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Part 1: An unexpected finding Ryan ended up returning home from his trip a day earlier than originally planned. Three days with his family was one day too long, and he told them he needed to get back to finish a school project. Ryan felt a sense of relief when he entered the apartment and made his way down the hall to his bedroom. As he passed by his roommate's door, he heard music coming from Donald's room - which was a bit unusual. Ryan was about to shrug it off when he heard what he could only perceive as some kind of high-pitched howling noise. Startled, he paused in his tracks and put his ear next to the door to try and figure out what was the source of the noise. Ryan's eyes widened as he listened through the door. He couldn't quite understand the words being shouted by Donald. "fuck yes! Give me that poz cock!" was the only phrase he thought he understood. He wasn't sure he heard it entirely correctly. It didn't make sense. "Paw's" cock? He wondered? More phrases would clue him in. An unfamiliar voice dominated now, "yeah, take my poz dick you little chaser bitch. Tell me how much you want it!" Was this a joke? Ryan wondered. He had some vague notion of HIV chasers, or whatever they were called, but he couldn't have heard right. Donald was gay but Donald .. well .. was a nerd .. a major book nerd. And Donald never seemed to hook up. He was just odd-looking. Ryan was trying to picture his awkward roommate getting fucked. No way, Ryan thought as he continued to listen in. "I love it! Fuck me with your big poz dick! Fuck my neg ass!" he heard Donald answer the unfamiliar voice. "You want it deeper?" asked the stranger. Ryan still couldn't believe what he was hearing as he heard Donald answer back - and not in Donald's normal soft-spoken, often unintelligible mumble. There was conviction and determination in his voice. "Fuck yes! Pump every inch of your poz cock into my ..." There was a pause. Ryan wondered if they may have detected his presence beyond the door. Then he realized what happened, apparently the stranger must have obliged. Donald seemed to have a difficult time verbalizing, " ... my .. fuck yes! my fuck ! my ass! I want your toxic jizz ... " and Donald trailed off. It was difficult to piece it all together now since Donald wasn't exactly creating full sentences. The stranger was easier to understand, "you want my super high viral load?" The stranger's question was just as alarming as Donald's answer, " yes! fuck that death seed into me. pound me .. ugggh .. pound me with your deathstick!" Ryan's heart was racing. Was he literally hearing someone get fucked to death? Should he do something? What could he do? They seemed to be consenting. Ryan scurried into his bedroom and quietly closed the door. He convinced himself he must have heard wrong. But, even through two closed doors, the chasing unfolding in the other room remained evident. "Poz my ass! Fill my neg ass with your poz load!" Donald said urgently. The stranger seemed quieter now for some reason. But, Donald's voice continued to carry, "Yes! I love it!!! Breed my ass! Convert me with your sexweapon!" Ryan's anxiety level was escalating and then he noticed something slightly familiar as well. He felt his dick hardening quickly. "I'm going to cum in you!" he heard the stranger now much louder. "You sure you want this load?" "God yes! Give it to me! Use my ass! Flood my guts!' Donald shot back. Ryan's mind was racing. He still couldn't totally understand what was happening. But, he also couldn't stop picturing a big dick only a dozen feet away. Maybe it was just an automatic response to the sounds of sex. Whatever the reason, Ryan pulled down his shorts and started to aggressively jerk his own dick that was quickly nearing climax in only a matter of seconds.. "YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!" the stranger's voice boomed. Ryan was about to explode with unexpected intensity. He heard Donald cry out, "Yes ! Oh FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!" Ryan knew the sound of an orgasm anywhere. His mind went blank and he exploded as well. Gobs of cum spurted out of Ryan's dick. One phrases echoed in his head as he nearly mindlessly jizzed .. "You're gonna get it." As the noise subsided, Ryan started to come back to his senses. He looked down at his hand, dick and the carpet and was shocked by the volume of cum that had landed everywhere. He sat on the edge of his bed, and froze in shock and disbelief. What had Donald done? And what did I just do?" Ryan wondered.10 points
Just found this one - fucking hot !!!! http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=yXJcJ-G575-#.VDvYUEusaf03 points
Some time ago a guy I hooked up with used a prostate stimulator (on batteries) on me. I don't remember the brand or model but he put it in me and turned it on full speed. It massaged my prostate and I started to leak precum. Sensational feeling. Here's a very short (and not too good) clip of it he filmed with his phone. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=vbyjl-G749-#.VDtmrnkcTIU I have tried one or two others but never got the same feeling again. Either they didn't feel comfortable or the vibration wasn't good enough. I'd love to buy one (for those quiet evenings at home LOL!) but want to be sure it's a good one that does the trick. Does anyone own one or has experience with it and can recommend one? Brand and model please. I heard that the "Bad Boy" and/or "Rude Boy" (one is thicker than the other I believe) by a company called "Rocks Off" are good ones.or a brand called "Nexus" but would love to hear recommendations from those in the know. Lost the contact details of the guy who used it on me unfortunately.2 points
Funny how the bottom says something about getting a "clean load" the top is poz.. Hot video.2 points
So BF fucked me this morning before he went to work. I hadn't cleaned out so he slid in so easily. If he noticed he didn't say anything and I don't think he did. I did act like he was stretching me open and rode him first to control entry. First time he's fucked me with another guy's (actually two guys and three loads) up me. And I have someone coming over who loves to eat me out before fucking me....he's going to get a surprise that he's been wanting for a while!2 points
And got another load from neighbor. Used my key to let myself in. Sucked him awake and got him wet, then climbed on rode him until he came. Added his load to the two already up me. Was a very smooth fuck since I was already open and prelubed with the best lube there is. Now heading to bed. Keeping the loads in me as a lay down next to bf for the first time tonight...and that totally turns me on.2 points
I had just taken a hot bath trying to relax from last night's hot PNP. I was awake and still horny. I hopped online to check some of the on-line meet-up sites. I found a guy who was in the same shape as was I: awake and still horny. My cock was still hard I wanted to PNP some more. My first time smoking Tina had me still wanting to watch more porn and drain my balls. The guy I contacted, Ryan, lived not far from me. We exchanged a couple e-mails and he invited me over to watch some hot porn with him, saying he had partied earlier in the night and wanted to party some more and play with his cock - a little more. I accepted his invitation and left immediately for his apartment. Knocking at his door, Ryan opened the door wearing just a pair of shorts. He was nicely built. He invited me in, to strip and make myself comfortable on the couch. A hot straight porn was playing on his DVD. Even before I was seated Ryan offered me a glass pipe and his party supplies. I tried to get the pipe going, but couldn't quite get the hang of it. Ryan joined me on the couch and, getting the pipe going, we just smoked and watched some more porn, although both of us were receiving multiple e-mails from guys who wanted to join us. We each donned a cock ring and slipped thick black rubber rings around our respective balls. I was rock hard. Ryan reached over, grabbed my cock and swallowed my throbbing member without difficulty, sucking me for some time. He also kept me well-supplied with poppers. My head, of course, was spinning, and my groin throbbed in rhythm with Ryan's sucking. We smoked more Tina and decided to invite a couple of guys over. The first guy, Rich, came over in a matter of minutes and loaded a fat bowl for all of us to share. Ryan took out a blindfold for me to wear, as he turned-up the volume of the porn. My ass was feeling hungry. Ryan turned into a cock sucking machine, working my cock over while Rich fed me poppers - and then his hard cock. Of course I couldn't see what was happening, so I'm not sure who was playing with my ass, but I do know one of the guys slipped me a huge booty bump: my ass was burning, and soon it was the center of my universe. Ryan sensed this and began furiously eating my asshole while Rich stroked my cock and as he fed me his. Needless to say, I loved taking Rich's cock in my mouth, and I eagerly swallowed his load, as he did mine.2 points
PART I In the summer of my senior year in high school, I had just turned 18, I suddenly started looking less like a boy and more like a man. I gained 20 pounds of muscle, jumping two full weight classes on the wrestling team. My chest became muscular and defined almost overnight. My boyish stomach developed into six distinct muscles that flexed and tightened on demand. In addition, my ass wasn’t flat anymore - it was a genuine bubble butt, a jockboy muscle ass. Even my dick seemed to get fatter and longer. Girls started noticing me. And something else started happening, also: when I walked around town, the occasional man would shoot hungry glances at me, devouring me with his eyes. The truth is, I wanted to be devoured, and every night, when I quietly jacked my dick under the covers, I’d think about my wrestling coach, Mr. Pitt. He was in his late 30s, with jet-black hair and dark, playful, wolfish eyes. He always had a thick layer of scruff on his square jaw, and his torso was just fucking perfect: I’d never seen him with his shirt off, but he definitely had a hairy chest, and his hard pecs were always visible under his tight-fitting polo shirt. From the moment I met the guy, I jacked off almost every night wondering what his cock looked like, imagining what it would be like to touch that chest, that hair, those nips. The assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Strickland, was every bit as hot. A former college wrestler now in his mid-20s, he was a dirty-blond, green-eyed Midwestern jock dude with a massive bulge in his crotch. One time I happened to see him playing basketball shirtless, and I just stopped and stared: his schlong bounced up and down in his loose gym shorts, and his muscled chest was covered with a sexy layer of dark-blond fur. Coach Pitt and Coach Strickland—the brown-haired dude and the blond guy. They were like the Hardy Boys, all grown up, strutting around the halls of our high school with their dress pants stretched tight around their cocks. At the beginning of my senior year, Coach Pitt started paying a lot more attention to me. He made me team captain. He and I would often demonstrate wrestling moves together, and sometimes his hand would linger on my ass after he’d pinned me to the mat. And like all team captains at our school, I was responsible for helping him clean up the equipment after practice - which meant that I got to the locker room 30 minutes late every night, after all my teammates were gone. Then I’d shower by myself, get dressed, and head home. But something funny happened about a week before Christmas: after my shower, I was toweling off in front of my locker, bending over the bench to grab my briefs. And I swear I felt someone staring at me. I turned back toward Coach Pitt’s office, but he was concentrating on some paperwork at his desk. I began slipping my briefs up my calves and thighs, snapping the elastic around my butt, and again I sensed someone was watching - but when I looked up, Coach Pitt wasn’t looking at all. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me. The next night was even weirder. After I got dressed, I walked past Coach Pitt’s office. His office was composed of two rooms: the front room facing the lockers, and a back room suited for physical therapy and private meetings. The door to the backroom was just barely open, and through the crack I could see Coach watching something on a computer. His back was turned to me, but as I looked closer, I could see that it was porn. And not just any porn - it was gay porn. From what I could tell, Coach Pitt had both of his hands on his cock, jacking like crazy to a scene where some dude was pounding a tight muscle hole. But then he suddenly froze in place, as if he could sense me watching. He tilted his head to the side, listening. And before he could turn around, I ducked out of the locker room and into the night. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break. As I showered up, Coach Pitt poked his head into the shower room. “Hey, buddy,” he said. I looked over at him. He was only wearing a towel loosely draped around his hips. I stared at his perfect hairy chest, his taut abs, the dense thicket of hair just above his cock bulge. His body was even hotter than I’d imagined in all my jack-off fantasies. A few moments passed before I realized that I was staring. Startled, I looked toward the wall. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Lance,” Coach said, cracking a devilish grin. “Do you mind if I shower in here? The shower in my office is on the fritz.” I shrugged, trying not to reveal my excitement. “Cool,” I managed to croak. He swaggered to the opposite wall and turned on a showerhead. Meanwhile, my cock, no longer a boy’s little dick, but a man’s cock, fat and veiny, began to throb and grow. Then I heard his voice “You’re looking really great these days, Lance.” I turned around to look at him, and saw something I hadn’t even dared to see in my dreams. Coach Pitt stood under a full stream of water, his eyes closed, his face turned upward into the shower, shampoo streaming down his torso, down his abs. As my eyes descended down his body along with the water and the suds, I saw that everything was cascading around his giant cock. He was completely hard. His beautiful dick extended a full nine inches from his abs - a man’s cock, that made me feel like a boy all over again. Panicked, I turned back to stare at the wall. My dick was also now totally hard. I wasn’t sure what to do. Then Coach Pitt spoke. “Hey, Lance? Everything okay?” After a moment’s hesitation, I rotated my torso to face him, trying to hide my giant boner. He was still standing underneath the water, but now his legs were shoulder-width apart, his hands tweaking his nips, his hard cock visibly twitching. And there was a big ol’ grin on his handsome, scruffy face. I stared openly. I didn’t want to say anything. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake myself up. “You have the cutest fuckin’ butt, dude,” he said, reaching down to yank on his dick. “I’ve jacked my cock so many times thinking about your little jock ass.” He paused, then smiled. “You like my dick, huh? I knew you were a little cockhound the moment I saw you at your first practice back in freshman year.” I kept staring. He let out a low chuckle, then gripped his cock with his hand, the muscles in his forearm tensing as he began jerking off in front of me. “You wanna touch my dick, Lance?” he asked. “It’s cool, buddy. Just say it. You wanna touch Coach’s cock, huh?” I nodded. “What was that, boy?” “Yes, Coach, I want to touch your dick.” His smile got even bigger. “Good boy,” he said. “You smoke weed?” “Yes, Coach.” “C’mon, then,” he said. “Let’s go to my office. Hang out. Have a little fun. Cool?” “Yeah, OK,” I said, my body shaking with excitement. I followed him through the front office and into the back office. He closed and locked the door, then turned to face me. He brushed his hand against my chest, then reached around to the small of my back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his breath. “Actually,” he said, “wanna try something even more fun than pot?” “Sure, yeah,” I answered. At that point I would have done anything - absolutely anything - to keep this dream from ending. He walked over to a desk drawer, opened it, and removed a glass pipe. “You’ll like this, buddy,” he said. All I could do was nod. I couldn’t believe I was standing in Coach Pitt’s office, the two of us in nothing but towels. “Here: put it to your mouth. I’ll light it. Wait. Just wait for it. You’ll see a little wisp of smoke coming out of this hole here, and then you start inhaling. Now. Start. Good boy. There you go. Keep inhaling. Good.” I blew out a cloud of white smoke. “Do it again,” he said. I obeyed. And a third time. And a fourth. Then he took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me, his beard rough against my lips. He growled, asking “How ya doing, buddy?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. My head was buzzing. My cock was unbelievably hard. And something in my butt - well, it almost ached. Like the beginning of a hunger pang I’d never felt before. Coach Pitt dropped his towel, then removed mine. He stepped closer, rubbed his nips against mine, his cock against my stomach. Then he kissed me as his hands wandered down to my jock butt, each hand on an asscheek, spreading my hole. I arched my back just a little bit, and my ass spread wider. He grinned. “That smoke made your hole hungry, huh?” I nodded, and he laughed again. “I’ve got a confession, boy,” he said. “My office shower’s actually working. I just wanted an excuse to get naked with the hottest little stud on my wrestling team.” He leaned in to kiss me again, and this time I kissed him back, hungrily. He growled as his fingers hovered over my hole. “You ever take a man’s cock in this sweet little cunt?” I shook my head. He pulled me closer, grinding his abs against mine. “You gonna give up your smooth, pink, tight virgin ass to Coach? Let Coach dick you deep, slap his balls against your ass, pound you like the sweet hungry fagboy you are?” “Yes, Coach.” “Yes Coach what?” “Please fuck me, Coach. I want your dick inside me so fucking bad.” “Thatta boy," he said, then paused. He lowered his voice. "You gonna make Coach wear a rubber?” I didn't answer right away. Everyone's supposed to use rubbers, right? But then Coach slipped his hand back around my butt and spread my fuck hole with two fingers. “Your Coach fucks the way men are supposed to fuck. Raw. Natural. I want to feel the skin of my fat cock head splitting your little jock butt wide open. I want to feel the heat and hunger of your virgin hole against my bare dick. And you’ll let me do that, won’t you? Because you’re Coach’s good boy. Right, Lance?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me the way you want.” “That’s what I like to hear. A true bottom boy surrenders his hole to raw dick. That right?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me raw.” “And I won’t pull out until I’ve pounded my boy’s hole full of seed.” I don’t know why, but with those words I almost shot my load without even touching myself. Coach saw my eyes get big, and he grinned. “See? You know, and somehow you’ve always known, that a man’s cum is what you need in this sweet little butt. I want to train my boy to spread his boy hole for cock. Beg for seed like a good bottom. The best bottom.” “The best bottom,” I murmured, nodding. “Let’s get you cleaned out, boy. I’ll show you how to get your ass ready for Coach.” With that he took me back to his private shower and pointed to a little red plastic bulb. “This has some liquid in it already,” he said to me. “It’s a homemade recipe to help my boy get ready for dick.” He reached down, spread my pink hole a little bit, and inserted the tip of the douche. Then he gave a hard squeeze. “Clench your butt, Lance. Keep it up in there.” At first I didn’t feel anything, but then my head began to tingle, and my dick twitched, and I felt a warmth and a deep, dark hunger radiating out from my guts. My butt seemed to pulse with a need to be touched, licked, fingered, fucked, filled. Coach Pitt smiled. “You feel that?” I nodded. “That, boy, is what it’s like to douche with your Coach’s slam piss. You don’t know what slam piss is, but you will. Enjoy the ride. Just enjoy it. But keep your hole nice and tight. Nice and tight for Coach. Good boy.” He turned me around, cautioning me “Keep that hole tight,” as he rubbed his cock up against my crack, adding “You’ve got some fur on this hole, boy.” I nodded. Just a few months earlier I’d started to get hair around my ass, and just a little bit on my chest. “Listen,” he said. “I love a furry hole on a man. But a boy like you? A boy getting his cherry popped? That boy needs a smooth fuckin’ pussy. You OK with me shaving your boy hole, Lance?” “Yes, please.” “Yes, please what?” “Yes please, Coach.” While his chem piss continued to radiate waves of pleasure all over my body, Coach smeared shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the brush of a razor against my hole, and as he shaved me, I swear I could feel every hair surrendering to his blade. “There you go, buddy,” he said, slapping my ass. “Now go release that special brew that Coach squirted up your hole, then come back and I’ll fill you with the rest.” After a second dose of slam piss flooded my guts, Coach handed me the little bulb and told me to finish up. “And then you know what happens?” he asked. I smiled eagerly, responding “You fuck me, Coach?” “Not quite yet. First we’re driving back to my place, and we’re gonna hang out with Coach Strickland. He’s dying to see your boy hole. Would you like that?” “Fuck YEAH.” “Such a good boy. You want both of your coaches to pound you full of their seed, huh?” “Fuck YES. Please, Coach.” He paused. Then he drew me closer to him, kissed me, and brushed his beautiful dick across my abs. I could feel the pulse of his cock, so full of blood. I looked down at his massive, swinging balls, so full of cum. Then I heard his voice again. “I want to hear you say, ‘Please knock me up, Coach.’” “Please knock me up, Coach.” “Good. Now: ‘Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.’” “Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.” “Good boy. And finally: ‘Make me yours forever.’” “Make me yours forever.” “Very good, boy. Now go clean up. We’re gonna make this the fuck of your life.” MORE SOON...1 point
