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  1. Past hour
  2. I kinda find it gross myself, that being said... I would find it hot to be forced to do it, and be recorded, by a controlling dom.
  3. I ignore the condom-only profiles whether they are str8, bi or gay.
  4. Today
  5. Very hot! Not the direction I was expecting, but I'm glad Apex still has some of his humanity. He'll poz for love.
  6. Well NOT IN YET but on Telegram. Your description makes my nipples tingle


  7. As a general rule, kissing is mandatory! But if you're a bad kisser? EASY pass! I still have nightmares about this bottom who was a horrible kisser (it felt like he was eating me, not kissing me) AND not clean to boot. Needless to say, there was no second time...
  8. Author’s Note: This is intended to be a fantasy story, not just a fiction story. When I say fantasy, I mean that this will have fantasy elements, unworldly, magical, elements to it eventually. I tend to write stories that people do very much enjoy (at least from the comments), yet I am not the best at keeping them running. I do hope this is enjoyed, and I of course hope that I will be more dedicated in my efforts to continue the saga. PART 1 The night itself was misty, the remnants of a stronger storm that had blown through earlier. Closing in on 4am, the wet pavement and puddles reflected the various back alley lights, sparsely populated down the alleyway. The night was still sweltering, a humid, sticky and sweaty night. Jake stepped without care, the sound of his clunky skater shoes, which greatly accentuated his perfectly smooth and pencil-like skinny legs, echoing into the cacophony of the night. The city doesn’t matter, every city has slums, ghettos, trashed areas where people, in many ways, live more freely. Yes they reek of pain and hurt, yet they are abundant in their pleasure. This city, name regardless, the same. The overground foliage to his right choked through the rusty and imbalanced chain link fences running the length of the massive strip mall. Sounds of couples arguing, beats of overwhelming loud music, lovers climaxing all from the homes over the gate, juxtaposed with the moaning of the dark corners of the alley. From cheaters looking for a quick hookup behind a nasty dumpster, to druggies and homeless sleeping in the black corners where the lights could not touch them, the alley itself was a haven for the darkness, for the hidden, for the chaos. Passing under a pulsating streetlight, this one more orange than the last, its muffled sound of an electrical short buzzing high above on the bent wooden pole above him, illuminated his features. Brilliantly beautifully blonde, which natural highlights and lowlights of varying degrees of slightly darker dirtier brownish messy hair, long enough to grab, but barely passing his ear, shone in the brief spotlight. His incredibly slender, tiny, swimmers build accentuated as well. No muscle, just skinny, no body hair, an extremely tight little waist, all legs, no ass. Jake didn’t care if he fit the mold. He believed, no, knew, what was beautiful, what men craved. His hybrid body between male and female, his soft facial features, his willingness to bend femininity partially in his looks, into a more masculine personality, was a nexus of all the right attributes. While his friends, whom he had slept with every one, tried to fit into the new trend of twunk, Jake was unapologetically twink. Passing into a darker part of the alley, he savored the chaos. Another thing that made him different was the darkness inside him. He was still learning to figure out what it meant, but he had come to terms that chaos itself aroused him like none other. His perfect skin coated with a layer of sweat, made him radiate, and he know that anyone in the alley, from their masked areas, their protection of their dumpster hideouts, were staring at him, licking their lips with desire. And truly, he enjoyed every eye his way, regardless of him seeing them or not. His outlook on life was one of much more realism than most. We are what we crave, and we all crave deep down. Profoundly cynical of any higher morals, at 20, Jake felt he had understood the carnal roots that flowed like a river through humanity. The key was unlocking those roots, letting people learn to give in to them, not deny them. It went against what he was taught throughout life in many ways, but he also couldn’t subscribe to a life without ultimate pleasure, whatever the cost. That was the chaos. Jake knew deep down that he was chaos, that he and chaos were the same. He was a burning ball of pleasure, uprooting the norms of society wherever he went, and he made no apologies for it. He craved, to his very core, the feeling of breaking societal norms, to doing the things that felt the most wrong, because in the end, the pleasure that gave him was overwhelming. He drank in the insanity and ecstasy it brought to his mind. As he tumbled through his first two “adult years”, he learned that every step deeper into the chaoe made him desire so much more. Like the term chasing