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  1. Jeremy Oh my god as I worked that day I had a hard time, both figuratively and literally keeping my mind on work, so many hot guys came into the store, many with their girlfriends or other female companions a few by themselves, all made the ever present hard on retain its stiffness, I swear some were actually flirting with me Working at A&F didn’t help with all the pictures of sexy men and women frolicking to show off the sexy side of clothing and some of the clothes really did turn me on. Of course my morning job was one where many dorm students would roll out of bed and throw on whatever they found on the floor before heading over for breakfast, seeing jocks in loose but clingy basketball shorts and tee shirts, many going commando their cocks flopping around for all to notice. Time was crawling I finished my morning job then attended my Friday lecture class then headed home for lunch before heading out to the mall for my A&F shift dressing especially formal for my retail job, but I not only thought it would impress my boss wearing the nicest from our formal line, but would impress Matt as well, I hadn’t realized it would end up attracting so much attention from the shoppers. Finally it was getting close to 7 and my anticipation was building, I was so caught up in trying to figure out what Matt wanted to talk about. I walked right past him on the way out of the store. I stopped dead in my tracks as it registered that I just passed a hot well-dressed guy that resembled Matt, I turned and did a double take then walked back towards him, reached out and took his hand pulling slightly in my handshake and said let’s get out of here softly under my breath we strode to Matts car and I couldn’t hold back any longer I clutched him and we kissed, passionately we kissed then he opened my car door allowing me to get in, walked around to the driver’s side and got in, five minutes later we were pulling up to a valet stand and he was handing the car over to some strange cutie in a white shirt and black pants, he ushered me into the restaurant and we were soon seated. He ordered us wine and appetizers then asked if I wanted a soda or water, I said water. The waiter, who was a very cute red head, looked kind of familiar but I couldn’t place him, maybe I had helped him in the store or knew him from college, and brought us bread sticks with marinara. Then Matt dropped the bomb, he slid a large envelope across the table towards me, I looked at him and he indicated I should open it I did and pulled the contents from the package. I stared at what was in front of me, it was a smaller version of my mom’s photo attached to a paternity declaration I looked it over then looked at Matt then back to the documents in front of me. I was confused and elated all at the same time. If I had to pick someone as my dad Matt would be a good candidate. I had planned on starting the search for the mystery man in the photo after I graduated next year and this beautiful man landed on my doorstep solving that problem. I asked a couple questions then looked at the document again, the date of the request and the results was Wednesdays date. Matt had known when we had cuddled last night, when he pissed on me this morning when he fucked me in the shower that he was my dad. It shocked me and made me a little angry, but it turned me on more it was so kinky, it feed into my wild side, I think Matt thought I was going to explode and start yelling at him in the middle of this semi crowded restaurant, but I wasn’t and to calm his fears I pressed my leg into his I wanted to press my palm into his bulging crotch or his into mine to let him know how turned on I was but I noticed that the waiter was watching us he seemed to be getting a small tent under his apron and there were a couple tables which were still full of other patrons. I started picking at the appetizer and Matt seemed to relax. I realized that this couldn’t get much better and started asking questions I wanted to ask mom or Uncle Tony, but here was Dad and maybe he could give me the answers that had bugged me for years. We started talking as the entrée arrived and he told me what he knew of my mom and about things he and Uncle Tony had done, I was rock hard, as we finished and the waiter cleared our plated I got bold and not only ordered the molten chocolate cake but made overt suggestion to the waiter. He scrambled away the delivered dessert and the check, it was obvious he was disturbed by me hitting on him as he was very nervous all of a sudden I noticed him watching and stroking his bulge beneath his apron as Matt and I played and devoured the cake feeding each other, by now the restaurant was mostly empty Matt smiled as he looked at the bill the flipped out his credit card and closed the cover over it setting it on the edge of the table, when the waiter returned for it he looked flustered and quickly sped away after turning down the opportunity to join us at the table as he was technically off. Sam was his name and he was smoking hot, after returning with the charge slip to sign he stood for a moment talking with Matt and it was decide he would get a ride home from us since we made him miss his bus. Matt had signed the charge slip and Sam went to take it back for processing the final amount with the tip. Suddenly we heard him exclaim loudly then come running out to us, asking if we made a mistake, Matt indicated he checked his math and it was correct. Sam sat with us till we were ready to leave which wasn’t that long. Matt grabbed the envelope and we all stood to leave, we were all sporting wood and had large wet spots over our cock heads in our pants. We all strutted through the mostly empty restaurant out to the car. Sam sat directly behind me and as we pulled out onto the street he reached around and begun playing with my chest tickling my nipples. Matt drove to my place and we parked the car the fifteen minutes it took to make the trip proved informational as we discovered that Sam had been at high school with me and had a crush on me during his freshmen year. Now hear we were four years later and we were at my apartment, damn fate plays some interesting tricks on you. After I opened the door we all entered, for the first time since I met Matt, we didn’t start making out the minute we got into the door. We all sat on the couch with me on one end and Matt on the other with Sam in the middle. Sam was blushing as I got up and went into the kitchen and got each of us a beer, I was about to give Sam one, then asked you sure you want one you can’t tell anyone where you got it he answered “My dad’s been letting me have a beer since I was 15 as long as I kept it in the house and didn’t go out and do something stupid” I told him “well this isn’t your house, and I won’t guarantee we won’t get crazy and wild” Sam just laughed “I’m kind of counting on that” I sat back down beside Sam and he reached over and caressed my thigh while taking in a gulp of his beer, he set down his beer then leaned into me breathing in my essence “You know I have fantasized about this for four years, I never thought it would ever happen” he whispered into my ear I covered his lips with mine and put my hand behind his neck pulling him for the kiss, his hands roamed over my chest finding my nipples and unbuttoning my shirt I moved around without ever losing the lip lock I had on the boy, I returned the favor and unbuttoned his shirt exposing the undershirt beneath, he unbuttoned the cuffs and slowly slid it off his shoulders then removed it altogether “You certainly are not that scrawny redhead that used to spy on us in the shower after La Crosse practice anymore” I pulled the hem of his tee shirt out of his pants and worked my hands across his pecs then lifted the tee off over his head as he raise his arms, his strong boy musk hit my senses, Mat who had been watch us then moved in and began caressing Sam as well, I couldn’t resist as I held his arms above his head to dive in and bury myself in his armpits licking the days sweat from his boy pits, he didn’t use deodorant because he tasted of pure boy, hot sweaty boy who had worked hard pleasing others since his last shower, most likely just before reporting to work. As I tongued his ripe pits, Mat began kissing and tasting the boys nipples and his other pit working Sam into a frenzy, he pulled Matt into a hot passionate kiss with some sloppy tongue play, I worked my way across Sam’s chest and added my own tongue to the mixture of mouths colliding. I had managed to work Sam’s pants unfastened and unzipped reaching into his briefs and pulled the boys straining cock to the waistband, he was large it poked past his belly button, I stroked the head and he wiggled his ass letting Matt remove his pants, he lifted his ass again and the briefs slid down as well. Sam sat there naked before us as we both looked down on him, he was sporting a good 9.5 -10 inch piece of meat not incredibly thick but we were sure it would please anyone who got the opportunity to ride it. “No wonder you spied on us in the showers swinging with that piece growing in your pants” I quipped, we all laughed just before he took my shirt off of me then managed to strip Matt out of his clothes as well, we all sat, fondling each other jerking each other off on the couch, Matt and I both leaned in and kissed Sam at the same time and ended up kissing each other, then transferring those kisses to Sam’s beautiful lips, we worked our way down his body till one of us took his cock into our mouths, we worked our tongues around the boys shaft then Matt lifted a leg and started licking his balls, taint and finally his puckered hole, Sam started moaning as Matt rimmed him drooling large amounts of precum, I lapped it up and Matt backed off slightly, I knew what I wanted from Sam I wanted to take that ass “So you ready for me boy you ready to take my cock up your sweet virgin hole” Sam just moaned louder and rolled over on all fours offering up his ass, I fingered his hole, Matt had done a good job of loosening up and wetting the boy’s hole I just slid my finger in and wiggled, not that he was loose by any means but had great muscle control. Matt applied lube and spit to my cock and I slipped the head into Sam’s hole “you sure you’ve never been fucked before” I asked “Not by a real live cock, I’ve used a dildo quite frequently though” “Damn” I slid more of my cock into Sam and he began bucking back onto my rod, before long I was pounding him hard and fast, I wasn’t going to last long in this hot hole, I slowed down my thrust and Matt helped distract me with kisses and playing with my nipples and such but that just sent me into overdrive and I was soon blasting my seed into our new friend. As I pulled out Matt slid in, I offered up my cock to Sam to suck off the remnants of my fucking and he accepted with glee, by the time he had me cleaned off I was rock hard again and ready to go for seconds on his ass. After Matt and I had seeded Sam twice each it was really getting late and Sam decided to addend his text to his dad and tell him he was staying over at a friend’s house and would see him Sunday. I lead Sam to my room where he climbed onto the bed with Matt and me. We were soon snuggled into another round of sex but after playing for a while we all drifted off to sleep I awoke the next morning at around 8 with a hot body pressing into me with their cock and my cock buried in Matts asshole, I wiggled my butt a bit and the precum Sam was spewing was enough to ease the entry of his monster into my receptive rump I woke Mat in a similar way as I penetrated his sphincter and began fucking my dad as my new boy fucked me. What a way to start a weekend and end a week.
    4 points
  2. I watched Jake abuse the boy's stiff dick like the expert, seasoned cocksucker he'd become. Tanner was completely lost in the sensation, being edged almost continuously and not being able to cum. I had to admire my handiwork as the two hot little studs made out with other, feeling each other's tight little bodies, massaging, squeezing, exploring as their tongues embraced. I took a final hit, sauntered over to the boys, put my mouth next to theirs and exhaled, watching the boys breathe in the white cloud as it dissolved around them. I joined them in a three way kiss, sucking on Tanner's tongue then moving to shove my tongue down Jake's throat. "Can I fuck him ?" Jake whimpered I patted him on the head, "Not yet...I'm gonna replace the seed you felched out of him" "Ok daddy" Jake replied, my dick stiffened. "Tanner, daddy's gonna fuck you...when he cums, clench your ass...I don't wanna see his vim leak out...I don't want to punish you" Jake commanded, in between sweetly kissing the boy. "Turn around, turn out your ass and spread your cheeks boy" I said Tanner complied instantly, straddling the chair. Jake went round the back, stood on a Stoll and shoved his cock into the jocks throat one thrust and his 8 inches vanished without so much of a cough from Tanner. I rubbed my now concrete shaft on the boys hole... "Open it boy" I said, he complied...his tight boy cherry parted ever so slightly, pulsed open. I took the opportunity to shove my index finger in at its most open. It was like hot silk up there and I had to moan. "Its going to be rough boy, I'm going to Fuck you into manhood" I fingered his prostate and I swear he nearly swallowed Jake's ball sack as well as his entire shaft. "You'll thank me later when some of my friends Fuck you into oblivion....you won't want to be tight in an hour boy, and you won't be" I ran my nail along his pleasure button and felt him spasm uncontrollably.... another anti-orgasm swept over him. I ripped my finger out and delighted as he hole stayed open just a little bit longer. "1..." I said, spitting on my hand. "2..." "Here...we...go" "3" I shoved my entire shaft up his gently open cum-lined shoot...this time he moaned hard and Jake pulled out of his throat. "Just in case" he laughed. He took a hit of poppers, and watched me as I pressed into Tanner. He was way too tight for what I had planned and he'd have to loosen up quickly, 3,4,5 inches pushed past his hole's resistance. The boys shared the amyl and, in no time I was buried to the hilt in his hot little ass. My hands gripped his hips tightly as he breathed deep and hard. No help waiting, the boy needed it hard if he was going to make it through our party. I started pulling out, I thought he was about to scream but he moaned deeply instead. "Yesssss" he sighed in a thick baritone I'd have to thank Bruno, my dealer later...whatever he'd given me, was working magic on Tanner. Even as his ass lips tugged against my invading cock, blossoming on my being shaft, he still wanted more. I shoved back in. "Whoah" Jake clapped, "Fuck that's hot" "Can..." Tanned started as I shoved in and out of his de-virgined cunt "Can...I...uh....please....uh...God...suck your cock!" He cried, head up back low, ass out. Jake looked at me with sheer glee, took a step forward, eyes still fixed on mine and planted Tanner at the root of his dick...matching my thrusts into the Adonis' throat. Bit by bit, I felt Tanner's hole stretch but, not quick enough. He'd make all our guests cum in seconds in this state....I was only lasting so long because of sheer, mental diligence. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and pummelled the boy's pussy like it was going out of fashion, in out, feeling it tense looser and looser around me. The the fog of my discipline of not cumming, I felt Tanner move slightly, backing up towards me. Then another set of legs by mine. I slowed down, opened my eyes and saw that Jake was sitting in the chair, under Tanner...cock primed. He smiled at me over Tanner's shoulder. "Need some help?" he asked, pushing his cock head ever so slowly against the underside of my shaft. "You read my mind fucker" I said..."Here though" I pulled completely out of Tanner, rubbing my pre cum, ass juice coated shaft on Jakes, then shoved back in. Jake smiled, bit his lip and pressed his dick against Tanner's stuffed cunt. As Jake applied pressure, Tanner's head flew up "Yea!!" he cried..."Fuck me...uh...together!" You gotta love jocks, I thought. Always up for the challenge. I heard Jake grunt loudly, felt a piercing rip shudder through Tanner's body and then, Jake's cock head pop through the outer ring, lodged next to the base of my already ball-deep shaft.
    3 points
  3. I changed my name on grindr to a down arrow for bottom and got a few chats asking for pics and stuff. One stud with a huge uncut cock (he said 9 inches and I can confirm it was massive) hit me up and since I didn't have the place to myself he suggested we fuck in a bathroom at my university. I meet him in the basement bathroom and watched him piss in one of the urinals, then sucked him from soft to hard. He reached for a condom and I was sort of disappointed that he didn't even try to go bare. But I still wanted his cock inside me no matter what. He pounded my ass and came in the condom in my ass and collapsed on me. When he pulled out I slipped off the condom and started sucking him again and stuck the condom in my underwear waistband. After he was on his way out, I pushed his cum from the condom into my ass. My first load of unknown/unasked status.
