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  1. I had been talking to a guy online for about two months before this point. Let's call him Tom. Tom had a profile on BBRT NKP and here on breeding zone. I had been wanting to experiment with chemsex for about 6 months before I left for the states, I had been watching some videos to see what the deal was. I believe it was this site that introduced me to the concept, before hand I had no idea about meth use in the gay community(or a subsection of the gay community) but I had it in my head that if I was to try it, it should be in America(where I could get away with it). Plus it seemed to be more available over in the states. What I was looking for was tough, a top who was willing to introduce someone to Tina for the first time who also was hiv negative. This may not seem like much. But first of all nobody seemed to even respond to me on NKP(maybe they were too high) I was beginning to this it was an online ghost town, or that perhaps my account was broken. After searching for some time, I found two profiles that matched the requirements, a neg Top, who can administer. I messaged both guys. One replied "Any pics?" I sent him some pics of me, including a face pic. "Hmmm any more pics?" He wasn't sure. A little disappointing. The next guy I message replies "I would love to meet". However plans changed and we didn't get to meet for quite some time(scheduling conflicts). This was a good thing in some respect. We managed to talk a little more and I felt comfortable this was an honest and open guy, he was in his 40's and seemed mature, extremely attractive, and sexually right up my street. He asked for porn vids that I found hot so he had an idea of what I was into. He liked these very much. We eventually arranged to meet a little over one week before I was set to leave. He was situated up the top of Manhattan and told me to meet him around 9pm. I took the train up, then hopped a cab to his place. A nice apartment complex. I don't remember feeling nervous. Strange really, I felt more nervous walking into a gay bar, or sucking off my first New Yorker, but this, what would be the most extreme thing I was about to partake in, and I felt eerily calm. I also remember thinking very calmly "I could die here" just before I pressed the buzzer. He unlocks the door from his room upstairs, I'm not told what room number or floor he is on, but the second I step in I get a text. "Be right down, have to get something from the basement" I wait in the foyer. Probably a good time to mention my previous experience with drugs. Tried ecstasy a handful of times, first two times were great, the rest sucked. Cocaine 3 times previously, got absolutely nothing from it(became quiet and fidgety) and weed on a handful of occasions. In no way was I a drug user, never partied and played, with the exception of weed with two guys in NYC. So why I was actually doing this I have no idea. But I'm hoping it's good. Tom comes down to meet me, and we both head to the laundry room where he empties the machine. He seems rushed, I spend my time examining him as he does his laundry. His head is shaved(bald), he has a grey goatee, very handsome masculine look, dressed in a tank top and sweatpants, he's in good shape. He really is a perfect match. Perfect Daddy. I wonder if he's high already, but I think he isn't How will he be with me, what will I do when I'm high? "Positive thoughts" I keep telling myself in my head. Positive thoughts. We enter his apartment, it's nice, big, he leads me to the bedroom. A large bed is covered with rubber sheets, to the left of the bed on the floor is a large duffel bag, filled with all kinds of sex toys. To the right is a computer and desk, on the desk lay some syringes. Now my heart starts to race a little. "Do you want to have a look through the toys?" "Sure". He shows me his collection, rubber cock and ball rings, rubber anal inserts, large buttplugs(one shaped like a sperm), sounds kit(makes me wince), rope, cuffs, things that I couldn't even identify. "That's an impressive collection" I say, wide-eyed. "Yeah. So I'm thinking we get you in a harness" He instructs me to take my clothes off. Then he puts the harness on me and tightens it. I feel infinitely sexier. I've never worn a harness before or since, but it felt great. He began to explain the benefits of said harness. "So when I'm fucking you I can just grab it like this, and pull you towards me" he says as he demonstrate by grabbing the shoulder straps and pulling me towards him, this makes me horny. "Hmm, a rubber jockstrap." He then takes a jockstrap from his bag, again, I've never worn one before this. It fits well and covers up that dick of mine. I'm slowly being transformed into his toy, there is only one thing left. He talks me through the whole experience, what it will feel like, how he preps the meth by pouring hot water until the crystals have fully dissolved, etc etc. He then shows me about 4 or 5 videos of slamming, and explains what the person might be feeling. "Ok so are you ready?" "Have you ever done this with someone for the first time?" "No, never introduced anyone" I sit on the cold rubber bed, he props two pillows behind my back. "Hmm, hang on." He goes to the bag, and takes out two of those, I actually don't know what they are called. Like small leather hoods that go over your hands. and leather cuffs. He loosely ties me to the bed. ​"It'll be interesting to have you tied up for your first slam" My heart starts to pound faster, the nerves are coming in hard and fast. Should I look at the needle going in? Maybe not. Everything will be fine. He holds the needle up to the bedside lamp. "They're full dissolved, see? Let's see how hard it is to find a vein." He runs his finger over the inside of my elbow, a vein comes up immediately. He then puts on the tourniquet and waits a few seconds. Wipes my arm with a pad and sticks the needle into my vein. He pulls back I look, see red inside the needle, then look away. "Ok. Now tell me if you feel any burning or stinging in your arm." I look again, he slowly pushes the plunger until the meth is inside me. He then snaps off the tourniquet and looks at me. I feel nothing. He gives me a look as if to ask how I feel. "Nothing?" I say, smiling nervously. He looks in disbelief. "Nothing?" "Nope" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I don't feel anything" "Hmm, that's crazy. Maybe I didn't give you enough" He turns around to look at the syringes on his desk. I let out a nervous laugh. "Maybe if I moved around a little" I say as I bend my arm up and down(as much as it will go with the restraint) Then I feel a sudden tingle in my legs, reminiscent of the first time I tried E(which I was the last to come up on then too), then BAM! This indescribable rush goes through me, my breathing becomes heavy and I blow out a long shaky "woah" I look at Tom, he seems excited. "OK....nowitsworking" I say in a short burst. I start to feel myself and wish these restraints vanished. I start to feel as if I could make them disappear if I really wanted to. Tom sees me squirming in ecstasy on the bed. "Now I know it's working." He then turns around and straps up his arm and gets ready to slam himself. I writhe around feeling everything with my body, everything tingles in such an amazing way. This is too good for words. I'm loving this, nothing has happened yet and I'm loving it already, I think of a thousand scenarios of what will happen throughout the night in the space of a second or two. My mind is well and truly fucked! It's very hard to focus on anything, everything has a shudder effect. I hear Tom exhaling heavily I look over and he's whipping of the strap from around his arm. "Fuck" "Fuck" I say almost at the same time. He seems very controlled, I don't know how he does it. "Do you have sensitive nipples?" "Not really" I answer. "You will". He then straps two sucking cups to my nipples and pumps them until they stick. "Thank you so much for this" I gush, I feel forever in his debt. I become overtly grateful and complimentary, he smiles knowing it's the drugs doing their work. He also becomes very talkative, he asks me about the first time I had sex. He raps my legs around his waist and I start to grind against him as I describe my first time. "Tonight will be a night of firsts" He tells me in that calm and hushed voice. For some reason we both feel the need to half whisper to each other. "Ok let's get these off" He removes my restraints as I thank him again for being so generous to have me over and get me high. He thanks me for coming. "God if we met earlier? I'd send you home stupid". After some talking, he takes my head and buries it into his armpit. I lap away at it as he moans. He takes the suction cups from my nipples and twists them as I start to suck on his. I still don't feel sensation in my nipples, however the rush from the meth was too much to notice if I did. This was perhaps the most sexually confident I had ever felt, I had to constantly remind myself, this is actually happening. I move down to work his cock. He tells me to suck it hard, so I do,gripping with my like and sucking down on his soft veiny dick to the balls, he grabs both balls and pushes them against my mouth "open" I try to accommodate for both cock and balls but it proves too hard, even though his cock is only semi erect, his balls are far too big. I settle for one ball and a dick in the back of my throat, my mouth is stuffed. He likes the feeling as I gag and retch. Eyes water, stomach knots, body squirms. Next I take both his balls in my mouth which is another mouth-filling task, his dick lays on my face with his wet helmet resting on my right eye. I feel like a good little slut. He tells me to smell his dick, which smells of precum. After sucking his dick some more it becomes hard enough to fuck with. He puts a rubber cock ring and ball separator on himself and tells me lie back. I put my legs in the air and present my hole for fucking. "No." he says. "Put your feet here" he motions to his chest. I place both feet on his chest and he slides his cock into my ass. At first my hole rejects him, pushing him out when he gets into a rhythm. It's the Tina, it has made my ass tighten up. However, I have an idea. I get up and take out a bottle of poppers out of my bag and lay back on the bed. "Maybe if you choke me" I suggest. He places his open palm against my neck, just under my Adam's apple, then moves up and down to find the strongest pulse. I take a huff of my poppers and raise one hand in the air(this is a safety technique I use at first with some guys, when the hand drops, I'm out and they should let go. Any longer and it could become quite dangerous). He presses down, not too hard, but enough to make my feet tingle. Everything goes tunnel vision. I'm back in Ireland doing something menial or talking to a friend or something. All of a sudden a man's face appears from nowhere, then a room behind him, where am I? Confusion. I feel a heavy tingling and something moving in and out of my hole. It has a similar feeling to pins-and-needles. Then I remember where I really am, in an apartment in New York, high on meth, being fucked unconscious by a complete stranger who could have killed me with little effort. The rush of realization is incredible. My breathing becomes heavy "Wow! Oh my God" He leads in to make out with me, his dick is now in my ass without me pushing it out. "Did you have a little dream, baby?" "Yeah, how long was I out" "Only about 5 seconds, don't worry." He fucks me harder and although his cock isn't rock hard it feels incredible. I could feel the rubber of the cock ring against my hole. I wanted everything he had inside me. "I think I can get my balls in you" he lets out in a grunt as he thrusts back and forth. "Yeah?" I ask with some scepticism, the drugs have taken away any pain the fucking may have caused, but it in no way made my ass wider, in fact it had a tightening effect on my hole. This problem was solved with a little force, or a nice choke-out. "Yeah, I think so. Hang on." He rolls me back so my ass is in the air, he then stands over me and squats down. I feel him pushing against my hole and decide to push out, hoping it will let him in. This works and he pushes his balls inside me. He pulls them out "Oh fuck" he lets out in pleasure. He pushes just his balls into my hole a few more times, dipping them in and out until it becomes easy. He then pushes his sloppy cock into my widened hole, followed by both balls. Everything is inside me. It has to be the best feeling I've ever had during sex, it's incredibly hard to describe that pleasure, knowing you're connected to another man by both his cock and balls, they fit tightly into your hole. You are being completely used as a place for him to rest his dick and balls. The feeling of his pelvis pushing against your ass, knowing there is nothing further that can go in, he is as deep in you as he can possibly go. Amazing! I feel with my hands to ensure everything is in. I rub his taint while he grinds against me. He stops moving, but I continue to grind in a circular motion, churning my insides with his balls and dick. "Hold still" he tells me, he looks focussed and stares into the distance. "You feel that?" "Nope" "I'm pissing inside you" "Oh fuck!" I concentrate on the feeling, a tingling in my lower back, I'm being used as this guy's urinal. "Ugh, it's hard to piss in this position". He only pees a little in me before slowly pulling his balls and cock out of my piss-filled whole, he keeps me propped up with one hand. "Don't move boy. Fuck yeah" he spits in my gaping hole. Then reaches into his bag of toys for a large butt-plug. He spits on it, and pushes it against my ass lips, it's not going in as easy as it should. He calmly instructs me to breath in and out, eventually the rubber plug slides right in, filling my ass completely. After about 30 minutes of playing, I go to the toilet to take out the plug and push out the piss. I feel very wobbly on my feet but very happy also. I notice that when the plug comes out there is no more piss up my ass. I feel around to check. Either my ass has absorbed