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  1. I much prefer the bottom pushing the load out to prove it vs the top pulling out to come. In porn and real life, it's a boner kill to have the top pull out and shoot his load. Even if it's pushed in. I know it's to prove it happened, but in the case of porn..... It's porn! I can fantasize that the top's seed is being shot into the bottom's ass when I don't actually see the cum shoot inside. After all, porn is about fantasy. And I have a hell of an imagination.
    3 points
  2. The other guys took it in turns to fuck me and load me with their own toxic cum, more of Tom's strain as he had made them all. All the while Tom was at my head encouraging me to take it like a man, kissing me, playing with my nipples to distract me from the pain when a new guy entered me the first time. Each time one reached the point of orgasm I felt that relief of warming balm being poured onto my internal wounds. I was calm now and accepting. I knew I would never be the same again and that my life had changed once Tom had entered me. When the five others had loaded me Tom moved to the end again and, without speaking, enter me again. This time our eyes were inseparable as he fucked me. Once again I was caught up in desire for him and suddenly the thought of him and his group pozzing me seemed so perfect and right. Tom was gentler this time and he played my nipples as he fucked me deep and sensuously. The other guys faded into the background. Minutes passed in sublime distraction as Tom's cock moved inside me in a wet mixture of my blood and the toxic cum of six men. I could feel my own orgasm building once more and Tom responded to this and his intensity built. My cock erupted with another big load and that was enough to send Tom over the edge - I felt his beautiful cock pulsing in me and I realised that this was what I had wanted since that first encounter in the pub toilet. Tom's pulsing subsided and he sank onto me and we kissed for a long time. He felched my overflowing hole and kissed me more with the mixed juices. Eventually Tom stood. He took something that looked like a sort of collar out of one of the drawers and fixed it around my neck snugly. 'This will allow me to keep an eye on you', he said. The other guys helped me dress and they all kissed me individually and tenderly. Then one of them drove me home while another rode my bike home for me. I fell into bed as I was, completely exhausted. The next few days I had swings of feeling completely panic-stricken that I had been fucked by toxic poz guys interspersed with feelings of emptiness and desire for Tom. Tom had insisted that I didn't go to the bike meet till he had seen me again, but said that might not be for some weeks, but I'd know when the time was right. I had no idea what he meant, but I knew it had something to do with the collar I was wearing. It had some sort of electronic device and there was a small green LED. I carried on with life as normally as I could, though sleep was hard. I wanted to see Tom and then I'd think what a fool I had been and I felt an idiot. Seventeen days after I'd seen Tom last I woke feeling particularly groggy. My throat was sore and I felt hot. My bed was wet from sweating in the night. When I passed a mirror I saw the greed LED on my collar was showing amber - 'what the fuck!' I thought. Throughout the day I deteriorated and began to realise I was probably embarking on seroconversion. That night was bad, major sweats and aching all over. I struggled to get any sleep at all, but eventually fell to sleep as the sun was rising. Shortly after, I woke to find I was not alone. Tom was standing over me. I was struggling to make any sense and he said 'Don't worry Greg, I'm taking you from here'. Three of the other guys were with Tom and together they got me out of the flat and into a van. I was barely conscious when they took me out the other side and I recognised the stableyard. They took me to a room off the barn and laid me on a bed. Tom removed my collar and I could see that the LED was now red - it had been radio-transmitting my body temperature and pulse rate to him. Tom told me he was a trained paramedic and he inserted a canula in my arm and attached a drip. I had a peculiar cold feeling followed by a deep warmth running through my veins as the flow started. Tom pushed my hair off my face and said 'Don't worry now Greg, I'm going to make you comfortable'. I drifted into a deep sleep, only knowing later that the drip contained saline to keep me hydrated and diamorphine to sedate me and help with the pain.. I drifted in and out of conscious thought, but every time I woke Tom was there and I could see his eyes. I had no idea of passing time until I suddenly awake in intense pain, not knowing what was happening to me. I was strapped to the bed and one of the guys, Chris, was working on me. He was tattooing my abdomen and then my cock in the exact design that the other group members had. Somehow I drifted off again until I was awoken by Chris's next attention to me: he had done the 10 bar piercings to make the ladder on the underside of my cock and he was piercing my glans to put in the ampallang. I had never felt pain like it even through the diamorphine. Unbelievably, my cock was hard as rock and this worried Chris as it was bleeding from the new piercings. Chris told me I would have to cum to lose the erection so the bleeding would stop. He gently massaged my cock and balls and then sweetly began to suck my cock. I was so aroused that I quickly flooded his mouth with my sperm. Tom had walked in as this was going on and he kissed Chris to received my cum in his mouth then he bent down to me and kissed me, sharing my load with me. 'That's your first toxic load', he said. 'And now you're a proper member of our group'. Over the next couple of days the amount of drug they were administering was reduced and I became more aware and was starting to fell less unwell. I was aware that Tom was sleeping with me at night, cradling me in his warm arms and I lay there feeling weak and helpless. The following morning I awoke to feel Tom's erect cock under my balls from behind. Unbeknown to me, he had removed the canula and drip in the night, judging that I no longer needed it. Tom kissed and nuzzled the back of my neck and I could feel the tension in his hot cock between my legs. He whispered 'Are you ready for me again?' and I replied simply 'I want you now'. Tom dived under the sheet and tenderly rimmed my hole, making it good and wet. He turned me onto my front and held me from behind as he slid the warmth of his cock inside me. No sharp piercing ends this time, just normal balls, but his cock entering me felt so completely right and I melted into his embrace. He fucked me in near silence, just our involuntary sounds escaping every so often. My hole clenched longingly against his thrusting cock and my whole being was willing him towards orgasm and that union achieved by receiving his essence inside me. He lit me hard on teh back of the neck, increasing my passion and desire. The tension built and built and he was clutching me tight under my arms and up my shoulders when his orgasm tore through his body and pierced my soul. I came spontaneously as he thrust into me. It was so good to feel him cumming in me again - it had been too long and I had missed his presence inside me so much. With his cock still hard inside me and his demon seed inside me once again he whispered tenderly 'you have experienced your first death now through your seroconversion. You have become mine and I love you. Your ultimate death will also be in my arms at a time of my choosing.' I was completely overwhelmed with feelings of intense love.
    3 points
  3. I always felt a bit inexperienced, maybe that was why I rarely tried to hook up at all. I thought I'd mess it all up or not know what to do. I am only 18 but still, I wanted to not disappoint the expectations people were bound to have for a hot date. I was already on my third load while watching some hot porns, but today my libido would not settle down. I think I needed the real thing. I was online in a flash, but I had no idea what site was best but I settled for adam4adam. Being a rare sight online did have its perks, you got lightning fast responses and instant interest. A 42-year old muscled massage therapist hit me up (at least he claimed to be in the profile when I took a look.) He asked if I minded older men who liked submissive boys. I admit I never gave much thought to top, bottom, and the in-betweens but his question caused my dick to stiffen. Must be a sign. "Yeah, I'm down for that," I replied, pondering where we'd fuck. I couldn't do it at my parents house. Hopefully this guy could host and was close by. "Can't host, and I'm guessing you can't either." His next e-mail confirmed the worst case scenario. I thought it was all over, I told him sorry and maybe another time. "Hold on there boy, daddy isn't finished with you yet. Send me your address, I'm in your part of the neighborhood, get that hole ready and be outside in 10 minutes, and no matter where you're at, I'll be there." I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. He seemed determined and excited to meet me. I was just a skinny gamer dork, though often people remarked I'm much more attractive than I seem to realize. I was considering this as I got ready and it seemed like a mere instant before I was outside and a sleek black mercedes with tinted windows was pulling up before me. I glanced around nervously incase I got it wrong, but the window lowered to show a grinning dark haired man with a handsome square jaw and traces of silver hair through his beard. The smiling blue eyes were enough to make ice melt, this was definitely the guy. "Hey boy, ready to please your daddy?" He questioned as he patted the passenger seat next to him. I went around and got in as shy as can be, I couldn't even answer him. I must've been blushing. "Mmm, don't worry boy, daddy is going to take care of you," a strong masculine hand reached over to massage my left shoulder tenderly. His fingers were like magic as he worked that hand across from my shoulder, to my neck, and then down the mid of my back. I completely relaxed, even when that same hand stuffed itself down into my shorts and his strong insistent fingers invaded my hole and pushed me forward a bit to give him easier access. "Ah...I didn't bring lube," I admitted suddenly, realizing I had some as his fingers worked at me roughly. "Don't you worry about that," the blue-eyed sex god whispered in a sensual voice, "I'm gonna take of that hole." That's when we stopped. I looked around not realizing that we were in the parking lot of a public park that was closed by this time of day. I looked at him questioningly. "You're going to service daddy right here and now boy, my cock needs to unload," and before I knew it I was face down in his jean covered crotch as he unbuckled and unzipped to reveal his cock which I couldn't remember the size of from the brief time I glanced at his profile. "Oh God..." I mumbled as I sucked gently on the stiff cock that was still hidden beneath his boxer-briefs. It looked massive. "That Cock is going to be your God boy as long as your servicing it with your holes," daddy told me in a matter of fact tone. I had a feeling this wasn't a man you said no to. His 9 1/2 inch circumcised dick was out and already dribbling long trails of pre-cum. His underwear had huge wet spots from the short drive over to the park. I couldn't believe I was doing this, I never took anything that huge before...and without lube? He couldn't really plan to put that in my ass? He coaxed my mouth over his thick head and