    3 points
  4. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 7 Zak sped down the interstate checking out truckers as he cruised past their cabs. A while later my phone dinged with a text message. “I’m home, babe. Had a great weekend together. Miss you already.” “Me 2.” During the week we made plans to meet in Chicago to continue my sleeve. I drove down Friday evening and arrived at Zak’s shop around 6. I opened the front door and the bell jingled as I walked in. Zak’s face lit up when he saw it was me. He rushed to greet me with a big hug and kiss. “God I missed you, babe.” “You feel so good, Zak. Happy to see you.” “Come on in. Ready to get started?” “Yeah.” “Get comfy.” With a devilish grin he said, “Take your clothes off….or your shirt, which ever you prefer. I’ll set up.” I chuckled as I pulled my shirt off and plopped into the chair. “Your arm looks awesome, babe. We may finish it today…..Hey, what’s that on your abdomen?” He continued to set up his work station. “Umm, they’re just scratch marks. I was a little itchy this afternoon.” “Are you allergic to anything I should be aware of? Feel ok?” “Nope to the allergy, and I feel fine.” “Ok, then let’s get started.” The buzz of his tattoo gun filled the room like a swarm of bees around a hive. After several hours, my arm was on fire, but my tattoo was finished. “Wow, Zeek…..check it out. It looks awesome.” Looking into the mirror, “I love it!! Beautiful job, Zak. Thank you so much.” “My pleasure, babe. Want to celebrate with a drink on me?” “Actually, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I know it sounds like, ‘not tonight honey,’ but I have a bad headache started.” “Are you sure you’re ok?” “Yeah….I’m just tired.” “Ok, well, let me do a quick clean up, and we’ll head to my place.” He gently caressed the top of my head and kissed me. At Zak’s place I no sooner laid on the bed and I was out like a light. I woke in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. I was burning up, and nauseated. I curled up in the fetal position on the cool floor next to the toilet aching all over my body. I must have dozed off, because I woke to Zak tapping me on the shoulder. “Are you ok, because you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, babe?” I half grinned, “Oh, good, cause that’s about how I feel.” “Think you needed one more tattoo tonight.” Half out of it I mumbled, “What are you talking about?” “A biohazard tattoo, cause I think you’re converting, Zeek.” “Ah, so that’s why I feel like shit.” Then I smiled and laid my head on the floor again. “Let me help you back to bed.” “I think I need to lay here for a bit, Zak.” He disappeared and returned with two pillows and a blanket. “Then I belong here too.” Zak placed a pillow under my head and curled up next to me on the bathroom floor. He put his hand on my hip and whispered, “I hope joining the club turns you on as much as it does me.” I smirked and pulled his hand to my crotch. I rubbed his hand across my boned up cock. “Does that answer your question?” “That’s my boy.” His hard death dick brushed against me as he kissed me on the shoulder, and we eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning Zak carried me to the bed and tucked me in. “I know the conversion can be rough, Zeek, but it’s an honor to be proud of.” “I love knowing that you’re my gifter; that your DNA is in me, your virus is taking over my body.” “We’re connected forever, babe. Feel my disease coursing through your veins as your system surrenders to S****** disease. Relax. Let it flow. Experience your conversion. It’s intense, but oh so erotic. I’ll be back in a bit. I’m running to the store to get some things for you.” Zak kissed me on the lips. “I love you, babe, and I love that I’m the one that infected you.” I spent Saturday in bed battling the symptoms of my initiation into the poz brotherhood, welcoming HIV into my life. As sick as I was the urge to fuck and celebrate my new found status was relentless. I stroked my newly poz cock to climax several times, but again I found myself horny with a raging hard on craving more demon seed. Zak appeared in the bedroom doorway naked. His monster fully aroused, drooling toxins from its mouth. Poison dripped from his PA ring onto the floor. “I can’t stop thinking about you, babe. I’m so boned that you are poz. You need a recharging.” He walked over to the bedside, his throbbing monster swaying side to side as he approached. He slipped into bed beside me. My body was aching and soaked with sweat mixed with coatings of my poz sperm across my abdomen and chest. Zak lubed his cock with spit and pressed directly into my HIV infected hole. He grasped my throbbing cock and impaled me with his death stick. I lay there like a limp rag, but so horny for more of his virus. Zak thrust his venomous weapon into my guts again and again….slow and deep. “I want to flood your system with my disease, babe. Reinfect you over and over.” I just groaned with chills flooding my body. My cock throbbed repeatedly as Zak’s monster caressed my prostate. “Oh, Fuck, babe. I won’t last long. You have me so fucking turned on.” I reached across his body and pressed against his ass with what strength I had, trying to bury his death stick deeper inside me. “Give me more of your disease, Zak. I want my hole flooded with your virus.” “Fuck, you got it, babe. Here it comes. More of S****** seed.” Zak’s cock erupted with a flood of toxins filling my cunt with more HIV infected sperm. His cock remained in me pulsing and throbbing. As his meat slipped from my gut a gush of venomous cum trickled from my wrecked hole. Zak turned me onto my back and straddled my body. “I want to be the first to take my demon seed from your infected cock,” and he sat down on my hard shaft, burying it all the way in his ass. I let out a loud groan of pleasure, and we looked into each other’s eyes. It only took a few thrusts of him riding my dick, and he quickly pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed over and over, releasing its disease from my piss hole as I filled his ass with my poz cum. Zak’s hole tightened around my shaft, milking every drop of virus from my pole. “Fuck yes, babe. We’re now sharing demon seed full circle. We are one.” I lightly caressed his chest and smiled. A tear trickled down my cheek. This man stole my heart completely. “I love you, Zak.” He crawled off me. He kept all my poz cum in his gut as my meat slipped from his hole. He stood next to the bed, his proud infected cock dangling before my face as he tucked me in. I quickly drifted off to sleep. Later that evening I woke to Zak carrying me to the bathroom. “You’re awake. Welcome back, babe. You slept all day. I ran you a hot bath.” He set me down in the tub, then stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick. He stood above me at the edge of the tub and pissed all over me. I licked the salty taste of his urine from my lips. “You can soak in more my fluids….sharing all of me with you Zeek….my hot little pig boy.” While I laid in the hot water and piss, Zak cleaned and dressed my tattoo. “Relax and soak it in for a bit, babe. I’ll make you a little bite to eat. You need to keep your strength up.” Zak returned a little while later. He dried me off, carried me to bed and propped me up with pillows. A tray of soup and Gatorade presented in front of me. “You need to try to eat, babe. The conversion is draining.” Zak fed me some soup, and I took a few sips of the Gatorade, “I can’t eat right now, Zak. I just want to rest.” “Ok, babe.” He took the food away then returned and curled up with me naked in bed. I woke in the morning with my head resting on Zak’s chest; curled up against him with his arms wrapped around me. My hard cock throbbed, pressed firmly against his leg. He squeezed me gently in his arms and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing, babe?” “I feel horrible, but it’s weird…..at the same time I’m so turned on that I’m converting.” “I can tell. I told you it’s erotic. Your cock has been throbbing rock hard against my leg for the past hour. Your infected fluids leaking from your shaft has me horned up.” Zak folded me in half and bent my legs over his shoulders. He said, “I know you want all my poison, babe,” then buried his infected cock in my hole. I whimpered with pain as Zak plowed in deep, but I was too weak and too turned on at the same time to stop. I didn’t want to stop. This demonic desire was growing in me, and I relished in the pleasure of becoming a poz cum pig, a vessel of our diseases, swapping and sharing everything together. “You want more of my demon seed, don’t you, pig?” I simply moaned with pleasure as Zak thrust in and out of my hole. My cock lay fully erect against my abdomen. “That’s it, baby, milk my poison from my cock. Take all my diseases. More of my virus is definitely in you already.” Zak plowed into me, each time his pole stiffened and stretched my hole. He pounded at my prostate repeatedly. “Fuck, Zeek, I’m so close. Here come my toxic babies.” As his shaft unloaded, recharging my cunt with his virus he said, “Take my virus, babe. I’d love to be infecting each other with AIDS seed, letting our viruses mutate, experiencing S****** disease fully.” That pushed me over the edge. My cock immediately spit ropes of poisonous cum onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth and lapped up some of my diseased spunk. Zak reached up and smeared my poz load all over my chest and abdomen while he worked his poison into my intestines. He stroked my cock lubing it with my cum before slipping from my cunt. I stayed in bed covered in and filled with infected cum and fell back to sleep. Zak canceled most of his appointments for the week. I stayed in bed, and he cared for me. We repeatedly swapped our toxic cum with each other daily. When Zak had to piss he carried me into the bathroom and drenched me in urine. By the end of the week I stunk of a mixture of sweat, piss, and cum. I began to gain my strength again and felt a bit better. My body was adjusting to its invasion and surrendered to HIV. I finally showered on Friday, washing the stench of my erotic filth down the drain. Zak returned home from his shop late in the afternoon. “Good to see you’re starting to feel better, babe. I have a surprise for you.” More to follow……..
    3 points
  5. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 1) Kyle was only a senior at suburban Chicago high school. He had just turned 18 and at 5’10” he had a solid, runner’s build. With his good looks he could get any girl (or guy) he wanted, but he hadn’t begun to explore his sexuality, he was a nerd (a very cute nerd, including the glasses) and was more into school and grades. Kyle was fortunate to have a loving mother, but since his father died when he was barley 13. He was without a male influence in his life at the most important stage in his young life, puberty. Even after his father’s death, Kyle was always able to come and go as he pleased. This became easier for Kyle when his mother gave him a car for his 16th birthday. It was common for Kyle to be out all night…that is as long as he let his mom know that he wouldn’t be home. On this particular Friday, Kyle was going to check out one of the major university in the city of Chicago. He drove into the city and parked his car in a lot a few blocks from the campus. He met with an admission counselor and took a tour of the campus. The tour was conducted by a current student at the school. After the tour Kyle was hungry and decided to grab a late lunch. He headed to the student union and grabbed a sandwich and, since he didn’t know anyone at the school, sat at a table by himself. There were student’s coming and going as he relaxed and ate his lunch. Soon a couple of older students, he guessed that they must be seniors, sat down with him. They introduced themselves. “Hey there, I’m Rickey and that’s my roommate Tyler.” As they shook hands Kyle introduced himself, “I’m Kyle.” Tyler commented, “We’ve never seen you here before, where’s a good looking guy like you been hiding?” “I’m not a student here, at least not yet…..I am going to start in the fall.” Rickey then said, “Right on! We’re having a few of our friends over for a party tonight, you should come over. Where are you spending the night?” “Well, I was just going to drive back home after I finished eating. I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.” The two college men invited Kyle to come over and spend the night. The way the two were talking to the high school senior he felt like he couldn’t refuse. He had been to his share of high school parties with beer and pot. He knew he could control himself as to not make a fool of himself in front of a group of college students. “Sure, that sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I figure I will get to make some good friends here before I classes start this fall.” “Right on!” exclaimed Rickey. Kyle finished eating and the 3 left. As Kyle followed behind the two older college men he called and left a message for his mom that he was hanging with a few college guys and wouldn’t be home till the morning. He always felt a little sheepish, but maybe at this party he could break out and be more of a leader. After a good walk the 3 came to an old apartment building. Kyle followed the 2 as they climbed up to the top floor and he wondered to himself why the building looked to have 4 floors but they lived on the third floor. His curiosity would be answered cause as he was led into the only apartment on the top floor he discovered that they lived in a unit intended for the building’s owner. The main floor had a decent kitchen, a large living room with a den and a full bath with there were 4 bedrooms up stairs. “Just you two live here?” “It will be just us two this summer, in the fall we usually look for a few guys to occupy the other bedrooms” Tyler told him. Rickey offered Kyle a beer and the 3 settled in the living room to watch the Cub’s game. The three sat on the large sectional couch across from the 60” plasma with Kyle between the 2 roommates. The sectional was big enough so they had adequate space between each as to not make Kyle uncomfortable. Kyle drank his beer slowly and as he did he began to feel warm. He noticed that Rickey and Tyler had slipped their shirts off and were now just sitting in their cargo shorts. These two had great bodies with well defined pecs, arms and flat abs….Kyle felt a little self conscious about removing his shirt. Tyler made the suggestion, “Make yourself at home, get comfortable.” They could tell that Kyle was not comfortable about taking his shirt off and made the suggestion, “Kyle, it get’s warm in the apartment, why don’t you slip your shirt off…I’m sure you’ll feel cooler with it off.” It seemed like Kyle took that as a command as he removed his shirt to reveal his lean, thin build. Rickey helped boost Kyle’s self esteem, “Kyle you got a nice body for a young dude. I can see a lot of potential for you. You work out at all?” “A little….I’m more into my studies then working out. I run a lot though.” “What do you think Rickey, with a little work and our guidance we could make something out of that body of his.” “Right on!” Rickey agreed. “You really think I could be built like you?” Tyler told the shy teen, “Sure we do.” This brought a smile to Kyle’s face. He drank more of his beer and began to feel warmer and a little horny. Here he was with 2 good looking guys watching the Cub’s and he was getting hard. He did his best to hide his growing erection, but it was not able to and soon both Rickey and Tyler noticed and knew it was time to launch their plan. Hey slid in closer to Kyle and Rickey put his hand on Kyle’s thigh as Tyler put his arm around the teen. Kyle was not quick enough to protest….he actually felt comfortable with what the 2 were doing. Before Kyle knew it Tyler removed his glasses and was pulling him in for a kiss while Rickey moved his hand up his leg into his shorts. This was all new to Kyle; he had never been with anyone sexually except himself. He figured he’d go with it, and if he didn’t like it then he’d know he wasn’t gay. But he was discovering that he did like the way these 2 hot studs were making him feel. He felt his senses going into over load as Rickey played with his 7” cut cock and Tyler’s tongue probed into his mouth. It didn’t take long before Kyle’s shorts and boxers were on the ground. Rickey began to lick and suck Kyle’s cock as Tyler pulled Kyle down to his crotch. As Tyler held his head down he moved his cargo shorts down revealing a nice 8” cut cock. Tyler urged…no commanded that Kyle lick his cock, “Lick my cock, lick it from the base to the tip.” Kyle was in virgin territory and did was he felt was right, just follow their directions. The last thing he wanted the roommates to know was that he was a virgin. Kyle’s lack of experience showed when Rickey told him to suck Tyler’s cock. He wasn’t sure what to do and did the best he could just getting the tip in his mouth. “Watch the teeth Kyle!” Kyle pulled off for a second to say “Sorry.” Rickey could tell that Kyle was about to cum and the 2 didn’t want that just yet. He pulled off Kyle’s cock and came up to kiss he lover, Tyler. The 2 roommates whispered to each other ss Kyle continued to try and do his best to suck Tyler. Tyler asked, “Is this the first time you’ve ever sucked a guy’s cock?” Kyle kept stroking Tyler’s cock as he lifted his head and attempted to deny this fact. Rickey let him know, “It’s ok if you’ve never done this before. We can teach you, we can teach you a lot.” Kyle felt more at ease and admitted the truth, “Yeah, I’ve never done this before….I’m a virgin.” Tyler asked, “So, you think you’re gay?” “I don’t really know….I’ve never been with a girl or guy.” “It’s ok”, Rickey reassured him, “Let’s head up stairs and get comfortable and we can teach you everything.” They headed up the stairs, stark naked, and went into the master bedroom. There Kyle sat down as Tyler stepped into the bathroom for a second. When he returned he had a bottle of poppers, a few white and blue pills and something else that Kyle couldn’t see. Kyle asked, “What are the pills for?” Tyler told him, “The blue ones will keep you hard and horny,” Rickey said, “The white one will relax you.” Kyle naivety showed, he figured that these guys knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t hurt him. He swallowed the pills. “What’s the little brown bottle for?” Tyler said “Those are poppers, they also help relax you when you sniff them” as he opened the bottle and took a couple deep hits in each nostril. He then handed the bottle to Rickey and he did the same. They then handed the bottle to Kyle and he didn’t even hesitate when he took his hits. Kyle’s head was spinning. The ecstasy was beginning to kick in as the poppers hit him hard. The roommates knew that they had him right where they wanted him. Before Kyle knew what was happening Rickey grabbed his left arm and Tyler stuck him with a needle. The next thing Kyle felt was a warmth rush up his arm and felt it difficult to breath. He coughed out a couple times. He heard a ringing in his ears and felt as if he was floating. When he started to gain a comprehension as to what was happening….he was on his back with his legs on Rickey’s shoulders. He looked up at Rickey as he began to realize that he was being fucked. Kyle didn’t say a word, he simply moaned out in pleasure to what was happening. Tyler was over his head and as Kyle came around, Tyler began to feed Kyle his cock. Kyle eagerly sucked it down and, with the position he was in, took it down his throat. With a free hand he reached down to feel Ricks cock sliding in and out of his ass when he made a startling discovery….Rickey was not wearing a rubber. For a brief moment Kyle panicked, he remembered all the lectures and videos he watched in health class on STD’s and safe sex, but after Tyler shoved the poppers back under his nose forcing him to take some deep hits. His head was spinning as he heard the 2 college stud’s talking. “Rickey, this fag can make us some good cash over the next 4 years.” “Right on! With some good training and the proper encouragement he’ll be a perfect addition to our crew. Hey Ty, how much did you give him?” “Close to 2 quarters.” “That’s a good start, we got to get him hooked so he will be depended on us.” Kyle barely heard yet understood what the 2 studs were talking about. “I’m getting close Ty….he’s got one hot ass here.” “Breed him bro, breed his virgin ass.” Rickey looked down at Kyle and told him, “Look at me, keep those baby blues on mine.” Tyler pulled his cock from Kyle’s mouth, “There’ll be plenty of time to teach you to suck cock and swallow cum.” Kyle looked up at Tyler as he spoke and was reminded, “LOOK AT ME BITCH!” as he felt a hand slap him across his face. He looked up at Rickey. “I want you to remember this, always look at the John’s eyes when he fucks you, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE IS ABOUT TO CUM IN YOUR ASS!” Kyle had his eyes locked on Rickey as he heard him start to moan and grunt. He punctuated each thrust with a grunt. Then it happened, “FUCK I’M CUMMING!!!! I’M BEEDING YOUR ASS, YOUR VIRGIN NEG HOLE. IT BELONGS TO ME NOW!!!” As Rickey’s orgasm concluded he ground his cock inside Kyle’s formerly virgin hole making sure that every ounce of his seed was massaged into his gut. Rickey pulled his still hard cock out of Kyle and he was quickly replaced by Tyler’s. “MY TURN TO CLAIM YOUR ASS AS MY OWN!” Tyler exclaimed as he rammed the entire length of his 8” cock inside the teen. With the change in position he was able to get a good look at the cock that had taken his virginity and probably his health. Rickey’s cock was the same length as Tyler’s, but uncut. Since Tyler had his cock down Kyle’s throat he had already worked his balls to near boiling point. He began to breath heavier as Kyle could feel his cock thicken. Kyle had his eyes locked on Tyler as the stud reached the point of no return. “UH, UH, UH, TAKE MY CHARGED CUM YOU FUCKING WHORE!” And Kyle was filled with his second load of poz cum.