the little piss there was, or it's gone a lot deeper than I can reach. The next few hours become a blur. I get slammed again which is so much stronger than the first, I cough and it hits me like a euphoria freight train. This turns Tom on greatly. We make out more, fuck, suck toys and attempted fisting. He could slide four fingers but not past the knuckle. I found it extremely hard to concentrate on what was going on, everything spun and shuttered, I felt fantastic, almost a state of frenzy. When Tom is on top of me he sweats so much it dribbles down onto my face and chest, almost like a tap. Our sweat has a distinct smell, a chemical smell because of the meth. He takes me to the shower to cool off. I check the time and hours have gone by. It's about 10.00am the next day. "My boyfriend will be home soon" What? Oh no, "is this going to get awkward?" I think. I say nothing. "It's ok though, we could always go to the bathhouse" First time for everything. I let him know I'm up for this adventure and he tells me to get dressed and meet him at the nearby subway, while he cleans up and gets dressed. I walk to the nearest subway, it's a hot day out and people are up walking to work. I'm very aware of my movements, not to act like a tweaker. He eventually meets me and we head towards the bathhouse. It's not long until we are there. I'm becoming paranoid that people will know I'm high. Tom seems fine. We get our locker key and head to our room. After stripping, I head to the locker with our clothes. To large black men check me out in my jockstrap(given to me by Tom) the place seems pretty empty, which doesn't surprise me given the time. I put away my stuff and head back to our booth/room. I'm tingling all over and moving faster than usual. I get in and Tom lunges at me, jamming his tongue down my throat and shoving his fingers up my hole. I turn to liquid in his arms, the feeling is very hot. He has a small bag of toys with him. He takes out a large metal buttplug. It's very wide, "Guess where this is going" he says as he slaps it against the palm of his hand. "No way" "Get on all fours" I climb onto the bed on all fours. He squirts some lube onto the top of the plug, then pushes against my ass. I feel there is know way this will fit. I try to push out to open my ass up. "Breath, relax." He instructs. It's hard to do so, even though there is no pain at this point(from the drugs) I'm still nervous of damaging my ass. I breath in and out. Then take a big hit of poppers and repeat. I feel it enter my hole, it begins to hurt. "Damn, is this nearly in" I think to myself, then my ass retracts. "It's in" he tells me, before leaning in to gently kiss my ass cheek and tell me "good boy". He slaps the base of the plug and every time he does is sends an extremely pleasurable shiver up through my insides. He lays me back on the bed and spreads his ass cheeks. "Stick out your tongue" I do, then he sits down hard on my mouth. I work my tongue slowly up and down he asshole, trying hard to push my tongue deep. He lets out a series of moans and groans to indicate he loves the sensation. He then grabs the back of my head and really pushes me into his hole. He wants me to go deeper and I can feel his hole pushing out against as my tongue slides deeper. My tongue is stretched out to the point of pain, but knowing the pleasure it gives him causes me to endure it. This goes on for a few minutes(with a few air breaks) before he lifts his hot ass from my face. He hands me down a rubber butt plug. "I want you to put this up my ass" "Can you pass me the lube?" "No just use spit" He opens my mouth and slides the plug all the way down to the end, I gag, he pushes further, fucking my throat with the plug. This gets him off. He sits on the end of the plug and forces it down my throat with his ass. I'm now being smothered and choked. I cough up some spit. and he takes the plug out and turns it around, facing his hole. I take it off of him and push. It takes some force and I worry about hurting him, but he seems to be fine. It eventually goes up his hole. I smack the end of it as he done with my and he groans in ecstasy. We make out for a while with plugs up our asses, I then go to give him a blowjob. After some time sucking his semi-flaccid cock I feel it's time to take the plug out. I leave our room to walk to the toilets. I get a few propositions on the way, but ignore them in a chemmed out haze. I enter one of the cubicles and try to push out the plug. This is more difficult and painful than getting it in. I finally manage to pull the metal plug from my insides and the thing is hot. Really hot. Hard to hold. I have to run it under a cold tap before I can carry it back to the room. By the time I get back he has jerked his cock hard. And places me on all fours before fucking me for quite some time. "Shit I've got to go to work soon" I wonder how he can even think of working, as my mind is so confused and fried from the meth, I could barely see straight. I guess this guy is well used to this kind of activity. This worries me slightly. Maybe all isnt as it seems with him. He edges himself with my ass a number of times but is too uptight to cum. "Wanna meet me later on, say 7pm?" "Ok". We both head to the showers. As we wash up he tells me "I think I have to piss" "Can I drink it" "Sure, get down there." I get down on my knees and open up. He shoots hard, like a fire-hose down my throat. It tastes extremely strong but I swallow every drop. As we walk back to our room to get dressed it hits me hard. It had totally slipped my mind that his piss was filled with strong chems, and it sent me flying high. "You feel it?" He asks me in a hushed tone. It really tickles him that I'm high as a kite in public. We get dressed and leave the bathhouse. I get home(somehow) and try to get some sleep. This is impossible. I am shaking like a leaf and sweating buckets. I go to the bathroom to have a cold shower. I look in the mirror. My face frightens me, it looks so different to what I usually see. There is a deadness in my eyes. I try not to focus on it, and shower and change. By the time this is done it's almost time to head out the door again. I get to Tom's apartment again, his eyes are red. He looks like he's just shot up. "Hey baby, come in" I come in and undress. "Ready for another slam?"
    48 points
  2. Another Real Experience - How Big Are Those Cocks? This is another true party story from about a year and a half ago. A long term play buddy of mine on the Upper West Side had started using his large floor-thru apartment near Columbia University as almost a full-time party location and meeting place. Additionally as time went by, he began to also help guys find the potions and combinations that enhanced and ramped up their sex experiences. My buddy Jack was a shorter white guy, with a steel grey buzzcut and goatee - he was around 60, but kept a very muscular body with just a bit of belly - he had a nice cock and a beautiful ass. He still liked to play himself, but sometimes was so busy setting things up and dealing with the guys who came simply for favors that sometimes he could not have the sex sessions he planned... and someone else might benefit from what he'd set up for himself. That's what happened to me that fateful Friday. So one summer friday, responding to an invitation for a play session he'd set up with me the day prior, I headed to his place and arrived around 5pm. Jack figured we'd play a bit early, he'd break for a while to take care of those arriving in the early evening for favors, then begin playing again when he was through - while I could continue with any other guys who happened to be staying for his evening play party. When I got there, he was already mostly naked with some leather, so I also got out my harness, metal cockrings, armbands and the like and pulled on a jock-strap until things really got started. He had two adjoining rooms, the smaller had a daybed type affair and his computer desk the other larger room a very big bed and most of the porn screens. We sat by his desk, puffing on a huge glass bong and shotgunning while we chatted and he let me know some of what was going on that evening to come. He also gave me a vitamin "v", and I started getting hard watching porn over his shoulder as we chatted and puffed up. I needed to piss after a bit (and as we were not yet playing, I didn't think there'd be any issue with me getting rid of a bit) and he said to just make sure I knocked before going into the bathroom as there was someone showering and cleaning up in there. He also told me to take my time as he still had a few IM's and E-mails to respond to before he could take a break. Cool, I thought, I can wait outside if they're shy and show-off if a bit if they are not. Headed to the bathroom on the other end of the apartment - down a LONG corridor past the front door, then through the living room, into the kitchen and then to the bathroom which adjoined the third bedroom located all the way to the rear of this long narrow apartment. I knocked on the closed bathroom door, and heard a familiar voice ask who it was... I called out my name through the door and heard "just a minute, then I'll open up..." While I was waiting, the door to the bedroom opened and Derrick, the guy renting that room from Jack, opened the door naked with a bong in one hand and torch in the other. Derrick was a wiry very white guy with a ripped body, lots of ink and a damn big cock. He was also a very popular DJ and party organizer, and also an escort. "I heard it was you out here, and I wanted to talk to you a second... here" he said, handing me the bong and using the torch to melt the T. As I was shotgunning him, the door to the bathroom opened and he hustled me inside. The occupant was Craig, a 20-something African American guy with a soccer player type body and nice size cock. He was from the same part of the south Jack was from. Craig was a nursing student, and was staying with Jack partly as delivery man, partly as assistant, and partly as fuck buddy. I took my piss as we three shared shotgun hits from the bong. Derrick told me he was glad I was there, because he had set up something for the evening that was really special for Jack, fulfilling a fantasy that Jack had been wanting to try for many years. He was glad I was there because he himself could not stay long (escort clients, you know) and Craig would likely be in-and-out, so Derrick was pleased that there'd be someone with real control there who could make sure the scene didn't get out of hand. Had to admit I was damn curious at that. While Craig pulled out some Testosterone Gel (this was just before they started making an issue about them) and started rubbing some into my muscles and his own, Derrick continued, telling us he had set up a gang bang for the evening with three EXTREMELY hung black top guys. All claimed also to be straight but just liked a walk on the wild side occasionally, especially when lots of party favors were involved. We all took a few more hits off the pipe while we each took turns giving each of the other guys a quick suck and a quick rimjob. We didn't want to leave Jack alone for too long, and Derrick was "working" in a short time, so he headed back to his bedroom while Craig and I went forward to Jack's two adjoining rooms in the front of the apartment. Jack and Craig and I got onto the daybed and sex play got started. All three of us are vers, with both Craig and I leaning more to top and Jack more to bottom. Still in our first round, we totally round robin-ed with each of us sucking and rimming each of the other two, each of us getting fucked by the other two and each of us fucking the other two. A very nice start to the evening, let me tell you... We took a break as John had guys coming very shortly for party favors and Craig was going to need to get things ready for a delivery run. I kicked back watching porn and we puffed the pipe some and a few guys came through... some heading right back out, others hanging a bit to see if they'd be invited to hang for a bit and get into the scene. After a bit, Derrick came into the room with some guys behind him. Derrick announced that Jack's "birthday present" from him was here, and Jack looked like a kid in a candy shop. One guy, Alastair, was a lean lighter skinned Jamaican guy with dreads and a goatee and appeared to be in his 40s; Pierre was a shorter darker Haitian guy who was neither toned nor flabby but was smooth all over and could have been anywhere from 30 to 50; finally there was Alex who was early 20s, very nicely muscular and looked like the All-American College Jock type. And as they stripped down, they all had cocks that were pretty damn big while soft... The guys were given a nice big baggie from Jack along with some vitamin-v. We sat around watching the porn and hitting the pipe hard. At first Alastair and Pierre were really quiet, and I guess to some people a bit menacing. Two of the guys who'd hung around slipped out quietly, while I noticed that the next few of Jack's arrivals didn't even bother staying for more than a puff or two. The three guys prepared points for themselves and the rest of us puffed on the pipe. Craig passed around drinks with G and the guys started to mellow a bit. We were down to the three of them, plus me and Jack, Craig and Derrick - who each would be leaving shortly - and a string bean of a white middle-aged top named Jimmy and a cute Hispanic twink, Rico. The three "friends" of Derrick's started to get hard, and holy shit! I've been a player since I was a teenager, and these were some of the biggest cocks I'd encountered in all that time - almost impossible that three of that size were in the room at the same time. Alex, who did some porn occasionally, had a beauty of 9-incher, and Pierre a slightly longer, and somewhat fatter battering ram that had to be 10 inches. Then there was Alastair. He was slowly fisting a cock that seemed impossibly long - someone whispered "how big IS that thing?". Alastair rather smugly replied "Thirteen inches" to which Jimmy responded "No way." As proof, Alastair pulled from his bag a goddamn TAPE MEASURE to prove it - said he got