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We clinked our glasses together, and each took a small sip of champagne. Being 18 years old neither one of us was particularly used to it, so she grimaced a little and I almost certainly did.

“Well done Your Majesty” she said, smiling at me.

“And to you too, Your Majesty” I replied, before reaching up and touching the plastic nonsense I was wearing on my head. We had fished out our Prom King and Queen crowns to remind ourselves of what we had achieved.

“We made it” she said. “It’s done.”

“It is” I said. “Well, that part of it is.”

“You know what I mean” she replied, smirking.

I winked at her, then turned my head to look out at the moonlit lake in front of us.

“Can’t quite believe it” I said quietly. “Thought for sure someone would find out.”

“I didn’t” she replied, causing me to turn and look at her quizzically. “I mean, yeah, it could have happened, but we’re both so fucking good at acting that I was sure we would survive.”

Survive we had, and here we were sitting toasting our graduation from high school. The crowning at the Senior Prom had been quite a feat for a gay jock and his lesbian girlfriend, but of course that’s not what our classmates knew us as. Ben “Cockhands” Hancock, the celebrated quarterback of the school football team, and Rachel Westman, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Popular, friendly, tall, athletic, good looking (even if I do say so myself)
 Our win was so predictable it was almost clichĂ©, but we still came first in the votes and duly and humbly accepted our crowns in front of our fellow seniors. Somehow we had got to that point without the true nature of our relationship getting found out: a pair of beards, hiding their exciting, sometimes sordid, private lives.

We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the lake.

“So you’re sure?” she asked.

“I am” I replied. “It’s all I can think about.”

“It’s a bit messed up” she said.

“So you keep telling me” I sighed. “But it’s what I want.”

“Fair enough” she said, “I guess I can’t stop you.”

“No, you can’t” I responded.

“Where?” she enquired, causing me to turn at look at her again. “I mean, where is it going to happen?”

“One of his barns” I replied. “He says it’s where he normally does this part.”

“Classy” she snorted. “Well, at least please let me know the address so I know where to send the police when he murders you.”

“I’ll be fine” I said. “You know I’ve met up with him a few times, so I know what I’m getting into.”

“Do you?” she asked. “Just because he’s fucked you in a toilet a few times does not mean he’s not going to strangle you tonight.”

“Stop” I said, knowing she was joking but it somehow also causing my stomach to turn over a bit. The truth was, I did not know for sure that Tucker wasn’t a serial killer. What I did know is that he was going to fucking me several times that night, maybe with some help from his brother, and that by the end of it there was a good chance I would be HIV positive.


When Rachel had tried to get me to make a move on her after we had been dating for a while, I had come clean to her about my sexuality only to be overjoyed with her revealing her own true feelings back to me. There and then we agreed to become each other's beards, spending enough time together to not arouse any suspicion, but never seeking anything more from each other than friendship. Having her there as my faux girlfriend had been awesome, meaning I could maintain an image without having to force myself into something I did not in any want want to do, and had been willing to come out to her to avoid.

What I did want to do was of course seek out men, and despite having no experience, I just knew deep down that I wanted to bend over for them rather than the other way round. However, I had shied away from activing pursuing any of that until my 18th birthday, when I had decided to go out and celebrate with a bang. I had read so many stories online about guys having their cherries popped on their 18th birthday, and it felt right to me that I had that kind of experience for myself. With Rachel’s help, I had put a lot of focus and effort into a whole charade to get myself clear of friends and family, and then had headed off after dark to a local public bathroom to see what sort of action I could get. Action I got, being fresh meat and all, and I went home that night thoroughly deflowered (at both ends).

The day after that birthday, and only my second day of actually doing anything with men, is when my uncle caught me being fucked in the woods, evidently while seeking out a bit of action for himself while he was in town staying with us for my belated birthday celebrations. I got The Talk from him, but I think he also realised what was inevitable and thus helped me get a supply of Truvada so that I could safely and freely become the cumdump bottom I just so naturally seemed to be. That laid the groundwork for my senior year, and with our house being designed in such a way that it was very easy for me to come and go at night without my parents noticing, I had encountered few barriers in my nocturnal pursuits of cock.

The problem with all this, despite how new I was to it, was that I wanted something more. Something more sleazy, more exciting, more dangerous. Yeah, I was happy to take cocks and loads all night, but there was something missing. I started to realise what that was the first time I encountered Tucker in the park toilets. Adorned with tattoos of scorpions, skulls and biohazard symbols, he hid nothing when it came to his status as a toxic, breeding pig. I did not hide that I was on PrEP, but the fact that I was only 18 was probably enough of a turn-on for him to breed me anyway. Him doing so, and growling in my ear about the toxic load I was taking, set off something exhilarating in me. This was it. This was the thing I needed.

