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  1. Paul was drunk. And he wanted to get fucked. There was nothing he loved more than raw cum in his ass. He'd only ever done it with boyfriends before, but tonight, single after a recent breakup, his wicked side took over, and he found himself ambling through the streets towards the local sauna. He was stunning looking, a swimmer, and his ridiculous body was accentuated by his spray on t-shirt and jeans. He stumbled into the door of the sauna. unsure of what to do next. A tiny old man behind the counter almost fainted when he saw Paul. Paul returned his stare. "Fif - fifteen dollars," the man finally said. Paul reached into his pocket, brushing his tight t-shirt up slightly as he did. The old man audibly whimpered. Paul looked at him. Covered in lesions, he looked like he should have been dead years ago. Paul hesitated for a moment, asking himself 'Should I be here?' His cock was hardening as he realised the old man was enjoying looking at him so much. 'Yes, yes I should'. He paid, and the old man gave a rather more audible whimper as Paul turned towards the entrance. Paul knew he was rubbing himself as Paul's tight ass swayed into the changing room. It was dank and dark, and the smell of piss and amyl nitrate permeated the air. Paul went to his locker, a little voice in his head telling him to leave. He ignored it, and peeled his tight t-shirt off, his ribs showing as he arched his back to remove the t-shirt. He heard a whimper, and as the shirt came over his head he saw the old man, who was shamelessly jerking off as he watched Paul change. Paul had never been as turned on in his life. He could hear the buzzer to the sauna going off. The old man turned towards the reception, hesitating a moment, but then he heard the click of Paul's belt. He turned back to see that Paul was taking his jeans down, revealing an exceptionally skimpy pair of black briefs which barely covered his ass, and as Paul bent over to pick up his shoes, the old man screamed as he shot a dirty load all over the floor, moaning orgasmic ecstasy. Paul then removed his briefs, wrapped a very skimpy towel around his waist and made his way into the depths of the sauna. The old man, meanwhile, sank against the wall, and simply watched, his mouth open, agog as the twink beauty passed from his view.
    4 points
  2. I had always been a good boy. For 31 years I had avoided all drugs. Never been drunk, never had a cigarette, never touched a drug. That all changed at 31. Due to some very interesting circumstances I tried pot for the first time. This changed everything. All of a sudden I had done my first drug and my first “illegal” drug. After a year of smoking pot (first occasionally and then regularly) I was introduced to something quite different. I had a boyfriend at the time. An older man whom I loved but didn’t do much for me sexually. So on the side, Alex (The Cuban) had always been there. Alex drank, but that was it. He had never done drugs, not even pot. Alex had introduced me to poppers and that was a lot of fun, but that was it. I’d skateboard over to Alex’s place, he’d fuck me for an hour or two and that would be that. The sex was always spectacular. I was 32 at the time, 5’10-11”ish, lightly hairy, muscular/athletic build but not a body builder. I was blessed with some very good genetics. Born in Charleston, SC on the Navel Base, my legs had always been huge. Skateboarding around South Beach for years had given me rock hard legs and brought my butt into alignment with the rest of me. I could easily pass for mid/late-20’s, but never lied about my age. Alex was older. Around 40, but Cuban so he could pass for my age if necessary. At this point we had been fucking for years and it never got old. Alex was smaller in stature, but but had a damn nice cock. Not huge, but definitely big and thick. One night I was at Alex’s doing our normal deal. He had procured me some really great pot and we were sniffing some great poppers like normal. Only this time, when he came, it was something different. His orgasm seemed to last forever and he even jumped up thrusting his cock in the air. He wasn’t shooting cum anymore, that was all deep inside me, but he was clearly still having an orgasm. Once subsided, he said he had something to tell me about. He had been smoking “tina” before I got there and whenever he would leave the room (sex was always marathon like) he was taking hits off of his pipe. I was in awe. I had no curiosity to try it myself, but clearly it had a very sexual effect. Not too long after we started round 2, (I’m usually good for 2 rounds at least, especially if I don’t cum), he said he wanted to try something. He had a small bag with some “dust” in it. He wanted to stick the head of his cock in the bag and fuck the dust into me. He said it wouldn’t have much of an effect since it was only dust. At this point I was stoned and horny. I had already tried pot, one illegal drug, how much different could tina be? I watched as he lubed up his beautiful cuban cock and stuck the bag on the end. He did what he could then cleaned out the bag with his finger, applying what was left to the tip of his cock. Now I trusted Alex… We had been fucking for 3 years at this point and when sex is involved I’m a pretty submissive guy. So without any hesitation he began to sink his fat, cuban, tina laced cock deep in my hole. At first I felt normal. It burned a little but that was it. Within minutes though, the nerve endings in my hole were on fire. All of a sudden my hole was alive. I didn’t care about my cock or anything else. All feeling had been redirected to my beautiful, southern, white boy, corn fed pussy. We fucked and fucked and fucked. Even the showers in between felt incredible. Cleaning out my hole with his shower shot felt amazing. He eventually brought out a different bag with actual clear shards. I ended up with a shard up my hole. Many hours later (who knows), we were still fucking. Thank God he has no problem staying hard on the stuff or cumming. Eventually he had to go to work. I still had not cum and still did not care. I left hungry and very much so awake. I eventually came that night after many hours of jerking off. My nose was sore from the poppers I had inhaled over the past day of fucking and jerking. Finally I was able to sleep. The come down lasted for days and was not pretty, but in the moment and for the many hours of mind-blowing sex (like literally nothing like i had felt before), it was worth it. This happened 3 more times. Haven’t touched the stuff since but I totally would. Don’t care about smoking it. Slamming it intrigues me, but having it fucked into me will always be my favorite. One of the three times I got fisted for the first time ever, but we’ll save those stories for another day.
    4 points
  3. There were eyes all over Paul as he made his way through the dark corridors of the sauna. Hands reached out to touch his tight body, and he gripped to towel for dear life. The sound of fucking screamed through the air, over a dull club anthem playing quietly in the background. He turned a corner, and saw an older man coming towards him. He was thin, worn, and he stopped in his tracks as he saw Paul. Paul could see the man's dick hardening, and he motioned to Paul to follow him. Paul wouldn't have looked at him twice, but it turned him on that the man was getting excited at the sight of him. He followed the man into a small cabin. The man immediately ran his hands over Paul's amazing body, moaning and kissing lightly as he went along. 'Fuck me', Paul said. He turned to face the wall and dropped the towel, putting his ass out slightly, inviting the man. Paul put his head down and began to play with his dick, and he could feel the man moving towards him. The man let out an almighty orgasmic moan, and Paul felt hot loads of cum cover his back and ass cheeks. He turned around as load after load was pumping, now covering his tight stomach. The guy had got too excited and his cock had exploded before he even got near Paul's ass. Paul giggled as the man recovered himself. The man walked over to him, grabbing his face and pushing him against the wall. 'You had a lucky escape boy,' he said, and brushed the twink's body one last time with his hands. He turned to exit the cabin, and it wasn't until that point that Paul had noticed the biohazard tattoo on his back. 'Cool tattoo,' Paul thought. 'I wonder what it is?' He wrapped himself back in his towel, and made his way back into the dark halls of the sauna.
    3 points
  4. Cable Part II The feelings of sucking a cock and him sticking the tip of his finer in my ass were amazing. Like nothing I had ever felt before at all. He stopped playing with my ass for a bit and I looked up to see him sending a text message. He noticed me looking and told me he had sent a message to his bud to make sure he found something for my wife to do to keep her busy for a little bit so we could play more without being interrupted. I smiled around his cock and kept sucking as he went back to playing with my hole. I felt him circling his finger around a little and pushing in more . What a feeling it was. He then backed up the half step it was to the bed, pulling me with him and then sat down on it. He pulled his finger out of me again and I saw him put his fingers to his mouth and got more spit on them. He then proceeded to stick his finger back in my ass and I could tell it felt different and it dawned on me that he now had two fingers in me. The feeling in my ass was getting more and more intense and soon I could feel my hole opening up more and then he had three fingers in me and twirling them around some and spreading my hole more. I was going wild and was sucking like a crazed person on his huge cock and then licking it and down and licking his balls too. He then pulled my head away and stood up and turned us around and pushed me back on the bed on my back as he pulled my shorts down and then off of me. As I lay there I was wondering what he was doing now but did not have long to wait. He then knelt by the bed and pushed my legs up and out as he bent over and started to suck my cock. A few in and outs of his mouth and my cock was rock hard and then he let loose of it and went down and kissed and sucked on my balls for a bit and then he pushed my legs farther back and wider apart. He went down lower and started to rim my ass and was running his tongue in and out of my hole. This had never been done to me before and I almost jumped out of my skin it felt so good. He licked and sucked on my hole for a good 5 minutes and then was also running his fingers in and out of me too opening me up and driving me wild. His tongue was fantastic and his fingers going in and out were hitting something inside of me that I figured had to be my prostrate. Whenever his fingers bumped against it I would jerk with the pleasure and each time his fingers went in they hit it and then I could feel his fingernails scrape a little on the way out which felt amazing and painful at the same time but not overly bad pain. He kept this up for another 5 or so minutes and then he got up off the floor and his mouth started kissing and licking and sucking me up across my balls and then my cock, stopping to suck the entire length of my cock deep into his mouth and almost making me cum. Then he kept on going up across my stomach and across my chest, stopping to go back and forth and suck and lick each of my nipples which again was a different but fantastic feeling. He then kept coming higher until he was right over my face and looking me in the eyes. He asked if he could go ahead and finish what we had started. I was feeling so damn good I just told him to hurry as I needed to get off badly. He smiled and as he looked deep into my eyes, I felt his cock as my ass replacing his fingers. My eyes got big as it dawned on me he had meant by finishing, he was going to fuck my very virgin ass with that huge cock. He saw me getting nervous and whispered to me soothingly to just hold still and he would go slow and easy and soon I would love it and beg for more. I held still as he started to push his cock in me slowly. I could feel my hole opening up little by little as he entered me and then he held still for a bit and told me that the head was all in now. My hole felt so full I didn't think I could take any more but after just a few seconds he started to push it in further and further and then he would stop for a bit and back out a ways and then back in for a few strokes. Then he would push in more and repeat until finally he told me he was all in and I already knew it as I felt his balls bump against my ass. He held still then and as he looked me in the eyes, he leaned down and planted a kiss on me and as I started to return it he drove his tongue into my mouth and as he twirled his tongue around in my mouth he started to pump slowly in and out of my ass. Every stroke of that huge cock rubbed back and forth on my protrate, driving me wild and my own cock got harder than I could ever remember it getting. He started to pick up the pace a little at a time until he was finally pile driving my ass hard and deep and fast. I was reaching down and grabbing his ass and pulling him in on every stroke. The feelings I had were so amazing I couldn't believe I had never even thought of doing this before. If was getting pretty warm in there from this and he leaned back a bit and still ramming my hole he pulled his tshirt up and off and threw it on the floor. He then reached with both hands and grabbed my ankles and raised my feet and legs up as high as possible and over my head so he was really pile driving my ass. I bent my neck forward so I could look between us and could see his cock going in and out of my hole. I looked all over him and noticed he had several tattoos that had been covered by his shirt. I was admiring the art work and then noticed there were two side by side on the lower part of his stomach I could not see very well. I craned my neck around but could not make them out as they were definitely in the shadows. I forgot about them for a bit though as I told him I was about to cum and he said good as he was too. A couple of more big hard thrusts from him and my own cock erupted and being almost over my head I opened my mouth and the cum was landing right in my own mouth. He told me he could feel my ass spasming and with that he leaned back away from me and rammed his cock as far into me as he could and said here it comes. He was cumming and I could feel every pulse of his cock and looked down there between us enjoying every second of it and since he was now leaning back some I could see his tats down there. One appeared to be a scorpion and beside it looked like the biohazard symbol I had just seen in a doctor's office. His other tats had all been in black but these two were both in bright red. As we lay there together after that huge orgasm of us both, I mentioned this to him. He sais he wanted them in red as a warning. I had no idea what he was talking about and said so. He said he thought I would know and said they mean I am positive. I said cool I am a pretty positive person myself. He told me not like that, I mean I am positive, HIV positive. My mouth fell wide open and my eyes must have popped out of my face when he said that but also my cock which was still hard, erupted again. I had no idea what to do now and it was too late anyway. He went on to say he thought I knew and that he had scraped his fingernails in my ass on purpose also to cut me up a little and help it get into by blood quicker. I couldn't even move or speak as he started to wiggle his cock around in me and then pulled out and stood up.
