rawfuckr Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 (edited) In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k... I'm scared and now I may have to live with hep c due to my stupidity .... Edited February 4, 2024 by rawfuckr 3 2 1
Faithboy Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 (edited) Very sorry to hear that. It seems like Hep C is normally not considered an STI, so completely understandable it wouldn't be on your radar. It looks like there may a cure for it with treatment. Hopefully that works for you and your insurance will cover all or a portion of it. I would check with your insurance. Your doctor may have to get involved to get an authorization for it, but obviously it would be worth it. Again sorry you have to go through this. Best of luck. Edited February 4, 2024 by Faithboy 1
ellentonboy Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 (edited) @rawfuckr - I am very sad to hear about your diagnosis regarding Hep C. If is is any consolation to you, in recent years there have been great advances in the treatment of Hep C. No longer are there weekly visit to an Infectious Disease Specialist, I underwent a 12 week cycle in 2019 of Mavyret and the follow up blood work showed it had done it's job and I was no longer in danger. Don't beat yourself up about this, you don't have to be a drug user, but you and I are both a case in point in which you can get something just as bad as HIV from bb sex. Every six months my doctor checks to make sure the Hep C has not returned, and I am confident that with the right medical guidance you can overcome this as well. My doctor did screen me to make sure I had no illegal drugs in my system. Once my lab results came back clean, the 12 week cycle of Mavyret was approved. I am blessed that I have an insurance plan that covered the cost - I looked at the retail cost and for the 12 weeks (I had an advanced case) it was $36,000. If your case is not as advanced, you may be fortunate enough to just have to take the medication for 8 weeks. I can tell you I had no side effects from the medication, it was easy to take and the 12 weeks went by quickly. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, it's great they found out you were infected rather than having the illness run it's course and cause you further complications. I wish you the best. Edited February 4, 2024 by ellentonboy explanation of insurance requiring drug screening. 5 2
tonio Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 7 hours ago, rawfuckr said: In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k... I'm scared and now I may have to live with hep c due to my stupidity .... If you bottom bareback, you're at risk for hep C. Period. Unfortunately there is no vaccine yet but the current treatments make it curable in about 8 weeks time. 1
rawfuckr Posted February 4, 2024 Author Report Posted February 4, 2024 42 minutes ago, ellentonboy said: @rawfuckr - I am very sad to hear about your diagnosis regarding Hep C. If is is any consolation to you, in recent years there have been great advances in the treatment of Hep C. No longer are there weekly visit to an Infectious Disease Specialist, I underwent a 12 week cycle in 2019 of Mavyret ... Thanks for the support. I've already failed the first tests to stage my liver damage. Liver enzymes (ALT) are so high 700+ (normal is <40) that's over the reference that the test (fibrosure) can measure so they weren't able to score fibrosis. Unsure what next steps are. I really hope a liver biopsy is not in the horizon. Also seems my insurance doesn't cover Mavyret which is the 8 week treatment. But they cover Epclusa. I did price epclusa and it's $75k for the treatment but I have a 30% copay of that (specialty drug) and I can't afford... 1 2
hairyone Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 1 hour ago, rawfuckr said: Also seems my insurance doesn't cover Mavyret which is the 8 week treatment. But they cover Epclusa. I did price epclusa and it's $75k for the treatment but I have a 30% copay of that (specialty drug) and I can't afford... The manufacturer has a co-pay assistance program that could cover most of that. Call them. [think before following links] https://hcp.epclusa.com/access-and-support#:~:text=The EPCLUSA Co-pay Coupon,co-pay for their medicine. Good luck, man. 6