tired of people not believing him. Sure enough, it was past 12 1/2 inches long - officially making it the second longest cock I'd ever personally encountered. "Satisfied?" he growled at Jimmy, who looked a bit scared. All three seemed to be getting impatient with waiting for Jack to finish up though when Rico tried to go down on one of them he was pushed away. Jimmy and Rico retreated to the daybed behind Jack's computer and started to fuck around. It was also becoming obvious that Jack was VERY upset about some message he was getting on his phone and he started to curse under his breath. The three guys looked a bit pissed and started whispering stuff to Derrick and then Craig who moved over to them to see what was going on. Craig went back and forth from them to Jack. Finally, Craig and Derrick came over to me and began to talk in a hushed tone, while Jack spoke to the other guys. Seems Jack was going to have to go out because he was having some problem with a supplier that frankly I didn't need or care to know any more about. He was taking Craig with him. Derrick was heading to paying clients shortly. So I was left to hold down the fort and make sure nothing went wrong and was given a set of keys to the various cabinets. "And there's something else," Derrick mumbled. It seems his three pals were tired of waiting and wanted to fuck NOW. Jimmy was a top only, and was clearly showing signs of avoiding them at all costs, and they were very much NOT into Rico, whom they found too feminine and girly (odd, for straight guys, I thought, but whatever...). "That leaves YOU," Craig finished for Derrick. Shocked I looked at them like they were crazy. "You want ME to bottom for three of the biggest cocks on the island of Manhattan?" They both nodded. "You HAVE to, or its not gonna be pretty real soon" whispered Derrick. "But don't worry, we can help make it easier." See here's the thing. Yes I do like to bottom, and in fact had griped a few times lately that I wasn't getting any bottom time at the last few get-togethers I was at, but really... I could think of 10 friends off the top of my head who would pay a huge amount to be gang-fucked by 3 super-hung black men, but being the subject of ANY gangbang had never been a fantasy of mine. And any of my fuckbuddies can tell you that although my hole is rather talented when it comes to muscle control, I am tight, and usually take a bit of time to warm into being fucked. Craig got me some G and some K and tossed a sprayer of Maximum Impact on the bed we'd be playing on. The three guys got the points they'd prepared earlier out, and Derrick pulled a tourniquet around my bicep and swabbed my arm. Jack and Craig slipped out quietly, and Jimmy and Rico paused in their play to watch as the three guys administered themselves and Derrick did me. There were several coughs and as I held my arm over my head, Derrick whispered "good luck" and headed out. I was pulled over to the bed and my ride began. On my knees in front of them as the sat all on one side, I sucked on each of those huge cocks - I could deep throat Alex, and Pierre barely, but I could not get Alastair all the way no matter what. I got to rim Alex for a bit and then they pulled me up on the bed and onto all fours. The maximum impact was sprayed on a cloth and I took a huge suck on that blessed cloth. Alastair and Pierre knelt in front of me while my mouth went back and forth between two dicks and two sets of balls. Alex climbed up behind me and I was astonished to feel his tongue give me a rimjob! Then the cloth was shoved under my nose and Alex started to sink his missile into my hole. Thank goodness for all of the chemical assistance, as I was able to take him in with far less trouble than normal. There was a bit of pain at first, and an uncomfortable feeling that lasted even longer but I wasn't in agony or anything. Rico, fascinated by all this came over with the bong, and held it for me to take some huge hits and blow them out on the two cocks I was sucking. After that, I settled into pure pleasure from Alex's fucking. Pierre's foray into my hole was a bit more difficult and he was far from the best top I'd ever had, but I was one of the first male holes he'd ever fucked supposedly, though he had received many blowjobs from guys over the years. Eventually it was Alastair's turn. I booty bumped before he began, along with many more hits on the pipe and more Maximum Impact. And amazingly, it was astonishingly good. He was narrower than Pierre, which helped a lot, and he also seemed to know his way around a man's hole. We continued to fuck and suck for hours, with Alex sitting his gorgeous ass on my face a couple of times when I was getting fucked on my back, and even giving me a little sucking action on MY cock every now and then. His buds did raise their eyebrows a bit when he did that. I also gave Pierre his first rimjob ever, though I could not convince Alastair to allow me to do the same thing. Jack and Craig eventually returned and things broke up. I wound up driving Alex back to his place in Spanish Harlem, and going inside with him. We smoked some more bowls and his cousin arrived during and got high with us - this teenager from North Carolina got quite an education that night, as I wound up sucking and rimming him, getting fucked by him, and briefly allowing the two of them to DP me. Unfortunately, that pushed things a bit too far for my overworked hole and I had to call it quits and head home. My butt was pretty wrecked for about two weeks. I certainly wouldn't have sought this situation out, and I'm not sure I'd ever want to repeat, but I'm glad I experienced something like that at least ONCE in my life. I have actually hooked up with Alex a few more times, and I'm close to convincing him to let me fuck him!
    47 points
  3. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    47 points
  4. Another member on this site recently asked if any of us had slammed at work, or at least pnp'd. I actually have a few times... never slammed at work, but have blown clouds/snorted at work and had sex at work at the same time. In my blog here, I've written up some of the times I had pnp experiences as both a performer and as a Realtor (usually in an empty house or client's house who pnp'd and gave permission) but I actually HAVE had sex and partied some in office situations over the years. During the Recession, both performing work and house sales were down, so from 2005-2010 I also managed buildings in NYC, the management company I worked for had its office in Riverdale in the Bronx, in what was originally the pool house and club of a multi-building development... the offices were right next to the pool and my personal office was in one corner of the structure down a long corridor and had both a door to the inside corridor of the building, AND its own door to the exterior into a small fenced in area adjacent to the pool with a latched gate door. My boss' older son was a college age kid who just finished his freshman year and was now serving as a lifeguard at the complex pool during his summer vacation. I was frequently the last person in the offices, as most left by 5:30 and some nights I was there until 7 or 8 or later by myself. The pool closed at 6pm, and if the boss wanted to leave early and I was staying, he'd ask me to bring the kid home to the burbs where we all lived. I had no idea up until this point that the kid was gay, let alone that he appreciated chemplay. I mean, come on, he was only a freshman - though I was pretty "advanced" at that age I seldom meet too many others who were (or are). One of the first times this occurred, Stefan came into my office closing the door behind him, still in his long red lifeguard board shorts and a sleeveless white cotton top - open to show his washboard - and flipflops showing his oversized bare feet. I knew the kid was hot - frankly, so was his dad, my boss, and the company actually had a reputation of hiring very attractive and fit male employees - but this went beyond. While running his hand up and down his treasure trail, he mentioned that I was "busted". Tearing my gaze away from the pretty sight, I asked "why"? He proceeded to tell me he found my profile on Nasty Kink Pigs and a PNP oriented site that was popular at the time. The pictures being obviously me, I couldn't deny it, and he described them to me perfectly. Intrigued, I asked what he was doing on those sites and did his father know he was gay? He replied that he found those websites that year at college when he really found and accepted himself, and no he hadn't come out to his parents yet. He said he certainly wouldn't say anything about my extracurricular activities to his father so long as he and I could "indulge" them sometimes on the evenings I was driving him home... I told him I was flattered, and wanted to know exactly which activities on those sites he wanted to indulge in, and would I be playing teacher or did he have experience? He smirked and replied that he was looking for the bareback chem sex experiences he learned to love that year at college that took him from a naive virgin to a "probably poz party boi"... I was, suffice to say, a bit stunned. Now, to be fair, in the summer of 2006 he wasn't the only one with a 6-pack, at 43 I was still doing some modelling and in really great shape, so it wasn't TOTALLY insane for a hot college freshman to come on to an older guy, but JEEZUS this came out of nowhere, and DAMN was it hot. He proceeded to tell me he knew exactly how to make sure we were never caught (and we never were...) since my office was originally intended to be accessible after hours by the pool staff, the inside door to the rest of the offices could not only be locked and bolted, but the outside door could be locked and the gate to the little inner fenced area (the fence was 8 feet tall and opaque) could also be locked and bolted... to gain access from outside, someone would have to ring a "doorbell" and from the inside, if anyone entered the office suite, an electronic "beep" sounded in my office. There were no security cameras in my office, or at my end of the hall, or in the fenced area - and I could turn on the burglar alarm and exclude my office until I (or we) left. Stefan had thought it all out. With those assurances, I agreed. That first time he had a little bit of his own stuff in his pool bag, and I ran out to my car and brought my play bag in - out came two pipes and the clouds started. I kept asking if he was sure, and he said he liked fantasizing that I was his coach... DAMNATION he was hitting all the right buttons. That night was mostly just oral (we both rinsed off and washed up in the small shower the little bathroom my personal office had) sucking and rimming mutually... he had a real swimmer's body, 6'4", trim, slightly out-sized shoulders, long thin floppy dick and nice muscular if not large ass, green eyes, tanned white skin, torso naturally almost hairless except the treasure trail but waist down hairy like a satyr or something... Our sessions eventually included fucking each other on my desk or the floor or on a pool lounge chair brought inside, with porn playing all but silently on my computer from my external hard drive, and always with us blowing clouds, booty-bumping, snorting or hot-railing. The first session where we fucked, I had him fuck me first - he was rock hard and his youth and relative inexperience showed in his impatience to get his raw tool in me resulting in some soreness for me that evening and the next day - but his skills improved over time and that long cock of his was quite the enjoyable after-work treat, along with the copious loads he would fill me with. That same evening, when it was my turn to fuck him, I kept reminding him that I was poz, and was he SURE he wanted me to bareback him. He told me he was sure, and that he was fairly certain he'd been pozzed since he'd done several group scenes with guys he knew to be poz and took their loads... I was still a bit uncomfortable with that, and though I fucked him bare, I did not begin breeding him until he'd gotten his test results back a couple of weeks later (he was poz as he thought). He loved to spew out his filthiest fantasies as I pounded that hot frat boy hole. As summer progressed I was able to hook him up with my contact-buddy for supplies so he could pay less than in the burbs. A couple of times we had group scenes at my bud's place on Central Park West and the guys present would descend on Stefan like starving animals and he loved every minute, though we always had to leave reasonably early. He also had a friend up from school who stayed with him that summer for a week and came to the pool with him everyday that week - it was the only time we ever had a third join us in my office - a pretty Filipino kid, Alberto, with another swimmer's body but much shorter than Stefan, about 5'6" smooth all over and rippled with trim muscle, brown eyes and black hair with an incredible serpent tattoo wrapped down one leg. He was happy to blow clouds with us, and fortunately he was into "Daddies" like Stefan was, and really enjoyed getting spit-roasted from either end the three times he pnp'd with us. He even came in and gave me a blow job under my desk on one of the days they were heading home with my boss and not me! Stefan claimed to be jealous, but between him needing to be at his lifeguard post AND being 6'4" there was no way he could repeat that particular performance! Damn we had fun until he had to head back to school, and we repeated our hi-jinx the next summer (2007) as well. However, when the summer of 2008 rolled around he stayed at his school in Florida for the summer and eventually moved down there permanently and that crazy memorable set of experiences was over. And true to Stefan's promise, we never got caught! Though we both mentioned many times as we played how hot it would be to get his handsome dad high and convince him to join us. Considering the male employees he tended to hire, there certainly was a possibility that he was at least bi-sexual, but suffice to say, that was a fantasy we were NOT stupid enough to attempt! We already took enough chances!
