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From Pastor to Pozzed Hole

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Part 26: Plans in Motion (Chapter 1 of the Demise of Lewis)

“What a gorgeous ass,” Domonic said, squeezing Jay’s round cheeks. “A family trait.” He looked up to me and smiled.

We were in Domonic’s tattoo shop late at night, the doors locked, leaving us undisturbed. Jay had been eager to get his own biohazard tattoo as soon as we were finished fucking. The smell of cum and sweat still clung to our skin. I was sure Jay’s face still smelled like my ass.

“How about we celebrate your gift tomorrow night,” Domonic had said, shoving a plug into Jay’s hole after he had unloaded inside him. “Let’s mark you up.”

“Fuck, yeah,” Jay had said. “But make sure it isn’t small. I want everyone to know what I am.”

Jay was lying front-side down on one of the parlor tables, ass exposed, shirt pulled up, his lower back exposed and sporting a red biohazard tattoo outlined in black. Domonic sat admiring his work while I stood in front of Jay, my cock in his mouth. He’d already sucked one load out of me and was working on a second. Just before Domonic had started tattooing Jay’s ass, he dumped another load deep in Jay’s guts, a slow trickling of poz cum leaking out over the table.

“I really do amazing work,” Domonic said. “The tattoo is good too.”

“It looks amazing,” I said, admiring my brother’s new ink. “I think mine might be a bit better, though.”

Domonic smiled. “Sounds biased, but I can agree.”

A ringing started, Domonic reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. “Hello?”

My hands reached down and held Jay’s head steady as I started to thrust my dick further into his throat, blowing my second load into his mouth.

“Fuck,” I moaned, my hands caressing either side of his face, feeling his stubble. “You’ve found your calling.”

“It’s easy when you’re the one sliding into my throat,” Jay said. “I’m happy to say that I know what my brother’s poz cum tastes like.”

“What does it taste like?” I asked.

“Candy,” he said, smiling. “Sort of.”

“I wonder if all brothers have similar tasting cum,” I wondered. Inside I also wondered if it tasted the same between father and son.

“Sounds good,” Domonic said, turning back to Jay and myself. “We’ll be there tomorrow night.”

“What’s happening tomorrow night?” I asked, noticing Domonic’s eagerness.

“That was Peter,” Domonic said, ending the call. “He says he spoke to Lewis and is planning on meeting him at his house tomorrow night. Peter’s wife is out of town for a few days, giving us the opportunity to convert his ass.”

“If he wants it,” I added.

“Oh, he’ll want it,” Jay said, licking my cock’s tip. “Who wouldn’t.”

“I just don’t want to force this on him if it isn’t what he wants,” I said, admitting to the fear I had that our lust for his young man, this nearly pure being, would push us too far. “I couldn’t live with that.” I noticed Jay’s expression changed for a brief moment, moving back from me ever so slightly.

“Peter said he called Pastor Kline, and he’s up and moving again,” Domonic said. “He says he is desperate to get fucked again.”

“That means we’ll have an odd man out,” I said. “Pastor Kline bottoms. So will Lewis. Peter can do either, but he isn’t poz yet. I can do either, but you top. Why is it so complicated?”

“What about me?” Jay asked. “I’ll bottom. You said Peter isn’t poz yet. Well, he can fuck my ass, and I’ll see if I can help him along.”

“That leaves you and me to fuck Lewis and Pastor Kline,” Domonic said, a devious smile spreading across his face. “I’ve got to say, I’ve missed Pastor Kline’s ass, but I’m desperate to fuck an eighteen-year-old’s ass again. It’s been too long.”

“So, how are we doing this?” I asked, knowing I was doing the majority of the thinking within the group. While everyone else let the heads of their dicks guide them, I was the lone member of the group still using the head on his shoulders.

“Like we planned before,” Domonic said. “I’ll be with Peter at his house. Lewis will meet us there. You, Pastor Kline, and Jay will be hiding away until we snag his neg ass.”

“Fuck,” Jay moaned, turning on his side to reveal the erection he was sporting. “I swear there isn’t anything hotter than this.” He started jerking himself off, precum dripping down onto the table.

“You’ll be doing a lot of doggy style,” Domonic said, slapping Jay’s ass. “Your lower back will be hurting for a while.”

“As long as my hole matches,” Jay said, winking.

“I can promise that,” Domonic said.

And with that, Jay spewed his seed onto the table and the floor.


