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The Canoe Trip

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Notice: The author does not consent to anyone using the characters or plot line of this story for any derived work, whether the author is still active on this site or not.  They are not abandoned nor placed in the public domain.


This is a fictional story.  It never happened and any similarity to any real life happenings is coincidence.

Intro 1


It was late on a Friday afternoon and Chris had to run some designs back to the production area.  He grabbed the folder and headed back knowing he would get at least a few lewd comments.   He was a little surprised when all he got were regular “Hi Chris” and “How ya doin, Chris?”  He wondered if everyone knew that he had broken up with his boyfriend earlier that week and were being overly polite.   Chris was out to his co-workers and it seemed that no one had an issue with it, unlike his last job.  He walked into Steve’s office and said “Hi Steve, here are the final designs for the Johnson project. Let me know when you can schedule it so I can let the client know.”

“Sure thing, Chris.   Thanks for getting those changes done so quick”  Steve replied.  

“No problem” Chris said and turned to go back to his desk.  

“Hey, Chris.  A few of us are heading over to the Grey Owl Pub after work if you want to join us” Steve said.  Chris stopped and turned back, thinking about it a few seconds before saying “Ah, OK.  I might stop by.  Nothing else to do tonight.”   Chris finished the rest of his work that afternoon and looked up to see 5:40PM on his computer clock.  He put everything away and grabbed his nearly empty backpack.  He walked out the door and stopped.  “Left to the bar or right to the train?” he thought.  Turning left, he told himself that a pint or two couldn’t hurt.  

He walked into the pub and looked around for the guys from work.   Steve, Danny & PJ (two more of Steve’s workers) and another guy who seemed to be close to Steve’s age were at a table in the corner.  If it had been a gay bar, Chris would have assumed it was two daddies and their boys, but it wasn’t and he knew Steve was divorced with a son who was about five years younger than Chris’s 28 years.   He walked up to the table to say ‘hi’ and see if anyone else needed a drink.  Everyone said their “hi’s” and Steve introduced the stranger as a friend of his, Ken.

PJ put his arm around Chris’ shoulder and said “I heard you had a rough week.  Let me get you a beer.”  “Thanks, PJ.  A pint of IPA, please” Chris replied.  As PJ headed to the bar, Chris felt PJ’s hand rub down his back and across his ass.  He wasn’t sure if he should read anything into it or if it was an accident.   PJ came back from the bar and set a pint down in front of Chris.  He raised his glass and said “To Fridays” as a toast.  Everyone tapped their glasses and took a sip.  Chris felt PJ’s arm around his back and his hand resting on his hip. It was a little tight to fit five at the small round table, but this seemed a bit unnecessary.  He looked at PJ and PJ smiled back at him.

The conversation seemed to be all over the place - what everyone was doing that weekend, the baseball standings, the new blonde receptionist, etc.   When there was a lull in the conversation Ken turned to Steve and said “Have you found someone to take the last spot on the trip?  We only have two weeks until we leave.”

“No, not yet.  It’s hard to find someone that’s into that mix of activities and can get away for four days” Steve said.  Everyone but Chris laughed and Chris wondered what was so funny.  PJ squeezed Chris gently and said “How about you, Chris?   Do you like canoeing and camping?”   Steve looked at PJ with a stern look and then back at Chris, smiling before he said “Well?”

“Uh… My ex only liked four and five star places so I haven’t camped in a few years.   I used to kayak some in college, but that’s been over six years too.  Why?” asked Chris.

“We have a yearly canoe trip that some of us do.   It’s a private trip and we like to keep the details secret.  No one can tell anyone what happens, except each other, obviously.  If we tell you a little bit, can you promise that you’ll keep it between us?” Steve asked Chris.

“Yeah, sure” Chris replied, now curious as to what a bunch of straight guys camping would want to keep secret.

“We drive up early in the morning and then load the canoes.  It takes four days to get to the end where they pick us up and drive us back to our cars.  We camp on sandbars in the river, a couple guys are in charge of food, a couple take care of stuff to drink. We all have fun, party, and…  uh…" Ken said looking around to see if anyone was within earshot  "and fuck" Ken said.  

