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The Gifted Virgin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 32 - Californian Christmas


David looked at Bobby and hinted for him to go after him. Angelo restrained Franco holding his arm 'Let them sort it out Franco' he told him sternly, Franco resisted but saw the looks on Ethan and Ben's faces pleading for him not to go. Bobby found Josh sat outside on the terrace his head in his hands not quite crying but clearly in a distressed state of mind.

"Josh" Bobby said walking towards him.
"Go away please Bobby" Josh said keeping his head in his hands.
Bobby stood there "What gives Josh?" he asked.
"You, you felt so cold towards me, like you didn't want to acknowledge me" Josh said wiping his eyes.
Bobby sat down next to him "What is it with Franco?" he replied.
Josh looked at him "He is a friend" he said trying to justify his behaviour.
"Josh don't play me like a fool, if it was just sex between us just say so" Bobby said standing up.
Josh snapped like a twig hearing these words "Is that what you think" he stood up and pushed Bobby.
Bobby stepped back "Yeah, just call me when you need fucking bitch" his reply coming strong from his emotions.
Josh pushed him again crying "I will call a real man when I want fucking" he said louder this time.
Bobby grabbed his hands to stop him pushing him again "Ask Franco then" he replied stopping the pushing.
"Why do you suddenly hate me so much?" Josh replied pushing his arms against Bobby restraining.

Josh fell against Bobby and wrapped his arms around him crying, Bobby put his arms around Josh and hugged him 'Don't you realise how much I like you Josh' he said immediately feeling Josh hugging him tighter. They stood there in each others arms whilst Josh cried the last of his emotions of Franco out from his body, someone wanted him and as unconventional as this was there was no fear for the unknown it was perhaps something he needed to hear.

Josh calmed down enough to speak "You do?".
Bobby kissed his head "I have never felt so excited as I did when we had sex and slept together".
Josh let go of Bobby "I'm sorry I never realised you felt that way".
Bobby looked Josh in the eye "You know how I feel the rest is up to you" he said with sincerity.
"I just don't know, I can't promise you anything. Can I just get to know you?" Josh asked and Bobby nodded.

Josh melted in Bobby arms feeling the security and longing he never knew he had wanted until now, Bobby wiped Josh's tear streaked face as their faces moved closer to each others and their lips met as if kissing for the first time with tender loving feeling. Mark watched from the open French windows of the lounge and smiled returning to the dining room as everyone looked up at him 'Josh is okay, I think they just needed some breathing space to talk'. Bobby and Josh returned to the dining just as they were all piling out and heading in to the family lounge with the Christmas tree and the now piles of presents sitting underneath it.

Maddy looked over the moon "Wow it has been some years since we had this many presents under the tree" she remarked.
"It's been the best present having the house full again" David said kissing his wife.
Angelo's phone began ringing again "I am sorry let me take this outside" he said.
Mark looked at Ethan "Who is ringing him?" he asked.
"Raffa that CEO or something from the company in NY" Ethan casually replied "Probably with another buy out offer".
"Seriously is he desperate to buy the company or what?" Mark replied.
Angelo returned "Sorry about that, David do you think after the wedding you can help me?" he asked.
David nodded "Of course Angelo nothing bad I hope?" he asked.
"No, this company wants to buy me out but I am not sure if I am ready for that" Angelo responded looking at Ethan.
David patted his shoulder "Anything to help you Angelo you know that" he replied.

Maddy had a pile of presents set aside, one for everyone that they could open tonight as the tradition in the family, it didn't take long before laughter filled the room as each one opened it and found a designer polo shirt and jock strap. She laughed hard at seeing every ones eyes when they realised and explained it was Mark's idea about the jock strap, even David unwrapped one and collapsed with laughter as they boys taunted him to put it on. Mark handed his mother her present and quickly said it was Ben's idea before she could open it. Her eyes widened in surprise as she held up a bottle of Chanel perfume and quickly overcome with emotion and thanked him as it was exactly the perfume she liked. It was getting late and the night's frivolities finished and everyone started to slip off and head to bed. Bobby sat next to Josh with his jock strap over his head much to Josh's delight, he found Bobby funny but also seeing him a different light as a very attractive and sexual man. He mused things over for a minute and looked at Franco where he saw a friend but nothing more, he pulled the strap over Bobby's ear giggling and let it spring back against his head.

Bobby turned and looked at Josh "Are you taunting me" he mocked smiling at him.
"Maybe, maybe not" Josh replied looking Bobby in the eye "Sleep with me tonight' he said and Bobby nodded.

Mark and Angelo looked at each other and smiled noticing the change in Josh's body language and general happiness at being next to Bobby and focusing his attention in his direction rather than at Franco. Mark and Ben were last to leave the lounge and headed up to their room.

Ben collapsed on the bed "Amazing, what a great evening" he said patting the empty space next to him.
Mark laid back next to him "That was a great idea for my mother don't know how we can better that" he said.
Ben looked at him "I still haven't got you anything" he said rolling on top of Mark kissing him.
Mark laughed "You have given me everything I want Ben".
"Are you sure?" Ben said running his hand down Mark's thigh.
Mark kissed Ben tenderly on the mouth "Absolutely".

The butler brought coffee in as usual at 8am and Maddy sat up in bed full of beans whilst David suffering a little from too much champagne the night before was still getting himself together. Maddy heard the laughter coming from outside and asked the butler what was going on he smiled and replied that the lads where swimming but in very unconventional attire. Maddy laughed suspecting they were swimming in their Christmas presents, she put on her robe and went over to the window and walked out on to the balcony overlooking the pool and burst into laugher seeing Ben sat on the side in his bright red jock strap.

She called back in to the bedroom "David you have to see this".
David grabbed his robe and joined her "Are they wearing what I think they are?"
"They are indeed" she replied as David went to get his phone.
"One for the family album" he said taking a picture.
The butler appeared handing Maddy her coffee "Thank you George, can you take coffee and towels out to them as well".
"Of course" George replied and stepped out.
Mark noticed his parents and waved "Happy Christmas" he shouted.
"It certainly is" Maddy replied laughing as everyone in the pool stopped and shouted up at them.
David looked at his wife "Might as well join them".
"Ahead of you" Maddy said darting back in the bedroom and finding her costume and David put on the jock strap.
Maddy looked at him "Maybe I get you to wear that tonight" she said slipping her robe on.

Christmas morning had never been like this at Liongate as a pool party erupted, George the butler brought champagne and pastries out and set them on the table. Pedro was pulled in the pool by Mark and Ben and even Maria was persuaded to join in, George however paddled a little in between jobs and enjoying a glass of champagne. It was coming up to 10am before they all climbed out of the pool and enjoyed coffee on the terrace. George appeared fully dressed and announced that the Duke and Duchess of Murcia would be here at 2pm for lunch.