used a hand to shove my head down so that I took nearly half his shaft before gagging and trying to resist. He continued to keep me in place, until I relaxed a bit and he could drive more of his cock into my throat and with his free hand he went to my hole and began to probe once more. My throat felt like it was a rubber band that had been stretched all out of shape. His cock was so thick I was sure he could probably see exactly how far down my throat it was. My eyes were watering and I could barely gasp enough air between his thrusts and deep throating to handle what he was doing to me. "Can't deep-throat daddies cock to make it cum boy?" An evil and greedy glint came to his eye, "Then your sweet cunt hole is going to pleasure this dick instead." I tried to apologize, to say I'd do better...but he placed his index finger firmly against my lips and just said, "Shhhhh." "Get on your knees in the backseat, look out the rear window and stay that way after you lower your shorts so I can see that ass," he ordered. I wordlessly complied, I wasn't sure what would happen if I tried to question the instructions. My hole felt so vulnerable in the air conditioned car when my shorts were pulled down. I heard him climb from upfront to position himself behind me, he grabbed my hands forcibly and put them in front of me, "You leave those there, you don't do anything. Daddy's in charge now." He shoved my legs apart with his knees and a firm hand pushed against the small of my back arching it slightly so that my butt poked out a bit further and my hole felt more open and exposed. "D-do you have a condom?" I asked nervously, I was almost surprised I even remembered to question him, I was so nervous about even handling it. "Yeah I have a condom," I heard and felt him spit right onto my hole and then another sound of him spitting, probably for his own cock. That monstrous piece of meat was pressed against my sphincter quickly and with both his hands on my hips he pushed me back onto it and down slowly. I squirmed uncomfortably, trying to ease back off it...it got so thick so fast I thought I'd rip open without lube. "Where you think that hole is going?" Daddy growled, he kept pulling me down but now he also rose to greet my hole too and his cock popped suddenly and forcibly into my hole. "AHHH!! OH GOD!" I cried out trying to get away now in earnest. My hole was on fire and I thought his cock felt like there was nothing on it. I tried to turn around to see but that's when a strong hand clamped on the back of my neck. "You look straight ahead fuck toy," he barked, "You are my property now, you don't act, you don't think. You just take this dick til I'm done with that boy pussy." I made a soft noise of protest, but I complied, relaxing somewhat. His cock slowly eased further into me, and the burning sensation subsided. "Good fucking bitch boy," he commended me. My reward was a sharp and deep thrust upward that plunged him fully into my unsuspecting hole. I swear, it was like a kidney moved out of the way in order to make room for that cock inside me. The hand that was on the back of my neck now moved to my throat as I cried out. He squeezed firmly and deliberately choking me into silence. I still tried to make another noise of protest and turn to face him...I quickly regretted that. The second hand came to join the other and both now choked me harder til I was submissive and he pulled back on my neck as he choked so that I arched my back more and opened more of my hole to his greedy cock that was eagerly pumping me. Things were starting to get hazy, I could feel my hole was really wet for some reason like it had been lubed up. Did he really pre-cum that much? Fuck. If that was pre-cum he was in me raw...but it didn't matter. I couldn't do anything with that death-grip controlling me like the reigns for a horse. I could see in the rearview mirror up front his firm hard body pumping me, and the ass that had a tan line from his days on the beach or maybe working outside. Maybe if my hole didn't feel like it was never going to be tight again I could have enjoyed the sight of him fucking my ass...this fucking Sex Beast of a man. His thrusts became jackhammer hard, I could breathe again as he let go of my neck and put one hand to my hip again to keep it firmly in the position he seemed to like the most, which was the one where my hole was tilted upwards a bit so the curve of his cock could hit this sweet spot inside my ass I had no idea was there... his other hand worked his fingers into my mouth forcing me to suck on them. I didn't realize doing that would make me open my hole more. "Now you're ready boy," he leaned in as he impaled me viciously and bit onto my neck. It was hot even as it hurt, but I saw why he did it. His cock swelled even more as he must've been getting close to coming, it was easily 10 inches at this point hit painful spots in my ass that seemed to feel extraordinarily good to him. His clamping down on my neck kept me from moving anywhere as much as it hurt and as much as I felt more and more like he was just using my ass because it was inexperienced and young to fuck. I wondered if I was really just a hole to him like he said earlier. He didn't care if I got off or enjoyed his cock...though I know on some level I was enjoying his cock. He just wanted to get off and I was the sap who let him inside. "Please," I begged, "Tell me you have a condom on." He began to grunt and lead into me hard, slamming my hole with such force I felt like it was a shockwave going through my entire body and numbing my boy hole completely. I moaned with the strangest sense of pleasure through all that pain and worry. He kept thrusting deep and purposefully, his cock kept moving to other places in my hole with each thrust spreading what I could feel was his load. I couldn't just be imagining it, there was so much and it was so warm. "Boy I told you," he said with the hint of a laugh in his tone, "I have a condom. It's you."
    1 point
  4. This is my first time writing something like this, but reading all these stories I thought I would try my hand at it. Feed back is always great, and if you like it I'll keep writing. --How I Became A Cumdump: the Story of a 'Condoms Only' 20 Somethings Transformation My name is Mark, I’m 24, five foot nine, one hundred and sixty pounds and decidedly average. I have always been a bottom, when I was a teenager when other guys were tugging their dicks, I was fingering my hole. Eventually I graduated to getting cucumbers out of the refrigerator nightly and pounding my hole into a pulp. So when I went to college and started having sex with guys there was no question that I would be taking their cocks, but until I was 21 I was a self proclaimed condom Nazi: no unwrapped cocks were entering my hole. So what changed when I was 21? Well, I met Anthony. Anthony was everything I wasn’t. I was a paie blond boy, Anthony was a tall dark haired beast of a man. I was small, whereas Anthony stood around six foot two. I had a slight build, whereas Anthony was made of solid thick rippling muscles. I was smooth, whereas Anthony was covered all over in thick dark course hair. My hole twitched as soon as I saw his profile on Adam4adam. I had just finished my classes for the day was had logged on to see if any of my usual hookups were online for that night when I saw him on the New Member’s page. “ItalianTop34” his screen name read and below it a picture of his perfectly sculpted chest and stomach. I stared at the thumbnail for a long moment taking in the dark nipples the dark hair swirling down out of frame. I felt my hole twitching eagerly. I clicked on his picture and started reading: he was 34 years old, six foot two, two hundred and twenty pounds, and most impressively of all, a total top, with a nine inch cock. I typed a quick message to him, complimenting his picture and telling him to hit me up sometime, after hovering over the send button my hole gave another powerful twitched and I clicked send. For the next twenty minutes I chatted with a few regular fuck buddies making some tentative plans for later, tried to start on a paper for my European Literature class until I heard that familiar buzz from the a4a in box and pulled the website back up. It was him. My heart skipped a beat as I opened his message and read “hey there kid, cute pics, what brings you on here tonight?” I typed hurriedly: “looking for some fun tonight, need something to distract me from these papers.” Not a whole minute later: “a distraction? what sort of distraction?” We carried on like that for a few more messages culminating in him giving me his address. “Be there in an hour” was my last message to him. I quickly ran to the bathroom and cleaned up, getting ready to take his massive cock. My heart was pounding and my stomach seemed to be bouncing. I always get that feeling when I know a big cock is in my near future. Twenty minutes later I dashed out of my apartment in a pair of basket ball shorts, no underwear, of course, (a good bottom doesn’t need underwear), and a plain white t-shirt. I jumped in my car and drove the twenty minutes to his place. For a brief moment I sat in the car looking at the red brick building before rushing up to the little side door he had told me to use. His apartment was on the fourth floor at the top of the building and right inside the white painted door was a staircase leading up to his doorway. I knocked quickly and then stepped back waiting. I heard movement on the other side of the door and then it swung open quickly revealing Anthony for the first time in the flesh. He stood there in the door way in just a pair of running shorts, not the long kind people wear now but the short ones from the 80’s, a thing sheen of sweat seemed to glisten on his massive chest, there was about a day's worth of beard growing on his square jaw, but now standing in front of him it was his eyes that struck me the most. They were the brightest blue I had ever seen in someone’s eyes and they shown out like two brilliant pools from under his thick dark brow. He smiled, “Well you really didn’t wanna write that paper did you boy, you’re twenty minutes early. I went for a quick run before you came over, makes me last longer,” even this brief mention of sex was enough to make my hole twitch again and my cock begin to harden, “and I was gonna take a shower for yah, but now you’re here. Guess you could have a seat and wait for me to go get cleaned up.” “Oh no that’s alright,” I stammered. I don’t know why but the faint smell of manly sweat that was wafting from him into the hall way was making my cock begin to grow even harder. Anthony noticed, he chuckled and said “Look at you, springing wood on the stairs. You must really want this,” and with that he grabbed his meaty cock though the running shorts pressing its impressive profile against the thin fabric. Even soft the thickness of his cock was amazing and I was now hard as a rock all 6.5 inches of me straining against my shorts. “Come in kid,” he said stepping aside to let me in. He closed the door behind me, and then led the way down a narrow hall to the first room, the living room. It was nice with a big couch a few chairs a massive built in bookcase one wall and a giant television on the other. Anthony grabbed a remote off the coffee table and clicked it in the direction of the television which began to hum to life. “You want a beer?” he asked. “Sure,” I replied. “Have a seat. I’ll bring them through.” He left and I sat down on the massive couch looking at the television which now showed the symbol for some network connection and then after a moment of processing an image sprung up on the screen. A boy about my age was on his back on a hotel bed while a man old enough to be his father pounded the boy’s hole. The moans of the boy could be heard around the room from the surround sound system. I watched as two more men came into frame and one of them pushed his fat cock down the boy’s throat and the other moved round to where the first man was still plowing the boy. The first man seemed to get the hint and pulled out so that the new man could take his place inside the bottom. Then I realized I was watching bareback porn. I suddenly felt hot. My hole twitched, and my cock throbbed. I had never watched bareback porn before on principal and I was suddenly kicking myself for it. The boy writhed as the new man began to force is raw cock into his hole but soon enough the new man as pounding away with the same gusto as the first man. It was around this time that I slid my hand down the front of my shorts, spread my legs and began to rub my hole. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Anthony with two beers in his hands smiling at me. God how long had he been there watching me feel up my own hole to his porn. Looking back that had probably been part of his plan, to get me even more horned up with bareback porn, but how was I to know that at the time? Chuckling, Anthony walked over with the two beers and, although the couch could seat four, he sat down next to me, presumably so he could stretch his big arm around as he sat down. I suddenly found myself engulfed in that same manly smelly and it was intoxicating. I breathed deeply a few times and then turned so that my noise was right next to his pit and took a deep whiff. “You are quite the pig boy. First you’re so excited for cock you get here early, then I leave you alone for five minutes and you’re going at your hole and now it’s all you can do to keep from sticking you whole face in my sweaty stinking pit. Well go on boy, get in there and get a good taste.” He took his arm from around me and held it over his head exposing his thick bushy pits. After the very briefest of hesitations I dove in, first just sniffing and then sticking my tongue in and licking all over tasting the sweet salt of his sweat. I must have gone at his pit for five minutes. I was so entranced with the smell and the taste that I didn’t notice that he had lowered his hand until I felt his fingers sliding down the back of my shorts. As soon as I felt one of his digits graze my hole I pulled my head from his pit, rocked my body forward to give him better access and buried my head in his crotch. I could feel his cock beginning to swell and press against the little shorts and before he had even worked one finger inside me the head had slipped out of one of the legs of his shorts. I quickly engulfed his cock head and began to make out with the uncut monster that would soon change my life forever. I felt one and then two fingers slide inside my hole and begin to stretch me out. After a few minutes he pulled his fingers out of my ass and brushed me away from his cock. “Strip,” he ordered. Hurriedly I stood up and tossed my t-shirt off into a corner and quickly shucked my shorts off as well. After looking at me for what seemed like forever Anthony smiled and slid his own shorts off. Although I had had had his cockhead in my mouth, I was still not prepared for what I saw: that massive beautiful piece of dark uncut Italian meat that sprung up and pressed against his furry abs. I whimpered as I looked at it, yearning to have it inside of me again. “Well don’t just stand there and look at it, start sucking boy.” I fell to my knees and Anthony grabbed his beer and sat back. Opening my mouth wide I began to work as much as I could of that monster into my mouth as quickly as I could. Anthony for his part just say back and drank his beer while I hooked his cock down. Once I felt his cockhead hit the back of my throat I swallowed deeply and felt it slide down my throat, Anthony moaned loudly. I worked his cock like that until he finished his beer, sometimes deep throating it sometimes pulling back and working the shaft of his big low hanging balls. All the while in the background I could here the noises of that boy being bred by those three men and it made me even hornier. So by the time Anthony finally finished his beer and pulled me up off of his cock I had reached bitch in heat horny. The combination of his sweaty musk, the boy being bred on the television and the prospect of having that amazing cock sliding into my boy hole slightly had turned me into a cockhound. “You ready for me to work that hole,” he asked me, holding onto both sides of my face while he did. I just nodded. “Go behind the couch and bend over. I want you to watch this next video coming up while I eat your sweet boy-cunt.” I had never heard it called that before, but I liked it. I dashed behind the couch and bent over with my chest resting on the back and my arms hanging over. Anthony took his sweet time walking round, first starting another video from what seemed to be a massive porn archive. Just before the video began I felt a hot wet tongue pressing against me hole and arched my back. The image of another boy appeared on the screen. He had that blissful, fucked-out look that can only come to a bottom from servicing tops who need them. The camera was held by the top and he zoomed in on his raw cock siding into the boys now slack and cum covered hole. I gasped as Anthony had just slid his tongue inside me. I began to thrust back against him. The boy on the screen was moaning in ecstasy as the top’s fat cock stretched his already sloppy boy-cunt. As Anthony started to add fingers into the mix I thought for the first time 'God I’m jealous of that boy'. I heard moment behind me and felt Anthony remove his tongue and fingers but I was too engrossed with watching the fat cock pound cum out of the boy’s hole to look behind me. Then at the same moment several things happened. I felt a slight pressure on my hole, the camera on screen changed positions for a second and I saw that the top pounding this boy into oblivion was no other then the one who not three seconds ago had been eating my hole, and lastly I felt my hole explode inwards as Anthony slammed his massive tool home. I let out a scream, and tried to turn and face him but he held me firm and kept his cock in place. We both stood like that for a moment while I caught my breath again. “Please tell me you put a condom on?” I spluttered through racked breaths. “I only fuck raw kid. If you would have read my profile more carefully instead of just looking at the pictures you would know that.” And with that he began to pull out and then just as suddenly as the first time slammed back in. My hole stretched quickly under his assault, and just as quickly I began to feel waves of pleasure with each thrust so powerful that I forgot all about the condom. The boy on the video was gasping and moaning just like I was as I clung to the sofa for support. It was just as things started to feel good that I realized something felt different about this fuck. I realized it wasn’t just that my hole was being stretched wider then probably ever before, but I felt more in tune with Anthony - as he pounded me I felt like I could feel every bump and twist in his massive cock. I knew that it was because his cock was in me raw, that I could feel all of it. I don’t know how I came to understand this, but I did. The video ended with Anthony shouting as he filled up the boy with his load. That will be me soon I though somewhere deep in my mind, and instead of panicking I was excited. I wanted him to fill me up, to dump his load in my boy-cunt. Anthony pulled out from my hole completely, leaving me gaping and empty. Then his face showed-up right next to mine. Fuck sweat running along his cheeks, “On the floor boy. Now that you know your place as a raw bottom, it's time to teach you how to be a cumdump.” His strong hands knocked me to the ground and I positioned myself on my back, my feet resting on his shoulders. He wasted no time in sliding his cock back inside my now loose sloppy cunt. And then the pounding began again, sometimes slowly and sometimes like he was trying to break up concrete. As drops of sweat fell from him landing all over my body, his gaze never left mine. He told me what a sweet hole I had and how when he was done with it I would really be a bottom boy like I was meant to be. I just whimpered and moaned like the boy in the video. Suddenly he stopped, his cock buried balls deep in my hole, and said “Tell me what you want.” I was unsure of what to say, so I gasped, “I want you to pound my hole.” “No boy, tell me what you really need, tell me what you need for this fat raw cock up your cunt.” His load, that was what I wanted. Ever sense I had seen the boy in the second video being bred by the magnificent cock that was currently pulsing deep inside my ass. “Your load,” I muttered. “I can’t hear you.” “I want your load. I want you to cum inside me.” “You want me to fill you with my spunk?” “Yes, fill me up!” “You wanna get bred, don’t you?” “Yes, please, breed me!” “Good boy.” And with that he resumed pounding but this time quicker and more animalistic. Every so often he would grunt out, “Tell me how much you want my load?” “More then anything" I would reply. After about ten more minutes of relentless fucking he half moaned half shouted, “You ready to become a cumdump?” “God yes.” “Good 'cause here come my load.” He slammed all the way into my ass and I could feel his cock pulsing as the cum rushed into my gut giving me a warm sticky feeling inside. Guys had cum in condoms while fucking me before but it was nothing like this. I had never felt so fulfilled sexually and yet so lustful at the same time. I knew I had served my purpose but I wanted more. Anthony rocked back and forth forcing my hole to milk every last drop of cum from my hole before he pulled his still rock hard cock out. I felt so empty as my legs fell from his shoulders and he stood up. I just lay there looking up at the Italian god who had just bred my hole, given me my first load. I reached back and felt my sloppy hole. Anthony had been right to call it a cunt and truly I no longer had a tight boy hole, but a wet sloppy loose cunt. And I loved it. I fingered myself a little, and then stuck my cummy fingers in my mouth and sucked. Anthony just watched, a smile of satisfaction on his face. After a few moments I made to get up but Anthony said “Just lay there for a minute, I’m not done with you yet.” He left the room and I went back to fingering my messy hole. I could hear that Anthony was on the phone for a moment and then I heard what sounded like typing and then another phone call, a bit more typing and then silence. Then he was back, still hard as a rock with a big grin on his face. “Damn boy, you’re just going to town aren’t you?” I stopped for a moment and bushed. I has been so intrigued by my new sloppy hole that I hadn’t noticed that I had shoved in four fingers as deep as they would go and was now pounding away. “Get those fingers out of there so I can give you another load before your evening really gets going, boy.” I didn’t know what he meant about 'my night getting going' but I did know that I wanted his cock back inside of me, as well as more of his warm hot cum, so I pulled my fingers out of my ass cleaned the off in my mouth and rolled over onto all fours presenting him with my still gaping hole. He chuckled, squatted down behind me and easily slid his fat cock inside and began pounding away again. Just as Anthony was really picking up steam and I could tell that my second load of the night was on its way there was a firm knock on the door. Anthony paused for a moment to shout “It’s open,” before returning to pounding me....