My Conversion After high school, I left my small town for the military and never looked back. All through my sexual exploration I had fucked around with both boys and girls. I had the captain of the football team and the head cheerleader after my cock, and a nice cock it is too. I guess before I go any further I should describe myself: 5’10, #160 of muscle, blonde hair, blue eyes; a wrestler’s build; 8” of uncut cock and a nice set of low hanging balls. Basically out on my own, I kept up my bi-sexual ways when I could. Being in the military back in the early 90’s meant being closeted about fucking around with guys or you were in big trouble. But as they say, any hole in a storm; or sometimes if I was in the mood, any cock in a storm. I never worried about pregnancies with the girls, and since most of the guys I fucked around with were also military, condoms were rarely used. I never kept track of the girls I fucked; after all if they got knocked up it was their problem to deal with, at least in my mind. When I got out of the military after my four years and settled in Washington, DC, I still kept slutting around, but more and more often it was with guys and fewer girls or women caught my eye. Eventually I settled down with one of my regular fuck buddies, Dave, and over time we seemed to become a couple. We’d often find a third or more to add to our fuck fests, but it was always the two of us that stayed the night after kicking the other guy out. Then came the day, about two years after I left the military, that the one person I cared about as more than just a fuck screwed me over. Dave and I always bet on the games: football, baseball, basketball; college or pro, it didn’t matter what it was we loved to bet on just about everything. Sometimes it was for money, but mostly they were bets of a sexual nature; who would bottom, who would find the next third for us, who would wear the sexy undies. Little did I know that these bets would forever change my life. One day I lost, and Dave wanted me to bottom for Steve, a guy he knew. So Dave set it up. Steve was a big guy, not fat, just imposingly tall, thickly build, and a monster cock. The night Steve was to fuck me, we started off with a few drinks in the living room before moving things to the bedroom. Dave undressed me as I undressed Steve. Dave remained dressed, and said he just wanted to watch tonight. He had done this before, so I thought nothing of it at the time. Once Steve and I were naked, we crawled onto the bed and began to make out, both of our cocks slowly rising to attention as we kissed and our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. After a few minutes of kissing and fondling, we moved around on the bed to 69. Steve was a great cocksucker; and if the moans he made around my cock were anything to go by, along with his still growing cock, he was enjoying my skills on his cock. It seemed like only minutes, but when Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth, I noticed that we had been sucking each other off for almost half an hour. He had me lay on my back, and he went back to working my cock, then my balls and eventually pushing my legs up and enthusiastically eat-out my hole. His tongue felt great pushing into my tight hole, opening it up with his spit. After eating me out for a while, he began to add fingers into the mix, really opening my hole up for his cock. I was writhing on the bed from the pleasure of his tongue and his fingers as they worked over my hole, getting it ready for his cock. Once he had sufficiently loosened-up my hole, he moved up my body and positioned his now leaking cock at my entrance. “You want this?” Steve asked. I looked over at Dave, who gave me a nod. “Yes, slide it in me.” I told Steve. “Ok, I’m going to fuck you till I fill you up with my cum." “Go for it. Get that cock in my ass.” Ah, if only I had known at the time what he really meant, why he asked me if I wanted it. Now, Steve was a great fuck, and his cock sank deep into my hole, opening it up and going in deep. He really pounded my hole, and, although rougher than I normally took, it felt strangely wonderful and liberating to have this beast of a man fucking me with his huge cock, which was much bigger than Dave’s average-sized cock or, for that matter, my above-average cock. He lasted about 30-40 minutes, and we changed positions a couple times, but never once did his cock leave my ass. He varied the thrusts between fast rabbit-punch type thrusts and slower deeper thrusts that really opened me up. I was moaning and enjoying the fuck the entire time. When Steve finally said he was close to cumming and was going to flood my ass with his cum, Dave moved to the bed and with Steve’s final thrust Dave kissed me and rubbed my head. Steve collapsed on top of me as his cock kept firing jet after jet of his cum deep in my ass. I milked his cock to get every drop of his cum into my ass. When he finally started to pull out, Dave moved down and cleaned his cock off for him. Then Dave took a plug out of the desk drawer and inserted it into my hole. I felt nice to be full again after the emptiness I had felt after Steve pulled out of my ass. It had been an exhausting fuck, and I laid on the bed drifting in and out as Steve dressed and Dave showed him out. After locking up, Dave came in, stripped and climbed into bed with me. He snuggled up to my back, and we both fell asleep, I never even came during the entire session. About 4:00 A.M., I woke up with a raging hard-on, and my sexy boyfriend lying next to me. He was back to me, so I began to rub my cock against his ass, he moaned and pushed back against me. We had both often fucked the other in the wee hours of the morning, so I slid my cock into Dave and soon filled his ass with my spunk. Afterwards I fell back asleep, my cock gradually softening in his now cummy hole. Weeks passed, more bets were made and paid up. We fell back into our routines and I didn’t think about the night with Steve again till about a couple of months later when I got terribly sick. I was nauseous, had chills, and sometimes even had trouble getting out of bed. Dave took care of me the whole time. About a week after I got better I went to the clinic for my regular STD screenings. I am sure you have figured out by now what happened when the results came back: I was HIV positive, had been for about a month and a half. When I looked back at it, everything had been there, under a subtext, perhaps, but definitely there - had I thought to examine the facts. I was pissed! Pissed at Dave for doing it to me, at myself for letting it happen, at the world for this disease existing. When I got over to Dave’s I really laid into him about it. Even though he was slightly bigger than me, I shoved him to the floor, rolled him onto his stomach, and pulled down the back of his sweatpants exposing his ass. I pulled my rock hard cock out of my jeans and just shoved it into his ass. He screamed in pain then started crying and telling me he was sorry. "You fucked up my life and now I am going to fuck up yours you fucking bastard!” I screamed at him as I pounded away as his ass, with no prep whatsoever. I felt my death seed getting ready to get shot into the first ass knowingly since I had become positive. “Here it comes, fucker! Your first injection of my poz seed!” With that, I planted my cock deep in his ass and let shot after shot of my now toxic seed fill his ass as I rested on top of his sobbing body. I slowly pulled out, and saw on my cock a mix of ass juice, cum and the pink tinge of blood. I rolled him onto his back, and shoved my cock into his mouth, ordering him “Clean that cock up fucker! From now on, you will take my seed in your cunt till you get pozzed up too!” Once my cock was cleaned, I sat back, drained of emotion and Dave lay on the floor, his pants still bunched beneath his ass and tears streamed down his cheeks. After the hurt and anger had settled, we sat down and talked. Dave told me of how he had wanted us to become poz together and then spread it around to all our conquests. He had told Steve that I wanted to get pozzed but that I had not told him, but he had found out and wanted to give it to me as a present. Dave told me that he wanted the bug too, and that he would take every fuck I gave him till he came down with the fuck flu. Then with both of us poz, we’d start spreading our seed around and poz up every guy we could, even the ones who played 'safe only' with the same doctored condoms we used to stealth when we were neg. I kissed him, and told him to go get his ass in the bed because I was going to breed him all night and fill him so full of my toxic cum that he would be poz within a week.1 point
Hey guys, I am a top and love fucking dirty sluts. I love pushing my cum deep in their holes and pounding them hard. I keep thinking they are just here to satisfy my sex hunger, and I don't even care about their pleasure. So i was wondering guys, when you get pounded and loaded by one or several tops what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the top's pleasure? About the next cocks who will fuck you? About their DNA in your cumfilled pussy? About how slutty you are? Are you feeling pride taking his cum?1 point
I know it's a ways away, but never too early to start planning. I'm going to IML this year for the first time. I'm looking for a hot young cumdump to go with me. I'll pay all your travel expenses... you just have to take as many loads as possible all weekend. I love whoring out young slutty cumdump bottom boys. So, if you love getting your hole flooded by a group of random guys, hit me up and let's make some plans.1 point
I had always been curious about PNP. My first experience with chems came after a long day with benzos. It was a Friday night and I was home alone. I had been surfing porn for quite a while and decided to surf the casual encounters when I stumbled across an advertisement from two guys looking to PNP. The proposal sounded interesting, on spontaneously I sent a quick e-mail knowing full well I might never hear back from them. To my surprise, a couple minutes later I heard a "Ding." We exchanged a few emails and I was on my way to their house. I wasn't sure what I was getting into, but was horner then all hell and trembling with excitement. You see, prior to that night I had only consumed alcohol, smoked a small amount of pot and taken prescription drugs, and the last had been only in prescribed dosages, and that specific night I swallowed a few relaxers and gulped-down a couple of beers. I entered the house and introduced myself to my host and his friend. I explained that I had never partied like this before, and for that matter, I was mostly straight and had only ever gotten head from guys before. They made no big deal of it and we walked back to the bedroom, where gay porn was playing on the two televisions. My libido began to rise, and the anticipation of getting head from one or both of the guys was leading me on wards. One of my hosts instructed me to get comfortable which I took to mean to strip, but I chose to leave my boxer shorts - at least for the present. I climbed into bed between my two hosts, tense, to be sure, but the guys made an effort to reassure me everything would be fine. I had a great view of both televisions, and was happy to accept the offer of poppers "Just to relax." I took a few deep breathes and instantly my cock began to twitch, oozing out a little precum, my head began to pulsate, my butt began to dilate and a warm sensation overcame me. One of my hosts offered me a cock ring from a selection that was in a tray on the dresser. I had never worn a cock ring before but figured "What the hell?" My host assisted me in donning the cock ring, firmly strapping my cock and balls in a leather cock ring. My cock began to engorge, and I admit the addition of the cock ring made me feel particularly kinky. I did another hit of poppers and started to stroke my cock, which quickly rose to full erection. The accessory made it look extra large and engorged, and my balls began to swell as they filled with cum. Naturally we all did more poppers when then one of guys reached into a night table for a glass pipe. I had never seen such a pipe. One of the guys loaded it, and his buddy lit the bottom. 'This will be very different then smoking pot', I thought. Once it was going, I was presented the pipe for the first drag. I took a couple deep inhalations, and held them in as I did with pot, passing the pipe to the next guy. One of the guys told me not to hold it for too long, so I exhaled. I didn't initially feel anything, so was happy to take a couple additional hits off the pipe, whereupon one of the guys reloaded the pipe and leaned into me, and kissed me, shotgunning the smoke into my lungs. We traded the smoke back and forth repeatedly, taking one hit after another. Then all at once I knew it was kicking-in: a warm rush came over me and I found myself staring deeply at the porn on the television. The next thing I knew the two guys began touching my body all over, and I can honestly say it felt great. My cock sprang back to life as one of the guys began to give me head. Soon I was rock hard, even while wearing the leather strapped cock ring. I asked for the poppers and took several deep hits. I was swimming in bliss. There were a variety of sex toys scattered across the bed, including a dildo so big I couldn't imagine anyone could get it in his ass. The next thing I knew the guy giving me head was lining up his fingers and drilling my asshole. I usually didn't enjoy anyone playing with my ass, but that night my hole seemed to be eager and open-up to accommodate whatever came its way. The guy giving me head paused in his oral attentions to ask if I'd like to party some more. I said "Sure" without any hesitation. He reached into his bag with a lubed up finger and when he withdrew his finger it was covered with crystal powder. His friend asked if I wanted some Maximum Impact and handed me a sock. I inhaled a couple of times and was promptly sent to the next dimension. Sensing I was ready, his buddy inserted his crystal-covered finger into my eager hole. It burned, and was a bit rough going in, but he continued to massage my asshole with his finger and soon enough my ass was craving more. I found myself turning my attention to the other guy, eagerly stroking his cock while he inhaled the Maximum Impact soaked rag. I switched from stroking his cock to going down on him - hard. His buddy stopped sucking me, which allowed me to I feverishly pleasure his buddy's cock. Next thing I knew I was on my knees trying to suck both cocks, as my asshole throbbed with eager anticipation. It demanded to be filled. I grabbed one of the smaller toys, lubed it, and slid it right in. To this day I marvel how easily it slid in. I resumed sucking cock as the guys fed me poppers and as they played with the toy in my ass. The experience was so hot I distinctly remember thinking I couldn't believe how easily I had made the jump from a border-line fag to pig. One of the guys turned over to show me his ass. I instantly began tonguing his sweet asshole, as his friend reloaded the glass pipe, lit it, and handed it to me just for a break. I happily accepted it, and puffed away. After another hit of poppers my head was spinning. I lay back on my back and soon enough one of the guys was sucking my cock as I orally gratified his buddy. Then we formed a cock-sucking triangle, with some ass play also involved. Not bothering to ask this time, one of the guy proceeded to shove a huge clump of crystal into my eager ass. This time my ass asked for more stimulation and I grabbed the largest dildo on the bed, handed it to whichever guy was in the best position, and gestured for him to slide it into my ass - which, I'm proud to say, I was able to accommodate without any difficulty. I honestly marvel at what I accomplished, but what is there to say? My ass swallowed it whole - with ease. I had become a professional bottom cock sucking ass slut. My motto could have been "More poppers please and then a couple more inches." We played almost until sun rise. I had done things I had never even imagined doing. My hosts recommended I have a nice hot bath when I got home, which I did, but I was still horny and eager to party some more.1 point
Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 1 Like all I was on a well earned two week holiday back home. Planned well in advance, making bookings for the hotel to stay at and the flight arrangements handled. I was so looking forward to the get away to go catch up with old mates and to also indulge my self some at the sauna I used to haunt when I still lived there. I’d pretty much covered of most things I had to do in the first few days back. Seeing the family, and a few of my friends that had been available. By the fourth day I felt toey so I checked the usual spots hitting up the apps and cruising the web listings to see what mischief I could get into. Instead of getting lucky happened to find a guy I’d lost contact with many years ago. I remembered he’s old nickname been Boof! though I couldn’t recall his real name. After a couple of messages and pleasantries we agreed to catch up for a coffee in an area of town called Southbank River Parklands. As I made my way there from my hotel in the city I realised it take me around fifteen minutes by crossing the bridge. Walking there I couldn’t believe the changes this part of town had gone through. Id sparred plenty of time so I could find the coffee shop and just as I did I heard Boofs voice. “Over here spunk butt” and looking into the coffee shop I saw him at the window. So I quickly made my way round to him to avoid my discomfort in hearing my old sauna name. As I gave him a hug and caught up. He said “Now what do you want ill go get it as I’m the owner of this place” bit stunned I asked dumbly “you playing me” to which he smiled and replied “Needed a change in my life, was tired and burnt out and thought I’d risk doing something I always wanted”. So I quickly said “Happy to have anything on offer” and he said great “I’ll get the mocha lattees going”. And as he stepped behind the counter to make the coffee I had a look round at his coffee shop. Boof was soon back with coffee and had even brought out a biscuit for each of us. I smiled and he said “come on we will sit out the side in the garden” so as we jostled through and found our selves in the garden which I could tell was only used for patrons having meals we had the garden to ourselves and we started chatting about what I was up to on my trip. Gave Boof the usual response, family, friends and fun and Boof enquired “And what fun is that”, to which I said “Misbehaviour”. Heartly Boof let out a laugh and went “Are you all set. Need anything” and that’s when I remembered Boof knew me very well that I would be looking for a few enhancers. I replied “Hadn’t really planned to take any on this trip” then it hit me maybe it was what I was after for when I got naughty later on. In mid thought Boof caught my attention by saying “you very shore about that spunk butt”. And in a flash I said “fuck yeah and what’s available”. Not long after he’d told me what I could get it was been arranged and they’d meet me here in the garden for coffee with Boof. So my enhancer deliveries arrived by the couriers at the coffee shop as Boof and I continued our catch up. It was now about mid afternoon and I was really now set. I thanked Boof for a great day and the help. He replied “Spunk butt show them how good that hole is and have fun”. I left a little more excited as this changed the whole outlook of my trip. I’d be very toey very horny and wanting cock. It wasn’t to long and I was back at the hotel. Thinking of what I had to take and the mischief id get up to. I quickly was on the phone to the remaining friends I wanted to catch up with about plans and what we’d do and when. As in my mind the hunt for cock was starting that very night with a trip to my old sauna haunting grounds.1 point
title says it all. been in austin for a while now and ready to take the plunge and join the brotherhood. anyone with detectable loads looking to share the gift?1 point
Part 9 Cum. Sweat. Lube. Before I came to this place, they were all things I would have said I never wanted in my mouth. Yet when I pushed my tongue into the hole of the guy in the sling, I tasted all three and thought it was the greatest thing in the world. He let out a moan as I licked at his hole, and from behind me, I heard the skinheads approval too. I felt him move in, and when his hand appeared on my head, he shoved my face in that that I was right up against the ass, penetrating it as far as my tongue would go. I'd never rimmed anyone before, but he seemed perfectly content with the way I moved my tongue and lips. “I think this kids a bit of a cum addict!” The skinhead said as he held my head still, not letting me pull away. My jaw and tongue were beginning to hurt, but I didn't stop my actions. My cock was twitching between my legs, bouncing and wanting to be used. The guy in the sling made a noise of agreement in between his general moans and whimpers. “Let's give him a bit more...” And with that, I found my head pulled away from the ass, and before I could tell what was happening, the skinheads thick, pierced cock was in my mouth. Instinct took over, though I had no idea what to do with the piercing. I danced my tongue around his dick as he shoved it right to the back of my throat. It made me gag, but that didn't stop him, he kept hold of my head and thrust repeatedly into my mouth. I sucked and licked as best I could, though I figured that most of the pleasure he was getting was from his own actions, rather than mine. I could hear him moaning above me, along with the guy in the sling. I glanced to my side briefly to see that the skinhead had several fingers inside the sling guys ass, twisting in and out, keeping the hole loose. I could also see cum still leaking out around his hole and onto the penetrating fingers. With each thrust, my throat seemed to gag more, and I was certain that I couldn't take much more of it without losing my stomach, but the skinhead seemed to be able to recognise the signs. Just as it was getting too much, he pulled out. My mouth didn't stay empty long though, as he switched his cock with his hand. As the pierced dick stabbed balls deep into the loose ass in the sling, cum-coated fingers pushed their way into my mouth. Instinctively, I continued sucking, tasting the cum and licking at the fingers. “Good fucking boy!” I heard from above, and the skinheads voice had become like a deep growl. I looked up and saw that his eyes were closed, his face screwed up, almost as if he were in pain, but the moans he made made it obvious what was happening. With one last howling moan, and an 'Oh fuck yeah!' from the guy in the sling, I saw the skinheads body convulse. I could tell that cum was pumping into into the guys ass, and even saw it as the skinhead pulled his dick out just enough that I could see his cock twitch with each pump. “Get ready for this, boy.” He said, breathless, as his fingers curled up in my hair, taking hold of my head. After he thrust into the guy a few more times, he pulled out his cock and in the same second, shoved my face back into the freshly fucked asshole. I tasted the fresh cum in my mouth and salivated. I heard moaning as the cum continued leaking into my mouth. I licked and lapped at the hole, but after a moment,I found my head pulled away again. The order to 'clean it off' came from above, and the pierced cock found its way back into my mouth, still semi-hard. I obeyed – not that I had a choice – sucking and licking clean the dick, removing all traces of cum from it. “Good boy.” I heard from the skinhead. “Good fucking boy.” Once the dick was clean again, he let me go. Only then did I notice how much of a crowd had built up around us. From where I was kneeling, it almost looked like an endless sea of guys, of all shapes and sizes, all with their cocks out, seemingly waiting for me. It was only then that I felt any amount of awareness of where I was or what I was doing, and when the skinhead held out his hand for me, what little common sense I had left kicked back in. I took his hand and let him help me up. All the action had caused my towel to slip off me, and I quickly squabbled to get it wrapped around me, though it was made impossibly difficult to actually get on properly by my now completely hard cock. I actually heard some tuts and grumbles of complaint as the skinhead led me away from the slingroom. I took one last look over my shoulder at all the horny guys that had been getting off on watching me, and for a moment, felt an almost overwhelming desire to stay.1 point
I'm in agreement with most here - the hairier and muskier the better! Just thought I'd mention a couple of my favorite manstink memories... At one point years ago I noticed a good looking bearded panhandler at one point on my drive home from work. He looked reasonably neat and clean and a couple times I saw him combing his hair and his lush black beard; I figured he was trying to look as "respectable" as possible. So one day the randomness of traffic put me where I could give him something, and as it was easier I rolled back my car's sunroof. When he came over, he was as good looking as he'd seemed at a distance, and I could see chest fur coming over the top of his shirt collar... but the most important thing was the overwhelming, powerful pit-stink that filled my car from his wet, sweaty armpit as he reached over to take the bill I offered him. To this day I wish I'd had some idea of how to get my beard and tongue in his potent pits ... not to mention his probably equally ripe crotch! Then there was the time I was on a motorcycle trip and pulled off into a rest area; saw a couple bikes parked together a ways off in the lot with one guy near them; when I went into the men's room the first thing I noticed was the powerful man musk that filled the place; the other biker was at one of the urinals, with one hand against the wall over his head so the place was filled with the funk from his dripping wet and clearly long-unwashed armpit. THEN I noticed his shoulder length hair, full bushy beard ... and the colors of one of the major 1%er clubs in the country. Was all I could do to step up to a urinal a couple away from him and actually manage to piss, while trying not to let him notice my enjoyment of his pungent pit, even at that distance!1 point
You are 20 years old, and sound incredibly stupid. All I can do is roll my eyes at comments like this. Becoming HIV+ DOESNT FREE ANYONE FROM ANYTHING, It restricts you to a lifetime of medical treatment because of an incurable disease.1 point
41 y/o bottom. I have a fantasy to get bred hard and rough by a young, skinny, well hung sk8er boy. Ideally 18-25. Love the skinny sagger type boys. Love it rough. Lots of face and body kicking and stomping with your sk8 sneaks. Making me lick them clean as you spit on them. Then u make me your bottom bitch, ramming your hard cock deep in me. A group scene would be hot too. Holding my head to the ground with your sk8 kicks or sitting on my head on a sk8 board while your friends tag team my raw hole and cheer them on. Leave me covered in dirt, piss, spit and cum. Any to help me make this reality?1 point
Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 4 I paced myself for a bit as I sternly cruised who was in the downstairs part. As I got to the video room I could hear the chatter coming from within. “Glad a pig bottom came in tonight so need to unload in an unsuspecting victim”. I was aroused by all this poz talk and soon found a dark room near the video room. As I positioned my body across the bed and positioned my legs so my ass hung right out showing my hole. I took another inhale of the popper. My world went red with joy as I felt the touching on my ass. “How many loads you taken?” came from the man behind me. ‘I’ve had four loads so far” I replied. I felt the man move behind me and squat and lick my hole. He started to spread my hole open and a drop of seed started to run from my full cunt. “Good pig” I heard followed by “I’ll be adding to that when the rest of my buds arrive”. I took a hit of the popper and heard the man leave as the next guy came in. I soon felt the sharp prickling of the Prince Albert again against my hole and realised I was going to be impaled on it again. My head was a spin and he said “your such a good hole to breed. I want to give you another hot load” I braced as he pushed himself in the nine inches and almost beer can sized thickness was pushing into me when I had my next hit of poppers. This time it wasn’t as rough as earlier and for the next five minutes he was just sliding in and out of my wet hole. Occasional id feel a small stab of pain when the pa missed the entrance. But I was thoroughly enjoying taking this cock. Second time round I was just in daze. Slowly my senses had started to come back to me and I could now feel the pa cock stabbing my insides hard again. I couldn’t contain myself any longer I screamed out loud enough everyone could here. “Yeah breed this neg pig hole” it was just enough to have me feel myself milking that cock. “Fuck pig you know how to turn a poz man on. Your going to be bugged by the end of night” “fuck yeah take my second dirty load you dirty pig” and with that I felt him ramping up his thrusting I was now in so much pain as I felt the load hit my punctured walls. Such a burning sting arousing my sense that I was bug chasing and had been wanting this free willed sex. As the last of his thrusts stopped I knew he’d finally finished shooting his load. “Thanks pig I’ve really drained all my toxic juice in you” “I’ll be messaging you on the site to find out how sick you are in a few weeks”. He said very weakly drained of his energy. As his dick went limp in my hole and I felt how we had some how both gotten very sweaty in that fuck. I was breathing heavy and with his limp body on me I said “I think you need this room more have a rest and thanks for charging my hole” he allowed me out from beneath him and as I got my towel and poppers. I knew I was needing a break and a steam would be perfect so off I went with the load id gotten leaking out my hole. The steam room of the sauna was always good could find a spot and spread out also had a small locker that matched the locker upstairs so you could put your poppers away from the heat. As I stored my popper in the locker I saw the bio hazard tattoo guy again. He’d just come back or had been in a room. He winked at me and said “Buddy of mine is in there you’ll be wanting his load to”. Curiosity now got the better of me, I decided to take the poppers in with me if I was going to have sex in the steam room. With all the changes the rest of the place had gone through id thought the steam room would of to. But it was still the dark dungy place old pine wood seating one top one back running the length of the wall and around the corner to the darkest spot. Still had a shower in the corner for a quick cooling cold blast. But it was the two rooms in the steam room one wanted to be in. both had a bit of long bench in them to so one could climb on and then spread there legs and ass open. I chose to go in to the second one as it allowed you to see through to the dark corner. As I placed the towel on the bench beneath me and got in position with my ass over the end I saw the guy the bio hazard guy had told me about in sitting on the bench stroking his monster cock in the dark corner. Hearing the creaking sound of the bench the guy moved round to the room. Looking at him there was something familiar to him. A distant memory from my haunting days of the past in the sauna. As he came into full site I recalled his name, the years hadn’t diminished his bearing manly build. The only change was the face some what stricken no longer the black hair but bald and a salty beard. “Hank is that you” I asked and got no reply as he came closer to inspect me. He stuck his rough fingers in my juice filled hole. “I’ve waited a very long time to have you again boy” he said as I continued to look at him and seeing him still stroking his thick veiny cock. He was big at about eleven inches. My thoughts couldn’t stop thinking “who are you when did we meet?” I asked. As he plunged his rough fingers into my cunt again. “I haven’t gone by Hank in year’s boy” came his reply. “I’m surprised you recognised me” I was lost in thought going back to the very first time I entered the sauna how scared and timid I was and how this man before me changed my life that night showing me the ropes telling me the tricks. And then letting me suck him off in the sauna. “You’ve grown boy no longer an innocent but knowing what you want. The place is a buzz of your exploits tonight” I didn’t know what to say back to Hank after he said those words. “By the way kid I go by aids daddy now” I was now in complete shock but out of nostalgia I reached for his cock and felt its veiny thickness. “You know I started to frequent this place quite regularly after that first night when I sucked on your cock just over there by the entrance’ “I wanted to feel you fuck my tight hole so many times” I said to him as I rubbed his leaking precum on my hole. “Tonight breed me with your aids load” I whispered. “I’ve got nothing to loose from it just more freedom. Breed my neg pig hole with your seed like I know you want to” I taunted. He then came down to my face and said “I’ve been waiting so long to fill you with this cum boy” “that I still desired your butt to have my deadly seed in it” “I waited to long and when you moved away I started coming again I missed my chance” “hoping you’d come in” “tonight I’m going to breed you like I should of back then” and with that my hole opened up and I felt his flared cock head enter my hole. I screamed in joy inside me and reached for the poppers. In haling in the steam room I went in to a cloud of red haze. I could feel his cock pushing in my wet hole. But it didn’t feel so wet as I slowly took his monster cock. As he slowly grinded his cock into my hole I was lost in Sodom delight my eyes shut but feeling the presence of Hank above me as this monstrous red figure that was going to change my life yet again. He took it slow like a lover would to start just getting me used to his immense size in me. It felt like an hour had gone past I was feeling dehydrated and sweaty. His cock continuing to work its way deeper into me. I lost control and my body started to orgasm. I was impaled and my ass just start to clasp on to Hanks cock for dear life. Hank just pulled me up a little and started to thrust. I could feel my ass linings pulsing and clamping his cock as he slid in and out. “Damn” I heard cried by Hank. “Fuck you have a talented hole” he screamed” “No wonder the wire is a buzz about you” once again id gotten in sync and as hank rammed me and pushed my bowels open “Breed my hole this pig wants its freedom” I cried screaming “fill me with that death sticks load” “Pregnate me with your toxic juice” words just kept coming from my mouth as we continued to fuck there . My hole was so sloppy now and I was been fucked on by the full eleven inches in and out. I couldn’t take any more and as my body went into shock in a second orgasm I clasped down again on Hanks cock fully inside and deep in side me felt the hottest load I’d ever felt in my life. It was hot and stinging. And as his dick went quickly limp in my hole. I thanked him for the gift. Kissing him and saying “I think its time we both get some re hydrating done”. Hank left first and as the door closed id finally regained some sense of where I was positioned I pulled myself back on the bench and got my feet on the ground grabbed the poppers and threw the soaked towel over my shoulder. I went up stairs and Hank was talking to about twelve men at the bar and as I got close to the exit to throw my wet towel in and grab another I heard “Get over here” It had come from one in the crowd I knew that and as I walked to get a drink of water or something “we are all here now” “hope your enjoying your breeding pig” it wasn’t the crowd it was coming from the speakers. A bit of an evil grin came up on my face as I got to the bar. Asking for a bottle of water. I grabbed the drink and headed of to the locker to get my smokes and have a bit of a break. Checking my phone I saw a text there is thirteen of us here we are gathered up at the bar. I replied to the message and took the phone with me and went to have my smoke as I got to the smoking area. A new message came through reading it said. Be at the bar area with the rest. The venue is now a private party for your breeding. You need to speak to the counter staff and say the words bug chaser. Finishing my smoke I headed to the bar to say the words. As I got close to the bar I saw it was only eleven pm damn I thought I’ve got thirteen here to breed me till dawn this is going to be good. As I stood at the bar one of the gents said “just wait a minute’ the counter staff are just doing a check down stairs to see if anyone is floating about in any of the rooms’. I suddenly realized I was in a den of poz vipers ready to breed my hole. I turned to the guy and said “Can I go put my smokes and phone away I’ll be right back”, I quickly put my phone and smokes away in my locker and grabbed the pill id pulled out earlier. Time for this I think. As I shoved it under my tongue and went back to my bottle of water at the bar. Taking a big gulp the tablet washed from under my tongue and down my throat. It be half hour before I felt the effects of the ecstasy id just taken.1 point