"Duke and Duchess?" Ethan asked looking at Mark and David.
Mark laughed "Yes my grand parents" he said.
David reminded the group "Please remember dignity and respect over lunch guys, really important" he said.
Ethan turned to Angelo "So are you Spanish descent, I thought it was Puerto Rico?".
Angelo and Franco laughed "We are Spanish but true descent but distant family to Mark" Angelo explained.
"Still family though" David said getting up to join Maddy to get ready.
Bobby excused himself "Sorry I have to get dressed you know Duke and Duchess big news" he kissed Josh and left.
Mark saw Franco's look on his face "So are you and Bobby going to see each other?" Mark asked.
Josh looked at Franco who nodded and smiled "I think we will see how things go, I mean he is in LA".
"Do you like him Josh?" Franco asked to every ones surprise.
Josh looked unsure what he was thinking "Yes I like him a lot" he said apprehensively.
Franco smiled "Then make it work Josh, he is a very nice guy".
David reappeared "Guys put some clothes on, poor Pedro can't concentrate, Mark, Ben" he hinted to them to follow.

Ben found himself going in to Maddy and David's private lounge off their bedroom, a few small gift wrapped boxes laid on the table, Mark went off to get their present for David and Maddy and returned as Maddy returned from dressing.

David handed Ben a box "This is from Maddy and I, something for you to use when you visit".
Ben opened the box and found a set of car keys "What" he looked at them "seriously over the top".
Maddy laughed "Look what type of car it is" she kept on giggling.
Ben turned the key chain over "BMW" he read "Oh very funny" he laughed and kissed Maddy and David.
"I hope you like it Ben but we can change the colour if you don't" David said.
Ben politely accepted "No I am sure it will be spot on" he said looking at the keys.
Mark put his arm around him "He thinks it is to much I told you so" he said kissing him on the head.
"You can have a look at it later as it is in the garage" David said smiling.

They all swapped gifts and Ben watched at a scene he had seen many times with his own family back in Harrison, but this was just so different and actually he felt completely part of a family instead of half in with his step father, he watched Mark who was clearly happy and that made Ben happy, it was whilst he watched and laughed joining in his mind was finally made up. It would be a big change but he had never felt sure enough as he did right now, a very life changing decision had been made.

Maddy poured coffee for them all "Everything all right Ben?" she asked looking over at him.
Ben nodded "It is, well almost as I just have one more thing I need to say" he replied.
Mark looked at Ben "This sounds ominous" he nervously laughed.
Ben took a breath "I know Mark misses it here and the love you have showed me has been so amazing and generous".
Maddy waved her hand "Don't be silly Ben you are family".
Ben nodded "If Mark agrees I would like us to set up home here at 321".
Mark threw his arms around Ben "Of course it is, this is the best present you could have given".
Maddy stood up "And us, that is wonderful news Ben" she came over and kissed him.
"And you will stay here until 321 is ready or longer hopefully" David said hugging him.
"Thank you father" Ben said giggling
Maddy looked at them both "What's going on here... father and you haven't called me mother yet?".
Ben blushed "Sorry, but can I?" he asked as Mark laughed.
Maddy shook her head smiling "You are marrying my son Ben so I expect you to".

Whilst Maddy and David got everything ready for lunch and the arrival of their guests Mark and Ben took the guys for a walk down to 321 St Pierre Rd. Proudly they introduced the house as their new home to much astonishment, Ethan hugged Ben telling him how much he was going to miss him.

Mark held Ben's hand knowing this was a big decision "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want Ben?".
Ben nodded "Yes, very sure Mark".

By the time they got back to Liongate Mark's sister and husband with children had arrived, Bobby was in the reception room photographing The Duke and Duchess of Murcia with their daughter and son in law, Mark and Selina then joined the photograph and finally Ben and John joined to complete the family photos. Maddy made a phone call to the society magazine and sold it instantly making Bobby his first commission. The Duchess who held the inherited title met Ben in private with Mark and the Duke, then introduced to the rest of the group, Selina, John, Angelo and Franco didn't need introducing but were the only ones who she kissed rather than shook hands. Christmas lunch was a light meal with very Spanish influence and over with pretty quickly, Maddy already explained they would have a full Christmas dinner in the evening after opening the last presents. After the Duke and Duchess left at 3.30pm Maddy seemed to relax a lot after saying good bye and to see them at 4pm the following day for the wedding, she sat next to Josh handing him a glass of wine.

"Join me in a drink Josh I need it" she said heaving a sigh of relief.
David walked in and saw the scene laughing "Every year the same, be careful Josh you might end up her drinking partner".
"Don't listen to him, I always need one to calm me down when they leave" Maddy said smiling at him.
Josh laughed clinking glasses with her and sipping his wine "Is it that bad?" he asked.
Maddy laughed "No, I love my parents but sometimes the formality gets to much" she replied.
"At least you have order with them, mine are just busy and hardly around" Josh said relaxing on the sofa.
Maddy looked at him "So how come you don't have a boyfriend?" she asked knowing full well what she was doing.
Josh sipped his wine "I have never really wanted one" he replied looking at Maddy.
Maddy nodded "You don't feel out of it being the only single one?" she asked judging his reaction carefully.
Josh looked at several members of the gang "Sometimes I wish I had someone to share things with".
Maddy patted his leg "What about you and Bobby?" she asked catching Josh off guard.
"Oh Bobby, yeah it felt nice being with him again" Josh replied a little hesitantly.
Maddy chuckled "Nice, a strange word to use. Do you love him?".
Josh looked at her unsure what to say of how he did feel "I don't know".
"Why don't you hang around for a couple of days or longer if you want" Maddy asked him quietly.
Josh smiled and leaned back in the sofa "I would love to but I have to get back home and find work".
Maddy looked at him "What sort of work?" she asked.
"Studied web design so something in that field" Josh said looking at Bobby talking to Mark and David.
Angelo sat down on the other side of Josh "You can build a website for Bobby and David's new PR company".
Josh laughed "Have you been listening and am I being press ganged here" he said lightly punching Angelo on the leg.
"Told you he was smart Maddy" Angelo said rubbing Josh's head "Think about the job offer Josh".
"I can't just leave my family" Josh said with horrified look on his face.
Angelo smiled "You can have a desk at my offices if you want and work from there and fly out here when you need to".
"Or want to" Maddy chipped in "but don't feel as though you are being pressured Josh it is your decision".
Josh shook his head smiling "I don't know, let me speak to my parents first" he said thanking Maddy and Angelo.
Maddy stood up "Stay here at Liongate for the week with Bobby, after all he talks about you all the time".
"He does?" Josh replied sounding surprised as Maddy nodded and walked off.

Josh sat there nursing his glass of wine thinking over what had just happened and had he really been offered a job, something that would give him the opportunity to be in LA with Ben and Mark as well as Bobby. How did he really feel about Bobby was another mystery which he needed to solve, his thoughts spinning around in his head so much so that he didn't Ethan and Ben walk past and head outside until they walked through the doors. Josh stood up and wandered outside wanting to speak to them, he saw them sit down by the pool and headed over.

