


“Yeah. Um. So I start to tease deeper. I slow push into him and get my head up in his second ring and you would think the marine is storming Iwo Jima from the noises he starts making. I pull out and slow push in again. And again. And again. 


Eventually this marine is grunting and Ooo Rah’ing and taking it like a goddamn champ. So I really start giving it to him. Hard. 


The sling chains are singing and my groin is totally covered in cum spatter as all the other loads are being fucked out of him and deeper into him. He’s going cum crazy and bucking into me to take all I can give. 


I look back at the door and like 5 guys are watching us fuck. I know I can’t hold out much longer and thankfully I don’t have to. Suddenly the kid cries out and I see cum shooting from his Dick all over his chest and belly. 


I can feel his ass spasming around my cock and that’s about all she wrote.  I ram it it hard, as deep as I can, and I flood his fucking slut marine guts. He’s whimpering and moaning and I and I am so turned on that I keep cumming and cumming and... AGGGH.”


Ken’s cum shoots in a perfect arc from his Dick and spatters the sheets. The next spurts drip down my hand and onto his balls. When his orgasm subsided, I got up, put my hard cock away, and got him a wash cloth. I then cleaned up the mess. 


“Looks like someone had been saving up quite a load,” I said with a grin. 


Ken couldn’t meet my eyes. I think he felt embarrassed or something. I covered him with a sheet and patted his leg. 


“Dude, that was incredibly hot and I regret nothing. In fact, I hope we can do this again.” Ken didn’t say anything, but.. was that a tiny nod?


After that, I would pepper in my visits with some erotic reading, and it would end with Ken telling me of one of his escapades while I jacked him.  It was definitely hot- but time to take it to the next level.


About a month after our first JO encounter, I started a more frank discussion with him involving his status.  “So, did you still have as much sex after you became positive or did it kind of stop after that.”  He grew quiet and didn’t answer for a time.


“It stopped… for awhile.” he sighed.


“But sex is hard to give up.  Did you switch to condoms then?”  I inquired.


“Mostly…?” he whispered.


“Bareback sex is even harder to give up, isn’t it? It’s ok, trust me I get it.  You can tell me.  I’m not here to judge you- we’re friends.”


This seemed to open Ken up a bit.  “When I was diagnosed, I sort of… shut down.  I withdrew and basically stopped all sex cold turkey.  I wasn’t partnered at the time, so I didn’t have to worry about that pressure.  Heck, I didn’t even jack off.  I just sort of became a sexual zombie.


Eventually I was finding myself checking out guys again.  Getting horny.  Getting those ‘inconvenient boners’ during the day.  I started jacking again.  And then I got the urge to fuck again.  I tried some hookups where I used condoms, but … they didn’t work out so well.  I just couldn’t stay hard being all gloved up, and I would end up disappointing the bottom.  So I kind of gave up the idea of sex again.  Until…” he trailed off.


“You fucked a guy bareback and gave him your poz load.” I said.


Ken looked up at me with a startled look on his face.  “Yeah.  I mean no.  I mean, I didn’t really mean to, but… it just sort of happened.”


“It’s okay Ken.  We’re sexual beings and you must have been insanely horny.  So, this was your first time fucking bare as an HIV positive man— and I gather that you liked it.  Tell me about it?”


It looked like he was struggling with something internally.  His face contorted a bit and he wouldn’t look at me.  So I grabbed his hand and held it for awhile and we sat in silence for a few minutes.  “I’m worried what you’ll think of me, but…. “


“I was so damn horny.  It had been almost a year since my diagnosis and no real sex.  I was going out of my mind.  One afternoon I found myself on autopilot and sort of ‘came to’ when I was standing outside my favorite old adult bookstore. I went in and paid my 5 bucks and headed to the back.


It wasn’t very crowded and honestly I didn’t even know what I was doing there.  I didn’t know what I wanted but I knew I needed to get off.  Maybe jack off watching others?  Maybe a BJ?  I didn’t know.  I wandered around for a few and noticed that the glory hole booths were busy.