why did this thread get me so hard? In some cases, I've had to fist my condoms to get them to take two guys at once f need be, I can turn into a condom, 'been there hundreds of times too1 point
http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=eHT29-G694-#.VDpwDvldXUU Hotel quickie Met this muscle daddy online. he didn;t have much time to play but his ass was so tight I couldn't last as long as usual.1 point
yeah he was working and then has been home for an hour or so. Already asleep in bed.1 point
Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 3 I quickly headed upstairs to check my phone and also have a smoke in the smoking area. I was feeling good and checking my adds again and found I had another four messages I replied again with where I was at and that id be here for some time. Quickly I got replies back saying they’d be not long. Feeling good I went back to the locker put my phone away and decided the spliff id gotten from a friend be a good idea. So I took it out and had that. And could feel the next buzz. I knew I had to get down stairs quick and find a place. As I got down the stairs I took the final walk way which lead into an orgy room. When I entered could see a guy in the dark corner. As I covered my head with the towel I bared m hole for all to exam. Having forgotten that I was carrying the toothbrush it dropped to near my legs and under my exposed hole. Taking a hit from the amyl. L pushed my hole back and raced myself. Soon I heard shuffling then the hands start to touch my exposed hole. A finger slid and found I was wet from the earlier load and heard some chattering. I then felt a brushy beard on my hole licking and spreading my ass to taste inside. As I moaned in pleasure he had gotten fully erect and I could feel his cocking pressing to go in. As I braced and felt the guy enter my hole I was completely consumed by the thickness of his cock had to be close to the size of a beer can. As he slowly stretched me on his cock I could feel the other load ease my passage. I was ready and started to thrust back. Slowly bit by bit my hole took more of his length. as I let out a hale as I came to the base and under the slight belly. I initially started rocking on his cock going forwards and then pushing back soon he took the movement and held me in place. Each time he pulled out could feel him thrust back into me the full length and then we got into sync. His thrusting and my ass clasping on started to push him to the brink. He stopped deep in me and my ass clasped down again. I heard him cry “take that seed you cum dump. Of fuck yeah. Oh ar argh. Woof.” Id just taken about six shots of jizz, from what I felt shoot into my hole. He pulled out and through the commotion id missed the others entering. Soon id hear some whispering but my head was covered with the towel so I couldn’t make anything out. The only distinct word that I did hear clear was NICE. Then the next guy got behind me and gave my ass a few licks to approve of the hole covered in juice. Again I heard talking “look what this pig brought into play with” I soon realised it was the toothbrush. Then I heard another voice saying “scrub that hole with it before you breed him” my ass puckered as I felt the dry harsh bristles and the edges of the brush rub my hole. From then on I felt him scrubbing my inside with the toothbrush slow for a bit then hard and fast. He’d turn it a bit then start it over and do over and over again till he’d turned it 360 degrees that should just about do it. And he ripped it out. I felt pain but I was so ready for the next cock to flood my insides wasn’t long I felt the movement and brought my hole into position. Spreading myself out his cock plunged in. I couldn’t help myself I was enjoying this treat. He pounded my hole hard and slammed his dick as hard as he could in each time. I was getting of on the abuse my hole wanted more. My hole felt so dry to me a deep burning sensation had taken the earlier slick feeling away. With each stroke I started to buck back and get in rhythm I needed the seed and as before id clasped on to the dick I was been ridden on. “oh baby fuck boy take my dirty seed’ he cried as he yelped ‘oh yeah and arghhhhhh! I was been flooded and soon felt it deep in my cunt where the burn just wasn’t going away. He slipped out his cock from my dripping hole, and bent over me and whispered to me “be proud pig that’s one great hole you have hope you enjoy my toxic seed in there” and I moaned out my approval, The next guy came up to my hole and just rubbed his cock over my arse. I could again feel something sharp but could not work out what. As it seemed to come from his cock, reaching down to find out what it was. I felt the guys size about nine inches length and nearly as thick as the cock id taken earlier. I hailed my approval of this cock and with a bit of a push back I was sliding back on his monster. The previous guy moved round to my front where I could see him. He feed me his dirty cock to clean. As I started to clean I could see streaks of red on his cock I thought my god is that blood but some how with the guy behind me driving that sharp edge into me and impaling me inside the guy was getting off and talking really dirty” fuck yeah dirty pig. Enjoy my freshly pierced cock. Enjoy that barbed pa in you Pig” I got to cleaning the cock in front of me and as it shrunk and limped from my mouth the guy bent down and asked ‘what’s your locker number I want to leave you my number’ so I quickly told him my locker number and saw him leave. I then started to focus on the cock that was intruding my hole and took a big inhale of the poppers. My head snapped round in joy as I found myself totally piggy and wanting more seed. My ass was starting its usually clasping on to the cock and I got into rhythm again and as soon as I was enjoying it the cries began. ”take that poz load you dirty pig. Fuck milk that load out. Yeah get every last drop of poz seed pig”. My ass again felt flooded and as he pulled out seed rushed out and found its way to my hanging balls. What dripped out was scoped up and pushed back into my hole. As soon as he backed away I realised that was another load down. And id have to move on. To another spot to get more there was no point in wasting time. Since I was now full of spunk. Felt just like time for a shower to wash my face and sweaty skin and to take a short break. Tonight I was going to service as many cocks as I could and as the hot water streamed down and caressed my body I found id gotten a big thick hard on. Shower done I retreated upstairs to the bar to get a drink. I grabbed another alcoholic drink and needed to pace myself I wanted this all night I was in such a good place. Heading to the locker to grab my smokes and phone I found the phone number on the piece of paper wedged in the grill and hanging there. It read. Your one good pig boy glad I got to breed you with my toxic seed. If you want more message me. Flipping the note over me saw the number. I put it in my locker for later grabbed one more enhancer and headed to the garden for the smoke. Taking a sip from the drink and taking the enhancer. I checked my messages once more, two hours in and I had four loads and the guys that messaged where due very shortly as I checked the clock. As I finished the drink and went for another smoke I was joined by another patron. He lit his cigar and just stood eyeing me. As I finished my smoke and was finished with the drink I got up and started to leave the garden. “Be seeing you soon pig, hope you like dirty old men” came the words from the guy with the cigar1 point
Finally it’s Saturday, Hard On time. I awake sleepily nuzzled up tight to Ryan with legs tangled together, but wait, there’s more than two pairs of legs and why do I feel so “full”? “What the fuck?” I say out loud at the sudden realisation of what’s happening…. “Shhhh” says Tommy still gently fucking me, “just go with it bro” and as I relax impaling myself deeper onto his big cock mine springs to life and nudges Ryan’s hole, who stirs, turns, kisses me, “Good morning lover…nice alarm clock, or should I say alarm cock?” “Hi Tommy, enjoy my boi, just don’t make him cum, Justin’s got a big night ahead and we’ve not let him cum since he nailed Chris so his balls are full and ready to blow.” Ryan rolls off our bed saying, “I’m going to jump in the shower.” And as he goes to the en-suite Tommy maneuvers me onto all fours without pulling out or missing a beat and as he leans in to whisper dirty talk into my ear his trimmed ginger fur tickles my back. I’m squirming under him making my ass clamp even tighter around his fat mushroom head as my own cock bounces spraying precum all over the sheets but left forgotten. Tommy begins panting hard, slams harder still into me, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum” and even before he says it I know what’s coming as his beer can cock throbs and pulses deep in me as he floods my guts. “I’m cumming!” By the time we clean up Ryan has coffee and cereals ready. We plan the rest of the day, a few chores and a trip to the dry cleaners…as we’re rummaging through my pockets out pops a business card, “What’s this?” says Ryan not missing a thing. “Oh just a card of some dude who groped me on the tube the other day” I say as if it is an everyday occurrence as Ryan makes a play to snatch the card away to read it and after tussling me to the floor he has it. “Jeesus H Christ!” He exclaims and now has a big grin on his face. “You get picked up by Andy le fucking Gris, man I love you.” I hadn’t looked at the card when I put it in my pocket and now I’m thinking who is Andy le Gris? And before I can ask, “Wow…you know who this is; he’s the Vice President of the biggest publishers here in the UK…” Jumping to his feet Ryan is energised, “oh boy am I going to have fun with this piece of info. I think it’s time we got ourselves a new job! Hey we could have a party here…me the boys, you of course as bait and Mr VP, oh yeah this is going to be great.” Ryan pulls me to my feet grabbing me in a bear hug and showering me in kisses. “Is there no end to your talents babe?” The day drags, Ryan is busy thinking up ways to seduce AlG whilst Tommy and I watch rubbish TV. Liam and Ross return off shift and go straight to bed, “It’s going to be a long night.” As they rush off to their room. “Yeah lets gap some shut eye too” says Tommy ushering me into the bedroom where Ryan is on his ipad. “It’s sure gonna be a busy night, Mr. popular here has 112 guys lined up to fuck tonight.” My head spins as I process this information. “We need a plan for this event” continues Ryan as the three of us lie back on the bed. As a greedy bottom boy I’m a bit nervous about topping and how the hell am I going to squirt Poz cum into all these willing holes. I’m told Tommy here, Liam, Ross and of course my man Ryan will be on hand to help and wreck a few holes before I ram my leaking deathstick into the willing torn upholes. By the time they are finished talking tactics I have a raging hard on and in need of relief. Ryan notices and gently starts to rub my groin, “Easy boy, you’ll have plenty to choose from tonight.” After a few hours’ sleep I’m roused, “Grab your kit for tonight, pick up a holdall and we can head out for a beer or two before queueing to get in.” It’s dark by the time the 5 of us bundle out of our tower block, hail a taxi for Lambeth and decamp to a pub close to the venue. With a buzz from the occasion, the alcohol and all the horny guys on a mission to play in the club we kill time. As guys slope off to queue we join the chattering throng and queue and queue. Oh so slowly we shuffle forward adding to the anticipation and eventually get in and arrive at the admissions booth. Our bags are checked to see we have the right gear, membership ID is checked and we’re in, in a small dimly lit area outside the coat check, guys are stripping, Hard On is a famous leather cruise club with a hardcore reputation. I hardly know where to look, pills are being popped and hard cocks are everywhere as testosterone and sex fills the air. The music is loud, beats reverberating off the walls, guys squeeze into well used jocks, chaps, harnesses, leather, rubber, uniforms or just boots. I wriggle into my skimpy outfit thinking I have died and gone to piggy heaven! “C’ on stud the action is in the main halls, this is just the aperitif.” I’m dragged in a daze into the packed dance floor, the sound is banging and vaguely I make out the repeat lyrics, ‘head down, ass up, that’s the way we like to fuck!’ the music stops and a live sex show is introduced, two suited guys run onto the stage and start to make out, off come the jackets, one bends over as the other rips open the seat of his trousers to reveal a perfect tight ass and dives straight in rimming. In next to no time the guy is being fisted, then two arms are alternately pushed in and out and eventually he’s fucked too. I can’t believe what I am seeing. Guys all around are roaring their approval cheering and baying for more. Ryan and the boys drag me through the sweaty bodies, mostly near naked and from what I can see mostly are hot, beefy, muscled and tattoo’d as hands grab my nips, ass and cock. My nipples, hot wired to my cock get tweaked as a sea of hands explore’ fresh meat’ but I decline every invitation. My cock is now sooo hard and poking straight out of the folds of leather straps of my kilt meaning I get even more attention! Eventually we get to a less crowded room full of action. Inside are benches along one wall, lit by a dim light. After my eyes adjust, I notice maybe two dozen guys lounging on the benches, and in the middle rows of slings plus more benches with padded tops and a lower step, also padded. There’s a heady mix of sweat and cum filling my nostrils…I can’t wait to get started. Tommy, Liam and Ross gather round, “So what d’ya think?” I can barely speak as I watch Ryan talk to a fit guy, just in boots, loudly fucking a Twink in one of the slings. Above the sling chains clanking and the music from the main hall I can barely hear him as he shouts, “You ready for some POZ cock now I’ve opened you up?” The guys push me forward as the Twinks hole ejects “Boots’s” PA’d cock that still has pinkish strands of cum or precum linking the two together. The bottom’s puffy, purplish rosebud was pulsating, begging to be filled and from experience, I knew exactly how he was feeling, so I position myself as Ryan undoes my kilt, line my meaty head against his bud and I push in. There was a slight resistance and then the muscle gives way and I’m deep into his guts, pulling out then ramming in hard and I’m horny from not shooting my load for days. All the while the kid roars in pleasure. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes!" his head back rocking from side to side shouting. "Yeah! That's it, fucker! Fuck me! Use my fuckin' hole! POZ me!” Magic words as I start pounding, I’m moaning and sighing I turn my head and our eyes lock. I keep fucking him. It's an exciting sight to see the lust and joy on his face as I pound away drawing a crowd of men round us. I’m getting into this virbalisation game too, “You’d want me to plant my POZ seed in your cunt boi? I ask, not that he had a choice. "Oh yesss, I want you to cum deep inside of me." As he speaks he tightens his hole and it sends me over the edge, my pace picks up and I’m now ramming this hole like a madman. I cum intensely as he’s pulling on the sling chains making my dick deliver its dirty jizz way deep inside him. I’m breathing heavy with sweat dripping down my face but my still hard cock is rocking slowly in and out of his sloppy wet cunt allowing his hole to milk out every last drop of poison. "That's a seven day load" I say.as I finally slide out and it starts running from his hole. Needless to say that was the start of a LONG and hot night Men descend on the Twink and another cock rams in to work my dirty load further into his damaged rectum to start its conversion journey into his system. Yo Justin, way to go! Never knew you could be such an aggressive Top" says a beaming Ryan, “I can’t wait till you do that to me.” We kiss as he slips a Viagra into my mouth, “Just in case eh, now word is out your bitches are going to come running.” Ross has picked up a slim middle aged guy with thick hair and a full beard… I wonder has this guy seen my BBRTS ad or is he just good at guessing why we’re here? He is led to me like a lamb to slaughter, “Ross says your POZ ‘n I love to play with POZ fuckers.” Instantly he’s all over me kissing, tongue thrust in my mouth as he twist and turns my nipples, “You mate can make me do anything. I want you to fuck me." I grab his skanky jock, turn him around and lead him further into the room where it’s darker. Guys are fucking all around us making grunting sounds and the smell of pungent sweat, ass juice and cum fills the room. When we find a free padded bench he jumps on and rolls onto his back pulling his legs up to his chest, my fingers search for his hole which is already lubed or full of cum. I insert a couple of fingers withdraw and sniff, cum. He asks if he can lick it and as my finger push into his open mouth my slimy cock pops into his willing cunt. His hole spasms, as Ross next to me strokes the guy’s cock. "I'm really turned on watching you getting fucked and infected. I'd love to fuck your sloppy hole and make sure. Are you up for that?" says Ross. Apparently he is as his cock erupts, “Yeah. Fuck me and shoot another load of POZ cum in me." Ross scoops the cum into his hand and feeds it to the guy who licks his last Neg load from his fingers. I ram my dick into him again, fucking him as hard as the other guy earlier and as I pick up speed I feel my balls tighten and I shudder. I can feel my cock jerk and twitch feeling and warm wetness in his guts. I fall forward saying loudly, "Pozzing your ass.” I stood up, bent down, and licked the puddle of cum off the bench and tasted semen, assjuice and the coppery taste of blood, infected for sure! The guy turns to Ross, "Yes, do it. Make sure I'm knocked up." I leave them to it. Liam, Tommy and Ryan have a group of guys buzzing around them, hands all over one another twisting nipples; others were groping ass with fingers being inserted. I could hear them talk amongst themselves “mmmm…. nice ass, tight too”…”I can’t wait to drop my load in it”….”ummm you have a nice cock sucking mouth too” Someone smacks my ass hard, my cock got even harder if that’s possible, my inner voice tells me to get in there and I roughly push one guy down on to a bench, ass up face down, telling him to get on all 4s. A cock quickly found its way into his mouth and started throat fucking hard and brutal, he gags a bit, but mostly took it all as the guy rams his cock all the way down his throat. I was so into it all I shove straight in for maximum impact and dry fuck his hole in a horny spit roast. I didn’t take it slow and his ass opened up without issues…at the same time, I felt a cock at the base of my hole. I start backing my ass up on it, trying to get him to bottom out…I was in heaven. Soon one cock was stretching my hole, slamming into me, which in turn would push me forward hard into the bottom who in turn was deeper onto my cock as the guy face fucking rammed into his throat. It was so fucking hot. I was trembling I wanted to cum and have a load in me too. The man behind me started really pounding and I heard him say "here I cum boy!" and as he is blasting my insides pumping cum deep in my guts, it was too much for me as I clamp down on his cock mine is spraying copious amounts of hot toxic cum. It floods out so hard; I could feel it splash against the walls of the hole my poisoned jizz is buried in. My fucker pulls out, walks around and just pushes the other man out me and shoves his half-hard cum covered dick in my fuckee’s mouth. Wow! My ass was full of cum…I could feel it leaking down my ass and legs, as when the top