From then on I actively sought poz cock, and got fucked by Tucker many times over my senior year in all sorts of venues and locations. However, I remained on the pills my uncle sent me, putting up a barrier in my system to prevent the virus from getting in. Tucker started to get tired of it, and the thing is that I did as well. The more I sought poz cock, the more I wanted it to actually be dangerous, and for conversion to be possible.

I had done some research online, and I knew that someone who got pozzed would have to go through the ‘fuck flu’ while converting. I decided that this was not something I wanted to endure during high school, particularly as it might lead to the game being given away, so I started to plan. Graduation Day just seemed to come into focus for me as the perfect time to aim for, and so I got things lined up. I managed to convince Tucker to fuck me again despite his reluctance, and then when he was hammering away inside me in that stinking public bathroom, I told him what I wanted. Unsurprisingly, he agreed. Meanwhile, after a bit of research, I worked out when to stop taking the Truvada, which also basically meant an ending to my nighttime escapades. I wanted this to happen when I chose, not accidentally. I came up with some bullshit excuses why I couldn’t be with my friends that night, and also used Rachel as the reason for escaping my family. Reading me like a book, she’d demanded to know what was going on, and it was actually quite liberating to tell her. To give her due credit, she was not as appalled as I thought she might have been, and had elected to go along with it all despite her misgivings about what I was choosing to do to myself. Now we were sitting beside the lake, having one last night of being a notional couple before we officially broke up and got on with our lives beyond school.


“I better go” I said, starting to stand up.

“One more time, are you sure?” she asked, staying sat down but reaching up to take one of my hands .

“Yes” I said. “We made it to graduation, but I want to be who I am for college.”

“And that means getting infected?” she asked, sounding a little pleading.

“Yes” I said again. “I know you don’t understand, and that it’s a bit fucked up, but I just know that this is what I need to do.”

She continued to look up at me for a moment, then nodded and let go of my hand.

“Well then” she said, “I can at least say I tried. Have fun, I guess.”

“Thanks” I replied, smiling at her as warmly as I could. “Not just for that, but for all of it.”

“You too” she replied. “We made quite a team.”

“We did” I said. “Don’t stay here by yourself please.”

“Jenna’s on her way” Rachel replied, smiling. “We’ll drink the rest of the champagne and then go get naked.”

I laughed, and then turned and headed off towards the edge of the park where I had parked the car. I’d only had a couple of sips of champagne and knew I was fine to drive, so I started up the engine and set off out of town to Tucker’s farm. I had not actually been onto it before, but in the lead up to Graduation Day I had headed out to the address he had given me one Sunday morning to scope it out. Truth be told, and despite Rachel’s ribbing, I had wanted to see if it gave me any sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. From what I could see though it all looked like a normal farm, with animals around, buildings in good shape, and so on.

The drive out there only took a few minutes at this time of night, with the hardest part being the bumpy dirt track up to the main house. Once I had negotiated that, I pulled in to what looked like a sensible spot in the yard, turned off the engine and then sat for a moment to gather my senses. Was I actually going through with this? Was it crazy? No, it’s not crazy, I thought to myself. I’ve wanted this all year. I’m never going to marry someone and have kids. I’m a cumdump. I’m meant to be filled with everything men have to give. I’m meant to be toxic.

“Toxic” I whispered to myself. “A poz cumdump whore.”

That was all I needed, to hear myself say what I was, or at least wanted to be. Certain and resolved, I opened the door and got out, just as Tucker emerged from the house with a man who I immediately knew must be his brother. I guess this was going to be a two-for-one night then, immediately getting my dick hard at the prospect.

“Evening boy” said Tucker. “This here is my brother Grayson.”

“Hello sir” I said, nodding towards the brother.

“Respectable little pig, isn’t he?” said Grayson. “Let’s see if we can’t fuck that out of him.”

Tucker and his brother both laughed, but I gulped. This was happening. This was really happening.

“Now let’s get you into that there barn and get on with this” said Tucker. “I’ve not fucked in a week and my balls are churning to get inside you.”

The night was about to begin


[to be continued]

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Great start for sure. To me it would be the best thing to do is to set up the actual date and situation to be getting pozzed.