the dragon, it was never enough, and Jake was uniquely positioned to want more, every day, every moment. Passing by a homeless man whose entire life laid bare in garbage bags and a rusty shopping cart, Jake felt at home. This alley, long, narrow, full of mystery and darkness, craving and despair, was so normal to him. The homeless man didn’t give him much attention. He was sure the man wasn’t used to such a beautiful specimen walking near him, yet the man probably held no desires for him either. A shame, because even the slightest interest and Jake would have no issue giving himself freely. That was another mentality that Jake married with his hedonist attitude – giving of ones body freely. Jake wanted to be owned by the world, he wanted to be the boy the broke the bonds of desire and gave men exactly what they wanted. A sharp yet disturbed smile crossed his face thinking about the first time he lowered his tiny ass down on a homeless man. The rush of pure fowlness from the act, something very few people would do, especially at the level of his beauty, drove him forward that night. To feel that man’s hands, shaking out of pure pleasure, as he groped Jake’s 19 year old dream body, made Jake begin leaking profusely down his 5 inch cut cock. He listened to the rhythm of the man’s breathing, as his hole welcomed the homeless mans cock into his warmth. The fast breathing from the man stopped, and indelible sign of him in awe at the pleasure that he was receiving. With the man sitting against the dumpster, Jake straddled him pushing him deeper inside. The breaths started again, but much slower. It wasn’t that the man wasn’t excited, it was that his excitement and morphed into reality, his hands slide up and down Jakes skinny body, less excited, more in awe and craving every inch. Jake’s eyes rolled behind his lids. There was beauty in this. This man, stinking of booze, understood what he was holding. He gingerly grabbed Jake’s boney hips, something that Jake recognized made the man a bit harder, and slowly started working Jake up and down. In the pale combination of the moonlight that night, and the reflection from the orange street lamps, the man could make out the glorious tattoo covering Jake’s back. Jake’s shoulders, covered in what appeared to be angel wings. However the feathers at the bottom of the wings were molting, down his back, on fire. The molted, burned feathers piled in a neat burned pile at the small of Jake’s back, where very appropriately, Jake’s tramp stamp had the word “MONSTER”. Jake had designed that tattoo with great care. His angelic looks represented the angelic wings upon his should blades, but his demonic and hedonistic nature was represented in their molting and burning. He was chaos, he felt he was born for this. The man’s breathing and picked up pace again. Of course it had, Jake was in a trance, his perfect hips gyrated with tenderness yet desire to milk this man’s cock like he never had before. He wanted to give him the ultimate pleasure, but he wanted the man to suffer forever knowing that he would never have a fuck like Jake again, unless he somehow came upon him. Chaoe. Jake loved the dichotomy of his actions. To give such pleasure as to leave the person emotionally, physically, and spiritually devasted. When he was in anyones arms, he was their god. When he left, he was their nightmare. He was the monster that at 18 he really started to contemplate, and a year later, he had begun to live his vision. Jake picked up the pace. Nevermind the fact that the dirtiness of his act had already made him cum twice, he was still in his trance. This cock was the greatest thing inside him. No condom, no questions, just pure skin to skin bliss with a stranger. Every cock, when it was in him, was the greatest thing to him. The man was moaning, gently. It felt like a lovemaking session in many ways, from the gentleness of his hands on Jake, to the volume of his breathing, intimacy abounding in a crooked way. No there was no love here. Love didn’t surround Jake. But false pretense of love, of intimacy, was just as palpable and desirable. This lead to every fuck, to Jake, being the best one there could be. The man’s right hand crept up Jake’s chest, with Jake pulling off his shirt. He now was in a blue jock strap and clunky shoes, and nothing else, riding this homeless man by the dumpster. The man’s hand swirled around Jake’s nipple, feeling the barbell piercing, and moved higher to his neck. Jake felt the man being to squeeze his neck, and Jack let out a tone…not so much a sigh, but a sound of pleasure. The deed was moving in this direction now. The man had groped and touched Jake all over by now, Jake’s hole and been thrusted into hundreds of times, and now the man was allowing himself to understand the object of Jake’s nature. It was only right and responsible, of course, for Jake to lean into it. As the man clenched Jake’s throat, Jake’s sounds became more audible, ricocheting throughout the alley that night. He didn’t care. Who would stop him? Who wouldn’t want in on this action? And he