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For no particular reason at all I decided to stay at university the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years. Largely, after having had a taste of freedom living away from home that year it just felt impossible to move back in with my parents and have to explain my comings and goings to them. So instead I lived in a little apartment with no AC, and worked for a local friend’s day who had a small contractor business. I’d taken woodshop all through high school and was a fairly decent carpenter. The work was hard but the pay was good for a 19 year old with pretty few expenses.


At the time I was just under five foot ten, and still pretty thing. My dirty blonde hair almost always looked like I needed a haircut or to comb it but that’s just how it grew. In high school I’d been a swimmer and I still had a fairly long and lithe build. I was naturally pretty hairless, only really sporting a few hairs in the middle of my chest and a dark treasure trail running into my ample pubes. My arms were mostly smooth, though my legs and ass had a nice amount of fur. The only part of my body that I would have described as hairy though were my pits, and I was proud of that fact. Any time there was an excuse for me to wear a tank top, or a cut off shirt to show them off I did.


I already knew that I was bi. Truly I’d known that for years. It had never really bothered me, but I’d also never really felt the urge to tell people. Most people who looked at me assumed I was straight. I’d been one of the jock’s in high school, even dated a cheerleader or two. Yet even when I had a serious girlfriend I always found myself watching gay porn too. Like most young people my porn were pretty bland and vanilla; straight jock porn, and gay jock porn. Nothing to really write home about.


So much of that changed over that summer. Technically I would still say I’m bi, but I understand myself so much more and sex with a woman can never fulfill me the way sex with a man can.


For the first month of the summer I was always with or supervised by my friends dad and boss Peter. He’d taught me how to frame out a wall, hang sheet rock, put up molding. He taught me how to patch holes in a wall, and smooth it out for paint. We did some larger jobs, ripping out a whole bathroom and starting again, and filled in with odd jobs. Then the weekend after July 4th Peter sent me on my first solo job, and it changed my life.


The house was normal enough looking when I pulled up in my little car that afternoon and got my tool box out. I wheeled my kit up to the front door and rang the bell. I didn’t really need the massive box of tools my boss had provided me, I was just there to patch some sheet rock, but I wanted to seem professional. My illusion of professionalism went right out the window however when the home owner opened the door.


He was tall, probably just over six foot, with short salt and pepper hair. He had a square jaw obscured partly by a short but thick beard. His eyes were bright, and seemed to boar into me. He had broad shoulders that strained the fabric of the white tshirt he had on. Hard, obvious nipples, pressed out from the thin fabric, and thick swirls of chest hair were clearly visible too. He had a slight gut, but was also obviously very strong, his arms were covered in crisscrossing veins. My eyes traveled down his body to the low-slung sweat pants, the unmistakable outline of a thick meaty cock, and the bare feet. I’d never really thought about older, bigger guys before, but now face to face with this massive perfect specimen of manhood I couldn’t think of anything else. 


“Hey there,” he said, smiling a big toothy smile at me from under his bushy moustache, “you must be Peter’s boy… Alex was it? I’m Jack.”


“Yeah,” I replied in an embarrassing stammer, “He said you had some drywall that needed repairing.”


“Sure do, come on through.”


He stepped back and let me into the house, then closed the door behind me. It looked like just about any other suburban home with clean lines, and nice furniture. Jack lead me down the main hall towards the back of the house and then up a flight of stairs, helping me carry my tool chest up. I watched the muscles in his arms ripple as he pulled the chest up the stairs behind him. When we got to the top of the steps I had to pause and adjust myself, my dick was harder than it had ever been before.


I followed Jack into the back bedroom where he pointed to several medium sized holes in the wall. “I had an incident hanging a shelf. Turns out I didn’t hit a single stud.” Jack laughed lightly.


“No problem,” I said, trying to mirror his jovial tone, “I can fix that.”


“Great. I’ll leave you to it. Bathrooms down the hall, and I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”


“Thank you so much. I’ll let you know when I’m all done.”


“Great.” He clapped me on the shoulder, the weight of his large hand sending shivers through me.


The first part of the repair was easy. I squared up the holes, cut some small patched of drywall from a scrap I’d brought with my and patched them in with drywall mud. Then I sat back to watch the mud dry before I could sand and do a second coat. My thought almost immediately turned back to Jack, his big arms, the meaty bulge in his sweat pants, the slight scent of man musk that just hung around him. I was instantly hard. No one, of any gender, had ever had this kind of effect on me. I was enraptured.


After a few minutes of my dick pressing painfully into my jeans as it hardened, I got up intending to find the bathroom and jerk off quickly. I walked down the hall and opened the first door I came to. I gasped. This was certainly not the bathroom.


The room was entirely painted black, with a black tiled floor and lit completely in red.  In the center hung a black leather sling, suspended from a mirror in the ceiling by thick silver chains. Next to the sling was a long table covered with dildos of all shapes and sizes. Along one wall hung leather gear, leashes and chains. Along the other wall were propped various other contraptions for supporting a person while they were being used; a large wooden X, a padded bench. A large leather chair occupied the far corner with a matching foot stool.


“Looking for something?” I spun around, my heart in my throat and was suddenly face to face with Jack. I hadn’t heard him coming up the stairs and now he’d caught me looking at his sex room.


“I… I was looking for the bathroom.”


“It’s the last room at the end of the hall. This is my playroom.”


“Oh… um… yeah… I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be sorry.” He stepped out of my way to let me down the hall to the bathroom. Head down I rushed past him only stopping when I heard him say, “Well… did you see anything you liked?”


“What?” My face burned bright as I turned back around to face the hulk of a man behind me.


“Did you see anything in the playroom you liked?”


“Um… I didn’t really look…”


“We both know that’s bullshit… I can see your hard cock from here.”


“Look. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry… I opened the wrong door.”


“It’s ok boy. Calm down. Come here.” I swallowed hard and walked towards him. He reached out and grabbed me firmly by the shoulder leading me back into his playroom. “Now, you’ve done nothing wrong, and this is a safe space. Take a look around, take a long look, and tell me, what made your boy cock so hard.”


“I…” I pause, tripping over my words, and then taking a breath did as he said. I took in the black room, the deep red lighting, the sling, the toys, the fuck bench (though I didn’t know that was what it was called then), the leather, and the restraints. “Honestly, everything. I’ve never seen anything like this. I don’t… I don’t even know what some of these things are for, but… It all turns me on.”


“Good boy,” he said, rubbing my shoulder. My cock throbbed. I liked hearing him call me a good boy. “Honestly will get you far in this house, but we don’t want to distract you too much from your work. Peter wouldn’t like that.”


“Well, actually… um… Sir… I was waiting for the spackle to dry on the patches I did… and it won’t be dry for at least another forty minutes.”


“Sir?” He cocked his head to the side, “an interesting turn of phrase. Alright, so lets say you’ve got an nice even hour to kill shall be boy?”


“Yes Sir.” I gulped again.


“Come over here and have a seat on this footstool,” he said, leading me into the room and taking a seat in the large leather chair. I sat, as instructed, perched on the footstool. It was a little lower than the chair and I felt even smaller compared to Jack. “Tell me a little about yourself. How old are you, if you go to school, what interests you…”


“Well, um… My name is Alex, but you already knew that. I’m twenty, I go to the university. I didn’t really want to go home this summer so I got this little apartment right off of campus and started working for Peter. He’s my friend’s dad.”


“Why didn’t you want to go home?”


“I just couldn’t imagine being home all summer after having a whole year of freedom. I wanted more time on my own. I want to explore and I don’t know… just be free to do what I want.”


“I’m sure after a year on your own it would be hard to go back to living with parents. Are you enjoying being on your own?”


“I love it. The apartment I’m in doesn’t have AC in every room, it just has this one window unit, but I’m there alone. So every day when I get home I just strip down to my boxers and sit around in my underwear. Its so freeing.”


“Doesn’t sound too different to my life here. Most of the time I don’t were much more than a jock strap in the house. I only got dressed today because you were coming over.” He grinned at me. “Although, with the way you were staring at my dick when you first came in maybe you would have appreciated the jock.”


“I’m sorry Sir. I… I didn’t mean to stare. I’m bi, and I’ve always known that but I’ve never been with a guy… and all the gay porn I’ve watched has just been young jocks… when you opened the door this morning I was just so… I was just so unprepared for how…” I trailed off feeling embarrassed.


“Keep going.”


“I was unprepared for how… how incredibly fucking hot you are.”


“Good boy, doesn’t that feel better to say?”


“Yes… Sir.”


“Remember what I said about honesty in this house, and you should feel confident calling me Sir if it feels right.”


“Yes Sir.” I grinned.


“Good boy. You like it when I call you a good boy don’t you?”


“Yes Sir I… I do.”


“Good, give in to that.”


“Yes Sir.” I said with more confidence.


“Stand up for me boy.” I did as I was told and stoop up facing him. “Now I want you to think very closely before following my next instructions. Your following them is your consent, do you understand?”


“Yes Sir,” I said, though honestly, I didn’t understand at all and had no idea what was coming next.


“You’re a good boy Alex.”


“Thank you, Sir.”


“Strip for me.”




“I want you to strip for me, like you would at home alone.”


I hesitated for a moment, and then did as he asked. I pulled my shirt off over my head, and dropped it on the ground. Then I bent down and undid my work boots kicking those off too, and stuffing my socks inside. Standing back up my hands shook a little as I undid my jeans, and after only a moments pause, pushed them down too. I stood there, in just my boxers with my cock hard as a rock and an obvious precum stain forming, in front of a man old enough to be my father probably that I had just met an hour ago. Yet, despite how nervous I felt, it also felt right. I liked obeying him, I liked calling him Sir, and most of all I liked being told I was a good boy.


“Good, very good. I’m proud of you. Show off that sexy body. Are you ready to have your first experience with man?” I nodded nervously, and he smiled. “Then get on your knees.”


I was terrified but also more turned on than I’d ever been, so I did what he asked. I got down on my knees and looked up at him expectantly. He smiled again, but there was something else there now too, a hunger.


“Good boy. I was hoping this was going to be your choice.” Without getting up from the chair he pulled his tshirt off revealing his massive chest, and round stomach. I marveled at the thick dark hair that swirled over his body. His nipples stood out pink and firm from that mass of fur. I licked my lips, and my cock leaked even more. He shifted his weight, and pulled off his sweat pants.


That’s when I saw it. For the first time in my life I was looking at another man’s cock in person. It was big and meaty with a broad flat head already glistening with precum. A wide vein ran along the top of the thick shaft. The base of his cock was completely obscured by thick wild pubes that spread until they connected to his treasure trail and leg hair. His balls hung so low and heavy that they brushed the chair even as he sat back. My mouth was watering


“Come over here boy, get my cock in your mouth.”


I didn’t hesitate for a second. I dove forward, nestling myself between his thick thighs. Until right then I’d never even seen another man’s penis, let alone touched it. I hovered for a moment, simply unsure of how to proceed and then taking a deep breath, I grabbed his cock. It was warm and firm in my grasp, and deeply alluring. I pushed myself till I was propped up on my knees and my mouth was level with the tip. I licked my lips, and then kissed the head of his cock. It tastes sweet, but also salty at the same time. Without having tasted it before, I immedicably knew that this is what sweat tasted like. It was intoxicating.


Slowly I parted my lips, taking the head of his penis into my mouth. My body was on fire with lust. I’d imagined this moment countless times, but this was so different and so much better than any of my fantasies. Diligently I worked my way down the wide shaft till I had most of it in my mouth. Then I started bobbing my head up and down like I’d scene in countless porn videos. I tried to remember what had felt good on my own cock when my high school girlfriend had blown me and emulated that. When Jack let out a low moan my heart soared. I wanted nothing more than to make him feel good in that moment.


Eventually his hand came to rest on the back of my head. His fingers twisted into my hair, and he took charge. He held my head in place and started to push his hips forward. His cock slid in and out of my hungry mouth. I slobbered all over his shaft as best I could as he started to fuck my face. I coughed and spluttered when his cock got too deep, and gasped for breath each time he pulled out till only his wide cock head was in my mouth.


“Good boy,” he growled, “Take that fat cock down your throat. Your mouth feels so good. Making Daddy’s cock feel good. I’m going to shoot a big load down your throat boy. You want that don’t you? You want Daddy’s load?”


I tried to nod my head yes. At that moment in time I’d never wanted anything else more. I wanted him to cum. I wanted him to shoot his load right on my tongue. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to swallow it. I wanted my first blowjob to end with me swallowing this man’s load.


“Oh fuck boy, just like that. Yeah, hold your mouth open. Fuck. Open wide for Daddy. Good boy. Fuck! Yes! Take my load boy!” He held my head in one hand, the other was behind his head. I looked up at his beautiful manly body and his cock gave a powerful throb. He pulled back so just the top of his cock was past my lips and let it go. Thick ribbons of cum erupted from the head of his dick like water bursting through a dam. It filled my mouth in just a few squirts and I tried to swallow as quickly as I could. It tasted amazing, hot and tangy.


Slowly his orgasm subsided and I licked the last of his load from my lips. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I looked up at Jack in awe, his cock still inches from my mouth.


“You did good boy. With some training you’ll make a first-rate cock sucker.”


“Thank you Sir.”


“Did you have fun?”


“Yes! That was amazing. I’m so hard Sir!”


“I can see that. You’ve practically soaked through your boxers. I’m proud of you.”


“Thank you Sir.” I rubbed my crotch absently while I looked up at him. Suddenly he bent down and snatched my hand away from my own leaking cock.


“Did I say you could touch yourself.”


“I… um… no…?”


“No what?” He was suddenly very stern.


“No Sir.”


“That’s better. You’re new, and you’re worked up. Its ok. But, if we’re going to keep having fun like this you need to learn something.”


“What’s that Sir?”


“I am in charge.”


My cock throbbed. “Yes Sir!”


“Good boy. Alright. Its been just about an hour. Why don’t you get yourself together and go finish your work. I’ll be downstairs when you’re done,” and with that he got up, pulled up his pants, and left the room.


For a long moment I just knelt there on the floor in shock at what had just happened. I was so horny but I didn’t dare touch myself. Eventually I got up. I looked at my clothes laying on the floor, and then thought to myself ‘he didn’t tell me to get dressed…’ so wearing only my precum soaked boxer shorts I padded back into the back bedroom and sanded down my dry wall patches.


A half hour later I was finished, cleaned up, and had packed up my tools. I walked back into the playroom, picked my clothes up off the floor and tossed them on top of my tool bag. Then I carried the whole lot back down the back stairs.


Jack was sitting in the kitchen. He’d stripped off and was now only wearing a thin well-worn jock that barely held his hefty flaccid cock in place. My mouth watered at the sight.


“Well, this is interesting… you’re still in your underwear boy. Did you finish your work like that?”


“Well, you said that you are in charge, and… and you didn’t say to get dressed just to finish the work so I… sorry. That was probably the wrong thing to do. I’m so embarrassed. I’ll get dressed.”


He got up and cupped my chin in his hand. “Don’t be embarrassed boy. You’ve done great. You’re right, I didn’t tell you to get dressed, and I’m certainly never going to complain about a boy being in his underwear. It shows real initiative too. You know… I had intended to just fuck your mouth and send you on your way but…” he paused for a moment looking me up and down. “How about this. Normally I wouldn’t take on a boy who’s as inexperienced as you, training a boy from scratch can be a lot of work, but… if you can prove to me you’re serious I might just make you mine.” Truthfully I had no idea what he meant by any of that, but it didn’t matter. In that moment I would happily do anything for Jack.


“Whatever you say Sir!”


“I want you to come back here tomorrow. Tomorrow’s Saturday, I assume you have the day off?” I nodded. “Good. Ok. Come here tomorrow at noon. When you get here park out front like you did today, and then let yourself round the back. You will strip off in the back yard to your underwear, then you’ll knock on the back door and get on your knees and wait. If you come here know that coming here is you consenting to serving me. I am in charge. I will treat you well and I will make you feel things you have never felt before, but I am the boss. You feel pleasure when I want you to. You feel pain when I want you to. You are mine. Is that clear.”