    2 points
  6. My Dad and I used to fuck around. Yeah, my real Dad. But I thought we had moved past it, until he fucked me again over Christmas this year. It all started when I was younger and Mom went back to work full time In the evenings. Evidently this put a real crimp in my father's sex life, and so I ended up filling in. I mean, I had heard my parents having sex. A lot. My room was right next to theirs and sometimes they weren't quiet. You see, when I was growing-up, my family was very hippie liberal. Lots of nudity. Sex was discussed from an early age. I took occasional baths with my father, or sat and kept him company while he bathed. I also knew about his porn collection and would often sneak viewings of it after school. There were a lot of Playboy magazines, but also some real hard core stuff. Anyway, when Mom went back to work, Dad started masturbating in the evenings. I know as much because I could hear the porn videos and the faint squeaking of his bed. He also almost never closed his door all the way. Being curious, and a bit twisted I guess, I started sneaking out into the hallway and watching him. It was strangely erotic watching my own father masturbate and shoot his load. Erotic, but also shameful. I knew it was wrong, but I still got hard. Eventually he caught me spying. I figured he was going to go apeshit, but all he did was call me into his bedroom. "You might as well get comfortable and have a wank too," he told me. That's how it started. Every night we would watch porn and jack off together. But then one night he put his hands behind his head and told me he was tired and I should jack him off. And I did. His cock was heavy and thick in my hand. He came quickly and it ran down my hand. I was excited by and ashamed of what I had just done. But I didn't stop. Soon after it was "You know, I could sure go for a blowjob like in the videos." And again, I gave him what he wanted. I had already experimented by having given blowjobs to my cousin and my best friend and a couple of other guys, so I was good at it. Apparently my Dad noticed my skill and appreciated the fact. I still remember the first time I blew him and being rewarded with a mouthful of his saltiness, and the compliment "Damn, you're good at that!" After that I was his cock sucker. We rarely talked-- just got naked, watched the porn, and I would blow him. The whole time I was fairly conflicted about the arrangement. Here I was, horny, getting sex almost every night (when I didn't have late school functions or excessive homework). But the sex was with my Dad. Within a year or two, we transitioned to fucking. I don't really remember what prompted the change, but one night just as I was getting into sucking him he pulled me off saying "I wanna try something different tonight." With the porn playing, Dad had me get on all fours. He got out a tube of KY, smeared some on my hole, some more on his cock, and then started to push his dick into me. It hurt. A lot. It took a few tries and a lot more KY, but he managed to get all the way inside me. "Damn you are TIGHT!" I remember him saying. And then he started humping me. For me, this was a lot different than the blowjobs. Sucking Dad's dick was much less of a transgression in my eyes. I was just helping him masturbate with my mouth or something. But now I was being fucked, and that just seemed wrong. It was uncomfortable. It was degrading. It was something that a wife (my Mom) should be for-- not me. I was suddenly ashamed and embarassed that I was in my parents' bed, letting my Dad have his way with my ass. I zoned out watching the big-titted woman on the video getting butt fucked as well. I remember wondering of she actually enjoyed it or not. Then Dad tensed up, an I knew he was cumming inside my ass. I also noticed that the fucking left me rock hard. While my father cleaned up, I jacked off, full of hot shame. We fucked a lot after that, not a lot of talking. And always from behind. Eventually I moved out of my parents' house. After that, divorces, jobs, his new girlfriends and marriages kept me safe from any repeat sessions. Until this past Christmas. He came to visit me for a couple days, alone. His newest girlfriend had to work so she couldn't make the trip. To be honest, the thought of us having sex again hadn't really even crossed my mind. I had come to terms with what we had done, and realized that he was probably responsible for my fetish for older 'daddies', but that was it. Besides, my Dad was around 60 by this time. Well, evidently the men in my family are always horny bastards. We had been drinking and watching football games when it was time for bed. I got him set up in his room and retired to mine. It felt like I had just fallen asleep when suddenly I felt him. It really startled me! "Dad, what the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed. "I think you know" he said. And I did. I could already feel his erection pressing against my ass. Dad wanted sex, and as much as my adult self was repulsed by the idea (and truth be told, with him, at least at that moment), I knew I would relent. I would again give up my ass to Dad, even after all this time. I pulled off my boxers and started digging in my night stand for the necessary stuff. I lubed up my ass, then reached back and lubed up my father's cock. It was thick and heavy in my hand. And familiar. So much like my own cock now. I assumed the position, and took a hit of poppers. "Son, are those drugs?" he asked. "No, Dad, they're just poppers. They help me relax." Hrmph was all he said as he thrust into me. So many thoughts and feelings swirled in my mind while Dad used my ass for his pleasure. I was ashamed for what I was doing, of what I was allowing him to do, and also ashamed that my cock was hard and that the sensation of Dad's cock sliding in and out of me was such a turn on. It didn't take him long before he was wheezing and squirting his load into me, donating his sperm and his DNA as he had done decades earlier in creating me. When he was done, he pulled out and slunk back to his room for the night. And I was left to jack off in hot shame, turned on like the bottom cum whore that I am. The bottom cum whore that Dad had made.
    2 points
  7. Spent 1 night in California last night. Posted ads on BBRt, CL and A4A. Well in no time, I had cummers showing up at my hotel door. I left the door ajar, turned the lights down low, slipped on my blindfold and lubed up my hole and they filtered in 1 by 1. In a 4 hour period, I took 17 loads. They just kept cumming and cumming and some of them even returned for a repeat session. One guy that wanted me to see him was a big muscular black guy with a HUGE cock who totally wrecked my hole. He went for a good 45 minutes. I had so much cum in my hole by the end of the night. Hope to do it again sometime soon and try and break the 17 record. Best night ever!!
    2 points
  8. Jake poured a small capful of g into some soda, and handed it to me as he pulled out the points. "Hold your nose and shot this boy" I said to Tanner, lifting his moist lips off my dick. Tanner knocked the shot back and immediately sucked his gums as the flavour registered in the back of his head. I quickly guided him back to my dick as he flushed red and started to sweat a little as the g worked into his system. Jake left the toys for a moment, got behind Tanner in the chair, hoisted the boy's ass onto his lap and stuck his tongue up the boy's freshly seeded hole. Tanner moaned around my dick as Jake gave him his first, out-and-in rim job...hitting all of the boys anal buttons. It turned me on knowing Jake and Tanner were tasting me at the same time, I felt my cock start to grow again, snaking its way down Tanner's receiving gullet. To his credit, the boy never lost suction even whilst his face was buried in my crotch. Jake was list in the jock's ass, he'd come up for air every once in a while, spread the boy's cheeks further apart before diving back in, licking, kissing, and slurping on the perfectly corrupted, cherry-ripe hole. Whole minutes passed in this perfect daisy chain, each worshipping the other. All the while Tanner moaning, experiencing the pleasure of being rimmed out. Eventually, Jake came up, smiled, and indicated that we should switch. I was only too happy, the boy was close to milking another load out of me and I was close to letting him have it. We spun the boy around and Jake planted his lips on Tanner's, passing him a mouthful of my cum, sucked out his ass. Tanner looked momentarily surprised but, his cock got rock hard... "Taste it...Taste the seed that bred you" Jake said.... "Good bro!...now swallow..." Tanner did as he was told as I gently started fingering his hairless little cunt. Jake made a "syringe" action with his hand behind Tanner's head as he deep kissed him again...time for the real party to start. I got the tourniquet and points "On the chair kid" I commanded, slapping Tanner's ass hard. Jake switched out and grabbed a ball clench from our 'bag of tricks" "Dont want any accidental spillages" he grinned. Tanner looked so fucking gorgeous in the chair, like some kind of blonde God...cut glass body heaving under taught, Sun kissed skin, rivulets of sweat creeping down the crevices of his muscle. "Boy" I said "Anyone ever told you, you are perfect?" He smirked, a little slowly from the drugs I ruffled his blonde hair, bringing my hulking frame close to his, pressing my hairy chest against his hairless frame, kissing him deeply and passionately. Tasting my cum and feeling his heat. I broke the kiss, and began to whisper in his ear. "Tanner, I'm going to fuck you again..." His pecs shivered "Jake's gonna fuck you. We're gonna break you in right, get you used to cock, craving it...by the end of the night it's all you're gonna think about...that tight little jock pussy is gonna bleed with cum..." Jake began kissing Tanner's drug sensitive thighs and he moaned. "And...you're gonna love it" I continued licking his ear. "O... ok..." He breathed I smiled "First, cuz you deserve it...I'm gonna give you a shot of something, help you relax baby boy, help you on your way to realising what you were built for...what you were bred to be" "A ..." I bit his ear "Jock boy cum dump" He moaned and I tweaked one of his pink nipples. "That a consent boy" Jake bit the boy's thighs leaving an angry love bite "Yes!" He sighed "Please" "Jake's gonna clamp your boy balls, stop you from cumming till you're a man...no one wants your neg boy jock juice...ok" Jake began screwing the device on the boy and he winced as I strapped up his arm. "Ok boy..." I said...finding a pulsing vein "Here we go" Jake finished screwing the ball clamp as I shot the boy up. There was a moment of silence, I took off the tourniquet and... "F...fuck...chggghgg". The boy went into coughing overdrive as I soothed him, rubbed his back. "Ride it pup, ride it out...we'll see you on the other side." Tanner was still coughing as Jake prepped his own slam. He winked at me as he found base and let go...Jake starting coughing as Tanner came out of his fit.... "Holy fucking hell" he whispered "Holy fucking hell" His eyes were solid black and he smiled wildly as he caught sight of my semi hanging between my legs. "Want it?" I said "Fuck yes!" He cried, licking his lips.... Jake rose up between Tanner's legs. "Daddy'll be back in a minute" he said, passing me a newly packed pipe and engulfing Tanner's growing, useless cock in his mouth. Getting him hard and horny. He'd not cum with the clamp affixed. "Very good boys" I said, sitting in the opposite chair, stroking my semi and lighting up....Jake knew slamming got me off but smoking got me hard...the little fucker.
    2 points
  9. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 6 We spent the night spooning each other in bed. I woke with morning wood and Zak’s hard cock sandwiched between my ass cheeks. It felt so right waking in his arms with his boned up dick against my body. I snuggled further into Zak and worked his shaft against my hungry hole. Thoughts of last night’s breeding made my cock dance rock hard. Zak yawned and stretched, rubbing his boner tight against me. “Morning, babe.” “Morning.” He sighed and kissed the back of my neck, “Did you sleep well?” “Yep. Feels good waking up with you.” As he snuggled me and ground his cock against me, “Doesn’t feel so bad for me either.” “I can’t stop thinking about last night.” “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?” “Want to do some more breeding today?” “Yeah, I’m game.” “You still have Jonathan’s number from lunch yesterday?” “I’m sure it’s still in my pocket.” “Why don’t you message him and see if he wants to have a drink and some threesome play?” I reached for my phone. Tap, tap, tap….. I tried to reach Jonathan with a text message. “Hey Jonathan….it’s Zeek from yesterday at the restaurant. U have plans today?” I snuggled into Zak again. A few minutes later my cell phone called out to us with a “ding.” I had a message from Jonathan. “Hey Zeek, Glad to hear from u. Enjoyed our ‘bathroom break.’ No plans today. What did u have in mind?” “Brunch and some 3some play?” “Love to. Where and when 2 meet?” Zak was stroking my hard shaft while I tried to concentrate on messaging back and forth with our new play bud. “How about Café Centraal on Kinnickinnic at 11:30?” “Sounds good. Will give me time to get moving. Still lying in bed. Feels good to sleep in on my day off.” “We are hangin out in bed yet too.” “Awesome. Nothing like a lazy start to the day.” I snapped a selfie of Zak and I in bed and sent it to Jonathan with a message, “U need 2b here in bed with us swappin cum.” “U R getting me turned on.” About a minute later pics of Jonathan’s hard rod and tight hole showed up on my phone, “Look forward to seeing u guys.” “Damn, can’t wait to tap that ass again. See U at 11:30.” “Boned with anticipation. Will your BF fuck me too?” “U bet he will.” I snapped a pic of Zak’s cock making sure to not include his biohazard tattoo then sent it to Jonathan with a message. “Here’s Zak’s cock….inked and pierced. You’ll love it…..feels amazing!” By the time I finished texting Jonathan, Zak had his lips wrapped around my shaft and was deep throating my cock. “Fuck, Zak that feels so good.” Between panting, “Jonathan wants…. you to…. fuck him too. I want… to see you… unload your…. poz seed in him.” “We can both breed him, babe.” I pulled Zak off my slick cock. “The thought of pozzing Jonathan has me so close to cumming. My dick throbbed and stiffened over and over. Precum glistened on the head of my shaft. “You better slow down, or I’ll be shooting my swimmers down your throat in no time.” We showered fully erect. I don’t think our cocks dropped to more than half mast the entire time. We made out while lathering each other’s bodies and stroking each other’s rods all soaped up. We both pissed on each other at the same time. Our urine mixed together as it ran down our bodies with our lips locked. On the drive to the restaurant our cocks strained against our jeans begging to be released. “Damn, Zak, I’m so boned up. I can’t get my cock to go down.” “I know, breeding always gets me going too. Try thinking of something else.” Thought I had it licked. I focused on thinking about the landscaping I wanted to complete around my house, but that led to thoughts of Summer, the hot sun, sweaty construction workers, to stripping their shirts off and my cock boned up again. Zak chimed in, “Not working I see. I have a sure way to kill your hard on.” “Go for it.” “Think about a woman naked. Her cunt is steamy and goopy with a yeast infection. When she spreads her legs it smells like a rotting fish.” “Damn, Zak….talk about not only killing my wood, I may be vomiting on top of it.” He chuckled, “Works every time.” We arrived at Café Centraal a few minutes early and ordered a drink at the bar. The bartender was a sexy number with ink up one arm, a trim waist, reddish brown hair and a scruffy 5 o’clock shadow. In no time my cock was boned up again. “Hi guys, can I get you a drink?” Zak blurted out, “I’ll have a stella.” “Bottle or tap?” “Bottle please.” “And you sir?” “I’ll have a Sam Adams……bottle.” “Coming right up.” The bartender bent down to get the beer from the cooler, allowing us both to check out his firm ass. Zak and I glanced at each other. Zak smiled and raised his eyebrows at me. “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “Here you go guys. Are you having lunch too?” “Yes, we’re just waiting for a buddy to get here.” “I’ll start a tab, add it to your food bill.” “Ok, cool,” I added. Swinging my bar stool toward Zak, I motioned toward my crotch and softly stated, “Think I’m going to stop battling the monster in my pants, because he’s clearly winning.” Zak chuckled, “You ARE a horny devil aren’t you, babe?” Jonathan was a few minutes late. He slipped onto the bar stool next to me and nudged my shoulder with his. “Hi, guys.” “Hey, Jonathan.” Zak added, “Hello, Jonathan.” “Zak and Zeek,” he said, “Kind of has a ring to it.” “It’s actually Isaac, but my friends call me Zeek.” “Well, I really enjoyed meeting you both yesterday……. Zak and Zeek.” “Same,” added Zak. “We just ordered a drink, Jonathan. Would you like something?” Zak motioned for the bartender. “What would you like, sir?” Jonathan ordered a brandy and coke. “With Korbel if you have it, please.” The bartender returned shortly with his drink in hand. “Thanks, man.” Jonathan scooped it off the bar, and we shuffled off to get a table. You could feel the sexual tension in the air as we perused the menus. I fumbled on my words, “So Jonathan, I bet it has to feel good being on the receiving end……ah, I mean being served rather than serving…..um….you know, waiting tables.” We all laughed….breaking the ice. Jonathan grinned, “I do like being on the receiving end in more ways than one.” (Thinking to myself) You’ll be receiving a lot more than you realize today. My cock twitched in my pants. “Good because Zak and I are in a giving mood.” (Thinking to myself) Or I should say gifting mood. Zak glanced at me with a cheeky grin that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Our waiter popped in out of nowhere. He was short and thin, smooth shaven, and proper with his shirt buttoned to his neck. Nice, cute, maybe 19 or 20 and a little nerdy. “Hi, guys. I’m Coty. I’ll