Ben sat back in his chair "What do you make of Franco, do you think he has changed?" he asked Ethan.
"Certainly seems a little cautious, do you think he knows we know?" Ethan replied.
Ben shrugged his shoulders "Hard to say, but Maddy even told me he had dabbled".
Ethan nodded "Seems he prefers Latino men and women according to his mother" he informed Ben.
"Josh needs to be told otherwise it could complicate things going forward" Ethan said to him.
Josh stood behind them listening and spoke up "Tell me what?" he asked making Ethan and Ben jump.
"Josh, how long have you been there?" Ben asked turning to see him.
Josh came round and sat down "Long enough to hear you both talk about Franco".
Ethan looked down embarrassingly "Sorry Josh, we wanted to say something but was told not to until...".
"It's okay" Josh cut him off "I would have been upset if you told me this a week ago" he said.
Ethan looked at Ben "And now?" Ben asked.
Josh smiled and kissed Ben "I found out that Bobby seems keen on me".
Ethan laughed "You have only just realised that?" he asked.
Josh nodded "Yeah, a few things made sense last night and today and I realised I was more excited to see him".
"So what are you going to do then?" Ben asked putting his arm around Josh's shoulder.
"He should make a go of it" Ethan offered up closing his eyes and taking the sun on his face.
Josh looked over at them both "I still love Franco but as a friend and Bobby is sex on legs" he laughed.
Ben looked at Josh "I would definitely do him if I didn't have Mark" he chuckled hugging Josh.
"I am going to take Maddy's offer up of staying here for a week and see how things go" Josh said gazing out over the pool.
Ethan nodded his eyes still closed "Good decision Josh, what about the job offer?".
"How do you know about that?" Josh asked turning to look at Ethan's smile on his face.
Ethan's smile grew bigger "I heard Maddy and Angelo talking to you about it" he replied.
Ben laughed "Well I haven't told Angelo that I am leaving yet so there is my job there".
"He knew it the first time you came back from Liongate that you wouldn't be around" Ethan said patting Ben's knee.
Ben laughed shaking his head "I just have to break the news to my mother and father".
Josh stood up "Right I need to go find Bobby".
Ethan looked at his watch "I need to hit the gym for half an hour, promised Adam and Angelo we would work out".
"Your turning in to a right muscle mary Ethan" Ben said jokingly standing up whilst Josh laughed in the background.
"Take you both down any day" Ethan replied waving his hand nonchalantly.

Ben and Josh looked at each other and quickly grabbed hold of Ethan lifting him off the floor and throwing him in to the pool with a big splash. Ethan stood there up to his chest in the water splashing the two of them and cursing at them. David walked out to see what the commotion was, he laughed at the sight and called Ben as Mark was waiting for him to go to the airport to pick his mother and step father up. The road were fairly quiet as the limo made good time and parked up in the VIP area, Mark and Ben went in to the arrivals concourse to see the flight had landed and they stood waiting at the exit. Margarite and Steven appeared 15 minutes later.

Ben gave his mother a hug and kiss "Thank you for coming" he said realising how much he missed her.
Margarite gave Mark a hug and kiss "Are you sure were not imposing on staying with you?" she asked.
Mark shook his head "No there is plenty of rooms and my parents insisted you stay".
Steven gave Ben a hug "Your looking well" he said "California obviously agrees with you".
Mark put his hand on Ben's shoulder "Welcome Mr Midler" he said "Our car is outside".

The journey back to Liongate was just as a quick and Margarite was keen to find out what they had been up to since flying out to LA, Mark engaged in conversation with Steven since he knew how distant Ben and his relationship had grown over the last few years. Steven looked up at Liongate as the limo pulled up to the front of the mansion.

"Is this where you live?" Steven asked looking at Mark.
Mark nodded "Yes this is our family home".
Steven got out of the limo looking at the imposing building "It is magnificent".
"Ben this place looks amazing" Margarite said stepping out of the limo.
Ben joined his mother "Took my breath away first time I saw it" he said.
Margarite spotted the black BMW parked in the courtyard "Is that, no can't be".
Ben followed his mother's gaze and laughed "Yes it is mine, Christmas present from Mark's parents".
Margarite shook her head "I hope your not becoming spoilt beyond your means" she said looking at him.
"Sorry, my parents fault they like Ben an awful lot" Mark stepped in and took Margarites arm.
Ben looked at his step father "Shall we" he said walking slightly ahead of Steven.
Steven stopped for a moment "I'm sorry about how I treated you Ben" he said.
Ben turned "You made life difficult for my family, just don't disrespect me or my father whilst you are here".

It was a stark warning and seem to come from a more confident Ben than he had known, Steven guessed that Rob had probably told him everything explaining why he was ever so more distant towards him. Steven and Margarite were introduced to Mark's parents and chatted for a few minutes before George the butler showed them up to their room so they could freshen up and change for dinner. The caterers arrived at the house since it was tradition that all the household staff dined with the family on Christmas night plus it was going to be a dinner for Mark and Ben with most of the close family in attendance. By six o'clock Angelo and Franco's parents had arrived and spent a good twenty minutes talking with Maddy and David catching up. Rob and Heike with their two children arrived at the front of the house. Heike shook her head in amazement at the size of the mansion as Rob came round to her side 'My god this place is huge' Rob said taking her hand and calling the children over. Mark came out of the front door and walked down to meet them. Heike went over and kissed him on the cheek and Rob gave him a hug. Mark and Ben had been a big hit with their children as well and were excited to see Mark again.

"Ben is excited to see you again, come on in" Mark said taking the kids hands and leading them in.
Rob was looking at the BMW and the number plate that read BMW 321 "Who's that flashy BMW belong to?"
Mark turned back and smiled "That belongs to Ben" he replied.
They walked through and met Maddy and David "Welcome, I guess we will be family from tomorrow" Maddy said laughing.
David gave Heike a kiss on the cheek "So pleased to meet you both, come through everyone is on the terrace".
Rob spotted him, slightly older and not so skinny now "Ethan" he called out.
Ethan turned and smiled recognising him immediately and they hugged "So good to see you again" he said.
"Wow you have grown up since I last saw you" Rob said stating the obvious.
"Angelo, this is Ben's father and this is Angelo my partner" Ethan said introducing them.
Rob looked slightly stunned "Oh, sorry I didn't know you were gay as well" he replied looking at Ethan.
Ethan laughed "Yeah, very long long story" he said.
"I can't imagine your father took it too well or even let you drift off like that" Rob said with curiosity.
Ethan nodded "It was not easy but Angelo won them over" he replied.
Heike listened "I think he could win anyone over" she said nodding approvingly.
"Quite stunning isn't he Heike" Ethan laughed and Heike continued nodding.
"Errm I can hear you both" Angelo said chuckling and putting his arm around Ethan.

Margarite and Steven walked out on to the terrace and introductions were made, Rob said hello to Margarite and nodded at Steven before continuing his conversation with Mark ignoring them since he didn't want to engage with them any further. After all Steven was the cause of their long time friendship breaking down, he had always been jealous of Rob at school getting all the hot girls and landing Margarite. But he somehow wormed his way in to bed with Margarite causing the marriage to breakdown and then to top it all he tried to make it out to be Rob's fault. Margarite was please to see Ethan, she also knew Adam, Tony and Angelo from sight.

Heike noticed the tall bearded young man appearing on the terrace "And who is that?" she said to Ethan.
Ethan turned and smiled "That is Bobby he works for the Davenports but is also a friend".
Rob laughed "Heike behave" he said.
"It's okay he is gay" Ethan replied laughing and noticing several others turn to see him.