“Yes Sir!” I was completely hard again.


“Good. Now, off you go. I’ll tell Peter how good a job you did upstairs.”


“Thank you Sir.” I picked up my shirt and started to put it on.


“You don’t need that. You can make it to your car as is. It’s a quiet street and my drive is plenty secluded. Think of it as your first test.”


I gulped, and nodded. I dragged my bag to the front door and then taking a deep breath opened it and walked outside in nothing but my absolutely soaked boxers. I walked quickly to my car, stopping only to fish my keys out of my pants pockets, and loaded my things into the back seat.


“Oh, and one more thing boy,” called Jack from the front door, “No more fucking boxers. My boys wear briefs or jocks. I don’t think you’re quite ready for a jock though. Tomorrow I expect to see you kneeing in a fresh pair of white briefs, or else I’m not letting you inside.” Then he closed the door and was gone.


My hands were shaking as I got dressed in my car. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Yet I knew it was real, I could still taste Jacks load on my lips. I drove to Peter’s little shop and dropped off my tools for the day, my dick still hard as it was when I’d left. It seemed like I would never be soft again I was so hard.


I don’t think I ever made a conscious decision as to my next destination. It just seemed inevitable. I drove across town to the mall and parked in front of the Target. I shifted my dick so my erection wasn’t so obvious and walked into the store, heading straight towards the men’s underwear.


I’d been a boxer’s man for years, at least since middle school. I’d never thought of returning to briefs, but standing there looking at all the options I understood why Sir preferred them. I didn’t clock it then, but somewhere between blowing him and picking out the underwear he told me to wear I had shifted from mentally calling Jack by his name to calling him Sir. Every package of briefs was adorned with a photo of a muscular man’s crotch in bulging underpants. I stared for a long time imagining what each models cock would look like in person. Eventually I found a pack of high cut white briefs.




The next morning I was so full of nervous energy I couldn’t do anything. The night before I’d stripped off as soon as I got in the door, kicking off my precum filled boxers and tore into the package of briefs. I pulled a pair on and looked at myself in the mirror. I would have never guessed that one garment could be so transformative. In my boxers I looked like any other jock, lean and slightly tanned from the summer sun. In the briefs I looked more vulnerable, exposed, twinky. I liked it. I felt sexy.


I slept, fitfully, in that pair. I’d resolved to follow Sir’s instructions, and hadn’t touched my cock at all. I was constantly hard, constantly reminded of what I had done that day and excited for what tomorrow would bring.


At quarter past eleven I couldn’t wait any longer. Dressed in a fresh pair of briefs, basketball shorts and a tank top I got into the car and drove over to Sir’s house. I pulled into the drive ten minutes early and sat for as long as I could bare it. Finally at five minutes to noon I got out of the car, my heart pounding, and walked around the side of the house. I opened the small gate that separated the front yard from the back and headed over to the patio. At the edge of the brick slab I pulled off my tank top, kicked off my shoes, and dropped my shorts with no hesitation. I had no idea what Sir had in store for me but if it was anything like yesterday I was completely committed. I wanted it. I wanted him.


I walked over to the glass sliding door, got on my knees on the mat, and knocked. After a nerve-wracking moment Sir appeared walking down the hall again dressed in nothing but an old white jock. My cock throbbed again.


“You actually came, and you’re early. I’m impressed. Open up boy and I’ll give you your first treat.” He held his hand under my chin and tipped my face up to him as I opened my mouth. Then, very suddenly, he hawked back and spat a big wad of spit into my mouth and all over my cheeks. I was shocked, but also instinctually swallowed. “Good boy. You’re mine and now you’re marked as mine. Stand up for me. Look at you. These briefs suit you so much better than those horrible loose boxers don’t they?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Boxers are much too loose and macho for a boy like you. You need to be exposed, shown off, don’t you boy.”


“Yes Sir!”


“You learn quick. Do you like your new briefs?”


“Yes Sir, very much. I bought them right after I left yesterday and I put a pair on as soon as I got home. I felt so… so sexy in them.”


“Good! That’s exactly how you should feel boy. Alright, come inside the house and I’ll tell you what I have planned for your first training day.” I followed him inside and back up to the playroom where he once more sat in the big leather chair. Without having to be instructed I knelt on the floor in front of him. It just felt right. “Good boy. Now, before we get any further I want to make sure you understand I am not going to fuck you today.” I hadn’t honestly thought through what he might do to me, but I was still sad to hear that. “You’re not ready for me to fuck you, but don’t worry, if you prove yourself to be willing to learn and obey I’ll fill your sweet boy hole up with my cum soon enough.


“Thank you Sir.” I said, my voice thick with lust.


“Now some doms will tell you that you are only allowed to speak when spoken to. I find that boring. I want to hear what you’re thinking. I want to know when you’re excited or you enjoyed something. So speak up. Just remember, I am in charge.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Good. Next, just because I’m not going to fuck you today does not me today isn’t going to be about your hole. I’m going to spend today teaching you about your hole as a sex organ. Something tells me that you don’t have much experience in that area.”


“I’ve fingered myself a few times Sir, but rarely and only one finger nothing like…” I looked around the room at the myriad of sex toys, “Nothing like the things you have here.”


“That’s ok boy. I’ll start you small and work you open slowly. What’s important boy is that you let go and let me use you. I will make it pleasurable for you, but its not about that. Its about my pleasure in using you. Do you understand?”


“Yes Sir. I’m nervous though.”


“Don’t be. When a boy like you gives in to the pleasure of their hole it feels even better than playing with their cock. If you really let go boy you’ll shoot bigger loads than the one I’m betting you shot when you got home last night just from playing with your ass.”


“I didn’t get off last night Sir.”




“I… I didn’t jerk off last night Sir. You told me… well, you said that you were in charge and you told me not to touch myself so… I… I didn’t.”


“You haven’t gotten off since you were here yesterday?”


“No Sir.”


“That is very interesting. Wow. I’m really impressed. You’re even more of a natural sub than I thought. Good boy.”


“A sub Sir?”


“Yes boy. A sub. A submissive. That’s what you are. There was just something about you yesterday when you came in that tipped me off, but I didn’t guess you’d be this naturally subservient. You like pleasing me don’t you? It makes you feel good to please me?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Good. Lean into that feeling. Focus on it. Making me feel good will lead to me making you feel good. If you really are as good a sub as you seem we are going to have a lot of fun together.” He got up from the chair. “Stay there boy,” he patted my head as he passed, and walked over to the wall covered in gear. He took a long moment looking over the wall before moving over to a collection of chains hanging all together. He picked up a smaller silver one, and grabbed a silver padlock from a small table.


“Stand up boy.” I stood up and faced him. He passed the chain behind my head and rested it on my shoulders. The metal was cold, and it was heavier than I expected. I probably should have expected what came next but I was still surprised when he brought the two ends of the chain together and clicked the padlock through the links. He let the lock drop onto my chest.


“Look at yourself in the mirror boy.” He turned me towards a floor length mirror next to the door to the room. I gasped. Just like the night before when I’d first tried on my new briefs I was shocked by how much a little thing could transform my image. The chain hung close to my neck, glinting in the red light. The lock looked large and prominent against my chest. My cock was straining against my briefs, and a small wet spot had already started to form as my dick started to leak. I couldn’t believe how sexy I looked.


Sir stepped up behind me, joining me in the mirror. The difference between us was striking. He was tall and broad, covered in hair, with thick powerful arms. His jock bulged, heavy with his steadily swelling meat. He looked like a man, a true man. I on the other hand, was much thinner with far less muscle. My arms, though not undefined, looked puny next to Sir’s mass. I was almost hairless and small, straining in tight white briefs with a chain collar locked around my neck. I’d never seen a sub before, I’d never delved into that kind of porn, but I knew in that moment that this is what a sub was supposed to look like. I felt incredibly sexy, sexier than I ever had in my whole life up until that moment, and I would have done anything to keep feeling that way.


“The collar suits you boy.”


“Thank you Sir. I love it! I feel so fucking hot!”


“Good! Good boy. You’re finding your place. Now, this is just a training collar, it will only stay on for today’s session. But if you’re a good a sub as I’m starting to think you will be you’ll have your own permanent collar and lock soon enough.”


I spun to face him, looking up into his big square face with pleading eyes. “Really Sir?”


“Really boy, but a collar must be earned. Little novice holes like you don’t just get a collar.”


“Yes Sir. I understand Sir… but I’d like to earn it.”


“Good boy. You like how the collar feels don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! I feel so sexy.”


“You are sexy. You look like the perfect sub, well almost perfect.”




“We’ll get there… you’re not quite ready for the next step yet boy. Don’t worry about that. Focus on what’s happening right now.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Now that we’ve got you properly dressed for the day. Time for your first lesson: Worshiping Daddy’s body. You did a damn fine job sucking my cock yesterday, but there’s more to pleasing a man than just giving him a blow job.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Come over here and get your nose in my pits. Get my scent on you.” He put his hands behind his head exposing his furry pits. A wave of musk hit me like a tsunami. I was entranced by the smell, intoxicated even. I’d never smelled anything quite like it. It was something akin to the smell of the gym locker room but delicious at the same time, like the raw scene of muscularly. I dove into his pit nose first. I nuzzled deep, breathing in the heady aroma. I stuck out my tongue and lapped at the hair. The taste was just as enticing as the smell. Salty and mysterious, I licked the sweat from his pit, twisting my tongue through the hair there. Sir let out a satisfied groan when I pulled back gasping for air. “Good job boy, now do the other one.” Not needing to be told twice I frantically started sniffing and licking Sir’s other pit. I felt high. It was wild. His scent seemed to make me even hornier. My head was spinning.


I slowly started to move from Sir’s pit, licking at his skin as he went. I’d seen guy getting their nipples played with in porn, and made my way to Sir’s big pink nipple. I flicked my tongue across it and he moaned his approval. I sucked and teased his nipple, feeling it harden in my mouth. Sir grunted, and put his hand on the back of my head pressing me to his chest. “Good boy, lick Daddy’s nipples,” he growled. After a few minutes he shifted me to his other nipple and I devoured that one too. When Sir finally let me up my face was slick with spit, and I was grinning stupidly.


“Good job boy, and you knew to work my nipples without me having to tell you. I’m very proud of you. You’re such a natural at this. Why don’t you work your way down and suck on my balls for a minute before we get you in the sling for the first time.”


I grabbed at Sir’s chest, licking his nipple for a few moments more before slowly sinking to my knees. At first I just looked at the full pouch of his jock, remembering what it contained. Then I pulled it aside and let Sir’s cock flop out. He wasn’t completely hard yet, but his cock still hung long and thick. I held his dick gently in one hand, lifting it, and started swallowing his balls. I pulled first one then the other into my mouth. I licked all along his sack, tasting more sweat and musk. I burred my nose in his pubes, inhaling his scent. As I worked his balls his dick continued to harden, swelling to its full and impressive size. I stroked it lightly, but Sir smacked my hand away, “I told you to work my balls boy, not play with my cock.”


“Sorry Sir,” I gasped, letting his balls out of my mouth for a second.


“You earn my cock through submission, I will let you know when it’s time for you to play with my cock.”


“Yes Sir!”


“Now swallow my balls boy!”


I hungrily went back to my work. I liked his balls till his pubes were matted down with my spit and my face was shining. Sir moaned in appreciation as I worked his body and teased his sack. I was in heaven. Every sound of pleasure he made sent a shot of endorphins through my body. He was right, I was getting pleasure out of making him feel good. It made me happy to pleasure him. I’d never considered how good it could feel to submit.


“Good job boy, fuck. You’re good at that. I can’t believe you’ve never been with another man. You’re a fucking natural. You were born for this.”


“Thank you Sir!” I said from the floor, looking up at him, my face covered in spit and his precum.


“Get up boy. Its time to get you in the sling.” I sprung to my feet, and he led me by the hand over to the swing in the middle of the room. He spun me around so I was facing him, with my back to the sling, “Take off your briefs.” Without hesitation I hooked my fingers into my waistband and pushed my briefs to the floor. My cock sprung up, slapping into my stomach leaving a stick trail of precum. “You are enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” He said looking at my cock.


“Yes Sir. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”


“I’m glad to hear that boy. It means I was right about you. If you weren’t a natural born sub you wouldn’t be this turned on servicing me.”


“It’s all so hot Sir. Honestly. I know I keep saying it but I’ve never felt sexier in my life. This is amazing. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, our day’s just starting. Hold out your hands.” I did as he instructed and grabbed to leather cuffs from the table next to the sling. He snapped them around my wrists, and then locked two more around my ankles. A big drop of precum dripped from my cock onto the floor when the leather touched my skin. “Alright, on three give me a little jump.” He grabbed me under the arms and counted, “one, two, three.” I jumped up and he pushed me back. I landed on the seat of the sling. Sir lay me down in the contraption and I looked up at myself in the mirror above. Every time I looked at myself I looked more and more like a submissive boy. Now in addition to my collar and lock, I had stout leather cuffs with D rings on them on all for limbs which Sir was attaching to the chains of the sling. Within moments I was completely helpless, attached to the sling with no way of getting free. I was at Sir’s mercy, and there was nothing I could do about it. I looked at myself in the mirror; exposed, vulnerable, and submissive. It was perfect.


“How do you feel boy?”


“Amazing Sir!”


“You look amazing. Like I said, I’m going to take this real slow, if at any point its too much I want you to speak up. I’m not promising that I’ll stop what I’m doing but I will coach you through what you’re feeling. Understand?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Ok, lets start training this boy hole. How many fingers have you taken before boy?”


“Just one Sir. I’ve never been brave enough to try more. I always get scared I’ll hurt myself.”


“Well you don’t have to be scared today boy. I’m opened boy holes wider than you can imagine right now. I wont hurt you.” He’d walked around me now so he was standing between my spread legs. The pouch of his jock was still pulled aside and his massive dick stood straight out pointing right at my hole. I felt my hole twitch as I looked at the drooling head. I watched in the mirror above as Sir stepped closer and rubbed his slick cock head against my ass. I felt the wet head brush over my hole and I moaned. “Good boy,” he said. “You want my cock don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! I want you to fuck me.”


“Like I told you earlier, I’m not going to fuck you today, only properly trained sub boys get my cock. But with how eager you and naturally predisposed to submission you seem, I don’t think you’ll have to wait that long to get my cock inside you.” He brushed his cock head against my hole again, “and my load.”


“Fuck,” I moaned.


“That’s right boy. Once I’m inside you I’m not going to stop until I’ve bred your sweet boy hole.”


“Please Sir! I want you to breed me! Please train me for your cock.”


“Good boy.” Sir grinned at me, and then to my shock, sank to his knees. I felt his warm breath on my hole first, then the tickle of his moustache on my taint, followed finally by his tongue flicking across my tight, virgin, pucker.


“Oh my god!” I practically screamed.


Sir chuckled, “relax boy. It’ll feel good. Just relax.” He did it again. His tongue darted across my hole, then back down. It began to circle the outside of my ring. He was right, it did feel good. I watched Sir burry his head between my legs, shoving his tongue into my ass in the mirror above. His head bobbed forward and back as he twisted his tongue around. Almost immediately I was a whimpering heaving mess. I pulled against the chains, my arms moving involuntarily and Sir worked my hole.


It happened slowly but I felt it, my hole began to relax. As Sir’s tongue danced around and across my hole, very slowly the muscles began to relax. I was opening up for him, slowly blooming open. Sir felt it too, he began to push his tongue against my hole. Over and over as he continued his frantic lapping he’d press the point of his tongue against my pucker. Little by little he made progress, slowly prizing my ring open.


“Holy shit! Holy shit!” I kept repeating over and over. I had never dreamed something could feel like this.


“That’s it boy, give in. You can feel it, can’t you? You can feel your hole opening up for me. Its fucking beautiful. You have such a pretty hole, tight and pink, just the right amount hair. Fuck.” He dove back in, his tongue now focusing almost exclusively on the center of my hole. He pushed and pushed, till his tongue could slid easily in and out of my hole. I felt the shift. He was tongue fucking my hole.