    3 points
  5. I had not had cable TV and my internet was with my home phone company but their rates were skyrocketing out of control. I decided it was time to get cable as TV signal was constantly changing on local channels and hard to pick up with an old antenna and my internet kept coming and going too. Talked it over with my wife and she went with it also, so we called them to come hook us up with everything new, cable tv service, home phone, and internet all from same company. Now for a little back up story. I am as you see married and had really never done any man2man at all. Wife and my sex life had gone out the window, but that is another story, so I was constantly horny as hell. I am in pretty good shape and play basketball regularly with younger guys and keep up and they can't stop me whenever I decide to shoot and workout about 3 other days per week on my own also. The day of the hookup arrived and the company sent out two guys to do it as we had requested 6 rooms to be hooked up for the cable (5 bedrooms and the livingroom), and the two guys were both somewhere between 25 and 30 years old, and I am not really very good at guessing ages. Both guys appeared to be similar at about 6' and around 190 to 200 pounds. Really did not pay a lot of real attention though and it being quite a warm day both also were in shorts and t-shirts. We have two bedrooms in the basement, which is also were all the lines into the house have to go through before going upstairs to main floor and then to second floor also. After getting main floor somewhat ready, one of the guys and I went to basement so I could show him where I wanted the lines to go and the tvs to hookup. One room has a floor support pole in it leaving little room to maneuver where line and tv had to go. We were very close together as he ran the cable and I was getting the TV ready, basically almost against each other. At times as he got the cable ready and I was putting tv in place there were times when my butt would actually bump against him and some time I noticed that he seemed to be getting a hard on. I was a little curious about that and turned around to say something and could see the outline of a definite hardon through his shorts as they tented out in front of him. I kind of gulped as it looked to be quite a bit larger than mine, which is basically avg. sized at about 6 1/2" and before I could turn back away he noticed where I had been looking. I just about had the TV in place and it was plugged in and I turned it on when he kind of moved forward a little and I felt that big cock up against my ass again. Like I said, I had never done and M2M before but for some reason it seemed to feel good to me and I was a little turned on by it. I didn't move when he pressed against me so it must have given him the signal it was ok as he kind of rubbed his cock against me more and moved so it was pressed into the crack of my ass for sure. I was surprised how much I was turned on by this and just stood there letting him rub against me. With no sex from wife I was horny as hell anyway but had not thought of another guy before. He got bolder and pushed against me harder and then reached around me and grabbed my cock too. I gasped at the feeling of that. He then finally spoke and asked if I fooled around on my wife or not. I told him I never had and had not ever done anything with a guy for sure. He said it sure feels like you like it though and I told him I was horny as hell is probably the reason as wife and I had not done anything in about two or three years now. He turned me around and stepped back a little and then dropped his shorts. He was commando and out popped his huge cock. It had to be about 9" and as big around as a beer can. WOW I had never seen one that big except in a porn movie. I was mesmerized by it and involuntarily almost reached out and took ahold of it. As my hand wrapped around it I took a big breath and held it. It was like nothing before at all. He asked me, since I had never done anything with a guy before, if I wanted to suck him a little to see what it was like. I was a little hesitant, thinking of my wife right upstairs, but the size and feel of that cock was just too much, and throwing caution to the wind, I bent over and got closer and just stared and then took the head of it in my mouth and licked it and sucked. Being my first time I wasn't sure exactly how to do anything else. But after a very short time started to move my mouth farther onto his cock until it was into my throat and there was still more of it to go. I then let it slide out as I moved my head back away and then in again and repeated. It must have been ok as he was moaning some quickly and grabbed my head to help guide me as he fucked my mouth. I was actually enjoying it and could taste what had to be his precum and the taste was nice to me too. As I continued to suck on him, he reached back of me and started to slide his hand into the back of my shorts and then ran his fingers up and down the crack of my ass and stopping each time to kind of tickle my hole some. With the sucking the feelings were fantastic and I was getting hard as a rock from the stimulation. Pretty soon he pushed my shorts down off of my ass and then as I looked up he put his fingers in his mouth and got them wet and then back to my ass and ran his wet fingers around my hole getting it wet with his spit. He went back and forth to his mouth about 5 or 6 times and then as my hole got wetter I felt a finger slip in a little which made me jump, but it felt pretty darn good. This was way more than I had ever thought about. WOW What a feeling.
    2 points
  6. Live here in houston in montrose. Looking for guys that are both bareback curious and known cum dumps. Neg top here, If we have to break you in slowly I'm cool with that. I just want to make sure that everyone experiences the joy that is BAREBACK. No one should be deprived of the feeling or be scared of getting "pozzed". Live in the moment and enjoy sex. There is no better feeling then submitting your hole to a top and giving yourself to him for HIS pleasure. If you are worried about HIV then there is always PrEP. Don't let your fears control the fun that you have now. Whether you are 18 or 60... Live life to the fullest. If my post speaks to you and you are in the HOUSTON area then hit me up cuz I'd love to pump some cum in you.
    2 points
  7. Cable part IV Well, now the cable is installed and wife off to work and I am sitting here with two poz loads of cum in my ass and wondering what the hell had I done and why. Had never even thought about doing anything with a guy and now had let both of the cable guys fuck me. I had even sucked both their cocks and gave absolutely no protest when they did me at all. Then finding out that the first one was HIV positive and was freaked out by it and then still let his bud come do me and he was poz also. Now what the hell to do. Can feel my ass and the back of my pants are damp with their cum that has leaked out of me and saw what appeared to be blood mixed with it. Freaking out some and yet my cock is telling me how nice it liked it and my ass loved the way it was filled and pounded. I get up and take my pants off and can see they are wet from the leaking cum. Man, they must have both cum a ton in me and as I look closer I can see a trace of red in my pants too. I take them to the bathroom and rinse them off, Can't have blood drying there, be damn hard to explain that one. LOL I get a towel and go sit down on the couch again to watch my new cable. Place the towel under my ass and turn on the tv. Can't concentrate on anything on there. I start to finger my hole some while just leaning back, My ass is still tingling terribly from its use of earlier. I can feel the cum still trying to leak out and soon have my finger buried as far up me as I can and find it is not enough. I pull it out and takes only a short time and I have three fingers in me as deep as I can and just wiggling them around. My cock gets hard again. Damn, cum three times in about an hour and now only about an hour more later and it is rising hard as a rock again. As I keep playing with my ass I use my other hand to stroke my cock which is now like an iron bar as I think back on what those two cable guys had done to me. My fingers are hitting my prostrate and driving me wild and it only takes a few minutes and I am cumming again. The idea of those two big cocks ramming my ass and my fingers now twisting and turning in me and I blow another big load all over my stomach clear onto my chest. WOW Damn I am so horned up and hot for more it seems. Been about 24 hours almost now. Barely slept last night as my ass would not let me sleep with the tingling all the time since I had let two cable guys I had never known before fuck me and fill me with their poz cum. WOW, damn hot time and something I never would have thought about before then either. Still cannot believe I did that and have been looking up HIV on my computer to see what it is like or what to do. My search results tell me I can get PEP and probably not catch HIV. Now, can I afford it or even want it or what to do. I guess I have a couple of days at most to decide. Even now after a day is gone all I can think about is how great those cocks felt pounding away in my hole. Never thought about gay play before but now I have decision to make about a couple of things. Do I go get the PEP and hope it does work and stops the infection or let it go and if I do take it do I want more cock in me. Felt so amazing that now I am wondering, since my wife no longer lets me have sex, if I should go ahead and do some more gay sex or not. My mind is racing and not really sure what to do right now. Got to quit touching my ass with my own hand and maybe I could think straight and know what to do.
    2 points
  8. when I used to live in the book stores, I can't tell you how many unattractive guys I got. they would walk in the booth and the picky queens would turn their noses up at them. I'd go in the booth next to them and see a 9 incher and before I knew it, I was bent up against the hole getting filled full of cum. always loved seeing the disgusted looks on those bitches faces when I came out. they were like "how could you, he was so ugly" but with cum oozing down my leg, I was in pig heaven
    2 points
  9. This is a true story of my favorite fuck. It started over twenty years ago before the internet for hook ups. I was on a phone line and started chatting with a top who asked me if I was into watersports. I was 20 he was 40ish. I hadn't done watersports but I was hot for this guy so I tried it. About 30 minuets later he was at my door. MD was about 5'10 very attractive with a dominant approach. He put me on my knees on my bed, stood over me, put his cock in my mouth and said, 'drink or the piss is all over your bed.' He let go full flow and I drank it down as fast as I could not missing much. I surprised him and me. He smiled and that was all I needed for approval, I was his. He stayed for hours, late into the night. I was surprised how long I was able to go and never lose interest. He kept me on his cock at all time. I nursed on it, hard or soft. His cock became everything to me, it was true worship. When I did a good job MD would kiss me. His kiss is no ordinary kiss, it is the kiss of an alpha, a man of confidence. First is always spit, then he forces his tongue into my mouth fucking it, raping it. I'm not allowed to put my tongue in his mouth, he won't have it. I tried once and he bit it hard, drawing blood. When he felt pleasure he was very vocal. I asked him to be more quiet because my neighbors can hear everything . . he just smiled and told me to get on his cock. The next day, my neighbor complained about the noise, I was humiliated. After this first night I was hooked on MD. He was all I wanted. As the years went on I'd see him whenever I could, cheating on boyfriends and traveling by train or bus to his home. I asked him if he drank or did drugs and he said no and said he was neg. I wasn't interested in chems then, they weren't for me. I was so hungry for his piss and cum. I felt it make me healthier, stronger. It wasn't until years later I realized I could go for such long session because MD was feeding chem piss. I was getting high and didn't even know it! I worshiped him many times over the years. My favorite place was sitting in a pool of cold piss in front of his toilet nursing his cock, getting skull fucked, drinking gallons of piss (chem piss), being drenched and wearing his scent. Everything about him made me feel weak, he was strong and took what he wanted. It was strange, I felt lust and love for MD. He taught me much when I was younger. How to drink heavy piss, rim for hours (I love kissing his hole), take spit and clean his nose with my tongue. He gave me many STI's which I ended up passing to boyfriends. When I look back, I think he enjoyed infecting me with his bugs. For a long time, there was this sore on the bottom of the head of his cock. It hid in the fold. I wanted to service so bad, I always over looked it. He gave me syph, gono, Hep A . . all of which I unknowingly passed on. We didn't fuck often. Looking back, I wish we fucked more. His cock is perfect for fucking. The head is smaller than the shaft. When fucking he can enter easily with his head, then make his sub feel his power as he shoves the huge girth of his shaft into his pig. I know he likes his subs to feel pain from his cock. He makes them suffer for the privilege. He also did this one thing with his foot that I know understand better. While his cock is worshiped, he pushes his big toe into your hole letting his nail scratch it up. As the years went on, MD brought out the chems and introduced them to me. He fucked me and my boyfriend up a couple times on T . . . made us fly and service Him for hours. It's been years since I've seen him. I still beat off a couple times a week thinking about him. Looking back, I can see he is a master stealth chemmer/breeder. There were two things I never got to do with him that I often fantasize about. I wish I could have serviced his cock while he took a dump and then wiped his beautiful hole for him. Not being into scat, I wish I could have been pushed there by him. He also never hurt my hole with that cock. I wish I could be under him looking him in the eyes while he enters my hole too fast. His smile would be payment enough for the pain.