I followed the men into the barn, where there was the normal mix of farm equipment and supplies that you might expect to find. However, it was the other things in there that really got my attention. A frame was set up with a sling hanging from it, the leather restraints for ankles and wrists being clearly visible. There was a mattress on the floor nearby. Finally, there was a makeshift fuck bench made out of some wooden boxes with some cushions that had been stuck on somehow. Clearly I was going to be fucked in various positions this evening.
“Get naked” Tucker barked at me.
I hurriedly obeyed, taking a quick hit of poppers from the bottle in my pocket before stripping out of my shoes, underwear and suit. I placed my clothes onto a wooden chair sitting by the entrance, hoping it wouldn’t all get too dirty, and then turned back to face the men as naked as the day I was born. I was immediately regretting not having anything on my feet given how rough the floor was, but guessed from the way the barn was laid out that I was probably not going to be on my feet a great deal.
“Nice” cooed Grayson. “Bit of prime teenage meat we’ve got here.”
“He won’t be prime for long” said Tucker to his brother, before turning to me. “Get up in that sling and assume the position boy.”
I complied, moving over to the sling and hoisting myself into it. I held my legs up as the brothers took an ankle each and wrapped thick leather restraints round them, before they moved on to hold up my arms and do the same to my wrists. Once I was restrained I shuffled my body down a bit to poke my ass off the edge of the leather sling, knowing what to do despite never having been in one of these contraptions.
“Right, that should do for them I reckon” said Tucker.
“Them?” I asked, my voice wavering a bit.
“Guests” he gruffly replied, before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling a number. He waited a moment, then simply said “he’s ready” to whoever answered before he hung up.
“Guests?” I asked again, but received no reply.
Just a minute or so later, a man appeared at the entrance to the barn, and when he walked closer and into the light I gasped.
“You know my nephew Parker” said Tucker, with a bit of an evil grin on his face.
Parker Baynes. He had been a year ahead of me at High School, but got held back after failing to graduate. He had been the alpha in his year, and made it clear he did not like there being someone else around, namely me, who now occupied that role. No longer the quarterback, no longer the stud, he had clearly had it in for me throughout the year but had never done much about it.
“Hey slut” said Parker, a cigarette dangling from his lips. “Uncle Pete’s been telling me all about you.”
I must have looked panicked, as they all started laughing at me.
“Thought I’d get me some of your slutty ass before my uncles ruin you” he said. “Also thought it would be rude if I didn’t share, so I invited some friends.”
At that moment a load more shapes appeared in the entrance to the barn, and as they walked forward I let out a muffled yelp.
“Captain” said Brian Crowe, our school team’s middle linebacker. He was at the front of the pack, which was made up entirely of a group of my teammates. Fucking, fucking hell.
“‘Bout time you got taken down” said Dalton Wecker. “Shame you’re actually going to enjoy it, from what Parker told us anyway.”
OK, so maybe there was a fantasy element to this for me, but I was too freaked by my forced, naked, prone outing to these guys to be able to go there mentally. Furthermore, any of the fun I had fantasised it being was destroyed when Parker jammed two fingers into my hole and forced them inside. Yeah, I had a bit of lube up there, and yeah, I had taken a hit of poppers before removing my clothes, but it still fucking hurt. Worse still, he only loosened me a little bit before ripping his fingers away, undoing his pants, freeing his erect cock and then ramming it into me in one go. I could not withhold a scream at the pain, which made everyone laugh at my misfortune.
My teammates all fucked and bred me twice, and while I got used to it eventually and the pain went away, it was still so humiliating to be used by these guys without it being on my terms. What made it worse is that I thought most of them were my friends, when in fact they all seemed to hold a grudge against me and relished the opportunity to get their own back for whatever it was they thought I had done to them. They were all brutal as hell in their fucking of my ass, some of them spitting on me and one of them taking a piss on my head at one point.
Eventually they were spent, and after shouting some more obscenities at me they left. Well, all except Parker. After waving them off he turned back to me with an evil look on his face. He lit up another cigarette, and then stepped up to insert himself in me for a third time. This time, however, he didn’t start hammering away, but instead leant forward over me. He then looked up at his uncles and winked, and to my absolute shock Grayson went round behind him. From my position I could not see what was happening, but I still knew from the slightly pained expression on Parker’s face. Grayson was penetrating his nephew. Parker had his head down and was puffing repeatedly on the cigarette between his lips as he adjusted, causing ash to fall on my stomach, but eventually he looked back up at me with a grin.
“That’s right slut” Parker said to me, “you thought you had to wait for my uncles, but you’ve actually been getting poz loads from me already tonight.”
I was too stunned to speak, so Tucker spoke up.
“Pozzed him up at Christmas” he said. “Nephew here got caught bending over for one of the farm hands, so I took over his training.”
Parker winked at me, then his face changed a little as Grayson started to slowly fuck him. This meant Parker started to passively fuck me too, gearing himself up to deliver my third poz load of the night. Eventually he got a bit more aggressive, taking over control of the motion as he slammed forward into me and backwards onto his uncle’s cock. The stimulation pushed him over the edge pretty quickly despite the two loads he’d already blown that night, and he soon thrust into me one final time before holding himself in place and yelling out as he pumped another toxic load into my well-used guts.
No sooner had he calmed down and slid out of me than Grayson stepped up and rammed into me. He was already well on his way towards orgasm after using his nephew’s muscled ass, so it was a powerful, brutal fuck from the outset. He too soon blew his toxic load into me, and then slid out while panting heavily. Only then did Tucker step up.
“You’re probably already infected” he said, grinning at me, “but now I’m going to make sure. Time for you to take my AIDS cock without any of those nasty PrEP pills getting in the way.”
With that, he slid into me and began to fuck, being less frenetic than everyone else had been, but thrusting deeper and with more intent than any of the other guys. I could not help but groan with every thrust in, and also whenever he pulled out completely and slammed himself back in. He had stamina, that much I could tell, and I knew it was going to be a long night