would give it to them. The man’s left hand continued to hold onto Jake’s hip pulling him down harder. The deed continued to escalate. Jake followed what was indicated. Slowly he picked up his thrusting down on the man’s dick. Within minutes, the slow, almost beautiful start was a wicked fuck session with Jake’s boney ass slamming up and down upon this man’s thighs. Cum dripped down Jake’s balls onto the pavement below, the man too busy being completely wrapped up in his own headspace to realize that Jake had now cum four times. He hadn’t even touched Jake’s dick, he was only involved with focusing on milking his DNA into Jake now. The world melted away from them both. The sounds emanating from them become guttural, without any regard for the rest of the residents of this dark alley. Jake was not only feeling ecstasy, but he was seeing it. The colors of the alley, the darkness mixed with the moonlight, the warm tones of the spare streetlights, the bits of greenery that existed, all created a kaleidoscope effect to his eyes. In some ways he left his body, his mind looking down at the deed, his white cum scattered in front of him on the asphalt, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, seeing the man begin to scream “oh god! Oh god!”. The sound of his ass slapping against the man were so loud at this point. Jake could see that he was completely possessed by this act, this act of lust, this act of chaos. As the man’s cries become louder and Jake understood he was close to his orgasm, Jake pulled off him, flipped himself around, and started to ride this homeless man staring him in the eyes. Jake stared his truly piercing blue eyes into the man’s, into his heart, into his soul, into his very fiber of his being. He bent forward, fucking himself on this man’s cock as hard as possible. Beads of sweat glistening all over his body. He was the angel of beauty, and the despot of pleasure. He locked his lips with the man, causing an electricity to shoot through them that was beyond description. The man was making so many noises, yet Jake continued to make out with him. He could taste the alcohol on his tongue. Jake loved himself, was so proud of himself. The man held tight on Jake’s hips instantly, slamming into him harder than ever before and holding him down. “Yes! Give yourself to me!” Jake whispered. Sultry, darkly, Jake wanted this moment to be remembered. “I don’t care where you or your dick has been sir, fill me with you. Do it! Fucking do it!” Jake’s orders rang true as the man exploded into a shaking orgasm. Jake felt the cum erupt so deep inside him that he began his fifth, but by far his most explosive orgasm himself. He watched his average dick fire off massive wads of cum shooting over the mans head and coating the dumpster with his signature. The man’s cock pulsed powerfully inside Jake as he started to ride it again, desperate to milk this strangers loads as deep in his as possible. Jake didn’t care about the man’s pleasure at this time, this was about him, this was about his desire, his NEED, to have ever single drop that this man could provide him. It was written into Jake, this absolute addiction. He sound of the amount of cum flowing from Jake’s ass and recoating the cock that just obliterated his hole with that thick milk only intensified the moment. The man’s orgasm was intense, still greatly firing off loads inside him. Jake had stopped cumming, but his cock was pulsating to the point of pain. He leaned in and made out wildly, any effort at all to bring this man to give him any more drops of his DNA. Jake was covered in sweat, which felt amazing as the man’s hands went back to exploring, and now slipping all over his body as he emptied every last bit of himelf into Jake. Pulling off his dick, kneeling on the asphalt, Jake immediately attacked the homeless man’s 7 inch cock with his mouth. Never would Jake leave the scene without ensuring he could get every drop of cum that didn’t make it into his ass. The man looked upon in wonder, disgust, amazement, at this slut that outdid any other slut he’d ever known to exist. Not only was the boy a wild ball of chaos and sin, but he was of ultimate perfect beauty, and had just given that freely to him. Jake remembered that incident well, because of course it happened in this alley. It was his favorite alley to cruise. Many more he had visited, and many more he had fucked in, some he woke up in the next morning, sometimes even naked. But this was his first, that year ago, when he decided there was absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do to continue his quest for absolute chaos. Now, amongst his many other escapades, and hundreds of back alley breedings he had received, his need to chase the dragon flared again. The level he had reached was not his final landing point, he had much deeper to delve. Tonight was not productive in the alley. Wherever its normal residents were, they were either asleep in the darkness, or out up to their own devices. It didn’t matter, this was a place of life for Jake. It was home, in a way a home