pulled out a big gob of cum came out too, someone simply scooped it up and put it in my mouth, I licked that hand clean like a good boy. “Thank you Sir!” I’m saying and pretty soon, I felt someone eating my ass, it was tender from the pounding I just enjoyed, I was told to push out some more and I could feel that big load squeezing out, I then felt one hand on my chin, it lifted my face and our eyes locked…it was Ryan. He tells me to open wide, then he just spat the load he had feltched out into my mouth. I almost came again! Ryan must've signaled the others as Liam, Ross and Tommy switched places without speaking and home in on two guys kissing hard, making out, one in Chaps the other in bleachers with an all-around zip for easy access. It usually takes me a while to recover…it was either the Viagra or the fact I was so turned on knowing my cock was about to knowingly flood dirty cum into one of these two hotties. My friends were all over these two as Ryan bent down to suck the guy in the Chaps’ rock hard cock which must have been leaking a lot of salty precum, ‘coz Ryan was really going to town and instinctively moved his right hand between the guy’s legs and found his ass. He reacted by spreading his legs, giving more access and soon had three fingers inside his pre-lubed hole. “Mmmmmmmmm this fucker has come to play!” as he works more fingers in, Ryan slowly slid him down onto the nearby sling with his legs spreading wider and wider. In no time, Ryan had four fingers in his wet hole, and he was moaning like a bitch in heat! Tommy never one to miss an opportunity, soon had the zip undone as he guy reached back and spread his ass cheeks, “Go easy mate, I’m new to this….and Negative.” Upon hearing this Tommy grabbed the oozing head of his infected cock rubbed it up and down the guy’s crack and shoved in hard, "Oh fuck!" he moaned. "Great, isn't it?" his boyfriend says. "I knew you'd like cock, God knows, I do!" Ryan caught me watching and I soon felt his thick cock slide in and out of my hole, he whispers, “The guy Ross is fucking is a complete cock whore who loves to be fisted as well as fucked just watch.” He grabs my wrist and guides my hand onto Ross’s cock who nods letting me know that he wanted more. I slip a finger in as his cock slowly pushes in and withdraws slightly, Ryan pushed my second finger in and Ross pushes in again, “Ummmmmmmm, yeah, more” the guy is saying as Liam has him huffing on poppers. I let Ryan fold my thumb into the palm of my hand, and began rotating my wrist to find just the right angle as Ross continues to plow away. Liam has one nostril closed off as the guy takes a deep breath, and as he exhales, his fleshy hole relaxes more and bam my hand slid in! "Ohhhhhh fffuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk!" he yelled, so loud everyone in the venue could hear. "You're a fucking pro, mate! Ryan says “Hey guys we found us a real pig!" It was clear this guy had played this game many times before as he shifted his body into a more comfortable position on the cheap foam linen bench as with my hand inside I could grab hold of Ross’s cock and wank him off deep inside the guys chute. The sensation was too much for Ross as he finally came, screaming out so loud no one could have missed it either. I felt his warm load gushing into my hand as he breathed heavily and sweat dripped from his face on to the guy’s chest. I feel Ross withdraw and Ryan slide right in, I rotate my arm and “Fuck yeah” is all the guys says as my man jackhammers into my palm he’s clearly enjoying fucking in public, facing a room full of guys mostly naked, it was just too exciting. Ryan cries out, “Cumming!” as the guy screams, “Fuck yeah, fuck yeah. Give it to me, give me that load” as Ryan shoots his dirty load deep inside. The guy takes a deep breath and exhales, pushing back on my greasy hand. There was a slight feeling of pressure, as the widest part of my hand passes over his stretched out sphincter. When my hand finally comes out along with Ryan’s still hard dick, I have to chuckle. "Fuck! How many loads you got up there, man?" he laughed. I could smell the distinct odor of warm cum as some precious cargo drips from his gaping hole. "Not enough!" he replies winking. As Ryan pushes his slimey cock into the guy’s mouth as I’m smearing the palm of my hand all over his face, marking him with his ass juice and our diseased cum. The next thing I see is Tommy who has finished fucking the boyfriend on his knees with his tongue and stubbly chin grazing on this guy’s sleazy hole pushing his tongue deep in the open hole, so he could get at what he wanted. "Mmmmm! Mmmmmmm! Mmmm!" he grunted as his tongue dug deep sucking out a mouthful of cum which he shares with us all. I lost track of time, in this fuck fest World as tired, spent and deliciously sore we 5 finally head home.1 point
Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 2 I was on my bed in the hotel cruising for bareback sex on the usual sites posting my ads up to where I’d be going and seeing who’s attention I was catching. I had my shower and got prepped for my outing to take as many loads as possible. Getting myself a drink from the mini bar in the room I took one of the first enhancers I’d be taking through the night. As I checked back in on my ads I found I had six messages over the couple of places id posted it to. I quickly replied to all the messages and sent them off saying id be heading to the sauna very shortly and would be there for a while to feel free to arrive when ever they would be able to make it. Normally I’d check out the profiles before replying but I wasn’t wasting time. I soon made my way from the hotel to the saunas some forty minutes later. My mind was a buzz of the old days at the sauna. As I got close there had been changes in the area so I still hoped the sauna was there. I found my way into the entrance of the sauna as you had to negate a walkway to the carpark to enter the sauna from the back. As I rounded and headed to the door could hear faint sounds of chatter which gave me a sign there where patrons there. I went up the flight of stairs to the entry point paid my entry got my towel and locker key and was buzzed in to the change rooms. I got out of my gear wrapped the towel around my waist and got myself settled with setting my locker so when I came back for the other enhancers they where easy to access. I then stilled myself grabbing the bottle of poppers I’d brought along to help things. I transversed from the locker room into the lounge and little bar area. And ordered myself a drink. As I sat on the stool chatting to the staff member having the alcoholic drink I was very much starting to buzz and knew I needed to get down stairs and start having fun. It wasn’t long until I got myself aquainted with the new layout of the place. Where everything was which rooms had more lighting or not. Where best to position myself for my night of debauchery. I was feeling good and thought id quickly to back and check if id been messaged back. Sure enough had six texts saying when they would be in so replied back and thought great going to get fucked and loaded tonight. I went back down stairs and found the glory holes it was a dark corner except for a bit of red light. This just felt like the perfect spot start with getting some cum. As I squatted and waited to see from which of the two rooms I was going to get cock from. Id put the poppers down and was looking for it when I stumbled on a toothbrush on the ground. I soon found my bottle and was taking a snort when I saw movement. Putting the lid on the bottle I steady myself for what was to come. My first cock of the night was average size and cut. As his cock rose to fullness in my moist mouth, I could here his moans and feel his balls tighten. I sucked on it to wet my lips with cum. As I went back and forth and him thrusting through the glory hole I knew it wasn’t long. He let out a defying moan and as his cock exploded the cry of “ugh ugh” as the last of his spoiling load came to and end. My mouth was wet and it was a good load so decide to rub some of it up against my aching hole to get it lubed and ready now that it wanted cock in it to. The rest of the spilled cum went down my throat. I had only just cleaned my hand of cum, I’d been using to lube my hole when I caught the next guy entering the room beside me. As he walked in I could see the faint outline of a tattoo just above the pubic hair but didn’t make it out what it was as he closed the door and put us both into darkness. As his cock entered the glory hole straight away could smell the staleness of cum on his cock. With another big inhale of the amyl I started to suck his cock trying to make out what the tattoo was but been cut from full sight still couldn’t see or make it out. His cock was uncut tasted manly with all that cum and what ever else was on it. As he became fully rigid in my mouth his forskin pulled right back and his helmet was down my throat oozing precum, I wasn’t putting this cock to waste down my throat so I got repositioned and allowed his hard cock to enter my cum lubed hole. As I backed down on his cock coming through the glory hole his girth was still getting bigger in my hole as I got to the end. When my ass hit the wall between us, I moved forward some and started over. This was a good feeling and soon I had the poppers to my nose for more inhaling. Pushing back to the wall and feeling the cock inside me. With one mighty slam I pushed myself right down his cock and stayed on it. Not moving from the wall as a muffled moan came through the air. Soon I could feel him thrusting into me as I stayed in position. Taking the popper and enjoying the first of many loads I hoped to get that night. As his momentum picked up gear and I could feel his cock throb I knew it was coming close to an end. I bucked down hard pushed myself harder into the gloryhole so my hole would open right up and as I did he cried “fuck take it take that load take all of it you cum pig” as his cock softened in my hole and finally came out. I thought I would try to get another look at the tattoo, so I picked up my towel and bottle of poppers put the toothbrush I had found on the floor in my towel and let myself out of the room. As I opened the door and my eyes adjusted to the red light I could see the guy that I had just gotten the load from. Giving me a wink and saying “thanks”. I looked down and saw the bio hazard tattoo. As I left the area in a buzz I strolled around to see who was around. To surprise, one of the rooms I hadn’t been able to check out on an earlier round was free. It was a sling room decked with a mirror above it so one could see what happened. My arousal grew, knowing later I would be in the sling, my ass fully loaded, only too ready to take even more. But my thoughts were focused on the bio hazard tattoo I had seen as I wondered 'Why would someone get that? '.1 point
1 point
After a couple of days further TLC from Liam and Ross Justin was back to his normal self, definitely feeling better and with some colour in his cheeks and looking surprisingly radiant. “Jeez you’re looking hotter by the day” said Ross flopping down on the couch next to me draping an arm over my shoulder then, barely touching, ran his fingers up my neck and gently rubbing the back of my head massaging my scalp.. Just his touch felt like an electric shock through my body as I involuntarily arch my back with shivers running down my spine, I squirm in my seat and my cock twitches, the first signs of life for a couple of weeks. Right on cue Liam appears, “Ummm looks like our boi is feeling a whole lot better” as he eyes the growing tent in my sweatpants, “Welcome back buddy” chimes in Ross eyes shining and a shit eating grim all across his face, licking his lips as his free hand slowly begins to feel around the flimsy material covering my growing cock. I lay back enjoying the sensations running through my body as his hands do their work. I want to cum, but I want to save it for Ryan…or at least wait until he’s here with us. As if reading my mind Liam says, “Don’t worry Just-in, we’re just making sure everything is in fine working order!” “It’s not that I don’t want to” I say “It’s just that you want Ryan here too…” they speak as one “we do understand…the more the merrier eh? Piggy. No, we know all about you two love birds” I blush, I feel my face start to burn, “I, I, I didn’t know you knew, we’ve never said we’re an item” I stammer, admitting my feelings publically for the first time. “Ryan confided in us, explained he was falling for you, about how he was conflicted you being his step brother and all as well as not knowing how long you’re planning on staying here in the UK. He said he’d never felt this way, felt protective and made us all promise to be with you during your conversion.” I sat there dumbstruck and now I’m the one sat there with the big grin on my face. “Hey if you’re feeling up to it why don’t we take you to see my mate Chris at the leather shop, we gotta get you set up for Hard On looking sexy, hot and ready for some great Topping action and I’m sure Ryan won’t mind sharing as you’ll be soooooo in demand with your high viral load.” “Sure” I respond a little too quickly my leaking super hard cock doing all the thinking for me! I pause for a moment…”Why will I be in such demand, what the significance of a high viral load?” “Oh boy” they say, “there’s so many chasers on the scene, no loads refused, no questions asked looking to get knocked up with Poz seed so they can fuck with freedom from condoms and safe sex.” I must look a little dumbstruck as Liam continues, “We’re Poz but you’re super toxic right now and sure to Poz any and every willing cunt that bends over for you, lucky fucker!” “I didn’t know, this is a whole new World for me.” “Don’t worry bro’. Ryan, Tommy and us two, we’ll be there every step of the way to guide you, you’re in good hands, we’re experts at this.” Says Ross giving me a wink I process the information before saying, “Lead on, I’m up for it!” Liam is fishing out his mobile and frantically texting….it says, ‘Hi Ryan our boy is sprouting a massive hard on and ready to breed, get out of work and meet us at Chris’s shop, we’re leaving now. L&R xx’ “Cum on get you’re sorry ass off that couch and let’s get goin’” Liam says dragging me to my feet. I look down at my achingly hard dick that is leaking copious amounts of pre-cum leaving a large obvious wet patch in my light grey sweatpants. “Man I wish I had put underwear on this morning.” I sigh as I’m led, no, virtually frog-marched out the door. We must look a sight walking to the tube station judging by the stares we get. It may be mid-afternoon but London is packed with businessmen and tourists as the three of us squeeze into the tube carriage. It may be only a couple of stops but I have bodies pressed up against me and arms all around ‘strap hanging’. With Liam and Ross using their one free hand to discretely knead and massage my ass together with the vibrations and carriage movements means my cock is rubbing up against the leg of the guy I’m squashed hard up against. I have an instant boner and this suited and booted guy either doesn’t mind or notice…that is until he slightly repositions himself is now trying and succeeding in putting his brief on the floor between his legs and as he struggles to straighten up he gives my cock a squeeze. I smile and we make eye contact, nod slightly, his hand still wrapped around my cock. He is now struggling to pull something out of his inside suit pocket, finds it and is handing me a business card mouthing, “Call me.” The tube rattles into our station and as soon as the doors begin to open we push our way out with the throng of passengers, I look round nodding at my handsome suited suitor. As we emerge back into the daylight I have no idea where we are, I don’t know London well. “Christ you don’t waste much time” the boys say as they ruffle my hair as we march down some narrow alley arm in arm. The air is stale, hot and humid and lying on the ground on card and in a grubby sleeping bag is a sleeping homeless boy. I stop and stare. “Cum on!” the guys tug me along, “Don’t tell us you want to shag a skanky homeless boy now!!” I don’t but I do feel sorry for him and fish out a few coins to throw at this unfortunate. Suddenly we stop and I’m looking at blackened out windows, a building with a rainbow flag either side of the neon shop sign, 'Leather Star Fish' “Fall in behind us and let us do the talking” says Liam “I want you to be a surprise.” The guys open the door and we troop in. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the near darkness, the smell of new leather overpowering. Peering around Liam and Ross I look round at the displays and notice porn playing on the bigscreen TV, I’m drawn to the screen and almost don’t notice Chris as he appears flustered from a curtained area. He hugs and chats freely with his friends until I hear, “And who have we here?” Ross and Liam part to reveal me. When I glance at him he looks back with interest. Chris is well built, wears a plain skimpy skin tight t-shirt and too tight leather shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. I stare, he stands before me eyeing me up and down nodding approvingly. I stare back fixated on his facial piercings and flame red Mohican. In my previous preppy world I'd never come face-to-face with someone like this. I snap back to reality when I hear Chris say to Liam and Ross, "Turn the shop sign to CLOSED on your way out." As dutifully and surprisingly without protest the boys do as they are told. Unbeknown to me Chris's partner Steve is waiting for Liam, Ross and Ryan when he turns up to join them in the playroom at the back of the shop that has as two-way mirror looking in to the Changing Room. Chris breaks off his stare and flings open the Changing Room curtains, "Strip, while |I sort you something to wear for Hard On, that's what this is all about, isn't it?" He says this arching his right eyebrow questioningly. "Yeah, that's about right, how'd you know?" I ask. "Oh I know a lot about you...!" The reply comes and hangs in the air with the hint of hidden meaning. I quickly step out of my clothes and check myself in the large mirror. Having lost weight makes my half hard cock look bigger than normal; I stroke it slowly and watch my reflection as my dick grows in my hand. I see a clear drop of pre-cum forming, scoop it up and inspect my finger, then out of interest suck my finger with its salty, dangerous and highly toxic cargo, "Sweet" I murmur. "What's that?" says Chris as he comes up behind me holding a few leather items. "Sorry to disturb you" he continues. I spin round to face him...erect cock in hand. I just want the ground to open up and swallow me. "Shit! Sorry, I don't usually..." He cuts me off, "Don't worry, I've seen it all before, this shop has that effect on guys that's why I work here, constant supply of fresh meat." says Chris matter of factly and then it's down to business. "6 feet two, 31 inch waist, 8" dick that looks like I can put the cock ring and Viagra back on the shelf!" I look down sheepishly. "Here try this Gladiator Kilt and Harness, it should just about cover your best assets as well as allowing easy access , yeah perfect!" I eye the garments. The kilt with its open sides and short individual tongues of leather look way too short to cover anything as I wrap the kilt around my waist, snap the snaps and tie the laces. Chris steps in close to place the Harness over my head pulling me close as he fastens the straps. He stays close, "Ummm, looking good, boy, now bend over and let me see how easy it is to get to your hole." I do as I'm told, lean forward and before I know what's happening Chris's beefy forearm is wrapped around me. I'm turned on, turned around and my cheeks spread wide infront of the two-way mirror. Next he turns me round, jams a bottle into my nostrils, forcing me to inhale the poppers. They were strong, and I felt giddy with lust. "There you go." He’s saying as he lowers his mouth on mine as he