    35 points
  5. This is a real life experience of mine that's pretty hot (at least to me!) on a number of levels - first it involves a military guy, a favorite type of mine; second it has a great (and ultimately harmless) revenge factor in it; and finally it took place in my early 20s and was my first encounter with doing T. Though my family was 4th generation New York City on both sides, my parents chose to move to the burbs 15 miles north of Manhattan before I was born (so of course, as soon as I went to College at 17, I went to a NYC university and moved myself BACK there!). Sometime around the time I was about 6 or 7, which would be 1968 or 1969, a feud among two groups of kids in my neighborhood evolved from screaming matches and minor mischief to an all-out "war" - of rotting apples no less - hurled with astonishing accuracy one late summer evening. The combatants included my older brother (now a police sergeant) and most of the other kids of the 13 - 16 year old age group. I was just an innocent by-stander who happened to be considered a prime target by the "bullies" my bro and his friends were fighting. Therefore, one of the toughest kids in the neighborhood, who was also an astonishingly good southpaw pitcher on the playing field, clocked me in rapid succession with an apple to the gut, and then one to the head. I went down like I was pole-axed, gasping to breathe as the wind had been knocked out of me... the result of seeing a little kid down and not breathing broke the battle up immediately and the "bullies" took off majorly chagrined. Within just a year or two, the kid who pegged me was shipped off by his parents to the military to get him under control... Fast forward to 1985. I had just finished a summer stock season and had 10 days before I was due at a regional theater in the midwest for a 5 month run. I had a guy subletting my apartment in NYC through 'til the end of that run, so I really couldn't go back to my apartment for the 10 days. My parents were cool with me staying in my old room in the 'burbs, so I was staying at the old homestead. I was horny - having lived in NYC since 1980 when I headed to college, I was used to sex anytime I wanted it - not just bars, but sex clubs, the Rambles in Central Park, the Trucks in the Village, bathhouses, the Y on 62nd Street, you name it. Back in those days even the burbs had gloryholes in almost every department store... so since I wanted sex and not chat with old buddies at the local gay bar, I popped over to the mall to see if there was any action. Sure enough, the T-room at Bamburgers was hopping - too busy to get anything done, really. I found myself cruising a real hottie - blond buzz cut, 'stache, mirrored sunglasses - screamed "MILITARY"! - and he was cruising me right back. With a jerk of his head to the door, he headed out and I followed. Out on the sales floor he says to me, "got anywhere to go?" and I told him no, I was staying with my parents for a few days. He laughs and says that he was in exactly the same situation! Both of us were very frustrated when he says, "you cool with doing it outside, so long as its somewhere no one could see us?". I told him that was great with me, lead the way. He had taken the bus, so we went to my car and I told him to direct me where we were going. Soon enough, we're headed down the main road my 'rents live on and I say "are we close?" and he said we were. I started to laugh and of course he asked why and I said, "because that green house up there is my parents house..." Turns out HIS parents lived right around the corner - I asked where we were going to play and he asked if I knew the path through the woods behind his house that led to an old cemetery. I knew it well and also knew the abandoned graveyard was not patrolled - it was an excellent suggestion on a warm summer night. He said he needed a few things from inside the house and I said I'd go drop the car back at my parents and meet him on the street in front of his house in five minutes. I dropped off the car and pulled my knapsack from the trunk, stuffing a picnic blanket into it, and returned to his parents house. He was waiting for me with a military rucksack, and I followed him along the side of the house into the back yard and on the path through the woods. There was a moon, so we could see, although everything was in stark contrast. I indicated his rucksack as we walked. "Military?" I asked. "Yep, army helicopter pilot on leave," was the response. "Damn hot" I told him. "You're pretty damn hot yourself, man" was his response. "You grew up to be real eye candy." I stopped walking for a second. "Wait a minute. Do I know you?" He started to chuckle, "I'm afraid you do, but you might not realize its me. I think I've owed you an apology for about 15 years...". And that was when I started to laugh along with him. "See," he said. "You do remember." "Kinda' hard to forget - you pitch a mean fastball..." "I pitch a mean fuck too, but I think I kind of owe it to you to let you start this thing on top..." "Damn straight, man." "Nothin' straight about it...". We both laughed. "So you're... John, right?" I said. "Yep," he said, "and if I recall, so are you?" I nodded as we both continued to chuckle. We came out of the woods at that point and came into the rear portion of the old cemetery. The land was cleared of trees but only a few tombstones were scattered around here and there - the main portion of the graveyard was up a 20 foot slope on the other side of the field. There were hundreds of monuments and tombstones and even a couple of crypts up there. We found a flat likely spot away from the path and screened by a few stones. I threw down the picnic blanket. I let him know that I had poppers and KY in my kit as we sat down. "Cool" he said, and pulled something out of his rucksack. It was a pipe made out of glass, and although I'd never seen one like it, it was not a pot pipe nor a crackpipe. He put something that looked like a big piece of road salt into it and heated it up from underneath with a lighter. "What is that?" I asked. "You not cool with getting high?" he replied. "No problem, I've done a bunch of different things, but what is that?" It being the '80s and having been a club kid all through university, I'd done pot, which bored me; and ecstasy, which made me throw up; and coke, which could be fun during sex, but damn expensive, and faded too fast. I wasn't interested in PCP or anything that would make me hallucinate, and crack was something I was leery of. He assured me it wasn't crack, it was crystal and after taking a big hit himself he leaned over and shotgunned it to me. The vapor was much smoother than any weed I'd ever had (I wasn't then and never have been a cigarette smoker) and it was easy enough to inhale from him. After I exhaled, he held the pipe up to my lips with the lighter underneath and told me to draw slow and steady. I did, amazingly not coughing like I would with 420, and after a few moments, exhaled a pretty big cloud of white vapor. "Excellent," he said. "Now take another big hit and shotgun it back to me." I did so, and the next few minutes were spent shotgunning hits back and forth and making out. It only took a little while for me to feel an effect and I thought it was awesome. "Fuck!" I said. "I thought I was horny before, this stuff has me ready to tear your clothes to shreds!" "Then let's get naked" he replied. We both started ripping our clothes off and tossing them aside - we were screened enough, and I was getting high enough that being totally naked where someone just might see us didn't concern me in the least. Turns out he had a great body (no surprise) with awesome pecs, with the right amount of blond fur all over. He was about two inches shorter than me, so about 5'10" but with that muscled chest he was a bit broader than my ripped but trimmer dancer frame and he outweighed me by probably 15 pounds. Our cocks were basically a match - average in length, but both fatter than normal and circumsized, though his ballsac hung down a LOT lower than mine did - I envied him that! Despite the tina, we were both sporting hardons. We did a few more puffs on the pipe while feeling each other up, then fell down into a 69, both of us sucking cock like our lives depended on it. I remember that cock being so amazing to suck and this went on for quite sometime, but I kept being distracted by little glimpses of paradise beyond his lowhangers. I came up for air... "Damn, I gotta get my tongue in your hole man...". "Yeah, baby," he replied. "Let's take another hit, then get your face in my ass and get it ready for your cock." Out came the lighter, white vapor curled, we puffed and shotgunned a few times and then he lay down on his back and lifted those legs. I pulled my poppers out of my bag. This was the real stuff in those days - amyl - and handed him the bottle. He took a big huff and passed them to me, and I took a huge huff as well. I got the top back on and slipped the bottle back in his hand just as they hit me and I went animal. I slid my knees on either side of him, pulled his legs way up and dove face first into that hairy hole. I was so intent on eating that hot manhole for all I was worth that I felt like I was shoving my tongue and half my head up his channel. He was nearly apoplectic with horniness as he thrashed and moaned under me, muttering "eat me man, eat me..." between moans for at least 15 minutes. Finally, I heard him huff the poppers and he said "Do it now man. FUCK ME!" I lowered his legs to my shoulders and dripped saliva onto my cock. No way I was stopping to find the KY now! He held the poppers under my nose while I did a hit, then returned the bottle to his nose while I slowly but steadily pressed into that butch butthole. Heaven. Between the poppers, the crystal, the fact that he was a hot military dude it was already one of my hottest fucks to date. That's when he pulled the final card. "Do me man! Fuck that hole. Punish me for being the fucked up bully I was to you. Take it out on my hole man - punish me good and make me your bitch tonight." THAT sent me into maniac mode. I literally roared (probably loud enough for some houses back in the neighborhood to hear if their windows were open) and WAILED on his hole. I fucked him missionary, I fucked him doggie, I pulled him onto my lap and made him ride me, then stood us up with his legs around my back and fucked him standing - which if I'd thought about it made us visible to anyone who happened to be cutting through the woods. We wound up back on the ground face to face when I finally blasted him full of cum, an orgasm that in my enhanced state felt like none I'd ever had before. "Now that was a grudge fuck for the ages, man. Way to go!" I remember him saying. "Let's puff up and then its my turn... you'll be amazed at the stamina this shit gives you." He put more rocks in the pipe and we puffed and made out and shotgunned and puffed. Then he had me stand up. "Show me that dancer butt you're going to give me." I turned around and heard him huffing poppers behind me then he grabbed my ass from his kneeling position and dove face into my crack. Locking my knees, I bent forward at the waist, and moaned as that tongue hit my hungry hole. I picked up the poppers and took two hits, closed the bottle then reached back and pulled my cheeks open further to allow his tongue better access. Then utilized my dancer's flexibility by wrapping my hands around my lower legs, sticking my head between my legs and licking and slurping on his balls and the tip of his cock. That set him off and he pulled away from my hole and hissed, "on your back, on your back, gotta fuck this ass...". Happy to oblige, I got on my back, spread and lifted my legs and smiled. He handed me the poppers, I hit them as he was spitting on his cock, and handed him back the bottle. His hard tool brushed my pucker as he took his hit and when the euphoria hit me I practically pulled him into me. No KY for me either, and I didn't seem to need it either (which was unusual for me, who topped way more than bottomed). His cock felt amazing, I'd never taken a cock so quickly, so easily and so comfortably before... the stuff in that pipe was freakin' awesome! He threw me an excellent fuck - as promised - and like I did with him, he changed our position a number of times. He got me back onto my back on the ground and skitched around to pull out the pipe and lighter and we traded hits with his cock still in me. When he put the equipment down he wrapped my legs over his back and leaned in and drove his tongue into my mouth, deeply frenching while he ground his cock in deep, slow, insistent circles in my willing hole and after a few minutes of this mind-blowing screwing, blew his wad into my butt and collapsed onto my chest laughing. When his cock deflated a bit and slipped out of me, he rolled over and got out the stuff to reload his pipe. It was obvious that neither of us was remotely close to being finished with this play session, just like he warned me. We puffed some more and then he smirked at me, "so both our slut holes are full of manjuice just waiting to be licked out man... up for it?". Hell yes I was! We each took a hit of poppers and threw ourselves into a violent anal 69 driving our tongues as far into each other's hairy hole in order to find the nectar there. We were both insane with lust, and loving every minute. We went on for a few more hours, fucking, sucking, rimming, 69ing and each dropped another load or two in the other's willing hole when we realized we probably should draw this to a close. It had to be around 3AM. We packed up and started walking back through the woods. As we walked I thanked him for bringing the pipe and told him I thought it was incredible. "That it is," he replied. "But I gotta tell ya' there's a bit of a downside. You probably won't be able to sleep tonight, but you should lie down and relax anyway... and you'll likely still be horny as hell in the morning. What's your day like tomorrow anyway?" I told him it was totally free and he smiled. "Excellent. I think I know a way we can continue this later... give me your parents number" (Remember, this was before cellphones). He turned aside to go into his house and promised to call me around 11AM. I got home and tiptoed up to my old room, where I basically lay on the bed tweaking my nips, jerking my cock or fingering my hole. It all felt just fine. Just after 11 he called and said he'd "figured it out" and to pick him up at noon at his parents. We drove back to the mall and he had me head to the area where the buses came in. A few minutes later, a bus pulled up and among those getting out was another military looking guy who I was told was coming with us, and that we had a room waiting at the Holiday Inn around the corner. His friend got in the car and introductions were made, and we laughed over us being, John, John and Sean. Sean was a square-jawed soldier, african-american taller than either of us but slimmer in build. While Sean and I stayed in the car around the corner from the office, John went into get keys. He came around the building and signaled us the room number. We waited for him to walk to it and open the door, then I parked and we went over to the room. I pulled my trusty knapsack with me and both of the guys had their rucksacks. Once in the room, John explained that Sean was also on leave, was a fuck buddy of his (though very carefully for both, as they were in active service) and that when Sean was home on leave, he was the one that could supply John, and now us, with those magic crystals. Sean had a water pipe with him which he loaded up and this was even smoother than the small straight pipe John and I used the night before. We puffed and puffed and shared smoke and the clothes came off... Sean proved to have another toned military body, and was pretty much hairless except pubes, eyebrows and head. His ass was beautiful and his cock was long and thin, definitely longer than either John's or mine. We got higher and then got to business, Sean's cock and ass proved as tasty as they looked, and what followed was an awesome three way where each one of us was fucked by each of the others, rimmed and sucked by each of the others, filled with cum by each of the others, and generally had an awesome chem-filled fuckapalooza. Though I had DP'd before as a top, and did so for both of these guys too, I had never had two cocks up MY butt at the same time... but after Sean pushed a few crystals up mine and I huffed on the poppers, I soon was sitting on two soldier's rifles at the same time... freakin' amazing! I was seriously glad that an older buddy had taught me how to be a good fisting top when I was 19 because at one point I had the two soldiers in front of me, on their knees side by side, while I had my whole hand and wrist in each manhole. It was truly awesome. I had done threeways before this in my young life, but none this hot. We played until Sunday morning, when I need to get home and they needed to get ready to finish their leave. Never did get to see either of them again, but DAMN, what a hot weekend, and what a great way to get back at a bully!