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Intro 2

Chris’s jaw dropped as he heard the last word.   He looked around the table trying to imagine them all fucking.  He always thought that PJ was cute - from his dark red hair, bushy beard, and muscled arms down to his bubble butt and thick legs.   He never really had looked at Danny too closely since he really wasn’t his type - a mid-thirties bear with dark hair that seemed to be everywhere.   Steve was a tall late forties dad who kept himself in decent shape but other than a few tattoos was pretty bland. He was pretty sure that all of his co-workers were straight as an arrow.   Ken had a shaved head, trimmed beard that had some gray in it and a muscled upper body.  Chris could see that Ken had both arms covered to the wrist with ink and several piercings in his ears.  He could easily envision Ken at a gay leather bar, but those weren’t the types of places that he hung out at.

“It’s all guys, right?” Chris asked after a moment.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Danny asked, grinning.

“Hell, no.  I’m just surprised.  I didn’t think you guys went that way” Chris replied. He heard a couple guys chuckle.

“There’s one thing…  If you go, you would be the newbie and that means that you haven’t earned the right to fuck.  Only get fucked.  I don’t know what you prefer so that might be a deal breaker” Steve said.

“No, I’m vers so that’s not a problem” Chris said, surprising himself at how easy it was to tell his co-workers how he fucked.  They had taken a big chance telling him about them fucking, so this seemed insignificant.

“So, are you interested?” Steve asked.

“Yeah, I think so… I kinda need to move on in my life and do new things.  I hope it doesn’t turn into Deliverance though, hehe. I just need to ask my boss on Monday if I can have the time off” replied Chris, wondering if he was making a hasty decision.    It did seem to be a good way to forget about his ex.   He felt PJ squeeze his ass cheek a couple times and his cock twitched.

“Don’t worry about that.  I’ll take care of it.  Now, remember, no word to anyone else at work about this.   If anyone asks, you’re going camping with some friends, OK?” Steve said.

“I understand” Chris answered.   PJ and Danny went to the bar and came back with a round of drinks.   They made a toast to the trip.   PJ leaned in and said “You’re gonna have a great time, I know it.  It’s gonna be a trip to remember.” 

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Intro 3

The following Friday,  Chris’ phone rang.  It was Steve - “Chris, can you come to my office for a few minutes?”   “Sure thing” Chris replied and went back to the production area.   He knocked on Steve’s door and went inside.   “Close the door, please” Steve said.

“Ken reminded me of one thing we forgot to tell you and a question to ask.    Uh… Its really hard to deal with condoms on a trip like this since we need to collect all the trash we make, so everyone fucks raw”  Steve said.

"Oh… uh… yeah, I guess that makes sense.  My ex and I used to fuck bareback too, well until I found out he was cheating on me” Chris replied.

“Obviously, since you’re the new guy, we need to make sure that you don’t have anything that the rest of us can catch” Steve said.

“I just got tested so I’m ok.  It’s good to know you guys check this stuff out.  It reminds me of the stuff I need to deal with when I start dating again” Chris said.

“Yeah, you can’t be too careful.   You might want to think about getting on prep after the trip, that way there’s one less thing to worry about.  Can you swab your gums with this test kit just to be sure?” Steve said.

“Uh… ok.   Yeah, prep is probably a good idea since I want to be a lot more active than I have been” Chris said as he took the stick and swabbed before handing it back to Steve.

“Thanks.   1 week to go.  By the way, you ended up in the van with PJ, Danny, Eric and Colin who will be your tent mate.  He was last year’s newbie so he can answer any questions you might have” Steve explained.

“Eric?  As in that Eric?” Chris said, pointing toward the production area.

“Yeah, that one.  A friend of his is going too, but he’s meeting us there since he lives near the river” Steve replied.   As soon as Chris left his office and he had the test results, Steve sent a message to Ken - “newbie neg, no prep.”

The week went by quickly and Chris got several messages telling him what to bring, all of which seemed normal for a summer time camping trip.  He bought a few things like a new sleeping bag, bug spray, and sunscreen.  The rest of the stuff like swimsuits, t-shirts, sweatpants and a rain poncho he already had.  He added a douche bulb so he could clean out, since he didn’t like bottoming with a dirty hole.   Danny dropped off a dry sack on Friday and told him everything he brought along needed to fit inside it.  “Be ready at 3am on Monday morning.  We’ll pick you up at your place” Danny said, grinning at Chris.