    1 point
  10. Cody’s Weekend at Home Although Cody was only a junior in high school, he was already 18. His father held him back from starting school so that he would be a year ahead of kids his age. His father was an all-star high school wrestler who was a state finalist all 3 years he wrestled varsity. He knew that if Colt started a year later he’d have a good chance to be a four time state finalist and maybe state champion. Cody stood 5’8” and normally weighed 135 to 140 pounds but was able to cut his weight down to wrestle in the 126 pound weight class against kids who would probably be younger and less experienced. He had a good muscular build from years of weight training and good nutrition. His father’s genetics didn’t hurt. Cody started wrestling the age of 7. He found that he liked the body contact he had with other guys and soon found that he was stimulated by this contact. He would throw wood easily and soon found himself jerking off to wrestling videos. When he got to high school he figured he was gay and kept pretty much to himself occasionally dating a pretty girl. His senior year he noticed that the student trainer assigned to work with the wrestling team was watching guys shower. Cody bust the kid when he was watching him shower and exploited this to his advantage. It didn’t take much to get the kid to suck each other’s cocks. Cody always took his time in the shower and made sure he was the last one there with the student trainer so that they could mutually suck each other off. Cody wanted to do more but the student trainer was reluctant to try. When his parents had to go cross country for a wedding as the state tournament was approaching they decided to let Cody stay home alone. The team had their last match before the tournament on a Thursday night giving the team 2 weeks to prepare for the opening round. Cody’s parents left that Friday morning and Cody figured he’d check a few things out in the city that night. At the end of practice on Friday the coach gave them the weekend off. There were a couple places in town where he might meet someone to play around with and he soon found himself outside one of the local gay bar. He sat on the hood of his car watching guys as they went inside. Paul was walking down the street. Cody noticed Paul when he was a block away from the bar. Paul was over 6’ tall (coming in at 6’2”) with a lean muscular build (around 180 pounds). Cody guessed him to be in his mid 20’s as he kept his eyes on this stud as he came down the street. When Paul got closer he noticed the young stud looking him over and instead of heading inside the bar he walked up to the kid sitting on his car. Paul looked the kid over and asked, “Are you going inside or are you just going to sit there and look pretty?” Cody answered, “I’d love to go inside but I’m only 18. Is there any place we could go and have some fun?” Paul could tell that Cody was looking for some fun and made a suggestion, “I live close by, we could go there and I’m sure we’ll find something fun to do.” As they began to walk towards Paul’s place they introduced themselves to each other. Paul lived a couple blocks from the bar and soon were at Paul’s building. Cody followed Paul up the stairs and soon they were alone in his apartment. Paul said, “Make yourself at home Cody.” As Paul kicked off his shoes and walked over to the fridge. Cody kicked off his own shoes and soon he was sitting on the couch. Paul called out from the kitchen, “Can I get you anything to drink?” Cody answered that he didn’t drink alcohol since he was still in training.” As Paul returned to the living room he turned on the TV and asked, “What are you in training for?” Paul already had porn playing from his computer that he had hooked up to all his TV’s. While Cody watched the porn on the TV he let Paul know that he wrestled and Paul told Cody that he played baseball when he was in high school and college. Cody could tell Paul was a jock from the way he carried himself. That really turned Cody on and he was sure that Paul was turned on as well from the apparent bulge in his jeans. Paul asked cody, “Hope you like porn.” Cody was transfixed on the porn as he nodded in the affirmative. The porn was all bareback as Paul began to hope he could breed this jock. Cody then noticed a funny looking glass pipe sitting on the coffee table as Paul was rejoining the young jock. He said, “This is a strange looking Marijuana pipe.” Paul laughed and let Cody know, “It’s not a Marijuana pipe it’s a Tina pipe.” Cody had a puzzled look on his face as Paul took the pipe and said, “I’ll show you how to use it if you’d like?” Paul then took out a small baggie and put a couple rocks of Tina in it then lights his torch and held it to the bottom of the bowl. Cody watched in amazement as the bowl filled with smoke just before Paul slowly inhaled the smoke into his lungs. Paul held his breath for a second then blew the smoke out. Cody was intrigued and when Paul asked if he’d like to try it he didn’t hesitate with “Fuck yeah. Is it anything like pot?” Paul responded, “It’s better than pot.” Paul held the torch to the bowl and the smoke began to quickly fill it as he told Cody, “Now slowly inhale and hold your breath till I tell you to let it out.” Cody did as he was told and held his breath. Paul purposefully had Cody hold the Tina in longer than he himself had as he had the pipe ready for another go. He had Cody exhale and then inhale a second breath from the pipe. After the 4th time Cody was starting to fly as Paul wanted him too. Quickly the two began to kiss as they continued to share the pipe and before long Paul was ready to give Cody a shotgun. Cody was familiar with shotgunning a joint. Paul explained in detail how he was going to do a deep drag of the pipe then as Cody inhales the smoke from Paul as he exhales while they share a kiss. Cody was game and soon they exchanged a few shotguns as they passionately kissed. It didn’t take long till they both found themselves only wearing boxer briefs. Paul’s cock was rock hard and dripping. That was probably more due to the Viagra he took shortly after they returned to his apartment then the stud he was with. As the 2 jocks kissed Paul paused to ask Cody, “What do you want to do?” Cody answered, “I’m in your hands Paul.” Paul got an evil grin on his face as he led Cody to the bedroom. On the way he asked, “Are you enjoying the Tina Cody?” Cody answered “Fuck yes, it makes my body tingle.” Once they were in the bedroom he kissed Cody and excused himself. He returned with a 250 cc syringe filed with (what Cody could see) was a clear fluid. Paul let Cody know, “If you enjoyed smoking Tina I think you’ll love slamming her.” Cody had a puzzled look on his face, “Slamming?” Paul explained, “Yes, injecting it directly into your vein. It’s awesome and if you think your body tingles now, just wait.” Cody was a little apprehensive as Paul said, “I’ll do myself first then you, ok?” Cody seemed a little more interested. Paul described in detail what he was doing as he wrapped a piece of rubber around his left bicep, took an alcohol prep and wiped a prominent vein, stuck the needle in and pulled back the plunger to register a flash of blood. Paul added that he’s very good at this since he’s a nurse. Paul then slowly pushed the plunger down about 1/3 the way before he pulled it from his arm and replaced the cap. He then held a cotton ball over where he had just injected himself, put his arm over head and with his teeth pulled the rubber from his arm. Paul let out a couple coughs as Cody could see his cock begin to leak big time. Paul leaned over to Cody and kissed him as he was feeling his rush. When the kiss broke Paul told Cody “It’s now your turn” trying not to give Cody a choice or opportunity to back out. Cody seemed a little nervous but was transfixed as Paul applied the tourniquet, found a good vein he never noticed that Paul was using the needle he just used on himself. Paul hit the vein with expertise he had as a nurse, registered the flash of blood and emptied the rest of the syringe into Cody’s arm. As the needle was withdrawn Paul was sure to let Cody know “You will feel a warmth rush into your chest, you might feel a slight difficulty breathing for a brief second as you cough out hard. Your heart will begin to beat really fast as a ringing might be heard in your ears.” Paul put a cotton ball over the injection site as he put Cody’s arm over his head then pulled the tourniquet off. Cody felt the warmth as was described as he suddenly coughed out hard. He heard the ringing in his ears as his heart began to beat really fast. As the rush washed over his body Paul helped him lay back as he climbed on top of the rushing twink and kissed him deeply. When the kiss broke Paul was sure to ask, “How are you feeling Cody?” Cody responded “OH FUCK, WOW!!! This is FUCKING awesome!” Paul returned to kissing Cody and quickly both jocks lost the last little bit of clothing each were wearing as their boxer briefs ended up on the floor. Paul was rock hard and his cock was still dripping as Cody’s cock was very sensitive but he was very limp. Cody asked, “Why are you so rock hard and I’m so soft?” Paul let Cody know, “That’s how Tina is, some get rock hard and some get very soft.” Quickly Paul maneuvered so that they were in ‘69’ position and quickly Cody was devouring Paul’s cock as Paul licked and sucked Cody’s limp tool. Quickly Paul moved his mouth and began to eat Cody’s hole. Cody had never been rimmed before and quickly asked “What are you doing?” Paul responded, “Haven’t you ever been rimmed before?” Cody quickly admitted, “The only thing I’ve ever done was suck and get sucked.” Paul moved so that he could pay complete attention on eating Cody’s virgin hole as he readied it for his hard cock. He worked to get it nice and sloppy wet as Cody writhed and moaned. He knew that he would be inside this jock bare and breeding him in minutes. As Cody’s began to open up and get nicely lubed he knew it was time. He began to kiss and lick his way up Cody’s body making sure to pay attention to the twink’s very sensitive nipples. As he moved up he was sure to aim his hard cock towards Cody’s hole. Paul knew how to position his cock so that it would slide right inside. Paul was staring deeply into Cody’s eyes as the tip hit home and Paul took Cody’s virginity. Cody moaned out as Paul bottomed his 8” balls deep inside his hole. He stroked Paul’s face as the two kissed and Paul began to slowly fuck away. Cody wrapped his legs around Paul’s slim waist as he felt Paul piston in and out of his hole. Since Paul was still rushing he knew he would cum quickly then be ready to really pound away at Cody. Paul felt his balls begin to boil and knew the strong orgasm would be upon him soon. He took a couple long strokes and grunted as his cock spewed out a huge load of his poison seed. Paul knew between the shared point and the load inside Cody would most likely get the fuck flu within a few weeks. The two kissed as Cody commented, “I know you just came, I felt your cock twitch inside me and I think I felt your load.” Paul kissed Cody again and let him know, “Yes I just filled you with a big load of my cum.” Cody never began to worry, he knew the implications of what had just happened and what it could mean and as he looked into Paul’s eyes he knew the answer to the question he had on his mind as Paul pulled his still hard cock out of his ass. Paul maneuvered Cody into doggy as he mounted the twink from behind. He slid his hard cock inside and began to slowly build up speed to where he was pounding away at Cody’s hole. Cody felt every thrust as his prostate was hit. Paul knew that Cody would learn to be a bottom cum dumb and Paul hoped that Cody would want more Tina. Cody was fucked in every position possible as the two shared another slam. It was mid day on Sunday when Cody finally left for home. He was very satisfied at what he had done that weekend and asked Paul “Can we get together again after the state tournament is over in a few weeks?” Paul answered “Fuck yeah! Would you like to meet some of my friends?” Cody answered “Fuck Yeah!”
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  11. Chris couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t attached to a girl. Even before he knew how to spell ‘girlfriend,’ he had one. At first he attracted them just by being the brash, confident exceptional boy he was, excelling in every sport, activity, hobby, and grade as he went. Once puberty hit, the line of ladies seeking his company grew exponentially, keeping his dance card full all the way through high school and college. Maybe that’s why he never realized there was a need inside him that was aching to be fulfilled, until it was too late. The rain had been pouring for almost a week straight since Chris had moved into his new apartment, in a new city, where he had just started a new job. Having graduated high school at 16, and college at 20, Chris was used to things coming easily to him, but no one seemed impressed or even pleased with him at work. Unnerved by his slow start, he hungered for something to distract and rejuvenate him. On his third night there, he called his current girlfriend who was two hours away in the tiny town where they’d gone to school together. After five minutes on the phone, Chris realized she wouldn’t be driving up to see him anytime soon. Unphased, he assumed he’d have another girlfriend by the end of the week, and decided to work out his frustrations with a different type of physical exertion. He was already lacing up his tennis shoes for a run when the sky opened up and cancelled that idea. The next few nights he spent looking for a female companion in bars and clubs, but amazingly he had no luck. As it turns out, being born handsome and exceptional makes it easy to get girls when you are in a small town, but here in the city, he had no idea how to approach a woman and start a conversation. Without the aid of a classroom he was helpless, not to mention the added disadvantage of working so late each night that anyone worth talking to was either taken or drunk. So there he was, stuck inside on a rainy Saturday night: horny, alone and itching for release of some kind. Getting out the newspaper with half a mind to call one of the women advertizing under the escort section, he happened to turn to a full page ad for a gym. Halted by the spandex clad babe in the photo, he realized as he read that the gym was only a few blocks from his house and extremely reasonably priced, considering they advertized services like personal training, massage therapy, dozens of different classes and a nutritionist. He clipped the coupon from the bottom corner, tossed on some shorts and a tshirt and dashed to his carport. Perhaps it was a stereotype, but Chris expected floor to ceiling windows, bright lights and a giant neon sign to welcome him. Instead he found himself walking in to an unassuming red brick building at 11pm, where a short, trim redhead greeted him. She took his coupon, promised him the first five visits no strings attached and instructed him to veer left to the men’s gym, where one of the male trainers would meet him. A slim tan blond man named Dave led him through the 4 story complex, explaining that unlike other gyms, Stern’s kept the male and female gyms separate, only combining on the top floor where group classes were held. The floor below that had the nutritionist’s area and windowless mirrored work-out areas for each sex, containing equipment like weight machines, treadmills, etc. The main floor housed the offices, private training rooms, locker rooms, and massage rooms, and the basement housed two identical pool areas, divided by sex, each with an Olympic size pool, sauna, steam room, and shower area. Chris was about to question the separation until a man strode past him in the buff and dove into the pool. Dave explained that the workout area was divided to promote working out for yourself, instead of worrying how you looked to some slut. Chris laughed, but asked again about the pool, when Dave explained that there were no suits allowed on the pool level when the gym opened 60 years before, and they’d never changed the rule. Shrugging it off, he thanked Dave and got to his work out, running for almost an hour with only a few other men spread around the large room. He was sweating profusely, going faster and faster, his eyes locked with his reflection in the mirror across from him, until someone walked in front of his machine, and he almost fell off. Hitting the stop button and jumping off, Chris glanced up as he took a swig from a complimentary water bottle and almost spit it back up. The man