Josh was walking by Bobby's side hand in hand as they came in to full view. Maddy smiled and Angelo winked at her seeing that maybe their little nudging on Josh was beginning to pay off. Franco looked at Josh and smiled nodding as if he was giving a seal of approval to his friend, he walked over to Mark and asked if he could bring a plus one to the wedding. Mark looked at him for a moment before asking if it was a guy, Franco nodded somewhat embarrassed but Mark told him that if Josh was okay with it then he could invite him. Franco looked at his phone and saw the message from Joaquim that simply said 'Joaquim AA flight', he typed a reply 'I need to ask first but if you are free tomorrow want to come to a wedding as my plus one?' he pressed the send button not really sure if Joaquim would respond. The whole evening turned out to be full of fun and laughter and as the dinner party split in to the lounge and terrace Franco felt his pocked vibrate, he pulled the phone out and saw a reply from Joaquim 'Your a fast mover, and yes to both if okay'. Franco felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Bobby standing behind him.

"Sorry am I interrupting you?" Bobby asked seeing Franco's shocked look.
Franco shook his head "No, you just took me by surprise. How's Josh?" he asked.
"He is okay, well I think so I am just not sure what is going on with him" Bobby replied looking towards Josh.
Franco looked at Bobby "I think he likes you more than he is admitting" he told him.
Bobby nodded "Is it going to cause tension between us if it becomes serious?" he asked.
Franco smiled "No, I love him as a friend, but being Latino I kind of prefer Latinos myself".
Josh watched them chatting and walked over "What are you two conspiring?" he asked giggling.
Bobby put his arm around Josh "Who should have you" he said laughing.
Josh laughed "Don't I get a say in this?".
Franco looked at Josh seriously "So who do you want Josh?".
Josh looked at Franco and smiled "I know what you have been up to in Miami".
"Ah, let me explain.." Franco started saying looking slightly shocked.
Josh stopped him "Franco stop I love you as a friend, but this one is who I am more interested in" he said.
Bobby looked at Josh "Finally he sees it" Bobby said hugging him tighter.
Franco smiled "Good choice Josh. Just one other thing can I bring someone tomorrow?" he asked.
Josh looked at him "It's not my wedding Franco".
"Mark told me I need to ask you" Franco replied.
Josh smiled at him "Of course you can, is it a guy?".
Franco nodded "Yes, a flight attendant who upgraded me yesterday on the flight over".
Josh laughed "Well I hope he is hot and you don't mess him around".
Franco laughed and walked off "So your interested then" Bobby asked Josh.
"Yes, I can stay on after the wedding if you would like me to" Josh replied.
Bobby kissed his head "I would love that, how long will you stay?".
Josh looked at him "Until you get bored of me" he laughed.

Bobby turned to face Josh and took him in his arms kissing him deeply to several wolf whistles from Ethan and Ben who stood laughing watching them. Guests were departing until only the people staying at Liongate remained and they sat chatting well in to the evening before retiring to get some sleep before the big day.

The day was beautiful, warm and sunny as the wedding planners arrived and set everything up with efficiency and speed in the Marquee that was set up over the tennis court, the final preparations for the ceremony location were made and everything was ready as guest arrived and began mingling and taking their seats on the lawn facing the magnificent Liongate as the backdrop. Franco picked up Joaquim at midday and after a slightly nervous start by Joaquim being in the presence of so many well known people and Franco's family he soon settled in with the group, as usual Adam had taken an instant fancy to him and flirted non stop whilst Tony and Franco looked on laughing at him. Mark and Ben stood inside the lounge overlooking the ceremony venue with Rob and David who insisted on walking their sons down the aisle and at precisely 2pm they walked out together whilst the photographer from Hello magazine began taking photos. The simple but perfect ceremony took 30 minutes, Margarite cried almost all the way through more so out of seeing how happy Ben and Mark looked. Maddy had pulled everything together seamlessly and the guests were now enjoying some partying after the wedding breakfast had finished. Ben got both sets of his parents together at the pool terrace so he could break the news about him moving to LA, but Mark stopped him and suggested they walk down to 321. Mark unlocked the front gate to reveal the 321 mansion albeit much smaller than Liongate it was still impressive.

Ben stood in the courtyard out front "Mum, Dad, this is where Mark and I are going to live" he said.
"Your moving to LA?" Margarite said sounding surprised.
Rob and Heike were over the moon "That is great news" Rob said.
Margarite looked at Rob and smiled knowing it would be no use arguing "It's a lovely house, bit big for you".
Ben held his mothers hand "It has to be for when you both come to stay".
Steven acknowledged it as a step forward in their relationship "Thank you Ben and Mark".
Mark looked at Heike "So it does need redoing inside Heike".
"Oh, you want me to do the interior?" Heike asked sounding excited.
"Absolutely, you can draw up some plans over the next two weeks if you have time" Ben said laughing at her excitement.
Heike nodded "Yes, I will take this one on personally" she agreed.
Rob looked at Mark "Thank you" he said.
They had a quick look around "Modern but not flashy, Ben likes simple things" Mark told Heike.
Heike nodded "It is a lot of house how long do I have?" she asked looking at Ben and Mark.
"As long as you need" Ben replied "we can stay at Liongate until finished".
Heike pulled Mark to one side "What sort of budget?" she asked.
Mark shrugged his shoulders "I don't know how is 2 million to start with?" he suggested.
Heike gasped "I could rebuild it for that" she laughed "I will come in under".
Mark smiled "Needs to be a home like yours in Laguna, Ben loved your place".

Heike nodded understanding exactly what to do, they returned to Liongate and Mark handed Heike the keys and telling her that the security gate will know who you are. The party was still in full swing inside and outside of the Marquee, what surprised them when they returned was Angelo, Franco and Bobby laying on the lawn chatting whilst Josh and Joaquim paddled in the pool with Ethan, Tony and Adam along with Rob and Heike's kids.

Mark swung Ben around and kissed him "Love you so much Ben".
Ben smiled "I love you more" he replied and kissed him back.
Maddy walked over with an envelope and handed it to Ben "Your honeymoon details".
Ben opened it up "Barbados yes" he said excitedly giving Maddy a kiss.
Mark took the envelope "Salinger Barbados Royal Orchid suite, wow thank you both" he said as David joined them.
David smiled "Your on the 10.30 flight in the morning".
"Hope you don't mind but Bobby will come out next week for a couple of days to get some photos" Maddy said.
Ben nodded "And will Josh be joining him?" he asked.
Maddy nodded "Hopefully, he has agreed to stay here a while longer. His parents are sending his passport over".

Ben crashed out on the sofa by the pool knackered from the day as evening wore on and guests had departed, Mark cam over and held out his hand 'Come on husband, lets go to bed I'm exhausted' he said pulling Ben up off the sofa 'Me to' Ben replied as they walked hand in hand inside and up the stairs for some peace and quiet finally.

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It seems like the movement of the characters within Liongate adhere to the floorplan of the actual Liongate in Bel Air. I mean, I didn't check that closely, because I have a life, but seems pretty accurate. Nicely done!