There were these two particular booths that had a decent sized glory hole.  I noticed a few lurkers hanging in this area, so I figured some guy was giving BJ’s.  So I leaned up against the wall to watch.


It wasn’t long before one door opened and this hispanic construction worker came out and was fastening up his pants.  He headed for the exit and one of the other lurkers took his place in the empty booth.  It wasn’t long before we could hear some groans and movement noises coming from these booths.  And the booths, being flimsy plywood, were kind of shaking a bit.


So it became apparent that more than just a BJ going on.  I look over and the other guy has his fly open and is jacking a pretty decent piece of uncut meat…. “


By now Ken was hard, the retelling had him excited.  So I reached over pulled back the sheet and took him in hand, as usual.  He flinched a little, but let it happen.  He still wouldn’t look at me though, his head was facing the other way out the window as he remembered.


“So the guy in booth 1 cums loudly and the booth rocking stops.  About a minute later, he comes out with a big smile on his face and heads for the exit.  Now there are just two of us ‘lurkers’, and we look at each other.


The other guy is older, kind of hard to tell his age really.  Maybe 60?  Looks a bit… sick… you know?  Probably similar to how I look now  And I knew.  I KNEW he was poz.  And yet there he was, jacking his cock at the book store….


He raised his eyebrows at me as if asking if I was heading in or not?  I shook my head, and he walked into the empty booth.  He didn’t close the door.  So I found myself slowly walking up and watching.


The old guy fed his dick through the hole and started moaning as I heard the wet sounds of a hungry mouth going to town on his cock. ‘Fuck yeah, suck it faggot,’ he whispers harshly.  In my head I know this guy is poz and he’s just letting this guy suck him.  In my head I’m really conflicted, but I can’t look away.  And I’m… really turned on.


Soon the wet sucking noises stop and I hear that unmistakable click noise of lube bottle being opened.  I know what’s going to happen and again I’m watching it all go down and not saying anything.


The old guy moans and I know the guy on the other side of the wall just sheathed that uncut cock in his ass.  The booth starts moving slowly and I can hear the wet sound of ass fucking.  My cock is so hard at this point it’s like it wants to tear a hole in my pants to get out.”


In my hand, Ken’s cock is mirroring his cock in the story.  He’s wickedly hard as he’s retelling this and I just keep jacking him.  I stop just long enough to spit on my hand and go back.  Ken makes a small noise in his throat, then goes back to his story.


“The old guy starts really fucking into this dude’s ass through the glory hole.  I’m basically in the booth with him at this point, my face close to the glory hole so I can see his cock going in and out of this ass.  I can tell he’s getting close by his wheezing, when suddenly he stiffens up and grunts a few times and I know.  I know his load, his… sickness… is shooting into the ass on the other side of the wall.


I feel like I should say something.  I feel like I should have stopped it before it got this far.  But I didn’t.  I just watched it all happen while my cock betrayed me in my pants.  And I kept watching as the old guy slowly pulled out of the ass with a wet plop.  Yup.  Definitely no condom on that. 


He zips up and pats my shoulder.  ‘It’s worth it,’ he says.  And he exits the booth, leaving me alone in there.


I see a finger extend into the glory hole from the other side.  The international symbol for ‘stick your dick through, i’m waiting’.  At this point I’m basically beyond the point of no return, so I close the booth door and open my pants.


I hear the appreciative “DAMN” from the other side of the wall an I know he’s eyeballing my cock through the hole.  He sticks his finger through again and motions to me.  And before I know it, i’m feeding my dick through the hole.


It was all I could do not to cum when I felt his mouth around my dick.  It had been so damn long!  I let him suck me for awhile, then I felt him pull off.  Felt him apply the lube to my dick.  I knew this was my chance to pull back… to stop.  But I … I didn’t.


And then I felt him slowly push his ass back onto my dick.

The warm, wet heat enveloped me and I almost cried it felt so good!  But I also was so conflicted— I was in this ass raw.  And even though I’m pretty sure the previous guy just left a toxic load in there, that wasn’t me.  Or was it?  All I know is that fucking ass without a condom felt so damn good. 