be your waiter today.” We all said hello at the same time. He quickly blurted out, “I see you all have drinks. I’ll give you some time with the menus and stop back in a few.” “Thanks, Coty.” As fast as he appeared he disappeared. Jonathan said, “Boy, he’s fast. Too much coffee or something, another cup and he may explode.” “Well, Jonathan, that bubbly personality you bring to your customers certainly stands out.” Zak tapped Jonathan on the shoulder, “Not to mention the added attention you give to some of us.” He blushed, “I do like my customers to leave happy, but yesterday was a FIRST.” Zak inquired with a flirtatious air, “Ok, Jonathan, see anything you like on the menu?” Jonathan smirked then continued to browse his menu. Without looking up he said, “Well, that would be on the dessert menu, guys, but yes I do.” Coty slipped into position at our table with his pad and pen in hand to take our orders. I wanted to tell him to loosen up a bit, unbutton his shirt and let his hair down a bit, but resisted the urge and let the young lad be. I just thought to myself a good stiff cock up your ass would do you wonders, Coty, as I smiled and placed my order. After a short wait Coty promptly returned with our lunch plates. I noticed his glances at the three of us. This was more than looking. This was checking us out in a subtle way. It set my gaydar off. “Is there anything else I can get you guys right now?” Zak said, “No, I think we are good, Coty, thanks.” He shuffled off to the bar area, but every time I looked at him his eyes were glued on us like he was ready to break into chorus of Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.” About halfway through my Waldorf salad I asked, “Are you guys reading these signals from Coty too?” Jonathan replied, “You mean all the looks and stares from a distance?” “And all the glances every time he comes to the table,” Zak added? “Yeah, my gaydar is ringing like crazy.” “How could we miss it?” Coty returned to clear our plates, “Are any of you interested in dessert this afternoon?” Jonathan replied, “We saved room for dessert, but we’re having that at my place in a bit.” Coty naively said, “Oh, what’s for dessert guys?” Zak couldn’t resist, “It’s not WHAT’S for dessert, but WHO.” He glanced over at Jonathan with a smirk on his face. Coty’s mouth dropped open. The silverware slipped from his hand, and he nervously bent over to pick them up. It took him a while before reluctantly standing up. He couldn’t hide it. The tenting to the front of his pants was obvious. Coty was family too, whether he knew it or not. His face turned three shades of red, “I’ll be right back with your bill guys,” and he scurried off. My cock twitched and half boned in my pants, “I know he’s a little geeky, but there’s something sweet and innocent about him too.” Jonathan added, “Yeah, he is kind of a cute little number.” “He’s definitely a bit closeted or unsure of his sexuality,” Zak said. About 5 minutes later Coty returned. He placed the bill on the table. He could hardly look at us. Mortified, he said, “I apologize guys, and there’s no rush with this; whenever you are ready.” He turned to walk away and Zak stopped him by grabbing his shirt sleeve. Coty let out a little gasp. “You know, Coty, I hope I don’t offend you. There’s no reason to be embarrassed around us. I only said that earlier because we noticed your glances. We’re all gay here. What I said obviously turned you on. It’s cool, and you’re very welcome to join us for dessert if you like.” Coty nervously stuttered, “Ah, th…thanks, but um…..my shift doesn’t end until late.” Then he awkwardly slipped away. I left a note with Coty’s tip. “If you want to explore your gay side or just chat a bit give us a call, Zak and Zeek.” I didn’t expect to hear from him, but you never know. My focus shifted toward Jonathan and us breeding his ass. Zak was so excited at the thought of pozzing him. I’m surprised he didn’t cream his pants on the way to Jonathan’s place. “I can’t wait to dump our loads in his neg hole,” he said. I have to admit my cock was pretty boned up and leaking too. “Ditto!! The anticipation has me turned on big time.” We followed Jonathan to his apartment. My rod was throbbing in my jeans watching his tight ass strolling down the hall to his front door. Perfectly round, and plump, it filled out his pants so sweetly. I could hardly wait to tear those jeans off and bury my dick in his man hole. We no sooner got the door closed and Jonathan stripped his clothes off. His cock stood straight up in the air. He walked over to Zak and started making out with him and pulling his clothes off. As he reached to unbutton Zak’s jeans he was distracted by me pulling him to me, burying my tongue down his throat. I dropped my jeans to the floor. Having gone commando, our cocks immediately touched. We ground our wet shafts against one another, soaking each other with our slick precum. Jonathan pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside as Zak slipped in behind him. Zak unzipped his jeans, flipped his hard shaft out, and worked it against Jonathan’s tight hole. Zak grabbed our prey by the hips and pumped his cock hard between his ass cheeks. I made eye contact with Zak as I made out with Jonathan. He winked at me, puckered up and blew me a kiss then shot me a huge smile. Jonathan arched his back and worked his ass against Zak’s poisonous meat. Zak reached in his pocket and pulled out a jacket, “I have a condom, let me suit up.” Jonathan broke away from kissing me and said, “Drop the rubber, get those jeans off, and fuck me with that poz cock!!” With shock in his voice, Zak replied, “What did you say?” Jonathan chuckled, “You came to poz me, and there’s nothing more I want than to charge up. Bury that poz cock in my hole.” My cock stiffened even more. Zak kept grinding against Jonathan’s tight ass, “How did you know I’m poz?” “I’ll tell you later after you both breed my hole.” Jonathan led us to his bed and sat down on the edge. He leaned back with his cock standing tall in front of him. While looking right at Zak he said, “Are you going to get out of those jeans now?” Zak reached down and unbuttoned his trousers and dropped them to the floor, revealing his big, brazen biohazard tattoo marking him as poz and proud. “Fucking hot!!” Jonathan’s cock stiffened and pulsed down the length of his shaft as he gazed at Zak’s poz dick and ink. “Turn around and get on your knees,” Zak demanded and walked toward the bed. Zak greased up Jonathan’s hole with spit and worked the head of his shaft in his hole. I wasted no time in crawling on the bed on my knees and making out with Jonathan slow and deep. Zak shoved farther into Jonathan’s hungry hole raw. He moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss, and Zak impaled Jonathan all the way onto his rod. Jonathan stroked my pole. Zak pumped his ass slow and deep. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s grip by standing up on the bed before him. After grabbing the back of his head I buried my cock deep in his throat. “Suck my cock, pig,” as I continued to face fuck him. Zak and I were in perfect rhythm fucking Jonathan from both ends. “You like my poz cock leaking poison in your hole, don’t you, pig?” I pulled my dick from Jonathan’s mouth after about ten minutes of deep throating. “Oh fuck, I want your poz loads in my ass so much.” Zak asked, “Yeah? You want my DNA?” “Yes, give it to me.” I stroked my pulsing cock, stiffening even more with each word. “Yeah? You ready for my swimmers to poz you?” “Fuck, yes.” Zak pounded into Jonathan, “Take my virus, pig. Here it comes.” “Fuck!!” Zak’s body jerked as ropes of charged sperm filled Jonathan’s guts. He quickly pulled out of Jonathan, leaving a trail of cream dripping from Jonathan’s stretched hole. “Get over here, Zeek, and get that cock in his cunt.” I scooped up Zak’s seed leaking from Jonathan’s hole and fingered it into his ass. I worked my fingers in and out of his gut then lined up my cock and plowed in. My meat was immediately coated with ass slime and my babe’s toxic cum. Sloshing my rod in Zak’s demon seed with Jonathan’s hole wrapped around my shaft made my cock throb. I worked my boyfriend’s charged load into Jonathan’s intestinal walls with each thrust. It was wet, slimy and incredible. Zak worked his dick into Jonathan’s throat, “Clean my cock off, pig. Suck it all down.” I slowed my thrusts, pumping into Jonathan feeling every inch of my cock slip deep inside. “Fuck your hole feels so good. I love working poz cum into you.” Zak held Jonathan’s head in place on his shaft, and let out a small shot of piss in Jonathan’s mouth. He quickly gulped it down his throat. “Yeah, you like that sweet piss don’t you? Want more don’t you?” Jonathan simply nodded, and I continued to fuck his ass, groaning with each thrust. I said, “You want my seed too, don’t you pig?” He again nodded as Zak fed him his piss. Jonathan devoured every drop of urine into his belly. “Are you ready for more DNA in your ass?” He nodded and mumbled, “Yes,” between gulps of piss. “Fuck, yes, cause I’m getting close.” Zak pulled his cock from Jonathan’s mouth after emptying his bladder. Jonathan licked his lips with piss dribbling off his tongue, “Oh my God that was hot!!” He took a deep breath, “Now give me your charged seed!!” “Fuck, you love that piss too, don’t you?” “Yes. I love poz cum and piss.” “Here’s my seed, pig.” “Fuck, yes.” My cock pulsed and throbbed over and over. “Yes, Fuck, yeah……I can feel you cumming in me.” I grabbed Jonathan’s hips after draining my balls in his ass. With each slow thrust of my cock I could feel our cum gushing around my shaft. As I pulled my meat from Jonathan’s hole he leaned back against my sweaty chest and with only a few strokes of his cock he splattered Zak’s chest with his creamy spunk. “Fuck, I want to poz so much!!” “Well, I definitely have a viral load,” Zak replied. “Awesome. What about you Zeek?” “Not even sure I’m poz yet. I haven’t tested, and Zak’s been filling my hole with tons of his virus.” “So you may be poz already?” “Could be.” “God, I loved that so much. Thank you, guys.” Jonathan kissed Zak on the lips and slipped his tongue in his mouth. We all flopped down on the bed in a clump of sweaty, hot flesh. After catching our breath, Zak again asked, “So how did you know I’m poz?” “Easy. I checked out guys in Milwaukee and Chicago on BBRT when I knew I was moving here. I saw your profile.” “I don’t have face pics unlocked in my profile.” “You didn’t need face pics. Your ink is hot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw your tattoos at the restaurant. I knew it was you right away from your profile pics.” I said, “So you knew all along when you took my load in the bathroom stall?” “Sure did, and you guys thought you were going to stealth my ass.” Jonathan chuckled, “I would have played along, but the poz talk while taking seed is hotter.” We both laughed. “You’re a sly little devil, aren’t you?” Jonathan grinned with satisfaction, “So you don’t know if you’re poz yet, huh Zeek?” “Nope. No symptoms yet either.” Zak cut in, “But he should be converting any time now, if he hasn’t already. He’s taken a lot of my cum. You may very well have gotten two toxic loads today.” “Awesome!!” The surprise turnabout from Jonathan left us horny as hell. Driving home our conversation about our weekend of toxic play left us with two rock hard cocks wanting release. I pulled into my garage, and we were ready to fire off another load. The garage door closed and by the time I got out of my car Zak had circled around to my side. He tore my shirt off, and pinned me against the car door. His lips were gentle but aggressive against mine. “I want you Zeek. You need another dose of my virus?” “I want you in me.” Zak pulled my jeans to my knees and flipped me around against the car. I heard his zipper fly down and seconds later his throbbing cock was plowing into my hole. It was raw and rough. He pinned my face to the roof of the car and thrust in me repeatedly. I arched my back against his meat. My cock danced with excitement against the car door. The harder and faster he pumped my ass, the closer I got to firing off my own load. I could feel he was getting close too. His panting grew more intense, and he moaned and groaned building toward climax. His shaft expanded and stiffened, opening me up wider as he shot off round after round in rapid succession. His pulsing cock filled me with sensations that pushed me over the edge, and my rod exploded with a huge load of creamy jizz streaking across my car door. Zak pressed his body against mine. His cock still buried deep in my guts. He kissed my neck then whispered, “You know I’m falling in love with you, don’t you?” I rubbed my head against his. “Ditto, babe,” and he caressed my head and body then kissed the back of my neck. The feel of his body against mine sent chills from my head to my toes. I wanted to tell him I wasn’t falling in love with him; I was already in love with him, but I didn’t. Our relationship was still new. I wanted him against me all night, but I knew he would soon be heading back to Chicago. More to come......
    2 points
  10. Part 9 Cum. Sweat. Lube. Before I came to this place, they were all things I would have said I never wanted in my mouth. Yet when I pushed my tongue into the hole of the guy in the sling, I tasted all three and thought it was the greatest thing in the world. He let out a moan as I licked at his hole, and from behind me, I heard the skinheads approval too. I felt him move in, and when his hand appeared on my head, he shoved my face in that that I was right up against the ass, penetrating it as far as my tongue would go. I'd never rimmed anyone before, but he seemed perfectly content with the way I moved my tongue and lips. “I think this kids a bit of a cum addict!” The skinhead said as he held my head still, not letting me pull away. My jaw and tongue were beginning to hurt, but I didn't stop my actions. My cock was twitching between my legs, bouncing and wanting to be used. The guy in the sling made a noise of agreement in between his general moans and whimpers. “Let's give him a bit more...” And with that, I found my head pulled away from the ass, and before I could tell what was happening, the skinheads thick, pierced cock was in my mouth. Instinct took over, though I had no idea what to do with the piercing. I danced my tongue around his dick as he shoved it right to the back of my throat. It made me gag, but that didn't stop him, he kept hold of my head and thrust repeatedly into my mouth. I sucked and licked as best I could, though I figured that most of the pleasure he was getting was from his own actions, rather than mine. I could hear him moaning above me, along with the guy in the sling. I glanced to my side briefly to see that the skinhead had several fingers inside the sling guys ass, twisting in and out, keeping the hole loose. I could also see cum still leaking out around his hole and onto the penetrating fingers. With each thrust, my throat seemed to gag more, and I was certain that I couldn't take much more of it without losing my stomach, but the skinhead seemed to be able to recognise the signs. Just as it was getting too much, he pulled out. My mouth didn't stay empty long though, as he switched his cock with his hand. As the pierced dick stabbed balls deep into the loose ass in the sling, cum-coated fingers pushed their way into my mouth. Instinctively, I continued sucking, tasting the cum and licking at the fingers. “Good fucking boy!” I heard from above, and the skinheads voice had become like a deep growl. I looked up and saw that his eyes were closed, his face screwed up, almost as if he were in pain, but the moans he made made it obvious what was happening. With one last howling moan, and an 'Oh fuck yeah!' from the guy in the sling, I saw the skinheads body convulse. I could tell that cum was pumping into into the guys ass, and even saw it as the skinhead pulled his dick out just enough that I could see his cock twitch with each pump. “Get ready for this, boy.” He said, breathless, as his fingers curled up in my hair, taking hold of my head. After he thrust into the guy a few more times, he pulled out his cock and in the same second, shoved my face back into the freshly fucked asshole. I tasted the fresh cum in my mouth and salivated. I heard moaning as the cum continued leaking into my mouth. I licked and lapped at the hole, but after a moment,I found my head pulled away again. The order to 'clean it off' came from above, and the pierced cock found its way back into my mouth, still semi-hard. I obeyed – not that I had a choice – sucking and licking clean the dick, removing all traces of cum from it. “Good boy.” I heard from the skinhead. “Good fucking boy.” Once the dick was clean again, he let me go. Only then did I notice how much of a crowd had built up around us. From where I was kneeling, it almost looked like an endless sea of guys, of all shapes and sizes, all with their cocks out, seemingly waiting for me. It was only then that I felt any amount of awareness of where I was or what I was doing, and when the skinhead held out his hand for me, what little common sense I had left kicked back in. I took his hand and let him help me up. All the action had caused my towel to slip off me, and I quickly squabbled to get it wrapped around me, though it was made impossibly difficult to actually get on properly by my now completely hard cock. I actually heard some tuts and grumbles of complaint as the skinhead led me away from the slingroom. I took one last look over my shoulder at all the horny guys that had been getting off on watching me, and for a moment, felt an almost overwhelming desire to stay.
    2 points
  11. I’ve been chatting to the 25yr old guy on recon. He wants me to introduce him to the ‘World of Fisting’. As the conversations continued, I suggested (as a joke) that he mails me a condom with a fresh load of his cum. .. Today, I received a letter containing a condom of a very good load of cum. Upon seeing it, my cock became hard instantly. Dropping the condom into my mouth, almost blew my load. .. The smell of his cum is AMAZING. .. Considering the load if 1 day old, I’m deciding to do a taste test. .. I’m been guaranteed another fresh load in the mail next week. ..
