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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

They said the car would arrive in 7 minutes, but it's feeling more like two months!!! 🙂  More of this great story, please....  

  • Haha 1
On 5/1/2023 at 5:02 AM, Kylan said:

They said the car would arrive in 7 minutes, but it's feeling more like two months!!! 🙂  More of this great story, please....  

Longest 7 minutes ever 😂

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Patrick, Ben, and Mike were heading out of the hot apartment into the drifty, dark, and cold hallway. The car was already parked in the street, as Ben reached for the back door and confirmed his name with the Uber driver. Patrick grabbed the front seat while Mike and Ben got in the back, as they continued discussing amongst themselves with personal stuff. 


As the car headed off, Patrick was deeply thinking and trying to picture what’s to come next. What Mike and Ben said back at the house about going farther with Christopher really made it clear that this implied party drugs. It then became really clear that he’ll see some things that he didn’t even know much about regarding sex combined with drugs. Patrick felt really good about how Ben and Mike were inclusive and being friendly with him, giving him a sense of trust with the couple. This gave Patrick hope that Christopher could also be a proxy in that same friendliness. Patrick contemplated how the chemistry between everyone, given they all know each other, could give him a fun opportunity tonight, and allow himself to just enjoy the ride for once while things were good. His nerves reduced and instead felt his own inhibition and horniness take control. His last take of G was flowing all around his body, feeling just how strong that last dose was from an hour ago. Just sitting in the car felt electric, with three horny men heading to Christopher’s.

While he was feeling the yearning for what was ahead of him, he was also thinking how he’ll interact with Christopher, and how he is as a host. The interaction back at Ben and Mike’s house about Christopher was short, at best. Patrick scrolled through the photos from the app, reviewing details about his appearance and his profile, checking his stats. He was nervous about his sexy and confident look.

They drove through the city for what seemed like 20 minutes. The city was quiet, apartment lights were off, the roads were open, and the sky had a dark and early morning look. Getting off the highway and turning into the side streets of midtown, the feeling of anticipation hit Patrick, as the car was pulling up to the curb of a residential tower, with a glimmering lobby in front. The car stopped, and the driver said ‘Thank You!’

They got out of the car, entered the front lobby with their personal bags and approached a lady behind the desk. Mike was ready with details, explaining they were here to see Christopher in 27M. After waiting for the call to pick up, a muffled voice was faintly audible as it was clear that it was Christopher on the line. The desk receptionist replied back, and finished the call. Looking up, she smiled and gestured them to the elevator banks around the corner. The floor numbers fell fast to ground level as they waited for their ride. The elevator doors had opened for them, and up they climbed. The ride slowed to a halt, and there they arrived on the quiet 27th floor. In single file, they moved through the corridors, while Patrick was looking for the right letter, until Mike had arrived at Christopher’s doorstep. Mike sent a text, and in no time the handle moved, and the door swung open. There, standing in the bright hallway of the front door was Christopher, wearing basketball shorts and a zip-up vest and sporting a fresh haircut. Looking at his guests, Christopher gestured them in with a soft smile. They went in one by one, with Patrick at the end. Once Patrick closed the door behind him, Christopher faced Patrick and shook out his hand.

‘Beautiful eyes you have Patrick, good to have you over’ Christopher said

‘Thanks for having us over, yeah I’m really glad I came, thanks. And I guess you are friends, I had no idea!’ Patrick was being awkwardly shy.

‘We go way back to a slimpler time, through some mutual friends when these two were just dating.’ 

Christopher had a 5 o’clock shadow that was well trimmed, and salt and pepper hair. His height was also comparable to Patrick’s, and a fit body. Once again, the photos were a really close match to reality, in particular, his big bowling ball shoulders and thick arms. Patrick will have to wait for a final verdict on the rest of his body.

Mike came in and gave Christopher a proper hug, and Ben was removing his shoes in the hallway. Patrick also followed Ben’s lead in removing his shoes, then waited for Christopher to walk them deeper into the apartment. Right off the bat, Patrick picked up on the quality of the apartment that was comparably more modern and high end then the last apartment. Funky art and books were everywhere, and Patrick could appreciate these nice details.

‘Can I get you guys a drink? I have juice but I don’t drink alcohol’ offered Christopher.

‘Just water for right now, thanks’ said Ben, hanging his jacket and showing off a little chest hair poking out of his sweater.

‘I’d gladly have some as well’ Patrick added.