    1 point
  5. My head hit the wall and the wind was knocked out of me, He had his hand tight round my throat and I was struggling to breathe. He savagely thrust his tongue deep into my mouth and crushed my balls with his free hand. My head was spinning as he sucked the breath from me. Then he removed his tongue and bit my lip sharply and I felt blood trickle down my chin. He licked it with his tongue and pressed his lips on it to taste more then he stepped back saying 'Be careful what you wish for'. Then he turned and left the toilet. I was left standing by the wall with my cock throbbing and gagging to cum, I was so turned on and shocked. I turned to the urinal and stroked myself hard and shot a powerful load out that almost hurt with its intensity. Minutes before I had watched him head for the toilet in the pub and followed him. I had seen him at the Tuesday bike meet the previous few weeks with his gang of five guys, all about the same age and all very deeply attractive in a rough way, like him. I had heard a rumour that they were a gay biker group and I wanted to know more. Two friends had warned me off, but they couldn't give a good reason why. I wanted to see Tom, the obvious leader, close up and personal. His dark intense eyes and the way he moved and interacted with his lads was consuming me with curiosity and lust. SO I followed him into the toilet and stood at the urinal right beside him. I looked down at his cock and mine, which I had removed thinking I would piss, started to harden immediately. His cock was a good size, but that's not what struck me: his cock shaft was tattooed with a design I couldn't quite make out without really staring Added to that he had an ampallang bar crosswise through the end of his cock-head which was protruding from a big foreskin and I thought I could just make out some metal on the underside of his cock. That's when he turned and struck, pinning me to the wall and setting my pulse racing and my cock on fire. By the time i left the toilet he and his lads had ridden off and I was left feeling empty and longing for him. I had always been completely top, but seeing his cock made me crave attention from it in a way I couldn't even understand. I waited impatiently for the next Tuesday meet. I was there early, like a stupid kid, and was twitchy every time I heard another group of riders approach the pub. I had almost given up and was feeling very frustrated when I heard another group arriving. I tried not to look to obviously at him when he removed his helmet and walked across the car park towards the bar, but our eyes met. I tried not to give anything away in my expression and he half-sneered, half-smiled at me then turned away. My heart was in my mouth and I could feel it beating so hard. He didn't look my way again and it felt like he was ignoring me or teasing me, and he was surrounded by his other guys, who all seemed to be like acolytes; it was clear he was the centre of their universe. I didn't know what to do, but eventually he broke from the group and went into the toilet again, so I quickly put my bottle down and followed. I was scared that he'd ignore me or tell me to leave him alone. I took the urinal beside him again and risked taking out my cock, which was harding. He was pissing and I glanced at his cock again and mine jumped with the stimulation of seeing it again.As he pissed he made a sort of display of his cock for me. He lifted it up and I could finally see he had a ladder of piercings on the underside of his shaft. I gasped involuntarily when I saw it. He turned and surprised me again by pushing me against the wall again. His cock was still free of his pants and it was pushed against mine, and was hardening. He put his face right up to mine and looked straight into my eyes and said 'I thought I warned you to be careful what you wish for'. My mouth was dry and I hardly knew how to speak. 'What does it take to join your group?' was what I managed to get out. He sneered again and said 'I don't know if you're man enough. You have to be prepared to take stuff and give other things up'. I didn't understand, but at that moment I thought anything would be worth doing to be with this guy. He could see the lust in my eyes and he knew he had me hooked. 'There's an initiation', he said, 'and new members have to submit to me and the group'. 'OK', I stuttered, 'but I only top, is that ok?'. He tongued deep into my mouth again, expertly, but roughly, and I groaned with desire. I could feel the roughness of the metal in his cock rubbing against my erection. 'If you want to join, you do exactly what I want, or you never bother me again'. I couldn't think of anything except how his tongue made me feel and the touch of his cock. He had me. 'I'll do anthing' I said. 'Anything can mean a great deal - are you sure?' he replied. 'Yes', I said, 'I want to be in your group more than anything else'. He kissed me once more, this time less roughly, then he carefully put his cock away and turned to go. 'Ok', he said, 'follow us back'. Then he was gone and I was left wondering what I had just let myself in for. I didn't know whether to be scared or excited, but my desire and the thought of his dark eyes and his mouth was driving me wild, and I couldn't even concentrate my mind on his cock, the thought of which was making me feel in ways I had never felt before. I got myself together and walked out into the car park. Tom and his guys were already getting on their bikes and I went over to mine and got helmeted and gloved and fired up the engine just as they were pulling out. I followed for about 8 miles. Tom was leading on his hot Ducati 848. Eventually they pulled off down a tree-lined lane and then turned again into a stableyard of a small farm. They parked up their bikes inside a small barn and I followed and parked up. I was shaking with nerves. They all must have been familiar with what was to happen as, without speaking, they led me to a stall at the end where there was a sling and a lot of other equipment. The five guys stood around me and between them stripped me of my leathers while Tom watched, his face showing no emotion whatsoever. They removed all my clothing and I have never felt so naked as I felt under the gaze of those five guys and Tom. My cock was semi-erect and was twitching as they lifted me into the sling and fitted arm and leg shackles. I was now completely at their mercy and exposed. They removed their leather jackets and Tom said 'Time to change to our initiation hardware'. They went to the chest at the side wall and there was a tidy as you might use for screws on top of it. Each had a drawer with their own name, which they removed and set down. Then they removed their identical black tee-shirts and removed their boots and leather trousers. All had identical leather jocks, which they also removed. Their bodies were similarly toned and hot but the other similarity gave me a gut-punch once it registered in my consciousness. They all had identical tattoos across between their hips, around their navels and down onto their cock shafts. The overall effect was stunning, intricate tribal and celtic ink work that flowed across their lower abdomen and down their shaft. Then my brain saw it for what it was - the ink work was an intricate working that encompassed several biohazard symbols. I flipped. 'You guys all poz?', I spluttered. 'Please tell me you're all on meds. I'm clean and I really really don't wanna be pozzed'. I was pulling at the restraints to no avail. Tom walked over to me, bent down and whispered into my ear 'You said you'd do anything, and I did warn you. There is no way out now and I promise I will look after you'. He kissed me and at that point I wanted to kill him. The guys, including Tom, then spent the next few minutes in complete silence at the side carefully changing the ends of their piercings. Like Tom they all had an ampallang and a ladder of 10 piercings on the undersides of their cocks. I couldn't see clearly, but was later to realise they were exchanging normal round ball ends for sharp pointed bar ends. By this time I was thrashing in the sling, swearing and threatening that when I got out I would kill them all one-by-one if they went ahead and pozzed me. They took no notice and Tom came to the head end of the sling. He was fully erect and he thrust his cock to my mouth saying 'Get it well wet or it goes in dry'. With that he pushed his cock deep into my mouth. I tried to scream as the sharp ends of his piercings cut my mouth, so instinctively I opened my mouth wider to avoid the cutting sensation. When he pulled it out, his cock was covered in my spit and blood. He moved to the other end of the sling and the other five guys stood around me, holding me down. Tom placed his cock at the entrance of my hole and I despaired. He forced his cockhead, which I had admired so much so recently, through my tight entrance. I couldn't exactly feel it but was certain that the sharp ends of the ampallang had already cut into the flesh of my anus. Once his cockhead was inside me he urged me to relax, almost sensually and his gaze held mine. He thrust his cock deep into me and I could feel pain like I had never felt before. I kept his gaze and as he fucked me I felt like I was drowning in his eyes. In spite of the pain I started to see the beauty in his eyes and face and I submitted to the intensity of his cock raiding me. I lost sense of time but I was aware his eyes were changing and the soft look was becoming harder and I realised that he was building towards orgasm. His cock, which filled my tight hole, swelled and then the most fantastic thing happened. As his cock pulsed and showered my insides with his toxic cum, the intense discomfort from the cutting from his piercings was soothed, bathed in his soothing toxic load. Tom's muscles all tensed as he came inside me and I was suddenly overwhelmed with desire for him again. As he pounded his cum into me, his ampallang directly massaging my prostate I lost control and my cock exploded in a huge orgasm that shot over my head and onto the chest of the guy holding my shoulders down. Tom left his cock inside me briefly, then removed it gently. He licked my cum off the guy behind me and off my chest and kissed me tenderly. I melted under the invasion of his tongue and our kissing was lubricated with my cum. He moved his lips up to my ear and whispered 'You're one of us now. You became completely mine once my demon seed was released into you. And now the others are going to initiate you too.'
    1 point
  6. Most married guys wives dont eat their asshole...and Im having great luck giving these hot married guys rimjobs as a part of the cocksucking they recieve
    1 point
  7. 1. Cum dripped out of my swollen, gaping hole as I pulled my briefs up and stood to crack my back. It’s funny, I thought as I felt the backside of my briefs become damp with sperm, three weeks ago I never would have thought to let a man cum inside me, and now, I couldn’t get enough. That was before I had met Simon; however, before Simon had told me how hot I was, how much he liked me; before he had eaten out my hole till he could slide three fingers inside of me without resistance; and before he had charmed me to let him slip, just the tip of his fat cock into my hole raw. I slid my hand down the backside of my briefs and felt my wet hole. The sounds of the others came through the closed door clearly; there were still plenty of me out there. I can go just a few more rounds, I thought, and kicked off my slightly damp underwear. My name is Justin, I’m twenty five and just finished my last year of grad school. At five foot ten I’m not the tallest of men, but I’m what my ex-girlfriend called “Nerd hot.” The short of guy you see with unkempt hair, dark rimmed slightly unfashionable glasses, and a tweed jacket with elbow patches and you think he’s sort of cute but nothing special until they take their clothes off and you realize that tweed jacket and button down shirt were hiding a tight six pack, broad chest and a sizable amount of chest hair. I had one girl actually laugh in surprise when I took my pants of the first time and she saw my seven-inch soft cock. For the past twenty-five years I have identified as 97% straight, every once in a while I’ve come across a guy that does it for my but that’s pretty rare and rarer still would be the circumstances under which anything would happen. I am, however, a liberal man of the modern era and so when I was in London visiting my Stepbrother and he invited me to go to the gay bar with his friends, I was more then happy to attend. Ryan, who had always been the more athletic masculine of the two of us, had come out to his mother and my father when he was fifteen; I was sixteen at the time. Most of my friends thought that I should be weirded out by this (“What if he’s checking you out after you get out of the shower?”) but I never was. Ryan was not one of the 3% of guys that I’m attracted too although I did find out after catching him in bed with one of his boyfriends over a summer break in college that he had a massive cock. After college Ryan had started working for a publishing company and soon after was transferred to their offices in London. At twenty-four he already had a massive flat near to the city center and a damn nice office in their high-rise office. When I graduated for grad school I decided to fly to England for the summer before looking for work and visit Ryan for a while. Two nights after I got there Ryan invited me to join him and his friends at a gay bar downtown. Having just finished a long semester of school I was down for drinking where ever. So we got dressed, Ryan in a pair of tight jeans and a black wife beater that showed off his broad football player chest and his massive arms, he honestly looked like Rugby Ken; and I in a slim fit button down shirt and loose fitting jeans. It was at the bar that I met Simon. He came in late, a little bit after all of the others, and took the only available seat in the little booth (next to me) that six of us now occupied in the corner of this bar. The six-foot three, black haired, blue eyed, pail skinned god smiled as he slid in next to me. “Ayope, ‘o’s this then,” he ask in a gruff south London accent. “My step brother Justin, he’s straight so put your cock back in your pants,” answered Ryan, a slight twinge of a British accent had started to color the edges of his words in the years sense he’d moved here. “Eh, he’s aright. Ain’t yeh Justin?” Simon asked me. I laughed a little and nodded trying to remain calm, I had never been so attracted to a guy in my entire life. He wore no shirt, claiming it had had gotten soaked in the rain just a little bit ago. His small pink nipples stood erect out of a thick coat of dark hair all across is massive pecks. Tight blue jeans hugged his muscular legs, and the outline of his cock running down his left pant leg was obvious. He was stunningly masculine in his appearance and domineer. The rest of the party continued to talk and Simon quickly jumped into the conversation. I didn’t know what I wanted from him but I wanted something. I wanted him somehow. As he chatted with his friends his hand slid from the table and slowly made it’s way to rest on my leg just above the knee.