I found myself nervous all day leading up to us meeting at Peter’s house. I sat in my office, staring at mounting emails I kept ignoring from one fear to another. First, I had been sick thinking I had pozzed Jay. Now, all I could do was think about how horrible our plan could go in the end. Everyone could find out, I realized. Everyone I know could learn that not only am I gay, but I’m poz and sleeping with Domonic, two married men, my doctor, and my own brother. While the thought made me sick for a brief moment, I soon found myself hard at the thought. I pictured myself with Domonic, my life intertwining with his even more so. It was so clear to me, and it made perfect sense. My hand reached down to my cock, but I resisted. I needed to save some of my cum for Lewis.

A knock on my office door pulled me from my growing erection which I hid beneath my desk.

“Come in,” I said.

The door opened and a smiling face met me. “There he is!”

“Pastor Kline,” I exclaimed, jumping from my desk and running to him, pulling him into a hug. “It’s great to see you.”

“You too,” he said, his hand moving down my back and finding its place on my ass. His nose pressed against my shirt collar and he sniffed deep. Fuck, he was a twisted man. “From the stiff bulge in your pants, I either interrupted something or you are far happier to see me than I had expected.”

“I was just thinking about tonight,” I told him. “Still, I’m happy to see you.” I kissed him, our tongues rolling over each other. “How do you feel?”

“Fantastic,” he said. “I felt like shit for a while there. I kept having to make up reasons why I couldn’t have my wife drive me to the ER. I don’t know how you bounced back so easily.”

“It wasn’t easy,” I told him. “Then again, I did have Domonic taking care of me.”

“Fuck, I can’t wait to have him inside me again,” Pastor Kline said. “Do you think you’ve got it in you for a quick fuck?”

“I’ve got save up for tonight,” I reminded him.

“How about a bathroom break?” Pastor Kline offered.

I smiled. “That I can do.”

Pastor Kline went down on his knees as I fished my cock out of my pants, resting it on his tongue as a stream of piss shout out, filling his mouth. I could tell that he was thrilled from the look on his face. No truer pig existed in the world.

“I’ve missed your taste,” Pastor Kline told me. “So, tell me, what have I missed?”

“We’ve been fucking Peter non-stop,” I told him.

“Still not poz?”

I gave him a look. “It took you a while, remember.”

“That’s because I love fucking so much that I needed you to put even more work into me than anyone else.”

“My brother Jay is here,” I added. “He’ll be joining us tonight.”

“And he is…”

“Poz,” I added. “From his boyfriend.”

“So I could get spit-roasted by brothers?” he asked. “I like that idea.”

“You like anything that involves fucking,” I reminded him.

“I’m a man who knows what he wants,” Pastor Kline said. “And after over a week of not having someone fill my hole, I let you know what I want. I demand you fuck me right here.”

“But…” I started, Pastor Kline silencing me. He grabbed my arm and led me out of my office. There was no one left in the building, everyone having gone home now.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere I’ve always wanted to fuck,” he said.

We entered the sanctuary, the lights off except for an illuminated cross. He led me onto the front stage and stopped, turning to look at me, a grin on his face.

“Here?” I asked, looking around us. There was nothing blocking us from view. If someone entered the sanctuary, we’d be seen clearly.

“I’ve stood on this stage for decades,” Pastor Kline said. “And it wasn’t until I met you that I found my true purpose. Right here, right now, I want you to baptize me into my new life. Fill me with your holy cum.”

All the strength I had stored up to keep myself full for Lewis broke. I felt a rush of power fill me, urging me to take the man I had seen as a father to me and fuck his ass full of my toxic cum. I grabbed Pastor Kline and turned him around, pushing him up against the pulpit. He grabbed it with both hands, looking back at me as I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his ancles.

“Fuck, I missed you,” he said.

I pulled down his underwear, running my hand along his ass, feeling his used hole which cried out for a cock to fill it. Beyond him I looked out over the empty chairs, Knowing in days they would be filled with the men and women who believed us both to be holy men of God. What would they say if they saw us now? What would they think of our naked bodies pressed into each other, needing each other, crying out for satisfaction. 

I unbuttoned my pants and, with some difficulty, manage to extract my engorged cock, precum already dripping.

“Fuck me hard,” Pastor Kline growled. “Fuck me into oblivion… into heaven.”

“With pleasure,” I said. I grabbed his hips and shoved myself into him with one easy motion, bottoming out. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

“Fuck me,” Pastor Kline moaned, gripping onto the podium for dear life. “This is what I need. This is what I’ve been waiting for.”

“Then accept it,” I said, forcing my thrusts inside. I found the fear I had been having concerning Lewis were melting away with every invasion I made into Pastor Kline’s ass. I could feel his hole’s lips pulling me in, inviting me back to my home. His body needed a man to fill him, and I was all too willing.

“You want my load, baby?” I asked, imagining Lewis bent over in front of me. Moving from fucking someone so mature to someone early in their sexual journey. 