pushes my back down onto the padded bench and I’m held fast, my arse open and available. "Justin you tart!" comes the chorus and I see Ryan, Liam, Ross naked and a tall thin guy with strange blotches on his chest and a pronounced tummy who I see has a surprisingly large 9 maybe 10 inch rigid cock walking towards me. Ryan with a big grin across his face says, "Chris is the one that wants knocking up, Steve here has been so ill he’s back on meds and is undetectable again and his new Neg boyfriend Chris is the one who needs your bug" Chris and I disentangle and I get to my feet whislt Chris loses his shorts, lays down on the padded fuck bench, snucks down to the edge of the bench and raises his legs spreading his cheeks so they could see his gaping hole with glistening signs of cum dripping from his hole. "Oh yes." Said Steve. "Popped a load in him myself just as you arrived!" The group came over to Chris, grabbing his cock and feeling his ass. He knew he was surrounded by Poz guys and you can hear him breathing hard his heart stars to pound in anticipation. I’m manhandled straddling Chris, my face is pushed down to his, he feels my tongue in his mouth, tasting my tainted salvia and feeling my raging hard on against his belly. Distracted, straps go around his wrists and ankles; Steve orchestrates everything as he positions Liam in front of Chris and offers his drooling cock with precum. "Lick it." He says. Chris visually tenses; a fleeting moment of fear crosses his face. He knows he’s lost, and then tentatively licks the drool of toxic precum off the thick, glistening tip. "Good boy!" Steve says. "Who's first?" Ross says "Me!" and disappears behind me as Chris feels a thick, heavy cock sliding into him until his belly was squashed against my ass. Ross starts to fuck, hard, long thrusting strokes that have me bouncing up and down. Steve whispers in my ear, “You fuck him too, he should be loose enough for you to DP him along with Ross. Go on open him up, rip him up…” then more loudly for all to hear “Give- him- your- AIDS!” I could cum there and then! Chris is writhing beneath me really getting into Ross’s noisy fucking with Steve’s undetectable cum frothing and foaming from his hole. I shuffle back trying not to dislodge Ross as Ryan and Steve push my steel-like cock painfully back to line up next to Ross’s slimy cock and Chris’s swollen ass lips. As Ross pulls back I try to force my way in but miss the hole. “We need to open his hole up a whole lot more” urges Ryan as he jabs his fingers in alongside Ross’s piston pumping cock. Chris is breathing hard, sweat drips from his brow and his body glistens yet he’s moaning loudly, “Yeah, ummm, Oh fuck!” and then “Oh no…I….I…I’m…I’m cumming” as his cock errupts showering his abs, chest and face with potentially his last Neg load and as his hole spasms around fingers and cock he relaxes and finally that hole opens right up for us. The air is heavy with the smell of cum and sex….and before I know what’s happened Ryan has his hands wrapped around my twitching cock and is pushing it in together with Ross. “Jeez this is sooooo tight” I say as we easily slip into to a rhythm of us thrusting in hard and slowly pulling back. “Ooo, ooo, ahh, ahh” pants Chris as his hole clamps shut like a vacuum seal around our dicks. Somehow Steve is now forcing his finger in to his lover’s hole breaking the sealand the last of Steve’s cum is squeezed out, pink. “Yes!” Steve says triumphantly, “Fuck him hard, fuck my cumdump” he hisses and right in my ear yet loud enough for all to hear, virtually pleading, says, “POZ him, please knock him up for me!” Ross groans and stops moving. I can feel through my cock his dick swelling, twitching and spewing volley after volley of toxic cum. It feels fantastic, hot, sloppy and oh so slippery. Of course it’s all too much as I feel my balls tighten, “Here it cums…C..C..cumming” I find myself shouting. “Chris! Look directly into his eyes, watch this magic moment of conversion” instructs Steve as Chris blinks and does as commanded just as my climax hits, my HVL diseased load pumps out like a dispenser, 7 , 8, 9 huge spurts shoot out as Ross picks up his fucking again forcing our loads deep in Chris’s bowl. I slump across Chris hearing Whoops of delight and slaps on my back. I’m manhandled off Chris as Ryan Steve & Liam crowd round kissing me, “fucking great, well done, thank you” all ring out. I feel elated and as Liam and Steve move back to Chris, Ryan grabs hold of my cock which is still hard and pointing straight up, we kiss, he’s kissing me hard, “thank you” he says looking me straight in the eyes, “Gotta help a friend out when in need.” We wrap our arms around one another and continue kissing oblivious to Ross blowing another load up Chris or for that matter Liam pushing his big fat mushroom head cock in directly after Ross pulls out of the dripping and wet hole. Liam horned up from watching all the action fucks quick and hard till his cock swells and blasts another POZ load in Chris whose shouting“Fuck yeah, fuck yeah. Give it to me, give me that load” giving himself up to the gift....1 point
Right on! I really don't mind if the bottoms is natural/unflushed and don't mind eating his hole after pounding it hard. Really into rough, hyperhorny fuck marathons so ATM is a bit of a must for me. Like your attitude!1 point
So I decided to return to steamworks today, after having quite an internal battle between going back and staying away. Clearly my slutty alter won. So I get there, and I get a free room cause last time was my first time. I get into my room, get ready, and go out on the hunt. I don't know what I'm really looking for yet. It's a friday late afternoon, so it's getting busier and busier. I get to the gloryhole areas and start deep throating a pretty nice dick, but I kept gagging like crazy. I felt so amateur, compared to the guys around me with clearly no gag reflexes. Still, I had some fun until I started feeling a little light headed from the constant choking. The attention's got me in heat though so I needed cock inside me fast. I went back to my room, lubed up, opened my door wide and laid face down. I didn't care at this point. Clearly guys liked what they saw (my practically-gyrating ass) cause I got a few watchers and finally a couple bites. First guy got right to business and slid right in, second guy got into my mouth. Both of their cocks were thick, which made me feel so satisfied at first. They switched every once in a while. Each had their own really intense technique, and my hole was feeling great. The second guy came inside which turned on the first guy who went to town pounding away. Second guy left, I kept the door open hoping for more bites. I was riding the first guys cock. my ass facing the doorway, and in comes another guy. Third guy, I guess I'll call him. I let him inside me, (everyone deserves to sample my ass at least, right?) and he likes it but then I feel bad for first guy who's cock is just rubbing against mine now. Obviously I have to DP, right? I somehow show them what I want, cause they both got the idea. First guy slides in from underneath, and third guy starting pushing and poking until finally he shoves his way in. HOLY FUCK. I can't even describe it, they were both fucking thick and I haven't taken a big dick since June, so I'm practically a virgin.. Well not anymore. I actually physically feel a slight 'rip' (eep) but fuck it I feel great and these guys are loving it. Finally the pressure is too much and both explode inside me. I can feel their cum seep around (and slightly sting the more raw areas of my cunt). Third guy slides out and leaves. First guy stays in for a bit, thanks me and leaves. Now here I am, filled with a few loads of cum. I slightly panic for a second (I always do when I get bred, worries about HIV/etc) but the slut inside me is beaming and I start to rub my hole like a pussy in front of some new guys. I'm still on my bed, door's open, and I get three new guys who all get inside. Guy 4 shoves himself in and starts fucking me like crazy (I can feel my ass pulling in and out from the friction). He isn't too big or small, just VERY hard. Like a rock. He's definitely the moderator in this scenario, as he lets the next guy inside me. Guy 5, a young black dude with a nice cock, he fucks in a much friendlier way. He rubs the area around my hole with his fingers, almost soothing the pain from being double penetrated earlier. All while shoving his thick dick inside me. Next guy's turn, guy 6, pretty sure he came as soon as he fucked me and ran off. Now guy 4 and 5 were left, with a cunt full of 4 loads. I figured I'd DP'd once, what's twice gonna hurt? So I took them both too, this was harder than before cause both were slightly bigger, and guy 4 was pretty intense with fucking me hard. Once both cocks were in, I couldn't handle it and I came all over the place. They still kept fucking me and I started attempting riding them, until guy 5 came first, triggering guy 4's cumshot. Both slid out and were impressed by how much of a slut I was ("like a champ"). My ass is already tightened up like crazy (probably out of self defense from all the damage) Oh man, my ass is SORE. I took 6 cocks, 6 loads, all in like an hour maybe. Not sure what else to say, at this point.1 point
I only trick with infected pigs who are into disease exchange so it's not just implied I want an internal jizzing...I spell it out publicly on basically all my profiles.1 point
And that's when he said, "Joey.. I gained access to more of your online life than what Jake knows about. It's my job to investigate and discover truths. And I know from your tumblr account about some of the other things that you fantasize about. I know about the condom-to-bareback tumblr that you subscribe to, and how you visit it regularly and also search other sites for similar videos. I know that when you pulled the rubber from my pocket that you were disappointed. I know. And I know what you want to do right now. You and I both know. And this is about making your fantasies come true, right? So do it. Do what your heart tells you, Joey." I couldn't believe it. He had seen the flash of disappointment on my face, he knew what I wanted when even I wouldn't have ever admitted it to him. And I knew it was futile to fight it. It was no longer about what my head might have said was right or wrong, it was all about what I needed in that moment. And he was right - I needed his bare dick inside me. I lifted off his cock and reached down. I put fingers on either side of the base of his shaft and found the rolled end of the condom, barely any roll left given his mammoth cock. I gently massaged and started to roll it up as I planted my hole back on his condomed head. I sat my ass all the way down to where the rubber covered, and then pulled back. I rolled it up a bit more, and then sat back down. The condom was only half on now, but I took his whole cock back inside me. I loved the sensation of the rolled bottom slipping past my ring, knowing the bottom half of his cock was bare in my hole. But I needed more. I lifted off him completely and then squeezed his shaft from the bottom, bringing my fist up and tugging at the condom as I went, until my fist was off his cock and I was pulling it free from his head. His beautiful bare penis stood glistening and throbbing. I smiled at him and then laid down next to him on the bed, tugging on his cock and urging him to climb between my legs. I never let go of him, guiding him to where he belonged, his precum-slicked cock head rubbing in my crack. It found my gaping hole and I pulled him into me. One hand on his shaft, the other reaching around to pull on his ass. I needed him deep and he sank in easily after he had opened me so completely before. And then he was in me - his huge 9" bare cock was buried to the hilt in my hole, right there in my bed. I couldn't believe it, and yet it felt as right as could be. It was as if my whole life led to that moment of taking his raw cock deep in my guts. And then he fucked me. Oh, how he fucked me. And the sensations were amazing, even better than when he had been covered. I could tell he was enjoying it, we both knew that bare sex was so much better. I felt that now-familiar need every time he pulled out, that addiction to having his cock inside me. I was begging him to fuck me harder, deeper. I knew he could tell I was lost in a frenzy of emotions and sensations, bringing my every fantasy to life. And that’s when he said, “Joey, I’m making all your dreams come true, aren’t I? I’m giving you the fuck of your life, fulfilling every fantasy you’ve played out online? Tell me you want me to make your fantasies a reality.” “OH FUCK YES! Please, man. You are my dream man. You are fulfilling me in a way Jake never could, and I want it all from you. I love having your bare cock inside me right here in his bed, your dick so much bigger, so much better than his. I need you inside me, deep, in a way I’ve never needed anything before!” “Joey, I know there’s another site you have been visiting more and more lately. I know what’s in your heart right now. And I want to show you something.”1 point
Hey guys... I'm bring a hot slutty twink boy to Ft. Lauderdale in September. I'll be whoring him out to any and all tops. Looking for a sleazy hotel to do it at. Need a place with easy access, no security, etc. Is the Best Western on N. Federal near Wilton Manors good for a gangbang (used to be Oakland Park Inn) ? Thanks for your help guys!1 point
Holy shit yes. The intensity of that first pop followed by the surge as it all slithers in is amazing. Personally I find bigger cocks easier as you can actually get some motion going instead of just a head poking about just inside. For what its worth here is my list of suggestions. 1. Clean out a lot, wait a few hours then do it again. 2. Wear a plug for at least two hours before the session, a medium one at most so you retain tightness but also allow access. 3. A lot of lube and get it deep. In fact if you think you have put on enough you are wrong so use some more. 4. relax and go with you flow as the only thing that will stop this from working is tension on your part. Good luck1 point
Ginger was kneeling on the bed fingering his hole as Duke got his slam ready for him, I had to grin “fuck this boy is eager to be a whore”, the kid pulled on his dick licking his lips “yeah I am, always fantasised about it”, Duke grabbed the boys arm and tied the tourniquet around it “don’t you worry boy after this no more fantasies”, the kid took a deep breathe as the needle stuck into him. Ginger collapsed onto the bed coughing a series of dry hacking coughs as the slam rode through his body, the coughing subsidised the kids eyes widened and he sighed running his hands over his cute little muscle bod. Duke climbed onto the bed grabbing Ryan’s ankles spreading the lads legs wide and aiming his ebony cock at the kids little pucker “yeah chicky you want me to fuck your little white boy arse don’t ya?”, ginger groaned licking his lips while his eyes were glued to Dukes big black cock pulling his legs back whining “yes fuck me please”, I leaned over the boys body watching as Duke rubbed his cock head over the kids quivering cunt, I swear I could see gingers hole pulse with want and need! Ginger let out a little wail of pleasure as Duke pushed his cock against the boys ring forcing it to spread wide open under the pressure , I just loved watching as my friends big black cock pushed deep into the kids arse with one push and started fucking right away. Ryan started making little cooing noises and holding onto Dukes big strong arms as his hole got reamed out deeper that it probably had before and definitely much wider by the way his pink pussy lips began to turn red. Duke grunted a deep rough sigh as he ground his hips in an exaggerated way making sure his cock defiled previously uncharted areas of gingers cunt “oh yeah chicky that’s right you use your cunt muscles to milk my dick”, before pulling out a bit and slamming back in fucking the kid good and hard accompanied my the squelching sounds of the boys arse juices that were flowing freely. I clicked off a few pictures texting them to Carlo’s when Duke pulled his cock out of the boys cunt, showing it shiny and dripping with clear mucus after the slut had anal orgasmed yet again, plus a few of the kids leaking gaping pussy hole as Duke pushed his dick back up it. Duke was literally grinding his cock into Ryan so hard now that that even I thought he would split the boy in two and ginger was loving it, his hands where holding onto Dukes back as he got ploughed, Duke growled spitting into the kids open mouth “oh yeah chicky here is comes, take this dirty load you fucking slut!” hmmmm so i have a question for my next part, its a choice ----- a trip into a whorehouse or a trip in daddy's control???????????????? he first 5 have it1 point
I led my kid to the bedroom and kissed him “I have to go help Duke, you did good today boy”, Bobby looked at me smiling broadly “I did Daddy?”, I grinned “oh course you did son, you got Ryan here for Duke”, even though the boy was smiling he looked a bit sheepish “yes I did Daddy”, I laughed as I gave bobby some juice to drink “yes you did little lad you brought your friend to be a good boy just like you”, the chems in the juice worked quickly and he literally went out like a light. I tucked my boy into bed knowing I could leave him to sleep as I stripped and went to join Duke. As I walked across to Dukes room I could hear a series of loud thwacks and muffled whimpers, upon entering the room I was greeted with the sight of Ryan on the bed, ball gagged, hands cuffed behind his knees and his arse raised high as Duke was spanking his big butt bright red, Duke paused when he saw me enter the room, dipped his finger into the pot of tina laced lube and fingered it roughly into the boys hole “oh yes chicky you love it”, I looked at the kids face, tears and snot smeared all over it but his eyes did say it all, he loved it. “giving him more already eh?”, Duke grinned wildly “yeah only a little so far, chicky said he wanted to try it”, I laughed “nice!” as I grabbed the kids hair pulling his face up and slapped my cock on it adding my precum to the mess already there “so the boy’s an eager whore?”, Duke removed his fingers from the kids hole showing me the mucus dripping off them “fuck yeah he anal orgasmed as soon as I shoved my finger in his cunt!”, I grunted as I pushed my finger into the ginger boys eager twat enjoying the tight but sloppy wet hole, I exhaled “beautiful he’ll be loving dick in him then”. Duke climbed off the bed and opened his goody bag “yeah and he will be getting plenty, once Carlos gets him”, I raised my eyebrows “so the kids going to be a whore?”, as Duke prepared the slam’s he laughed “yeah the boy wants it”, now that did take me by surprise and I pulled the gag out of gingers mouth “that right boy? You wanna be a whore?” the kid blinked as spit dribbled out of the corner of his mouth “fuck yeah Sir!” A few minutes later Duke and I stood enjoying the rush of our slams as ginger knelt on the floors doing his best to suck both of us, Duke sighed “fuck the kid is definitely a cockhound!” I grinned laughing "yeah and he ain't been slammed yet!"1 point