I’m so turned on that I know I won’t last much longer.  This guy is slamming his ass back onto my dick and fucking himself with it and I’m just standing there pressed against the booth wall letting him.


I felt the orgasm building in my balls.  I knew I was close.  I knew I could pull out and spray all over the booth floor.  I knew all this… and I let him keep fucking onto me.  I needed the release.  I needed to fuck. And then… it happened.


I was cumming in him. 


I was in a post orgasmic haze— barely remember pulling out and zipping up.  After a minute or two I stumbled out of the booth just as the other guy was coming out of his.  We looked at each other.  


The guy was in his mid 40’s.  Handsome.  Dressed in suit pants, white shirt, and a tie.  And had a wedding ring on.  He saw me see it, and he just shrugged and smiled.


‘Thanks for that!’ he says.  After that monster, I’m done.’ And he turned and was out the exit.”


Ken paused here in his story and I still jacked his cock.  I don’t know what prompted me to push, but I did.


“That must have been a shock.  Seeing that you just put your dirty load into a guy with a wife and kids, huh?  Especially for your first time raw fucking as a poz man.  I bet you felt sick about it… and turned on, too.”


Ken finally looked at me. “Yeah. At first I was angry.  I was all “You stupid fucker!  You know you shouldn’t fuck without a condom!  You have a wife!”


“But it was hot because he WAS married and he WAS careless.  Which made it all the hotter.  Plus he’d taken god knows how many other loads that day.  At least 3.  Breeding married men is aways the holy grail… right?” I said all while jacking Ken’s cock more quickly.


Ken’s eyes were boring into me.  “Fuck yes.  Stupid married men, thinking with their dicks … and asses.  It’s almost like they’re asking for it.  Asking to be caught.”


“Asking to be infected,” I whispered.


“Getting what they deserve,” he says.


“Which is what made it easier the next time, and the next time, and the next time…giving all those stupid fuckers your toxic seed.  How many did you fuck and fill, Ken?”


That’s when I took his cock into my mouth and started sucking him while I still jacked.  


“Oh jesus,” Ken moaned quietly and I felt his hand come to the back of my head.  I finally had his monster cock in my mouth and I lovingly sucked it and worked the head with my tongue.


“Shit, I’m gonna…” Ken managed and he struggled to pull away.  But I just gripped his cock and kept my mouth planted right where it was.


Spurt after spurt of bitter, salty cum filled my mouth, but I swallowed it greedily.  I kept him in my mouth until his cock started to soften- the last dribbles of semen pearling onto my tongue.  Ken’s hand was still resting on the back of my head.


When I finally released him from my mouth, he said “You shouldn’t have done that.  I shouldn’t have done that.  I’m really sick, man.”  He looked away from me sheepishly.


“Ken, you know that the risk of transmission orally is very small.  Also, I’ve been wanting to do that for months.” I tell him.  He looked at me, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.


“I’m going to let you in on a secret,” I tell him as we look at each other.  “I’m not a nice boy who volunteers at an AIDS hospice and secretly pines for a boyfriend and two dogs and a house in the burbs.  No.  I’m a naughty boy.   Sometimes I have anonymous sex.  I don’t always fuck with a condom.  I let guys cum inside me.  Sometimes even if I don’t know their status.  And sometimes…”  I see something flicker across his gaze. “Even when I DO know their status.”


“I love taking those loads best of all.”  And I winked at him.


A couple weeks later, I was back at Ken’s bedside for our reading time.  But tonight was going to be different.  Tonight was the night.  I was going to get his cock and load inside me— unless he had a sudden attack of conscience and wouldn’t let me.


I had come prepared.  I had cleaned out thoroughly, prelubed my hole, and had lube and poppers in my backpack.  I was also wearing a pair of gym shorts that I had cut strategically in the back for access.  I pulled out the erotic fiction from his nightstand and read a good story to get Ken in the mood.  It worked like always and soon he was tenting up that bedsheet.