They all followed Christopher into the kitchen, through the hallway and into a main entertaining area of the apartment. Beautiful floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city were right in front of them. What was also noticeable were some messy parts to the space as well. There were iphone chargers on the floor, stacks of paper and folders in different piles, several water cups along the edge of the coffee table, along with chewable vitamins, a couple lighters, and other random shit. Christopher handed over Patrick his glass of water, when he suddenly noticed how dilated Christopher’s eyes were, surprising Patrick a little. 

‘How is your night so far? Were you guys coming from home I bet?’

‘Yeah we came from uptown alright, we got talking to this young pup close to midnight, he came right over, and we were enjoying our piggy little selves. Super verse this one.’

‘Fuck yeah that’s good to hear’

‘I’ve tried more things sexually than I would normally do, but it's been really fun tonight.’ said Patrick.

‘Is that so?? Have Ben and Mike been showing you how to have some fun?’ Curious to hear what you’ve done so far?’ asked Christopher in an inviting way to Patrick.

‘Well, we’ve been enjoying the poppers a ton which are super fresh and good quality, we brought some. But the thing I tried that’s new is G, so we had a couple rounds of that.

‘Okay! You’ve been having yourself a little party then, that’s pretty incredible as a first time thing. I love it too, and I especially love to enjoy it with friends and getting pretty horned up’ said Christopher

Mike gave a small chuckle in an approving way. ‘I think we’ll make good company together.’ 

Patrick felt reassured by how Christopher was being a friendly host and approaching the topic. Not to mention, Christopher is incredibly hot with his smile and sexy personality.

Well before we get into stuff I do want to let you know, that you are completely safe under my roof, and that I think you can have a really fun time with us. We three always have a very relaxed and open flow with each other and others we’re with. We also do other things similar to G that you are welcome to try if you haven’t before.’

‘Okay yeah I’m open minded. Trying G has been mind blowingly fun’

‘If you see that bong in the corner?’

Patrick spotted a glass bong, sitting on a side table, with beautiful colored glass.

‘I smoke different stuff out of that, and get a really horny buzz on. We call it Tina, and you only need a little of it to feel stimulated and fucking amazing.’ 

Patrick was very engaged in this conversation, following what Chrsitopher was saying very closely.

You probably heard of Tina but maybe you haven’t seen it before. It makes you feel incredible when you’re having sex. Let me show you’

Christopher went over to the bong, picked it up and approached Patrick again to give him a closer look of what the process looked like. As Patrick had of course seen a bong before in his life, this did not look intimidating at all. Christopher offered it to Mike first.

‘Yeah Patrick for Ben and me, this is something that we’ll do a bit of every other weekend or so, and Christopher really plays a good host to his guests. We just didn’t want to jump in the deep end right as you came over. We could tell based on our first impression of you that we should ease slowly into the hard stuff. Even now, there's no pressure whatsoever if you just want to stick to G. If you want to at least watch how I use it you can see for yourself how to smoke this stuff.

‘What does it feel like?’ Patrick asked, as Mike grabbed a large lighter from the kitchen island, lit the torch and started to move it around the glass.

‘It's a bit different than G, where G gives more of a sense of tranquility and enhanced libido. But Tina is a real upper, so you’re gonna feel a sense of energy, and a strong urge to fuck. It’s especially amazing when you combine the two together.

‘Combine together?’ asked Patrick, confirming what he heard in surprise.

‘Yeah, you just gotta be careful and don’t bite off more than you can chew’. Christopher reassured me.

Mike took his hit, and could hear the water in the bong bubble away. Mike paused to hold his breath for a moment, before slowly releasing. The smoke that came out was a pure white and heavy plume that seemed to stay suspended in the air for a moment, as it carried across the room. Mike went back to the bong for another hit, as Ben leaned into Mike, waiting to give him a kiss. What Mike was in fact doing was transferring the smoke into Ben’s mouth, as it wasn’t really a kiss. Ben’s cheeks filled with air, followed by Ben’s exhale with an equally sized cloud of Tina.

Patrick was studying them to watch what would happen, and anticipate a change in their behavior, but to only see that Ben and Mike were looking a little bit more relaxed, sitting back in the couch sectional.

‘Interesting’ Patrick commented, not really sure what to make of this. He was curious by all that he learned, and ready to take the next step with this new guy in front of him. It was difficult for Patrick to try and weigh the pros and cons of any potential consequences about to take place. Deep down however, he was really searching for a justification for saying yes if he were asked to participate. Given the sexual energy in the room and how approachable everyone was, Patrick’s initial thought would be to try and stay, but not immediately jump right in with smoking. He would maybe dip his toe in the water later on, but felt ok with himself to just play things by ear, or perhaps even stick to G for the rest of the night.