Duke was padding round the apartment looking at himself in the mirrors at every opportunity making me laugh “hey chill out you look good!”, Duke flexed his pecs raising his eyebrows in a quite sinister way “you think he’ll like me?”, I had to smirk “like he has a choice”, Duke broke out into a wide grin “true, hey time to go” My boy walked into the living room and I had to smile as I rubbed my crotch my boy was looking hot as fuck especially with the Mohawk haircut I had given him earlier, not that he had been too keen on it at the time, in fact I’d had to show him what happens when a boy fucks off his Dad and you could see from the way he was walking that the good hiding I’d given had been effective. The kid shuffled his feet and bit his lip “I’m really very sorry Daddy”, I shrugged my shoulders “I know you are boy, but who knows best?” he bowed his head “you do Daddy”, I smile and gave him a kiss on the forehead “that’s right boy, and don’t you forget it”. The kid looked uncomfortable sitting all the way to the airport and to me that was just fine because he has to learn after all. Ryan was indeed as cute as a button, a very short little red haired muscle boy who looked in awe at Dukes bulk as the big black man draped his arm over his shoulder leading him to the van, he looked quizzically at Bobby “who are these guys?”, Duke grinned showing off his gold teeth his voice like rich smooth chocolate “we’re Bobby’s new best friends chicky, and yours too now”. Turns out Ryan was not quite as naïve as Bobby was, though that was not so hard to imagine really and ‘ginger’ was soon chatting eagerly in the back swigging a bottle of beer as Duke flirted with him shamelessly, I heard a giggle “I’ve done it once and always wanted try it again” I looked in the rear view mirror to see Duke lighting the pipe and blowing clouds then holding it out to ginger egging the boy on low and smooth who took it and sucked on it blowing out clouds like a seasoned pro. By the time we got back the apartment Duke had partially ravaged ginger, the boy only had his flip flops and cargo shorts still on his lips a little red from the copious amount of kissing Duke had been doing to the lad, I had to admit his body was very good not as bulky as bobby’s more lean and sculpted. Once in the apartment I grinned as Bobby and Ryan shared the pipe giggling and making out with each other between blowing clouds as Duke and I watched them with sheer lustful gazes. I pulled bobby away, ripping his vest top off before giving him a deep kiss as I undid the kids shorts, they fell to the floor as I twisted Bobby round squeezing and feeling his tits, cock and balls, ginger just whispered “wow” and looked on agog wide eyed with morbid fascination as his friend was molested by a big hairy brute easily old enough to be his dad or even grandfather. Duke moved in on ginger, the new boy hardly flinched as Duke started to rub the lads tented shorts “you like that chicky? Like watching Bobby boy being touched like that?” I watched over Bobby’s shoulder as I continued to feel him up as ginger nodded gasping “fuck yeah”, Duke fed ginger kid the pipe again before pulling the boy up mirroring our positions, Duke put his mouth close to Ryan’s ear as his slipped his hands round gently massaging gingers ample pecs “you want to be felt up like that don’t ya boy?”, redhead gurgled and nodded his eyes never leaving the sight of Bobby loving being felt up by me as Duke slid his hands down Ryan’s naval undid the button on Ryan’s shorts and pushed them down until they slipped and fell to his ankles, I had to grin as Duke grabbed the boys balls squeezing them hard as he stuck his tongue in the nippers ear “bobby is a little bitch fuck boy now chicky and your going to be one too!” Ryan’s eyes widened but he did not react in any other way to that comment except to groan and gasp as Duke slapped him on his bubble butt hard grinning and sneering “follow me boy”, ginger gulped but slowly stepped out of his shorts and followed Duke like a little puppy dog.1 point
I squeezed Bobby’s balls hard enjoying him squirming on my lap trying to retain composure as he chatted to his pal Ryan on the phone “aww c’mon dude, its great here”, he covered the mouthpiece on the phone “he says no cash”, I nodded whispering “we’ll pay, tell him you’ll put it on your credit card”. A few minutes later Bobby was grinning as Ryan readily agreed to be on the plane later that day, he hung up the phone and leaned in to kiss me “he’s coming daddy”, as me and the kid shared a nice long sloppy wet kiss Duke grunted jovially “oh he’ll be cumming chicky and paying for that flight with his arse, just like you!” Carlos is one of the guys that epitomises the stereotypical Spanish Daddy, big gut, hairy, very sweaty with a big bushy handlebar moustache, everything a Spanish daddy should be except he was born in London and had a cockney accent that 15 years living in Spain had not diminished. Carlos was swigging beer out of a bottle and had a cigar hanging from the corner of his mouth as I let him into the apartment; he smirked and grinned as Duke fed Bobby the pipe “just warming the kid up eh?” I laid it out there and then “I want the boys tits, ears and boycock pierced”, Carlos traced his finger up Bobby’s ab’s who shivered under his touch, Carlos chewed on his cigar “gold or silver?”, I looked at Bobby, taking in his deep tan, bright blue eyes and brassy blond hair “gold for sure”, Carlos got his bag “gold’s expensive bro”, I smirked and pushed the kid onto his back on the table, lifting his legs back to show his pink swollen cunt off to Carlos “only the best for my boy”, Carlos rubbed his impressive cock through his shorts “nice, I could pimp him easily?”, I laughed “no no Carlos this boy is mine for always” and picked up the kids phone showing him the picture of sweet little ginger Ryan “once Dukes done with him you can have that” Carlos looked at the picture as my boy slid off the table, got on his knees and undid Carlos’s shorts making the man gasp as my boy started sucking “pity he’s ginger I am over stocked with ginger at the mo”, Duke grabbed the phone off Carlos “well I like ginger and may keep him so lets see what else Ted’s boy has to offer!”, I grinned as my boy started to suck on Carlos’s log of a cock “you sure you don’t wanna sell this one?”, I rubbed my boys head “No he’s mine”. The sun glistened off my boys earrings in the early afternoon sun as he groaned and grunted as Carlos’s big slick cock reamed out his cunt, I pulled on the boys engorged newly pierced nips “your such a good boy making daddy proud”, the kid purred “thank you Daddy”, I kissed my boy toy on the forehead as his phone beeped, I picked it up winking at Duke “seems Ryan has just checked in”, Duke grinned as he slipped his cock into my boys mouth “good, I am eager to chem. and poz his lil white muscle butt!”.1 point
That night Bobby sleep curled up with me spooning him, my arms wrapped protectively round him like a good Daddy should and when I woke up late the next morning I looked down to see his head resting on my chest and those pretty eyes gazing up at me, he grinned “morning”, I stroked his head “morning son you feeling ok?”, he purred at my touch “I’m good Daddy” and buried his face in my chest hair whispering “I want to thank you for what you did”, I smiled down at the boy “for what boy?” he looked up at me his face reddened “for chemming me, seeding me and making me your son, I wanted it you know”, I stroked his face “I know you wanted it and needed it son, you just needed me to bring it out of you”, he grinned up at me “Yes I did Daddy”. I laid on my beck rested up against pillows and inhaled on my cigarette, filthy habit I know but then I’m filthy, I growled as the kid climbed on top of me and slid his cunt down on my rock hard dick “good boy”, Bobby sighed as his cunt took the last few inches of my dick “thank you daddy”, as the boy bounced up and down he was feeling his tits making me ponder “ever thought about getting your tits pierced son?”, he groaned as flexed my cock “oh god no daddy”, I raised my hips to give his pussy as few good pumps “well we will get them pierced”, the lad pinched his nipples “fuck yes Daddy”. “well good morning” Duke grinned as he stepped into the room and climbed onto the bed behind Bobby, “you loving Daddy’s dick in your shute boy?”, the lad made a ‘mmm’ing’ noise as Duke pulled his head to the side and shoved his tongue in the boys mouth, Duke kissed the boy for a few minutes before getting off the bed “coffee?”, I grunted “yeah” as I pumped yet another load into Bobby’s cunt. I sipped my coffee scrolling through my new property’s phone as Bobby knelt on the floor sucking off Duke “I’m going to get the kids nips pierced”, Duke grinned holding the boys hair as he pumped the lads head up and down on his dick, “fuck nice, I can see if Carlos is in town?”, I blew out some smoke “sweet call him” as Duke picked up the phone winking at me “pay or trade?”, I looked at Bobby’s muscle butt bobbing as he sucked “trade”. I paused on a picture on Bobby’s phone and let out a whistle, “who is this boy?”, the kid pulled his mouth away from Dukes dick “that’s Ryan”, I grinned Ryan was a hot very short compact ginger haired muscle boy, “is he a faggot like you son?”, Bobby blushed and nodded, “good call him and tell him to fly over today”, the kid frowned “why?” I burst out laughing, my boy was jealous! “Not for me my little love, he’s for Duke!” the look of relief on Bobby’s face was a pure picture to behold. Duke pulled the boys mouth back onto his cock “your not calling anyone till I’ve spunked your mouth chicky”, the kid went back to sucking as Duke raised his eyebrows quizzically at me, I passed him the phone to Duke and his eyes almost popped out of his head as he grunted and shot his wad into the boys throat “me want!”1 point
I looked down at the boy, his mouth stretched round my fat cock with dribbles of spit and my poz precum oozing at the sides of him mouth, one of his hands feeling his tits and cock the other wrapped round the base of my cock pulling it into his mouth like a possessive child with its favourite toy, shifting my gaze back to Duke I grinned “do it”, Dukes literally whooped with joy, apart from fucking and pozzing boy arse one of his favourite things to do was initiate them into slam sex, as Duke got the point ready I reached down and slid a finger into Bobby’s pussy making the kid moan and writhe. Duke got back onto the bed and pulled Bobby’s hand from his tits stretching his arm out to the side, Bobby groaned prompting Duke soothe him as the rubber tourniquet was wrapped round his arm “shhh boy don’t worry you’ll be able to feel yourself up soon, right after we have blasted you straight into pig boy heaven” Bobby murmured and flinched as the needle went in but I held his mouth on my cock while Duke pressed the plunger, I let go of the boys head as Duke pulled of the tourniquet and Bobby’s eyes bulged my cock falling out of his mouth as his face and body flushed, he wheezed and then his big chest heaved with a series of hacking coughs his whole body spazmed as he went flying into his new favourite place to be. The coughing stopped and the kid laid there for a moment looking up at my his innocent blue eyes bugging out of their sockets in wonder but also almost wild with desire as he started to run his hands over his body letting out cute cooing noise before one of his hands reached up to started feeling our bodies while the other went down past his cock and he started rubbing his hot hole letting out sweet little animalistic growls like a bitch in heat. Duke and I traded winks and I ran my fingers down over the kids chest, over his abs and in between his legs which he dutifully pulled back at the knees giving me easier access to his hole which was puckering and pulsing, I stared right into the boys eyes grinning “I think its time for you to get fucked Bobby don’t you?”, the kid sighed “oh yes please Daddy”, I leaned down deep kissing the boy before pulling up “Daddy Dukes going to go first okay boy?”, the lad nodded making me grin widely “and don’t you worry son, after Daddy Dukes fucked you and cum in your pussy, I’ll fuck you and cum in you too”, the kid groaned as Duke climbed of the bed grabbing the lads legs spreading them wide and started to rub his cock head over the boys sweet little pussy “you ever had cum in your pussy before son?” , the kid actually looked a bit embarrassed whimpering “no”, Duke chuckled at the forlorn look on the boys face, “well don’t worry son, your about to get a lot”. As Duke pressed his cock up against the boys hole smearing it with his poz precum I shivered with excitement and a touch of jealousy as to me there is nothing like a bareback virgin taking his first raw cock, Duke grinned at me and pulled his cock away “as its your birthday coming up Ted, you should go first”, I was a bit stunned I have to say but could not help but grin back at Duke, “if your sure?”, Duke laughed “oh I am sure plus I think the chicky really wants you to be first, look at the way his puppy dog eyes look at you”, I looked down at the kid, his eyes were indeed wide like a puppy dogs so I just had to smile “you really want me to go first son?”, Bobby nodded and his voice crackled “Yes Daddy Ted I want you to go first, please”, I leaned down and kissed the kids forehead “thank you boy, I will love to be your first seeder and then you’ll be my good boy for always”, Bobby literally trilled with pleasure and Duke laughed “looks like you have a new boy in your life Ted, happy birthday!!” As I took my place in between bobby’s legs grabbed them and pushing them back firmly spreading them wide Duke got up onto the bed and tweaked the boys nipple “though Daddy Ted is going first I am going to fuck you afterwards chicky, fill your white pussy with my black man seed”, I grinned at the boy “that’s right son, my boy gets fucked by who I say and no one else understand?”, the boy looked at me with those puppy dog eyes sighing “oh yes Daddy” as he hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled them back showing off his eager little cunt to me. I placed my cockhead up against Bobby’s sweet little hole I knew I wanted to make sure his first seeding and pozzing was as lovely as his tweaked up little mind was going to remember, I rubbed my helmet over his wet little pucker, adding my plentiful precum to Dukes making the boys pussy lips literally glisten in the evening sun. I looked right into the kids eyes as I pushed and they widened and then closed as he emitted a deep sigh of pleasure as my fat cockhead began to force his ring to open to let me in, Duke was watching intensely as my mushroom head audibly popped through the kids little sphincter making the boy groan and Duke whistle “fucking beautiful”, I rested for a moment pulsing my dick to drip deposit some of my toxic precum into the boys innocent fuck canal. Never taking my eyes away from Bobby’s I slowly but determinedly sank the length of my dick into his eager little cunt, his tightness was really a joy to feel wrapped round my fuckstick, until my pubes rested against his smooth arse, I grinned “that’s a good boy, you have all of Daddy’s cock in you now”, the kid just moaned “I love it Daddy, its so big”, Duke laughed “hell yeah now fuck that slut and seed him good and proper”, I rotated my hips and then pulled a little out pushing in a little quicker, suitably training the kids hole how to accept his new daddy’s fuckpole. Bobby whimpered and cooed in pleasure as my withdrawals and re-penetrations became quicker and more forceful, I rested back on my haunches for a moment pulling about halfway out and just flexed my dick in the kids cunt, Duke leaned in to have a look “fuck yeah Ted your reaming that chickys pussy out so good!!”. I pushed back in again leaning over him, having to control myself as the kids anal muscles went into overdrive milking my cock inside him as more and more of my dirty precum coated the insides of his little cunt, I fucked harder and harder slamming my dick into him my big full balls slapped against his arse. The boy was crying out in sheer pleasure as he felt my broad hairy chest and pulled my nig nipples, my balls well now simmering with heat and I knew I would not last much longer and the pure thought in my mind that I was going to be the first to seed the kid and keep his holes filled with daddy spunk from many men in the future sent me into over the edge, I fucked like a man possessed but then I stopped and I pulled back so my cockhead was just in the kids cunt relishing the sight the Bobby’s now red puffy boy pussy ring stretched obscenely round my mans cock, I just had to see that hole one last time before I bred it. I slammed back into him, knocking the wind out of the kid and he howled as I resumed pumping my dick in and out of his twat, Duke held the kids head and gobbed straight into the boys mouth “yeah chicky your Daddy’s about to breed you, knock your boy body up good with his spunk!!”, those words sent me over the edge and I grunted and growled as I push my dick as far as it would go into Bobby and fired shot after shot of my poz spunk deep into the kids guts, my orgasm was so intense that I actually felt a searing pain in my head that I had to close my eyes, I heard the boy groan and his hole flex round my cock milking more spunk out of my piss slit, Duke gasped and said “wowey fuck look at that!!” making me open my eyes and look down at my hairy gut and his abs that were covered with the cum the boy had shot without touching his cock, I growled “you fucking beautiful boy” as I leaned down crushing Bobby under me “your mine now”, he just pulled my face to his and just before he shoved his tongue into mine sighed “yes I am Daddy”. Duke laughed “hey you two can make out later I need to screw this chicky now”, I smiled “of course mate” as I pulled my cock out of my boys sweet cunt, Duke flipped the boy onto his belly as I moved to the head of the bed and pulled the kids mouth onto my cock, I loved the way Bobby looked up my adoringly as he licked and sucked the cum and his arse juices off my cock, Duke got onto the bed between the lads spread legs and slapped his arse “raise your butt up chicky” which the kid did without question and Duke grinned “atta boy” as he pumped his dick a few times “your leaking some of your daddy’s seed, lets put it back inside where it belongs”, the kid groaned as Duke rubbed my spunk onto his cock head before he then slid it effortlessly into Bobby’s eager fuckchute.1 point