I put down the magazine.  “So, tonight I thought maybe we’d do something different,” say.  I see him look at me quizzically. “I thought perhaps I’d tell you one of my stories instead?  Something… naughty.”  Ken licked his lips and nodded approval.


“So, there’s this guy I was hot for.  Older than me, but handsome.  Blonde— like you.  Blue eyes, too.  We chatted for a long time before I finally got up the courage to make a move on him.”


I reached over and grabbed his throbbing cock.


“We did some minor stuff— just hand jobs and blow jobs mostly.  Turns out the guy is fucking hung like a racehorse!  Fucking jackpot!  I seriously can’t get enough of his big dick,” I said while jacking him.


Ken’s eyes look black as his pupils are complete dilated as he watches me.


“I mean, I love sucking that big fucker,” I said as I bent down to suck on Ken’s cock for awhile. “But I need more, you know?  I’m a slutty bottom that craves big cock.  And if this awesome guy won’t give me his, then I’ll just go to a bookstore and take some random strangers through a glory hole— you know?”


Ken’s breath is coming faster now as I continue to suck him a bit.


“So one night, I make my move and try to get this guy to FINALLY put it in me already!  Only that’s when he springs it on me.  He’s HIV positive.  He doesn’t like fucking with condoms and he doesn’t want to risk infecting me, so he doesn’t want to fuck me.”


I look at Ken as I pause in my story.


“So I started sucking his cock and I tell him that I don’t care.  That I want him to fuck me bare.  That I want to— no, NEED to feel him cum inside me.  I tell him I’ve let other men fuck me bare and some of them have probably been poz too.  Heck, I might even be infected now and I may not know it.  I’m so slutty and careless it’s almost like I DESERVE to get it, you know?  Just another stupid bottom thinking with his hole.  And whether he fucks me or not, nothing is gonna change this.”


I feel Ken’s cock twitch and jump in my hand as I say all this.  I then casually reach into my back pack and get out the lube and poppers.  Ken’s breath hitches in his chest.


I open the lube and start slathering his massive member.  Ken’s eyes don’t leave mine.


“So, this guy finally relents.  I lube him up, open my shorts, lube my hole a bit, then get on top of him,” i say as I climbing onto his bed and mimicking all the actions coming out of my mouth, “and take a massive hit of poppers because I know I’m gonna need them.”  I hit the poppers hard.


“And then I slowly— finally—  lowered myself onto him,” I whispered.


It was like being torn open.  Even with the poppers, Ken’s cock was huge.  Easily the biggest I’d ever taken in my life to that point.  It was the thick part just past the head that was the trick.  I had to pull off, relube him, hit more poppers and slowly inch my way through that thick part as my hole burned in protest.


Then there was a ‘pop’ as that thick spot suddenly breached my hole, and it got easier.  I slid all the way down.  Ken hissed as I hilted myself onto his dick.  His hands found my hips.


“The guy’s cock was massive, but I’d wanted it for so long inside me that I took it like a champ.  And then I started riding him slowly.  I wanted him to feel every inch of my insides and know that I wanted him there.”  I rode Ken slowly up and down, getting myself used to his dick.  Occasionally I stopped for poppers.


“This guy had told me stories about his past… how much ass he’d fucked.  I just hope mine would live up to the others.  And, truth be told, I loved the fact that his dick had been in so many guys and it was finally my turn.”


“I know this guy said he was conflicted about fucking me, but his raging hardon said otherwise.  He loved it.  And I know that in his secret heart of hearts, that he loved breeding guys with his poz seed.  He loved fucking bare and dumping his toxic DNA into as many asses as would take it.  Breeding all these guys who would never ask for a condom.  Never ask about status.  Just take whatever load in their cumhungry cunts.  I know he didn’t like to admit it to himself and he probably felt ashamed for doing it.  And even more ashamed for being so goddamn turned on by the idea that he’s infected dozens, if not hundreds of guys by now.”


“Yeaaaaaah,” Ken moaned quietly as I continued to ride him.