from home, and whatever broken part of his brain that enjoyed this, needed to breathe it in from time to time. Coming to the end of the alley, he turned, walking another two blocks through some very dilapidated streets. This was a rough neighborhood, but Jake fed upon it. It didn’t matter to him. Risk was an addiction, and he was fully addicted and quite educated in the street life. He walked with confidence and without fear, it just wasn’t a part of him. A few more blocks and he came upon and larger brick home. The street itself was just as fucked as the rest of them. Front lawns filled with tall grasses and weeds, litter scattered all about. Some homes stood as a tribute to the shallow husk of their former selves, mostly burned. Other plots had nothing else but a concrete slab. Most had bars on the windows and that felt good to Jake. Chaos reigned here, and he felt at home here as well. As with all these types of streets, 4AM wasn’t a quiet and peaceful time, but a mix of areas of serenity, and areas of copious volume. Walking up the broken, unbalanced concrete steps to the porch of the house, the door opened before he could knock. This house was a tip from some guy that fucked him at one of the many bathhouses in the city a few days ago. The guy said it was known by its nickname, the Last Stand. Said it wasn’t for the weak, and by looking at Jake at first thought that there was no way Jake would ever be someone who should go there. Rough neighborhood, rough men, rough life. But then the men fucked Jake, and fucked him again, and shared him with his friends, and then strangers, and then almost 8 hours later, while Jake was still high on the chaos surrounding him, the rented room in the bathhouse stinking of sex, sweat, and Jake’s almost innumerable amount of heavy cumshots, along with the waterfall of cum flowing from his used hole, the man understood that this fallen angel would be perfect for the Last Stand. The man who answered the door had a shaved head, right down to the skin. His scalp was covered in tattoos, mostly skulls and dark looking things. Jake was excited already. The rest of the man was a patchwork of more deviant darkness. He was exceptionally thin, holding some cheap liquor in one hand and a smoldering cigarette in his mouth. He looked Jake, all 100lbs of him, in his sleeveless black tee and his short shorts, down his perfect legs, back up to the top of his blonde head, up and down a few times, looking disinterested and yet allured at the same time. “Ya know you gonna get thrown around like a rag doll,” skinhead muttered with his cigarette still stuck in his mouth. “We don’t got any rules here.” Jake peered inside. The house was pretty filthy, the waft of strong alcohol and cigarettes nipped at his noise. Another very pleasant scent, in Jake’s world. The inside looked as Jake had expected. Stained carpets, minimal lighting, shadows dancing on the wall, many men of all sizes, sans a twink, sitting around, mumbled conversations lifting into the air. The sounds of sex came from deeper in the house, panting, moaning, thrusting. It was all there, if one listened close enough. “Name’s Hanney,” skinny-bones said to Jake. Hanney looked like he had seen ALL the shit that life had to throw at him, probably some prison as well. He was a ruined man, probably early 30s, but his rugged leather face made it look like he had lived 10 lifetimes, his body finally subsiding to all the abuse that life had thrown at him. He was incredibly sexy to Jake. Jake wanted to drink in his experiences, into his own soul, milk him of his pain, and bring him pleasure. “Now you gone get out of here bitch boy. I know your type, you don’t go no chance here,” Hanney said. Jake lit a cigarette. Smooth and sultry, he slowly exhaled. He watched Hanney looking him up and down. The man had the ability to show disinterest and desire in a single look. Jake took a step closer to Hanney. Hanney’s voice raised, “I’m tellin ya, you don’t belong here. This is the real fucking deal, you won’t be walking straight after you are done.” Jake’s soul peering eyes met Hanney’s lifeless ones. This man just existed. He existed for sex, for alcohol, for pleasure, but there was nothing in his eyes. At the opposite end, Hanney stared into Jake’s eyes. Jake was peering into his soul. There was chaos, deviancy, and darkness in this boy. He had had a few dumb twinks show up here before, likely being tipped off by some other slut in the city, and he turned them all away. Those boys just wanted a quick fuck, not a week of delving into darkness and intense pleasure. Of course, the regulars would love a twink to break in, but none that appeared looked to have the stamina for an hour, less then whole night. But this one, this one had the eyes of an addict. He had the eyes of one that was experienced. His gaze pulled on Hanney, like a dark hand pulling him closer. Jake pulled his shirt off, standing on the porch, showing his immensely beautiful body. The metal b barbell piercings struck the light of the moon, twinkling against Hanney’s lifeless eyes, and