Hole4u Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 Hey I am so sorry to hear this. I recovering from pretty traumatic stuff that I never thought in a million years I’d have to deal with. I won’t go through it all in public other than undiagnosed syphilis with vision loss and I have and had hepatitis though but b or c. Please don’t beat yourself up. Chances are the other person had no clue. At the end of the day we all truly want or have is intimacy with another person. There is no shame in that. if you want to talk privately, message me. Just take it one day at a time. It will be sorted out. I’m pulling for you. I care. 4
bareback-flipflop Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 (edited) Hey, sorry for hearing this but don’t be devastated. I also caught it in 2021, I got a med cure and became fully recovered within months. I don’t if in your country (the States?) the insurance covers it but in Hungary, where STDs recovery is payed mostly by the patient and hardly by the state insurance, HEP C is still among those (along with e.g., HIV). There is perfect medication for HEP C and you will be fine soon. Edited February 4, 2024 by bareback-flipflop 1
Read1 Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 rawfuckr, my brother did get HEP C years ago. Now his strain of HEP C was less known. Here in Canada, his doctor got him onto a study and treatment for the then-new vaccine for HEP C particular to his less known strain. I saw him taking these horse pills at every meal and within 3-4 months he was cured. His doctor had him tested afterwards. The good news -- no more HEP C in his system. Best of luck ridding yourself of HEP C!!! Fingers crossed! 1 1
bbzh Posted February 10, 2024 Report Posted February 10, 2024 Sorry to hear this @rawfuckr. I contracted Hep C back in 2014. The antivirals hadn't yet been fully clinically approved and I had to take those horrible interferon injections with side effects that turned me into an emotional wreck. And to make matters worse, that treatment failed. I was able to get into a clinical trial and get on Harvoni, which cleared me of the infection in 12 weeks if I remember correctly. (Harvoni cost $90k back then, but I see it has come down considerably in price since then). By the way, I was never one to inject drugs so my infection came from group sex. To this day, I am very careful about those situations. I am pretty sure I got it from a top plowing another bottom, drawing blood, and then that infected blood got fucked into my hole. It's best if the top washes his cock or at least grabs a paper towel and wipes off before he enters another hole. I've had tops refuse to do this in a group setting and I refuse the fuck. It's not worth the risk. And 95% of the time, the bottom doesn't even get the load! As hot a fantasy as it is to be lined up next to other bottoms and letting the tops try all the holes at random, this is one of the highest risk situations for a bottom. Syphilis, gonorrhoea and chlamydia are straightforward to treat. But Hep C is a monster, far scarier than HIV if you ask me. And get this, even if the top is Hep C positive, it is hard (thought not impossible) to transmit it to the bottom unless blood is exchanged. Check out this guy's blog. When I was infected, I was in contact with him to help me get treatment in India. It looks like his network is quite extensive and you can get treated at a reasonable cost. And good luck to you man! There is a solution. [think before following links] https://www.generichepatitiscdrugs.com
Leather69 Posted February 10, 2024 Report Posted February 10, 2024 Me too @rawfuckr and bbzh Probably at folsom in Berlin in 2013.. like you bbzh my doc was aware that there were new antivirals on the near horizon and decided to wait until they came on our PBS (public scheme).. unfortunately I also developed kidney cancer at the same time and spent 6 weeks in hospital, whilst they got the kidneys working - one stopped ant they other one went out in "sympthany" .. they had a liver specialist monitoring my bloods daily.. fortunately the hep C cleared without meds.. I did have a kidney removed the following month.. running on one and being somewhat careful in groups sex sessions, when traveling o/s... eg folsom in berlin etc Good luck rawfuckr... hope it works out for U.
408curious Posted February 10, 2024 Report Posted February 10, 2024 On 2/4/2024 at 12:38 AM, rawfuckr said: In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k... I'm scared and now I may have to live with hep c due to my stupidity .... Hey... sorry you're in a bad state. Hopefully your insurance won't be a problem for treatment. Becareful tho... anecdotally, I've heard some guy say his insurance told him they wouldn't pay if it happened a second time.
