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The Gifted Virgin

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Part 18 - Family Ties


There was a slight tension in the air barely noticeable by anyone sitting around but Angelo could sense it, he thought it would be better to leave them to talk this out.

"You look well Ethan" Jack said moving the chair to sit on.
Angelo stood as Jack sat down "I will leave you to catch up".
"No Angelo, I want you to stay there is nothing to hide" Ethan said looking at him.
Jack waited for Angelo to sit down then turned to Ethan "I don't really know what to say Ethan, in my head I had it all planned."
Ethan fondled the glass in front of him "You are not often lost for words" he responded.
"I'm sorry for what happened between us" Jack spoke tentatively.
Ethan waited for a moment "Sorry about what, turning your back on me so quickly?" he asked calmly.
"The whole thing caught me by surprise Ethan, how was I suppose to react" Jack replied apologetically.
Jack continued "I won't to put this behind us and you to come back home".
Ethan looked at Angelo then his father "Everything changed father when you hit me".
Jack looked at Ethan "You gave back just as good".
"I wasn't about to let it happen again, and you made your point very clear" Ethan looked down at the glass.
Jack sat quietly for a moment then continued "I know but I never expected you would actually leave".
Ethan looked at his father and Angelo "I'm sorry but I won't come back home to live".
Jack glanced at Angelo "Is this your doing?" he spoke with an agitated voice.
Ethan lowered his voice in annoyance "I made my own choice to move in with Angelo before our argument".
He continued "What happened that evening just made it sooner than we both expected and don't speak to him like that".
Jack was stunned by his response "Did you ever intend on telling us?".
Ethan nodded "Yes, but I think you would have reacted the same no matter when I told you".
Jack knew it would be no use arguing with him "I can't pretend to like this Ethan".
"I wouldn't expect you to, but you will have to come to accept it if you wan me in your life" Ethan replied.
Jack nodded "It will take time" he said glancing at Angelo "Can we at least re-build our relationship?".
Ethan looked at his father and nodded slowly "Two conditions though".
"Negotiating already?" Jack smiled at Ethan.
Ethan looked seriously at him "Stop controlling my life and let me live it as I want, and accept Angelo".
Jack studied Ethan for a moment "Only if you promise to finish college".
Ethan glanced at Angelo "Deal" he said smiling at his father who leaned in and hugged his son.
Jack turned to Angelo "I owe you an apology as well Angelo".
Angelo shook his head "No Jack, I should apologise as I deceived you after realising who Ethan was".
"I don't pretend to understand what is going on, that's is what is hard for me" Jack said looking at Ethan.
Ethan smiled "I only want you to accept me and us, I don't want to shut you out of my life".

Jack smiled and hugged his son again this time it lasted longer and unexpectedly Jack turned to Angelo and hugged him. Ellie watched from her table at the progress when she saw Angelo stand up and walk towards her.

"Hi, I'm Angelo you must be Ethan's mother" Angelo held out his hand.
Ellis stood up and hugged Angelo "Thank you for looking after my boy".
Angelo smiled "I'm sorry for all the trouble it has caused, but he means the world to me. Come over and have a drink with us".

As Ellie approached the table Ethan stood up and gave his mother a kiss and a hug, they spent the rest of the evening talking and slowly beginning to understand and accept how things would be from now on. As time healed the rift between father and son and they slowly re-built their family, Ethan was careful never to push or show affection towards Angelo around his parents at this early stage.

Matt had kept a low profile but was still watching them both carefully, he knew of Mark and Franco and slowly his plan began to form to get Angelo back, he would wait with open arms when the time was right. It was a cold September morning as Matt ordered a coffee standing in the line behind Mark waiting for his order, he accidentally bumped in to Mark.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bump in to you" Mark turned and nodded "Oh aren't you Mark?" he asked.
Mark turned to face him "Yes" he looked quizzically at him.
Matt smiled "How is Ethan, I know him through his friend?".
"Oh, err.. he is okay, why do you ask?" Mark was curious now.
Matt picked up his coffee "I know he is dating some guy for a meal ticket, you know just biding his time".
Mark watched him put a lid on his coffee "I don't know what you mean" he replied shaking his head.
Matt turned to make his exit "Oh you know, he doesn't love him or anything, just using him for now. Must dash bye".

He swiftly exited the coffee shop and could see Mark's reflection in the window looking shocked and confused, he walked round the side of the coffee shop and got in his car and disappeared. Mark was jolted back when the barista called his order out, confused and quite upset at what he just heard he glanced over the office debating if he should say anything to Angelo. Mark walked back over with the coffees in hand and entered the office, he watched Angelo for a moment as he walked towards his desk and put the coffee down.

"You look like you have seen a ghost" Angelo looked at him smiling.
Mark looked over at him "Oh just something on my mind" he didn't have the heart to say anything and would wait.