who’d broken his stride was the most beautiful specimen Chris had ever seen. He starred, slack-jawed and bug-eyed at the shirtless 6’6”, 230lbs, raven haired, blue eyed ripped god who had taken up a spot at the weight bench and was pressing some ridiculous amount. “Spot me, bro.” The man, who Chris would come to know as Jake, commanded. Usually Chris would have begged off, being more of a cardio guy with no weight training to speak of, but Jake’s tone made him step over and take the spotting position. He stood there spotting him for two sets of 25, when Jake hopped up and began removing weights, telling Chris to take his place. He laid down before remembering to protest, and tried to grunt out his lack of interest in weights between lifts. “You need this man,” Jake said, scooting close enough over Chris’ head that his shorts hung open directly over Chris’ face. Chris shut up and tried not to get caught sneaking glances at the firm thighs and enticing shadows up the shorts’ legs. “Guy like you probably got along fine in school, handsome and fit, but now you’re in the real world and it’s time you work out like a real man.” After Chris could do no more reps, Jake pulled him to standing with one hand and introduced himself as one of the private trainers that the gym employed. Jake explained that new members got three free training sessions, and he expected Chris to use them. Arriving in the lockerroom, Jake tugged off his shorts leaving him in an extremely-snug pair of white briefs, outlining his hefty bulge and perfectly spherical ass. Taking Chris’ hand, he placed it on his lower abs and told him to feel the definition where they met his groin muscles, as well as on his pecs, huge biceps and the back of his warm, fuzzy thighs. Wrapping himself in a towel, Jake stripped the briefs from under it without revealing anything else, and then made Chris promise to come back the next night for legs. Nodding, he watched as Jake strode off into the staircase for the showers, before regaining his senses, pulling on his coat, and leaving. That night as he showered, Chris replayed the images of Jake in his mind, and found that he was excited by the idea of working out with him again. His dick jumped when he remembered the view up Jake’s shorts, but he dismissed it as a side effect of needing pussy and seeing that much exposed skin. Chris returned the next night, and the next, and the next and was quickly the gym’s best customer. Jake made him a great deal on a weekly training fee, and the two of them were quickly transforming Chris from an attractive slim wasp-type, into a buffed, taught, machine of a man. Chris became obsessed with making Jake proud of his work, and started imagining Jake more and more in his fantasies. At first he was just taking part in whatever imaginary threesome Chris concocted to get his rocks off, but after awhile Jake was becoming the star. Still, Chris convinced himself that he was only picturing Jake because he symbolized the ideal that Chris was striving to become. Before either of them knew it, 6 months had passed and Jake was Chris’ best friend, well only friend, in town. One night as they stripped down to shower, carefully concealing their full nudity from one another, Jake asked Chris when he last got laid, and couldn’t believe it was really 6 months. “Come early tomorrow,” Jake said before they split to head to separate shower stalls. “Then we’ll go out after and find some pussy. Time to test out your new body on some unsuspecting skanks.” Music rocked Chris’ chest as he tried to hear what the gorgeous brunette was saying, shouting from the stool next to his. He tried to care, but he could tell she was hot for his dick, the way she caressed his arms and stroked his thigh, but he kept getting distracted watching Jake dance with a petite latin girl. As he suspected, it was barely an hour later that the four of them had taken a cab back to Jake’s apartment and each couple began getting hot and heavy on opposite ends of the couch. He was so caught up seeing Jake in action and getting his first play in months that he didn’t notice Jake pull out a glass pipe and small white bag full of crystal shards. Both girls jumped at the chance to smoke, but Chris declined, never having tried any drugs, or even hard liquor. “Too bad,” Jake said, blowing a cloud of something he called ‘tina’ as he spoke. “This shit makes me cum like a fire hydrant and fuck like a bull.” The latin girl squealed and shoved her hand into his open fly while they finished the bowl. As the brunette started to unzip Chris’ pants, Jake picked up his date, tossed her over his shoulder and dashed into the bedroom. Disappointed that he was unable to watch his idol demolish the latin chick’s cunt, Chris regained his vigor when he realized he could hear every dirty, nasty thing that was going on just beyond the bedroom door. The two buddies eventually turned it into a fuck-fight, seeing which one could make his girl cum faster, harder and more often. Chris planned to be the victor, having achieved anal first, but lost control when he moved to the floor and caught a glance through the open door of Jake’s face and chest contorted in pleasure as he pounded the bitch doggy style. He whipped his cock out of the brunette’s ass, and shot copious amounts of jizz across her tits and face. Spent, Chris fell back against the coffee table and watched as the brunette hopped up and ran to the bathroom. Once she was finished, she made some dumb excuse and disappeared to find a cab, while Chris slowly found his briefs and used them to wipe down his cock and chest before dragging his ass to the john. Taking his time as he passed the bedroom in hopes of another glance, he almost fell over when the latin girl was slammed up against the wall by the door, both her legs over Jake’s arms as they completed their fuck. Chris stood in the dark hall, his dick hardening again, wishing he could see Jake’s cock, but afraid to venture further out from his hiding spot. As Jake laid the girl on the bed and grunted his final grunt, Chris slipped into the bathroom and began washing up in the sink. Still hardening, he took a moment to admire the v-shape that was forming from his abs to his dick, and the way his arms and pecs stood out and shone in the dim bathroom light. He flexed and stroked his dick just in time for Jake to burst in behind him and push past him to the toilet. They laughed at Chris’ display, and Jake began commenting on how proud he was of Chris’ progress while Chris went into a fog where all he could see was Jake’s dick. Semi-hard and covered in cum and pussy juices, Jake drew a finger from the dick head out to the toilet bowl, leading a heavy beady string of cum. After a moment, Jake’s piss began to flow, and Chris realized he was fully hard again. All he wanted to do at that moment was reach out and take Jake’s cock in his hand. He had no idea what he would do with i, all he knew is the world would be perfect if he could feel Jake’s cock. He snapped out of his haze as the latin girl came in with them and took a hold of Chris’ hard-on, asking for seconds. He lifted her up onto the counter and fucked her right there while Jake watched and cheered them on. Chris was ready to cum in minutes once Jake began to stroke his dick again. He came deep in her pussy, adding his load to Jake’s, before the trainer lifted her off Chris’ cock and took her back into the bedroom for sloppy thirds. Looking down, Chris realized his cock was covered in both his load and his buddy, and he couldn’t resist wiping off a few drops and tasting them before he got dressed and snuck out the door. Chris gave up trying to explain his feelings for his friend after that, giving in each weeknight to fantasies of jerking off together, showering together, even letting Jake cum in his mouth. On the weekends they’d find more girls and repeat the fun with new victims, sometimes only finding one girl and having to share. Still too afraid of what Jake might do if he realized Chris’ attraction, Chris was always careful to take turns on the girls. One night as a perky blonde co-ed was giving them both head on the couch, Dave from the gym walked in with a teenage jock type guy, sat down and loaded some tina in a bowl. Chris was weirded out at first, until Jake explained that Dave was his roommate and they saw each other fucking around on a regular basis. Chris was even more shocked when the teen dropped to his knees and began sucking Dave off. Jake could see Chris’ shock and, before the girl noticed, he dragged them both to the bedroom to fuck. A few weeks later, they had just gotten back from the club with tall modelesque girl, when Dave entered, this time accompanied by a skater type guy with piercings in his nose, brow, ear and nipples (which he proudly showed while Dave loaded a bowl). Chris declined the pipe as usual, but the girl was on a mission to get him to try it, telling him he could only fuck her tight pussy if he took at least one hit off the pipe. Chris said no again, his hard cock begging him to give in. “Stop being a little bitch and smoke this,” Jake ordered him before handing Chris the pipe, and lighting it. Chris began inhaling as the smoke filled the cylinder, just as he had heard Dave and Jake explain to girls and guys they’d initiated previously. At first he felt nothing, but with the exhale came a huge cough, and a buzzing feeling shooting up his spine and into his brain. He should have stopped at one hit, but the model kept shotgunning hits with him and encouraging him to take more and more. Soon there was an all out smoke/fuck fest in the middle of the living room. Chris was pounding the model’s pussy while Jake shoved his cock deep into her throat, which was quite a feat, since he is at least 9 inches long and tends to get wider the longer he fucks. Dave had the skater on the floor with his legs over his head and was breeding his ass with a nice thick 8 inch uncut cock. Chris found himself wondering how the tight hole took so much cock and somehow still made the boy beg for it like he did. Many years before, one of Chris’ girlfriends had shoved her finger in his ass while they fucked. After the initial jumping and hollering, Chris found he enjoyed it, so much so that he was now in the habit of fingering his hole when he jerked off. The combo of the high and the site in front of him had Chris so horned up that when he and Jake switched ends, he asked the model to finger his hole. Eyes closed, he heard a bottle of lube pop open and a long, kinda thick finger slide two knuckles deep into his tight ass. Moaning, he began to pump harder in her throat, which made Jake pump back from the other end. Simultaniously, they pulled out of their respective ends, and began covering her in cum. Neither one shot far enough to hit the other, but Chris made sure to lick up some of Jake’s load while kissing the model before she ran to the shower. Mysteriously, even with the model in another room, Chris could still feel a finger slowly pumping his hole, almost making him hard again. Turning, Chris made eye contact with Dave, who pulled his finger out and mouthed “you’re welcome,” so Jake and the Skater bottom would be none the wiser. Joining the model in the shower, Chris was worried when he didn’t get hard as fast as usual, which she explained might be from the tina. Anxious about it, Chris hopped out and went to find Jake or Dave to ask them but stopped just outside the living room where he couldn’t be seen easily, but had a pretty good view of Jake feeding his hardon to the skater boy, while Dave pounded the boy’s ass. Instantly Chris was hard and went back into the bathroom where he fucked the model as rough as he could, focused on the picture of Jake’s dick sliding between his own lips. A few days later, Dave ran into Chris in the locker room and asked him what he thought of the weekend’s festivities. Unsure, Chris tried to play it cool, until Dave told Chris he had seen the way Chris looked at Jake, and was pretty sure Chris would have sucked Jake off if the skater hadn’t done it. Chris tried to deny it, but Dave whipped out his phone, and produced pix of Jake feeding his load to other tricks Dave had brought home. “I’ve yet to see him fuck a guy,” Dave said, handing Chris the phone before leading him into a massage room. “but I know he loves feeding them. Maybe next time I can find a way for you to swallow his spunk.” Chris wasn’t listening. He was engrossed in the photos on Dave’s phone, each of them featuring the two roommates destroying bottoms of all ages and types, Dave in their asses, Jake in their mouths. Dave continued describing dirty scenarios involving Jake, while pulling down Chris’ shorts and jock, and jerking and fingering Chris. Moaning with pleasure, he licked his lips pretending he was the boy taking Jake’s man meat in his mouth. The fantasy was so real he didn’t even notice that Dave had maneuvered three fingers into his hole and was rubbing his own hard cock against Chris smooth ass cheek. Chris could see Jake in his mind, siddling up behind him to show him some proper dumbbell technique, then popping his dick from his shorts and sliding inside Chris’ ass without any of the other gym members knowing. Dave just started to spread Chris’ cheeks and slip his cock into the crack when they both heard Jake call out Chris’ name into the locker room, only feet from where they stood. Adrenaline soared through Chris’ body as he flew back from Dave and tried to pull up his shorts. He couldn’t be sure if Jake saw what was going on when he came in, but there was no way Jake missed Chris’ stiff cock poking out obscenely or the fact that Dave still had his monster dick in plain view. Still, Jake didn’t say anything about it and everything seemed totally normal until they finished and Jake got a text from Dave. “Dave told me what happened,” Jake said quietly, causing Chris’ heart to sink into his abdomen. “He told me he caught you jerking in the massage room. It was pretty ballsy of you to offer to let him watch in exchange for not ratting you out. Good thing he has been hot for your ass since you walked in. Of course now that you’ve had a man show you how to sculpt it, you’d better watch out for more pervs.” Chris laughed nervously and thanked god that Dave covered for him. However, he was so rattled that he didn’t realize they were both naked together for the first time with no one else around. Jake took advantage of the opportunity and had Chris flex his different muscle groups so they could compare. Somehow Chris stayed flaccid for the flex off, even when Jake ran his hand down Chris’ back, over his ass and down between the thighs to show the line of the musculature. Chris asked if he could feel on Jake, just to be sure he understood, then told Jake he was going for a swim, dashed off and blasted his cum load under the water. The next weekend Chris got a text from a number he didn’t know, but he was sure it was Dave when the attachment was a photo of Jake in the shower. Dave invited Chris to come over before he and Jake went out that night, to smoke and hang out, and discuss what had happened the last time. Chris politely declined a few times, worried he might end up getting fucked by Dave, until Dave mentioned that he had a sex tape Jake made before they’d met, and Chris could watch it. Shower, shave and he was out the door to Dave and Jake’s. Chris was greeted by a familiar face but no one he could place, until Dave explained that his guest was a member of the gym and a former MLB player. In no time they’d smoked a few bowls, got the video playing and convinced Chris he could jack off without Dave or Todd (the mlb guy) raping him. Sipping the drink Dave made him, Chris was stroking furiously at the sight of Jake plowing the hell out of some poor teen girl. By the look of Jake and his fuckslut, this must have been 3 or 4 years ago, when Jake was just a high school senior. Little by little the ghb in Chris’ drink took effect, loosening him up so Todd had no problem getting Chris’ dick in his mouth. He could feel his senses dulling, but decided the best way to counter act it was take more hits off the pipe and agree when Dave asked him if he’d like to try taking some fingers in his ass again. Perfectly timed once again, Jake walked in just as Todd was sucking Chris’ dick down to the balls and Dave had three fingers in Chris’ tight hole. “Hey roomie,” Dave said, handing Jake the pipe. “Turns out your buddy here likes getting his hole fingered, especially when he is high.” Jake laughed and took a few hits, before asking Chris if he was okay. Chris nodded yes and reached for Jake’s crotch. Oblivious, Jake handed him the pipe as if that’s what he