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Part 33 - The Honeymoon


Daniel was sitting with the reservations manager Ella as they looked over the list of arrivals for the day, he glanced at the Royal Orchid arrivals instantly picking up on the name Mark Davenport and Ben Midler-Warren staying two weeks and smiling as he knew it could only be a gay couple, Jordan walked in and gave Daniel a kiss before sitting down as Ella was googling Mark Davenport, she looked up and said good morning to Jordan before telling them that Mark Davenport was the son of Madeline and David Davenport, Daniel didn't reallt recognise the name.

"You say Mark Davenport is their son?" Daniel asked Ella.
She nodded "Yes, apparently he married a Ben Midler-Warren yesterday according to Hello" she turned the laptop round.
"Oh yes they live in LA" Jordan said "and they own the Liongate mansion" he continued.
Daniel looked on perplexed "You have lost me what does that mean?" he asked.
"One of the most expensive properties in Bel Air" he said looking at the laptop "cute couple as well".
Daniel stood and leaned over his shoulder "Oh yeah, can we give them the Orchid Salinger 2?" he asked Ella.
She checked through the occupancy list "Yes we can upgrade them it's free for the next two weeks".
Daniel looked over the booking figures going forward "Were running 98% capacity for the next 4 months".
Ella scanned her sheets "Yes, we should stop sell until May otherwise we can't get rooms maintained properly".
"Good idea can you do that this morning Ella?" Daniel asked and she nodded "Good that's it for today".
Ella stood up "I will let you know when the Salinger 2 guests land at the airport".
"Thank you Ella. Jordy fancy a swim before breakfast?" Daniel asked standing up.
Jordan smiled "Good idea, I think Nicky, Kit and the kids are down at the beach as well".

Nicky sat at the waters edge as Daniel and Jordan came down to swim she was busy reading the news on her phone enjoying some down time from her filming schedule whilst Kit was swimming with the children.

"Morning boys" She looked up as Daniel sat next to her.
Jordan waded in the water "Anything interesting in the news?" he asked her.
"Not really just some gossip about a guy whose mother I sort of know of, he got married yesterday" Nick replied.
"Who don't you know Nicky" Jordan laughed "Who is it anyone famous?".
"Just the Bel Air Davenport family, their son apparently married his boyfriend" she said showing Jordan the picture.
Daniel looked at her "Mark Davenport?" he asked.
"Yes, do you know him?" Nicky asked scrolling through the article.
Daniel shook his head "No but we will, they arrive here today".
"Thats a coup" Nicky said "having a Davenport stay here is big news".
"How so?" Daniel asked looking at her.
Nicky laughed "When you have their sort of money you don't stay in hotels".
Daniel stood up "Quite excited to meet them, coming for a swim Nicky?".
"Yes" she stood and Cael walked over to her to take her phone.

Ben was slightly worried as he felt he didn't have enough clothes to wear for the holiday but David said he would get Canali to send some shirts and trousers out to the hotel in a couple of days. Their flight would take them via Miami and as luck would have it Franco and his family were booked on the same Miami flight and Joaquim was rostered on it as well. Everyone was up to see Mark and Ben off which turned out to be a very emotional send off, they knew that they would probably return to Larchmont to pack their things before finally moving to LA and Ethan felt it more than anyone.

Ethan held on to Mark "It's going to be strange not having you both around" he said hugging him tighter.
"I promise we will visit often Ethan and you have to come out here as well"  Mark said kissing his head.
"Filthy robbing bastard" Tony said from the back of the group looking at his phone.
Angelo went over "What's happened Tony?" he asked as Adam came over to see as well.
Tony shook his head "Our landlord just put up our rent by $100 from next week".
Adam looked at him "Oh come on he can't just do that surely" he said looking worried.
Mark hearing the conversation smiled and went to his flight bag "Here" he said to Tony handing him some keys.
Tony looked confusingly at him "What are these for?" he said.
"Our house in Larchmont, we don't need a house there just somewhere to stay" Mark told him.
Tony shook his head "No Mark that's no necessary we will find somewhere else" and Adam nodded in agreement.
"Consider it our wedding gift to you both, we help each other always remember that" Mark replied.
Tony didn't know what to say "Are you sure Mark?" he asked.
Mark kissed him "Absolutely we will sort everything out when we get back".
Adam came over and kissed him "Thank you Mark I don't know how we can ever repay you".
Margarite came over and kissed Ben "I am going to miss you both and our lunches" she said tearing up.
"Don't worry, we will see each other" Ben reassured his mother.
She looked at Mark "Look after him" Margarite kissed Mark and Steven said goodbye to them both with sincerity.

Adam knew by the look Mark gave him that he expected nothing in return at being given the house in Larchmont. Ben, Mark and Franco finally got in to the limo and pulled away from Liongate, Maddy walked up to Angelo and Ethan telling them that she would make sure they visited often. Franco got upgraded to first class again and sat opposite Mark and Ben, Joaquim was over excited as he had never had Concierge Club members on his flight since members of this club were few and far between and it usually meant exceptional scrutiny was paid over the flight operation and service. As usual the captain came out of the flight deck mid flight to introduce himself to Mark and Ben who in turn praised the cabin service manager Joaquim for the exceptional service they were receiving, the captain promised to file this praise in his flight report.

Angelo went off to find David and eventually found him in the gym towelling down from his workout in between their guests leaving. Angelo reminded him that he wanted to speak to him about the offer to buy the company. David put the towel around his neck and suggested they go sit on the terrace to have their chat.

David sat down opposite Angelo "So tell me what is going on with this guy?".
"Well he wants in on my company but I don't know, I mean I want to grow it" Angelo said looking pensively.
"I see" David said "Well you have several options open to you, sell, don't sell or invest" he replied.
Angelo looked up "Invest?" he asked.
David nodded "Sell him half the company and you retain half that way you can be involved".
"Right, so you think I should go down the investment route?" Angelo asked looking for advice.
David smiled "Well at least look at it and see what offer he tables before making a decision".
"I think I will" Angelo said looking as if a burden had been lifted.
"Get a good lawyer, if he keeps offering to buy in he must be keen at any price" David informed Angelo.

Angelo could see how it made sense and thought about getting Ethan's father to help him out. He called Raffa and said he was ready to talk about investment opportunity but not a total buy out, as he hung up from the call he told David that they had a meeting set up next week to begin negotiations and that Raffa wanted to expand the company but keep it separate as he saw massive potential on both the east and west coast. David stood up and walked Angelo back to the house telling him that a west coast opportunity may be a good thing, Angelo smiled knowing what David was hinting at.

After landing they quickly said good bye to Franco as the Concierge Club car was waiting to take them to the connecting flight, by now Ben was looking forward to arriving for the first time in Barbados. The flight banked left on it's approach and Ben saw the lights of Bridgetown clearly and the white sands of the numerous beach as they tracked along the south west coast before banking left again for the final approach and landing. The heat filled the cabin as the door was opened to the evening tropical air and Ben felt like he had arrived in heaven as his body was bathed in the humidity.