“Oh my god.” I moaned.


“Good boy. Yeah, good fucking boy,” he growled into my hole.


He kept that up for what felt like an hour. I was whimpering and moaning when he finally got back to his feet. His moustache and beard were wet with spit and ass juice. He looked even hotter than before. Sir licked his lips and smiled at me, “what a fucking beautiful hole. Its just fucking begging to be trained. Boy, you need this don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! Please! Please train my hole.”


“It just bloomed open for me.” He sucked on one of his fingers for a moment and then started to rub it on my hole. “And it didn’t tighten back up right away. Your hole is desperate for it.” He pressed the tip of his finger into my hole very slowly. “Desperate for me to stretch it out. Fuck boy.” He spat onto his finger, rubbed his spit over my hole and pressed forward again. There was a long moment where nothing happened. I watched anxiously in the mirror, trying desperately not to tighten up. Then very suddenly Sir’s finger vanished inside my hole. My body just opened up and swallowed his finger. I groaned and tossed my head back against the sling. My legs pulled against my chains and I saw stars flash before my eyes.


Sir twisted his finger around, pulling at the sides of my hole as I groaned and blathered on at him “open me, use me, it feels so good.” “Good boy, open up for me, that’s it, you can do it,” Sir cooed back as he worked me over. Eventually he pulled his finger out and stuffed it and a second finger into his mouth. He got both fingers wet and then aimed them back at my hole. I closed my eyes, willing my hole open as he started to work two fingers into me.


It wasn’t easy, but it didn’t hurt, to get his second finger in. My hole opened wider than it ever had before as Sir’s digits began to penetrate me. He worked them as before, twisting and pulling, stretching the sides of my hole wider little by little. He slicked two fingers on his other hand and began to alternate between the two hands, fucking his fingers in and out of me. Waves of pleasure coursed through me. My whole world had shrunk to Sir, his fingers, and my hole. I never even thought about my own cock, which lay against my body half hard and leaking a steady stream of precum onto my stomach.


“Such a beautiful hole, and you’re opening up so well for me,” Sir said and he stuck three fingers in his mouth while still fucking two from his opposite hand into me. He dropped another big glob of spit onto my hole and then started to push three fingers in. “You maybe bi but you’ve got the making of a fag’s pig hole,” he said as my hole stretched open again and his three fingers sunk in to the knuckle.


“Fuck Sir! Please make my ass into a fag’s pig hole!”


“Is that what you want boy? You want me to turn you into a little fag boy? You want me to stretch your hole out till it’s a gaping mess? Give you a big wet pig cunt?”


“Please Sir! Don’t stop till I’m a gaping mess! Please make me a pig cunt!”


“Piggy boy cunts aren’t made in one session, but you’ve got a lot of potential boy. First we’ve got to get you nice and stretched out, and once you’ve got a warm wet pussy I’ll breed you and turn your hole into a pig cunt. Now, let’s see if you can handle something more than just my fingers.” With that he reached back over to the table next to the sling. I watched anxiously in the mirror as he selected a slender but almost a foot long silvery orange toy. It bent as he picked it up, flopping about in his hands. He poured lube all along its length and rubbed up and down the shaft to make sure it was spread out. Then he rubbed the extra lube from his hands on my hole, slipping his fingers in and out of me with ease. “Alright boy, this called a Slink. It is the smallest one and it’s got a long shaft so it’ll stretch you out slowly as it probes your hole. You ready?”


“Fuck yes!”


“Good boy. As I push in push out a little with your hole, it will open you up, but don’t strain. Alright now, deep breath in, and then let it out slowly.”


I took a deep breath, and then very slowly blew it out through my nose. As I did Sir lined the toy up with my hole and started to press it into me. I pushed out and watched in shock as my hole bloomed open and accepted the toy. The first few inches slid inside me easily. I gasped, accidentally tightening my hole.


“That was good boy, really good. You just got excited and clamped down. Take another deep breath and do the exact same thing.”


We did it again. I took a deep breath, and let it out as I pushed out with my hole being careful to never strain. More of the toy sank inside me. Soon half of it had vanished inside me.


“Good, good. That’s perfect. Now I’m going to fuck you with just this much of the toy. I want you to lay your head back. Try not to look in the mirror too much, just focus on how it feel.”


“Yes Sir!”


He slid the toy back till just the very tip was inside me, and then pressed it back inside. I groaned. He did it again. Slowly he built up the pace, fucking me with the long slender toy. Dutifully I kept my head back and eventually closed my eyes focusing on how my hole felt. It was incredible. I loved the feeling of being penetrated, every time Sir thrust the toy into me it hit something inside my hole that sent an electric shock of pleasure through my body. I felt stretched and used. I felt like a slut, and I liked it.


“Fuck boy, you did it. Open your eyes and have a look.”


I opened my eyes and looked up into the mirror. For a second I didn’t understand what I was seeing. Sir was standing between my outstretched legs with his hands at his sides, and the toy was nowhere to be seen but I could still feel it inside me. Then I understood. He had worked the rest of the toy inside me while he was fucking me. The whole foot long toy was now lodged in my ass.


“Holy fuck Sir! How? How did you get all of that inside me?”


“Very slowly. I told you boy, yours is not the first tight hole I’ve opened up. While you were focusing on the pleasure you were getting from the toy I pushed it a little deeper with each thrust till you’d taken the whole thing. Now watch this.” He took hold of the base of the toy and pulled back on it slowly. At first all I felt was pressure, then my ass gave way and the bulb of the toy slid out. I watched in awe as twelve long inches of orange silicone slipped from my hole and flopped into Sir’s waiting hands.


As soon as the toy was out of my hole I felt empty. I missed the fullness that came with being penetrated. “Fuck Sir, it felt so good. Fuck me again with it please! Put it back.”


“No, I think you took this one too easily. I’m going to size you up.” He dropped the Slink onto the table and walked down its length till he found what he was looking for. Holding a long black dildo he walked back to my hole. It was the same length as the Slink but without the taper. It had a fat head, and a wide shaft that ended in a pair of sculpted balls. Once more Sir slathered it with lube, rubbed some additional lube on my hole and then lined up the toy. “Deep breath, and push out while you let out your breath.”


My hole opened easily for the new toy. The Slink had opened my hole and I had no problem with the girth for the first few inches. When about half the toy was in me Sir said again, “head back, eyes closed.” I did as instructed, and relaxed into the toy fucking. This time I knew what he was doing and I felt it. I felt the toy slowly working deeper and deeper into my hole. I felt myself opening up for it. I felt my guts being rearranged. Sir fucked me longer this time, eventually working up to long dicking me with the dildo. He’d pull its whole length out of me, resting the head on my hole and then push forward and sink the whole shaft back into me. I groaned as he worked me over and begged him to use me, and turn my hole into a pig cunt.


“Fuck boy. You’re ready to size up again.” He pushed the whole length of the dildo in my hole, and then leaving me stuffed, moved down the table to pick my next toy. He came back with another dildo, this one however was fatter than either of the first two despite being several inches shorter. He lubed it up, pulled the pervious toy from my hole and then immediately replaced it with the new one. I groaned and without being told to do so, laid my head back on the and closed my eyes.


Sir was getting more aggressive now. My hole was loosening quickly for him and he was being less gentle. He fucked this new fatter toy into me quickly and then proceeded to pound it in and out of my hole till I was a sweaty, drooling, blathering mess.


“You’re doing so well boy. I’m so impressed,” Sir said, holding the toy deep inside me. “I can’t believe you’ve never had anything inside your hole before today. You’ve opened up so quickly. How do you feel boy?”


“I feel fucking amazing.” I said in complete honesty. “I never imagined that getting fucked would feel this good. Its just… its amazing. I want more! Fuck. I want you to make me into a pig hole so bad! I want to be stretched out and used. I want to be full of your cum”


“Damn. Hungry fucking boy. I love it. I like it when you beg me boy. But, I meant what I said, you’re not getting my cock today. You’re still not ready.”


“Yes Sir.”


“But you can get my load another way.”


“How Sir?”


He slid the dildo from my hole and set it aside. Then he unlocked my hands and feet and pulled me from the sling. I fell into him. My legs where shaking and unstable, lack of blood flow and being stretched for the first time had made me weak. Sir chuckled, “Get your legs back under you and then, you’re going to swallow my cock while you ride that dildo.”


“Fuck yes Sir!”


Sir moved us both over to the chair where he sat down handing me the dildo. It was heavy in my hands. I got on my knees in front of Sir, and then lent forward and aimed the dildo at my hole. It took me a moment to get the angle right but once I did it slid right back in. I shifted positions and slid the full length of the dildo inside me. Sir growled his approval and pointed his cock head at my face. I licked my lips, and fully impaled on the fat silicone cock I started to slurp on Sir’s dick. He held the back of my head again forcing me to take more and more of his cock down my throat. I coughed and spluttered but kept riding the dildo. It was completely overwhelming. There were too many amazing sensations happening at once that I couldn’t focus on anything. I found my mind going blank till I was only focused on the dildo in my ass and the cock down my throat.


He fucked my throat till my jaw hurt and then kept going. My eyes were watering and drool was dripping off of my chin. I’d completely forgotten to keep bouncing on the dildo and was instead just sitting with it completely lodged inside my formerly virgin hole while my mouth was ravaged. Eventually Sir’s breathing shifted, his pace changed, and he pulled out till his cockhead rested on my tongue again. I knew what was coming next. Ribbons of hot sperm shot out of his cock filling my mouth. I swallowed rapidly, gulping down as much as I could. I felt a small trickle of cum escape from the corner of my mouth as the last spurts fired.


Sir collapsed back into his chair, both hands behind his head exposing his beautiful bushy pits and filling the room with a fresh wave of musk. I sat back, relishing the feeling of fullness in my hole and licking my lips. “Fuck boy, you did well.” He said eventually.


“Thank you Sir. That was amazing, and… and thank you for giving me your load.”


He looked down at me quizzically. “Jesus. You really are a born sub. Fuck. Thanking me for my load unprompted. Fuck!” He reached down and rubbed my head, mussing up my hair. “I wish I could wreck you all night.”


“You can Sir! I don’t have to go anywhere.”


He laughed, “No boy, your hole’s been through a lot. You need some rest, or we’ll end up breaking your pretty little cunt in training. Time to get off that dildo.”


“Sir cant I just…”


“Who’s in charge here boy?”


“You are Sir.”


“Correct, and I told you its time to get off that dildo, so get the fuck up.”


“Yes Sir, sorry Sir!” I shifted onto the balls of my feet and slowly raised myself up will the dildo fell from my hole. I felt empty. I missed it already.


“Good boy, that’s better. I know you’ve had a big day and these feelings can be overwhelming so I’ll forgive you this time.”


“I’m sorry Sir.”


“Its ok boy.” He held my chin in his hand, “just remember whos boss in this house.”


“You are Sir.”


“That’s correct.” He tipped my face up to him and did something I didn’t expect. He kissed me. I leaned in, pressing myself to his warm body as our tongues intertwined. His beard scratched at my chin and his moustache tickled my nose. It was heaven. “I’m really proud of you boy,” he said when he broke apart our kiss. “There aren’t many boys who are experience with getting fucked who can take three hours in the sling their first day. You did amazingly.”


“Did? Are we done Sir?”


“For today we are. Like I said, we cant risk breaking your pretty hole on the first day.”


“Oh. Right.”


“Don’t look so sad. Come back tomorrow and we’ll keep opening you up.”


“Yes Sir!” I didn’t want to stop but at least this wasn’t the end forever.


“Tomorrow when you come do the same thing you did today. Go around back, strip down to your briefs, knock and wait on your knees. Got it?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Oh, and tonight… I want you to jerk off tonight.”


“Yes Sir!”


“Jerk off thinking about what we did today, watch some porn of boys being used by doms. And then in that post nut clarity I want you to ask yourself if this is something you really want to do. If you come back here tomorrow I want it to not just be pent up hormones, but what you really want to do. Understood?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Good then get your briefs and gather your clothes from the back porch. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.”




I lay in my bed that night, my briefs pulled to the side any my cock sticking straight up leaking. I rubbed at my tender hole as I stroked remembering the afternoon I had. I heard Sir’s voice in my head saying “In that post nut clarity ask yourself ‘is this something I really want.’” How could the answer be no? The whole day had been pure bliss. I felt like I had found my place. I stroked my cock feverously thinking of Sir calling me a “good boy” as he stretched out my hole. I felt my used but as of yet unfucked no longer truly virginal pucker and imagined Sir’s cock finally entering me. My balls tightened and cum erupted from my dick like water from a fire hydrant. It shot high into the air and rained down over my sweaty heaving chest. I dipped my fingers into the puddles and lapped up my own load falling back against the pillows as my climax ended. I was panting and exhausted, but one things was crystal clear in my mind: I would be at Sir’s house at noon the next day kneeling in my briefs as ordered.




“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint,” Sir said as he opened the sliding door in nothing but his jock smiling down at me. “How did it feel blowing that load last night boy?”


“I’ve never cum so hard in my life Sir. It was all over me and then I licked it up.”


“I bet you were playing with your hole at the same time weren’t you boy?”


“Yes Sir, and imaging you fucking me.”


“Glad to hear it boy… and when you came, how did you feel?”


I paused for a moment thinking and then replied, “Resolved Sir. I want to be your boy. I want to be trained by you. I want you to make me into a pig. I want a pig cunt Sir! I want to be your sub. I want to learn to submit! Please Sir!”


“Good boy. I like your honesty, and I’m glad that’s your choice. I’ve been thinking about your sweet boy hole all morning. Now, as cute as those briefs are on you they’re only going to get in the way of what’s next. Take them off, you can leave them out here with the rest of your clothes. You won’t be getting dressed again today.” I stood up and took off my briefs, only momentarily self-conscious about being completely naked outside. “Good boy. Come inside.”


He led me inside, but instead of heading right upstairs to the playroom he brought me over to the kitchen island. “Hope up here,” he said, patting the island. I did as instructed and sat on the edge of the island. Then he turned to the freezer and pulled out a small bag of ice. “Put this on your dick to make it go soft boy.” I blinked at him confusedly but followed his instructions. I placed the freezing cold ice on my hard cock and felt it slowly begin to deflate. Sir then took something out of his pocket and pulled the ice away. He quickly worked a hard plastic ring around the base of my cock and balls, my dick swelling again. With the ring securely in place he put the bag of ice back on my junk making it go soft once more. As soon as I had completely lost my erection Sir took the ice away once more and deftly slipped a small plastic cage over my cock and locked it to the ring.


“That load you shot last night,” he said, an evil glint in his eye, “was the last load you’re gonna shoot for a long while. I hope it really was a good one.” At this point in my life I’d never seen a cock cage or heard of male chastity, yet here I was with my cock straining against the confines of a black plastic cage. “This way all of your focus will be on your hole, not that you did a bad job of that yesterday but this… ensures compliance. Now, lets get you upstairs and start opening that hole up again. What do you say?”


“Yes Sir!” I jumped down from the kitchen island and practically ran up to the play room.


Sir chuckled coming into the playroom after me and seeing me standing right in front of the sling facing the door, my locked cock proudly on display. “Wrists out boy.” I held out my hands and he locked the cuffs back on them, then he did the same for my ankles. I stood still as a statue waiting while he retrieved my collar from the day before and re-attached it around my neck. “You look perfect.”


“Thank you Sir.”


“I thought we’d try you out on the bench this time,” he said, “instead of the sling. You wont be able to see what’s happening and can give in to just being a gaping hole.” He brought me over to the bench, and helped me to mount it. The bench was angled downward, and once Sir had attached my cuffs I was forced downward so that my ass was higher than my head. I had thought the sling left me exposed yesterday but it was nothing compared to this. My hole was totally exposed and I was held into place by the thick leather cuff. My cock throbbed in its new cage.


“You look beautiful boy. Your locked up cock is leaking everywhere, and your hole is quivering. I’m going to open your hole till it’s a big loose cunt. I’m going to turn you into the perfect sub pig and breed your guts till my cum runs down your legs.”