    32 points
  6. At the baths a couple weeks ago - doin' my regular party, leather, whore thing. I guess it was around 3 am on Saturday morning when I saw these two leather guys in one of the double rooms. The 'boy' was probably around 30, built, pierced nipples, leather harness and chaps. His 'Daddy' was closer to my age (mid 50s) good shape, but thinner, also in a leather harness and chaps. They were kicked back on the bed smoking cigarettes - looked like they were takin' a break. We all nodded at each other, and then I moved on down the hallway toward my room. Fuck! I couldn't decide if I wanted to fuck the boy, or get fucked by his Daddy - and that was assuming they wanted a third party.... I shut the door to my room, grabbed my glass pipe and started warming the bowl with my torch. There was still plenty of T left in the bottom - and in less than a minute I was inhaling a thick column of white smoke deep into my lungs. I lay back and fingered my warm hole while the drug leached into my bloodstream - a combination of cum and lube oozing out onto the black rubber sheet I'd brought with me. My cock wasn't totally ruined by Tina, but it sure wasn't rock hard either. I sat up and fished through my duffle bag until I found the brown pill bottle that held an assortment of favors - X, V, K and more T. I shook a half of a 'little blue pill' out and washed it down with some water. Now I needed to wait about 30 minutes. I took off the two cheap rubber cockrings that I was wearing to make sure my cock had plenty of blood flow, but left the heavy chrome donut ring in place. Even soft, I had to admire the thickness of my pierced cock. It had made many men happy over the years. And even though I consider myself more of a bottom, I still like seeing my meat disappear into a hot man's fuckhole! I laid back with a cigarette and watched Corey Jay fuck himself with a huge dildo on the tiny TV in the room. It was some sort of jail/cop scene, and he was showing the rest of the prisoners how to take cock. Fuck, he's hot! Wish I'd brought my portable DVD player and some BB movies. Nuthin' gets me hornier than seein' big, gapin' muscleholes drippin' cum, or takin' a leatherman's fist. The Viagra was startin' to kick in - my cock was fillin' out with no effort on my part! I smeared some grease on my balls and cinched a leather ballstretcher tightly around them. Pulled my leather harness over my head and snapped on some wide leather armbands above my biceps. Damn! Seeing my reflection in the mirror, I looked pretty fuckin' hot! "Fuck yeah!" I said quietly, boosting my confidence before going on the prowl. It was late, and I was on the 3rd floor, so I didn't worry about walkin' around without a towel or jock. Hell, I wanted everyone to get a good look at my swollen meat. With the cockring, ballstretcher and "00" gauge PA, it was one mean lookin' fucktool. And the Viagra gave it a mind of its own! One last look in the mirror, and I headed out into the hallway. I passed a coupla young twinks who gave me the onceover and giggled nervously as they ran on past. I stuck my head in a few open doorways where a muscled ass would raise off the bed begging to be bred. One room had a guy leaning back against one of the black-painted plywood walls while a hungry cocksucker on his knees slobbered all over his hard cock. I nodded my approval to the top, and he grinned back, sharing the brotherhood of power that a man's pulsing cock holds over a hungry pig. I was almost to the end of the hallway where my boy/Daddy duo had the corner room. The door was still open, and a couple of guys in towels were standing just outside checking out the occupants. They weren't bad looking, but it didn't look like they were into the leather scene (though looks are often deceiving...). My cock twitched at the thought of the 'boy's' rounded ass, framed by his black leather chaps. Being taller than the two guys at the door, I was able to look over their heads into the room. Daddy and boy were still propped on the bed, occasionally taking a drag off their cigarettes. The fluctuating light from the X-rated video gave a kind of strobe effect on their bodies, allowing only bits and pieces to be seen at any one time. They were both slowly stroking their cocks - not really jacking off - just keeping them semihard and showing them off. Daddy was closest to the door, but I think boy noticed me first. He leaned over to Daddy and whispered something in his ear. Daddy slowly nodded and whispered something back. Daddy got up and walked over to the door, reached between the two gawkers, and pulled me by my harness into the room! boy scooted over on the bed, making room for me, while Daddy shut the door and dug through one of their bags on the floor. I was quickly pushed down on the bed and boy swallowed my Viagra-stiff cock in his warm mouth. We were in a 69 position with my boots on the floor and boy's thick cock dangling in my face. I wrapped my hands around his muscular, leather-wrapped thighs, and took his cock in my mouth. In the near-darkness, I could hear Daddy moving around the small room, occasionally growling words of encouragement as he watched his boy service my cock. "That's it boy - suck that big cock. Show 'im what a whore you are. Fuckin' leatherpigwhore! Yeah...that's it! Get it good an' wet... polish that ring, boy...damn he's got a big dick!" I felt Daddy's hand wrap around my leather-wrapped nutsack and give it a slow tug. "Mmmmmmmm," I moaned, not able to say anything with cock stuffed in my mouth. The tension from his hand and boy's sucking made my cock throb to full hardness. My hands wandered from boy's thighs inward to the crack of his musclebutt. He adjusted his legs a little, giving be better access to his butt, and my right index finger found his lubed hole! Just as my finger slid in the boy's hole, Daddy slid his finger in mine. I faked a flinch and a moan of pain, trying to give the effect that I didn't get fucked - much. The more I worked the boy's hole, the more Daddy worked mine. He pulled out for a few seconds, and when he slid his finger back in, I felt that familiar burn! "Oww!" I said, tightening my greasy hole. "Oh, sorry," Daddy said calmly. "I didn't mean to hurt you." The burn spread throughout my hole, turning into a throbbing warmth. I had just been stealthbumped! Our little game continued, with two more booty bumps that I faked not knowing about. I was really hungry now, and needed his cock in my hole. It was all I could do not to throw the boy off, and take his Daddy's cock in me. It wasn't long before I felt the fat cockhead poking my buzzed sphincter. I thought I'd have a little more fun - reaching down, I stroked his fat cock, feeling its heat. "Ya got a rubber, man?" I mumbled, with the boy's cock thumping on my chest. He paused; then reached over to the bedside table and grabbed one of the cheap, foil- wrapped condoms provided by the bathhouse. I glanced toward the wall, and could see him stretching the thin rubber with his thumb until it broke! He rolled the thin rubber onto his cock, and let me feel the ridge at the base of his meat. Satisfied...I spread my legs and let him slide into me. "Fucccckkkkkk!" I moaned, not so much out of pain or ecstasy, but more out of satisfaction that I finally had an almost raw cock fucking me. boy sat up, straddling my face and pinning me down with his muscular ass. I could tell they were kissing, obviously satisfied that their stealth bumping and stealth raw fucking had worked. Daddy picked up the pace of his fucking, and it felt like the shredded condom was rolling back on his cock like a cockring! "Yeah Daddy! Fuck him! Fuck his whore hole!" boy chanted, enjoying watching his Dad's thick cock breeding a strange fuckhole. "Oh fuck! Yeah! Fuck me! Yeah! Unggh! Fuck! Unnggghhh!" I panted, enjoying every deep thrust from the hot leatherman. I heard the two of them whispering, but couldn't hear what they were saying - but I was soon to find out. boy had grabbed the bag of "T" and sprinkled some on his Daddy's cock. More burn as he slid back in - I didn't care now - just enjoying the ride! "I think he likes your dick, Dad!" boy observed. "Yeah! He's good 'n' open now, son. Ya wanna give him a try?" he offered. boy climbed off my face and walked toward the edge of the bed. I was sad to give up the sweaty/cummy smell of his ass, but couldn't wait to get that young, hard cock in me. He was hung thicker than his Daddy, and had a beautiful, thick foreskin that covered his cockhead even when hard. A thick vein ran down the top of the shaft, making it look even thicker. Damn, I needed that dick in me - - - NOW! As Daddy pulled out, I looked down at the remains of the condom hanging from his cock. I tried to give a horrified look - to which he just gave me an evil grin. He knew that I was too fucked up to protest, as his boy pushed my legs back and sank his uncovered cock deep into my pulsing chute. "Holy shit!" I hissed, staring at the two of them with unblinking, drugged eyes. "Fuck!" was all I could say, as my tweeked body gave in completely to the stealth chemfuck! The boy's cock was everything I could have hoped for - rock hard, beercan thick, and burning hot in my ass! The two studs took turns pounding my ass for what seemed like hours. Both had also been partying (I found out later), so neither was able to load me with cum. But on an occasional break, they would open their door to the hallway, and invite strangers to come in and fuck me. Any loads were fucked in deeper by Daddy or his boy. - - - "You havin' a good time, pig?" Daddy asked. "Fuck, yeah!" I grinned back, fingering my vibrating hole. "You know why you're havin' such a good time?" he asked. " 'Cause I'm with two hot guys?" I answered dumbly. "Well, there is that," he grinned, leaning over and kissing his boy deeply. "But, we've been feeding your ass with crystal meth the whole time, an' you are so fuckin' high right now, that you'd do anything to get your hole plowed!" he said, holding up a nearly empty baggy of white crystals. "An' you remember how worried you were about gettin' fucked without a rubber? Well, you've been takin' both our raw poz cocks since we started - - - plus all the guys we brought in here to fuck you are buddies of ours - an' you're full o' poz cum right now. Whachoo think o' that, pig?" he snarled. "I don't fuckin' care, sir. This is the best fuckin' time I've ever had - - - an' I want more of it!" I said staring deeply into his black eyes. "That's my boy!" he grinned, licking his index finger, dipping it in the baggy and shoving the bump up my hole. When I heard my room number being called for renewal, I asked if they were going to be around for awhile. "Yeah - we're here for the weekend - maybe longer," Daddy replied, stroking his glistening cock. I excused myself, and went back to my room to get my towel and go downstairs to renew for another 8 hours.On the way back, I stopped in my room, drank a whole liter of water, smoked a cigarette and fired up my glass pipe (like I needed it!). Amazingly, the Viagra was still working, and my cock was still pretty hard. I went back to their room, and we continued playing on and off until Sunday afternoon. By that time, I had fucked both of them, and we had progressed to dildos and fists - - - and the occasional hung stranger . I never let on that I knew about their stealthing from the beginning - - - knowing that it helped to fuel their fantasy about turning a safesex puritan into a raw, Tina whore!
