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This is my first attempt at a dark story.

I was in a strange city in a strange bar meeting a stranger. He was going to change my life. I never thought I would do something like this but, here I am. Maybe I should go back and explain how I got here. Yeah, that way I can show you what happened from my prospective. 

My name is Keith.I am a bisexual man. I did stuff with other guys when I was younger. Always safe and always brief.  After college I met and married the woman who would become my wife. Her name is Nikki I decided to give up doing gay stuff. I really did love her and being gay was not as accepted. I also took a job in computers and finance which made me rich. I also came from family money. I settles into, what I thought, was a happy life. I was wrong. Just out of the blue my wife just stopped wanting sex with me. She just stopped. When I tried to find out what was wrong she just blew me off. She was going out more. I wound up using my tablet to watch porn. Mt desire for guys was slowly coming back. I watched more and more gay porn. I delved deeper and deeper into it. I found all sort of different types. I got into bareback which led my to pozzing porn. When I first learned about pozzing, bug catching and gift giving I thought it was not real. However, the more I read the more I learned how real it is and how hot it can be. Soon it was all I could watch. I still hoped it would work out with my wife but was starting to desire the feel of raw skin on skin in my ass.

The moment I knew it was over was when I found out that she was not only having an affair she was having that affair with the man I thought was my best friend. To be honest they were fucking before Nikki and I started dating. She wanted to marry me for money. I was crushed at first. I knew what was coming and I needed to protect my assets and get as much proof as I could. Then it hit me. Why just do all this legal crap when I could get revenge and turn them against each other. I started doing research on the deep web to find what I was, or rather whom, I was looking for. I found the perfect guy. He was a drop dead gorgeous, he was very well endowed and he was a poz. I was going to meet him soon. I made an excuse to travel to another town where he lived. That is where I am now. Sitting in a bar waiting for him to show. I had a suite in a five star hotel for us and I was going to get him for the whole weekend. He walked up to me and asked, "You the guy?" "Yes" was my response. He ordered a drink on my tab. He asked if I had it with me. {The money.} I told him half now and half back the room. He was actually okay with that. So we finished our drinks and left. I could not wait for what was about to happen.

The conclusion will be posted soon.

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