“Fuck yes! Please Sir! Use me! Stretch me out! Wreck me! Breed me!”


“All in good time boy. All in good time,” and without further warning he dove into my hole. He licked at it like a man possessed just like he had done the day before. Only this time, it didn’t take half the time before my hole started to bloom open. I felt it, my hole still sensitive from yesterday, slicked and then opened, slowly relaxing under Sir’s assault. I moaned as his tongue started to work into my ass, flicking over the muscular ring over and over again. Sir growled as his opened me up. His big meaty paws held my cheeks firmly, spreading them apart.


“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” I groaned over and over again.


“This is going to be the perfect pussy.” Sir said, smacking me hard on the ass as he stood up. I heard him moving around but I couldn’t see where he went. After a few moments he returned, and I felt the cold slickness of lube being spread on my hole followed by the unmistakable pressure of a toy. “Lets see what we can get in this hole today boy,” and he pressed the head of the toy into me. It felt narrow but steadily widened. Maybe it was the Slink from yesterday, but then it just kept going and going. It felt longer than anything yesterday. I closed my eyes and focused on relaxing my hole and enjoying the experience. Eventually I stopped wondering what it was and just lost myself in the pleasure the toy was giving me.


Sir progressively built up speed till eventually he was bashing my hole with the toy, the end of which felt like it had gone a miles into my guts. My hole felt wet and sloppy when he pulled the toy out. My hole felt cold without it, and I realized that that was air getting into my gaped ass. Sir replaced the first toy with another one almost immediately. This time, like yesterday, it was less tapered than the first. He steadily worked it deep inside me and I again lost myself in the experience. We did this over and over as Sir put larger and larger toys inside me. My world shrunk with each toy to focus more and more on my hole and Sir’s voice. The only thing that mattered were his words of encouragement and making myself into the hole he wanted.


I had fallen into some sort of trance when he finally said, “Lets get you off this bench, I want you to see what was just in your pussy.”


“My pussy Sir? Does that mean…?”


“That your hole is growing? Absolutely. It’s not a cunt just yet, but its definitely more than just a hole.” Sir unhooked me, and helped me to sit up and then dismount the bench. My arms and legs both felt a little numb as I stood up. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” I did as instructed and a heavy weight fell into my hands. “Open them.” I looked down and gasped. I was holding what seemed like an impossibly large dildo. It was the same silvery orange as the Slink but had a spear shaped head, a long slightly tapered shaft and a slight knot at the bottom. It had to be almost a foot and a half long almost three inches across at the head.


“There’s no way that was inside me Sir.”


“I’d never lie to you boy. Squat on it right now. You’ll see I’m not lying.”


I did as he said and set the massive dildo on the floor and then started to lower myself down onto it. My mouth hung open in shock as my hole easily opened for the head, and then slowly but surely swallowed the whole shaft.


“Holy fuck,” I groaned as I sat on the floor fully impaled on the toy. “Thank you Sir.”


“For what boy?”


“For showing me how good my pussy can feel!”


“You’re most welcome boy. It feels right doesn’t it boy, to have your hole stretched around a big toy and your dick locked away.”


“Yes Sir! It feels so good.”


“Good boy. You’re learning to take pleasure from a sub’s place in the world. A sub should be constantly horny and ready to service any man who wants to use its holes.”


“Yes Sir!” I was bouncing absent mindedly on the toy as he talked. It felt so good. I couldn’t believe it. Yesterday I’d barely had a finger up my ass and today I was riding a massive toy like it was nothing. Sir was a magician. He was also right. It felt so good to be locked up and stretched out, I never wanted it to end. “I’ll do anything you want.”


“Really boy? Anything?”


“Yes Sir! Anything!”


“Open your mouth boy.” He stepped right in front of my and pulled the pouch of his jock to the side. His fat semi hard cock flopped out. I opened my mouth expecting him to start face fucking me. Instead he twisted one hand into my hair holding my head still, and used the other to aim the head of his dick at my open mouth. He closed his eyes for a second and then suddenly the back of my throat was hit with a hot stream of piss. “Swallow boy. Take my piss load.”


I swallowed as quickly as I could but his stream came out way too fast and soon hot piss was streaming down my cheeks and dripping onto my chest. His piss was bitter but also somehow delicious. I gulped it down. I think even if it had tasted disgusting I would have still swallowed it. Sir wanted me to drink his piss, so I drank his piss.


Some part of me understood that this was not just about sexual gratification in the moment but also about him asserting his dominance and control over me. I was becoming an object for use, and I’d never been happier.


As Sir’s stream ended I licked my lips and flicked my tongue across the head of his dick, lapping up the last of his piss. I looked up and saw Sir smiling at me, a big messy grin. “Damn boy. I expected you to resist or spit it out. That was… wow.”


“You told me to swallow,” I said cheekily.


“You’re right. I certainly did. Fuck boy.” His did was hard now and he slapped it against my face. I hung my mouth open and let him push the head into my mouth. He held onto the back of my head with both hands and crammed his dick down my throat. For a second I couldn’t breathe before he pulled back again. I sank all the way down on the massive dildo and let Sir face fuck me. He groaned and growled as he used my throat. Thick globs of spit dripped off my chin and I started to sweat. When Sir finally came it was with a massive yell and hot volleys of cum filled my mouth. I swallowed his load down too, savoring his tastes with satisfaction. “Good boy… good boy,” he cooed running his fingers through my hair.


When his dick had gone soft he knelt down in front of me and took my face in his hand. “Good job boy. I’m really proud of you.”


“Thank you Sir!”


“You’re doing so well. You’ve impressed me so much. Your holes gone from a tight little pucker to a nice wet pussy so quickly.”


“Thank you Sir! It feels so good. I love having my hole turned into a pussy.”


“Good, and tomorrow I’m going to turn it into a cunt.”




“Really boy. Tomorrow you get what you’ve been asking for. I’m going to bend you over and pump you full of my spunk.”


“Fuck! Please Sir! I’m ready now Sir!” I bounced on the dildo to show him I was ready. As I rode the dildo my hole made a wet squelshing sound that made me even hornier.


“No boy. You’re going to wait till tomorrow. You’re going to spend the night in that cage, and come here after you’re done with work tomorrow. You’re going to prove to me that you want this,” He shook his cock at me, “Badly enough. You’re going to prove you’re a good boy, and then I’m going to breed you and make you mine.”


“Yes Sir! I’ll be here Sir!”


“Good boy.”


“Um… Sir…?”




“Could I… is there a toy I could take home? It just feels too good to be stretched out. I don’t want it to stop!”


He smiled, “After tomorrow boy you’ll be stretched out all the time. For tonight your hole needs to rest. Now come on,” he grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up to my feet. The dildo fell from my used hole as I stood up. I felt empty. “Let’s get you dressed.”




I stripped naked as soon as my apartment door closed behind me and flopped back onto my bed. I lay there running my hands across my body. My skin felt electric, as if every touch was heightened after my experience. My balls were more sensitive than they had ever been pressed forward and slightly squished by the ring of my new cage. I pulled my legs back and felt my hole. It felt puffy and swollen. It also felt amazing. I rubbed my fingers across it reveling in to the slickness I still felt. My hole had gone from completely virginal to a wet sloppy pussy in just two days and tomorrow it would become a pig cunt. I was in heaven.


The next day it was almost impossible to concentrate. I felt the pressure of my cage constantly. Every time I moved I felt it, and it kept me in a constant state of arousal. Peter could tell I was distracted but he didn’t seem to mind. He just let me exist and wait out my time till I could go back to Sir’s house. When our day was over and we’d dropped off tools back at the shop I practically bolted to my car. I drove as fast as I dared back over to Sir’s house and ran around the back of his house. I stripped off as soon as I got to his back porch and knelt down fully naked at the sliding door.


Sir came to the door today dressed in a black leather vest, and black leather chaps with well-worn white jock on. There was a stout leather cuff around his left bicep, and he had on heavy black leather boots. “Fucking sub faggot waiting naked and caged for his Dom. So fucking sexy,” he said when he opened the door. “Good boy, open your mouth.” I did as instructed, guessing at what was next. Like the day before he pulled his jock to the side and rested his semi hard dick on my lips before releasing a massive stream of piss into my mouth. I gulped it down hungrily, swallowing as much as I could. When he’d finished he slid his dick deeper into my mouth and fucked my face as he got hard. He pulled his fully hard cock out of my mouth, and turned my face up to his. Then he bent down and spat right into my mouth. “How did my boy enjoy his first day as a locked boy?”


“It was really hot Sir,” I said, after swallowing his spit, “But it was hard to think about anything about being caged and how horny I was.”


“Good. I told you a sub boy should always be horny and ready to service men, especially his Sir.”


“Yes Sir! I’m ready for you. Anything you want! I’m ready to serve.”


“I know you are boy. Are you ready to get that pussy turned into a cunt?”


“Yes Sir! I want it so bad!”

“Then lets get upstairs then!”


Sir took me upstairs, fitted the cuffs on me again, and latched the collar around my neck. He then lifted me into the sling and locked me in place. I gazed up at myself, taking in my spread legs, exposed body and leaking caged cock. I looked like such a slut.


“Fuck,” said Sir rubbing his fingers across my hole. “Such a beautiful fucking boy pussy. I’m going to breed you so deep boy my load’s going to be in you for days.”


“Please Sir, breed my hole! Make me into a pig cunt!”


“That’s it boy, beg me. Beg for my load. Tell me what you want.”


He got down on his knees and started to eat my hole as I alternated between begging and whimpering. “Please Sir! Fill my hole! Pump me full of your sperm. I want to be your boy! I want to be your cum dump. I need to be used. I’m just a sub boy, made for you to fuck! I need it so bad Sir! I’ve needed it for days. I want you inside me so bad! I can’t think about anything else. Every time I close my eyes I see you on top of me. I dream about you fucking me. Please let me serve you. Let me make you feel good. Please breed me!”


“Good boy,” Sir said when he stood up, “You’re learning your place. You’re going to make such a good sub.” He was leaning over me holding onto the chains by my wrists. He bent down and kissed me deeply. Then he stood up and towered over me. I looked up into the mirrored ceiling and saw his jock was off and his cock was fully hard and leaking. He lined it up with my hole and rubbed against my pucker. I groaned. “Good boy. Just like before, deep breath in, let it out and push out with your hole. Its time to turn your hole into a cunt.”


I did as he said and took a deep breath. With my eyes locked on his cock in the mirror I let it out and pushed gently. Sir’s cock was smaller than the toy’s I’d been riding the day before but it was thick with almost no taper to the shaft and it took some time and extra spit before his head broke through my sphincter. I moaned in ecstasy as the first two inches of cock entered my body.


Sir growled hungrily. “Good boy, take my big raw cock. Feel it opening your pussy, turning it into a cunt. That’s right boy, you’ll never be the same after this. You thought those toy’s felt good now that you’ve had real cock in your hole you’ll never be able to go back. You’ll always long for it. You’ll need it. You’ll need big raw dick in your sweet boy cunt.” While he was saying all of this he was slowly pushing his dick into me. I was whimpering and groaning, quietly begging him to make me his boy and fill me with cum. “That’s it boy, you’ve got my whole cock inside you now. You’ve taken your first dick.”


“It feels so good Sir! Fuck! Your dick is so big. I love it. Please! Please fuck me Sir!”


“I like hearing you beg boy.”


“Please breed my hole Sir! Make me into a cunt!”


“Good boy,” he said and started to pull his cock back out. He built up a slow pace first, using the swing of the sling to force his dick harder and harder into my hole. I was mesmerized watching his dick slide in and out of my ass in the mirror. Part of me couldn’t believe it was happening, and part of me felt like it had been inevitable that I would somehow end up here. Sir was right, I was a natural born sub. It didn’t matter that I was bi, I was a faggot made to be used. I moaned as Sir picked up the pace and started to slam into me.


Sweat was beading up on both of us. It dripped off of Sir and splattered onto my body. The smell of sex started to permeate the air. It was like Sir’s musk but quadrupled. It was intoxicating, it made me feel light headed. I was swimming in some sort of horny bliss, a daze of pheromones. How could I ever have been scared of being fucked? It was the greatest feeling in the world.


“God your hole feels so good boy. A warm wet boy pussy, its just begging to be used and bred. Fuck boy! I’m going to fucking fill your hole. You’re going to be my cunt.”

“Breed me Sir! Use my pussy! Its yours. Fill me up!”


“Yeah boy, take Daddy’s big raw cock. That’s what holes like yours are made for, taking big fat raw dicks all day long. You’re a fucking cum dump. Once you’ve had my load you’ll be fucking hooked. You’ll be desperate to be fucked all the time.”

“I want to be a cum dump Sir! Im already desperate. It feels so good! It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. Your dick is so good! Breed me Sir!”


“Fucking fag boy desperate for cock. Beg me for my load boy. Beg me to breed you. Beg me to make this pussy into a real fucking cunt!”


Sir was pounding me hard now. He was swinging the sling away from him and bashing me back against his cock as it swung back. I was panting, and dripping in sweat. My breathing was ragged as I gasped out, “I need it Sir! I need to be bred! I need my pussy made into a cunt. I need to be your cum dump! Please cum inside me! Breed me! Take me! Fuck me! Fill me up! Please… Please… Please… fucking breed me!”


“Here is comes boy, the first load of your life. Take my fucking load!” He screamed as he orgasmed, slamming his dick as deep as it would go inside me and pumping rope after rope after rope of hot cum inside me. I was shaking, several spurts of thick cum oozed out of my caged cock. Sir was still grunting as his dick throbbed inside me. Sweat fell from his face landing on my chest. My head fell back against the sling as I tried to catch my breath.


It had happened. Sir had fucked me and bred my hole. I had his hot load inside me right then. I was really a sub boy now. I was a boy. I was a hole. I was Sir’s hole. I had found my place.


“Fuck boy.” Sir groaned when he finally started pulling his cock from my hole. “You did so good.” He took a step away and grabbed something off the table of toys next to the sling. He lubed it up and pressed it into my hole. It was another silvery orange toy, this time a plug. It was shaped roughly like a man’s dick but with a thick knot at the base. He pushed it into my freshly bred hole and it popped into place. “From now on, this plug stays in your cunt when you’re not being bred. Is that understood boy?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Good boy.” He unfastened my arms and legs from the sling and helped me down. “Kneel there.” He pointed to the floor directly in front of the sling. I did as I was told. “Eyes front.” I looked dead ahead as Sir walked away from me. A moment later he returned and unlocked the collar from my neck, I looked up at him sadly but he just smiled. “That’s just a training collar, something I use on a boy I’m just playing with. This,” he dropped a thick heavy chain around my neck, “Is the collar of an owned boy.” He locked a big gold padlock through the last links of the chain and dropped it onto my chest. There was no ignoring the weight of it. Like my cage the chain would be a constant reminder of who I belonged to. “You’re mine now boy. You’ll come here every day after work or school and service me, or whoever I want you to service. Follow instructions and your hungry pig cunt will never go without again.”

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1 hour ago, newboy1689 said:

For no particular reason at all I decided to stay at university the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years. Largely, after having had a taste of freedom living away from home that year it just felt impossible to move back in with my parents and have to explain my comings and goings to them. So instead I lived in a little apartment with no AC, and worked for a local friend’s day who had a small contractor business. I’d taken woodshop all through high school and was a fairly decent carpenter. The work was hard but the pay was good for a 19 year old with pretty few expenses.


At the time I was just under five foot ten, and still pretty thing. My dirty blonde hair almost always looked like I needed a haircut or to comb it but that’s just how it grew. In high school I’d been a swimmer and I still had a fairly long and lithe build. I was naturally pretty hairless, only really sporting a few hairs in the middle of my chest and a dark treasure trail running into my ample pubes. My arms were mostly smooth, though my legs and ass had a nice amount of fur. The only part of my body that I would have described as hairy though were my pits, and I was proud of that fact. Any time there was an excuse for me to wear a tank top, or a cut off shirt to show them off I did.