    1 point
  12. The music is loud… some techno shit… not good not bad… I try to look like I belong in this place… I do not know the language but who cares… I am not here for the talking. In fact the more anonymous the better… I am a traveler. I am staying in this city for three nights and I intend to make the best of it… The moment I arrived I went to the hotel, jumped in the shower, cleaned inside- out, wore my worn out fuck jeans, no under wear, took my poppers in hand… and here I am in a bar at the center of the gay neighbourhood drinking my beer and gathering my strength to go downstairs where I know is the darkroom… I am not invisible… I am tall 6.3 black hair, moustache, with the confidence of an Alpha Top … Well I used to .. in my old days… Alas… not any more… now I know what I am … I am a cumdump… the men who like to breed a real man cunt, sure they have a good time with me… but again some not… no big deal… that’s is life… and I am OK with it… I usually smile, I say “I do not fuck… I like to get fucked and I only do bareback…” And when I say it I smile so no hurt feelings… And most of the guys are Ok with that. So life goes on… And the path of my life brought me here in this seedy leather bar. I see people look at me try to figure out what is the story behind my Mediterranean poker face… But none approaches and I approach no one either. Second beer… The bartender takes the tip with the smile. Europeans do not tip bartenders. “The fun is downstairs” he said in English. “I know” was my answer. No more talk… I went back to my corner. A man around his 50’s was standing opposite of me. Tall maybe a bit taller than me… Beard… Stocky… Nordic… In leather. Intense eyes. He is drinking his beer slowly. Looking at me… I took the challenge and I returned back the glance with the same intensity. His eyes showed nothing. He was good… A silent hunter. That is OK with me… I can wait… I won’t make the first move. If there is any kind of invitation it has to be from his part. That is the rules of the game. And I was right. He approaches me first. “Boy I need to piss… come downstairs… Now!!!” Yeap, he read me right. I followed him downstairs… he took a turn right to one of the booths… waited in the open door. I came closer. He kissed me… He knew how to kiss… Not soft not hard, but with dominance… I felt the taste of the beer. He took my hand and put it at his open fly… Damn… uncut and thick … the way I like it… Not soft but not hard either… He didn’t touch my cock at all… put his hand under trying to find my hole… He found the target easily…. “I’d love to piss in your hole…” “Go for it…” was my answer…. “Let’s find the sling”… We went thru the dark corridors… Men in the basement were walking back and forth from one wall to the other like ghosts… Hunting… for the next pray… for the next cock… for the next ass… I read their minds… They knew I was his… and with his walk in front of me he left no doubts … I was his… There was the sling… unoccupied… Didn’t take me long to take my trousers off… put it on the sling and lay on it… Took his lube… spread it around my hole then all over his thick tool… I was hard… but he stil hadn’t touch my cock.. I was not given permission to touch it either … Took my poppers out….. Nice buzz… He took his too… and then I felt his cockhead pressing my spinster… “Ready boy?” I loved the way he pushed it in… It hurt a bit but it was a nice kind of pain. My eyes locked in his… “Here it comes…” he said and then I felt it… Warm piss in my hole… And his eyes still there locked in mine. And yes a slight smile. There was another buzz … Damn chem piss…. My favourite kind…. “I love chem piss… “ I heard my self whispering while he still kept steel in my ass… “You like slamming boy?” he asked. “I love slamming Sir, but I cannot handle the needle myself… “ I said… “Good… I love slamming my boys…. Do you want to be my boy for tonight BOY?” How sweet of him… he was still pissing in my ass and slowly started to slide his thick cock inside my sloppy ass… He looked like he cared.. “Yes, Sir.... I can be anything you want me to be…” was all I said. And I meant it. “Do you want to be my slam whore for tonight boy?” So strange hearing a man calling me “Boy”… and somehow I felt a kind of peace in me… “Yes, Sir! I trust you…” He started fucking me faster… “You like my dick?” he asked. “Love your dick Sir” I answered back and I meant it. “Do you like my piss in you?” soft voice… taunting me.. teasing me… “Yes, Sir although I make a mess”… “No worries… we are not done yet… I will deliver the deed first... and then some more… we are not in a hurry… Are you in a hurry?” he was fucking me slowly… but not in the way to breed… just the way to feel my wetness inside me… and take the pleasure I was giving him… “No Sir, I am not in a hurry… I am your boy for tonight…” He smiled… nice teeth…. I liked that he was not afraid to smile… Most Tops don’t smile… I guess part of the mask… I don’t complain. I wear my masks as well… but this time I was Ok… I felt safe being a cumdump in a sleazy bar offering my ass to a complete stranger, talking English in an equal heavy accent as mine… And I meant it... I was his boy for tonight… That was clear in my mind… “You know what I want right now?” he asked again with his smooth whisper… “What?” “ A nice slam!” “Here?” “Yessssss while I am fucking you… Do you trust me?” My logic said no… but fuck logic… I took another big sniff from the poppers and instead of an answered I offered him my arm… “Good boy… “ was all he said… From one of his pockets he took one point… without taking his cock off from my ass he found the vein and I felt a small prick… He was good… I knew I was in good hands… I saw how he registered the point, the slight draw back of the blood entering the needle and then he pushed it all in… “There you go boy… fly away…” I heard my self coughing a bit… and then the buzz came like a wave… an electric wave … like flying… I felt like a leaf… ready to surrender on the wind… yes I was moving but it was the motions of the fucking… “Yes… be my slam whore”…. And the fucking became more intense…. He started to speak in his own language… Norwegian maybe? I didn’t care… I was lost in space… I felt poppers in my nostrils… He ordered me to breathe… And then he took four big snorts… The real fucking started…. He was close… “Look at me whore” he demanded… I looked at him … he was so beautiful… and like an invisible mirror I saw I was beautiful in his eyes, as well… I was where I was born to be… In a sleazy bar getting fucked and slammed by a stranger…. “Ready for my poz load, Boy? Beg for my Poz load…. “ “Give me your Poz load” I said. “Louder!!!!” He screamed… “GIVE ME YOUR POZ LOAD” I heard my voice screaming… That was all he wanted to hear…. And he gave it to me… With a bark … Like a wolf… like a tortured demon, he unleased in full force his seed deep in me… The noise of the sling was our only music... and then there was nothing else but our breaths… the ship finally came to port after a fight with the storm… I felt his hands on my lips… I sucked his fingers… tasted his cum and piss and my ass juice… nice… then I felt his hand on my hair… gentle touch… so unexpected... so out of place... so right... “Thank you” he said… “Thank you “ I answered back… “Let’s get some water… We are not done yet… “ Then I knew he was a man of his words… I was his Boy for the night… And the night was not done yet…
    1 point
  13. (New to all of this, so looking to explore. One of my first conversations on NKP was some with some one who made the comment, "I got my slut puppy out when I was 18, guess you still have to go through it." So true! I have a fantasy about my first time. Not sure if its extreme or not, though from what I have read, it probably is not. Also, this is my first attempt at erotica, so hope you enjoy! If anyone wants to make this come true.... LOL (No, seriously, all joking asside, any takes on that? ~grin~}) PART ONE So there I was, at 50, retired out of the Army (Combat type, not a bottle washer) after 21 years, two failed marriages, and single again. On my second marriage I had started chatting on Yahoo with guys, and found myself so turned on I could not stand it. Something about submitting to a guy, being the bottom was a huge turn on for me. Pretty soon I had to fantasize about guys to be able to even get hard with my wife, let alone fuck her or cum. With in 16 months, the marriage was over, and I was in my own place. Single, watching porn, first CD / Trainees, then traps and twinks, then gay, then hard core leather stuff. OMG that stuff was hot, I would imagine I was the guy in the sling, taking hard dicks and leaking cum, my expression pure bliss. After a while jacking off was not enough. I was sheltered, so I had no clue about chems, or the Leather lifestyle, but I knew I was hooked. Scouting the web for new porn, I found this site, NKP, and feeling needy, made a profile stating I was a virgin to it all. With in minutes I had chat requests and mail. I was scared and amazed all at once. One guy caught my eye, he was 45, Italian, clean cut, with dark mediterranean skin, dark eyes and a huge dick! I sent him an oink and email, telling him I though he was hot, next thing I know I am chatting with him, telling him all about my lack of experience. He asks about G and T, and I think hes talking about gin and tonic, which got a laugh out of him. He said he was on his way home with some friends, did I want to join them. With out thinking, I said yes. I was told to clean up inside and out, and be ready and about 20 min. Jumping in the shower, I got myself cleaned up as quick as I could, then started thinking about what to wear. I changed three times, unsure how I should look, dithered, thought I should have asked Richard what he liked, wondered where the hell that thought came from, then settled on a white wife beater, jock strap, shorts, and sandals. I threw together an over night bag, and was heading for the door when my cell phone rang. A deep voice told me to get my ass outside, no one was going to wait for fresh meat. I almost ran, seeing the SUV with heavy tint on the windows, I smiled at the drivers side. The back door opened, a figure getting out. I scooted in, now stuck between to big guys, both in shape and mid 40's by my guess. Big muscle types, hairy arms and legs, in tight tee shirts and denim shorts. I found an open beer in my hand as the door shut and Robert, my new friend from NKP pulling out of my drive, my house disappearing into the night. In front was a kid, 20 to 25 by the looks, real cute, smooth, blond, kind of sexy. I smiled at him and noded as the guys in the back introduced themselves, Tim on my left, Eric on my right. I was so nervous I chugged my beer, afterwards, I checked the label, some European brand with a bitter, oily off taste to it. Another beer was put in my hand as I felt my head spin a bit,suddenly very relaxed, feeling real good. Sipping this one, feeling the skin on my legs sliding over Tim and Erics, my smooth legs running up against their hary ones, my dick getting hard at the contact with these two hunks. No longer nervous, I relax and enjoy the contact, feeling goose bumps on my legs, my ass, my back. Robert asked if Eric could get the smoke out. Assuming it was weed, when I was asked to join I said yes with a smile. Eric pulled out a glass pipe with what looked like a bowl on the end, filled it with some white shards, and lit it slowly with a torch. I watched, fascinated, as the bowl filled with thick white smoke. Not even noticing the hand now on my leg, slidding up from my knee to my inner thigh. Eric stopped hitting it, passed the bowl to Tim. Eric then pulled my face to his. His hand ruff and controlling on the back of my neck, pulling my face closer. The first time a guys lips were on mine, my cock jumped as he breathed out into my mouth. I sucked the smoke down, and held it. My head now spinning. I leaned back, let the smoke out, then was pulled to Tim, repeating the process, his hand on the back of my neck, though this time the kiss part lasted longer. My mouth opened to his tongue with out hesitation, his kiss, as he passed a small round object into my mouth. Not letting go I was forced to swallow, but at this point I was so relaxed and horny I thought nothing of it. I looked up front, the pipe was in the bois mouth now, and I looked him over, realizing he was now naked... My mind tried to figure out when this happened when my train of thought was broken. On either side of me my hands were picked up in the guys hands, and were placed on their shorts, where I could feel hard cocks under the ruff denim material. My hands were guided up and down as I leaned back, my head spinning from the smoke and beers, just going with the flow. I felt my tee shirt pulled over my head, looked up front and the boi was now leaning over, with Roberts cock in his mouth as Robert drove. He looked so sexy, naked, hard on, ass in the air, I wished I was him. I felt hands on my shorts, pulling them open, my ass lifting up all on its own to allow them to be slid off, my hands now wrapped around raw cocks on either side, not sure when that happened but the feel was so sexy, so hot I did not stop. I smiled at Eric, who had the pipe in his mouth, and leaned forward, greedy for another shot gun from him, and wanting those lips on mine. I felt so slutty in just a jock, so horny, my head really spinning now, a large wet spot forming on my jock. I took Eric's lips on mine, not waiting for him to pull my head to him, felt his hand on the back of my head holding me there for the shot gun and kiss, the pipe passed over. after the kiss, Eric pulled my head down, forcing me to shift in my seat, pulling my head to his lap. I could see the head of his huge cock coming closer, the pre cum dripping, I shifted more, putting a knee on the seat like the boi up front did, and leaning in. Smelling that musky sent I would come to love, I felt the head of my first dick slide over my lips, and like a willing slut, opened my mouth, taking it in. Eric held my head there, then started moving my head up and down slowly, forcing a lil more in each time, I gagged, struggled, then took it. Loving every second of feeling helpless, so slutty, so fucking gay. As I took Erics dick, I felt a hand on my ass, running the rim, something wet and warm sliding over it, then a tongue, teasing me, it felt like french kissing as it slid over my virgin bud. I moaned like a whore in heat around the cock in my mouth, wanting more, the tongue left, I wiggled my ass, wanting it back, when I felt the fingers slide inside of me, greased and wet. Pain hit, but I was pulled up for a second, and had a bottle shoved under my nose, Eric telling me to breath in through my nose hard. Chemical smell then my head felt like a balloon, the pain gone just pleasure. Eric lets me head go, I start bobbing up and down on his sexy dick, wanting more. The fingers pull back then are pressed in again, this time I feel a burning inside of me, the fingers jamming in deep, fucking me like a cock, the heat in my ass spreading quickly. Lights flashing in my head, my need going into over drive as my ass was fucked first by one then two then three fingers. My head feels like its on fire, I want to cough, but cant, I want to slam my ass back against those fingers, I want to taste cum, I dont care. I am so horny now all I can do is move and suck and push my ass back. The warm feeling spreads through me, all the way to my dick, which is softer now but dripping non stop.My jock seems to disappear, I am flipped, my ass now to Eric, I dive on Tims cock, wanting more, I dont care whose, I just need it. I feel his dick slide into my mouth, wider, wetter, more pre cum, I lick it up like nectar, wanting more. My ass is being fucked by fingers again, I wiggle it, trying to push back, I feel the glass under my nose, and breath with out being told. My head spins, my ass is stretched with something, hard, cold, wider and wider then back down. Its filled with something and I dont care, I push down on the cock in front of me wanting more. A hand on my dick, I feel the pre cum pulled off by fingers, my nipples now teased by wet fingers, first one then the other. I have never felt anything like this, no one has ever touched my nipples during sex. Its like my whole body explodes in pleasure! I am pulled off the dick I am sucking and sat down, my hands reaching for both cocks with out hesitating, more smoke, more kisses, I loose track. The boi from the front seat is facing me now, leaning to me, kissing me as I jerk off Tim and Eric huge dicks, one in each hand. He leans down, licking my nipples, one then the other, the up to my neck, kissing and licking his way there. My skin on fire, every touch erotic. He is whispering in my ear, "When they ask, just say yes, let them have your arm babe, you will love it, I promise..." I have No clue what hes talking about, I feel the car pull up to a stop, the area go dark as the garage door closes behind us, my hands removed, against my will, and I am pulled out naked into a garage. The boi puts his arm around me and kisses me slowly, pressing his naked body against mine, whispering how sexy I am, how he cant wait to watch me get fucked, our dicks touching, grinding. I realize its me grinding against him, wantonly, needing it... We walk into the house, his arm around me, both naked, as we kiss, walking into the living room. There are two swings hanging from the ceiling. The boi leads me over to one, telling me to relax and sit. As I walk I feel the thing in my ass shift, roll around, touch me in places I had no idea I had, making me that much more honry. Pulled and and placed on the sling, my right arm tied with a rope, I see a needle pulled out, the boi holding my hand smiling at me, stroking my dick with the other. I feel a prick, watch the needle draw back, red, then in, the rope pulled off, my head explodes as I cough, my chest pounding, my ass sucking in the plug. I wither and twist, looking around for a dick to suck, to touch, to have in me, anywhere. I feel the plug pulled, look down, there is Robert, naked, hot, big dick hard, smiling at me, I try to smile but cant, all I can do is beg... Please, oh god please fuck me, babe, fuck me hard.... PART TWO Its like time has stopped, my eyes water, my vision in flashes, everything seems to have a red or blue glow like neon out lining it. I feel sweat start to drip from me, as I look around, seeing hot naked guys watching me. I try to talk, all that comes out is a moan, as my hands slide down over my nipples, causeing stars to explode in my eyes, my dick to jump, and my ass to clentch. I wonder why they are not fucking me, cant they see I need it bad? Gone is the shy, nervous guy, replaced by pure pure animal lust and need. I try to reach, but cant, the cocks so close. The object is removed from my ass, a sucking sound leaving me feeling empty. The boi is standing close, leaning over me, his back touching my chest, I watch as his arm is tied off, the needle, the joy on his face. Suddenly kissing, hard, his hands on my cock, spreading my cheeks then. I feel it, hot and hard, pressing into me, filling me, stretching me. The bottle against my nose, the boi smiles down, "Feels so good, I want some too..." he says with a smie, my hand finding his dick and stroking as my head spins, my ass stretched. A perfect moment, time feels like it stops, red and blue neon lights seem to highlight everything, the bois look of pure bliss as his mouth takes my cock in deep, eyes half closed, puples wide. behind his head, Richard, in a leather harness, I can feel his dick entering me, stretching me once again. Eric and Tim on either sides, my hands reaching for their naked cocks. Seeing them for the first time, huge, wet, pulsing as my finger tips finanly reach them. I hear a sexy moan, like a girl cumming, and realize its me making that noise. Richards cock hits what I can only describe as a sweet spot inside my ring, then another as it reaches deeper in. I feel my dick spurt pre cum like a hose, shooting a load into the bois mouth. My hands finaly wrapping around naked cocks on either side, time speeds up again, my vision is coming like its in frames, stop motion. I shut my eyes, wanting no distraction from all the sensations coming at me at once. Richard plunging back in, taking me, once more my dick squirts as he hits the second sweet spot, two dicks at my lips, I cant open my mouth fast enough, the feeling of the drug slidding through my system screaming for cock non stop. The boi stepping back, I can see Richard now, his chest dripping sweat, nipples hard, between my spread legs. I try to hum back, wanting more of his cock in me, wanting it all. He smiles at me, some how sexy and wicked at the same time,"You love this dont you slut?" Richard asks in a dead pan voice, as much a statement as it was a question.I nod my head eagerly, moaning around the two cocks at my lips, one in my mouth, the other waiting its turn, my hands running over large, full balls that sway with each thrust at my lips."Tell Daddy how much you want his cock, look me in the eyes and tell me, slut!" he yells now.My eyes locked on his, I feel his dick go deeper, see my cock actually shoot cum out for a few seconds, in my mind I think, "OMG Hes fucking the CUM OUT OF ME!""I need it bad Daddy, I need your dick in me!" I shout between TIm and Erics thrusts. Shoving my ass back as hard as I can, a third sweet spot is hit, deep in me, I almost pass out from shear pleasure. Moaning again around the two dicks, my whole body twisitng in the sling, trying to keep Richards dick in me, he pulls back,"You know when I cum you will never be the same" he says as he looks me in my eyes.I beleive him, I trust him, what he is telling me is the truth,I know it... I nod my head yes... I want this, I want this to never stop, I want to be a little faggot cock loving slut, fucked and used by Alpha Men, there for their and their cocks pleasure only. I want to be kept naked in a sling, fucked, cum on, cum in, and used hard, eat cock, eat cum, be a good slut. "Yes Daddy" I mumble through the cocks."When I breed you, you will not only belong to Me, you will be the fuck toy of every man I tell you to be with", he gasps as he thrusts in and bottoms out in my no longer virgin ass. My cock spurts again."When I breed you, you will no longer question who you are or what you are, because you will know that you are my faggot slut boi, here to please me and any other man I tell you too!" HIs smile evil now seeing how his fucking is affecting me, my ass clenching, not wanting to let go of his magnificent dick. Another thrust, another spirt, my dick is soft but I can feel every slide, every touch, my ass starting to tremble.Every sentnce ends the same, his dick burried balls deep in me, every time my dick fires off another jet of cum. I try to beg for him to fuck me harder, a feeling like no other building up inside of me, like no other orgasem before, I cant speak, between the cocks and the termbeling in my body, all I can do is moan incoherently like a the little sissy boi I am. "No longer have free will, slut, you will be a slave to cock!" Slam, spurt, moan."Every waking thought will be satisfying the need to be used by a man!" Slam. Spurt. Moan louder.I can feel it building up in me, the non hard orgasem, like a pin wheel firing off in my head, I see sparks in my eyes, my ass clentching hard, Richard letting out a huge moan, the inner most sweet spot being bathed in hot man cum, my whole body shaking, my dick running non stop."Your mine now, slut!" I hear. I nod yes, I moan, my mouth filled with its first load of cum now, my face bathed in another.I whimper, knowing my old life is dead, that I was now officially gay, no doubt about it, and that I loved it.......
    1 point
  14. as most have said unplanned sex is the best and if someoen is gona pump their load ino a tight ass they really should understand that sometimes shit happens (literally) all teh guys who insist on a clean hole just ruin the mood and make things less fun. Personally it will clean if it knows head of time but make no effort to go out of the way for cleaning
    1 point
  15. any piss straight from teh tap, it is all a gift and must all be drank down eagerly!