    1 point
  8. Question for bottoms... When a guy is shooting his load, do you like him to be loud or just unload? I've had guys who were so loud, it killed the moment. I've had guys who were quiet but so intent on coming that the intensity in their movements and eyes made me come without touching myself. I prefer that over a loud comer any day. Am I alone in this?
    1 point
  9. It started innocently enough. The security guard where I work was driving me out to my car since I get out off in the middle of the night and safety in our parking lot tends to be an issue at that time. Generally it was a short drive, only giving us time for very short conversations, usually involving the weather or the phase that the moon appeared to be in. I had always thought he was a hot guy, probably an ex-cop. He was late 40’s, 5’11” and had the remnants of a guy that had done a lot of lifting in the gym in his 20’s. One night, however, I had ended up parking in a far lot due to some construction in the lot I normally parked in. Once we had exhausted the weather, the conversation turned to our personal lives where he ended up discovering that I was gay. I’m out at work and don’t generally hide the fact that I’m gay from people and didn’t think anything about our conversation until the next night. He picked me up as normal and instead of talking about the weather he started right in on me being gay, not derogatory, but more inquisitive. This continued every night for the next two weeks, then one night I hopped into the security pickup with him and caught my thin scrubs on the latch of the pickup, ripping out the side seam and exposing my right ass cheek. I got in and while he drove me to my car I examined how mangled my scrubs were and while doing so he took notice that I was wearing a thong. This must have excited him, because by the time we had reached my car his pants were stretched tight against his erection. He rubbed he dick through his pants, trying to reposition it so I wouldn’t notice. Seeing his dick get hard made my dick get hard and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. “I hear you gay guys are good at sucking cock.” “Well, I guess most of us probably are. Guess you’d have to let me suck yours and make your own opinion.” That’s all it took and he had his pants unzipped and his cock at full mast. I went down in his cock, which wasn’t easy considering how thick it was. It easily rivaled a beer can in girth. As I sucked him through the fly in his uniform, he put his hands inside the ripped seam in my scrubs and rubbed my ass. Occasionally he’d pull the thong to one side and touch my hole. While I was sucking him I extracted his enormous long balls from his pants and pulled on them slightly. Apparently none of the women he’d ever been with had pulled this maneuver and in no time he was flooding my mouth with cum. Once he started to go soft he pushed me aside, tucked his junk back in his tighty whities, zipped up and told me he had to get going to do his security checks. I was fine with being used for his pleasure. For the next couple of weeks I kept parking in the far lot where there was less chance of anyone seeing us and every night he would give me a hot load. As he got more comfortable with the fact that he liked being serviced by a guy he got more daring with my ass. At first he’d just rub the cheeks, maybe tap my hole a little, but then it got bolder and started licking his fingers and inserting them in my ass. One night after giving me another huge creamy load he said that the next time he saw me he wanted me to bring some lube with me and make sure my ass was clean. As instructed, the next time I worked I made sure my ass was clean and brought along a sample size of lube. As usual, we drove to my car and I blew him, but this time he inserted an entire finger, then another, then another, until he had three of his fat fingers going in and out of my hole. Just as he was about to cum I clenched my ass and held around his fingers. This really turned him on and he shot the biggest load in my mouth to date. Once he had started to go soft in my mouth he, took his fingers out of my ass and wiped the lube on my shirt. “Tomorrow night, in addition to the instructions you had for tonight, make sure you call me and I’ll walk you out.” Again, I did as instructed and called him when I was ready to leave. He met me by the elevators and when we got he pressed the button for the basement. As the elevator descended the erections in both our pants grew. We got out of the elevator and he led me through a bunch of different doors until we got to a deserted area of the basement. He took out his bundle of keys and unlocked a door to an empty janitor’s closet that had a big wash sink and a drain in the floor. “Take off all your clothes.” I took off everything, but when he saw that I had opted to wear a jockstrap for the evening he stopped me from taking it off, saying “Get over in the corner by that drain.” I went over and stood in the corner and he put his hand on my shoulder forcing me to a squatting position. He then took out his big hard cock. “Open your mouth faggot.” I opened my mouth just in time for him to release a golden stream of piss into it. Much to his surprise I closed my mouth around his cock and didn’t spill a drop. Just to show his dominance he took his cock out and squirted my face with the last bit of piss left in him. “Get up, get the lube and lean over the sink.” I retrieved it and leaned over the stained basin. With his teeth, he tore open the little packet, squirted the majority of its contents all over his cock and then what little was left he rubbed around on my asshole. He then line up his thick cock with my ass and, without saying a word, shoved the entire length into my ass. I let out a little whimper as his big balls swung into me. He grabbed my face and turned it towards him. “Shut the fuck up and don’t make another sound.” Once he was sure I would make any more noise he started to assault my asshole in a way that made me think that he had been thinking about doing this to me for some time now. It only lasted for about five minutes, but after he had cum in me and started to go soft, he pulled his dick out leaving my hole gaping. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get my hole to close. Using my hair, he pulled my mouth onto his cock and instructed me to clean it off. Once that was done he pulled out two zip ties from his belt. One he put around the plumbing behind the faucet and the other he put around my wrist and looped the two together, effectively tying me to the sink. “The last guy will cut you loose when he’s done with you.” With that he zipped up and left me in the room alone in the dark. I could hear the key in the door locking me in. It was a few minutes later when a set of keys jingled outside and the light was turned back on by a very hot janitor I had fantasized about for months. He was mid-40’s, 6’4” and spoke with a heavy Slavic accent. He stuck a finger in his mouth and then in my ass to see how loose the security guard had left me. He played with my ass for a few minutes while he rubbed the engorged cock in his brown uniform pants. He didn’t say anything, just a few “mmmm’s”. Suddenly he unzipped his pants, pulled his underwear to one side and let his cock spring forth from his pants. It wasn’t quite as thick as the guard’s, but it was easily four inches longer and uncut. Without saying anything, he spit on my hole and spit on his cock, then he started full-on fucking me. There was no getting used to it, no pause, just in and out like he was using a jack-off toy. He kept up his pace for 15 minutes or so until he grunted and I could feel streams of cum being released inside me. He then yanked his cock out of my ass and came up to the sink. He instructed me to open my mouth and proceeded to piss in my mouth and all over my face. When he was done, he went over, picked up my undershirt and wiped his cock off. Then I was left alone again in the dark, hearing the familiar sounds of a key locking me in. After a few minutes another janitor came in. This one was in his 50’s, 6’2”, skinny with a full beard and mustache. He was yawning and he entered the room. He immediately had a finger in my ass. “Nice.” He yawned again. “Sorry, end of my shift. Had to come in and get a piece of this after hearing how good you were.” He took a pair of snips from his back pocket and released me from the zip tie. “I’ve had a rough night; think I’ll let you do all the work.” With that said he undid his pants, pushed them down to his ankles and lay down on the floor. “Come on; work this load out of my balls.” I knelt down between his legs and started sucking his big uncut cock and was pleasantly surprised to find a PA hidden under the foreskin. Only thing I love more than foreskin is a PA with it. As soon as I had his fat cock hard I squatted over it and rode him and hard as I could, squeezing my insides over the balls on his PA. It didn’t take long before I was cumming in my jockstrap without ever having touched my cock. The clenching from my orgasm resulted in him letting loose inside me. I sat there for a minute, relishing the cock in me. Finally he got up and let me clean his cock for him. When we were done he told me I was free to go. I got dressed and found my way out of the basement and back to my car. When I got home I was still so horny from what had happened I squeezed some of the cum out of my ass and jacked off thinking about the three men that had unloaded in me.
    1 point
  10. Almost all the tops I've been with prefer to cum inside. Some ask beforehand because they don't want any surprises. I have been semi-stealthed when barebacking. A top will fuck me bare, cum inside, and even feels that way then when I ask if they ended up cumming they say "no". If I confront them more about it I've had a few that say it just felt so good and they didn't want to take the risk of asking only for me to say that they couldn't cum inside.
    1 point
  11. I love to eat ass almost as taking a load in my hole. Man ass is what's for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night snack. I pride myself on my rimming technique. It usually surprises the top, especially married men. I sniff and lick the hole, rub the hole all over my face. Goatee, tongue, nose, eyes and forehead. I then begin my suck . I SUCK man ass. I apply suction and gently suck his asslips out into my mouth. I stick my tongue deep in his hole while sucking the lips. I use my lips to "chew" on his asslips. Suck, suck, love asslips.
    1 point
  12. I like them to be verbal as it can help me get off in sync with them which is totally hot. But if they get too loud I get annoyed and it can ruin the moment. I don't want my neighbors knowing my business like that.