I already knew that I was bi. Truly I’d known that for years. It had never really bothered me, but I’d also never really felt the urge to tell people. Most people who looked at me assumed I was straight. I’d been one of the jock’s in high school, even dated a cheerleader or two. Yet even when I had a serious girlfriend I always found myself watching gay porn too. Like most young people my porn were pretty bland and vanilla; straight jock porn, and gay jock porn. Nothing to really write home about.


So much of that changed over that summer. Technically I would still say I’m bi, but I understand myself so much more and sex with a woman can never fulfill me the way sex with a man can.


For the first month of the summer I was always with or supervised by my friends dad and boss Peter. He’d taught me how to frame out a wall, hang sheet rock, put up molding. He taught me how to patch holes in a wall, and smooth it out for paint. We did some larger jobs, ripping out a whole bathroom and starting again, and filled in with odd jobs. Then the weekend after July 4th Peter sent me on my first solo job, and it changed my life.


The house was normal enough looking when I pulled up in my little car that afternoon and got my tool box out. I wheeled my kit up to the front door and rang the bell. I didn’t really need the massive box of tools my boss had provided me, I was just there to patch some sheet rock, but I wanted to seem professional. My illusion of professionalism went right out the window however when the home owner opened the door.


He was tall, probably just over six foot, with short salt and pepper hair. He had a square jaw obscured partly by a short but thick beard. His eyes were bright, and seemed to boar into me. He had broad shoulders that strained the fabric of the white tshirt he had on. Hard, obvious nipples, pressed out from the thin fabric, and thick swirls of chest hair were clearly visible too. He had a slight gut, but was also obviously very strong, his arms were covered in crisscrossing veins. My eyes traveled down his body to the low-slung sweat pants, the unmistakable outline of a thick meaty cock, and the bare feet. I’d never really thought about older, bigger guys before, but now face to face with this massive perfect specimen of manhood I couldn’t think of anything else. 


“Hey there,” he said, smiling a big toothy smile at me from under his bushy moustache, “you must be Peter’s boy… Alex was it? I’m Jack.”


“Yeah,” I replied in an embarrassing stammer, “He said you had some drywall that needed repairing.”


“Sure do, come on through.”


He stepped back and let me into the house, then closed the door behind me. It looked like just about any other suburban home with clean lines, and nice furniture. Jack lead me down the main hall towards the back of the house and then up a flight of stairs, helping me carry my tool chest up. I watched the muscles in his arms ripple as he pulled the chest up the stairs behind him. When we got to the top of the steps I had to pause and adjust myself, my dick was harder than it had ever been before.


I followed Jack into the back bedroom where he pointed to several medium sized holes in the wall. “I had an incident hanging a shelf. Turns out I didn’t hit a single stud.” Jack laughed lightly.


“No problem,” I said, trying to mirror his jovial tone, “I can fix that.”


“Great. I’ll leave you to it. Bathrooms down the hall, and I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”


“Thank you so much. I’ll let you know when I’m all done.”


“Great.” He clapped me on the shoulder, the weight of his large hand sending shivers through me.


The first part of the repair was easy. I squared up the holes, cut some small patched of drywall from a scrap I’d brought with my and patched them in with drywall mud. Then I sat back to watch the mud dry before I could sand and do a second coat. My thought almost immediately turned back to Jack, his big arms, the meaty bulge in his sweat pants, the slight scent of man musk that just hung around him. I was instantly hard. No one, of any gender, had ever had this kind of effect on me. I was enraptured.


After a few minutes of my dick pressing painfully into my jeans as it hardened, I got up intending to find the bathroom and jerk off quickly. I walked down the hall and opened the first door I came to. I gasped. This was certainly not the bathroom.


The room was entirely painted black, with a black tiled floor and lit completely in red.  In the center hung a black leather sling, suspended from a mirror in the ceiling by thick silver chains. Next to the sling was a long table covered with dildos of all shapes and sizes. Along one wall hung leather gear, leashes and chains. Along the other wall were propped various other contraptions for supporting a person while they were being used; a large wooden X, a padded bench. A large leather chair occupied the far corner with a matching foot stool.


“Looking for something?” I spun around, my heart in my throat and was suddenly face to face with Jack. I hadn’t heard him coming up the stairs and now he’d caught me looking at his sex room.


“I… I was looking for the bathroom.”


“It’s the last room at the end of the hall. This is my playroom.”


“Oh… um… yeah… I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be sorry.” He stepped out of my way to let me down the hall to the bathroom. Head down I rushed past him only stopping when I heard him say, “Well… did you see anything you liked?”


“What?” My face burned bright as I turned back around to face the hulk of a man behind me.


“Did you see anything in the playroom you liked?”


“Um… I didn’t really look…”


“We both know that’s bullshit… I can see your hard cock from here.”


“Look. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry… I opened the wrong door.”


“It’s ok boy. Calm down. Come here.” I swallowed hard and walked towards him. He reached out and grabbed me firmly by the shoulder leading me back into his playroom. “Now, you’ve done nothing wrong, and this is a safe space. Take a look around, take a long look, and tell me, what made your boy cock so hard.”


“I…” I pause, tripping over my words, and then taking a breath did as he said. I took in the black room, the deep red lighting, the sling, the toys, the fuck bench (though I didn’t know that was what it was called then), the leather, and the restraints. “Honestly, everything. I’ve never seen anything like this. I don’t… I don’t even know what some of these things are for, but… It all turns me on.”


“Good boy,” he said, rubbing my shoulder. My cock throbbed. I liked hearing him call me a good boy. “Honestly will get you far in this house, but we don’t want to distract you too much from your work. Peter wouldn’t like that.”


“Well, actually… um… Sir… I was waiting for the spackle to dry on the patches I did… and it won’t be dry for at least another forty minutes.”


“Sir?” He cocked his head to the side, “an interesting turn of phrase. Alright, so lets say you’ve got an nice even hour to kill shall be boy?”


“Yes Sir.” I gulped again.


“Come over here and have a seat on this footstool,” he said, leading me into the room and taking a seat in the large leather chair. I sat, as instructed, perched on the footstool. It was a little lower than the chair and I felt even smaller compared to Jack. “Tell me a little about yourself. How old are you, if you go to school, what interests you…”


“Well, um… My name is Alex, but you already knew that. I’m twenty, I go to the university. I didn’t really want to go home this summer so I got this little apartment right off of campus and started working for Peter. He’s my friend’s dad.”


“Why didn’t you want to go home?”


“I just couldn’t imagine being home all summer after having a whole year of freedom. I wanted more time on my own. I want to explore and I don’t know… just be free to do what I want.”


“I’m sure after a year on your own it would be hard to go back to living with parents. Are you enjoying being on your own?”


“I love it. The apartment I’m in doesn’t have AC in every room, it just has this one window unit, but I’m there alone. So every day when I get home I just strip down to my boxers and sit around in my underwear. Its so freeing.”


“Doesn’t sound too different to my life here. Most of the time I don’t were much more than a jock strap in the house. I only got dressed today because you were coming over.” He grinned at me. “Although, with the way you were staring at my dick when you first came in maybe you would have appreciated the jock.”


“I’m sorry Sir. I… I didn’t mean to stare. I’m bi, and I’ve always known that but I’ve never been with a guy… and all the gay porn I’ve watched has just been young jocks… when you opened the door this morning I was just so… I was just so unprepared for how…” I trailed off feeling embarrassed.


“Keep going.”


“I was unprepared for how… how incredibly fucking hot you are.”


“Good boy, doesn’t that feel better to say?”


“Yes… Sir.”


“Remember what I said about honesty in this house, and you should feel confident calling me Sir if it feels right.”


“Yes Sir.” I grinned.


“Good boy. You like it when I call you a good boy don’t you?”


“Yes Sir I… I do.”


“Good, give in to that.”


“Yes Sir.” I said with more confidence.


“Stand up for me boy.” I did as I was told and stoop up facing him. “Now I want you to think very closely before following my next instructions. Your following them is your consent, do you understand?”


“Yes Sir,” I said, though honestly, I didn’t understand at all and had no idea what was coming next.


“You’re a good boy Alex.”


“Thank you, Sir.”


“Strip for me.”




“I want you to strip for me, like you would at home alone.”


I hesitated for a moment, and then did as he asked. I pulled my shirt off over my head, and dropped it on the ground. Then I bent down and undid my work boots kicking those off too, and stuffing my socks inside. Standing back up my hands shook a little as I undid my jeans, and after only a moments pause, pushed them down too. I stood there, in just my boxers with my cock hard as a rock and an obvious precum stain forming, in front of a man old enough to be my father probably that I had just met an hour ago. Yet, despite how nervous I felt, it also felt right. I liked obeying him, I liked calling him Sir, and most of all I liked being told I was a good boy.


“Good, very good. I’m proud of you. Show off that sexy body. Are you ready to have your first experience with man?” I nodded nervously, and he smiled. “Then get on your knees.”


I was terrified but also more turned on than I’d ever been, so I did what he asked. I got down on my knees and looked up at him expectantly. He smiled again, but there was something else there now too, a hunger.


“Good boy. I was hoping this was going to be your choice.” Without getting up from the chair he pulled his tshirt off revealing his massive chest, and round stomach. I marveled at the thick dark hair that swirled over his body. His nipples stood out pink and firm from that mass of fur. I licked my lips, and my cock leaked even more. He shifted his weight, and pulled off his sweat pants.


That’s when I saw it. For the first time in my life I was looking at another man’s cock in person. It was big and meaty with a broad flat head already glistening with precum. A wide vein ran along the top of the thick shaft. The base of his cock was completely obscured by thick wild pubes that spread until they connected to his treasure trail and leg hair. His balls hung so low and heavy that they brushed the chair even as he sat back. My mouth was watering


“Come over here boy, get my cock in your mouth.”


I didn’t hesitate for a second. I dove forward, nestling myself between his thick thighs. Until right then I’d never even seen another man’s penis, let alone touched it. I hovered for a moment, simply unsure of how to proceed and then taking a deep breath, I grabbed his cock. It was warm and firm in my grasp, and deeply alluring. I pushed myself till I was propped up on my knees and my mouth was level with the tip. I licked my lips, and then kissed the head of his cock. It tastes sweet, but also salty at the same time. Without having tasted it before, I immedicably knew that this is what sweat tasted like. It was intoxicating.


Slowly I parted my lips, taking the head of his penis into my mouth. My body was on fire with lust. I’d imagined this moment countless times, but this was so different and so much better than any of my fantasies. Diligently I worked my way down the wide shaft till I had most of it in my mouth. Then I started bobbing my head up and down like I’d scene in countless porn videos. I tried to remember what had felt good on my own cock when my high school girlfriend had blown me and emulated that. When Jack let out a low moan my heart soared. I wanted nothing more than to make him feel good in that moment.


Eventually his hand came to rest on the back of my head. His fingers twisted into my hair, and he took charge. He held my head in place and started to push his hips forward. His cock slid in and out of my hungry mouth. I slobbered all over his shaft as best I could as he started to fuck my face. I coughed and spluttered when his cock got too deep, and gasped for breath each time he pulled out till only his wide cock head was in my mouth.


“Good boy,” he growled, “Take that fat cock down your throat. Your mouth feels so good. Making Daddy’s cock feel good. I’m going to shoot a big load down your throat boy. You want that don’t you? You want Daddy’s load?”


I tried to nod my head yes. At that moment in time I’d never wanted anything else more. I wanted him to cum. I wanted him to shoot his load right on my tongue. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to swallow it. I wanted my first blowjob to end with me swallowing this man’s load.


“Oh fuck boy, just like that. Yeah, hold your mouth open. Fuck. Open wide for Daddy. Good boy. Fuck! Yes! Take my load boy!” He held my head in one hand, the other was behind his head. I looked up at his beautiful manly body and his cock gave a powerful throb. He pulled back so just the top of his cock was past my lips and let it go. Thick ribbons of cum erupted from the head of his dick like water bursting through a dam. It filled my mouth in just a few squirts and I tried to swallow as quickly as I could. It tasted amazing, hot and tangy.


Slowly his orgasm subsided and I licked the last of his load from my lips. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I looked up at Jack in awe, his cock still inches from my mouth.


“You did good boy. With some training you’ll make a first-rate cock sucker.”


“Thank you Sir.”


“Did you have fun?”


“Yes! That was amazing. I’m so hard Sir!”


“I can see that. You’ve practically soaked through your boxers. I’m proud of you.”


“Thank you Sir.” I rubbed my crotch absently while I looked up at him. Suddenly he bent down and snatched my hand away from my own leaking cock.


“Did I say you could touch yourself.”


“I… um… no…?”


“No what?” He was suddenly very stern.


“No Sir.”


“That’s better. You’re new, and you’re worked up. Its ok. But, if we’re going to keep having fun like this you need to learn something.”


“What’s that Sir?”


“I am in charge.”


My cock throbbed. “Yes Sir!”


“Good boy. Alright. Its been just about an hour. Why don’t you get yourself together and go finish your work. I’ll be downstairs when you’re done,” and with that he got up, pulled up his pants, and left the room.


For a long moment I just knelt there on the floor in shock at what had just happened. I was so horny but I didn’t dare touch myself. Eventually I got up. I looked at my clothes laying on the floor, and then thought to myself ‘he didn’t tell me to get dressed…’ so wearing only my precum soaked boxer shorts I padded back into the back bedroom and sanded down my dry wall patches.


A half hour later I was finished, cleaned up, and had packed up my tools. I walked back into the playroom, picked my clothes up off the floor and tossed them on top of my tool bag. Then I carried the whole lot back down the back stairs.


Jack was sitting in the kitchen. He’d stripped off and was now only wearing a thin well-worn jock that barely held his hefty flaccid cock in place. My mouth watered at the sight.


“Well, this is interesting… you’re still in your underwear boy. Did you finish your work like that?”


“Well, you said that you are in charge, and… and you didn’t say to get dressed just to finish the work so I… sorry. That was probably the wrong thing to do. I’m so embarrassed. I’ll get dressed.”


He got up and cupped my chin in his hand. “Don’t be embarrassed boy. You’ve done great. You’re right, I didn’t tell you to get dressed, and I’m certainly never going to complain about a boy being in his underwear. It shows real initiative too. You know… I had intended to just fuck your mouth and send you on your way but…” he paused for a moment looking me up and down. “How about this. Normally I wouldn’t take on a boy who’s as inexperienced as you, training a boy from scratch can be a lot of work, but… if you can prove to me you’re serious I might just make you mine.” Truthfully I had no idea what he meant by any of that, but it didn’t matter. In that moment I would happily do anything for Jack.


“Whatever you say Sir!”


“I want you to come back here tomorrow. Tomorrow’s Saturday, I assume you have the day off?” I nodded. “Good. Ok. Come here tomorrow at noon. When you get here park out front like you did today, and then let yourself round the back. You will strip off in the back yard to your underwear, then you’ll knock on the back door and get on your knees and wait. If you come here know that coming here is you consenting to serving me. I am in charge. I will treat you well and I will make you feel things you have never felt before, but I am the boss. You feel pleasure when I want you to. You feel pain when I want you to. You are mine. Is that clear.”


“Yes Sir!” I was completely hard again.


“Good. Now, off you go. I’ll tell Peter how good a job you did upstairs.”


“Thank you Sir.” I picked up my shirt and started to put it on.


“You don’t need that. You can make it to your car as is. It’s a quiet street and my drive is plenty secluded. Think of it as your first test.”


I gulped, and nodded. I dragged my bag to the front door and then taking a deep breath opened it and walked outside in nothing but my absolutely soaked boxers. I walked quickly to my car, stopping only to fish my keys out of my pants pockets, and loaded my things into the back seat.


“Oh, and one more thing boy,” called Jack from the front door, “No more fucking boxers. My boys wear briefs or jocks. I don’t think you’re quite ready for a jock though. Tomorrow I expect to see you kneeing in a fresh pair of white briefs, or else I’m not letting you inside.” Then he closed the door and was gone.


My hands were shaking as I got dressed in my car. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Yet I knew it was real, I could still taste Jacks load on my lips. I drove to Peter’s little shop and dropped off my tools for the day, my dick still hard as it was when I’d left. It seemed like I would never be soft again I was so hard.