    1 point
  16. That is the most hilarious auto-correct I've ever heard of!!!!
    1 point
  17. LOL. Talk about autocorrect. It's Satans seed. Not Sarah palins seed. Missed that in editing. Sorry guys Although it does have a ring to it. I wouldn't use her name intentionally in anything I write since I can't stand the woman. She's an airhead in my book.
    1 point
  18. My first cock ever was a dog cock! I'm not allowed to tell you how old I was due to board rules... let's just say, count the fingers on both hands... Loved it then and I loved it since. I even starred in a dog sex film when I was 18 and traveling in Europe. There's so much to like about getting fucked by a dog... the cock size, the knot locked in your ass... the 2 cups of cum they squirt, for TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT... woof!
    1 point
  19. corrupting the sweet angelic closeted jock, so evil, i like it
    1 point
  20. The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.
    1 point
  21. At the moment I have two straight fuckbuddies who I meet from time to time. One is in his 40ies, married with kids, and his wife doesn't want him to fuck her often, nor does she please him with other things like giving head and stuff. He would never go for other chicks though, and he thinks that cheating her with me is a different thing anyway, cuz he does nothing than ramming his cock into a hole and dumping some loads. So, when we meet every couple of months we sit, drink beer and watch straight porn. After a while he will open his pants and this is the signal for me to turn around and bend over the sofa. No touching, no kissing. He just shoves in and fucks. After a few minutes he shoots his load, pulls out, closes his pants and we continue sitting, drinking and watching porn. 2-3 beers later he is again up for it, and we continue this until I have some 3 or 4 loads in my guts. The other is a single man who has an enormous cock and thus constantly problems to find girls. Most of the chicks already freak out when they only see his snake popping out of his pants. But then he is very much into agressively using his fuck tool and most women don't like that. Since he found out that there are gay guys who are pretty much into stuff like that, he sometimes goes to a gay bathhouse. That's where I meet him.
    1 point
  22. Saw a local 24 yo white grad student from scruff in the liquor store at the corner from my apartment. We'd been seeing each other online for a couple of weeks, but we never met. His profile says he's a big sub bottom with a cum fetish. I started chatting with him in line at the store and invited him over to my apartment for a quick drink. We weren't even through with the first whiskey and coke before he was bent over my bed. I started pounding him with my bare cock. We never even bothered changing positions. He was craving cum. After I unloaded in him, he took his bag and left. Not 3 minutes had gone by before he texted me and asked if I had another round in me. I told him to get his hairy ass back to my place. I fucked him again and left another load up his gut. He put on his gym shorts, and I walked him to the lobby of my building. As we were saying goodbye, you could see the cum running down his leg on the marble floor... 2015 is off to a good start. I uploaded the pics I took after each breeding. You can see his red gym shorts never even made it off of him before the breeding started.
    1 point
  23. I love using a true cumdump the way he should be used. There is too much cock and too much pussy out there for anyone to be denied. Why should anyone limit themselves? I love owning a cumdump's hole and directing how it is to be used. The bottom's reward is getting his pussy used the way he wants. So, the things I like to do are: Taking the bottom out to a bar wearing t-shirts saying, ""cumdump", "no loads refused", "breed me, daddy", "urinal boy", "please fuck me, sir, "cum lubed for your pleasure". Taking him to sex clubs where I direct who puts loads into him. Sometimes he can only have ugly guys. Sometimes put into a sling, blindfolded for all to use. Sometimes telling him to approach guys and beg for their loads. Dropping him off an active gloryhole place and telling him not to call me to picked up until he has a certain number of loads in him. Giving him 3 or 4 addresses to show up at. He walks into the open door, strips down, puts on a blindfold and then is called in. Whoever I have have chosen does whatever he wants. The guy is then led back to the entrance way, takes off the blindfold, gets dressed and drives to to next address, never knowing who just bred him. Taking him on road trips to places he is not known and making him expose himself and submit to all. And a whole lot more..... If the cumdump does his job, then it's the top's duty to find him all the cocks and loads he craves. And once his pussy has been warmed up and filled and aching for more, it's mine to use.
    1 point
  24. I woke up... Not in my room… I am at the Viking’s house… King-size bed… Linen…. Nice warm comforter… Puffy pillows… He is sleeping next to me… A light snoring… close to a whisper. I like it… His body is spooning next to mine. He kept me warm, he kept me safe, he kept me his… That’s OK. The beast in me is fed. After whoring my ass in the 212 bath house deluxe room and collecting 23 loads and 5 slams he had said: “I can leave you here. On your knees like the whore you are… Getting even more loads… adding lines of marker of your back… or you can come with me, obeying my orders and be my boy until I release you from my keep…. You have 30 seconds to decide”. It only took me three seconds to decide. “I will come with you Sir”. “Good. We go to my house. It is a test. If you steal from me I will know. If you do not behave with respect to my property you will be punished. If you try to harm me in any way I will kill you. And… I don’t fuck slam whores in my bed… You will sleep… I will sleep… maybe I’ll touch you… I may caress you… but I won’t fuck you. Not in my bed.” We went to the showers together… Same stall under the running water… he helped me clean by rubbing my back from the marker’s prints… 23 lines… “Clean your ass… I do not want your ass leaking diseased cum. I will wait for you at the counter. I will call for a cab. Don’t make me wait.” I cleaned my ass… It was sore. The ass lips swollen… soft, but nice. Cum, lube, piss and water coming out from my hole… until I was clean… I must confess I was tired from the fucking and the slams… I checked my veins on my arms. The marks were there… My war medals from the last 36 hours… My heroic statement… I did good… He should have been proud.. I was a very well behaved chem slut. Didn’t lose my manners even after 5 slams… I didn’t mumble nonsense… On the contrary his orders were usually “Don’t hide in silence… Talk to me…” And I talked… And I said everything… hmmmm… almost everything… and he seemed to understand… Probably because he could sense that I understood him as well… But when he told me he wanted to take me back to his house I have to say that he took me by surprise… I am used to be left alone in the a bathhouse room to wipe with the towel, or leaning on a tree at the park with my ass leaking from some stranger’s cum to put my trousers back on, alone again, or on a chair in a porn theater taking a handkerchief and wipe the cum from my moustache, alone but not lonely… Because these are the rules of engagement.. You do what you have to do… you get fucked, you fuck, you take cum, you seed the whore, but… when the deed is done you leave… Alone. No prisoners taken. It is not a date. It is a fuck encounter. In a sauna you do not ask for a boyfriend material. You do not go hunting the slings to find your husband… You hardly want to see the face again of the man who saw the beast in you… Well sometimes you do… Sometimes you hope he will tell you “Can I get your number?” or “Can I see you again?” but I am not that kind of guy... I usually run… hide myself in my silence…. My boxes are so well organized… No room for leaks. Sex is sex. Work is work. Boyfriend material is found in a Concert House. Fuck buddies are found when I am hanging on a sling. Slam buddies are the secret garden of my existence. I know how to control my boxes, how to make clear borders and territories… where they start and where they end… Linen sheets in a double bed demand respect. So I know the importance of respecting Sir’s limits and expectations when he asked me to come and crush at his place. In his blue grey eyes when he was pushing the needle with the chems in my arms, or when he was seeding my ass, or when he let others to breed me with sperm, or when he was marking my back with lines I felt he cared, some other times I saw contempt… some other times I even saw respect… but what I saw was not enough to expect his proposal to share the sleep… In my poor slutty mind, sharing the sleep is the ultimate test… I can let others fuck me, breed me, slam me, piss in me, but I am in that Box…. The Box of the Cum Slut… The territory is known … I know what to expect and what is expected by a slam whore like me… But sleep in a stranger’s bed whom I met few hours ago? In his own bed? That is an unknown territory… The intimacy is a land where I do not visit often. It is tricky… Because when you wake up you become a man with identity. You have to say where you are from … what kind of job you do… the hobbies and the whole nine yard agenda that make us human. And to be human after 23 marks in your back, 7 slams and a face of a still hungry beast is another Box… Yes… there is always a price we pay for the borders and the territories… Do I want to know who he is? Am I going to be disappointed by who he really is… Is he going to be disappointed by the real ME? He opened his eyes… He caught me staring at him… The blue grey Viking eyes penetrating my soul. “Do not look at me when I am not looking at you… Do not try to predict… and do not try to read me… Do you understand?” “Yes sir” I said… “I need to piss. Follow me…” He got up from the bed. Loved the way he walked over the wooden floor… Big bathroom…. White marble and big mirrors… led me to the shower… “Put some soap in your ass…” I did… and then leaned over the marble… The position of a whore… I am well trained… My ass lips were swollen from the fucking of the previous hours so I must confess it was not easy to receive his cockhead at the very first seconds… And he was big… he was thick .. he was uncut… and fully erect… But I am a piss whore… A cumslut… I was not going to complain. All over the mirrors our reflection… two beasts connecting. Me, offering my hole … Him, with closed eyes concentrating and then losing his blender in my ass… Hot piss… I started feeling a slight buzz… chem piss… my kind of breakfast. He started piss fucking me… Noises of piss escaping my ass… He seemed to enjoy it … Didn’t need poppers… didn’t need anything… Just his chem piss and the sight of our mating from the bathroom mirrors… “Now, look at me fucking you under the light…. I give you the permission… And look at yourself… No dark rooms… no sauna slings… Look yourself in the mirror… A chem slut… A piss whore… That’s who you are… And now concentrate just in you.. not me… Do not look at me… I am just a cock in your ass… No more, no less… Look at you and only you… Damn, you are still tight… I am close to give you another poz load… Look at yourself… you hold too much… you ask for release and then you built walls and fucking defenses… I should have left you in that fucking basement…” And he kept on fucking… telling me about what he has planned for me. About the room where he plays with the sling and the fuck bench, the new Tina he ordered… about the double slams he was going to prep for my veins… and the guests he has already invited to arrive in a few hours And he kept on fucking… And I saw myself in the bathroom mirror… piss squishing, escorted by his cum… deep in my inner walls… music in my ears indeed… And I thought… “Yes, I am safe… I am still in the same Box… The same border… the same territory…”
    1 point
  25. Room 212 … We took the deluxe room… Double bed… a sling and mirrors everywhere… We undressed, put our bags away, he took his small lap top and hooked in a bareback hooking up site… “Go douche!” he told me.. “Take your time.. Go to the sauna, relax, wander around… give me half an hour… I need to fix the points… and see if I can bring any of my friends at this part of the town…” And I did as he ordered me… Went for a shower and cleaned myself from the earlier piss and cum… After the slams in the bar and the earlier fucking from Sir and the Turk taxi driver, my body seemed to crave the hot water… I was never comfortable in saunas… I was always feeling too exposed and couldn’t stand the competition with the other younger and piggier bottoms… Maybe it was my self-esteem that was low since I was not big in the cock department… or maybe it was because my butch looks were giving the wrong signal and people thought I was a Top… So in saunas there too much negotiation for my own taste… or somehow it was difficult to relax and be the slut that I wanted to be… But wisdom comes with age… The last few years I finally managed not to be that harsh with myself… I guess that since I was introduced to chem sex I left most of my defenses down… I started leaving my door open showing my ass for people to see… I stopped being too picky of who was going to fuck me… and I somehow became more aggressive in asking to be seeded … I came in terms with my demons… So be it. The sauna was busy for a Sunday morning… The after hour club crowd… And some daddies… and some twinks… and some trolls… My kind of crowd… with red eyes… like wolves… hungry for more sperm… I looked myself in the mirror… yeap… it is me alright… the same thirsty me… Went to second floor… checked the rooms… Sluts like me waiting with their ass exposed… Men wandering… checking out for the best offer… I went to the cock-sucking maze… Few years ago I preferred to suck cock more than fucking… But like I said: Wisdom comes with age… I am now a cumdump… that is my true nature… to offer my hole for breeding and sperm… went and took a couple of mints… I wanted my breath fresh… got water for us… plenty of water… and then back to the 212 room… Everything was set up… the small tray with the cotton and the points… the poppers… the lube… the blindfold…. the camera… “You need to trust me…” he said… “I do” I said and I kissed his lips while I grabbed his already hard cock… “Get on all fours” he said… and I did… He started to rim my clean hole… the way he was pushing his tongue in my ass was sending me to another dimension… the poppers helped as well… He was sucking my hole for ten minutes… and then I felt his cock teasing my asshole… “Please fuck me…” I begged… “I will … in time… you need to get ready… Stay… “ I stayed on my knees like he ordered me… He came with the point. “It will be a bit stronger… I need you fucked up… I want you to be my chemwhore … “ “I trust you”, is all I said… He put the tourniquet around my arm… cleaned with an alcohol pad and found the vein, pushed till the tube went red and then took of the tourniquet off… “Here we go… stay in all fours…” he said and gave me the point all the way… I coughed and then there was the buzz… My ears started to ring… I almost lost my vision… but I looked up… and there I was… facing myself in front of the mirror… Red eyes… Happy eyes… I saw him put the tourniquet around his arm and then slammed his own point… He was so beautiful… Hard and ready… He put the points away… “I want to hear you taking big popper breaths…” he ordered me… and his voice was different… And I did… I was spacing in the most amazing zone…. Felt lube in my ass crack… and then his cock… He went all the way in… My ass was so relaxed… I saw him from the mirror fucking me… Yes this is me… On my knees, getting fucked like a cumwhore I truly am and he was my stranger Viking driving his cock in the depths of my existence… He looked at me… “Tell me what you are?” “I am a cumdump Sir”… “Yes that is exactly what you are… and a slam whore… My slam whore…” “Yes Sir… my ass is yours… my veins are your for slamming … make me your whore…” “Stay where you are” He stopped fucking. From the mirror I saw him going back to the hidden tray and took another point… “You need more…” And without living me time to object he cleaned my arm again, flashed and registered the second point for in such a short time … “Fly my whore” he said when he pushed the chems in my blood… And yes… I did fly… The most beautiful buzz… “Thank you” was the only thing I said which sound more like a whisper. He smiled… Yes, the wolves sometimes smile… I was in the zone. Almost disconnected from myself. Like the man who was in front of the mirror was not me… But some man who was happy and in peace with his own demons… A happy chem whore… A lucky chem whore who was offering my ass to a Viking stranger… “Thank you” I said again … and this time he heard me… “No, I have to thank you… For letting me see who you really are… And there is more to see….” He opened the door. And then came in front of me. He got comfortable on the bed… leaning his back on the mirror wall but at an angle where I could see myself and the open door in the same time. Anyone who was passing by, could see my ass sticking out while I was sucking his cock that was so hard… “You will take any cock… Old, young, healthy, diseased, black, chinese, I do not care… All I care is that you will take cum… and every now and then I will slam you more… and here is the water and here is the poppers… and see yourself in the mirror… you see this black guy… he is a bit hesitant but he will come.. and he will see me nodding him and he will stick his black huge cock in you… and if he asks for condom I will send him away… But he won’t… because he knows that you are a cumdump… he doesn’t know that you are a chem whore… but that is Ok… he will breed you… and then another one will come … and another one… here look at yourself… and every time anyone cums in you, you will say “thank you”. And I will be here all the time.. feeding you piss and chems… Look your self in the mirror… See how beautiful you are... See how your eyes glow… You are my whore… I will film you taking chems… I will film you drinking piss… I will film you receiving cum … Because you need to see what I see…. You need to remember everything that is to follow the next hours… And only when I tell you “I am ready”, I will slide in your sloppy cumhole and I will give you my poz load… and then and only then you will be allowed to rest… and then and only then I will be satisfied…” The guy behind me found the target easily… I felt his massive black cock sinking in my lubed hole… and when he was all the way in Sir held my head down and started to piss… With the corner of my eyes I saw where I was…. It is exactly where I was meant to be… My hell and my heaven … my place was here… the place where I meant to be… The guy behind me started to speed … My hole was too hot to hold enough… and he came… silently… like he was a bit ashamed for being so quick… I wanted to tell him that there is no better compliment to a cumdump like me that the Top comes quick… But there was no place for words. I heard my self saying “Thank you”… and then I felt the tap on the back of my neck… Sir was satisfied… And then I felt his finger pushing the cum deeper… “Good”… he said… and then an older guy came in the room… around his 70’s… Like he didn’t believe his luck… Sir, opened my ass cheeks to invite him.. I got some poppers…. Nice buzz… I felt his cock… Not too hard, but enough to get in… He got harder in my ass… Sir kept my mouth on his cock… I was buzzing form the chem piss and the poppers… The guy old enough to be my father was fucking me… sliding his cock in my cum lubed ass… I saw myself again in the mirror. And there was again the same thought: “Wisdom comes with age… My hell and my heaven … my place is here… the place where I meant to be”…
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  26. I used one of my married cum dumps at a bookstore tonight. He knelt down after I yanked open his shirt to expose his tits. Made him spit lube me and bent him over. Fucked him good and sloppy till I needed more spit. Pulled out and made him provide it, then plunged back in and fucked him till I seeded his ass. Then made him clean me off before I sent him home to wifey.