the diamond belly piercing flattered his tight stomach. So matter of factly, Jake pulled Hanney close, noses touching, and uttered “Use the living hell out of me…now.” Like an explosion of desire, Jakes knees slammed into the dirty carpet right inside the house. Damn the door, Hanney couldn’t care less. Hanney shed his stained wifebeater, revealing his boney tatted body, scars and all. He pulled down his jeans without even unbuckling his belt. Grabbing at Jake’s shorts, he pulled them down over Jake’s thin thighs, and Jake felt the world shudder as Hanney slammed into him with all his might. The groan that emanated from Hanney’s mouth was pure bliss. Jake’s body shuddered with Hanney’s entry, but he knew Hanney just learned how loose he was, and how he could be delved into with an ounce of lube. As the door remained over for the neighborhood to see, Hanney lost himself. Instinctively he began thrusting, grunting, so animalistic and raw. The room quieted, most of the men older, heavier, hairier, became fixed at this immediate display. The smile on Jake’s face gave it all away. He was different, he was born for this, he was getting what he wanted. Within moments the room had disrobed completely and were surrounding Jake. His knees burned into the carpet, Hanney completely lost in the void of his lust to be inside Jake. As the night was so hot and humid, and this house, not surprisingly had no cooling, Jake could feel the sweat beads of Hanney dripping down his back. The men looked in wonder at the mural of darkness covering Jake’s back, their cocks fully erect at the deed. Hanney was fucking him like a madman, his eyes were pure white as his pupils had rolled back into his head. The men surrounding them were groping each other, making out, and generally adding to the feeling of pure pleasure that Jake was feeling. Within a few moments, an older but fit man had slammed his dick into Jakes mouth. Jake began to suck but then tasted the acrid piss emanating from the mans cock. Not to ever disappoint Jake gulped at the piss, showing these men that he was above nothing as Hanney’s skeletal fingers dug deep into his boney thighs with his powerful and wild thrusts. Hanney was lost completely in the moment, controlled completely by Jake’s perfect body and hungry hole. Jake lapped at the piss, swallowing every drop even as his body heaved back and forth by the power of Hanney’s wild thrusting. Jake continued to suck the wet cock in his mouth, making it grow stiffer and stiffer, feeling as it Hanney’s dick was so deep that it was protruding out of his stomach. He was meant for this, and he had barely even made it in the front door. Hanney’s moans and howls were overwhelming. The sound of the echoed throughout the neighborhood. The men didn’t seem to care. They just added to the chaos that already existed out there. Hanney began shaking uncontrollably, his body giving in to the extreme orgasm that was building within him. Jake only added to the mania. “Fuck every bit of yourself into me Hanney!” He screamed. “Fuck your life, your sadness, your broken hopes and dreams, your dissapointments, your deviancy, your pain directly into my fucking soul!” The men were stunned at Jake’s words. Jake had a feeling they would be. Amongst the many things that set Jake apart, it was his understanding that the pleasure from sex was physical, spiritual, and emotional. The act was just as important as the words, was just as important as the setting. “Don’t hold back on me for anything. Harder, fucking harder. Destroy me. I need it harder Hanney!” Hanney’s thrusts were shaking the floor, his body was soaked with sweat, dipping all over Jake, he shuddered over and over again as the orgasm built to its maximum intensity. Grabbing Jakes hair, he ripped his head back for a few final wild thrusts. No moaning came from Hanney, instead, a scream of absolute mania as he released himself deep into Jake. He convulsed in pleasure and bliss as he gave Jake copious amounts of his DNA, Jake adding to the milking process by slamming back on Hanney’s cock like a wild bitch not even close to be satisfied. Cum frothed and foamed around Jakes hold, dripping down his taint, down his balls. Another orgasm hit Hanney again, unexpectedly and Jake felt the torrential explosion of Hanney’s absolute lust and desire slam deep inside him. Jakes limp dick swung under him, yet he also convulsed with the truest pleasure imaginable as it felt like a fire hose was going off inside him. He orgasmed, not even being hard, all over the carpet, spraying an immense volume of cum everywhere. The men surrounding the event stared in pure amazement. This was not expected from this boy, but now, now it was the greatest event they had even seen, and the look on Jake’s face told them he was just getting started. Hanney, finally catching his breath, whispered quietly, “We have to get him to the basement….” All the men looked around at each other, nodding. The knew the setup down there would be the perfect place to test Jake’s limits, or enjoy the bliss in trying… To be continued...