Christopher took his turn at the bong, re-lighting the glass bowl with a slightly different heating technique, and held his full lungs until he reached Mike’s lips. 

‘This is a shotgun, it's great for efficiency’ said Ben.

‘It looks pretty standard to smoking weed but yeah I’ve never personally tried it out myself.’ said Patrick.

‘You are welcome to it but go at your own pace for sure. If you’re already having fun then that’s what counts’ said Christopher, blowing one more out into the living room.

‘I also was chatting with my friend Guilherme about an hour ago and he said he might be around for later but he had some stuff to do, so no promises. Guilherme is another friend of mine that I’m pretty sure Ben and Mike, you two have met before, right?’ Christopher asked the couple.

‘We know him from one of these nights that we were here before. Yeah he’s a good kisser, he can rim really fucking deep too, you’ll remember his face.’

The men were catching up in the living room for a bit, talking about their Friday nights. Patrick told how he is now on prep and wanted to fully embrace his sexual rebellion, and turn into a fucking pig. How this was interpreted to Christopher, Ben, and Mike was that Patrick was here to have his limits pushed. Ben began disassembling his bag containing gummy snacks, a personal travel case, and a fresh jockstrap and harness. The relaxed mood continued as the three other men continued blowing clouds, and giving each other shotguns, back and forth, sharing the same hit. While the smoke would fill up their lungs and the living room, Patrick could smell the unique odor it gave off. 

‘I think you all would benefit from taking a quick shower, I already got towels freshly folded that are waiting for you in the bathroom, you’re welcome to rinse off and clean out if you need to. We’re all bottoming tonight at some point so good time to check’

‘Perfect, thanks a bunch Christopher’ said Mike, rising from his seat.

Ben also got up from the couch and followed Mike to the bathroom and down the hallway they went. All that remained was Christopher and Patrick in the living room.

‘Just checking in, how’s everything going for you? I know this is all pretty new to you’ Christopher asked Patrick

‘Yeah I’m curious about it but yeah I’m just taking it all in one step at a time I suppose’ Patrick smiled to let Christopher know that he wasn’t too worried or scared off. 

‘Yeah its great you’re setting the speed for yourself, it's good discipline’ Christopher said.

‘Let me show you the apartment around so you have the lay of the land. Christopher walked Patrick around quietly, down the hallway, through one of the bedrooms with a huge television and an ambient, color-changing lamp.

Christopher invited Patrick in the middle of the room, where he could see the nightstand covered by a thousand little objects. More water bottles were found, an ipad, TV remotes, poppers, lube, a lighter, more lube, and a small lamp. 

Christopher sat on the bed, and tapped the edge of the bed for Patrick to join him.

‘I’ve got a lot of porn, I want to see what you pick for the four of us. Here, let me show you my Naked Sword page for you to scroll through.

Christopher handed over the ipad for Patrick to start flipping through the different options. Patrick chose his preferred studio that leaned more on group sex and raw bareback, and chose one of the recently released scenes.

‘Oh let me just grab my supplies in the living room, one sec.’ said Christopher.

Patrick leaned back in Christopher’s bed distracting himself with the porn scene that he hadn’t watched before. For a quiet moment, Patrick could hear the water running distantly in the bathroom. Patrick was now ready to stick his tongue down Christopher’s throat once he got back.

The footsteps in the carpeted hallway got louder, until Christopher found a light switch where the hallway light went completely out. The apartment became suddenly very dark, with the exception of the TV and the ambient red light from the bedroom. 

Christopher re-emerged in the room. Looking more intensely at each other, Christopher came straight at Patrick and kissed with their tongues locking. A jolt of blood pulsed in their slowly hardening cocks, as they got the first taste of each other.

‘You’re gorgeous, Patrick, do you know that? Beautiful eyes, you must get this from everybody.’

Patrick blushed, ‘So are you, I’m so horny for you’ said Patrick, before going back to kissing Christopher. 

They continued making out throughout the porn scene, not rushing each other but just enjoying the moment for the two of themselves.

‘Let me throw on some music, you have a preference?’

‘Yeah I kinda like to listen to something with a low beat in the background, Let me connect my phone’ offered Patrick.

Patrick put on his favorite playlist, receiving immediate approval from Christopher.

‘You seem like you really know how to have a good time’ Christopher complimented.

Christopher made the move to unzip his vest, revealing his chest with a good amount of chest hair. He was in just as good shape as Patrick had hoped. Not a lumberjack but someone who had really well defined features to his upper body and a treasure trail.