    1 point
  13. We chatted on BBRT, he came over to get fucked. We made out, I ate his hole and started fucking. We were having a good time when I started filming my cock pistoning his hole. Took a quick break and when I came back I had a cum cube. About 15 loads frozen in a plastic pharmacy pill bottle. Took the cube out and fed it into his hole, pushing it deep into him with my cock. I began to fuck him, the heat melted the cum cube and his hole got really sloppy. I pulled out and ate him awhile, then fucked him until I shot a 3 day load deep into his ass. He had never had a cum cube before and he loved it. That was 5 hours ago, I'm sure he's still leaking
    1 point
  14. I couldn't agree with you more. I just want to get the hell out of there. It's like he is trying to impress me... Hell.. If you haven't impressed me at that point in the fuck... You sure as hell aren't going to by screaming for the whole world to hear. I also agree with the talking during sex. I love to hear a guy whisper in my ear how he's going to give me his load, knock me up, breed me, etc... I guess I should have been more clear in my original post. Dirty talk? Hell yeah! Yelling while coming? Where's the door?
    1 point
  15. Over dramatic cummers kill it for me I am tempted at times to even try and get away while they are cumming because it is such a turn off Makes me go soft like that and makes me not want to even talk to them anymore as rude as that is haha I'm mainly talking about the guys who actually yell, vocal guys are fine by me and I prefer them to quiet guys
    1 point
  16. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  17. The same with me. I do like the top to tell me he is enjoying fucking me without going over the top.
    1 point
  18. So hot! I'm glad your hole is being put to good use even when your husband is not around!
    1 point
  19. I've noticed since being on PrEP that although I will take basically any load, there is an extra thrill if the guy is Poz or if I suspect he is. It's kind of a rush that I think comes from doing something I'm not supposed to. Partly from cheating on BF and partly the risk.
    1 point
  20. porn studios do that because it proves to the viewers that the top did really cum. It would be so easy for them to fake it if they didn't pull out and show the top cumming. I am fine with it as long as they end up fucking the load into the bottom.But if they just cum in the bottoms as and then pull out after they're done cumming I want to see cum leaking out the bottoms hole so I know they did cum and it was not faked.
    1 point
  21. This story is a prime example of why stealthing, lying about your status or simply not disclosing it is better kept in fantasy land. No one is a winner in the end. Including us, the poz guys who don't do those things. Makes us look bad. But I feel for the ones infected by the coward. Not something anyone deserves.
    1 point
  22. It seems to be more that, as a whole, we are taking away the right to choose for ourselves. At least as far as criminalization states are concerned, it isn't that one has a right to not get infected (which means one would have autonomy and responsibility regarding their choices, as in an HIV positive partner who fails to disclose or takes intentional effort to infect another against their knowledge or will and does so (seroconversion occurs), but otherwise an HIV negative person could equally choose to become infected), so much as it comes from the position that infection is always illegal, if a person knows they are HIV positive to start with. What I'm getting at, is that the whole onus is on the HIV positive person. Much as the same as, for comparison, we view statuatory rape. Whether an underage person consents or not is irrelevant, they have no right to consent. Regardless of ones feeling on bug chasing or gift giving, is there a sound basis to tell someone that they cannot choose for themselves whether or not to have sex with a partner thwy know to be HIV positive, whether it is for the express intent of infection or just indifference. States are frequently saying yes, even when transmission of the virus fails to occur, no one has the ability to (as an HIV negative partner) make that decision. The problem is, it gets turned into the issue of the HIV positive partner who "needs help" (or a lynch mob, gas chamber, psychiatric counseling, etc.) What it doesn't become is anything to do with the HIV negative partner and whether or not they have any fore knowledge of the situation. They are an automatic victim in need of support and understanding, not of their choices or indifference to making them, not of the responsibility for ones own health, not of the sex they consented to, but of their "feelings" toward the demon who tried to infect them. It's utter nonsense. Nonsense, unless you start from the position that people do not have a choice. Who needs anti-sodomy laws so long as we can just lock up all the poz ones, based on the notion that their own community will throw them to the wolves so long as they keep buying the narrative that they need not have responsibility for any part of their sexual experience, so long as they are HIV negative, because it's the poz guys fault, because you can't consent to infection.
    1 point
  23. It paid off well. I love hot latino studs with big uncut cocks.
    1 point
  24. I like just spit or cum. The initial pain is so fucking hot. Eventually my hole opens and ass juice flows. Love it when the guy rams it all in on the first thrust. Also like to use poppers. Really turns me into a slut.
    1 point
  25. Really ashamed, but got the roughest most painful fuck of my life from my dealer. He fronted me some favors and I couldn't pay and he made sure that I wouldn't owe him again... Though I kinda liked the dominance he was REALLY rough and didn't care about my pain. I cried out a few times but he laughed and slapped me and said, thats what you get you dumb bitch, and dumped his load. As hot as it was, don't think I'll cross him again. OUCH!!!
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. If i'm taking your bare cock in my ass then I expect you to shoot inside me. Simple.
    1 point
  28. I would not let someone in me bareback unless I was cool with them breeding me. To expect the top to ask for further permission is silly. That said, I understand that most tops will want some assurance that I am willing to take the load the first time. I try to let him know through the dirty talk during sex. All that said, one of my favorite sexual moments is when the top asks if he can cum inside, and I tell him to go for it. I love that look - total joy and satisfaction - when he knows he is free to breed.
    1 point
  29. Week 2 I started off the week dropping by for my next set of blood work and to pick up my first check. I took the $500 check straight to the bank and waited all week for Friday to come. I thought back to last Friday and how it was the best sex of my life. My classes for Friday were canceled and I was able to head to the testing site early. The staff didn’t seem surprised to see me back early and let me get ready as the men gathered in the play rooms. Since I was early and a few guys had already arrived in the play area I was informed of an idea that they had for me to try. I was asked if I had sex in a sling. I had seen a few videos of guys getting fucked in slings and they always looked like they enjoyed it so much. I let them know that I had never had sex in a sling and wanted to try getting fucked in a sling. They took me to a special play room and had me climb into the sling. Once I was settled in I was ready for my shot. For the second week in a row I was memorized as they applied the piece of rubber to my upper arm, wiped a prominent vein, then stuck the needle in, drew back a little getting a flash of blood indicating that they were in the vein. With no warning the rubber tourniquet was removed and I felt the drug work on my body as I coughed out hard. I was really feeling the drug this week as they open the door to the room and the few men in the play area began to enter. The first guy stepped up and applied lube to my eager hole. As he slipped in a finger I felt a slight burn as he lubed my hole. I asked about the burn and was told that it was probably the lube and that I’d get used to it quickly. The guy lubing my hole was right and as I started to suck the cocks that were presented to me the burning faded and my hole became hungrier as he removed his fingers from my hole. I began begging for someone to fuck me. As I went back to sucking cock I felt a hard cock drive inside me in one stroke. I let a moan escape around the cock in my mouth as the guy inside my ass began to long dick me like a stud. The guy fucking me took his time as he used my ass and boy did it feel good to have a nice hard cock inside my hole. I thought he was going to cum inside me several times only to have him keep long dicking me. Finally when he began to grunt and groan I felt his cock spasm. He looked down at me, smiled and pulled out. It felt like a gallon of cum began to drip from my ass as another cock quickly was shoved inside. As the new guy between my legs began to pound away the guy who had just fucked me moved up next to me and leaned in to kiss me. As he began to pull away he told me to enjoy the 4 loads of jiz he shot inside my great ass. It didn’t take the guy fucking me long to cum as he was replaced by another guy between my spread legs. After a few hours in the sling I was ready to stretch my legs as a couple guys helped me down. While In the sling I was fucked by over a half dozen guys and took nearly a dozen loads. I felt cum running down my thighs as I walked around and noticed that there were more college guys getting fucked. I wondered around only to discover to find the first guy who fucked me that night lying on his back with hard cock pointing up. It was the first good look at that cock to see that it had to be nearly 9” long. It had to be the largest cock I had ever taken inside my ass. As I approached I noticed that he was lying there with his eyes closed. I climbed on the bed trying not to disturb him and position myself over his hard cock. His eyes opened as I began to lower myself down onto his magnificent cock. A smile came to his face as he asked if I remembered him from last week. I had to be honest and let him know that I was fucked by so many guys last week I did not remember him. He reminded me of when he fucked me, and that he didn’t cum since he had fucked so many of the other guys there that he was shooting blanks. He went on to tell me that he is usually good for many loads but that there were so many hot asses to fuck he ran out of cum. He figured that he’d keep from cumming all week as to have a nice reserve built up in his balls. As I began to ride his cock he pulled me down for a nice kiss. As our tongues began to duel I felt a hand on my back and felt a cock begin to work in alongside the one already inside my hole. I felt a slight burn as the cock made its way inside. As the burning faded the two cocks began to feel great as I looked over my shoulder to see a black guy behind me. The guy I had mounted told me that the guy joining us was his roommate and they were just waiting for a hottie like me to take the bait. I was motionless as the two cock inside began to piston in and out. This time no one held back as I felt the cocks spasm in turn emptying their load inside me. When we got up I noticed that they both had identical tattoos on their upper back between their shoulders. I still couldn’t place the symbol and asked what it meant. They looked at each other, flashed a grin and let me know that it was a reminder of their time here at school a few years back. They were sure that I’d probable get my own at sometime in the future to remind myself of the good times like tonight. I kept moving around getting fucked by who ever wanted my ass. When I started to get tired and the tops were heading home I made my way to the showers to clean up and get dressed. As I left I was reminded to stop by on Monday for my pay check and to submit to the weekly blood work.
    1 point
  30. I'm new to barebacking but definitely think if you let a guy in you bareback he should be able to cum inside you. I use to use condoms but it's just not fun and guys slip them off anyways
    1 point
  31. I took 5 loads from a group of daddies at the baths on Friday. I hate doing one on one hookups, I really like the feeling of a new guy sliding his fuck stick into my messy cunt one right after another.