I don’t think I ever made a conscious decision as to my next destination. It just seemed inevitable. I drove across town to the mall and parked in front of the Target. I shifted my dick so my erection wasn’t so obvious and walked into the store, heading straight towards the men’s underwear.


I’d been a boxer’s man for years, at least since middle school. I’d never thought of returning to briefs, but standing there looking at all the options I understood why Sir preferred them. I didn’t clock it then, but somewhere between blowing him and picking out the underwear he told me to wear I had shifted from mentally calling Jack by his name to calling him Sir. Every package of briefs was adorned with a photo of a muscular man’s crotch in bulging underpants. I stared for a long time imagining what each models cock would look like in person. Eventually I found a pack of high cut white briefs.




The next morning I was so full of nervous energy I couldn’t do anything. The night before I’d stripped off as soon as I got in the door, kicking off my precum filled boxers and tore into the package of briefs. I pulled a pair on and looked at myself in the mirror. I would have never guessed that one garment could be so transformative. In my boxers I looked like any other jock, lean and slightly tanned from the summer sun. In the briefs I looked more vulnerable, exposed, twinky. I liked it. I felt sexy.


I slept, fitfully, in that pair. I’d resolved to follow Sir’s instructions, and hadn’t touched my cock at all. I was constantly hard, constantly reminded of what I had done that day and excited for what tomorrow would bring.


At quarter past eleven I couldn’t wait any longer. Dressed in a fresh pair of briefs, basketball shorts and a tank top I got into the car and drove over to Sir’s house. I pulled into the drive ten minutes early and sat for as long as I could bare it. Finally at five minutes to noon I got out of the car, my heart pounding, and walked around the side of the house. I opened the small gate that separated the front yard from the back and headed over to the patio. At the edge of the brick slab I pulled off my tank top, kicked off my shoes, and dropped my shorts with no hesitation. I had no idea what Sir had in store for me but if it was anything like yesterday I was completely committed. I wanted it. I wanted him.


I walked over to the glass sliding door, got on my knees on the mat, and knocked. After a nerve-wracking moment Sir appeared walking down the hall again dressed in nothing but an old white jock. My cock throbbed again.


“You actually came, and you’re early. I’m impressed. Open up boy and I’ll give you your first treat.” He held his hand under my chin and tipped my face up to him as I opened my mouth. Then, very suddenly, he hawked back and spat a big wad of spit into my mouth and all over my cheeks. I was shocked, but also instinctually swallowed. “Good boy. You’re mine and now you’re marked as mine. Stand up for me. Look at you. These briefs suit you so much better than those horrible loose boxers don’t they?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Boxers are much too loose and macho for a boy like you. You need to be exposed, shown off, don’t you boy.”


“Yes Sir!”


“You learn quick. Do you like your new briefs?”


“Yes Sir, very much. I bought them right after I left yesterday and I put a pair on as soon as I got home. I felt so… so sexy in them.”


“Good! That’s exactly how you should feel boy. Alright, come inside the house and I’ll tell you what I have planned for your first training day.” I followed him inside and back up to the playroom where he once more sat in the big leather chair. Without having to be instructed I knelt on the floor in front of him. It just felt right. “Good boy. Now, before we get any further I want to make sure you understand I am not going to fuck you today.” I hadn’t honestly thought through what he might do to me, but I was still sad to hear that. “You’re not ready for me to fuck you, but don’t worry, if you prove yourself to be willing to learn and obey I’ll fill your sweet boy hole up with my cum soon enough.


“Thank you Sir.” I said, my voice thick with lust.


“Now some doms will tell you that you are only allowed to speak when spoken to. I find that boring. I want to hear what you’re thinking. I want to know when you’re excited or you enjoyed something. So speak up. Just remember, I am in charge.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Good. Next, just because I’m not going to fuck you today does not me today isn’t going to be about your hole. I’m going to spend today teaching you about your hole as a sex organ. Something tells me that you don’t have much experience in that area.”


“I’ve fingered myself a few times Sir, but rarely and only one finger nothing like…” I looked around the room at the myriad of sex toys, “Nothing like the things you have here.”


“That’s ok boy. I’ll start you small and work you open slowly. What’s important boy is that you let go and let me use you. I will make it pleasurable for you, but its not about that. Its about my pleasure in using you. Do you understand?”


“Yes Sir. I’m nervous though.”


“Don’t be. When a boy like you gives in to the pleasure of their hole it feels even better than playing with their cock. If you really let go boy you’ll shoot bigger loads than the one I’m betting you shot when you got home last night just from playing with your ass.”


“I didn’t get off last night Sir.”




“I… I didn’t jerk off last night Sir. You told me… well, you said that you were in charge and you told me not to touch myself so… I… I didn’t.”


“You haven’t gotten off since you were here yesterday?”


“No Sir.”


“That is very interesting. Wow. I’m really impressed. You’re even more of a natural sub than I thought. Good boy.”


“A sub Sir?”


“Yes boy. A sub. A submissive. That’s what you are. There was just something about you yesterday when you came in that tipped me off, but I didn’t guess you’d be this naturally subservient. You like pleasing me don’t you? It makes you feel good to please me?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Good. Lean into that feeling. Focus on it. Making me feel good will lead to me making you feel good. If you really are as good a sub as you seem we are going to have a lot of fun together.” He got up from the chair. “Stay there boy,” he patted my head as he passed, and walked over to the wall covered in gear. He took a long moment looking over the wall before moving over to a collection of chains hanging all together. He picked up a smaller silver one, and grabbed a silver padlock from a small table.


“Stand up boy.” I stood up and faced him. He passed the chain behind my head and rested it on my shoulders. The metal was cold, and it was heavier than I expected. I probably should have expected what came next but I was still surprised when he brought the two ends of the chain together and clicked the padlock through the links. He let the lock drop onto my chest.


“Look at yourself in the mirror boy.” He turned me towards a floor length mirror next to the door to the room. I gasped. Just like the night before when I’d first tried on my new briefs I was shocked by how much a little thing could transform my image. The chain hung close to my neck, glinting in the red light. The lock looked large and prominent against my chest. My cock was straining against my briefs, and a small wet spot had already started to form as my dick started to leak. I couldn’t believe how sexy I looked.


Sir stepped up behind me, joining me in the mirror. The difference between us was striking. He was tall and broad, covered in hair, with thick powerful arms. His jock bulged, heavy with his steadily swelling meat. He looked like a man, a true man. I on the other hand, was much thinner with far less muscle. My arms, though not undefined, looked puny next to Sir’s mass. I was almost hairless and small, straining in tight white briefs with a chain collar locked around my neck. I’d never seen a sub before, I’d never delved into that kind of porn, but I knew in that moment that this is what a sub was supposed to look like. I felt incredibly sexy, sexier than I ever had in my whole life up until that moment, and I would have done anything to keep feeling that way.


“The collar suits you boy.”


“Thank you Sir. I love it! I feel so fucking hot!”


“Good! Good boy. You’re finding your place. Now, this is just a training collar, it will only stay on for today’s session. But if you’re a good a sub as I’m starting to think you will be you’ll have your own permanent collar and lock soon enough.”


I spun to face him, looking up into his big square face with pleading eyes. “Really Sir?”


“Really boy, but a collar must be earned. Little novice holes like you don’t just get a collar.”


“Yes Sir. I understand Sir… but I’d like to earn it.”


“Good boy. You like how the collar feels don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! I feel so sexy.”


“You are sexy. You look like the perfect sub, well almost perfect.”




“We’ll get there… you’re not quite ready for the next step yet boy. Don’t worry about that. Focus on what’s happening right now.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Now that we’ve got you properly dressed for the day. Time for your first lesson: Worshiping Daddy’s body. You did a damn fine job sucking my cock yesterday, but there’s more to pleasing a man than just giving him a blow job.”


“Yes Sir.”


“Come over here and get your nose in my pits. Get my scent on you.” He put his hands behind his head exposing his furry pits. A wave of musk hit me like a tsunami. I was entranced by the smell, intoxicated even. I’d never smelled anything quite like it. It was something akin to the smell of the gym locker room but delicious at the same time, like the raw scene of muscularly. I dove into his pit nose first. I nuzzled deep, breathing in the heady aroma. I stuck out my tongue and lapped at the hair. The taste was just as enticing as the smell. Salty and mysterious, I licked the sweat from his pit, twisting my tongue through the hair there. Sir let out a satisfied groan when I pulled back gasping for air. “Good job boy, now do the other one.” Not needing to be told twice I frantically started sniffing and licking Sir’s other pit. I felt high. It was wild. His scent seemed to make me even hornier. My head was spinning.


I slowly started to move from Sir’s pit, licking at his skin as he went. I’d seen guy getting their nipples played with in porn, and made my way to Sir’s big pink nipple. I flicked my tongue across it and he moaned his approval. I sucked and teased his nipple, feeling it harden in my mouth. Sir grunted, and put his hand on the back of my head pressing me to his chest. “Good boy, lick Daddy’s nipples,” he growled. After a few minutes he shifted me to his other nipple and I devoured that one too. When Sir finally let me up my face was slick with spit, and I was grinning stupidly.


“Good job boy, and you knew to work my nipples without me having to tell you. I’m very proud of you. You’re such a natural at this. Why don’t you work your way down and suck on my balls for a minute before we get you in the sling for the first time.”


I grabbed at Sir’s chest, licking his nipple for a few moments more before slowly sinking to my knees. At first I just looked at the full pouch of his jock, remembering what it contained. Then I pulled it aside and let Sir’s cock flop out. He wasn’t completely hard yet, but his cock still hung long and thick. I held his dick gently in one hand, lifting it, and started swallowing his balls. I pulled first one then the other into my mouth. I licked all along his sack, tasting more sweat and musk. I burred my nose in his pubes, inhaling his scent. As I worked his balls his dick continued to harden, swelling to its full and impressive size. I stroked it lightly, but Sir smacked my hand away, “I told you to work my balls boy, not play with my cock.”


“Sorry Sir,” I gasped, letting his balls out of my mouth for a second.


“You earn my cock through submission, I will let you know when it’s time for you to play with my cock.”


“Yes Sir!”


“Now swallow my balls boy!”


I hungrily went back to my work. I liked his balls till his pubes were matted down with my spit and my face was shining. Sir moaned in appreciation as I worked his body and teased his sack. I was in heaven. Every sound of pleasure he made sent a shot of endorphins through my body. He was right, I was getting pleasure out of making him feel good. It made me happy to pleasure him. I’d never considered how good it could feel to submit.


“Good job boy, fuck. You’re good at that. I can’t believe you’ve never been with another man. You’re a fucking natural. You were born for this.”


“Thank you Sir!” I said from the floor, looking up at him, my face covered in spit and his precum.


“Get up boy. Its time to get you in the sling.” I sprung to my feet, and he led me by the hand over to the swing in the middle of the room. He spun me around so I was facing him, with my back to the sling, “Take off your briefs.” Without hesitation I hooked my fingers into my waistband and pushed my briefs to the floor. My cock sprung up, slapping into my stomach leaving a stick trail of precum. “You are enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” He said looking at my cock.


“Yes Sir. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”


“I’m glad to hear that boy. It means I was right about you. If you weren’t a natural born sub you wouldn’t be this turned on servicing me.”


“It’s all so hot Sir. Honestly. I know I keep saying it but I’ve never felt sexier in my life. This is amazing. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, our day’s just starting. Hold out your hands.” I did as he instructed and grabbed to leather cuffs from the table next to the sling. He snapped them around my wrists, and then locked two more around my ankles. A big drop of precum dripped from my cock onto the floor when the leather touched my skin. “Alright, on three give me a little jump.” He grabbed me under the arms and counted, “one, two, three.” I jumped up and he pushed me back. I landed on the seat of the sling. Sir lay me down in the contraption and I looked up at myself in the mirror above. Every time I looked at myself I looked more and more like a submissive boy. Now in addition to my collar and lock, I had stout leather cuffs with D rings on them on all for limbs which Sir was attaching to the chains of the sling. Within moments I was completely helpless, attached to the sling with no way of getting free. I was at Sir’s mercy, and there was nothing I could do about it. I looked at myself in the mirror; exposed, vulnerable, and submissive. It was perfect.


“How do you feel boy?”


“Amazing Sir!”


“You look amazing. Like I said, I’m going to take this real slow, if at any point its too much I want you to speak up. I’m not promising that I’ll stop what I’m doing but I will coach you through what you’re feeling. Understand?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Ok, lets start training this boy hole. How many fingers have you taken before boy?”


“Just one Sir. I’ve never been brave enough to try more. I always get scared I’ll hurt myself.”


“Well you don’t have to be scared today boy. I’m opened boy holes wider than you can imagine right now. I wont hurt you.” He’d walked around me now so he was standing between my spread legs. The pouch of his jock was still pulled aside and his massive dick stood straight out pointing right at my hole. I felt my hole twitch as I looked at the drooling head. I watched in the mirror above as Sir stepped closer and rubbed his slick cock head against my ass. I felt the wet head brush over my hole and I moaned. “Good boy,” he said. “You want my cock don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! I want you to fuck me.”


“Like I told you earlier, I’m not going to fuck you today, only properly trained sub boys get my cock. But with how eager you and naturally predisposed to submission you seem, I don’t think you’ll have to wait that long to get my cock inside you.” He brushed his cock head against my hole again, “and my load.”


“Fuck,” I moaned.


“That’s right boy. Once I’m inside you I’m not going to stop until I’ve bred your sweet boy hole.”


“Please Sir! I want you to breed me! Please train me for your cock.”


“Good boy.” Sir grinned at me, and then to my shock, sank to his knees. I felt his warm breath on my hole first, then the tickle of his moustache on my taint, followed finally by his tongue flicking across my tight, virgin, pucker.


“Oh my god!” I practically screamed.


Sir chuckled, “relax boy. It’ll feel good. Just relax.” He did it again. His tongue darted across my hole, then back down. It began to circle the outside of my ring. He was right, it did feel good. I watched Sir burry his head between my legs, shoving his tongue into my ass in the mirror above. His head bobbed forward and back as he twisted his tongue around. Almost immediately I was a whimpering heaving mess. I pulled against the chains, my arms moving involuntarily and Sir worked my hole.


It happened slowly but I felt it, my hole began to relax. As Sir’s tongue danced around and across my hole, very slowly the muscles began to relax. I was opening up for him, slowly blooming open. Sir felt it too, he began to push his tongue against my hole. Over and over as he continued his frantic lapping he’d press the point of his tongue against my pucker. Little by little he made progress, slowly prizing my ring open.


“Holy shit! Holy shit!” I kept repeating over and over. I had never dreamed something could feel like this.


“That’s it boy, give in. You can feel it, can’t you? You can feel your hole opening up for me. Its fucking beautiful. You have such a pretty hole, tight and pink, just the right amount hair. Fuck.” He dove back in, his tongue now focusing almost exclusively on the center of my hole. He pushed and pushed, till his tongue could slid easily in and out of my hole. I felt the shift. He was tongue fucking my hole.


“Oh my god.” I moaned.


“Good boy. Yeah, good fucking boy,” he growled into my hole.


He kept that up for what felt like an hour. I was whimpering and moaning when he finally got back to his feet. His moustache and beard were wet with spit and ass juice. He looked even hotter than before. Sir licked his lips and smiled at me, “what a fucking beautiful hole. Its just fucking begging to be trained. Boy, you need this don’t you?”


“Yes Sir! Please! Please train my hole.”


“It just bloomed open for me.” He sucked on one of his fingers for a moment and then started to rub it on my hole. “And it didn’t tighten back up right away. Your hole is desperate for it.” He pressed the tip of his finger into my hole very slowly. “Desperate for me to stretch it out. Fuck boy.” He spat onto his finger, rubbed his spit over my hole and pressed forward again. There was a long moment where nothing happened. I watched anxiously in the mirror, trying desperately not to tighten up. Then very suddenly Sir’s finger vanished inside my hole. My body just opened up and swallowed his finger. I groaned and tossed my head back against the sling. My legs pulled against my chains and I saw stars flash before my eyes.