    30 points
  7. Another Real Experience (x 2!) - the Porn Star and the Trucker I was watching a Classic Pre-Condom Gay Porn Vid this evening and it brought back two very hot (and very different) experiences. The vid was 1986′s “Oversized Load” about the sexual exploits of some young truckers - and it brought back BOTH the many times I played with one of its’ stars, Scott O’Hara, AND the first time I partied with a trucker in his rig. For those who never saw any of Scott O’Hara’s movies (”Hung and Horny”, “Stick Shift”, “The Other Side of Aspen 2″ and especially “Head Over Heels”) he was a blond cross between an All American Boy type and a Midwestern Farm Boy in looks during the height of his career, was given the label “Biggest Dick in San Francisco” for his very large (and gorgeous) endowment, and his ability to blow himself… which he did frequently in films. He was born a year before me in 1961 and died from AIDS related complications in 1998. I knew him in the 1990s when no studio would hire him anymore because of his status, and he had reinvented himself as an author, publisher and activist - he was also by this time sporting a skin-head ACTUP queer look and was the first person I knew to have any tatoo related to his illness applied to his body. I even wound up writing a number of articles for his magazine “STEAM” which was an unapologetic paen to cruising, recreational and anonymous sex at a time when saying such things aloud invited VERY public scorn and condemnation. I was introduced to him by the photographer I was frequently doing nude shoots for (see the black & whites I posted of myself some months back). Though now in my thirties, I still sported a short blond somewhat military cut (suitable for playing parts like Lt. Cable in “South Pacific”) and just like it used to happen to the hot stud I was about to meet, my clean cut look made many of the pigs “in the scene” underestimate my kink/pig side. Hell, I’d been going to NYC’s leather bars since I was 18! But if you didn’t know me… Anyway, sure enough, the first of the photographer’s parties he invited me to I met with that reaction until the guests learned better… including Mr. O”Hara. I had to go over some details for an upcoming shoot with the host that slowed down my stripping compared to the other guys - there was now a room full of (remember the time period, mid-90s) lean, vascular, shaved guys with either buzz cuts or shaved head and lots of piercings, while a guy (me) who looked like an Army Captain or Police Sergeant was still mostly dressed. I thought the guy who was introduced to me as “Scott” was the hottest of a room full of hotness, and then he turned and I saw the “HIV+” tattoo and growled “fuck yeah”… Scott turned to me with a look of surprise and a smile and said “Man, lookin’ at you I would have expected you to zip up and head out the door, not have THAT reaction!’ I responded that I was full of surprises as my clothes came off revealing my full leather harness, metal cockrings and chrome and leather arm bands. “Told you guys he’d more than fit in,” I heard my host and photographer say. As things were getting comfortable and we were progressing to the sex, Scott stayed by me surreptiously doing some lines and giving me some - probably about ¾ of the guys were doing enhancements, but not everyone was down with it, so the rule was keep it low-key. Considering the way I was reacting, it was probably NOT the coke I thought it was at first (tina was not all that regular at that time - I’d first had it with that pilot back in the 80s - “Karmic Chemfuck” - and only one other time up until this point). There was also a bit of K around and good poppers and Max Impact. Scott was really curious why I wasn’t scared of his tatoo… and I quietly told him I tested positive back in early 1985, and I kept it very quiet for my performing career’s sake - he sure related to that! At that point, even my host didn’t know I was poz - just my partner (who, now after 26 years together is STILL negative) and my doctor. Scott was very turned and and sticking another line of K my way, he looked me in the eye and said “Fuck yes. So you and I can bareback each other tonight - its the only way a man should fuck or be fucked!” Whoa! Bareback… now when sex started for me, everything was bareback (the term itself didn’t even exist) but in order to keep up my slut lifestyle in the 90s, a condom was mandatory and though I hated them I was good at using them as a top… as a bottom they really slowed me down as I always get an allergic reaction to condom style latex. I had thought I’d never feel that ecstasy again, but this absolute satyr of a man caught me at just the right level of “enhancement” that reservations I would normally have had were tempered by his very logical argument and his very hot cock and attitude and his very good party favors. We agreed. The lights in the photography studio went to psychedelic, trance music played and the group went at it. My tongue found other tongues, hot cocks - many with PA’s and some of the hottest manholes I’d encountered with my mouth in a while. There were about 8 of us in total (small compared to some groups) but all hot and all piggy. While we both played with every other guy there, Scott and I also spent a bit of extra time with each other - we dove into an anal 69 seemingly trying to get our whole heads up each others hot chute. We pulled off into a hot kiss and I felt him press something up into my hole - it burned a bit as he put something in my hand and said “here, do me”. I pressed the rock salt like stuff into his hole and we stopped to do another line of it and a hit of poppers and he rolled back onto a waist height wooden block and whispered “slide that poison stick in the poison hole”. It was so wrong, but so right. My cock slipped in easily and I was ballistic with pleasure. As I fucked him and rolled him further onto the block, he smirked at me and took his own cockhead into his mouth, lewdly tonguing it. THAT’s when it finally hit me. I subtly hissed down to him “holy fucking shit - SCOTT is it? You’re Scott O’Hara, I fucking love your movies.” He seemed really pleased at that and after a few more minutes of me pounding his manhole, he called out “switch!”. A quick couple of glugs of fluids, and another something pressed into my butt, making it SCREAM to be filled, and he pushed me back into the position he’d just been in. He gave me a shot of poppers, sprayed some Maximum Impact on someone’s jock that was lying around, shoved it in my mouth and said “here it comes.” JEEEZUS! The first raw cock in my hole in over six years, and it’s that gorgeous giant! It hurt a bit ‘till I stretched around it, but I was so excited and so tweaked, and so relieved to not have latex fucking me that it soon settled in and felt friggin’ amazing. Our host, who knew my play style well glanced over and remarked “I never thought you’d take that monster that easily, if at all!” and then squinting to look closer, realized there was no condom. His eyebrows shot up, but before he could say anything else, he was distracted by a SECOND latex sheathed cock sliding up next to the first in his own hole, and his attention was drawn elsewhere. There were more fucks with the other guys for each of us, both as tops and bottoms (and one other guy who had noticed us also barebacked each of us and let us bareback him). There was also lots more hole-play, some fisting and w/s, a bit of b/d here and there and toy play, and always, lots of rimming of really hot holes. Scott and I had to keep our holes to just us and the one other guy at the end as we’d each blown off up each others fuck chute. I had gone home with a load in my hole and that much joy in years - and oddly, though I played enough times after with my photographer it wasn’t until almost 18 years later that we finally barebacked each other! After that I played with Scott a number of times - a few group scenes, but mostly either as a three-way with our photographer bud (still using condoms on him) or one on one, where he’d get me high and we’d get wonderfully nasty. He hired me to write a number of columns for his “Steam” Magazine between a few more wild fucks. After that night, when I was playing “extracurricularly” I more and more sought out other poz for BB and less and played with those requiring a condom… I’d regained so much physical joy, and if I wasn’t hurting myself or someone else, then there was finally SOME kind of silver lining for this stupid disease (that I’ve now been dealing with for 30 YEARS). Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the first time I partied with a trucker in his cab! For more about Scott O’Hara: http://likeahornyboy.blogspot.com/2012/06/scott-o-hara-is-too-big.html?zx=5fbde5ac859bcb2
    28 points
  8. His profile on Scruff read ‘dominant poz top’, and his picture had a mischevious little smile. He was a visitor from out of state, into barebacking with his 8” uncut cock. I immediately ‘woofed’ him. “Always glad to meet a poz, bare top!” I hastily typed. He woofed in response, and I told him I was seriously overdue for a deep breeding and hot depth charge… would he be interested in helping a guy out? He wanted to know if I was furry (I’m not) because he’s into hairy guys. “Just some chest hair,” I said. “Show me,” he responded. I sent him some pics and got no response. Bummer. Ten minutes later, he wanted to know if I could host. I guess he was horny enough that it didn’t matter I wasn’t an otter or bear. I had the house to myself, but my schedule was a bit hectic that day; I had to be on a conference call in about 45 minutes, and had another obligation around dinner. But maybe we could work it out (or in) later in the evening…? His reply text said he was hoping to fuck soon, not later. I asked if he would be interested in a pump-n-dump before my conference call…? If he could get to my house shortly (he was only 2 miles away), I’d be lubed up and ready; he could unload his poz seed into my hungry ass, leave, and I could join my call… with an ass nicely full of charged cum. Just a few minutes later, he was on his way over in an Uber cab. Holy shit. I was already semi-hard and almost shaking with excitement; it had all happened so fast. It’s been over six months since I was last fucked (I’m more the top with my bf), and my hole is tight. I knew that taking his big cock would be a challenge, especially in a ‘quickie’ situation, but if he worked my nips so I got totally turned on I could probably manage it. I hesitated, and then nervously sent a text asking if he was ‘viral’ or ‘undetectable’. I said that viral loads turned me on but I didn’t tell him I was neg. “Viral.” This was getting hotter by the minute. My cock was awake and at half-mast already. An active, toxic load from a big cock was now just a few minutes away. I felt like I found a winning ticket in the ‘chaser’ lottery. Maybe I would finally, finally get pozzed. I’ve been ‘chasing’ on and off for quite awhile; years, actually. Early on, I went a little crazy and took a couple dozen poz loads over several months, but as hot as each charged seeding was, none did the conversion trick. Some of those guys were on meds, but at least a few were viral, I know. After repeated exposures and testing, I sort of gave up that I could actually catch the bug. Nowadays, I don’t hook up very often; partly that is because I have a partner, partly it is the location where I live, and it’s also because I’m pretty selective. My man and I have a very open relationship. He knows that poz loads have always turned me on, that a ‘chaser’ lurks in my shadows. Actually, both of us have taken poz loads from various guys — once or twice from the same guy, independently! He has watched me get filled with a poz load when we’ve played together with someone, and it really turns him on, watching a guy shoot his charged cum deep inside me. But for my partner, getting pozzed hasn’t been an obsession like it has for me; he connects with neg guys, whereas I only hook up when I know they’re poz (and preferably viral). Secretly, my man likes the idea of his mate as a poz bottom slut. Not only do I like that idea too, but secretly, I want to poz him. I know he wants it, just like I do. My darkest fantasy is not just to get infected with the bug, but then to hear my man begging for me to give him the gift, too. I want to slide my throbbing poz shaft deep into his willing hole and then flood him with a gusher of my toxic seed, marking him forever. Together. My Scruff hookup arrived at the house in a few minutes after our last text message. I only had 20 minutes before I was supposed to be on my phone conference. Wearing a pair of gym shorts easy to pull off, my shirt unbuttoned, my hole lubed, I was ready. Cock awake and semihard. A short, built, Latino guy, he walked in and promptly pulled out his big, uncircumcised shaft, already hard. Impressive. I took it in my hands, and then led him away from the front windows to the bedroom, where I dropped my shorts and he promptly pushed me down onto the bed. "We don't have much time," I reminded him. No kissing, no foreplay. In moments, his fat tool was pushing at my hole from behind, and he was telling me to ‘take