As I was thinking about the young black boy's cock, James came over. "How are you, babe?" "Good. You?" "I am good. Do you mind staying with Eric for a bit? I have to drop off my friend since he's too fucked to drive." I simply nodded and James was gone. Eric came over and stood over me. I was still laying on the floor looking up to him and all my focus was on his big beautiful black cock. My lips started to part and I started to salivate a little bit. He smiled and gradually lowered his body til his soft cock and balls covered my face. I used my tongue to lick all over and moved his soft cock around til the tip of it was placed in between my lips. Then I inhaled his soft cock and started to suck on it as I swallowed his cock deeper into my throat inch by inch. Soon I felt his cock get hard and started to cut my air supplies. I still held on to his cock as long as I could before lettting it out of my mouth. As his cock grew bigger, it completely covered my vision so as I sucked his cock, all I could see was his cock and his balls. When he took his cock away from me and pulled me up, I begged him to feed me more of his cock. He told me to put clothes on. I was so sad but I obeyed him and put my shorts and t-shirt on. We walked out to his car and started to drive away. My mind was so occupied with the image of magnificent black cock that I didn't realize James was supposed to come back to pick me up. I wanted to suck Eric while driving but he didn't let me. Instead he threw a big black vibrating dildo on my lap and told me to fuck myself with it. I asked for lube and he told me he doesn't have lube and just spat on it. I placed the tip of the dildo on my hole opening and started to move it back and forth . Soon my hole started to leak out some of the cum onto the rubber cock and made it slide in deeper into my hole. I slide it into me deeper inch by inch and turned the vibrator on. When I had the whole thing in me with the vibration, I was in my own sexual heaven. Apparently my body was writhing and I was moaning loud. Eric slapped me lightly to brign me back to reality when we arrived at a bathhouse parking lot. He told me to put my shorts on and I did it without taking the vibrator out. We opened the door to the bathhouse and was greeted by a big black old man. His stomach was so big that it hung over his jeans but his huge cock was even bigger. It was bigger than Eric's and the thought of him inside of me scared me even in my chem sex high. Eric and this old man talked a bit and took me to a small dark room behind the old man. They took out the pipe and smoked. While I was taking my hit, old man pulled out my vibrator and placed plastic syringe and inserted some liquid into my hole. Eric handed me a drink with a pill and I took them without any question. Soon I was in a total chem bliss and welcomed everything they wanted. Eric lifted me up and started to bounce me up and down on his cock as we started to walk around the bathhouse. There were quite few people in the bathhouse and most of them were black men. Eric kept on bouncing me on his cock as people approached us and started to feel my body. Soon I was feeling fingers stretching my hole wider than I felt another cock trying to push its way in along Eric. My hole was too tight to allow the second cock in but I loved feeling the constant pressure on my opening. After a while, I felt the vibrating rubber dildo being pushed into me. It hurt a lot and I tried to move away but Eric and others held me down. Soon I felt my hole feeling soooooo good being impaled by Eric and a vibrating black rubber cock. Then Eric pulled out of me and another cock replaced Eric's. I opened my eyes to see an old black man face staring down at me before Eric came into my view. He told me that he thinks I am ready for my black conversion. I said yes softly inbetween moaning. He said, "louder" over and over til I was shouting, "I am ready for my black conversion. Please fuck me and use me. Breed me. " Many men around me laughed. Eric told me that I am going to take any cock that he tells me to. I said, "yes. Please" When Eric stood up, I looked around and saw only black men with big cocks. I didn't care what they looked like as long they had big hard cock and Eric let them fuck either my face or my hole. I did my best to milk it til I was rewarded. After few hours, the old man from the front counter came over to me and started to push inside of me. My hole was still not big enough for him. Eric placed a little white powder under my nose and told me to inhale. It was tranquilizer and I relaxed completely and felt him enter me. My body soon went completely limp and i felt nothing but his cock as it stretched my inner muscle little by little. I felt super connected to him and felt like he was my whole world. After a while, my body rocked hard as the man fucked me hard. All I heard was his grunting and his fat belly and heavy balls slapping my body as he ran into me. He bred my hole and stayed in me to breed again. When he pulled out, I was a complete wreck. I was alone with this man. The man told me to get out since he has to close up. I walked out the door but didn't know where to go. I saw Eric's car in the lot and started to walk towards it. When I got to his car, he told me I have to entertain couple of more people before I can get in the car. He took me to the alley behind the lot and there were two homeless men. They were both black men. As I got on my knees between them, I was pleased to find them hard and big. I started to deep throat it inspite of all the smell. Two homeless men must haven't fucked for a while since they gave me the first cum shot rather quickly. But they had more than one in them to fill me up. They spit roasted me and filled my mouth and hole with their loads over and over. I was a bit grossed out by their looks initially but their big hard cocks and generous cum made me end up thanking them over and over when they were done. Eric took me into the car and dropped me off at my house. As I walked down the hallway, I passed by some black boys from the dorm and felt weak kneed. After tonight.s conversion, I was addicted to black men.1 point
CHAPTER 3 – JACE THE WHORE I love watching Brian plow a neg hole. He likes to get a boy on all fours, back arched—the position of total surrender. He grabs a giant handful of the boy’s musclebutt in each hand. Then, after impaling that poor unsuspecting bitch on his fat poz dick, he pulls back to expose the length of his shaft, throwing the full weight of his body into another deep thrust, his stomach and balls smacking hard against the boy’s wide-open hole. More often than not, a full thrust of Brian’s raw dick produces my favorite sound that humans can make: an involuntary primal grunt, emanating from somewhere deep in the gut, like pain and hunger at the same time. When he’s fucking a negboy, Brian pulls out every few minutes to slather more Tina-laced lube on his dick, leaving that hungry hole empty and gaping and slick with toxic precum while the boy whimpers a little louder and reaches back to spread his hole a little wider. With every dose of chems – with every shard of Tina smeared into that twitching fuckhole—the boy’s hunger keeps building, his fears and shames falling away as he gives in to a desperate, almost delirious craving. He starts mumbling incoherently, bits of pigtalk interspersed with sounds that aren’t quite words, but not quite moans either—the primal ravings of a bitch in heat. Before long, he’ll be making sharp backward hip-thrusts, impaling his chemmed-up jockhole at an increasingly rapid clip—smack, slap, slosh—as the skin on his bubble butt grows red from the pounding. If he’s like most boys, he doesn’t stop to ask questions when I put the Tina bong in front of him. By that point, he’s already tweaking on the chems in his butt, so he doesn’t put up a fight. He just wordlessly wraps his mouth around the glass stem, looking up at me with those pitch-black pupils as the bong chamber turns solid white and he eagerly fills his lungs with smoke. With every cloud billowing out of his mouth, he arches his back a little more sharply to elevate his fuckhole a little further toward the ceiling. There’s no question now: his ass is ours. In less than an hour, we’ve managed to transform a nice, upstanding kid into a helpless faggot with a Tina-fueled hunger for dick. I make sure to teach him the basic skills: how to take a nice deep hit, hold his breath for a few moments, and wrap his mouth around my cock before exhaling a thick cloud down the length of my shaft. (“Good boy,” I always say, which he usually answers with a muffled moan.) And while Brian’s cock keeps plunging its full length into that raw cumhole, I look down on our sweet, naïve, fucked-up negboy with a crooked smile of sadistic pride. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to Jace. * * * After getting dressed, I headed back to the pool party. Jace followed just a few steps behind like some kind of forlorn pup. When we rejoined the group near the pool, I gave Brian a little wink. He walked over to Jace, chatted briefly with him, and led him back inside. They were gone for about five minutes. When they returned, Jace looked a little more flushed than before, and Brian was grinning the cockiest of grins. “I took him to the bathroom,” he whispered in my ear. “Then I worked a nice big shard of T up inside his butt with my dick. Had to keep my hand over his mouth to keep that bitch from sobbing with pure joy.” “You breed him?” “Not yet. Gotta keep his cunt on edge, you know?” “Good thinking, babe. Now it's my turn.” I turned toward Jace, flashing him a crooked grin before walking back into the house. He followed me to the bathroom. I locked the door behind us. Almost by instinct, he simply turned around, pulled down his swimsuit, and leaned over the toilet to expose his hole. I placed my palm over his mouth and shoved my cock inside him in a single rough thrust. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and his hole spasmed in pain, but he nodded encouragement. I began pounding his twitching cunt with my raw dick. “Brian and I are heading back home in 5 minutes,” I whispered in his ear. “Cancel your plans. Be at our door in half an hour. Got that, pig?” He nodded again. “Good. Because I know you’re hungry for seed.” I felt a cold shudder run through his body. Goosebumps formed on his back. And then I pulled out, giving his ass a hard smack. “See you soon, faggot.” * * * Almost exactly 30 minutes later, I found Jace standing anxiously at our front door. He looked directly into my eyes and managed a single word: “Please.” I nodded and gestured him inside. Five minutes later, my dick was back inside his raw fuckhole. Brian placed the glass pipe against Jace’s lips and lit the chamber. “I’ll tell you when to inhale,” he said. “You ever play with Tina?” Jace shook his head no. I grunted in appreciation—as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing hotter than a chempig initiation—and my cock twitched as I delivered a little bump of precum into that boy's newly partied-up butt. Meanwhile, with my cock still lodged deep inside him, I grabbed my phone to call Tristan, our dealer. (I'd been sending him updates throughout the day, so he knew what we'd been up to.) Tristan and I never bothered with formalities. "Please tell me that boy came back," he said when he picked up the phone. "Please tell me you're bringing that hungry hole to me." "Oh, he’s fuckin' ready, dude. In fact, he just blew a giant cloud on Brian's cock. Want him?” "Yes. In fact, I've set aside a very nice reward for you guys. A finder's fee, you might say." “Fuck yeah, bro. We can head that way in a few. He doesn’t have any loads in him yet, so you can be the first.” "Sweet! Get here fast, fucker." And with that, Tristan hung up. I pulled my dick from Jace’s hole, eliciting a truly pathetic whimper. “Don’t you worry, pig,” I said to him. “We’re taking you to meet our friend Tristan. He’s very eager to make a little money off this chemmed-up musclebutt. You ready to be a whore, boy?” “Yes, sir.” “OK, but let's be totally clear about one thing: I didn’t say slut. What did I say?” “You said whore.” “That’s right, boy. I said whore. And by that I mean a literal whore—a trashy fuckin’ pig who eagerly spreads his hole for any dude with a fistful of cash. Got that?” He moaned and reached back to expose his butt, now leaking a steady stream of lube and precum. “That's what I like to see, boy. Now get your fuckin' clothes on.” MORE SOON...1 point
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PART 5 We walked into the sling room, and Grant closed the door. His uncut cock looked to be about 9.5” by 7”, dripping like a broken faucet and sporting a mean hole-wrecker of a P.A. “I’m Sloan,” I said, shaking Grant’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sloan. And who’s the boy?” “He’s my lil’ bro, a slampig-in-training. One week past his 18th birthday, practically a virgin, and all partied up for the first time. He’s your fuckhole for the night, so call him whatever you want. His name’s not important.” Grant growled approval, then turned to Conrad. “Hey, son. Sounds like your big bro's been taking good care of you, huh?” “Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “Yeah, boy? Tell me what your bro’s been doing for you.” “Well, sir—he’s making a man out of me,” said Conrad. “Before this, I’d only fucked around with other boys. Tonight is the first time I’ve surrendered my body, my hole—everything—to the control of a man who wants to mark me, own me, use me. And best of all, I can still feel his thick cumload dripping out of my hole.” “Is that so, boy?” Grant reached around to Conrad’s ass, pulling the boy closer to him. I heard his fingers dip into the warmth and wetness of that slopped-up boyhole. He gave another growl of appreciation. “Admit it, boy: you were looking for somebody to pin you down and fill your hungry little musclebutt with raw dick.” “That’s right, sir,” said Conrad. “My big bro knew what to do. He fed me white smoke from a little glass pipe. He just kept feeding me that smoke, and every time I exhaled a big breath full of clouds, I got hungrier. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that hungry, but that’s what I was—so fucking hungry for my big bro’s dick. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt when his bareback cock shoved into my fuckhole.” “Good boy,” said Grant, his hands slowly kneading the muscles of Conrad’s bubble butt. “And now that you’ve got a thick load of your big bro’s poz cum oozing of out your partied-up hole, are you still hungry?” “Even hungrier. Please give me more. Please poz me, Daddy.” Grant growled, pointing at the sling. “Climb up, boy.” As Conrad walked to the sling, Grant turned to me. “Nice work, son.” “Thanks, Dad.” I opened up my playkit, revealing a row of prepared points. “Would you like to do the honors? I think it’s time we got our boy slammed out of his fuckin’ mind.” “Fuck yeah -- but I've got an idea,” said Grant. “Whenever I slam, I shoot a big load of cum as soon as the tourniquet comes off my arm. Why let that load go to waste? I’ll push my dick up inside our boy’s hole, then slam myself at the same time you’re slamming him. That way, he’ll be riding his very first rush at the exact same moment my cock is shooting thick ropes of unmedicated poz cum deep inside his little fuckhole. Got it?” “Fuck, Dad—that’s fuckin’ perfect. And then what?” “And then I use my seed as lube. You know—fuck my slutty son for awhile, just working that toxic load up inside him, getting him good and pregnant. Watching his sweet little face as he takes my fat poz dick into his slammed-up hole. I usually shoot my second load after 10 or 15 minutes of massaging that first round of cum into a boy’s fuckin’ pussy. I like to leave their insides torn-up and painted thick with my fuckin’ virus by the time I pull out.” “Fuckin’ A, you evil fucker. Let's fuck this boy into the dark side.” With that, we turned toward Conrad. His feet were firmly in the stirrups, his muscular legs spread wide, his 18-year-old boyhole proudly exposed for breeding. Jason was already applying a tourniquet. I took a syringe out of my playkit and handed it to Grant, then grabbed another for Conrad. Jason cocked his head and pointed at the playkit. “How big are those hits, anyway?” “Oh—big enough,” I said with a smirk. Jason flashed an evil grin. “Fuck yeah, dude. You startin’ him with—what? A .35?” “More like a 0.4,” I said. “But before that happens, this particular needle needs to make a little detour.” I immediately found a vein in my forearm, inserted the tip, and pulled back the plunger. A scarlet swirl of my blood began filling the rig. Removing the needle from my arm, I aimed it at Conrad’s bulging veins. “You see this, boy?” I said to him, tapping the side of the needle, its contents now contaminated with red streaks of my toxic blood. “This is how we guarantee that you go home tomorrow with my virus growing inside you. Got it?” Conrad smiled and nodded, holding out his arm eagerly. “Fuck yeah—we’ll be blood brothers,” he said. “Make me your blood brother. Please.” “Of course, bro. I’m so fuckin’ proud to bring you into the brotherhood.” Needle in hand, I leaned over to admire his beautiful veins. I picked one almost at random; his time at the gym had given him a forearm full of perfect admin sites. “See bro—the tip of this needle has my poz DNA all over it,” I said. "Want it?" "Fuck yeah. Please. Stick that poz needle in me." I gave him a quick smile, then gently slid the contaminated point into his arm. “Are you ready to watch my virus invade your fuckin’ bloodstream?” He nodded as if in a trance. I drew back the plunger, and Conrad’s blood rushed into the syringe to mix with mine. I looked behind me to see that Grant, too, had a register, and that his Daddy dick was already firmly lodged in my lil' bro's hole. Turning back to Conrad, I loosened his tourniquet and flashed a wolfish little grin. “You ready, baby boy? You ready for this fat fuckin’ blood-slam?” “Yes. Do it, bro. Please.” “You’re gonna be so goddamn fucked up. I can’t wait, lil’ bro.” With that, Daddy and I looked at each other and nodded. Then we counted down: 3, 2, 1... Push. The contents of the syringe began disappearing into Conrad’s vein, slowly and steadily, while the crimson mixture of our poz and neg blood gradually merged with his bloodstream. I felt his body begin to tense as the first wave of the drug started to hit. And as I pulled the needle out of his vein, his eyes grew wide and his lungs made a scratching noise as he prepared to cough. Grant finished his slam just as Conrad’s coughing fit began. Each cough caused my lil' bro's ass to spasm around Grant's dick, and that took our Daddy over the edge: as he yelled "Fuckin' take my virus" over and over again, his fat cock pulsed repeatedly inside my lil’ bro’s stretched-out cunt, each pulse sending waves of poz cum deep inside my boy's newly slammed-up fuckhole. A moment later, Grant pulled his cock from Conrad’s hungry butt, giving both of us a glimpse of the thick spout of cum erupting from his fat mushroom head. “You wanna get pregnant, son? ‘Cuz I wanna knock your ass up.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. I wanna give your fuckin’ poz sperm a place to grow.” Grant shoved back in. As his raw dick re-entered Conrad's hole, I watched my lil' bro undergo my favorite transformation: No longer struggling to catch his breath, no longer freaked out by the intensity of the slam, his eyes gradually lost their focus, overwhelmed by the pleasure radiating from his fuckhole. His mouth dropped open, and he let out a low, slow moan. As I watched, his body seemed to become an extension of his wrecked and dripping fuckhole—open and hungry and obsessed. “Feel that cum dripping out of your hole?” Grant said to him as he continued to nail Conrad's butt. “I’m filling you up with the fuckin’ sperm that made you, boy.” By that point, Conrad’s hole was leaking a steady stream of cum mixed with streaks of blood from Grant’s assault on his torn-up cunt. “Dad’s drawing blood,” I said, pointing to the evidence of internal damage. Grant let out a cocky little laugh. “Looks like you’re starting to bleed from your wrecked little cunt, boy. Want me to stop?” My lil’ bro shook his head fiercely, his eyes insane with desire. “Please don’t stop tearing me up, Daddy,” he said. “More poz cum, please.” “Good boy,” replied Grant. “Good fuckin’ slampig. You make your Daddy so fuckin’ proud. And you know what’s gonna happen a little later?” “What’s that, Daddy?” “We’re gonna slam you up again, and your hole’s gonna stretch like you wouldn’t believe. That’s right, boy—it’s gonna stretch until it’s a gaping, bloody punch-hole dripping cum and piss and Crisco. You want that?” “I want everything you want to give me, Daddy.” “Good boy. The next slam will reduce you to nothing but a hole. You won’t even know your fuckin’ name, boy. But that’s OK. When your sweet boyhole is stretched around my fuckin’ forearm, nobody will be calling you Conrad. They’ll give you a new name. My favorite name.” “What’s that, Daddy? What’s your favorite name?” “Slampig,” Grant replied, driving his dick deep. “And you know what, Slampig? I’m here to make sure that my son will never shoot a neg load again.” MORE SOON…1 point
So, I found someone at 45th and 10th who can host if you're free after 8pm on Friday (I'll be going until the wee hours of the morning) and want to dump your load in me, email me nyctwink92@gmail.com1 point
Love to piss in a guys ass after I finish fucking him. Like to see how long he can hold it then when he lets loose feel it run down my balls. Sometimes I put a bucket underneath to collect my piss and then I can also feed it back to him again.1 point
I started at 14. Also, i love seeing teens getting fucked by an older man.1 point
I was ready for cock about age 10/11 (but was 12/13 before I sucked an older guy's cock - and prob 13/14 before I got my ass busted open) so for me the age would be about 12. Wish I was 12 again and could hookup with some of the hot dads on here.1 point
I started hooking up in a park by my house with men when I was 13. If I knew about it when I was 11 or 12, I would have started then.1 point
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