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If you could possess a supernatural power, what would it be?


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I would like to be able to demand, at that very moment, that the guy I desire online appear at my front door without even having to send a message.  No back and forth, no question and answer session, no drama, and no asking for UBER or Lyft fares.  Just show up, take your clothes off, and do I ask.

I would sell my soul, never mind, that's in a thread I am staying away from.......

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The ability to make prostate stimulation orgasms happen just by thinking about it. I would be in a constant state of euphoria and would love doing it to random men in the streets, in stores, on the freeway... I would keep it a secret of course, but to the men I sleep with I would be a sexual god.

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I hate to be a killjoy, but having read everyone's desires here, it's seems that they have all, to some degree, been self serving. Hasn't anyone thought of a superpower that would benefit all of humanity? What about the ability to end all human suffering, the ability to bring an end to war throughout the world, or to ensure that no person on earth ever went hungry? If I had a superpower I'd like to think I would use it for the good of others... not just myself. To do something like that is more likely to bring actual love into your lives, rather than trying to bend others to your will.

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16 hours ago, billy88666 said:

I hate to be a killjoy

You're not being a killjoy; it was a fun, silly question, and got a lot of fun, silly replies.

If there were any possibility of this becoming an actual event - gaining a "super-power" for a brief time - you'd see a lot of far more serious replies.  Obviously, if there were even the remotest of chances of possessing a "super-power" for a moment, the world would become a far better place in very short order. 

That, however, will only come with long, hard work by responsible, caring people, many of which live in our little corner of existence.   

Thanks for your reply.

Edited by hntnhole
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17 hours ago, billy88666 said:

I hate to be a killjoy, but having read everyone's desires here, it's seems that they have all, to some degree, been self serving. Hasn't anyone thought of a superpower that would benefit all of humanity? What about the ability to end all human suffering, the ability to bring an end to war throughout the world, or to ensure that no person on earth ever went hungry? If I had a superpower I'd like to think I would use it for the good of others... not just myself. To do something like that is more likely to bring actual love into your lives, rather than trying to bend others to your will.

Wait, did you say "self serving"? Isn't that what gay men are known for? Having life be "all about them", or better yet, spreading disease due to our controllable sexual nature.  Come on, get with the program, it's 2022.  What's all this "do gooder" stuff, save that for celebrities who on late night television ask us to pledge $19 a month to save some soon to be extinct animal.  

Okay, so I am a little jaded.  Your post is quite nice, but I had to poke fun at SOME of us who may be a little more SELF SERVING.

I especially liked the poster who wanted to see if his Grindr trick would show up - now that is relevant.

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19 hours ago, billy88666 said:

I hate to be a killjoy, but having read everyone's desires here, it's seems that they have all, to some degree, been self serving. Hasn't anyone thought of a superpower that would benefit all of humanity? What about the ability to end all human suffering, the ability to bring an end to war throughout the world, or to ensure that no person on earth ever went hungry? If I had a superpower I'd like to think I would use it for the good of others... not just myself. To do something like that is more likely to bring actual love into your lives, rather than trying to bend others to your will.

Plus, being a hero will probably get you laid. 😉

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On 8/20/2022 at 2:08 PM, akula said:

To be able to cure disease or any body malformation and to also cause the same in those deserving, i.e. republican politicians and CEO's of health insurance companies.

lol  this from the woke state of WA  feel the same only about the Dems...actually they all need to go and we need to start over. how anyone can be in the remaining 30% approval rating of this administration is mind boggling so if i had supernatural powers the  polititions would be gone they are all traitors to the people of the USA. They forgot they work for us. 

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I've got three I'd like to have but can't decide between them.

1. The ability to stop time for however long I wanted.

2. True Shapeshifting.

3. A power based on my inner most perversion- guess it would best be described as genital manipulation. I'd love to have the ability to manipulate the genitals of anyone I fucked, like stealing an inch off a bitch's cock every time he came while I fucked him, till eventually I took everything and left him with a pretty little cunt, and vice versa. 

I've written a story based on 3 but I've never been able to figure out where to put it on this site...

Edited by ObristInvcta
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10 hours ago, Hairypiglet said:

I do believe this is a fetish site dedicated to the gratification of carnal desires. This Isn't a Miss America pageant. Take your morals to Christian Mingle.

World Peace!
For which fucking and breeding like rabbits can be helpful because really, who has the energy to fight after doing it properly afterwards or even wants to when our sexual energy isn't bottled up to the point of frustration and aggression. (Wanking of also does the trick though).

That crown is MINE, gimme gimme gimme! 😉 


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