Mark tried to put it out of his mind for the moment and buried his head in work. Matt arrived in White Plains and knew from his diligent stalking where Franco would be at this time in the afternoon after college. He used the same tactic and rushed out as he didn't like the look on Franco's face, but he knew the damage was done and now it was a waiting game.

Franco sat down and began typing a text to Angelo 'Is it true that Ethan is using you?" he looked and didn't know what else to say so he hit the send button. He never would have thought Ethan was like that but then unless you know someone you just couldn't tell, Franco pondered weather Adam was in on this as well. He decided to wait and see what Angelo would have to say before confronting Ethan.

Mark looked up at Angelo who dropped his phone on his desk "What's the matter?" he asked.
Angelo stared at his phone then looked up at Mark "Nothing, just something I have to deal with".
"Is it Ethan?" Mark hazarding a guess.
Angelo nodded "Yes" and a look of disappointment drew across his face.
"Come on lets go outside and talk" Mark stood dreading this moment.

Angelo stood up and grabbed his phone as they walked outside in to the chilly wind and sat down the bench outside the coffee shop, Mark went in and fetched two coffees and returned to sit by Angelo.

"Has someone texted you about him and what he is up to?" Mark asked handing the coffee to Angelo.
Angelo nodded "It appears he is not all it seems Mark".
Mark touched Angelo's leg "Someone told me this morning he was after a meal ticket".
Angelo looked at him "Then it is true, why didn't you tell me this morning?".
"I didn't know what to make of it, it is strange someone just talks to you and says this" Mark responded.
Angelo looked out across the parking lot "I can't believe he took me in like this".
Mark shook his head "I don't believe any of it Angelo, don't make any rash decision".
"What would you expect me to do?" Angelo asked sipping his coffee.
"I don't know, who was the text you got from?" Mark asked.
Angelo showed Mark the message "From my cousin, he is at the same college as Ethan".
Mark sat there in disbelief "I can't understand it, sure it is not true".
Angelo sat back and sighed "I put my heart on a string to be cut open again".
"No Angelo, I don't believe Ethan is like that, to hear this twice in one day isn't right" Mark protested to Angelo.
Angelo looked at him "Or it is".
Mark stopped short of getting annoyed with him "Just talk to him Angelo".
"I need to head home and sort it out tonight, I won't live with a lie" Angelo stood up and walked back to the office.

Matt sat in his car smiling and turned the engine over as he needed to get over to Larchmont, he knew by the look on Angelo's face that word had got back to him. He wanted to be there ready with open arms for Angelo playing the supportive ex boyfriend. Angelo packed his things up and turned his phone off as he got in the car, he needed to think on the drive over.

Mark sat at his desk with his head in his hands until Dillon made a noise taking his coat of the closet, Dillon had been with Angelo since the start of the business and had met Matt a couple of times in the coffee shop years ago and was surprised to see him there this morning whilst Mark was in there.

"Hey Mark, don't look so down dude" Dillon walked up towards Mark's desk.
Mark looked up "Hey Dillon, sorry a few things on my mind that are worrying me".
Dillon smiled "Strange day, and never expected to see the ex back around here after their break up".
Mark computed it slowly "Ex, what ex?".
"Matt was over in the coffee shop this morning I saw him go in after you" Dillon said waving his hand about.
Mark stood up "Matt, Angelo's ex?".
Dillon nodded "Yeah he is a complete fruitcake, a couple of us think he hasn't let go of Angelo yet".
"What do you mean?" Mark scratched his head.
Dillon laughed "He sits in his car way over in the parking lot at least once a week, but this week 3 times from what I saw".
Mark described him to Dillon who nodded "I never knew that was his ex" he replied suddenly looking horrified.
Dillon shrugged his shoulders "Yeah, any how see you tomorrow".
Mark was dialling Angelo's mobile "Yes sure Dillon and thanks".

The phone went straight to voicemail so Mark tried the number again and did so a dozen times. He was now frantic and decided he would have to drive over to Angelo's place in Larchmont hopefully before Angelo did anything he might later regret. He stopped for a moment and searched the files for Franco's number remembering that it must be on file for when he works during the holidays. He dialled the number and waited for Franco to answer his phone, after the pleasantries were out of the way Mark asked him how he had heard of this rumour about Ethan. Franco explained and the described Matt but strangely he did not know his name. To Mark it quickly became obvious that this was no accident they both got the same message from the same guy, he explained to Franco telling him that he fears what Angelo may do before he knows the full facts. Franco swore in Spanish down the phone more so at how gullible he was being taken in, he thought at the time this could not be true and now it was confirmed, after he calmed down he told Mark he was also going to drive over to Angelo's.

Mark ran out of the office and jumped in his car still trying to call Angelo. In White Plains Franco borrowed his mothers car and headed off to Larchmont.