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Day 1,  Pt 1

The alarm went off at 2am and Chris crawled out of bed.   He showered, brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror.  He hadn’t shaved since Friday and he liked the scruffy look.  His ex had tried to keep him looking as twink-like as possible and now he was done making sure he looked like someone else wanted him to.  His chest was itching a bit since he had stopped shaving it too, the day he told his ex Tim to “fuck off and get out.”  His five foot nine body was filling out a little and while not muscled, he was toned from his erratic gym visits.  His brown hair was cut like he wanted it, the only thing he insisted on doing his way instead of his ex’s desires.  His legs were covered in a light coating of hair but his ass was mostly smooth.  There was some hair inside his crack which his ex always wanted shaved, but finally gave up asking after two years.   

Chris noticed his cock was still partially stiff.  He didn’t know if it was the excitement of the trip or whether he was just horny.  “Probably both.  Too bad I’ll be bottoming the next few days.  I could really use a hot ass to fuck” he thought.  He walked back to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of board shorts and then some baggy cargo pants over them.  He pulled on a t-shirt and slid into a pair of old tennis shoes.  “I can put the sport sandals or water shoes on when we get to the river” he said to himself.  He put a few things in an old backpack that he could leave in the van while they were canoeing.

Right at 3am, the van pulled up in front of his apartment building and Chris tossed his stuff in the back.  He hopped in, finding that they left the last row of seats for him.   “Perfect, I can sleep on the drive up” Chris thought.    They bounced through the city streets and finally got on the highway.  The music was blaring and everyone seemed to be talking as Chris realized his hopes of sleeping were gone.  He looked Colin over and wasn’t sure what to make of him.  Was he gay? bi? experimenting?   Colin was a few years younger than Chris and about his same height but with 20 more pounds.  His dark brown hair hung down over his eyes and ears, his face was plain and he looked like he was stoned.   

Colin turned back to Chris and said “It’ll be good not being the newbie this year.  I’m sure you’ll have fun but I like to fuck too much.”

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Day 1,  Pt 2

“Oh, you’re vers too?” Chris asked.

Colin looked at him funny and said “No, dude.  I fuck chicks. It’s just that once in a while I need some man action.”   Chris realized that he might be the only true gay guy on the trip - everyone else was probably bi, even if they didn’t want to admit it.  Eric, who was sitting next to Colin, turned and said “Yeah, I haven’t shot a load in over a week.  You better be ready for a big one.”  

“Remember, day 1 he’s mine.  It’s my reward for making it through last year” Colin said.  He turned back to Chris and said “So, you’re a fag?”

Chris chuckled.  “Yeah, I’m gay.  Never even fucked a girl” he replied.

“Cool, you probably like to suck dick too, unlike these assholes” Colin said.

They finally pulled into the canoe rental place and Steve and Ken were waiting outside an SUV.  “Glad you could finally make it.  Get your shit out of the truck and let’s get on the river” Ken said.  They loaded up the canoes, with Ken directing where everything got put.  He called out “Colin, Chris - you have canoe #5. Billy, Eric you have canoe #4.  PJ and Danny have canoe #3, Steve and his son Andy have #2.  My partner Les and I have canoe #1.  Let’s put in and head downriver.  After the fourth bend, there should be a sandbar just after the railroad bridge.  Stop there.”  Chris chuckled to himself and was relieved that he wasn't the only gay guy on the trip.  Maybe his thoughts about Ken in a gay leather bar weren't too far from the truth.

The day was heating up already and most of the guys were in swim shorts and a few had on a tank or tee as well.  They paddled away, some of them looking a little rusty and taking most of the first 500 yards to get the canoes going straight.  Chris was enjoying the warm sun on his body as they paddled, following the other four canoes.  He yelled back to Colin, asking him to toss him a beer.  “No dude.  No drinking until the first stop.  No nothing” Colin said.   They made it to the sandbar that Ken told them to stop at and everyone beached their canoes and followed Ken down the sandbar.  Ken had a sack with him that he set down in a clearing of the tall weeds.

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Day 1,  Pt 3

“Newbie, over here” Ken said pointing to a spot in front of him.  Chris walked over to the spot and Colin was right behind him.  The rest of the group circled around them, waiting for Ken to talk.  