The airline representative escorted them through immigration and baggage claim where they found a Salinger uniformed driver waiting in the arrivals hall for them. The cool air conditioned limousine was a welcome break from the heat as they settled down. Ben smiled at the numerous palm trees wafting in the darkness as they set off hearing the driver calling ahead to the hotel of their impending arrival. It was already 8pm and both were feeling the effects of travelling all day but the excitement was keeping Ben awake as the limo turned off the main road approaching the security gate and the illuminated driveway leading up to the sweeping hotel entrance and fountain. The limo turned off and went through to a private courtyard where it came to a stop.

"Here they come" Jordan called out to Daniel who was talking with his mother on the phone.
Daniel rushed over "Final permits are signed we start full construction on the new Orchid wing next week".
"Great we do need more rooms at this rate" Jordan said as stepped down towards the limo.
"Good Evening Mr Davenport, Mr Midler-Warren welcome to the Salinger Barbados Retreat" Jordan said holding out his hand.
Mark took one look and almost wanted to kiss him "Good evening thank you" he shook his hand.
"I'm Jordan and this is Daniel your hotel managers, we trust you had a good journey" he asked.
Ben shook hands with Jordan noticing the tattoos under the shirt along with the defined muscle "Hi great place".
Daniel laughed "Hello Mr Midler-Warren and thank you, I hope you will like your suite, please follow us".

Ben looked at Mark who was already looking at him grinning and Ben mouthed the word 'What the fuck' causing Mark to burst out laughing as they followed Jordan and Daniel inside and through the exquisitely designed reception area where the butler took their hand luggage and walked behind them through the lounge. They could hear some gasps and whispers 'That's Mark and Ben Davenport' as they passed through the private entrance to the Orchid Salinger 1 and 2 suites.

"I hope you don't mind but we upgraded you to the owner suite Orchid Salinger 2" Daniel said holding the door open.
Ben looked at Daniel and smiled "Is it different then?".
Daniel chuckled and already decided he liked Ben "It's private and bigger with it's own pool and private Butler".
"Just the one butler?" Ben said passing by Daniel giggling.
Jordan opened the suite door "Please come through" he looked at Daniel "Stop flirting" he said smiling.
Daniel allowed the butler through "Could he be any cuter" he said quietly as Jordan shook his head stifling a laugh.

They got a quick tour of the lounge, bedrooms, bathrooms and pool terrace and an explanation how the key works on the terrace gate before a demonstration showing that it lead on to the Orchid wing pool terrace and where the beach was. The two bel boys were unpacking their luggage as they returned in to the suite.

"You can dine in the suite or your pool terrace anytime you want, Eldred will be looking after you" Jordan explained.
"Can I get some food I'm quite hungry?" Ben asked not realising he was also looking at Jordan's body.
Daniel was nearly in hysterics "The restaurant is open until 10 unless you prefer to dine privately here" he said.
Mark looked at Ben "I think in here tonight it has been a long day" he said.
Daniel nodded "Eldred will bring you the menus and some champagne to get you settled in".
"He is not 21 yet so not old enough to drink" Mark said gleefully.
Daniel chuckled "Drinking age is 18 in Barbados, can he handle it?" he jokingly asked.
Ben was on it quickly "Oh I can handle it question is can you?" he retorted.
"Ben" Mark said sternly "I do apologise" he was fighting back from laughing.
Daniel walked past Ben "You bet I can" he said.
"Danny you can stop it as well" Jordan told him off "They are guests in your hotel".
Eldred returned with a bottle of champagne and poured two glasses "Thank you" Mark said.
Ben took his glass "Thank you Eldred" he walked over to Daniel "Cheers".
Daniel laughed "Eldred your gonna have your work cut out with this one" he said.
"Come on Danny lets leave them to get settled in" Jordan said almost dragging Daniel out of the room.
Mark fell on the sofa laughing his head off "That was serious sexual flirting there".
"Sorry I don't know what happened, I just really liked him he is funny" Ben said collapsing next to Mark kissing him.
"Don't be sorry, that's what makes you so adorable, come on lets order" Mark said handing him a menu.
Ben looked at Mark "You think they are a couple?" he asked.
Mark nodded putting his arm around Ben "Jordan is pretty dam hot but not a patch on you" he said kissing Ben.
Ben looked around "This place is so god dam awesome can't wait to go to the beach".

They ordered dinner and decided to sit outside on the terrace, they both stripped naked and jumped in to their private pool and swam around thinking thy would have plenty of time before the food arrived. Embarrassingly they were caught out as Eldred arrived with a waiter who simply nodded and laid up the table and brought their salads out, Eldred placed two bathrobes at the side of the pool before enquiring what they would like to drink with dinner. They both ordered soft drinks and giggled as Eldred left the suite.

"They didn't even bat an eyelid at us in the pool naked" Ben said sounding surprised.
Mark laughed "They probably see it quite often judging by the robes laid out" he said putting his arms around Ben.

They sat outside after finishing dinner chatting for a while after the table was cleared and Eldred disappeared for the night. Mark got up and said he would be right back and slipped in to the bedroom for a minutes. He walked back out on to the terrace wearing nothing but his jock strap and Ben watched him smiling.

"Come on husband I'm going to exert my rights on you tonight" Mark said pulling Ben up out of his chair.

Mark kissed him long and deeply reaching around and picking Ben up he carried him to the bedroom where Mark threw him on the bed immediately jumping on top, Ben wriggled and laughed on the bed. His arms pinned above his head and Mark began tenderly kissing Ben's neck working his way higher until their mouths met and parted welcoming each other with love. Ben's legs worked their way up around Mark's yearning for him, Mark wasted no time and freed his raging hard on, Ben knew he was in for a rough ride sensing how horny Mark was feeling. He let out a loud gasp and moan feeling Mark's cock pushing in to his hole steadily in one fluid motion until he felt Mark's balls pressing up against his ass. His back arching and body wriggling in suspense and moaning wildly from the slight pain of the forced entry, he felt Mark's cock withdraw and push back in harder causing him to elicit a cry of delight. He was powerless with his arms pinned above his head with Mark looking deep in to his eyes but he was turned on beyond words and clamped his legs tight around Mark never wanting to let him go.

Several more hard thrusts followed making his eyes water at the corners, he felt no pain just love looking back up at Mark, the sound of Mark's balls slapping against his own ass increased in speed and volume. Ben raised his head and clamped his mouth over Mark's who fell forward speeding up his thrusting as his body tensed, he couldn't help himself even if he wanted to as his testosterone flooded his body driving him wild with sexual prowess. Their mouths locked together kissing his hips pushed up harder against Ben as he began to orgasm moaning in to Ben's mouth as his seed fired from his cock deep into his husbands body. Mouths still locked kissing Mark could feel the slimy mess under his stomach knowing that Ben had also ejaculated, he collapsed on top of Ben still holding his arms firmly in place and laying his head against Ben's 'My Ben my sexy Ben' he whispered. Ben kissed his neck moaning as he felt Mark's hips still grinding away at him and his cock showing no signs of softening, Mark raised his head and looked at him 'I'm not finished with you yet' he said kissing him passionately again.