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Part 19 - Confrontation


Angelo pulled in to the driveway and sat in the car for several minutes unsure what he was going to say, in his heart he hoped this was not true but he couldn't ignore how he was feeling. He stepped out of the car and walked in to the house, Ethan called out as Angelo put his bag down and headed to the dining room where Ethan sat doing his assignment. It still took Angelo's breath away seeing Ethan head down in his books, he loved him beyond words but also had he been blinded not to see what was going on. Angelo sat down at the table opposite Ethan and looked at him, Ethan looked up and smiled which quickly turned in to a look of concern.

"What's the matter Angelo?" Ethan asked closing his books.
Angelo stared as Ethan shifted in his seat uncomfortably "Are you playing me Ethan?".
Ethan looked confusingly at him "Playing you, what do you mean?".
"Are you using me until your ready to move on" Angelo replied seriously.
Ethan began to feel sick "Why would think such a thing?".
"If you are you your doing a very good job" Angelo's gazed was fixed on Ethan.
Ethan looked seeing a very different Angelo "I don't understand where this has suddenly come from".
"People talk and it was disturbing what I found out today" Angelo continued studying Ethan.
A tear trickled down Ethan's face "Are you saying you don't love me anymore?".
Angelo shook his head "Am I just a plaything, a meal ticket for you?".
Ethan wiped his face and looked at him "Is that what you really think this is all about?
"I don't know Ethan you tell me" Angelo was breaking inside watching him but he had to know.
Ethan stood up "Did I hate you for pozzing me, did I hate you when you literally raped me?".
Angelo shook his head and quietly responded "No" and looked down.
Ethan continued "I can't believe you would think this is how I would treat you".
"I don't want to believe any of it but I can't ignore what I heard" Angelo replied.
Ethan shook his head "I am only here because of one thing, if you can't see that then I should leave".
Angelo looked at Ethan who was leaving the dining room "Ethan wait".
"No Angelo, you have made it clear you don't trust me and can't see what is really in front of you" Ethan ran out.

He climbed the stairs to the bedroom and sat on the bed, Angelo put his head in his hands regretting what had just taken place, he saw no malice and deceit in Ethan's eyes and knew he had probably just wrecked any chance with him. Ethan picked his phone up and called Adam his eyes streaming with sadness at Angelo, he cried down the phone as he told Adam that it looked like Angelo and he were finished, Adam sat in silence shocked by what Ethan was telling him.

Angelo went to get a glass of water and sat at the counter he didn't know what to do. Matt watched Angelo carefully with a gratifying grin on his face and decided to leave it 5 or 10 more minutes before he would knock at the door. Angelo sat there for a few minutes, he believed Ethan and the last thing he wanted was for him to leave, he needed to speak to Franco and reaching in to his pocket he pulled his phone out and turned it on.

Adam spoke urgently to Ethan "Don't leave Ethan, it sounds like someone is playing with you both".
"He was angry and upset, he doesn't trust me Adam" Ethan croaked down the phone.
Adam grabbed his car keys "Ethan please just sit there I am coming over, don't leave until we speak to him".

Matt stood at the front door, he couldn't hear anything so he knocked quietly but loud enough to be heard, he could hear the shuffling and foot steps approaching, the door opened and Angelo stood there.

Angelo looked at him "Matt what do you want?".
"Angelo I just wanted to pop by and apologise for... are you alright?" Matt spoke with his calming voice.
"Not now Matt" Angelo said and was about to close the door.
"Angelo, you look like you need someone to talk to" Matt said sounding concerned.
Angelo opened the door against hi better judgment "Come in".
Matt walked through and closed the door and followed him to the kitchen "Thank you Angelo".

Angelo began to pour his heart out to Matt, he didn't know why but he felt comfortable doing it as Matt sat and listened intently.

"Oh Angelo, I know we ended badly but I would never do that to you" Matt walked over and put his hand on his shoulder.
Angelo looked up seeing sincerity in his eyes "I don't know what to do Matt".
Matt rubbed his shoulder "I think it best to end it Angelo, I will always be here for you remember that".

Angelo's attention was drawn to his phone over the other side of the kitchen as it kept flashing up with voicemails, he was about to retrieve it when there was a knock at the door and he hear Ethan coming down the stairs. Matt tried to stop Angelo in a fruitless attempt by drawing his attention but Angelo heard Adam calling Ethan's name and asking if he had touched him. Angelo turned to Matt and said it would be better if he left, Matt protested telling him he would need a shoulder to cry on and he wanted to be here for him after all he understood Angelo better than anyone.

Adam came in to the kitchen and looked at Angelo then at Matt and shook his head "Why Angelo?".
Matt interrupted "I don't think it is any of your business, you and Ethan should leave".
"Stop it Matt" Angelo told him "I have to speak to Ethan first".
Matt glanced at Adam "Ethan doesn't love you Angelo, don't put yourself through this".
Adam turned and moved towards Matt "And how would you know, you don't know what they have".
Matt stared him down "Are you part of it as well?".
"Don't be so ridiculous" Adam retorted clenching his fist.
"Enough the both of you" Angelo stood their holding his phone his gazed fixed on Matt.