biobare Posted February 11, 2024 Report Posted February 11, 2024 On 2/4/2024 at 9:38 AM, rawfuckr said: In my risk calculations I had put "getting hep C" as a far far far possibility. "it's a thing for people who inject drugs mostly and the fisters" I thought But here I am. Diagnosed with hep C and brutal viral load of 20milion/ml, and my liver markers (alt) off the measurable range for the tests If something is certain is that I know 100% sure I got this from getting bred. I don't do drugs nor fist. Just normal fucking. So it's the only vector that makes sense. I feel stupid for having caught it. Always thought of hep C as an impossible possibility. I was clearly wrong. There's supposed to be a treatment for me, but even that seems complicated. Will insurance pay? Epclusa is 75k, mavyret 30k... I'm scared and now I may have to live with hep c due to my stupidity .... Do you know in which situation you caught it? Was it 1 to 1 sex or in a group? I caught it once at my first Berlin visit in 2012, I guess after letting a few random guys fuck me in Laboratory or at a Coffee&Cream Party. Today I'm quite sure that the main way of transmitting Hep C is when Tops run from bottom to bottom without cleaning their cocks or even when "Safer" Tops use the same condom for a number of bottoms. The HepC Virus can be highly concentrated in the slime of the mucous membrane inside the rectum, also in small amounts of blood from the little lesions inside the guts caused by the fucking, and that slime and micro doses of blood can be carried on the dirty dicks of the Tops from ass to ass. The Tops seem to have a quite low risk to infect themselves. The Virus is quite difficult to transmit, but bottoms, especially in group sex situations, are at a quite high risk, when they get dicks inside which were already inside another bottom who is acutely or chronically infected and has a high viral load. Did your Doc tell you something about the strain / subtype of HCV you have? There are a number of strains circulating which differ greatly in how dangerous they are, whether they require treatment and how high the risk is that they will lead to a chronic disease. I had the luck in 2012 that "my strain" was a quite low dangerous one and my Doctor decided to wait some weeks if my immune system is able to manage the infection, and of course I had the luck to get rid of the infection after some weeks without any treatment at all, and although I was already HIV poz but still without HIV meds at that time, so I wondered that my immune system is strong enough to to this. I think the chance to get rid of a Hep C infection is also a question of individual genetic differences which influence how efficient an individual immune system fights that special kind of virus. So I hope that this and what the oothers already answered you will help you not to despair, and that, if you need treatment, there will be found a solution how it will get paid. I keep my fingers crossed for you. 💋❤️
ellentonboy Posted February 11, 2024 Report Posted February 11, 2024 On 2/4/2024 at 11:38 AM, rawfuckr said: Thanks for the support. I've already failed the first tests to stage my liver damage. Liver enzymes (ALT) are so high 700+ (normal is <40) that's over the reference that the test (fibrosure) can measure so they weren't able to score fibrosis. Unsure what next steps are. I really hope a liver biopsy is not in the horizon. Also seems my insurance doesn't cover Mavyret which is the 8 week treatment. But they cover Epclusa. I did price epclusa and it's $75k for the treatment but I have a 30% copay of that (specialty drug) and I can't afford... I would suggest reaching out to both the manufactures of Mavyret as well as Epclusa and ask if there is some program that might assist you. They may ask you for your financials, and if you are comfortable sharing that information with them there is a strong chance they may lower you "put of pocket" expense. It is worth a shot, and like I mentioned I had to undergo a 12 week cycle, at the moment I have no evidence of the disease in my system and I am thankful. I do wish you the best, and I would suggest trying every avenue possible to see if you can get some kind of financial support regarding treatment. Take care....
PrisonbaiT Posted February 12, 2024 Report Posted February 12, 2024 It is very difficult to bare if you are infected with hepC. An acqaintance of mine had a date with a Guy, and he knew they would be slamming. When he arrived he was knowingly given GHB and then they slammed in thé batchroom. According to my friend he was given a strong dose where he lost Total control. According to him they where several preloaded syringes on the sink but he was already flying high. When the guy fucking him doggy style he noticed that the Guy was emptying the syringes on my friends back and ass while fucking. By his next aidstest he was shocked to find out he was infected with hepC, he was devastated. Luckily in Belgium thé treatment is based in healthcare system but still yhe stigma stays
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