    1 point
  27. We took the cab that was parked outside the bar . During the ride, Sir took my hand and put it over his bulge… He liked the way I was squeezing his hard cock… The taxi stopped in front of a grey building… Nice area…. He told me to stay with the cab driver and he went inside the heavy iron. The driver gave me a lazy look from his mirror. Our eyes met. In his 50’s, grey moustache. Probably Turkish, because he asked me something in that language… I answered in English and that was all… no more talk… No idea if he knew I was high from sex and drugs… Most of the times I can hide my condition easily… I hoped I did a good job not showing the adrenaline of the chems … and my need to get fucked was not that obvious …. The Norwegian came back… He was only absent for five minutes… In my time zone it looked like an hour…. He said to the driver to take us to another address… Put my hand again back to his fly… it was open this time… I took his thick uncut cock in my palm.. thick… and the foreskin like velvet…. He put his hand on my neck and pushed me head down… I should have worried about the driver… or if someone would have seen me sucking Sir’s cock… But the driver seemed to be ok with the whole scene and the glasses of the car were dark enough…. I started to suck… Sir was hard… at one point I felt his piss floating my mouth… I didn’t waste any drop of his chem piss… I started to feel the light buzz… I was kept on blowing him… He was giving me instructions how to take him down to the root… He seemed to enjoy gagging my throat… He asked me if I wanted a nice thick Turkish cock in my ass…. My moaning of pleasure was exactly the answer he wanted to hear… I was sucking him for more than ten minutes (whatever time zone)… And suddenly the taxi stopped… Sir held my from the neck… “Stay”, he said. I kept on sucking… I heard the driver’s door open and then the door from my side… From the corner of my eyes I saw we were parked in a deserted parking lot behind an empty factory… I felt a finger poking my hole… Sir took me at the edge of the back seat without removing his cock from my mouth…I got comfortable on my knees… Sucking Sir and offering my ass to the Turkish Taxi Driver… I felt his thick cut cockhead rubbing my ass ring and then went right in… His breath got short when he realized that he was sliding in an already cummy ass… It was the first time I was getting fucked by a Turk and hearing him telling me in his own words how he loves to fuck sluts like me… and he was going to plant his seed in me like a whore… Sir gave me some poppers… I needed them… Although my hole was well fucked the driver’s cock was way too thick… Loved it… The Driver took also some of the poppers that Sir gave him and then started to increase his speed…. “Take his load whore” … Sir whispered to me… And the seed I took… The Taxi Driver gave my a last thrust and then with heard him losing his breath while he unloaded in my ass…. And then he stayed in… “Piss in him” Sir ordered the driver… I felt his piss warming my hole… Taxi driver started to laugh… and kept on pissing… “You better not let any of that piss leak on the car seat”… Sir told me in a harsh voice, making sure that I should not misunderstand his command… Taxi driver took a paper towel and cleaned himself… while I went away behind a corner and let all the piss and cum out of my hole… Like a dog… How low can I get… I silently asked myself… but the animal in me that was still hungry… I went back to the car… Sir and the driver were smoking a cigarette talking like buddies from the Army or something.... I got back in the back seat and then Sir got back next to me… “Thank your fucker in your native language… He wants to make sure that you are not Turk”… So I said in Greek “You were a Good fucker… Thank you for giving me your load…” The Driver laughed… and then he said “Kalimera” I laughed… It is the Greek word for “Good morning”… Yes, indeed the morning has started just fine with a load and a piss from a Turk taxi driver and I am on my way to the sauna where I will be probably gangbanged and surely slammed with more chems… True… A Kalimera… People were going to their offices… riding their bikes… driving their cars… A day in a life… Living the life of common people… The life so many songs are singing about… and me… Where am? Where do I go? Why I am here, in the back seat of a taxi driver who has just fucked me and why am I sitting next to a guy whose thick cock I hold in my hand like a dove? Why do I not end the night that became a day and I intend to make it till afternoon … without sleep, asking for more cum more piss more chems? When does this all end? When do I say that’s enough? When enough is enough? Is there ever enough for me? Some questions are not going to be answered… And if there is an answer I am not going to give it today… Not while the taxi takes me to my next destination… there where my Norwegian Master wants me to be... But somehow I feel like a lamb… aiming for a holy sacrifice… another kind of Iphigenia… only this time the temple is going to be a bath house… and my altar will be a sling… or a fuck bench… both will do… Sir seems to read my mind… “Boy… don’t put logic behind things… I see you struggle … Your mask works well with the others… not with me… Trust me and you are not lonely in this… “ “Sir, I will say it only once… Cumdumps get lonely… that is true… But what is another undeniable truth is that even Tops and Masters get lonely… That is why I am still in the back seat of this taxi… You are as lonely as I am and maybe even lonelier...” He looked at me… Poker face… He could have given me a punch… He could have me thrown out of the taxi… Instead he kissed me… Like he cared… Like he loved… “Too much logic…. You’ll need stronger doses when I ‘ ll slam your veins in the sauna… “ he said…
    1 point
  28. After we came up from the dark basement I asked from my Norwegian friend his permission to go to the bathroom where I emptied my ass from the chem piss and the cum Then cleaned myself a bit. I was still buzzing from the earlier slam… in a good way… He was waiting for me at the same spot where we first met with two bottles of beer. He had bought the drinks… How nice of him. “Drink… it is not water but it is good enough” he said. “Beer is just fine….Thank you ” “Your name?” he asked. I told him. He didn’t say his… “You will call me Sir”. “Yes sir” it is all that I said. “You live here?” “No Sir, I am here for three days… I am a sex tourist… I travel for only one reason… to get fucked…” “So was it any worth spending your money in hotels and plane tickets so far?” “No major complaints Sir… in fact you were my first for tonight and the best…” “You want more cocks?” “I am a cumdump Sir, I want cum… From you, from others… from anyone… But I really like your company… In fact I like everything on you Sir… And I guess I am too bold to say this but I guess it is the Tina that talks … and the beer”. I felt my face blushing… “You are too smart for a cumdump….” he said and drank some more of his beer… “Is that a problem Sir?” I started feel uneasy… “No, it is good, as long as you know your place, you show me respect… and you talk less… Are you still thirsty?” he saw my empty now bottle… “Yes, Sir… I know my place and yes, Sir I am still thirsty…” “Kneel!” I looked him in the eye… Blue and grey eyes… Devils’ eyes… Mephistopheles’s kind of eyes… That was a test or what… The time has stopped… I knew my place… I kneeled… My mouth on the height of his zipper… He took his heavy thick uncut cock out and put in my mouth… I tasted my ass juices and piss… and some soap somewhere behind the foreskin… My mouth was full… I felt his piss down my throat… Damn I was thirsty indeed…. Didn’t care about the men watching me… My whole “me” was in the right spot… I wouldn’t change it for anything. Kneeling in front this Viking giant, drinking his nectar, submitting my will to his needs. What a view… Him standing above me…. I felt the envy of the other patrons… In fact I felt proud. Proud to be his whore… I felt the last of his drops. I was ready to stand up when I felt his hand on my shoulder… Two more pair of feet in front of me… Another cock… A black one this time… A 60 year old leather man… Big bush of mustache… and a cock in hand… Soft… but at least an 8 incher… “Drink” My Viking ordered… And I did… I drank and drank… until he was done… I felt a tap on my head…. He said something that it had to be close to the “Good boy”… and before having time to re-adjust my knees… another cock was in front of my lips… Another man… another cock… 45 chubby black hair… hairy and with the thickest cock I ever saw…. I took my man’s silent permission… He nodded his head encouraging me drink… this time the taste of the piss was bitter… I was not to complain… I was in piss fag’s heaven… And once again I didn’t let any drop get wasted… Yes… Sir, was proud of me… He helped me get up… And then he kissed…. I felt his tongue entering my mouth… He tasted the other men’s piss … and kissing me he was telling me in his own way that it is Ok to be a piss fag… a whore… and a slam cumdump… because that was exactly what he wanted me to be… “Thank you Sir” I said…. He looked at me … these Blue and Grey eyes again… and somehow the whole energy changed… my eyes became watery… tears watery… Not many times I find someone to allow me to see the real depth of his eyes… He did… and then I knew that I was so transparent… I could see my loneliness, my strength, my Erebus…. the deepest dark in me… so deep that it was almost comfortable… Nothing better to embrace the darkness and find a pair of Blue and Grey eyes to say to you that sometimes there is tenderness in the shadows… “It is time for your second slam… Go down to the sling.. make your self comfortable… I am going to fix the point and I will be down in a few minutes… Spread your legs and take this…” He gave me his blue handkerchief. “This time I want you blindfolded… Now go… “ And I went… Shadows of men wandering back and forth back and forth… My kind of men… My tribe… I took my jeans off… Kept my leather vest… Took my poppers out from my sock and I laid on the sling.. Put the blindfold like I was told to… and I waited…. When you do not see… when you feel exposed and offering your hole to men that you do not see or care how they look like… when you are becoming the whore your are destined to be… a cum hole … a nothing… a true cumdump… then and only then you feel the real strength… the reason behind all this hunger… then and only then you become invincible… I heard footsteps they stopped… someone felt my hole… there was some lube spread… and then a finger… It burnt…. A booty bump… and then a cock head… not my Viking’s cockhead… It was a slow fucking… More steps… Another cock… this time a cut cock… placed in my mouth… two cocks in two holes…. No faces… no talk… Sound of poppers… the man I was sucking gave me some… and then continued fucking my throat…. I was start losing my self… Nice… and then more steps… I recognized his walk… Next to me… he took my arm… a tourniquet around … he found the vein easily.. a wet cotton… and then a prick… How smooth his push of Tina in my bloodstream… took the tourniquet off and then bam…. The cough came… it was stronger this time…. I started to float… “Thank you “ it is all I said…. And I went back to the cock sucking… The man who was fucking me started to speed up…. And he gave it to me… with a howling…. And stayed till he found his breath… and then went… My Viking put his finger in my cummy hole and gave it to me to taste it… the man I was sucking took his place… More poppers… for him and for me… It didn’t last long… He came hard… and then came back to my mouth to clean him… I did… What a tasty cock… and then left… I heard the sound of the tourniquet… My Vikkng was ready to slam himself…. I heard all of his preparations. I felt his concentration in the dark… He put his cock in me… and then he pushed the point… took it off and coughed… How nice to feel your man in your ass the moment he is losing himself… He started to fuck… yes… That was a real fuck… sliding in my already cummy ass… I was his slam whore… That was all what I was… I was a cumdump the last level of a whore… But at that very moment I knew I was the strongest of all…. I was the chosen one… He was fucking me for at least an hour… he came in me twice… and pissed in me once more… I was hearing steps coming and go… some of them put their cocks in my ass… a couple of them pissed on me… But the never claimed my ass from him…. They knew that something specially was happening between me and Him… And the hunters know to respect when something extraordinary happens…. When we went back to the bar we were both with the smile… One more round of beers… I bought them this time… Not much talk… Just happy and comfortable… his finger in my cummy hole while he was drinking his beer… I knew things were coming to an end… The dawn was close… He read my mind…. “You are not going anywhere” he said… “You are coming with me… “ “To Where?” I asked… My place to fix some more points and then to the sauna…. “Yes Sir”… “Mephistopheles is still horny” he said and smiled… Damn … these Blue and Grey eyes… how I could resist…. I went to take my coat and off the Bar we went… Almost morning…
    1 point
  29. Filthy sex can be incredibly hot!!!
    1 point
  30. I never pullout whats the point of that? our Precum is loaded with hiv anyway, and i precum fucking buckets...G> when a guy is asking me to pullout, i dont lie about it. I just say nothing and totally ignore him, or just grunt to aknowledge his request. I have always developed selective hearing about things i get told what NOT to do. but i know what his ass is about to get. I stay deep when i shoot in em so they wont notice as fast that they are loaded with my DNA. blow it deep so it SOAKS into thier guts. Fucking always turned me on shooting up a guys ass that is nervous or a "pullout: bttm. hes going to convert anyway if he bttms and BB. not sure how other pig tops stand on that. i never been the type to ;'"ASK" a bttm if its OK or can i shoot in you... FUCK that i dont ask i breed. back in the day of rubbers, i always id tear the fucking thing off during sex anyways and that turns me on even more. esp when i do the deed and seed his ass anyways. hahaha
    1 point
  31. It doesn't happen all that often, but I have milked a number of boys. The routine I have developed is to have the boy jerk off for about 15 minutes or so to get him going with anticipation of having his cock controlled. I then restrain his wrists and ankles to the head and foot boards and jerk him until he's beyond begging for a release. It takes getting a rhythm going and pulling back when I sense he might shoot and different jerking techniques like firmly grabbing his cock and jerking him or going loosely up and down his cock with my hand and also resting him for a few minutes every so often. It's all about keeping him on the edge over and over but denying him an orgasm. The most effective way of making the boy squirm and lose control is to put a thin, small toy of about 6 inches in him and have his cunt muscles draw it in and out massaging his prostate while I own his cock. Keep this up for a couple of hours and he will shoot a massive load that just keeps on spurting. And then flip him over and breed him - he's so spent at that point that he's just all cunt wanting to be bitched out by Daddy.
    1 point
  32. i also enjoy being milked again and again - and my head being smeered with my cum.... it is very difficult for me to keep the pace after several cummings and painfull too. but like to be fucked many times when being milked. at the end it can be very hot in specific sessions....
    1 point
  33. i luv it when they ask after they already got a huge load swimming around inside em
    1 point
  34. depends on the situation i try to avoid any status talk....if your NEG and like BB....you wont be neg for long, esp as a bttm. usually i never get asked or IF i do its after i already nutted inside thier ass raw,,,,woof or i just tell the bi guys online that im neg. but most guys know a dirty pigtop when they see a profile, take a hint boy. haha
    1 point
  35. Bi men ask status mostly but even thats RARE dont ask dont tell i seed your ass w dirty cum
    1 point
  36. saving a load up all week, breeding bttms and strangers with my dirty loads,.,,
    1 point
  37. Part 6 The steam made my skin tingle. I was sat on one of the upper ledges of the steam room, enjoying the sensation of it. When I entered, I thought I was alone. It took me a few minutes to notice that there was at least one other person in the room – it was difficult to see anything through all the steam, but eventually I saw him move. I realized, after a few more minutes of only seeing small movements in the steam, that he was playing with his dick. Clearly, he had better eyesight than me, because finally he spoke, saying “You jus' gonna sit there staring all night?” I jumped up. I'm pretty sure that, when I stood, it was with the intention of running out the door, yet my body once again acted of its own accord. I crossed the steam room, over to where the other man sat. Even when so much closer to him, it was still difficult to actually see anything of the man. He sat on the higher of the two shelves, and when I came close, he stopped wanking and held his dick at the base, waving it at me, inviting me by saying “C'mon then.” I dropped to my knees on the lower ledge in front of him, and leaning forward, I took hold of his cock in my hands. It was a decent size: not as big as that of the skinhead or the black guy from the changing room, but still big enough for me to wrap both hands around. I started tugging on it slowly, for which he let out a little grunt of approval. I could just about see him –he was probably his 40's, with a chunky body covered in black hair. All the moisture of the steam room made him look like a damp bear. Normally, such a guy wouldn't interest me at all. He had the scent of sweat on him and was breathing heavily, but all I could seem to focus on was his cock. I lowered my head down and took the tip of his dick in my mouth, sucking on it. I might have been a virgin, but I had given a few blow jobs before, so I wasn't completely inexperienced with it. I took the whole head in and sucked gently while I pumped the shaft. He moaned, and I felt a hand curl up in my hair, pushing me downwards. I complied, and took more of his dick in my mouth. I tried to keep it slow, but it was obvious that he didn't want to wait around. Every time I stopped or slowed down, he'd push my head down or hold it still while he thrust into it. Using my mouth and one of my hands to pump his cock, and my other hand to play with his balls, I went to work. I heard the plastic flaps that led into the steam room move, indicating the entrance of another person, but I paid it no mind. My body was getting hot and light headed in the heat of the room, and breathing was coming more difficult as I worked the cock in my mouth. It was difficult to tell how much I was sweating and how much was from the steam, but I kept on sucking. I remembered that my tongue existed, and started using that as I went down, to tease the head, much to the pleasure of the bear I was blowing. Then I felt a hand on my ass – the same cheek that had been spanked earlier. This was just a gentle rub though, from the person standing behind me. I realized then that, in my kneeling position, I had pushed my ass out, sticking it in the air for anyone to see, if they could through the steam. I still wore my towel around my waist, but that was it. The hand kept squeezing and rubbing while I continued sucking, and to my surprise, I found myself pushing my ass out even further towards the guy playing with it. I could tell the bear was getting close to blowing his load. His breathing was getting heavier, his grip on my head was harder and he was making more and more grunts of approval. Behind me, the other guy spoke, urging “Go on, suck that cock!” The guy's voice sounded familiar. Then the guy's hand slipped from my ass to my hip, and another one joined it on my other hip. Whoever was behind me pressed up against my ass, and I felt his cock right up against me. I moaned, and so did the guy I was sucking. He let go of my head and uttered something that wasn't really words, but I got the gist of it – he was going to cum. I pulled my head up off and started pumping his cock hard to finish him off. The guy behind me, however, had other plans for me. Just as the bear moaned, signaling his orgasm, a hand moved from my hip to the back of my head, and shoving my mouth back onto the cock in front of me, with the command “Take his load!” Not that I had a choice. The bear came and came, filling my mouth up with the salty taste of his cum. It tasted amazing. I had never swallowed a guy's load before, always having wacked them to orgasm, and letting the cum spill on the floor or on the guy's stomach. I never realized what I had been missing. “Yeah, that's it!" the voice continued, adding “Swallow it all.” I did so, taking every drop of it, and sucking the head clean of all traces. All the while, the cock at my ass had been grinding away. When his dick was clean, the bear immediately stood up, pushing me away as he made for the exit, mumbling as he left something that might have been a thank you. I slumped down onto the ledge, suddenly feeling exhausted from the heat. Looking up at the guy who had been behind me, I knew who it was immediately. The glint of the piercing in the tip of his dick, and the tattoo on his stomach gave it away. The skinhead knelt down next to me and leaned over and asked with a grin, “So, what happened to saving yourself?” Then he kissed me.