    1 point
  32. Fuckin HOT! shove that dirty jock in my mouth and fuck me hard!
    1 point
  33. I recently joined BBRT having had some success hooking up on some other sites. I found a guy nearby. His profile said that he was top versatile, slender with red hair, and he was a bit younger than me. I'm turned on by guys of all ages, races, and body types, but slender and ginger are two of my favorite things. I hadn't been fucked for quite a while, so I thought top versatile would be fun, so we ended-up meeting at his apartment. He was much better looking than his profile pictures suggested, and it didn't take long until we were naked, rolling around in bed. The taste of his kisses and sweaty body, along with the sight of his slim sexy body dusted with ginger fur, made me rock hard. I would do anything with this guy. He was sitting on top of me pinning my arms out, kissing me, when he said "I want you inside me" and impaled himself on my rigid dick. Being totally versatile, I was more than okay with this turn of events. I rolled him onto his back and began fucking him with long slow strokes, kissing deeply. He discovered my nipples are hard wired to my cock and as he began twisting them I picked-up the pace and the intensity of my fucking, cumming deep inside his sweet ass. I decided I needed to kiss and eat his sweet hole, as I find the taste of a freshly fucked, cum-filled ass drives me wild. My tongue in his tender hole and my beard between his cheeks drove him crazy. Then I lay back on top of him, and my still hard cock found it's way back inside his warm wet hole. We laid there kissing and chatting with my cock inside his ass. Before long I was once again sliding in and out of his velvety hole. We fucked in every position, our bodies soaked in delicious, salty sweat, until I again came inside him, this time more violently than before. I rolled off him onto my back and he straddled me, 69ing, taking my wet dick in his mouth while I kissed, licked, fingered and ate his delicious hole. He had the butt of a 20 year old, hairless with a perfect hole. Then I felt his tongue probing my hairy butt hole, and he said "Now it's your turn." He folded me in half, head against the head board, knees behind my ears, butt hole straight up. My hole gets pretty tight right after I cum and his cock was bigger than mine, but I was so very turned on by this guy that I had no trouble taking his fuck stick. Balls deep in my hairy ass he began pile driving my defenseless hole, with thrust my head banged against the headboard, my hard cock inches from my face, dribbling cum. Sweat poured off of him as he pounded me. I was in heaven! Finally he collapsed on top of me, spent. We took a short break to rehydrate and catch our breath. He noticed that was still hard and asked if I was on Viagra, but I wasn't - I was just was totally turned on by him that the chemistry was amazing. When we made it back into the bedroom, I climbed back onto of his wonderful cock, riding it while we kissed. It was his turn to fuck me in every position imaginable. He totally took control of my body, twisting and turning me as he pleased. His big cock punching into every corner of my guts. We ended up at the edge of the bed, me on my back with my legs on his shoulders. His cock got bigger and harder as he got close to shooting. He came violently deep inside me. I could feel the flood of his hot cum filling my guts as he continued to drive his pole into me, each thrust prodding more juice. He pulled his softening cock out of my battered hole and fed it to me. The taste of his dick glazed with his cum and my ass was driving me wild. I needed to cum again and it was his turn to get a post cum fucking. His hole was slick from my previous loads so my cock easily slid in his ass. He had nearly fucked the cum out of me so I knew I would not last long inside his sweet hole. He pinched and twisted my nipples very hard as I fucked him and soon I was shooting my third load in as many hours into him. I kept cumming for sometime, filling him to overflowing. I quickly pushed his legs back and buried my face in his ass. His butt hole was full of my cum, my tongue lapping it up then kissing him deeply. We showered together but sadly I had to leave, as I was going to be late for a meeting at work. I kept his cum inside my ass, and my butt hole and nipples were wonderfully tender and my hole dribbled all afternoon.
    1 point
  34. A couple weeks ago I dropped in at 1350 for a sorely needed break from all of my projects that have been piling up. Arrived about 11:30 that morning, got a locker, dumped my stuff and then headed straight for the sundeck. I didn't pay much attention to the guys in the club quite yet. I just needed to drop and tune-out for a while. A couple of guys came and went from the deck while I was parked on a lounge. One was a very overweight white guy whose dick was buried under folds of stomach, another was a younger slim Asian guy with too much tan and an ass that looked like it was an implant, as it was definitely too big for his body, which made him look very unbalanced, very plastic. Anyway, after about an hour I went back downstairs to shower and look around. I ran into an older guy who's fucked me a few times before. He is probably sixty or more, of average to thin build and has a very nice long thick smooth cut dick. Even when soft it hangs close to six inches. He always has me suck on his dick and get him hard and wet, then has me turn around to eat my ass then fuck me. I don't think he has ever cum but he stays hard and his cock feels damn good in me. He always asks me back to his room saying he "loves that sweet ass." This time he couldn't get fully hard and was pissed because he forgot his Viagra. He tried everything to get his meat into my ass but a big soft dick is useless for fucking. I told him no problem and swallowed his meat for a while longer, then left his room and wandered over to the back darkroom area. Nobody was around so I dropped faced-down onto one of the pads, lubed and fingered my ass and hit the poppers to prep for whatever comes along. After about five or six crappy dance tunes played over the loud speakers, (damn, I hate that music!!), I was getting bored. A few guys had been passing by and a couple had stopped and either felt my ass or just stared, but nothing had really happened yet. 'Okay, one more song' I thought, and I'd go back to the sundeck. Just a couple of minutes later, a guy passed me and did the usual trick of sliding his hands across my ass for a few minutes, squeezing, spreading and playing with my ass cheeks. Then he stepped back, dropped his towel onto the pad just past my feet then knelt on the pad, positioning himself between my legs. I was still face-down, and, having kept my eyes, I hadn't seen him, but I had spread my legs further apart to give him room and more access to my ass as he knelt behind me. Then he leaned in and kissed and licked my ass. His fingers moved down to my hole, which was still lubed. He fingers me for just a few seconds then slides his tongue slowly across my hole. He does this a couple more times. Then spits on my ass, using his fingers to work his spit into my hole for more lube. Then he lay on top of me, line-up his dick, and slid in, his entire weight on me while his dick was buried in my ass. He as a heavy guy. As he lay there, he began licking my neck and ears. His dick wasn't very big so he went in rather easily, telling me he likes my ass and asking if I like his dick. I nodded and moaned in pleasure. Then he asked if I wanted his load. I moaned louder and moved my ass to work on his dick. He got the hint and began to fuck me. I guess he had about five inches of meat but he was aggressive and used all his weight to pound me, holding me in place and just slamming his crotch against my ass. He began to moan, asked again if I wanted it. I groaned 'yeah' in reply, to which he replied "Fuck yeah" as he planted himself full-depth in my ass. He sounded as if he was having a heart attack. He bit my ear, pulled-out, got up and left the room. I could breath again! Less than two minutes later another guy entered the room. He threw his towel near my head, climbed onto the bed, positioning himself over my body. I heard him open a packet, then line up and slide in. Another average dick, but this time with a condom. The damn things make my ass sore. He was a somewhat smaller guy so I moved onto all fours. He grabbed my hips and proceeded to quick fuck my ass. The guy was a good fuck. He didn't say a word, but I could hear other guys outside the doorway, one of whom was the guy from earlier guy who couldn't get hard. He was describing my ass to someone, saying it was hot and that it's tight and sweet. I wasn't interested. The guy in my ass was fucking like a machine, without a pause or change of position, a steady fucking by a dick that was covered with a condom - which was not what I liked, but finally he slammed in hard, then pulled out, yanked off the rubber and blew his load on my butt. When he was finished he rubbed his load across my back, slapped my ass, got up and left. As I dropped onto the pad, another guy entered the room, standing to my right as he ran his hands across my cum-covered lower back, then down across my ass. Then, stepping up on to the pad, he straddled me, and, gave me a back-rub using the cum until it dried out. Then he moved onto my ass and slid a finger into me, finding the first load. "Oh yeah" he murmured. I could hear him tear open some sort of packet, and I sincerely hoped it wasn't a condom. Not that I want any diseases, I just didn't want the fun to end. I was sore from the last guy, and would break this encounter off if he was wearing a damn condom. Anyhow, the guy played with my ass for a couple of minutes then pulled me up a little higher, his dick-head at my backdoor, as he rubbed his lubed-up head around my hole. He lined up and slowly slid into me, beginning with a shallow fucking, in which only his cockhead and a couple inches of his dick entered my ass. It felt great! Then he slid his long, slim dick all the way in. No condom. I reached under and back to feel his balls and found a massive ball sack, so I grabbed his balls and he twice grunted "Oh yeah," as he began a long steady fuck. As he deep-fucked me, my head was down on the pad and my ass was in the air. I squeezing his dick with my ass, which prompted more exclamations of "Oh yeah." Several minutes into this, another guy entered the room, and waved his dick in my face. I was loaded with poppers and cock, so naturally I leaned over and swallowed his dick. It was the thickest of the bunch. The guy stood there as I worked on his dick, all the while the other guy kept fucking me, occasionally grunting "Oh yeah." After several minutes, the guy fucking me picked up speed, and slammed in, pulled out then slammed in again, his nails digging into my hips as he shot his load into me. Then he pulled out, and got off the pad. The guy I was sucking reached over, and checked out my crack, and, of course, found that my hole was oozing cum. "Do you want more?" he asked. As my mouth was occupied with his meat, I nodded 'yes'. The guy withdrew from my mouth, climbed behind me, and slid in. As I mentioned, his cock was much thicker than the others I with which I had played that day. He fucked me hard, holding my ass in the right position. Then he withdrew, positioned me over to the side of the pad and, standing on the floor, slammed back in, fucking me hard as he repeated grunted "Fuck yeah!" as I, for my part, tried to take a hit the poppers again. "You like this? You like my cock? This what you been waiting for?" he asked as he fucked me even harder, absolutely tearing up my ass in the process. Frankly, my ass hurt like hell. I had already taken three other dicks and this is the first to really throw me. This guy was damn good, and this experience was what I fucking wanted, it was how I liked to get fucked. This experience reminded me of why some guys like S&M. He was tearing my ass apart and I could feel every inch of his dick as he slammed into me. Fuck, I got an amazing the rush for this fuck session. He called me his fucking bitch as he slammed his cock into me as hard as he could. I had to work hard to brace myself so my head didn't slam into the wall. He slam fucked me several times then stopped, almost shouting "FUCK YEAH." I could feel every throb, every pulse of his dick deep in my ass as he unloaded into me. Then the guy pulled out, pushed me back onto the bed, grunted "Fuck yeah," one more time and left. I reached back and investigated my asshole, which, not surprisingly, was covered with cum. Staggering to my feet, I decided to head upstairs to the showers, and as I moved past a couple of guys who were standing in the doorway, one of the guys reached out and slid his hand into my ass crack. I was beat, and couldn't completely close my hole, so I was leaking cum. He tried to stop me from leaving, asking if I wanted one more load, but I really needed a break, especially since I feel the cum running down my legs. As I showered I still had an audience. I think some of the guys had seen what had happened, and others followed the trail of cum up the stairs and to the showers. Yeah, I had a good time............