wanted, before stripping off his own clothes and instructing Todd to suck his cock. Eyes glued to the real Jake, Chris forgot they were watching Jake’s sex tape, until the star of the tape noticed and asked why. “It was a request,” Dave said, standing up and moving down behind Todd’s upturned hole. “Seems as though your little trainee gets off watching you fuck.” Mortified, Chris was too high to deny it and just blushed. Everyone laughed, while Dave pulled Todd off Jake’s cock, and threw his legs back and began wailing on the baseball player’s tan hairy ass. “Course he does!” Jake added. “Just like I think it is hot watching him fuck. He is one hot piece of muscle man now, ain’t he Dave?” “You know I think he is,” Dave grunted between thrusts. “but I think he’d be even hotter with your dick in his mouth. And I KNOW he’s game for it.” Jake’s eyes whipped to Chris, and he knew Dave was telling the truth. No words were spoken as he stepped closer and waved his hard dick only an inch from Chris’ pink lips. Leaving the last bit of distance for Chris to make was all the approval Jake needed, for as soon as Chris leaned in to suck Jake, Jake thrust forward, grabbed a handful of dusty blond hair and began reaming Chris’ throat. If it was anyone else, Chris would have choked and pulled off and never tried it again, but he knew what he was getting with Jake, and it was exactly what he needed. Chris began to jack his own meat and finger his tight hole while he slurped on Jake’s massive member. Less than a minute was all it took for Chris to cum all over himself, and soon after Jake fed him his load. Worried that Jake would think less of him, Chris told Dave he was heading to the gym and ran out while Jake was in the shower. Although Jake’s apartment was only a few blocks from the gym, Chris was too high to drive there, but did anyway, barely making it in one piece. The rain had turned to snow recently and the roads were covered in it, which meant no one was working out on a snowy Saturday night. Inside the locker room, Chris stripped off his clothes and sat on the bench, still covered in cum. He began to freak out about what his only friend might do now that he saw what a faggot bitch Chris was. Still too drunk for a work out, he laid back and closed his eyes, willing this to just be an amazing dream, but knew it wasn’t when he heard the door slam and Jake’s voice call out to him. “What the hell man?” Jake asked, putting his bag and coat in his locker, and starting to undress. “You should know me well enough by now to realize I always have at least two loads to shoot once I start partying, and you gotta take the rest of them now boy.” Chris opened his eyes just in time to see a fully erect Jake straddle the bench, hoist Chris’ legs over his shoulders, squirt some lube on his cock, and slide most of it in on the first stroke. Chris screamed out, but stopped once Jake commanded him to. The first few minutes were excruciating, but after awhile it was less painful and more of a dull ache. All the pain was forgotten once Jake was balls deep. It was like a switch had been thrown, turning a straight muscle boy into a hungry bottom whore, begging and pleading for more dick and cum. When Jake finally decided to grace Chris’ ass with his load, he did it balls deep, sharing both of their first man2man kiss at the same time. Once they were sure the gym was truly empty, they sent the desk worker home and moved up to the gym floor, where Jake added another load to Chris’ ass, this time on the weight bench. Reinforcements arrived soon after, and Chris spent the rest of the night taking loads from Dave, Todd, two other gym members and high school kid who wondered in thinking it was a club and accidentally caught Jake giving Chris a fourth load on the reception desk. Attached: one pic of chris, four pics of Jake
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  12. this saturday im meeting with a new fuckbud who is gonna slam me and himself then fucking use me, wondering what to expect from first time slamming.... posting here cause i will follow up with the story on Sunday N let ya know how it went ; )
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  13. I was 17 when I met Andy in person. We have been chatting online since I was 13 but haven't met in person since he lived in Germany and I lived in NYC. I had tiny studio near my school near Harlem and invited Andy to visit NYC and stay with me to celebrate his high school graduation. Andy was 16 a year younger than me but his face looked younger since he had the most angelic smile with sexy fat pouting lips. As I saw him walk towards me at the airport, I was pleasantly surprised to find that his angelic face came with a tall manly body. We hugged each other as we made introduction. Andy wrapped his arm around my slim waist and held me in his arms longer and tighter tHan I expected and started to kiss me with force in front of everyone. I felt his hard cock pressing on me. I finally managed to break free from him and led him to get a cab back to my place. He smiled the whole time with such an angelic naive look as his lustful body tried to make contact with mine. During the cab ride, he even put his hand in my pants to play with my hole. We have talked about sex and knew he was more of a top and he wasn't shy about his intention of wanting to fuck me as he paid attention to my ass only. When we got in my place I asked him if he wanted to shower after long trip. "I do want to shower nut first I need to piss" He started to get naked as I showed him the bathroom. He walked in and started to let out piss before I got out of his way. Since my tiny studio had a tiny bathroom, I couldn't pass by him so I stood by the sink and waited. " I am sorry but I really had to pee." He told me as he continued to release stream of piss and getting more erect. His cock was quite big and uncut as the rest of his body. And as I stood there watched him pee, I was witnessing little boy Andy that I have been chatting with was more of a man than many older than him. As he saw me staring at his cock, he started to pull down on his balls with one hand and displayed his smooth ball sacs hanging low between his legs. As I didn't want to start with sex so quickly I tried to turn my eyes away from him as he reached one arm towards me to touch me for some reason. We both lost balance fell and his piss sprayed all over our body. His naked body and my clothes. Once he was done pissing, he Saudi sorry and told me we can shower together. As I stripped naked to join him in the shower, I knew I was getting more than a shower as Andy was quick to play with my hole. He soaped my body and started to finger my hole with his soap covered fingers. Then he pushed agains the wall as he pushed into me. I tried to stop him to ask him to put a condom on but the shower water running muted my voice and Andy didn't hear me. I was about to ask him again when his cock finally succeeded and his fat cock head popped right into my hole. I jumped with pain and pleasure. And as he pushed further into me til his cock was massaging my prostate, I forgot everything else and my body focused on his cock and the sensation he was creating in me. Soon he started to pick up his pace and started to get deeper with his pistol king in and out of my hole. He turned the water off but continued fucking me. He lifted me up with his cock still inside of me and carried me out to my bed and laid me down under him on bed. He fucked for a while and when he pulled out, my hole clung to his shaft and made loud "pop" We giggled and he kissed me as I ran my fingers over my hole to do access the condition of my hole after him and found my hole wet with oozing liquid and as I brought my hand up to my face I smelled cum. Andy pushed my hand down playfully and got some cum on my lips. He kissed me and let me taste cum for the first time. And he gave me more tasting as he fed me his cum covered cock. His cock stayed hard both in my mouth and hole and fucked me til we felt so hungry and it was dark outside. Andy asked me if we could order delivery so I did. And he fucked me more while waiting for our food. Andy was staying with me for a month and I wondered if he would continue fucking me like tonight during the whole time or he had extra energy since it was our first night. And also made a mental note to get some magnum condoms for him tomorrow as he rocked me to sleep with his still hard cock inside my hole.
    1 point
  14. Cable part III As the cable guy stood up, I could only lay there wondering what the hell had I just done. Had never done anything with a guy before nor even thought about doing anything and now I had sucked a cock and been fucked and found out the guy was hiv positive on top of that. I was totally dumbfounded and had no idea what to do now. The cable guy meanwhile was getting dressed and then asked if I had liked what we had done. I really didn't know what to answer but told him it had felt pretty good but what should I do now? Do about what is all he wanted to know. Just enjoy and if you like I can send my buddy down and let him show you more if you want. I kind of looked at him like he was crazy but then he layed down beside me again and his hand went to my hole and rubbed it and I about jumped off the bed with the feelings that caused. I couldn't believe my ass still felt tingly and actually my thoughts were it needed more. He said you have my poz load in you now and it sure feels like you want more of that, so why not? I could only lay there and moan in pleasure as he rubbed my hole. I couldn't believe I wanted any more of that but couldn't bring myself to say it. He told me he was going upstairs now but to just stay right there and he would send his bud down now. I could only lay there and squirm as my hole was actually wanting more attention. When he went, I found myself reaching down and touching my hole and then even stuck my own finger in a bit. I kind of stirred it around in the sloppy hole I now had and then brought my finger up and looked at it up close. It was covered in white cum but had a tinge of pink to it. I wondered and put my finger back down and into me again and actually put two in together and then looked again. I had a nice big glob of cum on them now and it definitely had what looked like a bit of red to it. I thought, damn he did scrape me some. Mesmerized by it I found myself bringing my fingers up more and then licking them a little and then just stuck my fingers in my mouth and tasted the cum and cleaned them off. It wasn't bad tasting I thought. I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs but they sounded like a bigger person so was sure they weren't my wife's feet making the noise. The other cable guy entered the room then. He told me he liked what he could see and that his partner had told him I was ready for some more. As he was saying that he was pulling off his shorts and wow, another nice looking big cock flew out. It looked to be as big as the other guys. He saw me staring and told me that yep it was like the other one's and some of their friends called them the twins as they a were almost identical cocks. He moved to the side of the bed and leaned over me and I took his cock in my mouth. The second cock ever and I found I was loving the taste of them. I sucked and then licked the length of it and then licked his balls too and then sucked it again. Must have been doing reasonable anyway as he got really hard quickly and was moaning his pleasure too. After a few minutes of this he pulled out of me and moved to the end of the bed. He reached out and spread my legs and told me that was a great view of cum leaking out of my ass. I told him he better hurry as I was worrying about my wife and he said not to worry as they had her helping run the cables while they hooked up connectors and she would be busy for at least another 20 minutes to a half hour. He then lifted my legs up and dove into my ass with his mouth and had his tongue in my fast. I about jumped through the ceiling if felt so good. He was eating my ass and I was loving every second of it. After a few minutes of that he started working his way up me like his bud had done earlier. First to my balls and then to my cock, sucking the whole thing down his throat. I could hardly believe I was that hard again so soon after cumming twice already. He then moved up and sucked my nipples and then up to my neck and then planted a kiss on me as he rammed what felt like three fingers into my hole. I yelped a little but it was muffled by our mouths together and his tongue driving into mine. As he broke off the kiss, he told me how nice my hole felt on his fingers and that he bet it was going to feel great around his cock too. I asked him if he knew his partner had HIV and he smiled and told me that he definitely knew that. As he replaced his fingers in my hole with his cock he reached up and pulled his tshirt off too. I immediately looked to see if he had any tats and sure enough he had one. It was just above his cock and about 3" around and it was the biohaz one. He made sure I was looking and then immediately started to ram his cock into me. Deep, hard and fast strokes as he leaned down to my mouth again and told me, see I knew about my bud as I am the one that pozzed him and I am too. I couldn't move again for a bit. As my mouth dropped open he clamped his lips to mine and I just let him ravage my mouth with his tongue. His pounding of my ass just seemed to increase in intensity and I could not stop it as if felt too good. My mind was racing though with thoughts of what the hell am I doing conflicting with wanting it to never stop. He started to grab my legs then and lifted them high up and tipped me almost upside down and then really went to pile driving my ass. I could only moan and whimper with the pleasure it was causing in my hole and my cock was rock hard again too. He kept it up for quite some time it seemed and then I felt it again. My cock was spurting again and with the position we were in it was directly above my mouth and I opened wide and swallowed every drop of my own cum. As I was cumming he told me he could feel my ass twitching around his cock and I better get ready. With that he rammed as hard as he could one more time as deep as he could and told me he was cumming. I could actually feel his cock pumping his toxic cum into my torn up hole and my own cock was tingling again but was spent this time. As we calmed down from it he lowered me down and then as his cock got limp and slipped out of me he moved to lay down beside me and took me in his arms. He held me for a bit and told me how great it felt and hoped I had liked it too. He then told me that the two of them were always on the lookout for nice guys like me with neg holes to convert and I would probably. He got up some and looked and told me he could see cum leaking out of my hole some and reached down and pushed it back in telling me it should just stay in there and do its job. He showed me his finger then and I was started as it had some definite red on it. He said there was some bleeding and their bugs were already probably in me and going to town. He then got up and started to get dressed. I couldn't think of anything else to do so I did too. As we both went upstairs then he said that sometimes the cable acted up and if it did to call and they would come back and check it and me out if I wanted. I am thinking it may act up somehow.
    1 point
  15. The skin on skin feeling that condoms can never recreate. Also, just feeling as close to a man that I can feel and knowing that I am truly making a man feel good, as no man really enjoys fucking with a condom on.
    1 point
  16. More of this hot story PLEASE !
    1 point
  17. I agree. If he is in he is in. I sometimes have guys announcing they are about to cum, and I just tell them to flood my hole or similar.
    1 point
  18. I went to flex bathouse last night...It was pretty busy (night before Halloween). I got fucked by 12 guys...not sure haw many loads, bit they are still dripping out of me
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  19. this is hot... that's when you squeeze his cock so it gets tighter... or push back on him.
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  20. The bigest rush for me is when the bare cock is entering my hole and I know I am going to be bred. When topping it is when I unload in his hole, balls deep.
    1 point
  21. My favourite part when getting fucked it that small pause just when the top is about to cum, I can feel him inside me & unsure if he should dump his load inside or pull out, Just those 5 seconds turns me on the most.