The front door was being pounded as Mark and Franco arrived at the same time and stood their shouting for Angelo to open the door. Angelo stepped around them both and went to the front door, he stopped and looked at the stairs seeing Ethan sat at the top who looked vulnerable and scared. It dawned on him that anyone who looked the way he did could not be lying, he called up to Ethan and told him to stay there as he wanted to talk. Inside Angelo was hurting and just as upset as he turned his focus to the front door and opened it.

"It's all lies" Franco shouted as he came in behind Mark pushing him through the door.
Mark saw Ethan on the stairs "It's your ex Angelo he is trying to break you both up".
Angelo looked at them both "Is that why you have both come here?".
"Yes Angelo, we don't want you to make a mistake you will regret" Mark said and Franco nodded in agreement.

Angelo turned and strode purposefully back to the kitchen where Matt and Adam were still engrossed in their argument and didn't notice Mark and Franco coming in to the room behind Angelo.

"That's him" Franco said pointing to Matt "He is the one who said those things about Ethan".
Angelo looked at Matt who stopped to look at Angelo "You just can't let it go can you?".
Mark went to other side of where Adam stood and looked at Angelo "Dillon told me he has been stalking you for months".
Matt looked at Mark then Angelo "I told you he doesn't love you Angelo, only I know how to love you".
"I told you 5 years ago I never wanted to see you and now I know why" Angelo looked angrily at Matt.
Matt tried to step towards Angelo but was stopped by Mark "You need me Angelo just face it".
"You think to much of yourself Matt" Angelo started moving towards Matt his fists clenched.
Adam quickly went round to Angelo and held his arm "Leave him to us, go and put things right with Ethan".
Ethan walked in to the kitchen hearing the commotion "Why is he here?" he said looking at Matt.

Matt slipped past Mark and ran towards Ethan yelling for him to leave and let him be with Angelo. It all happened so quickly but like slow motions as Adam, Angelo and Mark stood frozen to the spot in that instance. Matt came within feet of Ethan grabbing a kitchen knife like lightning whilst Ethan was in shock and couldn't respond he stood seeing the glint of the stainless steel being thrusted towards him. Ethan felt the sharp scratching across his left shoulder hearing the clanging sound as the knife dropped to the floor followed by Matt's body, his hand went to the spot of the pain, it felt wet and looked down at his fingers that were now stained with his own blood.

Franco had seen Matt pick up the knife and reacted quickly punching Matt in the head hard just as the blade of the knife touched Ethan's skin and left a slit across his shoulder cutting through his t-shirt and young skin with silky ease. Matt collapsed on the floor dropping the knife in the process as everything blacked out, Franco kicked him to make sure he was out and lifted Ethan's t-shirt up to see how bad it was.

Adam screamed and ran across the kitchen as Franco landed his punch the sound of the knife hitting the floor echoed around Adam's ears, he quickly put his arm around Ethan as Franco lifted his t-shirt up. Adam breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the wound looked worse that it was, it didn't go in deep, he grabbed some kitchen roll behind Ethan and held it over the cut whilst Ethan stood there looking at the blood on his fingers.

Angelo gasped but his confused state of mind caused him to freeze on the spot taking in the scene, at the point where Matt grabbed the knife he shouted for Matt to stop, his body telling him to move so he ran towards Ethan to protect him but he was to late as he saw the knife swishing through the air across Ethan. Everything happened to quickly for Angelo to process as bodies flew around the kitchen towards Ethan. Adam looked at Angelo's tear streaked face and told him to look after his lover.

Mark ran behind Matt but he was to far away to prevent Matt picking up the knife, he shouted for Ethan to move but he seemed transfixed on the shiny object heading swiftly towards his body. Matt managed to grab hold of Matt's shirt preventing him from getting any closer to Ethan, Matt swished the knife around in the air trying to get at Ethan, he lunged forward with all his strength as the knife ripped through Ethan's t-shirt. He never saw the fist of Franco appear but he heard the crack and thud as Matt fell to the floor with the knife. He looked up and saw blood slowly seeping through the t-shirt.

The neighbours had seen all the frantic people arriving and then the arguments and screaming coming from the house, they were concerned and called the police out. Marion and John Chalmers stood outside the front of their house next door to Angelo's as the police arrived, one of the officers recognised John as Dr Chalmers and they ran through everything that had seen and heard. The two cops knocked on the front door and shouted 'Police open up'.

Ethan suddenly came back to his senses as Angelo put his arm around him.

"I am so sorry Ethan I should never have doubted you" Angelo spoke softly.
Ethan looked at the Matt who was coming around "You did though and that hurts".

Angelo picked up Ethan and carried him in to the lounge and laid him on the sofa.