    1 point
  35. 4. “I’m going to go jump in the shower,” Ryan said, slapping me on the ass as Tommy pulled off his shirt. I had assumed Tommy he was somewhat twinkish, and therefore was completely unprepared to see his tight runner’s body was completely covered by thick dark red hair. He smiled at my obvious shock. “I started growing chest hair when I was twelve,” he said, his fingers hooked into the waste band of his track pants. Dropping them to the the ground, he stepped out of them, standing in a pair of white briefs that barely contained the considerable bulge that was forming there. Do all of Ryan’s friends have big cocks? I wondered. “Well, are you just gonna stand there bustin’ out of your briefs or are you going to fuck me?” I asked, quickly becoming more comfortable with my new lust for cock. “You’re really ready to get fucked again, after your stepbrother just bred you like that.” I found his Irish accent intoxicating, and perhaps for that reason the thought of turning down his cock didn't even cross my mind. Whatever the reason, now that I had had a taste of bare sex, I was insatiable. “Hell yes," I responded as I flopped back on the bed, drew my legs into the air, exposing my cummy hole to his inspection. Just to further entice him I added "Plus all that cum up there will make great lube.” Tommy didn’t need to be told again, he tossed his briefs aside his uncut cock springing up. “You’re more of a cum slut then I am,” he said, lining up his still sheathed head up with my swollen hole. We both groaned as he sunk into my wet guts, my hole quickly opening to take his uncut, beer can of a cock, to the base. Tommy leaned forward, holding his cock inside me and kissed me softly. He slowly rocked his cock in and out of me as we kissed, his hands roaming over my body. I groaned into his mouth, waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Tommy seemed intent on making this one last as he slowly pumped my hole. “Simon was the one who POZed me,” he whispered after a long time, “he picked me up at a bar one night and convinced me to take him raw and after about a week of him filling me with his spunk I caught it. Best gift I’ve ever gotten.” He kissed me softly again, but started to fuck me a little harder his thrusts eliciting little squeaks and grunts from my occupied mouth. “Did you even like guys before Simon fucked you,” he asked a little while later. “Sorta but I’d never done anything,” I answered in the same soft whisper tone. “So you went from being straight to getting fucked by your stepbrother and all of his friends in one night. Damn Simon’s good, and I’m fucking grateful cause I thought you were so hot.” He drew his cock all the way out and slammed it back in again several times, a soft squishing sound now accompanying his thrusts. He shifted his weight putting his hands flat on the bed over my shoulders and rocking his hips forward to pound into me harder. I stared into his brilliant green eyes as sweat formed on his face from the effort of his fucking. As I looked at him I noticed a sweaty, bushy, dark ginger pit just over my head. I sat up a little and licked it. Tommy groaned a little and I continued to lap at the musky pit until I was eating out his pit and he fucked me all the harder for it. After about twenty minutes as Tommy’s thrusts were starting to get rougher and his breathing irregular I head Ryan get out of the shower and go into his room, talking to the two men who had been sleeping in there. “I’m going to cum in you,” Tommy panted. “Do it, please!” “God you ass is so good!” “Thanks, your cock feels ama…” I never finished that sentence as Tommy slammed into me as hard as he could, his entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. He let out a long calming breath as his balls emptied into my guts. He kissed me again and pulled out slowly. “Stay there,” he said, heading to the door, “sounds like the other two are up and ready to breed your hole as well.”
    1 point
  36. I was scared but did it. I am glad I ditched condoms and went bareback and taking loads. The sex was more satisfying and a better turn on for me. It was a bit scary but I had to do what I wanted and made me feel good.
    1 point
  37. I rimmed a couple of guys to help them to get hard; especially straight guys who sometimes have problems to get hard with a guy. For some of them my rimming was the first and only rimming they ever received, and they all got really enthusiastic about it, which alone was a nice reward for me.
    1 point
  38. not ashamed at all. my bf usually sends me out to get a load or two before he will breed me
    1 point
  39. That is so dang HOT! What a way to be converted!
    1 point
  40. I like it when the cock gets shoved so far down my throat that the cum goes right into my gut, but I do love the feel of having my mouth full of cum.
    1 point
  41. The final chapters of the Dr Mike story have begin - Chapter 1 of the Dr Mike - The Sire Chronicles has just posted - enjoy!
    1 point
  42. Oh, & of course, I swallow!
    1 point
  43. Man I love this story. Wish it would have happened to me.
    1 point
  44. Twins (Part 3) Jack grunted out, "Oh Jeff I'm going to cum. Are you ready for another one of my charged loads" Jeff cried out, "Give it to me bro, give me your poz load." Jack picked up his pace and grunted, "FUCK YEAH BRO, TAKE MY DIRTY SEED!" as he shot his charged load inside Jeff's ass and collapsed on top of his brother. Before Jeff could recover from the fucking his brother gave him, Jack pulled out and was quickly replaced by Eric. Eric leaned in and kissed Jeff as he slid his 7" cock into Jeff balls deep in one stroke. Although Eric is not as long as Jack, he is thicker and Jeff noticed this immediately letting out a small yell of pain mixed with a lustful moan into the shared kiss. Eric fucked slowly at first, making sure that the loads already deposited in side would be worked deep in side and into Jeff's hole. As Jeff began his fucking, Jack moved to Jeff's head and once Eric broke off the kiss Jeff had his brother clean his cock off. Jeff could taste his ass juices mixed with Jack's cum. He sucked the cock in his mouth clean and greedily continued to suck getting his brother hard again. Jeff was hoping to swallow his brother's load (something he loves to do and had not done the wee before), but Jack wouldn't waste it own his brother's throat. Eric began to pound away at Jeff's hole as Jeff moaned and groaned. Jeff had never been fucked like this before, but he was taking it like a champ. Eric looked down at Jeff and asked, "Are you ready for my seed, are you ready to become a slut like your brother?" Jeff's reply was simple, "FUCK YA! GIVE IT TO ME, I NEED IT!." Jeff grunted as Eric buried his cock as far as it would go and shot another toxic load in the brother's ass. Jack could tell that Jeff was tired of holding his legs up, but before they would let him up his ass had to be prepared for more action. Jack approached his brother with a large needless syringe. It was filled with meth and water. Jack told his brother "It's time for you to get a proper booty bump." as he slid the syringe deep in his brother's ass. Jack pushed his brother's legs back far so that his ass was up in the air just before he pushed down on the plunger emptying the syringe deep in side his brother. Jeff commented that it burned to which Jack replied "It's supposed to burn, that's how ya know its getting in." Jeff felt very warm as his ass felt very hungry. As Jack was giving his brother a booty bump, Miguel laid down on his back next to Jeff. Once they were sure the booty bump was well absorbed they let Jeff lower his ass and legs. When Jeff saw Miguel laying down he thought for a moment that he was going to get to fuck Miguel. He was dead wrong as Miguel held his 7 1/2" uncut cock in the air and Jeff was positioned over Miguel and lower onto his throbbing cock. Jeff has been in this position before, but riding his brother. He had never been fucked like this by another man, let alone a bare cock other then his brother's. Soon Jeff was getting into having his ass filled this way. Miguel was good from this position and knew how to drill an ass to achieve maximum effect, that is making the one taking his cock want it more. And with the booty bump working on Jeff, his ass was very hungry. Miguel pounded into Jeff with no mercy. Jeff never knew that a guy could be fucked so viciously from this position. As Miguel neared orgasm he began to say things in Spanish only Eric understood. Calling Jeff a worthless piece of white trash only there for him to be seeded with all their dirty seed. Then with a grunt Miguel was filling Jeff with his third load of the night. Jeff collapsed on Miguel's chest and the two kissed as Miguel's still hard cock lay still in side Jeff's hungry hole. As Jeff laid there he suddenly felt a hand on his back and something at his hole. He turned to see his brother Jack behind him as he felt his brother's cock enter his filled hole. Jeff let out a moan of pain as Jack slid in beside Miguel's cock. Jeff never thought his hole could be stretched so much. He would find out later how much his hole could stretch. Now with both cocks in side his hole he was getting a fucking he had never felt before. As one would pull out the other would push in so that Jeff was feeling his prostate hit multiple times. This also made sure that the poz cum already in his hole would be worked into him, making sure the seeding would take. As Jack and Miguel worked their dicks into Jeff, Eric stood in front of Jeff with his hard cock ready for Jeff to suck. Jeff was concentrating so much on the fucking he was getting he didn't notice Eric until Eric pushed his cock between Jeff's open lips and into his mouth. Jeff wasted no time going to work on sucking on the cock in his throat. Jeff was getting to the point of really enjoying his double dicking. He was enjoying it so much that he never noticed his orgasm, but Jack and Miguel noticed it when they felt the spasm of Jeff's ass on their cocks. This sent them into over drive and in not time they each deposited a load inside Jeff. First Jack shot and when Miguel felt Jack's cock spasm and felt his load squish around his cock did he start to thrust up harder and then shoot his load. While Eric was watching this hot action he worked up a load for Jeff to swallow down. The four studs collapsed in on e big heap of flesh as they recovered. They continued to seed Jeff the rest of the night through to the next morning. Then they all showered and rested for the party that night.
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