[to be continued]

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Tucker indeed had stamina, and I was pounded mercilessly for a long time. On a couple of occasions he slammed into me, held in place and growled, but then would pull nearly all the way back out, slam into me again, and carry on pounding me as before. I just groaned  throughout, completely lost in the pleasure and depravity of it all. Finally he did start showing signs that he was going to blow, and after once again slamming into me and holding still, this time he did not continue fucking.
"That's three more for you" he panted.
"Three?" I asked, also panting.
"Yep boy" he said, a faint grin forming on his face. "Fucked two loads into you and then kept going."
Man alive, now that was stamina, especially for an older man. I knew I must be absolutely overflowing with toxic seed by this point.
As Tucker pulled out and staggered over to a wooden box to sit down, Grayson and Parker walked up to the sling and undid the restraints. Parker then put his hand out to me to help me get myself up, even giving me a slightly warm smile as he did so. I pulled myself out of the sling, and stretched and shook my legs and arms which had become quite stiff. I could feel a lot of liquid trickling out of my ass, a sure sign that I had been bred well.
I wasn't sure if my release from the sling was a sign that the night was over, but Grayson soon let me know when he lay down on his back on the mattress and motioned me to come over. The way he was holding up his cock left me with no doubt what I was expected to do, and so I got down and straddled his body so I could lower myself onto him. After Tucker's efforts my hole was loose and offered barely any resistance as I sank myself down onto Grayson.
I bounced up and down a few times, but then felt a hand on my back pushing me forward. I leaned over as I turned my head to see Parker getting onto the mattress as well, and before I had time to process what was happening, I felt his cock starting to prod at my rear end.
"Nn" was all I got out of my mouth before he pushed hard against me and slid inside, causing my attempt at the word 'no' to instead become a screaming yelp. I had never been so stretched in my life, and it only got worse as he steadily but firmly pushed the entire length of his cock into me alongside Grayson's.
Once he was fully embedded I stopped yelping and just started panting, my head bowed and my eyes closed as I attempted to cope with my first double penetration. To be fair to my fuckers, they let me adjust to it before Parker started to slowly pull in and out, and Grayson occasionally thrust his pelvis as much as he was able to with me on top of him. A low guttural moan started from deep within me as the ache and fullness began to be joined by an overwhelming sense of pleasure, and in time I was urging them both to fuck me harder.
Parker slamming himself to the hilt and blowing in me set Grayson off too, and I had both their toxic loads pumping into my guts simultaneously. Once they were done ejaculating the three of us held in place for a while, until Parker pulled himself out and collapsed sideways onto the mattress, which in turn caused Grayson's cock to slip free. I experienced both a relief from the ache as well as a real emptiness, but looking around the room I could tell these guys were spent, at least for a while. I therefore chose to lie myself down on the other side of Grayson for a moment.
"That's it boy" said Tucker from across the room. "Rest a bit, 'cause we're not done yet. The night is young, and we've got some more special guests for you soon."
Oh man, I thought to myself, this was not what I signed up for. I came here to get fucked and pozzed by Tucker, and instead had been gangbanged by my teammates before enduring an epic gang pozzing from this fucked-up family. What more could they possibly have in store for me?

[to be continued]

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