“Give it to me,” Pastor Kline nearly shouted, fist pounding the pulpit, the sound echoing. “Knock me up again. Fill me up. Fill up my poz cunt.”

I pushed myself as far into Pastor Kline’s body as I could, feeling his own body convulse from the feeling of my poz load filling his guts. His cock jumped along with mine, his cum, newly poz, spewing over old hymnals hidden within the podium. His body needed me inside it. His body called for my body.

I slipped my dick out of his hole and admired my work. “I guess you’ll be open for tonight.”

Pastor Kline smiled. “For you, I’m open ever night." He kissed me, the taste of my piss still on his lips. “Till tonight.”


I had parked a block away like Peter had instructed, walking to his house the rest of the way, Jay following after me.

“This is hot,” Jay told me. “I never did anything like this when I fucked women.”

“I doubt that,” I told him. “You fucked hundreds of women.”

“But not like this,” Jay said. “All of you together, your need to spread your seed, it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I could feel my heart pounding, pushing me to both run forward and back. There was no doubt I wanted this to happen, but I was obviously scared. What would happen if something went wrong? I couldn’t let myself think that way. I had to think positive.

“Right on time,” Peter said, ushering us into his home. The walls were covered in pictures of him and his wife, dozens of frames staring back at us. It was clear that Peter’s wife had once anticipated children, but they now simply hosted pictures of a man who secretly craved cock and a wife who didn’t know the type of man she had.

“This must be the famous brother,” Peter said, shaking Jay’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“You, too,” Jay said. He released Peter’s hand and then cupped Peter’s crotched, squeezing gently. “From what I’ve heard, you’re able to cum buckets full.”

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Peter said, allowing Jay to feel him growing bulge. “I hope I’ll be able to show you what I can do tonight.”

“And I’ll see if I can manage to help you along toward a more ‘positive’ outcome.”

We sat in the living room, waiting for Lewis to arrive. The whole time, our dicks were growing, ready to burst as our anticipation for what was to come drove us wild. I noticed Jay and Domonic across the room sharing a private conversation, their eyes glancing over to me a few times. Whatever they were discussing must have been serious from the expressions on their faces. I had to admit, there were brief moments when I wondered if Jay would be a better match with Domonic. Jay was the type of bottom slut that Domonic would love. Seeing them together, I found myself wondering if he had encountered the wrong Ryder brother first.

The doorbell rang, startling all of us out of our minds.

“Hide,” Peter said.

Pastor Kline, Jay, and I ran out of the living room and hid in Peter’s office which was just down the hall, easily within earshot of their coming discussion. We heard the door unlock and Peter greet someone, but there was something in his voice that, to me, sounded as if something was happening. He sounded as if there was a slight panic in his voice. Had something gone wrong? Had his wife returned home early? Did someone from church figure out what was going on and were using this to get us all together in one place? When I found myself ready to pass out from the fear of what was to come, I noticed Pastor Kline’s eyes widen, his hand reaching out to me, grabbing my arm. He looked at me, lower lip trembling.

“Lewis isn’t alone,” Pastor Kline said, a look of pure shock frozen on his face. “That’s Ryan with him.”


I've been trying to get us to the Lewis chapters for a while, so I had to bite the bullet and jump into. Sorry if there isn't as much sex in this chapter. I'm just trying to get to the massive orgy. Things take time.

I won't be posting the next two Sundays, just an FYI. 

Happy Reading. 

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On 8/5/2022 at 8:34 AM, Danthebttmman57 said:

I look forward to more chapters and the "conversion of the congregation".  I always enjoyed Sunday services where church members were stunned to see me just hours after I had filled their hole with toxic cum.

I imagine some where there with their unknowing unwitting wives

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12 hours ago, Danthebttmman57 said:

Yes a couple had their sons or  son in-laws that I had gifted previously. Sure hope they all got the fuck-flu at the sales time. Must be a bug going around.

i wonder how many wives you converted by proxy

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As a newbie I've read this hot ongoing story with avid interest. So horny and perverted which is great. It requires a vivid imagination and lots of time to write and something I'm certainly appreciating 

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A new chapter this Sunday. It might be the longest one yet. I might split it in two. We'll be diving into a new perspective, giving us a clear launch into what will be the anticipated orgy. 

Question: how do you want this story to end? I have ideas, but I'm curious as to what you want. How can I get you to blow your biggest loads? 

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6 hours ago, gingerdaddyG said:

None of the chapters have disappointed so far and I’m sure the final one won’t either - apart from being the final one! 😈☣️💦

To clarify, the next chapter isn't the end, but I do hope to wrap it up at some point. At this point, you've read about 260 pages of story. 

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