    1 point
  22. Was in the bookstore yesterday hooded, so i could not see anything. I had my jock on & got on the fuck bed face down ass up, Took 4 loads in my anon hole, Never saw who did me.
    1 point
  23. sinfuljock has a good point there! just relax and once the first is in more will cum after.
    1 point
  24. Take someone you know with you and have him fuck and load you first. Makes clear you want bare, and since there's already a load up there why not add more? If you're dripping cum no one will ask if you want a condom, and once the dick is in you raw you won't ask for it to suit up.
    1 point
  25. The first few times for me was in bars with darkrooms, and I've had some beers. Funny how you don't care much any longer after a few beers.
    1 point
  26. Chapter III. Tom and Blake led us to the bedroom and laid us down. My boy and I wrapped around each other, fingering POZ seed out of our loose holes. What started as an innocent day trip was about to devolve into a night of toxic debauchery. I fell asleep and dozed for a bit. When I woke up, my boy was, of course, gone. I heard him whimpering as he was getting fucked. One of the twinks from the Ferry had my boy bent over the sofa and was fucking him hard. My boy moaned as this this skinny suntanned guy pounded his hole with what must have been a nine inch dick. Tom was standing beside the twink pushing the twink’s hips back and forth. “Yeah Billy. Fuck him hard. Seed him good like we seeded you.” That sent Billy over the edge and he fired off his load into my boy’s ass. Tom saw me standing there, hard, and had me kneel down. Billy withdrew his cummy cock from my boy’s ass and Tom had me suck it clean. A river of seed was trickling down my boy’s thigh. Tom introduced us to Billy, who was apparently Tom’s nephew. Tom, Blake, and their friends had all been breeding the boy since he turned eighteen, but he had yet to convert. Billy told us that he would be working the party later and lining up cock for us. Billy kissed all three of us and flitted out of the house. Blake walked into the living room with two jockstraps. “Here, cumsluts. Put these on. They are all you’ll be wearing to the party.” We hopped into our jocks as the rest of the housemates filed into the room. They hugged us and told us we would be well taken care of, and we all headed down the boardwalk to the beach. Outside, we passed dozens of hot guys wearing very little, all on their way to the party. Several people commented that they recognized the two chasers from the ads they had seen online. They were talking about us! One really burly guy walked right behind me and my boy for a bit, grabbing our asses and working his fingers into our asses. “I’ve got my eye on you, boys. And I’ll have my dick in you both before the night is out.” He winked and headed on. The party was a blow-out. There must have been three hundred guys crowded into a small area. It was body pressed against sweaty body as far as the eye could see. Blake made sure to separate me from my boy and Tom guided me over to the railing, overlooking the ocean. He pressed against my ass and I could feel him working his drooling cock up and down my crack. “Just going to warm you up for your new friends!” He eased his dick into me and it felt glorious. I was looser than I had ever been and I felt no pain. The cum I already had in me was lube enough to get him going. I arched my back so he could fuck me easier and Tom hammered away. “Don’t want to cum yet, slut. I’ve got to you find your boyfriend.” Tom pulled out of me and disappeared into the crowd. A couple of the guys around had seen Tom fucking me, and moved in closer. A tall muscled guy pulled his shorts down in the front to reveal a stubby thick six inch cut cock, balls and pubes completely shaved. He whirled me around and shoved into me. His meat was so wide that I felt my ass struggle to accommodate him. He leaned his weight against me and rasped into my ear, “You take loads from guys like that, you’ll never get the bug!” I was confused for a moment, and he continued. “You want to convert, you take seed in the Rack.” He continued as he pistoned away, “Most of us pretty boys here are all medicated.” He was breathless as he kept fucking me. “You could take every load here and not become… ONE… OF…. US!!!!” He came in me hard and his dick was replaced by another one. And another. And another. As I took bare dick after bare dick, that guy’s words kept ringing in my ears. I lost track of how many cocks I had taken after ten or so, but I kept at it until my knees went weak under me. Billy appeared every few dicks with a new friend for me. He was there when the last guy pulled out. “Thanks, fellas. Looks like this chaser is all fucked out. His boy is still going strong though. That slut is a real champ!” Several guys waiting their turn with my hole walked away as Billy helped me to lean over a chair and rest a bit. I couldn’t see my boy but I knew someone was balls deep in him. Over the roar of the guys dancing, and the cluster of guys in the middle of the deck fucking him, I could hear my boy, “Yes! Yes! Feed me that big cock! Give me that dirty cum!!!” Billy and I drifted to the edge of the party. I told him what the first guy had said about loads from POZ guys on meds. Billy said he was probably right. He’d only taken loads from Tom and Blake’s friends and they were all really healthy. He said that he had heard about guys in the Meat Rack who really wanted the bug finding what they were looking for. The really sick trolls were not exactly part of the ‘in crowd’ anymore and kept their fucking to the darkness of the woods. I started to hatch an idea. If my boy really wanted to get sick, I knew a way to help him out. Blake and my boy appeared arm in arm. Both were grinning ear to ear, faces and hair sloppy with streaks of cum from countless guys. “Anyone up for a real adventure?” To be continued…
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  27. I never pullout whats the point of that? our Precum is loaded with hiv anyway, and i precum fucking buckets...G> when a guy is asking me to pullout, i dont lie about it. I just say nothing and totally ignore him, or just grunt to aknowledge his request. I have always developed selective hearing about things i get told what NOT to do. but i know what his ass is about to get. I stay deep when i shoot in em so they wont notice as fast that they are loaded with my DNA. blow it deep so it SOAKS into thier guts. Fucking always turned me on shooting up a guys ass that is nervous or a "pullout: bttm. hes going to convert anyway if he bttms and BB. not sure how other pig tops stand on that. i never been the type to ;'"ASK" a bttm if its OK or can i shoot in you... FUCK that i dont ask i breed. back in the day of rubbers, i always id tear the fucking thing off during sex anyways and that turns me on even more. esp when i do the deed and seed his ass anyways. hahaha
    1 point
  28. No...but I would...I want you to be naked in booth w cum from someone else on your knees...
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  29. Went in to a club called Kinkys yesterday afternoon, It was underwear afternoon so i had my jock on, Went upstairs & soon enough was face down ass up getting creamed in my ass, Took 3 loads in that position from different guys taking turns on my ass, was way too hot for a tuesday afternoon.
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  30. I love the tip, followed by the shaft.
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  31. Totally true, the ugly ones have normally the bigger cocks, i suppose the bad looks are compensated elsewhere, give me an ugly dude with a huge cock anyday instead of some prissy queen who loves the mirror & can't get his dick hard. No loads refused bttm here.
    1 point
  32. For me it's not about handsome versus not, it's all in a man's attitude about fucking. Quasi Moto could fuck me if he goes about it in a confident and manly way. Or his attitude could make him a dud. Same goes for the VGL guys.
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  33. I only trick with infected pigs who are into disease exchange so it's not just implied I want an internal jizzing...I spell it out publicly on basically all my profiles.
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  34. I make sure we're clear on this before I meet a guy. If he doesn't agree to bb and cuming inside me, I'll say forget it, you're wasting my time. If I meet a guy I like in a bar or at a party, I'll just try to convince him that we should bareback. Had one last summer who insisted on using condom. I did put it on, but it doesn't turn me on, so when I realized that the condom fell off inside his ass, it instantly turned me on, and I kept fucking until I came inside him. He didn't know until I had finished. The condom was way up inside him, he couldn't get it out, lol.But I'm sure sooner or later it would.
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  35. When I fuck a guy, I will get near to cumming - which he can usually tell anyway - then just say "Cumming" and within a few seconds squirt in his hole. Usually they say "Yeah". If he says no, and goes to pull away I would pull out and squirt on his butt or back - I don't want drama after an orgasm. If I am sucking a guy off, they typically just say "Cumming" and I make it plain I want to swallow it by carrying on as lustfully as before waiting for the cum to squirt. I like to taste it then swallow but often times I don't get the chance to taste it as they plant their cock as deep as possible and it goes straight down my throat. That's good but I prefer to taste it on the way down.
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  36. I assume that if the guy doesn't say anything, it's cool if I cum in his ass or mouth. I think it's a given anyway. I mean, what's the point of barebacking if you're going to ask the guy to pull out when he cums?
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  37. I'm fond of it. Love getting pissed in then fucked. The pressure is fantastic & my hole has to stay tight to keep the piss in.
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  38. I often like to post pics of myself online being slutty, and I get off on seeing them spread, the likes, comments, reblogs etc. I feel like it's a real representation of who I really am, and I get off on being told i'm a whore etc. But then sometimes (usually after cumming) I sometimes think I should take them down. Sometimes I do delete them, sometimes I don't. I find that feeling of remorse usually disappears after an hour or two and i'm happy for them to be online again. I think it's mainly that feeling of post-cum shame that totally kills your horn as soon as that jizz leaves your dick. The same problem that prevents you swallowing your own cum after you've shot etc... For now, i've tried to restrict sharing them to like-minded people and communities, such as this place for example. So if anyone's interested, I have some pics of me being a slut in an album on my profile hehe
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  39. Ok, I have to say, some (or most) of my stories would probably make my Mom look bad, but she did what she could for us under the pressures and circumstances we were under. That said, after Mom and my Dad divorced, for several years Mom fell into a deep depression, and, more so than anyone really should, she became dependent on alcohol and prescription drugs for relief. Needless to say this, is when I pretty much started my rampage. Lol. She would sometimes have parties and friends and other people would come in and out of our apartment. Honestly there wasn't a day of the week when I didn't wake up to find either one of her friends (or someone I never saw before) crashed on our couch. Anyway, more than a couple of times some of those guys who partied with my Mom that night at our apartment would find their way into my bedroom, while my Mom was passed out somewhere else in the apartment. The very first guy I remember was Robert, who, at the time, I'd guess he was in his late 20s, or maybe early 30s. Anyway I remember waking up and I feeling my ass being licked and eaten out. My first reaction was, essentially, WTF?. I was frozen by shock, if not by fear. I was scared. I didn't know who he was or what was going on, but that quickly turned into paralyzing pleasure. The feeling of his hands spreading my ass apart, then feeling his warm wet soft tongue on my hole, the sensation of his stubble between my ass cheeks. OMG. I was literally biting my pillow. When he finally realized I was awake he didn't stop all at once, but rather he continued for a minute or two more, then he got up, stood by the side of my bed and took out his cock. I won't lie. At this point in my life I had already sucked cock, so I basically knew what to do. I sat right in front of him and went down on cock. He put his hand behind my head and slowly and softly guided my head back and forth on his cock. It tasted soo good. Finally after a few minutes of sucking his cock he asked if I liked him licking my hole. "Yes," I replied. Robert then instructed me to turn around, so I lay at the edge of the bed and waited for his hot tongue to work my hole again, but what I felt wasn't his tongue, rather his his cock was sliding between my ass cheeks. OMG, it was warm, and soft, and wet sliding through my ass. I lay there and enjoyed the feeling, then, without a word, I felt him slide his cock head into my hole. I honestly wasn't quite sure that was what I wanted to do, so I turned to address him, but Robert said "Relax, this will feel better than my tongue in your ass," and with that, hell yeah, I was on-board. I lay face down, and heard him spit on his hand, and apparently lubing-up his cock. Then he spread my ass cheeks apart, spat on my hole and fingered it in a bit. I really wasn't expecting him to do that and so I jumped again, but did my best to relax my hole, which wasn't hard, 'cause his finger in my hole felt sooo good. Finally, he spread my ass cheeks apart again, and this time spat on my hole, and then pulled me to the edge of the bed so I lay there, face down, my legs were hanging off the bed. He played with my hole with his cock head, smearing his pre-cum on my hole, and then very slowly he slipped his cock head into my hole. (Side story: okay, just so you know, to this point in my life I had been using a pickle, wrapped in a sandwich bag, lubed up with lotion as a dildo, so I was somewhat accustomed to having something in my hole). Even so, I won't lie, Robert's cock hurt, and I guess I squealed a bit, whereupon Robert abruptly stopped, and asked if I was okay. I gave him the green light, and his cock still a little inside my hole, he very slowly pushed in inch by inch. He felt like nothing I had experienced before, in both a good way and bad way. I bit down hard on the pillow, even as I gripped it tightly beneath myself, but I wanted his cock so bad. Finally after what seemed like hours, he was balls deep in my pussy. I could feel his legs shake as he slowly started to work his cock in and out of my hole. Sadly, but still so fuckin hot, after about a minute or two I heard him breathing heavily as his body started twitching. Most definitely I felt his cock pulsating in my hole. At first, of course, I didn't exactly know what was happening, I honestly couldn't say he was cumming inside me. Then after about a minute or so his body went seemingly totally limp, His legs shaking, he slowly pulled out of my hole. OMG, I could feel how wet he made me. Of course I couldn't see my ass, but I'm fairly sure his cum was leaking out of my hole. I felt so - I don't know - happy, that I had made him happy. I layed there, his load in my ass, for the rest of the night, just thinking about the whole encounter with Robert. For hours I couldn't sleep, but eventually, 'though, I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day Robert was gone and my Mom was still asleep in her room. Robert, wherever you are, thank you. I won't forget it, muuuah
    1 point
  40. Okay, so one time I met a guy in the laundry room at our apartment complex. Long story short, after the whole seduction played out, we planned to meet up later that night, after my mom went to work. So around 10:00 PM or so that night, I went to his apartment. He was already a little buzzed from drinking, which of course, I didn't mind. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, and we started kissing. As we did so, I put my hand on his crotch, which I found was starting to get stiff and grow. As we kissed, he asked "You like that?" I mumbled something, and then he asked "You want that?" Again I mumbled. Then, really quickly, he put his arms under me, picked me up, and even as he still was kissing me, took me to his room, put me on his bed, and dropped his basketball shorts. The sight of his cock flopping out and bounding on his belly was soo hot. Then he lay next to me, pulled me close, and resumed kissing me as his hands ran all over my body, pulling off my shorts in the process, and rubbing my ass. God it felt so good. His big hands on my little ass - mmmmmm. Then he pushed me around so my back was on his chest and my little buns were pressed up against his now leaking cock, as he continued to kiss my shoulders and neck. Then he reached behind himself, and I heard the familiar 'snap' of a lube bottle, and sure enough, he lubed himself and my ass, and when everything was perfect, he held me in close, and slowly pushed his hard thick cock in me, inch by inch, until he was all the way in. It felt soo good. My body, firmly in his grasp, and his thick cock deep inside my boy hole. Then the thrusting began, slowly at first, as he groaned in my ear as he kissed my earlobe. Then, finally, after a short while I felt that familiar pulsation inside my ass, and the warmth of his man juice filling me up. I lay there in his arms, so happy, so satisfied. Happily this was only the first of several times we got together.