    1 point
  38. Part 5 My rock hard cock bounced freely between my legs as I rushed away from the hot tub towards the changing rooms. I struggled to get my towel back round my waist. It was hard enough to cover myself when I wasn't so hard. I had to make due with walking around with a very noticeable bulge. I could feel the heat on my face, and could only imagine that I was as red as a strawberry. I got my phone from my locker and sat back on the bench away from the lockers. I was still dripping, and cursed as I got my phone wet. My friend hadn't sent any further texts, so I text him asking where he was. I thought more about what had happened while I waited for a response. I tried to remember, but the details had already gone blurry in my head. How did I manage to get there, with them? It felt like I blinked, and suddenly I was inside the guy, fucking him. There were scenes missing in my memory,where my instincts had taken over. I remembered fucking him though –I could remember very vividly the sensation of my cockhead slipping into the guy's hole. The way his ass ate my entire cock without any problem. I thought of thrusting in and out of his warm hole, while the older guy egged me on, calling the guy a whore and telling me to'fuck that hole'. I looked down at the bulge in my towel.Not going anywhere. I sighed, and checked my phone again. Still nothing. I saw a few people looking my way as they changed into and out of their clothes, but no one seemed to bother me while I was in there. I saw one person who apparently just arrived as he was stripping off. He was impressive! Dark brown skin, and must have been 6'6”. Even before he dropped his tight boxers, I could see the massive bulge, but when it flopped out as he pulled it down, my mouth fell open. It was huge, despite being only semi-hard. And I saw a shiny string of what I guessed was precum drip down from it, before he quickly wiped it off. I looked up and realized that he'd saw me staring. He smirked at me. Quick as a light, I shot up and rushed out of the changing room, as if I had somewhere to be. Only at the last second did I realize that I still had my phone in my hand. I sheepishly turned around and headed to my locker, realizing it was right near the the locker that the black guy was now loading his clothes into. He smirked again as I came up close to him and opened my locker. I tried to smile back as I opened up my locker, though I imagine it just looked like I had wobbly lips. He seemed to take it for an invitation though, as he reached out and took one of my ass cheeks in his hand, cupping it and squeezing it through the towel. I froze. His hand slipped down my leg then back up underneath my towel, and squeezed even harder. He was still naked, and as I looked, I saw that his cock was getting a bit harder. Some of the other people in the changing room had also stopped to watch. “You're not leaving, are you?” he asked. I swallowed hard, and managed to stammer out "No." Suddenly, there was a sharp pain. It took me a few seconds to work out what it was – he'd drawn his hand back and spanked my ass cheek, knocking my towel off as he did. It piled at my feet as I yelped. He gripped my cheek so tight in his hand that it hurt, especially right after being hit like that. He leaned over asking “Good. Then you're gonna come give me this later, aren't you?” “Yes!” I said, without even thinking. I didn't want to respond that way, but I knew it was the response he wanted. He relaxed his grip on my cheek and began softly stroking it instead. “Good boy,” he replied softly, as he leaned over, which caused me to flinch, but all he did was kiss me on the cheek, just shy of my ear. “Then I'll see you later, and you'd better bring those," nodding at the bottle of poppers I had placed on the bench by my locker. With that, he let go of me, wrapped himself in his towel – which I noted was definitely bigger than mine – locked his stuff away and headed towards the entrance of the steam room. Once he had gone, I quickly picked up my towel, and tried to wrap it around my waist. The people in the changing room started going about their business now that the show was over. My dick was obviously unbothered by the stinging pain in my ass, and still stood rock hard out from me, which made getting my towel back on difficult. I checked my phone – still absolutely nothing from my friend. I felt like I should leave, thinking I'd already made enough mistakes, and my friend would certainly understand. But my cock was still throbbing, and the memory of how had felt when it slipped into that guy's ass kept popping into my head. My ass was tingling, my mouthwatering. I took the poppers out of the locker and locked my stuff away again. That was the last time I checked for messages from the perfect guy.
    1 point
  39. Part 4 I stayed in the hot tub for a while afterwards, waiting for my friend to arrive and for my erection to go down. The hallway that led to the hot tub from the showers went further on into the other features of the sauna, though I didn't know what specifically was back there, so I watched guys go past, generally cruising each other. Two separate couples congregated briefly in the hallway, and ran off to... somewhere. I also saw several failed attempts, where one guy shrugged off the other, or quickly fled. The guys in the sauna definitely didn't behave or look like the image I had had in my mind when I entered the place. Yeah, there were a few elderly men, breathing heavily and trying to grab anyone who came within arm's reach, but most of the guys seemed to be between 30 and 50 and in reasonably good shape. I even saw a few guys who looked close to my age, though in reality, probably none were as young as was I. More than once I mistook the younger guys for my friend, but with each failure, I still kept my hopes up. The water jets cycles off and on again before anyone else entered the pool. The older guy with the moustache guy on the other side of the hot tub turned the pumps back on, as if it were his sacred duty to keep the bubbles going. A few minutes after he turned them back on, someone began climbing up the steps that led into the tub. It was a younger guy, I would guess he was about 25, he had black hair that was slicked-back, and he was almost as skinny as I was, but with clear muscle definition. His cock bounced between his legs before disappearing under the water. He looked at me for a brief moment, before nodding and moving towards the older man. They didn't waste time, and imagine they must have known each other as they just smiled at each other, and without a word, the younger guy seemed to straddle the older man's lap. They locked their mouths together in what must have been a very deep kiss, and the younger man started moaning into the older man's mouth. They seemed to be shifting around in the water a bit for a moment, before finally the younger man let out a long moan. With that, they broke their kiss, and I heard him whisper "Yeah, that's it." After that, they started moving in time with each other. It took me a while, arguably longer than it should have, to realize that the younger guy was getting fucked by the older guy. It took me longer still to realize I was staring at them, with my mouth hanging open. They didn't seem to mind, or even notice, but still, I quickly looked elsewhere, but even so, my attention was drawn back to them. I couldn't help it. They were fucking, right there, right in front of me. They hadn't rushed off to... well, wherever the other couples I saw had rushed off to. Almost subconsciously, my hand drifted to my cock, which was, of course, rock hard, and I began to slowly play with myself, as I licked my lips as the pace of their mating increased. The older guy with the tattoos had closed his eyes for a while, but when he opened them, he looked over and fixed his gaze on me. I felt embarrassed, but he smiled, obviously not embarrassed that I had a front row seat. The guy turned to the younger guy, and whispered a couple of words, and stopped fucking. With that, the younger guy looked around, and followed the older guy's gesture, to look at me. The younger guy looked me over, which made me feel even more embarrassed, but then he smiled and gestured for me to join them. I certainly didn't know exactly what to do, yet they seemed to have me in a trance, as my body moved on it's own in grabbing my poppers from the ledge and moving through the water to join them. Hands appeared on me as soon as I was within reach. The older man had one hand wrapped around his fuck-toy, and the other wrapped around my waist, going straight to my butt, where he started groping one cheek. The younger guy was slightly less forward, and brought his hand up behind my neck and pulling me in closer. The fucking began again as their hands explored me, with the older guy slowly bucking his hips. The younger guy moaned and leaned over towards me, giving me a much softly kiss than had the skinhead, gently brushing his lips against mine. Meanwhile the hand on my ass kept groping and squeezing, but didn't move anywhere. After he'd finished kissing me, he moved his face away, and pressed mine towards the other guy. Before I had time to protest, the older guys moustache was brushing up against my face as his lipped connected with mine. His hand tightened on my ass, squeezing it hard as his tongued forced its way into my mouth, all the while the younger guy held me still. It felt good, even though I didn't know why. The older guy made me feel gross when I first saw him, but the taste of his tongue, the scratching of his moustache, and his tight grip on my ass felt so hot that I almost forgot where I was. I heard the voice of the younger guy murmur in my ear, saying “His cock feels so good in me, he's such a good fucker. You want to feel it?” And with that, the younger guys hand slid down from my neck, all the way down my back and to my ass. This time, he was the less polite one – a finger slipped right down the middle to my hole and pressed against it. I gasped, and pulled away from him, shaking my head. I tried to say something, but no words came out of my mouth. Fortunately, the older guy had been listening in on my earlier conversation. “He's saving himself,” the man said in a gruff voice that hinted he was a foreigner. Amusement was evident in his tone. The younger guy nodded his head in realisation, also smirking at the concept. The older guy resumed, asking “But only your hole, right?" and then suggested to me “I won't fuck you, but you could help me fuck him, yeah?” as he nodded to the young guy. The older guy moved his hand from my ass to my hip, pushing me hard, so I found myself standing behind the younger guy, who promptly stood-up somewhat, presumably to slide off the other guy's cock. Then their hands were back upon me, and one hand guided my cock until it was pressed up against the young guy's hole. Instinct seemed to kick in, as I took hold of his hips, and he moaned as he teased his hole with my cock. “Go on, fuck him,” The older guy urged, adding “You don't need to be gentle. I wasn't the first guy this little whore had tonight.” I looked at the younger guy to see if the comment bothered him, but he just smiled in agreement. Once we made eye contact, he pushed his hips back, and, just like that, the tip of my dick slipped into his ass. I gasped. It was a great feeling, but I'd never fucked anyone before, so honestly I didn't know what I was doing. Fortunately my instincts took over again. As he took my dick, the guy twisted his body to turn so he could wrap one arm over me, he pulled me in to kiss me. The moment meant that my dick was also pulled fully into him ass. It was a slick feeling, and I slid right down to the base without any trouble at all. “That's it,” the older guy said as the younger guy kissed me, adding “Fuck that hole.” I began moving my hips a bit and he moaned into my mouth. 'No condom'. the thought flashed into my head and suddenly I was aware of myself again. I broke off the kiss and pulled out of him in a second. Then, before they had time to protest, I already turned and headed for the steps, muttering unintelligible words of apology as I rushed out. I grabbed my towel and slipped through the small crowd that I hadn't notice forming, and headed back to the changing rooms.
    1 point
  40. I could never stay hard in a condom, either fucking or when someone fucked me but the good boy in me just put up, then I hooked with a guy in a club...think I was 18 and he was 20 and we ended up back at his, once we got all he sucking and wanking over with it was time to fuck and there was no mention of rubber...he went in raw and it was like a whole new world opened up. By the morning I went home with 3 loads inside me. We dated for 3 months and then I spotted walking into a city centre cottage and upon investigation he was fucked a guy in a stall raw. But then I was young and thought that relationships where about fucking with one guy only so ended it but left with bareback desire alight. After that I would avoid rubbers if I could and by the time I hit 26 I was poz and I am now 36 and workout 5 times aweek and run triathlons so it hasn't stopped me in anyway; yes I have to take a pill a day...I have to do that for hayfever too, really not hard; I have to go to hospital every 6 months I get a full check up looking at everything from my weight to my blood pressure so if something is amiss there is time to fix it. I only look for guys into bb so don't have the rejection and I find these days 90% of guys in a dark room bb and if they want it safe I just move off; however I find a lot will take that bag off anyway and go in raw. If bb is your thing then becoming poz is something you have to deal with; so you can either moan or moan while taking a recharge off another hot poz guy and get on enjoying your one life!
    1 point
  41. I'm still on the fence about it some days. Some days I'm like, "Fuck yeah I'm poz. I don't have to take shit from anyone and I can have all the raw sex I want and I'll do whatever because shortened life span and such." And other days I just feel kinda meh and wonder if things would be any different if I was neg. It's probably more of not realling having "positive" friends or guys I know. Most guys I know are neg some are poz. I'd like it more if there was a poz community. If you're able to go out and slut around and be a cumdump then yeah being poz is hella fun. Even better at a cumunion, although there really status doesn't matter to anyone. It's what I love the most about it. Some of the annoying things about being poz are places like clubs or bath houses where guys like to have dark room sex but stress a condom, make you wear a condom, or wear one themselves. They want to have anonymous or unknown sex in seedy places but the condom makes it okay. Could be sort of spoiled from cumunion where bending over, wearing a jockstrap, or hell just standing gets a raw cock in ya and not always a load but a good fuck. Or any ass that's open or bottom in a sling is free game and a nice hole to breed. It's not like that everywhere unfortunately. And some have mentioned this but the bar thing is really a bitch. I get turned down quite a bit when I tell guys I'm poz. Honestly, it seems the only time guys are really okay with me being poz is when they're fucking me in a dark room raw or at a bar and no mention of status I'm just a hole to them and I have no qualms with that. I can honestly say, I wouldn't recommend anyone becoming poz (despite popular vote and fantasy) but for those who are poz or become poz there are some things that make it okay. But I believe everyone who becomes poz finds something a little extra that they didn't have when they were neg. I might not be living the best right now but I am kinda living free, travelling sometimes, and having fun sexual encounters when I have them. For those who are poz, just live.
    1 point
  42. I got fucked by tons of straight guys in the army when we were in muslim countries where we spent months without having women available. As far as I know all of them returned to their girls or wives. I also took tons of arab and other local cocks in other middle east or north African countries where men cannot have sex with women without marrying them. They all got rock hard in an instant from just seeing my round white ass in front of them...
    1 point
  43. I think it varies between bottoms and tops. A bottom that takes a load first thing in the morning goes to work with that "freshly fucked look", and most people know you got lucky. Plus you have that wonderful load in your ass that you can feel while you walk and even when you're sitting down. Just sitting down the right way reminds you of the humping that you took to get that load. For me as a top I love a morning fuck, but that breeding will leave me a little drained, of cum and energy. But it will have me thinking about sex earlier in the day, as I will be scouting for that next piece of ass so I can do it again. Raw sex is so addictive; you have to fuck as often as possible. But isn't that the best kind of addiction? It doesn't hurt you, and you and your partner have the most fun you can have without even getting out of bed (unless you have a sling).
    1 point
  44. Barebacking was the norm when I came out in the early 1970's so I experienced it first hand. No vagina or woman's mouth could compare to a man's tight ass or cock-loving mouth. I especially loved fucking those three all-time best asses back then, how absolutely fantastic my dick felt when I neared my climax and cummed in them, that ultimate super-great feeling my dick enjoyed when I pumped my load up the asshole, so good it enveloped my whole being until I was spent. Most times I fucked ass I usually left it in and lay on the asshole's back while I reloaded and then fucked him again with equally great results. Other times I'd fuck one hole and then the other so i could score both ends of the bottom. If he sucked my dick clean and kissed it and my sweaty balls and especially if he drank my warm beer on tap after sucking my dick clean, that was the perfect finish to a great piece of ass.
    1 point
  45. to find a SIR who would collar me for his ownership and help turn me into a longterm 24/7 cumdump animal. no mind, no hobbies, no life outside of total ownership, servitude, and use as a boycunt
    1 point
  46. All4cum is right, Tom, just give into it. Know yourself and act on that knowledge. That way, there are no regrets. Guys like us simply are born cumdumps; that is our purpose in life, that is why we exist. Once you recognize that, then it becomes a matter of making yourself the world's best cumdump, not only in terms of quantity (number of loads taken) but also in terms of quality (making it the best fuck He's ever had in His life; every time). It is an art; it takes training, skill, strength, stamina. We are performers, exhibitionists, artists. There is nothing shameful or wrong about being a cumdump. It is natural and the natural fulfillment of our destiny and our purpose. Love is great, but it cannot and will not district from fulfillment of our essential purpose in life, and any Man who loves us understands that. Our cocks are not the focus of our sexuality; our holes are. If, when you see a gorgeous guy your cunt twitches instead of your cock chubbing up, you will know your purpose in life. Once you have that knowledge, you have to go with it.
    1 point
  47. On the plus side: In general, guys who are poz tend to be a lot more fun than guys who are neg. Of course, that's because what makes them fun is what got them infected. But once you convert, you've got access to pretty much as much slutty guilt-free sex with poz guys as you like. It's also pretty much a complete license to never use condoms again. When I was neg, there was the little voice telling me that letting complete strangers breed my ass all the time probably wasn't too smart (I never listened to it...as a bottom, I craved guys unloading inside me, and as a top, I almost never could maintain a hardon with a condom). Once I converted, there was absolutely nothing at all restraining me from barebacking all the time (with the caveat that I'm open with potentially neg partners prior to sex so they can make an informed decision). I'm happy and healthy and completely free of the hysteria surrounding sex we've had to deal with since the mid-80s. The downside: Meds are expensive. I have to make sure I always have health insurance. Occasionally, the side effects get to me. A few people, even in the gay community, still to this day freak out when they learn you have HIV. And bug chasers (as opposed to guys who don't know and don't care about their status), I have learned, can be really fucking annoying, pressuring you to breed them at every turn.
    1 point
  48. Dumped one in my 24yo FB's hole last night and in his mouth this morning. Took one from my bro in my hole today.
    1 point
  49. I got my last load in my mouth this morning from my brother's cock.
    1 point
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