Ethan looked Angelo in the eyes "I love you Angelo more than you believe in me".
Angelo smiled stroking his head "I know and I think you under estimate how I feel about you".

Adam opened the door and let the police in, seeing the scene Officer Delgado went outside and asked the doctor if he would attend to the young guy. Whilst Ethan was being attended to the others ran through the series of events that lead up to the evening, Mario and John were both interviewed and confirmed that they had seen the man quite often sitting in his car across the street. With the evidence stacking against him Matt was placed under arrest and charged with stalking and attempted manslaughter. The police finally left escorting Matt to be detained for evaluation, Angelo watched as John finished putting some covering over Ethan's cut.

Marion walked in to the lounge "Do you want me to make some coffee?" she asked.
Angelo nodded "I will come and help" and they walked in to the kitchen.
"We didn't mean to be nosey but it there was quite a commotion going on" Marion began to explain.
Angelo smiled "No thank you for looking out for us, I do appreciate you calling the police".
"It was just when he arrived but stood and waited watching until he knocked your door" Marion shook her head.
Angelo looked at Marion "I'm sorry I have never really made the effort to get to know you both" he said.
Marion smiled "We just thought you wanted your privacy".

Adam was the last to leave and Ethan was sitting with his feet up on the sofa enjoying the attention he was getting from Adam and Mark whilst Franco and Angelo chatted in the kitchen, when Adam was set to leave Angelo walked with him to the front door.

"Have I messed it up with him?" Angelo asked holding the door open.
Adam turned to face Angelo "Trust me the love he has for you won't be broken so easily".
Angelo smiled "I hope so, I need to repair what happened tonight".
Adam kissed Angelo "Just make him happy so him how much you love him, do the right thing".
Angelo nodded "Good night Adam and thank you".
Adam turned to Angelo as he walked down the path and smiled "Do the right thing".

Angelo stood for a moment watching Adam with a sense of curiousness about he had said to him. It was true that he felt so much love being around Ethan and there should never had been any doubt, and did Adam mean what he thought he meant. Angelo closed the door.

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Part 20 - The Lovers


Angelo leaned back against the front door his eyes closed as a heaved a heavy breath reliving the events, his thoughts flashing back to Matt wielding the knife towards Ethan. He squeezed his eyes closed tighter trying to banish the thoughts but no matter how hard all he could see was Ethan. The sadness etched across his face at the thought of Ethan walking out of the house and life forever, there was no taking back what happened. Angelo opened his eyes and headed to the kitchen to get some water, the house was deathly silent in an unusual way, opening the refrigerator he grabbed two bottles thinking that the one he would give to Ethan would be peace offering and make everything all right again. Stupid he told himself as he banged his head lightly on the refrigerator door as if to knock some sense in to himself.

Angelo walked towards the lounge and stood at the door, Ethan laid on the sofa hugging a cushion his face turned towards the back of the sofa staring blankly at nothing. The sight of Ethan and the thought of loosing him bore down heavily on his shoulders, he was anxious that Ethan may struggle to process everything that had gone on. Adam's words as he departed kept ringing in his head, there was no doubt as Angelo stood watching him that he was so deeply in love with Ethan, letting him go was not an option he wanted to entertain. Underneath he knew that the next few minutes were going to be make or break for them.

Angelo's arms fell down by his side holding the water bottles "I'm so sorry" he said.
"About what?" Ethan responded without looking at him.
Angelo could see a tear trickling down Ethan's face "I put you in danger this evening".
Ethan didn't move his head and continued staring at the back of the sofa "You couldn't have known what he would do".
"He attacked you Ethan" unusually Angelo was now feeling frightened.
Ethan wiped his face "He must still be in love with you to go to such lengths".

Angelo nodded as he thought back to things Matt said during the evening and seeing it all combine to make logical sense. He now understood the whole charade had been planned by Matt to get him back and win him over by his kindness and support.

"I was a fool to let him get to me like this, I have no excuse" Angelo turned to leave.
Ethan looked over "Is that for me?".
Angelo turned and looked down at the bottle in his hand "Oh yes, thought you might need a drink".
"I do, thank you" Ethan responded and held out his hand.
Angelo walked over to him and handed the bottle "I have wrecked everything tonight" he turned to go back to the kitchen.
Ethan looked at him "Where are you going?" he asked worried by how Angelo was acting.
Angelo stopped "To leave you in peace" he continued walking towards the kitchen.
"Stop Angelo can we talk, I mean seriously talk?" Ethan called to him.
Angelo turned and walked across to Ethan "If your sure you are up to it".
Ethan watched him sit on the sofa next to him "I need to know why you doubted me?".
Angelo lowered his head "I don't know, probably the anger and upset at the time, I didn't think straight".
"Did you really think that was the reason for me being with you?" Ethan looked Angelo in the eye.
Angelo looked at Ethan "I should never have questioned it, you have true to me since we met".
Ethan wiped his face as another tear trickled down his face "I fell in love with you Angelo".
"Do you really still feel that way after tonight?" Angelo asked looking at his bottle of water.
Ethan shut his eyes for a moment "Is it because of my age, you think I won't stick around?"
Angelo looked up caught by his comment "It has crossed my mind, I held back as long as I could before opening up to you".
Ethan studied him "You were a fascination at first, one I couldn't stop going back to, I mean look at you".
Angelo looked questioningly at him "What do you mean?".
"You have the body the looks and devilish eyes, but I also fell for the Angelo in here" he tapped Angelo's heart.
"So you where serious about what you said earlier?" Angelo asked holding Ethan's hand.
Ethan nodded "Angelo you are my life and part of me that I never want to let go of".
Angelo looked at him "I love that I am with you and you are in my life, never forget that Ethan".
Ethan snuggled up and Angelo put his arm around him "You still want me then Angelo?".
Angelo kissed his forehead "More than ever Ethan, do you still want me?".