Ben was first to wake in the morning and picked up Mark's jock strap which laid strewn on the floor, he was still sound asleep and Ben put on his robe and walked through to the lounge it was still early and only 7am but he felt refreshed and incredibly happy but my god his ass was sore, they finally fell asleep after Mark made love to him for the fifth time. Walking out on the terrace he let his robe slip to the floor and dived in to the pool and swam around hoping the cool pool water would ease the soreness. He was so busy swimming he didn't notice the butler come out on to the terrace until he saw his robe being folded up and placed neatly at the edge of the pool.

"Good morning Sir, apologies I heard you were up and brought you coffee" Eldred said apologetically.
Ben smiled up "Morning Eldred and thank you, Mark is still sleeping".
"Please let me know when you are ready for breakfast" Eldred said smiling and nodding at him.
"Oh actually we were going to swim in the sea before if that is okay" Ben said to him.
Eldred nodded and returned a few minutes later with two beach towels and placed them on the sofa "Your beach towels".

He turned and left the suite as quickly as he entered, Ben giggled to himself as he splashed around in the pool for a few minutes more then climbed out to pour a cup of coffee for himself, sitting there sipping his coffee and reflecting on how much he and his life was changing, one thing he did know was that he was already missing Liongate and Mark's parents. He still found it bizarre that at 19 and fresh out of college he was married to a stunning guy who was incredibly in love with him.

"Penny for them" Mark said startling Ben.
Ben sat up "Morning husband, penny for what?" he said.
"Your thoughts" he said taking the cup of coffee Ben poured him "Thank you husband" he said laughing.
Ben smiled "How lucky I am to have met you Mark" he chuckled.
Mark smiled at Ben "Doesn't bother you the wealth part" he asked looking seriously at him.
"I told you before I don't need it as long as I have you" Ben replied putting his cup down.
Mark leaned forward and held Ben's hand "If it ever gets to much we can move back to NY Ben".
Ben laughed "Don't worry I will tell you if it does" he replied looking in to Mark's eyes.
"Good, I just want us to be happy" Mark said and Ben stood up and went inside.
Ben grabbed their swim shorts "Come on I want to swim in the sea, before anyone else is up".

Mark stood up and kissed Ben and they used their card to open the gate on to the Orchid wing pool terrace heading in the direction they were shown the previous night, Ben had a proper look at the pool area and said to Mark than even this looks luxurious. They reached the gate and opened it, Ben gasped as the brilliant white sand and crystal azure waters flooded in eyesight, they stepped on to the private beach area marked Orchid Wing guests only. Despite the early time there was already a family in the water and two other figures swimming, they choose a spot a few meters away and placed their towels on the sand and ran in to the sea together swimming energetically in the warm Caribbean sea. After 10 minutes Ben stopped to catch his breath whilst Mark carried on swimming parallel to the shore line. Ben distinctly heard the sounds of splashing getting louder.

"Morning" Daniel called out swimming closer to Ben.
Ben turned noticing who was heading his way "Morning" he called back.
Daniel came within a few meters "Did you handle it or wimp out last night?" he asked giggling.
Ben chuckled "Oh I handled it and got it good".
Daniel splashed Ben "You dirty little whore" he said laughing.
"I bet you get it good as well" Ben replied splashing Daniel.
Daniel threw his head back laughing loudly "You know it babe" and continued splashing Ben.
Ben laughed between splashes "Is that all you got" splashing Daniel back.
Mark swam up to the boys and splashed both of them "What are you two doing now" he sniggered.

Ben looked at Daniel and nodded both of them turning on to Mark and splashing him rapidly as he fought back, Jordan swam towards them laughing announcing that two on one wasn't fair and began splashing them from the other side. Ben and Daniel didn't know which one to splash at the onslaught as they were both in stitches laughing hard trying to splash Jordan and Mark back unsuccessfully. They stopped hearing a woman calling from the beach 'Daniel do I need to call your mother!', Ben did a double take.

"Wait is that... no surely.... oh my god it is" Ben was pointing in her direction gobsmacked.
Daniel grabbed his finger "Have you no manners it is rude to point" he laughed gripping on hard to Ben's finger.
Ben tried to free his finger "Help he is assaulting me" he cried out laughing.

Arms flayed as Ben and Daniel engaged in a play fight in the sea trying to get their arms around each other wrestling each one to their knees. Jordan stood there shaking his head as Mark came round to his side.

"Do we stop it?" Mark looked at Jordan almost drooling.
Jordan looked at him "Nah, let them get on with it. Join me for a juice?" he asked Mark.
"Sure why not" he replied as Jordan put his arm around Mark's shoulder as they walked towards the shore.
Jordan looked back "Come on you two" he called out to Daniel and Ben who stopped.
Ben looked a little embarrassed "I need a minute" he replied trying to swim away.
Mark looked at Jordan laughing "Think he might have an erection".
Jordan laughed "Probably it does the same to me when I use to play fight".
Daniel grabbed Ben's legs "You got a bulge in your shorts pretty boy" he laughed dragging Ben backwards.
Ben giggling all the while "Stop it I can't get out yet" he pleaded.
Daniel was dragging Ben closer to shore "Don't be shy I'm hard as a rock".
Ben burst out laughing finally feeling his legs being let free "I will sit here for a moment" he said sitting down.
Daniel plonked himself down next to him "God I haven't laughed like this for ages" he said.
Ben looked at him "Really?" he asked.
Daniel nodded "Long story but I won't bore you with it now".
Ben knew to take a hint "So you know Nicky the actress, I mean that is her right?".
Daniel nodded "Yes it is, my family have known her for several years, they come here often".
"Wow I mean I was in Bel Air and never saw one famous person" Ben replied watching her.
Daniel stood up still semi hard holding out his hand "Come and meet her" he said pulling Ben up.
"Mark Davenport I could recognise you anywhere" Nicky said smiling.
Mark shook her hand "And I you" he laughed.
"And this must be your husband, my god he looks young" She said laughing and winking at Mark.
Jordan watched Ben and Daniel wading through the water "These two have the same mischievous manners" he said smiling.
Nicky put her arm around Jordan "Been a long time since I saw him have this much fun" she said quietly.
Jordan nodded "Good to see him having fun" he replied and noticed Mark's strange look "Tell you about it later".
Nicky threw a towel at Daniel "Cover yourself up Danny" she said looking down at him as he approached
Daniel laughed "Nicky this is my new bestie Ben" he said introducing him to her.
"Nice to meet you Ben and cover yourself up as well" Nicky shook his hand.
Ben stood there rooted to the spot embarrassed "Hi" he managed to squeak out.
Daniel put his arm around Ben "Star struck Nicky" he laughed.
Nicky waved her hand "Come and join us for a drink guys".

Nicky sat so she could keep one eye on the kids just as Kit walked on to the beach and was introduced to Mark and Ben, Cael brought over some juices from the bar performing his perfect Bajan smile for Ben and Mark. Nicky knew who Mark was but never met any of the family, after all his family lived a few streets from her and Kit and she had always wanted to see Liongate properly as you couldn't really see if from the street. They chatted for ages, Daniel watched admiring how at ease Mark and Ben were talking away after Ben's initial shock of seeing Nicky.