    1 point
  41. Last week I was in Columbus Ohio. I went to the Club Columbus to relax and of course have fun. It was a Thursday night. I rented a room and laid on my stomach ass in the air. I felt a hand rubbing my ass so I looked up and there was this very young Latin guy. To be honest he did not look 18. I do know they check ID's so I was fairly sure he was legal. I asked him his age and he said he turned 18 two days ago. This was his first trip to a bath house. He was a freshman at OSU. i asked him what he liked but in a minute he was on top on me. He slid his bare dick in my lubed hole and started fucking. It was not too long before I heard him moan. He whispered he was going to shoot and could he cum in my ass. I just pulled him tight and he blew his load. Huge one at that . He said it was fun and his first time in man's ass bare. He left and I did not see him again that night. His cum stayed with me
    1 point
  42. I never pull out, last time a stupid slut who was cheating on his husband told me to pull out cuz he had a man. I said...yea sure... I surely flooded his hole deep. He never spoke to me again lololol!!!
    1 point
  43. I was a fresh 18 year old and i had been experimenting with cross dressing and anal play for a number of years and i really wanted a cock badly. I had been posting on craigslist for weeks looking for a guy who would fuck me cross dressed with a place.But i was fresh 18 and scared so i rejected a lot of people.So eventually i found a guy who looked normal enough and had a nice looking cock from the pics he sent me. He was around 45 really hairy and a bit fatter, which was perfectly what i was looking for. But he didn't have a place. Normally i had been just saying no and looking for someone else since i was still living at home and i got a lot of emails back. But i was really honey, already cleaned myself out and really wanted my first cock. So i told him of a park near me that could work, he said he would be there in less then 20 mins. So i packed up a bag of what i was going to wear, told my parents i was going to the gym and drove down the street to the park. It only took me around 5 mins to get there and i started getting ready. i put on a black g-string, some leggings, a red bra and a top i best passed in, then put on my makeup. By the time i was done it had been around 20 mins i the guy was already there. He had been walking around looking for the most discreet place to fuck me. i got out of the car with my black heels i could barely walk in and walked over to him. He walked up to me and said hello, as did i and he kissed me (the first time i had been kissed by a man as well). Then he took my hand and told me to call him daddy and said he found the best place to do this, which was the dugout. As we walked there he kept telling me how good i looked and how much he wanted to fuck me nice bubble butt ass, and how much daddy was going to fuck me. When we got to the dugout i sat on the bench and he said, You ready for daddy's cock, i said yes and he had me unzip his pants and pull out his cock. It wasn't as big as i thought it was, the normal 6' but boy was it thick. He was soft so i started to suck him off, and as he got hard he started to ooz precum. when he was fully hard he filled up my mouth because of his massive thickness. Then he told me to get on my knees a suck him so he could play with my ass a little. So i did and he pulled down my tights and g-string and licked his finder and started playing with my hole. He kept telling me how tight i was and how daddy was going to stretch out my pussy hole, then he had me stop sucking him off, which was good because i was starting to gag a bit, and told me to bend over and lean on the fence so he could play with my hole. So he sit on my hole and started to lick and finger it, and keep telling how clean and tasty my hole was. Then he asked me if i was ready for his cock and i said yes, then he slapped my ass and told me to always say yes daddy, so i said yes daddy and he started to rub his cock on my hole. I asked him if he had a condom because i told him online that i wasn't going to fuck bareback, He said he didn't have one, and even though i know he did i said it was ok. Then he slapped and grabbed my ass and said it better be my little sissy slut, which really turned me on. Then he spit on my ass a few more times and asked me if i was ready, i said yes daddy, and he started to push in. Since i had been toying for a long time(like 5 years) i knew how to loosen myself and let it come in, IT FELT SO GREAT!! His cock was so thick and seemed so much bigger then when i was sucking him. After what seemed like forever, was only a couple of mins he said it was all the way in and i felt it deep inside me and i told him to please start to fuck me daddy. He said good little sissy and started to pump. it felt amazing, but he was going very slow and not too dee so i started to push my ass back onto his cock and he said fuck me you slut. Then he grabbed me at the hips and started pumping deeper and faster. after what seemed like 15 mins of pumping very hard and fast, and calling me his little sissy slut he said he was ready to give me his load, but he wanted it in my mouth. So he pulled out of me. My hole felt so warm and huge, i was so stretched out from his thick cock. Then i got on my knees while he sat down and licked and sucked his cock. He asked me if i liked the taste of my own ass and i said yes daddy i love it, he said have some more sissy slut and started to push my head down on his thick cock. then after a couple minuets of me gagging and almost trowing up, he said he was about to cum so i stopped sucking him and let him finish himself off and closed my eyes and opened my mouth and received my first load. He got mostly in my mouth, which sucked i really wanted to get a massive facial, and since i had never had the taste of cum i didn't like it too much. it seemed like he hadnt cum in a while because he cam for a solid 30 secs, and my mouth was full and cum was leaking out of my mouth and dripping down my face. After he finished he was panting loudly and told me to show him all the cum that was in my mouth. I did gagging a bit though, then he told me to swallow, i did and he pushed more cum from my face into my mouth, after he got almost all of it off my face and down my throat he told me wipe up giving me my light girly jacket. then he said he had to leave. so he took off and i stumbled back to my car and i could barley walk after my first pounding, and in heels. Then i drove home, changed in my car and ran up stars past my parents to take a long how shower, 4 fingered my massively stretched hole and jack off, because he didn't play with my cock at all, which i thought was great he fucked me like the women i am. I never saw or talked to him again. But i got exactly what i wanted .
    1 point
  44. TOP! As a Tope myself reading any story from the doms view point gets me hot
    1 point
  45. PART 4 Coach Pitt slowly began pulling his cock out of my sloppy hole, and I whimpered. He smiled and kissed me again. “Don’t worry, sweet boy,” he said. “Your hole won’t be empty for long.” In fact, it wasn’t empty for more than five seconds. Coach Strickland pushed his fat dick into me right away, and I could feel the warmth and wetness of Coach Pitt’s seed getting worked even deeper inside my slammed-up hole. “Pitt and I met at a wrestling conference a few years back,” Strickland explained, sweat dripping down his forehead as he thrust his dick deep. “We’d both responded to a Craigslist ad posted by some college slut. This kid wanted neg tops to breed him, so I showed up to give the little fucker a surprise. Anyway, when Pitt shot his load inside this kid’s fuckhole, I caught Pitt’s eye and he winked at me. Flashed that devil-smile of his. That’s when I knew he was doing the exact same thing I was doing—stealth-pozzing the negboy. A few months later, he got me a job here at the high school, and we’ve been slowly converting our favorite wrestlers into poz chemsluts ever since.” His thrusts were faster now. His breath grew ragged. His eyes were solid black, staring me down as he grinned like a fucking demon. “And now,” he said, “You know what’s gonna happen?” “You’re gonna breed me. Please breed me, Coach.” “Fuck yeah, Lance. I’m gonna give you a big dose of my poz seed. You. Fucking. Slammed. Up. PIG.” His whole body shook as he pushed even deeper than before, and his stomach muscles flexed as his dick sprayed volleys of toxic jizz into my hungry fuckhole. By then, I could see that the playroom was getting crowded, and I recognized everyone: guys who’d graduated in the last year or two or three, most of them wrestling at the local university now. They were watching Strickland breed me, stroking their dicks, helping each other get slammed up, and staring me down with that same demonic intensity. Tom Goldsmith—last year’s captain, the guy from the homemade video I'd seen in Pitt's office—was the first to get his poz cock up in me, and by that point I was spreading my jockbutt and begging for his dirty cum. I took a load from every poz jockpig in the room. Then Coach Pitt unstrapped me from the harness, helped me down, and turned to address the roomful of guys. “I’m gonna take a few minutes alone with this boy,” he said. “You’re all welcome to stick around and pig out. Help yourself to more rigs over there on the desk if you want.” He walked me upstairs, leading me to his bedroom. He closed the door. Then he drew me close to him, pressed his chest against mine, and said: “I’m so proud of you, Lance.” He kissed me, a wet, hungry kiss, while his fingers slowly massaged my cummy hole. “I just wanted a few minutes alone with you. And you know what, pigboy?” “What?” “I think it might be time for another slam.” I nodded eagerly, and he smiled. “Good boy,” he said. He gestured for me to climb onto the bed. He positioned me on my back, spreading my legs. Then, keeping his eyes locked on mine, he pushed his cock into my sloppy cumhole. With his dick buried inside me, he proceeded with the slams. I watched in fascination as he wrapped a rubber strap around his arm, as the needle slid into his vein, as blood filled the syringe, and as he plunged the Tina into his bloodstream. He groaned, and his cock grew even harder in my fuckhole. Then his eyes took on an evil glint as he turned his attention to me. “Want some more Tina flowing through you, boy?” “Fuck yeah. Slam me up. Please.” “You got it, pig.” The needle was in my vein within seconds. Then he pushed down on the syringe and delivered the chemical payload I was craving. I coughed, but a little less this time. I felt the drug race to my brain, my heart, my dick. Then my hole began involuntarily milking the raw cock lodged deep within me. Coach laughed. “There you go, slampig,” he said. I kept milking him as he closed his eyes and began thrusting deep. Then he leaned in for another kiss. “I want you to be my boy,” he said. “You’re somethin’ else, Lance. You’re just a natural fuckin’ pig. And my cock belongs in this sweet boyhole.” He reached down to feel my own throbbing cock, which had remained hard all night. “And look at this, you hot little fucker,” he said. “This fat dick of yours? It’ll be perfect bait to get hot neg jockboys—boys just like you—into our sling.” He kissed me again. “You’re fucking perfect. So whaddaya say? Be my fuckin’ boy?” I flashed a giant smile as he barebacked my hole. “I feel so lucky,” I said. “I’ve jacked off so many times thinking about your cock—what it might look like, how it might feel in my hand. And now your giant raw dick is buried inside me. It’s unbelievable. And fuck yeah, I want to be yours.” “Mine?” “All yours.” With that, I felt his dick spasm inside me. Another intense kiss. Then he just looked at me, his cock still twitching as it continued to impregnate my wrecked boyhole. “Fuck, Lance,” he said. “I love shooting my poz cum in you.” Later, when we made our way back to the playroom, I did another slam and took another round of loads. That was incredibly hot, but it wasn’t my favorite part. My favorite part was this: being alone with Coach Pitt in his bedroom, feeling his powerful arms wrapped around me, my head nuzzling the hair on his muscular chest, while his dick slowly worked that second load of his poz cum into my knocked-up hole. And then hearing him whisper in my ear: “Mine.” THE END
    1 point
  46. When I was young, I used to like all types of men. Young to old, skinny to a bear and of course men of any race. But for some reason, I never came across black men until I was 23. I was visiting LA and have chatted up online with few men to meet up during my visit. I was too naive when I was 23. I barely had sex with the men that I went on dates with until our relationship would get a bit more serious. I used to believe that sex was the physical product of two people in love, Of course, most men either left out of frustration or some used many tactics to get me into bed and fucked me. But I have yet to really enjoy the sex when I was 23. After I landed in LAX I took a cab to the hotel in WeHo. As I try to look for my wallet to pay the cab driver, I realized that I have lost my wallet somewhere in the the airport. The driver was really angry at me and kicked me out of his cab and sped off. It was getting later in the night and I had no money. The hotel wouldn't let me check in since I didn't even have any ID on me. I sat on the curve and started to cry a little bit. I picked up my phone and started to call everyone I knew in LA or nearby LA. Finally I got in touch with a friend who was out of town but he would wire some money to me. But the place I have to pick up the wire doesn't open til 7 AM next morning. So I still had no where to go over night. Then I saw a handsome white boy staring at me across the street and saw him approach me. When he stopped in front of me, I could see that he was about the same height as me but he was really muscular. He smiled and asked me what was wrong and why I was looking so sad in the middle of the street. I told him my story and he gave me a big hug and told me that everything will turn out okay. Then he took my luggage and told me to follow him. I try to stop him but he was too strong as he pulled my hand in one arm and carrying my luggage in the other. We didn't walk far until we stopped at a big metal gate. He rang the buzzer and when I tried to tell him that I was going to leave, he wrapped his arm around my neck and whispered in my ear that I need to obey his orders otherwise he was going to hurt me. I felt a cold metal on my skin and saw that it was a blade. I got so scared and couldn't