Sir twisted his finger around, pulling at the sides of my hole as I groaned and blathered on at him “open me, use me, it feels so good.” “Good boy, open up for me, that’s it, you can do it,” Sir cooed back as he worked me over. Eventually he pulled his finger out and stuffed it and a second finger into his mouth. He got both fingers wet and then aimed them back at my hole. I closed my eyes, willing my hole open as he started to work two fingers into me.


It wasn’t easy, but it didn’t hurt, to get his second finger in. My hole opened wider than it ever had before as Sir’s digits began to penetrate me. He worked them as before, twisting and pulling, stretching the sides of my hole wider little by little. He slicked two fingers on his other hand and began to alternate between the two hands, fucking his fingers in and out of me. Waves of pleasure coursed through me. My whole world had shrunk to Sir, his fingers, and my hole. I never even thought about my own cock, which lay against my body half hard and leaking a steady stream of precum onto my stomach.


“Such a beautiful hole, and you’re opening up so well for me,” Sir said and he stuck three fingers in his mouth while still fucking two from his opposite hand into me. He dropped another big glob of spit onto my hole and then started to push three fingers in. “You maybe bi but you’ve got the making of a fag’s pig hole,” he said as my hole stretched open again and his three fingers sunk in to the knuckle.


“Fuck Sir! Please make my ass into a fag’s pig hole!”


“Is that what you want boy? You want me to turn you into a little fag boy? You want me to stretch your hole out till it’s a gaping mess? Give you a big wet pig cunt?”


“Please Sir! Don’t stop till I’m a gaping mess! Please make me a pig cunt!”


“Piggy boy cunts aren’t made in one session, but you’ve got a lot of potential boy. First we’ve got to get you nice and stretched out, and once you’ve got a warm wet pussy I’ll breed you and turn your hole into a pig cunt. Now, let’s see if you can handle something more than just my fingers.” With that he reached back over to the table next to the sling. I watched anxiously in the mirror as he selected a slender but almost a foot long silvery orange toy. It bent as he picked it up, flopping about in his hands. He poured lube all along its length and rubbed up and down the shaft to make sure it was spread out. Then he rubbed the extra lube from his hands on my hole, slipping his fingers in and out of me with ease. “Alright boy, this called a Slink. It is the smallest one and it’s got a long shaft so it’ll stretch you out slowly as it probes your hole. You ready?”


“Fuck yes!”


“Good boy. As I push in push out a little with your hole, it will open you up, but don’t strain. Alright now, deep breath in, and then let it out slowly.”


I took a deep breath, and then very slowly blew it out through my nose. As I did Sir lined the toy up with my hole and started to press it into me. I pushed out and watched in shock as my hole bloomed open and accepted the toy. The first few inches slid inside me easily. I gasped, accidentally tightening my hole.


“That was good boy, really good. You just got excited and clamped down. Take another deep breath and do the exact same thing.”


We did it again. I took a deep breath, and let it out as I pushed out with my hole being careful to never strain. More of the toy sank inside me. Soon half of it had vanished inside me.


“Good, good. That’s perfect. Now I’m going to fuck you with just this much of the toy. I want you to lay your head back. Try not to look in the mirror too much, just focus on how it feel.”


“Yes Sir!”


He slid the toy back till just the very tip was inside me, and then pressed it back inside. I groaned. He did it again. Slowly he built up the pace, fucking me with the long slender toy. Dutifully I kept my head back and eventually closed my eyes focusing on how my hole felt. It was incredible. I loved the feeling of being penetrated, every time Sir thrust the toy into me it hit something inside my hole that sent an electric shock of pleasure through my body. I felt stretched and used. I felt like a slut, and I liked it.


“Fuck boy, you did it. Open your eyes and have a look.”


I opened my eyes and looked up into the mirror. For a second I didn’t understand what I was seeing. Sir was standing between my outstretched legs with his hands at his sides, and the toy was nowhere to be seen but I could still feel it inside me. Then I understood. He had worked the rest of the toy inside me while he was fucking me. The whole foot long toy was now lodged in my ass.


“Holy fuck Sir! How? How did you get all of that inside me?”


“Very slowly. I told you boy, yours is not the first tight hole I’ve opened up. While you were focusing on the pleasure you were getting from the toy I pushed it a little deeper with each thrust till you’d taken the whole thing. Now watch this.” He took hold of the base of the toy and pulled back on it slowly. At first all I felt was pressure, then my ass gave way and the bulb of the toy slid out. I watched in awe as twelve long inches of orange silicone slipped from my hole and flopped into Sir’s waiting hands.


As soon as the toy was out of my hole I felt empty. I missed the fullness that came with being penetrated. “Fuck Sir, it felt so good. Fuck me again with it please! Put it back.”


“No, I think you took this one too easily. I’m going to size you up.” He dropped the Slink onto the table and walked down its length till he found what he was looking for. Holding a long black dildo he walked back to my hole. It was the same length as the Slink but without the taper. It had a fat head, and a wide shaft that ended in a pair of sculpted balls. Once more Sir slathered it with lube, rubbed some additional lube on my hole and then lined up the toy. “Deep breath, and push out while you let out your breath.”


My hole opened easily for the new toy. The Slink had opened my hole and I had no problem with the girth for the first few inches. When about half the toy was in me Sir said again, “head back, eyes closed.” I did as instructed, and relaxed into the toy fucking. This time I knew what he was doing and I felt it. I felt the toy slowly working deeper and deeper into my hole. I felt myself opening up for it. I felt my guts being rearranged. Sir fucked me longer this time, eventually working up to long dicking me with the dildo. He’d pull its whole length out of me, resting the head on my hole and then push forward and sink the whole shaft back into me. I groaned as he worked me over and begged him to use me, and turn my hole into a pig cunt.


“Fuck boy. You’re ready to size up again.” He pushed the whole length of the dildo in my hole, and then leaving me stuffed, moved down the table to pick my next toy. He came back with another dildo, this one however was fatter than either of the first two despite being several inches shorter. He lubed it up, pulled the pervious toy from my hole and then immediately replaced it with the new one. I groaned and without being told to do so, laid my head back on the and closed my eyes.


Sir was getting more aggressive now. My hole was loosening quickly for him and he was being less gentle. He fucked this new fatter toy into me quickly and then proceeded to pound it in and out of my hole till I was a sweaty, drooling, blathering mess.


“You’re doing so well boy. I’m so impressed,” Sir said, holding the toy deep inside me. “I can’t believe you’ve never had anything inside your hole before today. You’ve opened up so quickly. How do you feel boy?”


“I feel fucking amazing.” I said in complete honesty. “I never imagined that getting fucked would feel this good. Its just… its amazing. I want more! Fuck. I want you to make me into a pig hole so bad! I want to be stretched out and used. I want to be full of your cum”


“Damn. Hungry fucking boy. I love it. I like it when you beg me boy. But, I meant what I said, you’re not getting my cock today. You’re still not ready.”


“Yes Sir.”


“But you can get my load another way.”


“How Sir?”


He slid the dildo from my hole and set it aside. Then he unlocked my hands and feet and pulled me from the sling. I fell into him. My legs where shaking and unstable, lack of blood flow and being stretched for the first time had made me weak. Sir chuckled, “Get your legs back under you and then, you’re going to swallow my cock while you ride that dildo.”


“Fuck yes Sir!”


Sir moved us both over to the chair where he sat down handing me the dildo. It was heavy in my hands. I got on my knees in front of Sir, and then lent forward and aimed the dildo at my hole. It took me a moment to get the angle right but once I did it slid right back in. I shifted positions and slid the full length of the dildo inside me. Sir growled his approval and pointed his cock head at my face. I licked my lips, and fully impaled on the fat silicone cock I started to slurp on Sir’s dick. He held the back of my head again forcing me to take more and more of his cock down my throat. I coughed and spluttered but kept riding the dildo. It was completely overwhelming. There were too many amazing sensations happening at once that I couldn’t focus on anything. I found my mind going blank till I was only focused on the dildo in my ass and the cock down my throat.


He fucked my throat till my jaw hurt and then kept going. My eyes were watering and drool was dripping off of my chin. I’d completely forgotten to keep bouncing on the dildo and was instead just sitting with it completely lodged inside my formerly virgin hole while my mouth was ravaged. Eventually Sir’s breathing shifted, his pace changed, and he pulled out till his cockhead rested on my tongue again. I knew what was coming next. Ribbons of hot sperm shot out of his cock filling my mouth. I swallowed rapidly, gulping down as much as I could. I felt a small trickle of cum escape from the corner of my mouth as the last spurts fired.


Sir collapsed back into his chair, both hands behind his head exposing his beautiful bushy pits and filling the room with a fresh wave of musk. I sat back, relishing the feeling of fullness in my hole and licking my lips. “Fuck boy, you did well.” He said eventually.


“Thank you Sir. That was amazing, and… and thank you for giving me your load.”


He looked down at me quizzically. “Jesus. You really are a born sub. Fuck. Thanking me for my load unprompted. Fuck!” He reached down and rubbed my head, mussing up my hair. “I wish I could wreck you all night.”


“You can Sir! I don’t have to go anywhere.”


He laughed, “No boy, your hole’s been through a lot. You need some rest, or we’ll end up breaking your pretty little cunt in training. Time to get off that dildo.”


“Sir cant I just…”


“Who’s in charge here boy?”


“You are Sir.”


“Correct, and I told you its time to get off that dildo, so get the fuck up.”


“Yes Sir, sorry Sir!” I shifted onto the balls of my feet and slowly raised myself up will the dildo fell from my hole. I felt empty. I missed it already.


“Good boy, that’s better. I know you’ve had a big day and these feelings can be overwhelming so I’ll forgive you this time.”


“I’m sorry Sir.”


“Its ok boy.” He held my chin in his hand, “just remember whos boss in this house.”


“You are Sir.”


“That’s correct.” He tipped my face up to him and did something I didn’t expect. He kissed me. I leaned in, pressing myself to his warm body as our tongues intertwined. His beard scratched at my chin and his moustache tickled my nose. It was heaven. “I’m really proud of you boy,” he said when he broke apart our kiss. “There aren’t many boys who are experience with getting fucked who can take three hours in the sling their first day. You did amazingly.”


“Did? Are we done Sir?”


“For today we are. Like I said, we cant risk breaking your pretty hole on the first day.”


“Oh. Right.”


“Don’t look so sad. Come back tomorrow and we’ll keep opening you up.”


“Yes Sir!” I didn’t want to stop but at least this wasn’t the end forever.


“Tomorrow when you come do the same thing you did today. Go around back, strip down to your briefs, knock and wait on your knees. Got it?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Oh, and tonight… I want you to jerk off tonight.”


“Yes Sir!”


“Jerk off thinking about what we did today, watch some porn of boys being used by doms. And then in that post nut clarity I want you to ask yourself if this is something you really want to do. If you come back here tomorrow I want it to not just be pent up hormones, but what you really want to do. Understood?”


“Yes Sir.”


“Good then get your briefs and gather your clothes from the back porch. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.”




I lay in my bed that night, my briefs pulled to the side any my cock sticking straight up leaking. I rubbed at my tender hole as I stroked remembering the afternoon I had. I heard Sir’s voice in my head saying “In that post nut clarity ask yourself ‘is this something I really want.’” How could the answer be no? The whole day had been pure bliss. I felt like I had found my place. I stroked my cock feverously thinking of Sir calling me a “good boy” as he stretched out my hole. I felt my used but as of yet unfucked no longer truly virginal pucker and imagined Sir’s cock finally entering me. My balls tightened and cum erupted from my dick like water from a fire hydrant. It shot high into the air and rained down over my sweaty heaving chest. I dipped my fingers into the puddles and lapped up my own load falling back against the pillows as my climax ended. I was panting and exhausted, but one things was crystal clear in my mind: I would be at Sir’s house at noon the next day kneeling in my briefs as ordered.




“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint,” Sir said as he opened the sliding door in nothing but his jock smiling down at me. “How did it feel blowing that load last night boy?”


“I’ve never cum so hard in my life Sir. It was all over me and then I licked it up.”


“I bet you were playing with your hole at the same time weren’t you boy?”


“Yes Sir, and imaging you fucking me.”


“Glad to hear it boy… and when you came, how did you feel?”


I paused for a moment thinking and then replied, “Resolved Sir. I want to be your boy. I want to be trained by you. I want you to make me into a pig. I want a pig cunt Sir! I want to be your sub. I want to learn to submit! Please Sir!”


“Good boy. I like your honesty, and I’m glad that’s your choice. I’ve been thinking about your sweet boy hole all morning. Now, as cute as those briefs are on you they’re only going to get in the way of what’s next. Take them off, you can leave them out here with the rest of your clothes. You won’t be getting dressed again today.” I stood up and took off my briefs, only momentarily self-conscious about being completely naked outside. “Good boy. Come inside.”


He led me inside, but instead of heading right upstairs to the playroom he brought me over to the kitchen island. “Hope up here,” he said, patting the island. I did as instructed and sat on the edge of the island. Then he turned to the freezer and pulled out a small bag of ice. “Put this on your dick to make it go soft boy.” I blinked at him confusedly but followed his instructions. I placed the freezing cold ice on my hard cock and felt it slowly begin to deflate. Sir then took something out of his pocket and pulled the ice away. He quickly worked a hard plastic ring around the base of my cock and balls, my dick swelling again. With the ring securely in place he put the bag of ice back on my junk making it go soft once more. As soon as I had completely lost my erection Sir took the ice away once more and deftly slipped a small plastic cage over my cock and locked it to the ring.


“That load you shot last night,” he said, an evil glint in his eye, “was the last load you’re gonna shoot for a long while. I hope it really was a good one.” At this point in my life I’d never seen a cock cage or heard of male chastity, yet here I was with my cock straining against the confines of a black plastic cage. “This way all of your focus will be on your hole, not that you did a bad job of that yesterday but this… ensures compliance. Now, lets get you upstairs and start opening that hole up again. What do you say?”


“Yes Sir!” I jumped down from the kitchen island and practically ran up to the play room.


Sir chuckled coming into the playroom after me and seeing me standing right in front of the sling facing the door, my locked cock proudly on display. “Wrists out boy.” I held out my hands and he locked the cuffs back on them, then he did the same for my ankles. I stood still as a statue waiting while he retrieved my collar from the day before and re-attached it around my neck. “You look perfect.”


“Thank you Sir.”


“I thought we’d try you out on the bench this time,” he said, “instead of the sling. You wont be able to see what’s happening and can give in to just being a gaping hole.” He brought me over to the bench, and helped me to mount it. The bench was angled downward, and once Sir had attached my cuffs I was forced downward so that my ass was higher than my head. I had thought the sling left me exposed yesterday but it was nothing compared to this. My hole was totally exposed and I was held into place by the thick leather cuff. My cock throbbed in its new cage.


“You look beautiful boy. Your locked up cock is leaking everywhere, and your hole is quivering. I’m going to open your hole till it’s a big loose cunt. I’m going to turn you into the perfect sub pig and breed your guts till my cum runs down your legs.”


“Fuck yes! Please Sir! Use me! Stretch me out! Wreck me! Breed me!”


“All in good time boy. All in good time,” and without further warning he dove into my hole. He licked at it like a man possessed just like he had done the day before. Only this time, it didn’t take half the time before my hole started to bloom open. I felt it, my hole still sensitive from yesterday, slicked and then opened, slowly relaxing under Sir’s assault. I moaned as his tongue started to work into my ass, flicking over the muscular ring over and over again. Sir growled as his opened me up. His big meaty paws held my cheeks firmly, spreading them apart.


“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” I groaned over and over again.


“This is going to be the perfect pussy.” Sir said, smacking me hard on the ass as he stood up. I heard him moving around but I couldn’t see where he went. After a few moments he returned, and I felt the cold slickness of lube being spread on my hole followed by the unmistakable pressure of a toy. “Lets see what we can get in this hole today boy,” and he pressed the head of the toy into me. It felt narrow but steadily widened. Maybe it was the Slink from yesterday, but then it just kept going and going. It felt longer than anything yesterday. I closed my eyes and focused on relaxing my hole and enjoying the experience. Eventually I stopped wondering what it was and just lost myself in the pleasure the toy was giving me.