“You already know that you are designated fuckee for this trip.  You will service the rest of us whenever WE want.  You are not allowed to fuck or masturbate.    Due to some issues from last year, I made a change to make sure that there are no violations of this rule.  You have Colin to thank for this.   So…  Drop your shorts” Ken said.

Chris pushed his board shorts down and stepped out of them.  Ken reached up and held Chris’ cock in his hand and then reached into the bag.  He fished out a cage and held it up, checking to see if it would fit correctly.  He pulled out a second, slightly larger one and muttered “that’s better.”  Tossing the first one back into the bag, Ken said “Colin, on your knees.   Suck this boy off and swallow his last load of the trip.”   Colin turned pale as everyone stared at him.  “NOW!” Ken barked.  Colin sunk to his knees and tentatively put his lips around the hardening shaft.  Chris laughed to himself, remembering Colin’s earlier comments in the van.

It was a bad blowjob and Chris really couldn’t remember having gotten a worse one in his life.  He reached down to stroke himself off and Ken barked out “NO!  He needs to do this on his own, even if we are here all day and night.” Everyone seemed to grumble and started heckling Colin.  After another ten minutes of Colin slobbering over his cock and not getting him to cum, Chris reached down and started to face fuck Colin.  Ken didn’t seem to mind this and didn’t stop him.  He heard Colin start to gag as his stiff cock punched into his throat.   Another few minutes and Chris could feel the cum start to rise from his balls.

Chris was torn - should he fill Colin’s mouth full of his cum or shoot it right down his throat?    He decided that Colin’s poor sucking skills earned him a mouthful of jizz which he would probably hate.  As soon as his cock started spurting, he held Colin’s head so that the spray was coating his mouth.  Most of the guys seemed to be cheering him on, but the look in Colin’s eyes told him he would pay for this later.   Once Colin had swallowed all of Chris’ seed and Chris’ cock had deflated, Ken put the cage on his cock.   He had seen them in porn flicks and he actually didn’t mind having his cock locked up since he couldn't fuck anyway, as long as it came off at the end of the trip.

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Day 1,  Pt 4

“OK, men.  Everyone knows the rules.  The newbie is to be used by all of you at least once per day, after the first day.  The newbie cannot refuse a request unless it is dangerous or he is otherwise busy.  No one is to injure the newbie or prevent others from using the newbie.  No cum is to be wasted, it must be shot inside, either orally or anally.  And finally, have fun!” Ken said, the seriousness in his voice disappearing for the last sentence.  They got up and headed back toward the canoes.  Colin had other ideas, though. 

“Newbie.  On your knees” Colin said.

Chris looked back and realized that this was just the beginning.  He pushed his shorts back off and got on all fours.  A few of the other guys stopped to watch.  Colin spit on Chris’ ass a couple times and then on his cock.  He crouched down and forced his cock into Chris’ tight hole.  Chris tried to relax, but Colin seemed to be as unskilled an ass fucker as he was a cocksucker.  Finally, Colin’s cock popped inside.  “More spit” Chris said and felt two more globs of spit hit his hole.  Colin pulled out and shoved the spit inside, along with half of his six inch shaft.

Colin sawed back and forth awkwardly and then began to pick up speed.  Chris felt Colin’s hands grasp his hips and pull them back as he shoved forward.  A few minutes later, Chris started to fuck himself back onto Colin’s cock.  He kept waiting to hear or feel Colin getting close, but the awkward thrusting continued.  After a few more minutes he gave a couple quick squeezes with his sphincter and felt Colin start to orgasm.  “FUCK!” Colin screamed out as his cock started to shoot his seed into Chris’ hole.

Colin pulled his cock out and pulled up his shorts.  “I cum when I want to cum, newbie” Colin said.

“Apparently not” Chris said as he stood up, sliding his shorts back up.  He heard a few snickers from the guys that had watched him get fucked.  “Hold still.  I need to add my mark” Colin said, taking a sharpie out of his pocket and drawing a mark on Chris’ shoulder.  Chris was surprised how being used as a bottom slut turned him on, but as his dick hardened, he felt the cage constrain it and it got painful quickly.  They walked back and pushed the canoe back into the water and hopped in.

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Guest bbasslover79

Very hot. Would also love a similar camping trip. Isn't there a all gay camping event somewhere every year? Read about it once. 

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