stop crying. The door opened and a big man came out to let us in. He was about 6'3" and big. He must have been sleeping or something since all he had on was a pair of cotton shorts. No shirt and no underwear since I could see his cock and balls moving around as he walked. His body wasn't as defined as the white boy's body but rather huge muscles that made him look really strong. And his black skin made his body look more intimidating to me. Behind the metal gate was a junkyard. He must work at a junkyard or something. They each held my shoulders and pushed me towards the back. As soon as we went into the garage, the black man let the metal shutter drop to the floor, making a loud noise. I was feeling really scared by now and my body started to shake unconsciously. They laughed as they could see how scared I was. Then the white boy came over to me and started to punch me and kicked me. I tried to fight him but he was so much faster and stronger than me. I ended up crouched under his feet, bruised and crying in pain. He then started to pull my clothes off of my body. I tried to resist him but he was too strong as he pulled and started to rip my clothes. Then the black man came over and finished ripping my clothes. I knew I wasn't a match for them but I tried to fight them here and there but I was rewarded with more beating from both of them. I was bleeding somewhere and my eyes were blurred with tears that I couldn't see too well. All of sudden, the white boy pullled my hair up to make me get up from crouching under their feet to face the black man's huge bulge. White boy pushed my head into the black man's crotch and I could feel the big cock and balls. Then my mouth started to open and started to salivate with the expectation of sucking his cock. They looked at my reaction and laughed at me. Black man took his cock and balls out of his shorts and rested them on my face. They were huge and covered my whole face and more. He then slapped his meat on my face as the white boy kept on pushing my head into the cock and balls to put more pressure on them. As the black man continued slapping of his cock on my face, he started to get harder and bigger. And the slapping started to hurt more. He slapped my nose so hard that it started to bleed. White boy squeezed my nose and titled my head back and made me open my mouth trying to breathe. But instead the black man pushed his cock head into my open mouth. Although I was trying to resist them a little bit in the beginning, I wanted to suck this cock that was invading my mouth. So I started to suck on his cock. He pushed it in really deep til it hit the back of my throat and held it there. I was running out of air and try to free myself from them. But they were too strong for me. Few minutes later, they both let me go and I started to cough and wiped my tears. Then they forced me to take the cock again and for some reason I continue to suck his cock everytime it invaded my mouth. The white boy took his cock out too and told me to suck his cock. I turn to white boy's cock to suck on when the black boy lifted me up and held me up in the air as the tip of his rock hard big cock rested on my butt cheeks. He tried to pulll me down on it few times but I was too tight and for his huge cock. Then white boy ran to another room and returned with a box. When he opened it, I could see they were drugs and stuff. He made a drink for me with the stuff from the box and told me to drink it. I begged him not to make me take drugs and he beat me around more. And kicked me to the ground then stepped on my face and used his fingers to force my mouth open and pour the drink in it. Then he closed my mouth as the black man came over and sat above my head resting his balls on nose blocking the air passage to my nostrils. Then he ran his hands down my neck to stimulate my swallowing. After a while, I got so high on drugs. Since I am tall and slim I tend to have a very little tolerance for any medicine or drugs but they didn't know and gave me the normal amout which made me really high. My eyes couldn't really focus and my body just went completely limp under their feet. The black man picked me up and propped me over the back of sofa and rammed his big cock into me in one thrust. I felt a sharp pain as his cock ripped me up but I couldn't do anything. Soon I forgot the pain but started to feel the pressure on my prostate as he pounded my hole deep and hard. I wasn't sure where the white boy was but I saw him appearing into my vision on and off as I was fucked into oblivion by his friend. He made me suck his cock for a while then he would pull out and return with a camera and more drugs for them. and sometimes he gave some drugs to me as well. I just kept on taking whatever he gave me and he laughed at me. As the black cock continue to put pressure on my prostate, my cock got hard and started to ooze precum all over my stomach. They saw that my cock was hard and told me that I was loving getting fucked by them. I tried to deny them with my mouth but when the black man pumped his cock in to me, my cock jumped more and moaning would escape my throat. I was so upset at my body reacting this way and embarrassed. The white boy came over to me and started to spit on me an smack me around. When he pinched my nipples really hard, I finally came and shot my cum all over the white boy's back. He laughed at me but was not happy that my cum was on his skin. They both lifted me up in the air and walked me into the bathroom as the black man kept his cock fucking my hole deep. When we entered the bathroom, the white boy turn the shower on and rinsed my cum off of his back. The black man then pulled me completely off of his cock with a loud pop and threw me down on the tub. The white boy started to piss on me as I looked up from the bottom of the tub, I could see his semi hard cock spraying this hot piss on me and was mesmerized by it. I think it was the drug or something but I was really awe of their cocks as I looked up to them pissing on me. The black man pulled me up in the midst of pissing and told the white boy to shove his cock in my hole and piss into my hole. The white boy obliged and when he pulled out, the black man did the same thing. I was like their urinal. Then he continued his fucking in the bathroom as their piss oozed out of my hole and ran down our bodies. My cock was still hard after the first cum as the black man continued stimulating my prostate. The white boy started to play with my nipples and within few minutes, I came for the second time. They ran the shower and fucked me under the shower as we rinsed off the piss. Then they carried me to the bedroom and put me on my back with my legs over my head. They really forced me to fold in half as they fucked me. White boy stepped on my body as his black man folded me and fucked me into the ground. When the white boy sat on my face with his cock and choked my throat as his buddy plunged into my hole, my cock started to jump out of control. They laughed at me and said I was crazy about being used by them. The longer they had me choked and run out of air, the harder my cock got. Finally I came for the third time. This time, my whole body was shaking and tensing as I reached orgasm. Which must have effected the cocks in my throat and my ass since they both came inside of me around the same time. After few minutes, they pulled me off from the cock and threw me down on the groud. I crawled to my luggage and took out new set of clothes and started to dress up. As soon as I was done, they pulled my hair and dragged me out the door and told me that I shouldn't complain about the blood or the bruises since I am the one who enjoyed the whole thing the most, coming 3 times without even touching myself. I wanted to protest but felt ashamed that I came so just kept my mouth shut. That was my first sexual experience with a black man. Even after that, I denied my need for dominating black men but as I have more and more sex, I find myself being drawn more and more into my first black experience.
    1 point
  47. Steve and Billy Part 3... Billy knew that Steve was both shit-scared and horny. He could spot the signs of a proto-pig a mile away... The look of hunger and longing in those deep, baby-blue eyes. The panting, hungry breathing pattern. The body language that said he was both temporarily spent, but eager as hell to experience whatever happened next... "Get that pretty little arse over here now, fucker! Now I said!" growled Billy. With a swift, fluid movement Steve crawled over towards the object of his lust and knelt at his feet. Shit! He was offering his submission to this sex animal without even being asked to do so. Billy smirked. "You really want this bad don't you fuck-pig!? So all that cyber-stuff was for real. Well, that's good mate, 'cos I wasn't planning on fucking about either! You asked for this, so many times, and in so many ways... Now you're going to get it! Now, give me your left arm fucker. Lay it flat, palm side up on the table." Steve obeyed without hesitation. What the fuck was he doing? But the excitement was making his heart pound like a bass-drum in his chest... Without a word Billy wound the rubber tourniquet tightly around his bicep and examined the exposed veins at his elbow joint. He picked a prominent one, took the loaded syringe, tapped it to release any last tiny bubbles and pushed til one drop of clear fluid dripped freely. Like a medical pro he positioned the needle flat to the blue vein and with a slow, steady pressure the needle slid in... Steve watched, both mesmerised and sweating with the fear and thrill of it! What he wasn't expecting was for Billy to draw the syringe back, so that a drop of blood seeped its way into the clear fluid. Then with a definite push Billy emptied the contents into his system. The deed was done. For a moment Steve wondered if it was all a scam, or an elaborate hoax, as he felt nothing happen. Then with a roar of sensation the T took hold and he felt amazing! So many things at once. Relaxation, a sense of power, hunger and a physical change in his body that made him feel invincible... And horny as hell! Steve almost floated back onto the floor once Billy had withdrawn the needle and removed the tourniquet. He was listening to himself laughing out loud. Then watched, wrapped with attention, as he watched Billy take a second slam with the same needle and skillfully slammed himself. Fuck, it looked horny!!! Now Billy stood above him like a colossus, his strong legs locked astride his chest and his huge dick was rock solid and proud again. How did he do that so quickly after that first gushing load? Billy could see the quizzical look on his face, and laughed aloud too. "Some people get Tina dick." He pointed at Steve's flaccid cock. "And some lucky fuckers get to play all night long. My Grandma, the gypsy-bitch, always said I was born lucky...!" "Now get up here and worship my meat. The only lube you are getting is your own spit, so make it nice and wet you cock-sucking fuck-pig!" Steve rose slowly and carefully, and then knelt in obeisance to the man-meat. He dove onto it like a man who had not eaten for a month. His hunger shocked and surprised him, but not long enough to make him stop sucking... Deep, deeper and finally to his amazement he was swallowing it all down without the slightest signs of gagging. He sucked for all he was worth, clearly loving it! The saliva slicked the huge pole and dripped from the sides of his mouth. He cared nothing for how he looked and focused 100% on the job in hand. Then, suddenly, Billy grabbed his head halfway down the shaft and held it firmly in position with the vice-like grip of his two strong hands. "I think the fuck-pig cock-sucker is having way too much of a good time... Let's see if your arse is as hungry shall we?" Then, with a simple fast movement Billy lifted him bodily to his feet and pushed him roughly, head-first onto his knees on the wide leather sofa. His delicious arse was stood there to attention and Billy could almost swear he heard it saying 'please, fuck me!'... He positioned the huge mushroom head to the puckered hole and slid in there with surprising subtlety. He knew from past experience that many guys fantasised about a dick like his mounting them roughly, but few could actually take it without screaming the place down! So he was two-thirds into Steve's hole before he even realised what was happening. Then, like the experienced fucker he was, Billy pushed past the second ring, using the T-hunger and lowering of inhibitions that the T had created in Steve to make it seem effortless. This pig was starting to impress him! Now he was riding him, grabbing his hips and using him rough and fucking hard. Though tight, it was clear this pig wanted to take anything and everything Billy had to offer. Cool, he figured, so be it... In the space of less than 5 seconds Billy withdrew, flipped Steve on his back with his ankles over his shoulders and had plunged his pole back in there. Then with an intense rhythmic pounding Steve was taken to arse heaven and beyond. For 30 - or was it 60? - minutes Billy fucked relentlessly, grunting filth in his ear and telling him about his plans to own his arse completely. Then, as Steve began to feel he could take very little more, Billy reached his hand down to jerk his dick and it came up red with blood from Steve's raw pounded meat-hole. This sight clearly turned Billy on and with a series of monumental thrusts and moans he spat his poz load into Steve's wrecked hole. Grunting and still spasming, Billy pulled out his dick and forced it into Steve's mouth. "Taste that fucker. That's your arse, blood and my breeding-load. Now you're the pig you always wanted to be... How does it feel?" But Steve was beyond words...
    1 point
  48. Hot story havent slammed myself "yet" (though i'd love to) but have gotten high enough through snorting and booty bumping that like the original poster all i craved was cock and more cock to the point where i took 17 anon loads in one night from "walk-ins" to my appartment where they found me blindfolded on the bed and ready to receive any and all raw cock. still have no idea who kindly loaded my hole. would have kept going but it was daylight and no one else was around to continue the load count otherwise i would have carried on. for me there's something really hot about being loaded whilst blindfolded, not knowing who booty bumped me then rode my fuckhole i think helps me concentrate on being a better boootom and reinforces the idea of my role as an easy sleazy slutty cumdump fuckhole and i'm all for that
    1 point
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