it’. Face in the pillow, I was breathing and trying to relax, but his cock was huge and I was seriously out of practice as a bottom. It hurt like hell, and I was constricting rather than relaxing. “Relax and let me in.” If it wasn’t for a phone call in 15 minutes, if our hookup hadn’t needed to be a ‘quickie’, it might have been a different story; he would be able to work it in slow. For better or worse, that wasn’t what our scene was going to be today. “You like that viral cock bare inside you, don’t you?” “Oh fuck yes,” I moaned, though it hurt like hell. I wanted to be on my back, have him working my nips, kissing me… working me up so I could relax and take it better. Deeper and deeper he pushed his toxic shaft into my tender hole from behind, forcing his way in. I felt my ass screaming as it stretched. Was I tearing inside? “Just pump it into me,” I begged. “Give me your viral load deep.” “Not until I’ve fucked you nice and loose….” I turned my head, wanting him to kiss me. He wouldn’t. He kept drilling away, deeper and deeper. I wanted to relax and enjoy it, but I also wanted him to just shoot and poz me — there was that damn phone call for work that I needed to join. My ass was screaming but he was getting deeper and deeper. “Give me your viral load,” I begged. “Poz me.” “You want my toxic seed?” “Fuck yes! Pump that viral load deep inside my neg hole.” There, I said it. For a minute, he slowed. “You’re neg?” “Yes.” “On PrEP?” I shook my head. “No… I’m chasing. Have hooked up with lots of poz guys but have never converted. Still trying.” For a moment, I couldn’t tell his reaction. He paused. Then he started fucking me harder and deeper. “So, you wanna be poz, huh? That’s what you want? Well, I’ve never had meds in seven years... nice long time for me to build up a high viral count. Maybe I can be the one who finally gives it to you.” “Oh fuck, yes, please….!” I gasped, head in the pillow. “Suck my cock,” he instructed, pulling out, flipping me over, and shoving his large lubed shaft into my mouth, gagging me. I tasted lube and my own ass. “You like lubed, dirty cock?” I moaned and nodded, my mouth full. “Then take it all the way down.” He rammed it down my throat again. Gag reflex. Choking. I sucked him a few minutes, him forcing his big cock down my throat, tears in my eyes as I choked on it. “Now ride my poz, viral cock.” My hole was opened enough now that I could work down on his hard tool, though it still hurt. I rode it up and down, begging for him to seed me. It was obvious that I would be a few minutes late for the call, but there were plenty of others dialing in, and I wouldn’t be missed initially. And at this moment, I didn’t care. I needed this charged seed deep inside me. Needed it badly. Riding his toxic shaft, I started working his nipples, and he started to moan with pleasure, working mine in return. He drove the big poz drill deeper up inside my hole, up into my belly it seemed. Suddenly he pushed me back, flipped over, and drove in again from behind. Somehow we had crossed the point where I’d been loosened it didn’t hurt so much. Not quite. “Poz me,” I begged again. “Plant that viral seed deep inside of my neg hole…” “Yeah, I’m gonna give it to you now… I’m gonna give you what you want!” With a thrust that impaled me from behind, eyes rolling back in his head, as he grunted and erupted a geyser of hot toxic cum deep into my raw ass. He kept fucking. I wanted to cum, too, wanted to scream with agony and pleasure as he unloaded inside me, but decided to hold onto it. My ass was on fire. He pulled out and bent down, his tongue licking my hole, eating me out. Felching me. Fuck, it was hot and felt insanely good, but I didn’t want him to remove any of that viral seed. “Don’t suck it out of me,” I protested weakly. “I need it deep inside to do its work.” He came up and smiled, leaned forward and kissed me, pushing poz cum into my mouth with his tongue. “Don’t worry, amigo, there’s plenty of my virus deep inside you now… and I’ve got more in my cock and balls to give you some more loads. I can cum four or five times.” Then he pushed his fat cock inside me again, working the fresh seed deep into my raw hole. I gasped and moaned. “I want to come back and breed you again. You free on Saturday night? Late?” “Fuck yes, I am…” “Hot. I want to spend a good hour with you, plant three or four toxic loads inside… we gotta do what we can to convert you while I’m here.” Talk about a fantasy cum true. I looked over at the bedside clock. It was four minutes past the hour. “I have to get on that phone call,” I said. “I can be on mute, but I have to dial in.” Naked, my ass on fire, I walked into the front room, dialed the number with my mobile, entered the access code, muted the phone, and walked back into the bedroom. “You want to shower?” I asked. “No, I’m good. I’ll just call an Uber cab and go.” Because I didn’t cum, I was still horny as fuck, and I stood there for a couple of minutes as he twisted and worked my nipples. He kissed me. My ass was burning, and I was thrilled to be full of active, viral seed. In the living room, waiting for his cab, a conversation emanating from the speaker of my mobile I placed on the desk, I sucked his cock a little longer, savoring the taste of my ass on its thick, hot firmness. “Would you have come here if I told you I was neg?” I asked, curious. He nodded. “We’re two mutually consenting adults. I offer full disclosure as being poz. If someone wants my seed, I’ll give it to them.” The Uber cab pulled up outside. “Next time, I get at least an hour with you,” he smiled as he walked out the door. “That’s a deal,” I smiled. Sitting at my desk, wearing only my loose grey gym shorts, only half hearing the conversation I was supposed to be participating in, all I could think about was my burning, stretched hole… and that I was full of hot, toxic seed. My long dry spell was ended. Hopefully I had finally taken the magic bullet. A little while later, I went to the bathroom to put a bit of lotion on my raw hole, feeling it warm and wet, puffy and stretched loose. Heaven. Not long after that, I was feeling kind of juicy down there. Probably just the lotion; I didn’t think any cum had leaked out, because I was holding it tightly inside, letting it do its infectious work. When I wiped my hole with a bit of toilet paper, a little bit of pink blood stained it. I nearly wept with excitement! That viral, Latino cock forcing its way into me had stretched my hole wide enough to cause microtears, which would certainly raise the chances for conversion. For the rest of the phone conference, for the rest of the afternoon, I drifted around the house in a state of euphoria. I felt ecstatic — full of viral poz seed, my ass sore and torn, and hoping that bad little bug might finally be working its way deep into me. I hoped too that we’d be able to hook up again two nights from now on Saturday. I badly wanted another breeding session and deep injection. I wanted his multiple charged loads. My hole would probably be still raw enough that it would tear again, and his toxic seed could cross easily into my bloodstream. Freshly fucked and pozzed. Now, hopefully I would convert. And I was already counting the hours until Saturday night for round two.
    26 points
  9. Another Real Experience - Jersey Boy Gives In To Temptation I used to play fairly regularly in and around Jersey City, for a while there were a good number of party guys living there with a lot of excellenT group scenes. It became evident after a year or so of playing with several guys down there regularly that despite being New Jersey's third largest city, AND directly across the Hudson and only a one stop PATH train ride from Manhattan, that it was still a pretty small pnp community where every guy knew everyone else. I played a lot with a guy in Journal Square, a hot guy I'll call Trace who was an exotic dancer/escort/masseuse. He was of mixed Greek and Native American heritage, wore his very black hair long with a full beard, looking very much like a pirate - but a pirate that was 5'6". That said, he had a ripped body and a big cock that looked even bigger on his small frame. He hired out exclusively as a top but when "off-duty" he liked to switch off - he liked my leather daddy style and we would blow clouds or get to the point and then play with our mutual fetish gear, get very oral and then he'd want to get fucked. Being a bottom and the whole "cleaning out" process was new to him, so this sometimes resulted in some unpleasantness, but we generally had fun, and soon enough he had other guys coming to join our sessions. Since group scenes are very much my favorite, I was pleased. Frequently these additional guys include Donnie, his candyman, a light skinned African-American kid who claimed to be more straight than bi or gay, and generally got blown while he was there or he topped one of the other guys... ocassionally though, if he was done his business for the evening he'd get very spun and would suck cock or even ocassionally get fucked. He never let Trace fuck him, claiming his cock was too big. Again, this only happened if he had no more business and around guys he knew very VERY well. There were other times when he'd bring guys with him - straight guys from the neighborhood who had done a lot of business with Donnie. White, Black, Latino, Asian, all kinds of guys but generally young, a bit street tough (which doesn't impress me, but works for lots of guys) and were tweaked enough that the offer of a long hot blowjob was irresistable to them, even if it was from another guy. Three of Trace's regular play buds - Jake, Aaron and Carlos - were totally into this. They loved getting on their knees and sucking off these "guests" of Donnie's. Trace and I would do some good oral work as well, but it was understood that we were NOT the subservient type and would brook NO disrespect or trash talk. We'd often wind up topping Jake, Aaron or Carlos while they performed oral duties on the guests, and some seemed to get off on it. Carlos was a thin somewhat effeminate latino with a heart of gold who was a devout bottom who could ocassionally throw an amazing fuck himself; Jake was a white blond buzz-cut gas-station attendant with a goatee, tats all over his ripped hairless body an amazing ass and small but generally hard dick; and then there was Aaron, whom I knew from before meeting Trace - a closeted divorced white Italian bi-guy - cute face, dark hair, a trifle chubby but sexy, with a beautiful ass that could take any cock or hand or arm or toy or (yes) baseball bat! And he was raising a 9 year old son on his own, living with his parents and working for a bank where they though he was the straightest guy on the planet. One of the "guests" that showed up a few times was a Construction Worker named Ralph. He was actually Jake's cousin, and got into this whole thing accidentally - somehow stumbling into Jake and Donnie and being introduced to Miss T, only to discover that his cousin Jake - so butch and dangerous looking - enjoyed getting high then sucking dick and getting his ass plowed bareback by whatever cocks he could get. Stunned, Ralph apparently just watched the first two times but then agreed to come to Trace's place for some head and good T. Ralph was 25 at the time, a tall trim white guy about 6'3", shaved head and scruff patch below his mouth, hairy body (reddish blond body hair) a lot of tats, nice arm and leg muscles with a long thin cock and a high muscular ass. (Regular readers will know where this is going...). There was supposed to be a girlfriend around somewhere. He very much turned me on, and I would be first to suck him each time he came to Trace's - he seemed to enjoy my oral attention as well as BJs from Trace, Carlos, Aaron, and even ocassionally Donnie - but never his cousin Jake. Ralph would watch while I fucked the other guys and ocassionally got fucked myself. The first time he watched Trace fuck me, and saw me actually enjoying getting that big piece in my hole, his eyebrows nearly went over the top of his head. He coughed out a cloud of T smoke he'd been inhaling, and said, "seriously dude, you LIKE that? I thought you only played the man's part, not the bitch's part!" I told him that first, yes, I liked it; second, yes I preferred to top but really, really preferred both in the same session; and third, never call me a bitch if you want to keep all of your teeth. "If a guy WANTS you to call him names like that, it's cool, but getting fucked doesn't make you any less a man." He seemed very thoughtful. I noticed he also watched very intently whenever anyone was being rimmed. Eventually Trace's place was too small for some of our gatherings and Aaron presented us with a solution - his parents would be out-of-town for a week and we could come play in their basement that first Friday night as soon as his kid went to bed. Jake had let us all know that Ralph would be coming and thought he might be brave enough and ready enough to top someone that evening. We met up at Trace's place and got our supplies together, and all took some little blue magic to stay hard while blowing clouds with a few of us trading shotguns as we waited for Aaron to call and let us