Sir progressively built up speed till eventually he was bashing my hole with the toy, the end of which felt like it had gone a miles into my guts. My hole felt wet and sloppy when he pulled the toy out. My hole felt cold without it, and I realized that that was air getting into my gaped ass. Sir replaced the first toy with another one almost immediately. This time, like yesterday, it was less tapered than the first. He steadily worked it deep inside me and I again lost myself in the experience. We did this over and over as Sir put larger and larger toys inside me. My world shrunk with each toy to focus more and more on my hole and Sir’s voice. The only thing that mattered were his words of encouragement and making myself into the hole he wanted.


I had fallen into some sort of trance when he finally said, “Lets get you off this bench, I want you to see what was just in your pussy.”


“My pussy Sir? Does that mean…?”


“That your hole is growing? Absolutely. It’s not a cunt just yet, but its definitely more than just a hole.” Sir unhooked me, and helped me to sit up and then dismount the bench. My arms and legs both felt a little numb as I stood up. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” I did as instructed and a heavy weight fell into my hands. “Open them.” I looked down and gasped. I was holding what seemed like an impossibly large dildo. It was the same silvery orange as the Slink but had a spear shaped head, a long slightly tapered shaft and a slight knot at the bottom. It had to be almost a foot and a half long almost three inches across at the head.


“There’s no way that was inside me Sir.”


“I’d never lie to you boy. Squat on it right now. You’ll see I’m not lying.”


I did as he said and set the massive dildo on the floor and then started to lower myself down onto it. My mouth hung open in shock as my hole easily opened for the head, and then slowly but surely swallowed the whole shaft.


“Holy fuck,” I groaned as I sat on the floor fully impaled on the toy. “Thank you Sir.”


“For what boy?”


“For showing me how good my pussy can feel!”


“You’re most welcome boy. It feels right doesn’t it boy, to have your hole stretched around a big toy and your dick locked away.”


“Yes Sir! It feels so good.”


“Good boy. You’re learning to take pleasure from a sub’s place in the world. A sub should be constantly horny and ready to service any man who wants to use its holes.”


“Yes Sir!” I was bouncing absent mindedly on the toy as he talked. It felt so good. I couldn’t believe it. Yesterday I’d barely had a finger up my ass and today I was riding a massive toy like it was nothing. Sir was a magician. He was also right. It felt so good to be locked up and stretched out, I never wanted it to end. “I’ll do anything you want.”


“Really boy? Anything?”


“Yes Sir! Anything!”


“Open your mouth boy.” He stepped right in front of my and pulled the pouch of his jock to the side. His fat semi hard cock flopped out. I opened my mouth expecting him to start face fucking me. Instead he twisted one hand into my hair holding my head still, and used the other to aim the head of his dick at my open mouth. He closed his eyes for a second and then suddenly the back of my throat was hit with a hot stream of piss. “Swallow boy. Take my piss load.”


I swallowed as quickly as I could but his stream came out way too fast and soon hot piss was streaming down my cheeks and dripping onto my chest. His piss was bitter but also somehow delicious. I gulped it down. I think even if it had tasted disgusting I would have still swallowed it. Sir wanted me to drink his piss, so I drank his piss.


Some part of me understood that this was not just about sexual gratification in the moment but also about him asserting his dominance and control over me. I was becoming an object for use, and I’d never been happier.


As Sir’s stream ended I licked my lips and flicked my tongue across the head of his dick, lapping up the last of his piss. I looked up and saw Sir smiling at me, a big messy grin. “Damn boy. I expected you to resist or spit it out. That was… wow.”


“You told me to swallow,” I said cheekily.


“You’re right. I certainly did. Fuck boy.” His did was hard now and he slapped it against my face. I hung my mouth open and let him push the head into my mouth. He held onto the back of my head with both hands and crammed his dick down my throat. For a second I couldn’t breathe before he pulled back again. I sank all the way down on the massive dildo and let Sir face fuck me. He groaned and growled as he used my throat. Thick globs of spit dripped off my chin and I started to sweat. When Sir finally came it was with a massive yell and hot volleys of cum filled my mouth. I swallowed his load down too, savoring his tastes with satisfaction. “Good boy… good boy,” he cooed running his fingers through my hair.


When his dick had gone soft he knelt down in front of me and took my face in his hand. “Good job boy. I’m really proud of you.”


“Thank you Sir!”


“You’re doing so well. You’ve impressed me so much. Your holes gone from a tight little pucker to a nice wet pussy so quickly.”


“Thank you Sir! It feels so good. I love having my hole turned into a pussy.”


“Good, and tomorrow I’m going to turn it into a cunt.”




“Really boy. Tomorrow you get what you’ve been asking for. I’m going to bend you over and pump you full of my spunk.”


“Fuck! Please Sir! I’m ready now Sir!” I bounced on the dildo to show him I was ready. As I rode the dildo my hole made a wet squelshing sound that made me even hornier.


“No boy. You’re going to wait till tomorrow. You’re going to spend the night in that cage, and come here after you’re done with work tomorrow. You’re going to prove to me that you want this,” He shook his cock at me, “Badly enough. You’re going to prove you’re a good boy, and then I’m going to breed you and make you mine.”


“Yes Sir! I’ll be here Sir!”


“Good boy.”


“Um… Sir…?”




“Could I… is there a toy I could take home? It just feels too good to be stretched out. I don’t want it to stop!”


He smiled, “After tomorrow boy you’ll be stretched out all the time. For tonight your hole needs to rest. Now come on,” he grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up to my feet. The dildo fell from my used hole as I stood up. I felt empty. “Let’s get you dressed.”




I stripped naked as soon as my apartment door closed behind me and flopped back onto my bed. I lay there running my hands across my body. My skin felt electric, as if every touch was heightened after my experience. My balls were more sensitive than they had ever been pressed forward and slightly squished by the ring of my new cage. I pulled my legs back and felt my hole. It felt puffy and swollen. It also felt amazing. I rubbed my fingers across it reveling in to the slickness I still felt. My hole had gone from completely virginal to a wet sloppy pussy in just two days and tomorrow it would become a pig cunt. I was in heaven.


The next day it was almost impossible to concentrate. I felt the pressure of my cage constantly. Every time I moved I felt it, and it kept me in a constant state of arousal. Peter could tell I was distracted but he didn’t seem to mind. He just let me exist and wait out my time till I could go back to Sir’s house. When our day was over and we’d dropped off tools back at the shop I practically bolted to my car. I drove as fast as I dared back over to Sir’s house and ran around the back of his house. I stripped off as soon as I got to his back porch and knelt down fully naked at the sliding door.


Sir came to the door today dressed in a black leather vest, and black leather chaps with well-worn white jock on. There was a stout leather cuff around his left bicep, and he had on heavy black leather boots. “Fucking sub faggot waiting naked and caged for his Dom. So fucking sexy,” he said when he opened the door. “Good boy, open your mouth.” I did as instructed, guessing at what was next. Like the day before he pulled his jock to the side and rested his semi hard dick on my lips before releasing a massive stream of piss into my mouth. I gulped it down hungrily, swallowing as much as I could. When he’d finished he slid his dick deeper into my mouth and fucked my face as he got hard. He pulled his fully hard cock out of my mouth, and turned my face up to his. Then he bent down and spat right into my mouth. “How did my boy enjoy his first day as a locked boy?”


“It was really hot Sir,” I said, after swallowing his spit, “But it was hard to think about anything about being caged and how horny I was.”


“Good. I told you a sub boy should always be horny and ready to service men, especially his Sir.”


“Yes Sir! I’m ready for you. Anything you want! I’m ready to serve.”


“I know you are boy. Are you ready to get that pussy turned into a cunt?”


“Yes Sir! I want it so bad!”

“Then lets get upstairs then!”


Sir took me upstairs, fitted the cuffs on me again, and latched the collar around my neck. He then lifted me into the sling and locked me in place. I gazed up at myself, taking in my spread legs, exposed body and leaking caged cock. I looked like such a slut.


“Fuck,” said Sir rubbing his fingers across my hole. “Such a beautiful fucking boy pussy. I’m going to breed you so deep boy my load’s going to be in you for days.”


“Please Sir, breed my hole! Make me into a pig cunt!”


“That’s it boy, beg me. Beg for my load. Tell me what you want.”


He got down on his knees and started to eat my hole as I alternated between begging and whimpering. “Please Sir! Fill my hole! Pump me full of your sperm. I want to be your boy! I want to be your cum dump. I need to be used. I’m just a sub boy, made for you to fuck! I need it so bad Sir! I’ve needed it for days. I want you inside me so bad! I can’t think about anything else. Every time I close my eyes I see you on top of me. I dream about you fucking me. Please let me serve you. Let me make you feel good. Please breed me!”


“Good boy,” Sir said when he stood up, “You’re learning your place. You’re going to make such a good sub.” He was leaning over me holding onto the chains by my wrists. He bent down and kissed me deeply. Then he stood up and towered over me. I looked up into the mirrored ceiling and saw his jock was off and his cock was fully hard and leaking. He lined it up with my hole and rubbed against my pucker. I groaned. “Good boy. Just like before, deep breath in, let it out and push out with your hole. Its time to turn your hole into a cunt.”


I did as he said and took a deep breath. With my eyes locked on his cock in the mirror I let it out and pushed gently. Sir’s cock was smaller than the toy’s I’d been riding the day before but it was thick with almost no taper to the shaft and it took some time and extra spit before his head broke through my sphincter. I moaned in ecstasy as the first two inches of cock entered my body.


Sir growled hungrily. “Good boy, take my big raw cock. Feel it opening your pussy, turning it into a cunt. That’s right boy, you’ll never be the same after this. You thought those toy’s felt good now that you’ve had real cock in your hole you’ll never be able to go back. You’ll always long for it. You’ll need it. You’ll need big raw dick in your sweet boy cunt.” While he was saying all of this he was slowly pushing his dick into me. I was whimpering and groaning, quietly begging him to make me his boy and fill me with cum. “That’s it boy, you’ve got my whole cock inside you now. You’ve taken your first dick.”


“It feels so good Sir! Fuck! Your dick is so big. I love it. Please! Please fuck me Sir!”


“I like hearing you beg boy.”


“Please breed my hole Sir! Make me into a cunt!”


“Good boy,” he said and started to pull his cock back out. He built up a slow pace first, using the swing of the sling to force his dick harder and harder into my hole. I was mesmerized watching his dick slide in and out of my ass in the mirror. Part of me couldn’t believe it was happening, and part of me felt like it had been inevitable that I would somehow end up here. Sir was right, I was a natural born sub. It didn’t matter that I was bi, I was a faggot made to be used. I moaned as Sir picked up the pace and started to slam into me.


Sweat was beading up on both of us. It dripped off of Sir and splattered onto my body. The smell of sex started to permeate the air. It was like Sir’s musk but quadrupled. It was intoxicating, it made me feel light headed. I was swimming in some sort of horny bliss, a daze of pheromones. How could I ever have been scared of being fucked? It was the greatest feeling in the world.


“God your hole feels so good boy. A warm wet boy pussy, its just begging to be used and bred. Fuck boy! I’m going to fucking fill your hole. You’re going to be my cunt.”

“Breed me Sir! Use my pussy! Its yours. Fill me up!”


“Yeah boy, take Daddy’s big raw cock. That’s what holes like yours are made for, taking big fat raw dicks all day long. You’re a fucking cum dump. Once you’ve had my load you’ll be fucking hooked. You’ll be desperate to be fucked all the time.”

“I want to be a cum dump Sir! Im already desperate. It feels so good! It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. Your dick is so good! Breed me Sir!”


“Fucking fag boy desperate for cock. Beg me for my load boy. Beg me to breed you. Beg me to make this pussy into a real fucking cunt!”


Sir was pounding me hard now. He was swinging the sling away from him and bashing me back against his cock as it swung back. I was panting, and dripping in sweat. My breathing was ragged as I gasped out, “I need it Sir! I need to be bred! I need my pussy made into a cunt. I need to be your cum dump! Please cum inside me! Breed me! Take me! Fuck me! Fill me up! Please… Please… Please… fucking breed me!”


“Here is comes boy, the first load of your life. Take my fucking load!” He screamed as he orgasmed, slamming his dick as deep as it would go inside me and pumping rope after rope after rope of hot cum inside me. I was shaking, several spurts of thick cum oozed out of my caged cock. Sir was still grunting as his dick throbbed inside me. Sweat fell from his face landing on my chest. My head fell back against the sling as I tried to catch my breath.


It had happened. Sir had fucked me and bred my hole. I had his hot load inside me right then. I was really a sub boy now. I was a boy. I was a hole. I was Sir’s hole. I had found my place.


“Fuck boy.” Sir groaned when he finally started pulling his cock from my hole. “You did so good.” He took a step away and grabbed something off the table of toys next to the sling. He lubed it up and pressed it into my hole. It was another silvery orange toy, this time a plug. It was shaped roughly like a man’s dick but with a thick knot at the base. He pushed it into my freshly bred hole and it popped into place. “From now on, this plug stays in your cunt when you’re not being bred. Is that understood boy?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Good boy.” He unfastened my arms and legs from the sling and helped me down. “Kneel there.” He pointed to the floor directly in front of the sling. I did as I was told. “Eyes front.” I looked dead ahead as Sir walked away from me. A moment later he returned and unlocked the collar from my neck, I looked up at him sadly but he just smiled. “That’s just a training collar, something I use on a boy I’m just playing with. This,” he dropped a thick heavy chain around my neck, “Is the collar of an owned boy.” He locked a big gold padlock through the last links of the chain and dropped it onto my chest. There was no ignoring the weight of it. Like my cage the chain would be a constant reminder of who I belonged to. “You’re mine now boy. You’ll come here every day after work or school and service me, or whoever I want you to service. Follow instructions and your hungry pig cunt will never go without again.”

I want to be a twink again to be a good boy this this one. I was too scared and it turned good sirs off. But I am a pig cunt now that I coukd release my fears. 

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A very well written chapter. I hope there is more to follow. Status wasn't  discussed and there was no mention of protection. Would be interesting to read if our young sub was aware of whether he was taking a load of cum and if it was potentially toxic. Love the final session where his Dom wore his leather when he penetrated the sub. Perhaps now that he has been made into a cum dump Sir will invite others to loosen up his hole and breed him or will the sub take the initiative and start looking for others to breed him.

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23 hours ago, Bbbtmws said:

I want to be a twink again to be a good boy this this one. I was too scared and it turned good sirs off. But I am a pig cunt now that I coukd release my fears. 

Totally agree, but that ship sailed many years ago for me lol

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58 minutes ago, billy88666 said:

A very well written chapter. I hope there is more to follow. Status wasn't  discussed and there was no mention of protection. Would be interesting to read if our young sub was aware of whether he was taking a load of cum and if it was potentially toxic. Love the final session where his Dom wore his leather when he penetrated the sub. Perhaps now that he has been made into a cum dump Sir will invite others to loosen up his hole and breed him or will the sub take the initiative and start looking for others to breed him.

Generally speaking, stories in this forum are intended to be taken as bareback without HIV being involved. In other words, the characters (a) are on PrEP, (b) are undetectable, (c) are all HIV-negative, (d) are interacting in a pre-HIV world, or (e) are in an alternate reality where HIV doesn't exist.

If HIV *is* involved in a fictional story, it (usually) belongs in the Backroom section. That said, there's nothing prohibiting discussion here of undetectable people barebacking, per se. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The details are different, but I could identify completely with the experience.  My first Dom was a married man and he was learning how to be a Dom and I was learning how to be a sub by submitting to everything he wanted to do to me.  My second real Dom was not talkative, and there was a lot of pain, which he used to establish his complete control over me.  The more he demanded, the more I wanted to submit.  With both of them I was grateful to be able to please them.

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