“I told this guy that it was ok.  I understood.  We all had that biological urge to procreate, and this was our way.  Making sure a little bit of us lived on in others.  And I told him I was a willing vessel.  In fact, I wanted him to cum in me.  I wanted it to be HIS cum that infected me.  I didn’t want to be like he was and not know where the virus came from.  I wanted the moment to be memorable.  I wanted to KNOW.  And I wanted him to know that he was the one.”


I was riding the full length of Ken at this point.  I had opened up to where his cock was plunging into my second ring on each thrust and I was leaking precum into my gym shorts with every bounce on his cock.  Ken was helping guide me as he grabbed my hips.


“Do it Ken.  Cum in me!  Fill me!  I want you to be the one!  Please???  Be the one who knocks me up!”  Ken’s eyes flicked open and he grabbed my hips hard as he thrust up into me.  His cock was buried well up into my second ring when I felt the pulses.  The throbs.  The wet heat.


Ken’s AIDS cum was shooting so deep into me that I knew it would take.


And I filled my gym shorts with my own seed as I spontaneously came from the knowledge that I was taking a living part of Ken and continuing the line.


Ken shuddered and we stayed welded together until his cock had softened enough to easily come out of my ass.  As I pulled off of him I bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.


“Thank you,” I whispered.


I got off the bed, grabbed a wash cloth and started to clean him off.  There was a little blood on the rag after I washed off his dick. He saw it and his eyes got big and I could see him wondering if he had hurt me. 


“Dude, you have a massive cock- the biggest that’s ever been in me.  I was expecting this.  Maybe next time I’ll be a bit more loosened up.”  And I smiled at him as I went to the wash room to clean myself up.


Ken and I fucked a few more times, but it wasn’t long before his health took a turn and before I knew it, he was gone.  At least I got to be by his side when he left this world; for that I’m grateful.


And yes, I did get sick after our fuck sessions.  Sure enough, I had caught the ‘fuck flu’.  Testing confirmed it.  Given the timing, I knew it was Ken’s doing.  And I was grateful for that ,too.


I kept volunteering at the hospice after that.  I mean, it wasn’t like Ken was the only guy I spent time with during my visits, but Ken was the only one I had cultivated a fuck relationship with.


Until Mark.


One evening I was visiting Mark and as I was preparing to read to him he stopped me.  “Um, I was wondering if you could maybe read this tonight instead,” he asked.  He pulled out the magazine of erotic fiction that I had given Ken for our sessions, and he handed it to me.  I smiled.


“Uh, Ken said that you would read to him out of this and it was very, um… stimulating.  I was hoping that maybe we could do the same?”


Yes Mark.  I was positive that we could do the same.

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This story, for me, is about far more than a series of sexual encounters. Certainly, the sex is hot, and better yet, those scenes are really well written (narrating sexual action is not an easy task). But there's a sensuality and tenderness between Ken and the narrator that takes the story beyond mere bug-chasing porn. Instead of being a total pariah, Ken is humanized by the narrator's curiosity about Ken's sexual exploits -- that the narrator has his own purpose in eliciting details of Ken's sex life doesn't make his interest less genuine or impair our ability to see Ken as a man, more than a public health statistic or stack of medical records. In turn, the narrator's actions regarding his own health, likely incomprehensible to many, become at least somewhat easier for an onlooker to accept because the narrator has shown, through his acceptance of Ken, that he himself need not become a complete outcast. And Spermpig reminds us that though the ICD code of everyone who's HIV+ is the same, we each reached that point by our own separate and distinct paths.

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ejaculaTe I couldn’t have said it better. Compassion and showing interests in what may be considered societies outcasts showing them a bit of love and caring whether, chasing or not,  to show they are worthy of love and kindness it at times the best thing you can do for another human being!?

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Guest mspsubmale

love this plot line, and its similarities to other hospice 'helpers' stories here.  from the first story i found here, have been wanting to find a local hospice to volunteer at, and be able to provide this type of comfort to the residents there.....and offer to have a bit of them live on in me.

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