Ethan nodded as his head moved towards Angelo's, foreheads touching momentarily before their lips sought each other, lips touching lips kissing tenderly with love and kindness. Angelo's heart and body relaxed in relief in his head his mind was already made up what to do, he stopped realising Ethan was looking at him smiling.

"You look lost in you thoughts Angelo, can we go to bed now?" Ethan said running his hand along Angelo's face.
Angelo nodded and looked at the wound covering "Does it hurt?".
Ethan glanced at it "A little sore but not painful".

Angelo reached around Ethan and picked him up and carried him upstairs, Ethan kissed his neck and whispered to him 'Been ages since you carried me upstairs' and then chuckled to himself. Angelo put him on the bed and went downstairs to lock up and turn off the lights, as he came back in to the bedroom Ethan was undressed and laying in bed sending a text.

"Who are you texting at this time?" Angelo asked stripping his clothes off.
Ethan looked up "Adam, just telling him everything is fine" he put his phone on the bed side table.
Angelo slipped in to bed and Ethan snuggled up in his arms "My Angelo" he muttered kissing his neck.
Angelo kissed his forehead "Always?" he whispered.
Ethan nodded "Yes" he replied caressing Angelo's chest "Everything I want is here beside me".
Angelo turned on his side to face Ethan "Do you understand how incredibly in love with you I am?".
Ethan winced a little as he turned on his side to face Angelo "Yes"

Angelo felt he was ready to burst from happiness as he thought he would never get to this point in his life after the disastrous relationship with Matt. Looking in Ethan's eyes he saw only happiness and love, he knew from that moment which direction his destiny was taking him but it was still a big gamble with Ethan being so young. Angelo kissed Ethan for several minutes before he pulled his head back and saw that wonderful smile emanating from Ethan's face that he so loved about him. Ethan whispered 'Don't stop' as he moved head back towards Angelo and they kissed tongues wrestling each other for supremacy, Ethan reached round pulling Angelo on top of him as he felt his legs pushed apart by Angelo's.

Angelo was careful to avoid the wound as he slipped in between Ethan's legs resting on his forearms overlooking Ethan underneath him. He leant forward and began kissing him again, his thighs and ass being caressed by Ethan's legs. Angelo was in no state to delay making love to Ethan, quickly he had his cock positioned and pushing in to Ethan. Ethan gasped and wriggled to adjust as he felt his ass being prised open by Angelo's penetration, deeper and deeper it went forcing it's way inside. Ethan moaned and cried 'Oh god Angelo I love you', his words muffled by Angelo's tongue filling his mouth as he settled in to a steady driving rhythm of love making, his balls tapping rapidly at Ethan's ass. Ethan's back arching in desire for Angelo to make love to him. Slowly he ground his hips in to Ethan's ass who moaned in delight as they kissed, suddenly Angelo slowed to an almost stand still as he looked down at Ethan, unsure why he was stopping Ethan looked worryingly up at him, but Angelo just smiled and kissed him.

"Ethan marry me?" Angelo looked deeper in to Ethan's eyes.
Ethan grabbed Angelo's head "Oh my god.. yes, yes of course".
Angelo smiled and kissed him then raised his head "Get ready I am going to fuck you in to the mattress".

Ethan grabbed Angelo's shoulders just in time as he began to fuck Ethan hard and relentless, Ethan cried and screamed his name as he tripped out of the world and floated feeling the pure intensity of Angelo taking his lover, him. Angelo groaned and grunted signalling his climax was imminent, Ethan looked him in the eyes then kissed him hard as the fucking reached deeper in to his body 'Own me Angelo, show me you own me' he cried to Angelo. There was no aggressiveness in his love making it was a show of love and wanting for Ethan, he balls tightened quicker than they had ever done 'Oh god Ethan I love you' he called out as his body shuddered and his balls released their seed flowing rapidly up along the tubes until they met the pulsing shaft of the cock only to be fired out and released in to Ethan's body. Their mouths met in frantic kissing as Angelo's seed continued to be planted deep in to Ethan. After some time had passed Angelo pulled out and collapsed on to the bed panting heavily, Ethan laid beside him his hand across Angelo's chest was also panting trying to catch his breath.