  9. Last week was amazing. Took serval loads in my hotel room in London. One of the guys was a CD who was a domme and multiple cummer.
  10. just had him 3 more times in a day. its saturday funday and both him and his bf are out at the pool this evening. im vibing, hanging out in the hot tub with them having a few beers and the redheaded twink offers to clean up some of the garbage and fetch a few more bottles from their apartment, so i offer to help. 😈 we made it upstairs and i offered a quickie, but he started whining about his boyfriend and saying he had to get back to the pool. so i fished out my hardon and put his hand on it, told him just a nice quick one, in and out. i stuck my hand down his swimtrunks to seal the deal, gave his hole a nice firm little rub and was ready to keep arguing but he shucked off his trunks, leaned over the kitchen counter and just grumbled, "get in there." it was hot. just a quick spitfuck, maybe 2-3 minutes. he shot a crazy big load all over the front of the dishwasher in the first minute. I got a little verbal too, told him to take my load like a good boy, pumped him full, and we were done. he cleaned up his mess with a dish towel and we walked back down to the pool. it was so fucking hot watching him lay out on an adirondack chair babbling about some amazon special to his boyfriend knowing his little ass was full of my cum. His BF left for work about 2 hours later so of course i showed up again. its turned into a thing, my dick slides inside him about four nights a week. the only difference was tonight he was pre-loaded. ive gotten a little piggy about how much cum i can make him take too. I like to breed him nice and deep, then slide down and finger him until he gapes and i can watch my load run out. we fucked three times before he cleaned my cock and sent me home. i fucked up and forgot to turn off my alarm clock for the weekend, so im up at 5 am now. got some water, flipped through reddit, and looked at the clock. his bf doesnt get back from work until about 8-9 am, so i texted the redhead a few times to see if i could get him up. I made an excuse that i left my carkey in his apartment and made my way back around 6:45 am and once i got there i didnt even have to ask, he just got nice and close by the door and said "is it hard?" I fucked him with his pajama bottoms around his ankles on the couch and watched my cum run down his balls the whole time. it took 30 minutes or so but i managed to finish inside him again. i fucking love love love his little fuckhole.
  11. Make sure you read my other stories, most of them are in the same world and have a lot of connections back to this one. Thank you for your kind words
  12. Ive considered how much I'd love to use AI to generate sexual stuff of certain guys I know but i also know how questionable that can be.
  13. I'm uncut so I don't use lube. But I've had to clean up some cum on my keyboard tray and mouse pad.
  14. I have a buddy who is a graphic artist and has really latched on to AI for his business (web design etc). We were joking about how AI porn will be a hot thing. So, one night I was on Twitter and searched for AI Gay Porn. I have to admit to being surprised at how MUCH was out there. A lot of it is the stereotypical hot hunks, 65" wide shoulders and chest etc etc.... but, I was also able to uncover stuff that turned 'MY' crank.... hot age play where the younger guy tops and breeds older hole, two Daddy's sucking, rimming, fucking and fisting.... and not all muscle Dads.. Dads with Dad bods and hot sex. So, I absolutely agree we could find ourselves sitting with Virtual Reality headsets on and jerking off all day or riding toys.... so we will need to be careful. It's great to have fantasies. But not everyone will have a14" cock and hung low balls and muscles and and and... etc.
  15. As I have grown more into being a bottom, ejaculating has less importance to me. I honestly don’t think a lot of guys realize how orgasmic it can be to get fucked. When I am with a great top I rarely keep an erection once I hit a zone, but I feel like I’m on one long orgasm. Even if I do shoot a load, if the top is good, it is just an added bonus.
  16. I did notice you had it in quotes as I did I. I was more referring to in general hearing guys call them straight.
  17. Can’t wait for the next part/s
  18. Another reason I stick to my iPad. 🤣
  19. It was an arcade, and I was horny and he was horny, and I no longer have the time nor inclination to give a fuck about his or any other grown ass man’s education. If it was a date or possibly a less anonymous hookup, he would just be going home.
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