"So Mark, tell me what is Liongate like?" Kit asked sipping his juice.
Mark smiled "Big, way to big but it has always been my home and great for hide and seek" he replied.
Kit laughed "Nicky has always wanted to see it and even I am a little curious" he said.
"Strange as it is just a home to me, but your in Coldwater Canyon right?" Mark asked looking at them both.
Nicky nodded "Yes the quiet part at the top".
"Well you must come over for dinner then we can show you around" Mark suggested.
Daniel huffed "What about us don't we get an invite" he laughed.
Mark furrowed his eyebrows "I don't think I can trust you and Ben together" then laughed "but of course you are".
"It's like school children behaving badly" Jordan said chuckling.
"As long as it's not as crazy as Bel Air has been" Daniel said shaking his head with a grin.
Mark sat forward "My parents told me that the gates at East Gate were rammed through at Thanksgiving".
A weird silence fell for a moment "Oh you know about the incident?" Daniel asked.
Ben nodded "I read about it in the paper at JFK" Ben said "sounded horrific".
Nicky and Kit looked to Daniel "We will tell you about it, maybe over dinner one night?" Daniel said sombrely.
Mark and Ben looked at each other "Oh sorry, I mean oh god English guy son of hotel owners" Mark put it together.
Daniel nodded and Jordan held his hand "Yes, it's okay though. Will you have dinner with us one night?" Daniel repeated.
"Yes of course we would love to" Mark said looking a little upset.
Daniel smiled "Great, we are in the suite next door to you so we can dine in ours with Nicky and Kit".
Mark laughed "I hope we didn't make to much noise last night" he said as Ben blushed looking down.
Daniel stood up "I thought a banshee was on the loose" he said smirking at Ben.
Ben took the bait and chased Daniel down the beach to the water "Fight like a man Brit boy" he called after him.
Daniel turned and scoffed at Ben laughing "Catch me first pretty boy" stumbling at the waters edge falling face first.
Ben was quickly on him light a bolt of lightning "Can't run now can ya" Daniel laid there laughing until Ben rolled off.

They laid on their backs half in the water as Mark and Jordan walked past them to go swimming.

Ben couldn't help but watching his fine physique "He is sexy".
Daniel laughed "Isn't he, completely stole my heart when he stayed here as a guest".
"No way, you did good to have landed him" Ben said giggling "I wouldn't know how to handle him".
Daniel chuckled "You did pretty well as well" he said nodding towards Mark who was swimming.
Ben turned to look at Mark and smiled "Swept me off my feet and he is my first you know".
"Wow to find love with the first guy is rare, you are 19 right?" Daniel asked.
Ben laughed "Yeah nearly 20 though and you I guess 24?".
"I will take that" Daniel laughed "26 actually and Jordy is 30" Daniel replied.
Ben looked at Mark "My man is 22" he said watching Mark swim.
"Oh I wish I was that young again" Daniel said laying on his back again.
Ben laughed "Sometime I wish I was older. So are you called Danny or Daniel?" he asked
Daniel looked up at him "Danny to my friends and family" he said "I think we will be friends so Danny to you and Mark".
Ben laid back next to him "Thank you Danny".
Daniel smiled and looked at Ben "No I need to thank you Ben, believe me".

They spent the next half an hour swimming and sitting at the shore line watching as the sun rose higher in the sky before going back to their suite to have breakfast, they spent a great deal of their time over the next couple of days in the privacy of their private pool terrace and Joining Daniel and Jordan in the morning for a swim. As promised Ben received a package from Canali full of new clothes which seem to be the type Ben would choose when out shopping with his mother. Mark tanned very quickly due to his Spanish roots whilst Ben kept the sun cream slapped on and was gradually getting a tan. They walked up from the beach that morning and saw Jordan wandering around the Orchid wing pool.

"Hey, missed you for the swim this morning" Mark called out to him
Jordan waved and came across "Sorry, Daniel was still in bed as we had an early arrival for the Orchid wing".
Mark nodded "I forget you have to run the hotel".
Jordan looked at his phone "Daniel is up finally... Do you want to join us for breakfast?" he asked them both.
Ban looked at Mark "Can we?" he said with pleading eyes.
Mark laughed "Anything for you Ben you know that" he leaned over and kissed him.
Jordan opened the gate to their suite "Danny" he called "we have breakfast guests".
Daniel was sat drinking coffee in his robe "Oh fantastic, morning guys".

Breakfast was relaxed and fun until Jordan went back to work, Ben and Mark hanged out with Daniel for several hours during which time they got to know each other properly and Daniel opened up about the series of events over Thanksgiving and finally the death of Sage. Ben sat there mostly gobsmacked listening to the story unfold, Mark shook his head in disbelief saying he kind of understood and related the story to his friend's ex attempting to stab his new boyfriend.

Ben looked at Mark "Are you talking about this Matt guy?" he asked.
Mark realised that Ben must not have known all the details "Yes" he replied.
"Oh god, Ethan told me something had happened but never that he actually harmed him" Ben looked mortified.
Daniel watched Ben "Is he your friend Ben?" he asked him.
Ben nodded "We grew up together but fell out when he started seeing Angelo. I kind of had a thing for Ben".
Mark put his arm around Ben "He still does" he said half joking.
Ban laughed "If I had known then what I know now who knows what would have happened" he said looking amused.
Daniel smiled "And ruin a life long friendship Ben, trust me it would have made things difficult".
"Fortunately this one was at the party and chased me around the house all night" Ben cuddled up to Mark.
Daniel laughed "Oh the thrill of the chase Mark".
Mark nodded and laughed "Paid off though, I knew when I first saw Ben I was in love with him".
Jordan reappeared "Callum and Steve are flying out tomorrow" he told Daniel grabbing a coffee.
"Great, you must let Nicky and Kit and know. You will have to meet them as well" Daniel said.
"This could be a handful" Jordan said looking at Mark "Callum is just as mischievous" shaking his head.
Daniel jumped in the pool "They run the hotel when we have a break" he explained beckoning Ben in to the pool.

Ben and Mark returned from the beach after their late afternoon swim and sunbathe both collapsing on the bed in their suite cuddling, tonight they would have a romantic dinner just the two of them and then make love, no jock strap as Mark was insistent that tonight would be just about them. Ben's phone pinged and he saw a message from Josh, he opened it up 'Hi lovers, arriving tomorrow for 3 days, Bobby and I can't wait to see you both'. Ben put the phone down and fell back on the bed.

"More photos I guess" he said running his hand along Mark's abdomen.
Mark laid there smiling "Better Bobby than other photographers invading our privacy".
Ben raised his head "Is it always going to be like this?" he asked.
Mark smiled "What like you and me sexing our way around the world" he laughed.
Ben lightly bit his nipple "Well that but having photos taken" he asked seriously.
Mark put his arm around Ben and kissed him "I hope not but in Bel Air we will have more privacy".
Ben laid on top of Mark "And the other thing" he kissed him "sex around the world".
Mark smiled kissing Ben back "Definitely".

Ben slipped his hand inside Mark's swimming trunks feeling the semi hardness laying underneath the fabric, he was horny and needed Mark.

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