"Holy cow Angelo" Ethan panted with a grin on his face.
Angelo turned to look at him "Sorry was it to much?".
Ethan laughed "Fuck no, that was amazing" he breathed "I never knew it could be that exhilarating".
Angelo patted Ethan's leg "I can't help it, I just love owning you and making love to you".
Ethan turned to look at him "Did you mean what you said as you made love to me?".
Angelo kissed him "Yes, you definitely want to marry me?".
Ethan laughed "After that I would marry you every day, but yes I meant my answer".

Ethan laid in the arms of Angelo side by side talking as Ethan drifted off to sleep. Some hours had passed and Ethan shuffled and woke himself up from a deep sleep, he laid there watching Angelo sleeping for a few minutes, he was happy and excited that the man laying next to him wanted to marry him. At best he thought he would be in his 30's before he found the right person to settle with or even not at all, but this man had completely won him over both from the physical sight and what was inside. His happiness bursting at the seems seemed to glow from his body as Angelo stirred and opened his eyes to find himself starring directly in to Ethan's eyes.

"Are you aright, do you need anything?" Angelo asked sleepily.
Ethan kissed him "No, I have everything I want right next to me".
Angelo smiled "Go back to sleep then" he replied stroking Ethan's back.

Within minutes they were both fast asleep again and Ethan for the first time in ages dreamt about Angelo and him walking along the beach hand in hand listening and watching the surf, in his dream they just walked mile upon mile along an expansive deserted beach. Ethan shuffled as he became aware the alarm clock was going off signalling it was 6am. He called out to 'Alexa stop' as Angelo began shifting in bed waking up. Ethan sat upright wondering if he had dreamt the whole thing, his hand wondered over to his shoulder where he felt the dressing. So it was all true he thought turning to look at Angelo who was starring up at him.

"have you just realised what happened when we went to bed?" Angelo asked seeing a cogs in Ethan's mind working.
Ethan nodded and smiled "Is it real, did you actually ask me to marry you?".
"Yes" Angelo nodded "Are you having second thoughts?".
Ethan shook his head "No, I just wanted to make sure it really did happen".
Angelo smiled and stroked Ethan's back "I will pick you up after college".
Ethan laid back down next to Angelo and kissed him "Why?" he asked curiously.
"I need to get a ring on your finger, then you do become mine".
Ethan kissed him on the mouth tenderly "Final step to really owning me, I want to buy you one as well".
Angelo smiled "Is that so".
"Oh yes" Ethan nodded "You may own me, but I own you",
Angelo slipped his tongue in to Ethan's mouth and kissed him lovingly "Come on, we better get up".
Ethan sat on the edge of the bed "Angelo do we tell anyone or wait a few days?".
Angelo smiled at Ethan "Let's wait a couple of days, at least until I get a ring on your finger".

Ethan nodded and got up to join Angelo in the shower "Promise you will never doubt me again".
Angelo's hands were washing Ethan's back "I promise, I should never have in the first place" he replied.
Ethan turned his head and leant back "It tore me apart thinking I was going to loose you".
"It did?, that's good Ethan, it shows how much you love me. Never again my baby" Angelo kissed his neck.

Adam poked his head in to the kitchen dead on 7am as usual to find Ethan ready to go to school with a big smile on his face, he couldn't help but notice something very different about Angelo, it was like his whole body was exuding happiness and figured it was down to them patching things up, or did he indeed do the right thing by Ethan.

"You two look very happy this morning after last nights debacle" Adam said grabbing the coffee Angelo handed him.
Ethan chuckled "We patched things up and made them better and I got the most amazing f..."
Adam stopped him "Errr enough" he laughed "I don't need the graphic description I know you both well enough".
Ethan slapped Adam on the ass "It was good though".
Adam nodded and shook his head at the same time "How is the wound this morning?".
"Sore but healing. I kind of feel sorry for Matt though" Ethan said looking at the place where it happened.
Adam put his arm around Ethan "I wouldn't Ethan, somehow I don't think he feels sorry".
Ethan turned to look at him "I guess not, thank you for being here for me last night".
Angelo kissed Ethan's head "Stop being sentimental and get your bag or both of you we will be late".

Ethan got in the passenger seat of the car and they pulled out the drive, they saw Matt's car being towed away by the police as they drove down the street towards Harrison.