Patrick returned to his initial spot on the bed and put his arms around Christopher’s back. While they kissed, Christopher’s hands were crawling up Patrick’s shirt. With no resistance, Patrick allowed him to explore and feel everything he wanted. His hands would reach his ass crack a bit, rubbing his hands all over his waist. Christopher had discovered just the band of his jockstrap hugging Patrick, no underwear. At this point, both of their hard-ons were poking through their pants in the most obvious way. Christopher rubbed Patrick’s groin area, while Patrick slowly took off his own top, exposing his chest to the warm temperature of the apartment. Hands were roaming faster, while the kissing and the mouth fucking continued. Patrick leaned back on the bed to give Christopher the ability to undress his pants. Christopher grabbed his legs and yanked Patrick forward to the edge of the bed. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped off each pants leg, to reveal Patrick’s used black jockstrap that he had worn much of his time with Ben and Mike. Christopher brought his nose to his crotch to smell some body odor, Patrick’s pheromones, and some old sperm. He honestly wanted a shower if it could give Christopher a fresh start. He desperately wanted Christopher’s tongue to make love to him.

‘Once Ben and Mike are done, I’ll hop in as well if that’s ok’ said Patrick

‘Of course there’s everything in the bathroom that you’ll need. Before you go, how long ago was your last dose of G? This was back with Ben and Mike?’ Christopher asked.

‘Maybe an hour and a half? Maybe even 2?’

‘Yeah I think maybe you can wait a bit longer, maybe after you get out of the shower you can join us with a round.’

‘Thank you Christopher, I would gladly take you up on that. It would be really fun doing it together.’ said Patrick.

Christopher grabbed his bong, and the torch from the night stand and began heating up the glass. Little curls of smoke began to come out of the glass pipe hole, as the crystal melted by the heat and turned into vapor. The bubbles whirled as Christopher inhaled deeply and extensively. He held his breath with his eyes on Patrick, exhaling his cloud of chemicals directly at him. Realizing that maybe blowing the clouds directly in Patrick’s face wasn’t the most gentle, Christopher immediately apologized.

‘Sorry about that, I… I didn’t think to not blow that right into your face’

‘No-no, actually that was kinda hot, I was ok with that.’ responded Patrick

Patrick’s heart began to race, as he was suddenly feeling like he was dancing with the devil. He wanted to flirt with Christopher and for Christopher to bait him to try meth.

‘You can keep blowing clouds, I like watching you do it’ Patrick said.

Christopher smiled, ‘Ok cool, I’m glad you’re ok with it Patrick.’

Christopher got to the side of the bed, got out what appeared to be a dime bag with the crystal shaped pieces and dust, and extracted some with a straw as a scooper. He narrowed down to the bowl to top it off with more shards, and relit. The crystals began to liquify and turn into a thick smoke. The bubbles gargled through, filling Christopher’s lungs full of the crystal meth, and out he blew, again towards Patrick. Patrick breathed in the thick air, and leaned in to kiss Christopher, wanting to get close to the clouds and inhale whatever he could. In turn, he began again to kiss Christopher, which he could taste a bitter flavor from the smoke. Their tongues danced and collided, and the heat from both their bodies coming together got them excited. Christopher broke the kissing to grab air.

‘You were curious about the smoke just now, weren’t you.’ asked Christopher.

‘Maybe’ replied Patrick. ‘Light another one.’

Patrick’s heart was rapidly beating, hearing his own words making Christopher push his own limits. In Patrick’s mind, he was ready to get converted into trying meth. He wanted to clear his mind on having to make a tough decision and to just let the desire take control like never before. He was ready to be carried away by the night and the approaching morning. Christopher lit the torch again, letting the crystals once again melt. The inhale of the vapor rushed into the bong, hitting Christopher, as he continued heating up all that meth. The torch went off, the bubbles subsided, starting that moment of pause for Christopher to let the clouds swirl in his lungs. Patrick was gonna make a go for a shotgun with Christopher. Patrick's eyes gazed into Christopher’s dark pupils, giving each other their full attention. Patrick and Christopher came together and locked lips. Christopher slowly breathed the chems into Patrick, filling him with his warm clouds of Miss Tina. The exchange was seductive, and Patrick was feeling the smoke envelope in his mouth, his throat, and his lungs…..

Edited by curiouss
  • Like 12
  • Piggy 11
  • 2 weeks later...

You are such a good writer. Actually, I feel like you must have been spying on me or something! 😜🤣  I have definitely had some of my best times partying in a setting just like this and I always try to make guys feel comfortable when they come here with a bottle of gatorade and water and towel out for my guests!

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking Awesome.  Can’t wait to see what Patrick will agree to next. And then next after that ….. limits dropping like a set of. Dominos.

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