Adam glanced at Ethan "Are you sure your okay?".
Ethan smiled "Yes, Angelo and I had a good talk last night and you could say we are closer than ever now".
"Now?" Adam glanced and smiled seeing a glint in Ethan's eye, he wondered if Angelo did the right thing last night.
Ethan sighed and sat back in his seat "How was Tony last night when you got back?".
"Oh well he was somewhat shocked at what happened and he sort of asked for us to be exclusive now".
Ethan turned to look at him "Exclusive, what does that mean?".
Adam laughed "Like Angelo and you, sex with only your partner no one else".
"Ah, is that something you want?" Ethan replied wondering if Adam could be serious enough.
Adam nodded "Yes, I have loved Tony for years Ethan, long before we were of legal age".
Ethan's mouth gapped open "wow, I never knew that".
"We only came out as a serious couple after we both turned 18" Adam replied as he sniffed trying to hide his emotion.
Ethan touched Adam's arm "It's lovely what you two have and lucky you found someone to love".
Adam parked he car and looked at Ethan "He asked me to marry him last night".
Ethan opened his eyes wide "What, seriously, and?".
"I said yes, I love him to pieces but there comes a time when you need to be grown up about things" Adam replied.
Ethan wanted to tell him but he held back "I am so happy for you both" he leaned in and kissed Adam.
Adam shook his head laughing "What was that for?".
"I still love you in our own way, does it mean we won't be able to kiss anymore?" Ethan asked with a sad expression.
Adam opened the car door and looked at him "We can still kiss" he winked as he got out.
Ethan got out of the car "Just another day" he said as they started walking to the cafeteria.
Adam saw Ben sitting on his own "Ethan why don't you try and talk to Ben, he looks so unhappy".

Adam grabbed two coffees and handed one to Ethan and nodded in Ben's direction, Ethan stood and thought so maybe this is not going to be just another day. For all the things Ben had done Ethan didn't feel any hatred for him, after all they had grown up together and were very close as friends. As Ethan watched him it struck him how sexy Ben actually was, he had never looked or thought of him in this way before. Ethan started to walk towards him, he never saw the cafeteria door open and Franco walk in, Adam quickly got his attention and called him over telling him to let them try and sort things out, Franco watched for a moment and nodded as they sat down and chatted about the previous evening. Ethan stood in front of Ben who looked up at him he wore neither happiness or anger but just looked Ethan in the eye.

"Mind if I sit Ben" Ethan asked looking at him for some response.
Ben nodded and looked at his coffee as Ethan sat down "I have been trying to speak to you for weeks".
"Why didn't you?" Ethan replied.
Ben nodded in the direction of Adam and Franco "They are always with you, what is the deal with Franco?".
Ethan chuckled "Franco is the cousin of my boyfriend".
"I see, he seems to always get in the way" Ben responded looking at Ethan.
Ethan looked back at Ben "Yes he does, to him I am family and they look out for each other".
"Is it really serious you and the Latino?" Ben said with little confidence.
Ethan didn't know what to make of Ben "Yes. Can we talk about us?".
Ben looked up at him "I'm sorry..." stopping mid sentence as he looked across to the doors.
Ethan turned to see Javier walking in and looking over at them "Oh sorry about that it wasn't my doing".
Ben returned his focus to Ethan "I know his brother really hauled him over the coals about his behaviour".
"And what about you, you weren't exactly friendly towards me either?" Ethan leaned forward and sipped his coffee.
Ben sat back and stared at Ethan "It was, I mean is complicated and I don't know if I am ready".
Ethan frowned "Your not making any sense Ben, you are my oldest friend. Out of anyone I would hope you would understand".
Ben looked down "I do and that is what makes it complicated. If I say anything you will probably tell people".
"Ben your not making much sense" Ethan was getting frustrated at the cryptic words.
Ben sighed "You could never tell how I felt about you, why we spent so much time together growing up".
Ethan began to see the light "Oh Ben" his mind started whirring around "Are you saying what I think your saying".
Ben freaked out "I'm sorry I have to go" he stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria as Ethan called after him.

Ethan sat there looking blankly at the wall in front of him he could hear people walking around and chairs scuffing on the floor and Adam appeared in front of him.

"That didn't look like it went well" Adam said looking at Ethan's frozen expression.
Ethan snapped back "Oh er, Adam must promise not to say anything to anyone, despite what happened in the past".
Adam looked curiously "Of course".
Ethan still looked dazed "I think Ben might have been trying to tell me he is gay, that is why he closed me out".
Adam looked at Ethan "Wow, Ben gay, now that is a revelation".
"How could I not have seen it, all those years of sleepovers and play fighting we did" Ethan shook his head.
Adam clicked his fingers at Ethan "Snap out of it, we have lectures. Maybe we need to get Ben alone and talk to him".

Ethan nodded as they stood up and headed to class.

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Nice new twist but don't fuck it up with Angelo and Ethan, it's his loss he didn't speak up. I say that from the heart I've been madly in love with someone who never showed me and got treated the same way when I moved on, like shit, fuck him he needs to grow a set.

Side note I don't usually find a story here that I get into but yours damn I'm all into it like soap ops at grandmas house lol. Keep up the great writing.

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