know his son was asleep and we could come over. The call came sooner than expected, and we headed out to the two cars - mine and Jake's - and somehow I wound up driving Ralph and Donnie while Jake drove Trace and Carlos. During the drive Donnie got Ralph higher while we talked about what he might be into doing that night. He was obviously very turned on and his inhibitions were almost completely eliminated - mentioning that he had really cleaned up in the shower so he could have someone rim his hole. We wound up arriving at Aaron's parents' house first - a suburban split level with the lower level playroom all set up for a sex party... sling, rim-seat, play mats, toys and gay bb porn on the big screen. (I kept wondering exactly how Aaron would ezplain this if his kid woke up and came down for a glass of water...). Jakes car arrived about 10 minutes later. Seems that he picked up a couple of other guys, Tyrell and Matt, two somewhat thuggy down-low types, one black the other white. We all got naked and blew clouds some more clouds , and I wound up by chance or someone else's design with Ralph mostly to myself while Trace, Carlos, Jake and Aaron played up to these new guys and Donnie busied himself preparing all of our enhancements for the evening. Ralph even accepted some shotguns from me, and when I got him to sit in the rimchair, he inhaled some Maximum Impact while I gave him his first salad tossing. He had a beautiful ass, clean and great-tasting, and we both really enjoyed it. We moved over to a couch to let others use the chair and I gave Ralph a nice blowjob while he sucked down somemore clouds. He told me to stand up while he stayed seated, and then looked up at me and said softly, "I better try this before I chicken out", then took the head of my cock and part of the shaft into his mouth. It was only for a few minutes, and it was very inexpert, but he was enthusiastic and I was so turned on by the situation that I almost shot. Amazingly, Donnie was the only one to notice this and sauntered over holding something behind his back with his cock dangling in front. Ralph actually sucked it in for a few licks before he looked up at me and told me he wanted to fuck me. Donnie pulled the two needleless syringes from behind his back and said that a booty-bump each would get us in the mood for fucking, saying he'd do me while I did Ralph. I got down on all fours in front of Ralph and pushed his legs up. I started to rim the young stud's hole again while Donnie rimmed mine and then I inserted the syringe in his hairy pucker while Donnie inserted one into mine. A minute or two later and Ralph and I were soaring. Donnie told us he'd be back and went to do some more chemistry. Ralph asked me to "sit on his dick" and I responded "gladly". He remained seated on the couch and picked up the Tina pipe as I straddled him and aligned my hole over his very hard - thanks to Vitamin V and his enthusiasm - supposedly straight cock. He pulled my head into his and blew his cloud into my mouth. As I sank to his balls he hissed "yessssssssss". We started a slow grinding fuck, that frankly felt amazing, and sure enough the shotgunning turned into face-sucking deep kissing. I told him he felt amazing and smiled but asked like before "and you really like that?" I responded enthusiastically "yes". We fucked like that for quite a while, eventually just slowly pumping as he spoke again. Speaking softly, he told me that this whole scene he'd been watching these few times turned him on immensely and he was constantly thinking about it. He had thought he might be gay when he was in his early teens, but the only gays he knew were very flamboyant - which was not him at all he confessed - and that his father and brothers and buddies all considered gay guys to be beneath contempt, failed men who wanted to be women. Since none of this seemed to apply to him, he decided that he could not be one of THEM and tried to forget his interest and just concentrate on girls. Having watched us these couple of times, and having been lectured by me, he realized that gay sex was no threat to his masculinity. He'd been hoping that tonight he'd get high enough and brave enough to try it all, and said he'd even looked up how to clean his hole out, and had practiced a few times sticking something up his butt. I looked him in the eye, squeezing his cock in my hole, and said "are you saying what I think you're saying?" and looking like a lost little kid he said "I know my ass isn't as hot as Carlos' or Trace's or Aaron's but do you think you'd want to fuck me for my first time?" Seriously? He had to ASK? And personally, I thought his ass was HOTTER. Donnie had quietly moved back our way and caught the last part of this. He leaned down and whispered to us that he could make that easier on Ralph but first told us to suck his cock between us - Ralph looked at the caramel colored tool between us and smiled, we kissed it and traded sucking it for a few minutes until Donnie said he'd better go get what Ralph needed for his virgin ride. "That gives me time to finish fucking YOU," Ralph said and suddenly started a piston fuck that despite me being on top nearly blew me off his lap. Donnie returned with some cups with a bit of G and juice which we all downed, then points - he did me first, then Ralph and then himself - Ralph coughed and then whispered "do me man". I knelt on the floor with him on the edge of the couch. Pulling his long legs up, I tongued his soon to be cherry-popped manhole while he moaned and we heard Donnie cough. Bringing Ralph's legs to rest over my shoulder, I quickly used just a bit of lube and placed the head of my cock against his now pliant hole. Donnie had him suck on a cloth covered with Max Impact and slowly but surely my cock sank into his warm snug hole. Ralph began to moan as I slid in, taking a few minutes, but finally feeling my balls slapping on his butt. His own cock was back to being rock hard and felt amazing pressed up against me. I started to pump slowly when he nodded at me, and shortly he sighed "so good"... that's when I felt a welcome invasion between my own legs as Donnie knelt behind me and slid his shaft into me. We fucked like that for a few minutes, until Ralph said he was a bit uncomfortable and could he sit on me the way I did on him? Donnie pulled out of me and Ralph sat on my lap and onto my cock - a bit too fast if the wideness of his eyes was any sign - but Donnie was there putting the glass cock to our mouths and we all traded clouds as Ralph rode my cock and really started to enjoy himself. Donnie presented his cock for our inspection and again we spent time kissing each other and the cock between us. After a bit, Ralph turned around to a reverse cowboy so he could suck Donnie's cock much more efficiently and deeply. This was when the other guys FINALLY noticed what was going on (see what two big thug cocks can do to distract some guys?)... there were a number of gasps, and some complaints that we were "ruining a top", but they eventually got over it. We did mix and match more after that - I fucked Trace, Aaron, Jake and amazingly, Donnie, and got fucked by Carlos (!), and by Tyrell and Matt who were wonderfully large, but lacking a bit in finesse. I think I blew and rimmed everyone at some point, and got fucked by and fucked both Ralph and Donnie again. I got to watch Ralph turn insatiable, sucking every cock there (if not expertly) including his cousin - getting into a hot 69 with his cousin Jake while getting fucked by Donnie while Jake was fucked by me. Ralph also fucked Aaron and then fucked his cousin Jake - and he GOT fucked by not just Donnie and me, but by Carlos (again surprising) and briefly by Jake and Trace. Tyrell tried to get in him, but was just too big, and Ralph was just a bit too sore - the spirit was willing but the flesh was just too new at this! On the way back to Trace's at 4:30AM or so, I told him to try a good soak in the tub either now or when he got up the next day, and to not be surprised if his ass was really sore from all this. Amazingly, I got a call from Ralph early the next afternoon saying he "needed more". I drove down to Jersey City and met him at Trace's and the three of us fucked round-robin style for a few more hours, blowing some clouds, watching bb porn and reliving Ralph's amazing experience the night before. Ralph eventually wound up getting into a relationship with a Realtor friend of mine in Hoboken before they moved to the Keys. His deflowering will always be a great memory for me!
    25 points
  10. ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE – Quebecois Father and Son FF One of the kinkiest experiences I ever had took place at a Fisting Party on the Upper West Side a few years back. Jim, a guy I played with occasionally - but only when his very vanilla partner was out-of-town or occupied - asked if I would go to a leather party with him located near his place. He thought the scene might be a bit much for him alone, but that if I was along, he'd fit in better. Sounded good to me, so with some leather already on, we carted the rest over 3 blocks in our bags, we rang the apartment, and were greeted at the front door by the host, a guy I'd seen at some pnp get-together's before. Our host, Earl was a 40ish stocky, shaved black man, already in harness and ass-less chaps. (I should mention Jim is a tall, thin white guy, very pale with lots of dark hair all over and a long skinny cock). We stripped in a foyer and added some additional leather from our bags – I loaned Jim a vest, leather jockstrap, leather cockring and armbands, and a leather ball cap to go with his construction boots; while I was in chaps, codpiece, harness with chrome cockring, bicep bands on both arms, engineer boots and motorcycle cap. We passed through a blanket hung up like a curtain to enter the main part of the apartment. The main room was set up dungeon style, with two slings, a couple of weight benches, two rim seats and leather or rubber drop cloths over the floor and furniture. There were several lube stations complete with j-lube, crisco and elbow grease, and on a raised table at the far end of the room, several bongs and pipes already loaded. A sharps container rested below the table. Earl, our host had recognized me from other gatherings as well and told me to go get cloudy and “do your usual thing and help get these guys started”. I wondered if my friend Jim realized this was a party with a distinct focus on fisting? Fortunately, my nails were all trimmed. I looked around seeing about 6 or 7 men there already, all age groups, body types, and ethnicities. Jim spotted an old buddy he’d not played with in years and went over to chat. Two guys in latex gear I’d never seen before waved me over to the sheet covered sofa they were sitting on, indicating the large water-bong they were using. Smiling, I came over and they split apart so that I would sit between them. Handing me the pipe and the torch, a melted the product and took a huge hit, held it, then slowly released a huge cloud, one of the guys murmured “mon dieu” as I sighed “Thanks, I needed that…” I told them my name, and they introduced themselves as Claude and Didier. “A pleasure gentlemen, now who wants a shotgun?” The older one Claude didn’t get that but the younger Didier did and indicated his mouth. I took another big hit, held it while giving the pipe and torch to Claude and met Didier’s mouth and exhaled the hit to him while our tongues played a bit. Didier blew out the cloud then indicated Claude with his head, I turned and Claude was in the midst of drawing a large hit himself and with his finger indicated I should come closer, and passed me the smoke in a shotgun. A few more minutes of sharing and blowing clouds and a few more comments and I told them I had to ask two questions, and the indicated to go ahead. “First question. Quebecois?” as I looked back and forth between them, “Yes,” responded Claude, “most Americans would have gone for French first.” I said, “Nah, the accent is different, and you’re both taller than most Frenchmen.” “Second question?” asked Didier with a smirk, noticing how I kept looking from one to the other, obviously scrutinizing them and curious. Both were olive-skinned white guys with a tan, tall, with dark hair on their heads, in Didier’s beard, and nicely scattered on the parts of their bodies that weren’t covered by their matching latex singlets. Average bodies, not gym rats like I was at the time. Long fingered hands, large long feet. And most curious, both had green eyes. “Second question then,” I started. “You two look a lot alike. I mean REALLY a lot as if you were brothers, which would be hot enough to me, but the age difference is too much. Trust me, I won’t be freaked out, I’d be turned on, so how exactly ARE you two related? Or is the fact you look alike the greatest coincidence of all time?” Claude looked around a bit, half concerned, half amused and said simply: “I’m his father”. “Oh shit that’s hot…” I whispered. “Seriously?” They both nodded and laughed at my facial expression. “Damn that’s hot” I repeated. “Not everyone thinks so,” Didier responded as we all looked around “even in a situation like this.” They promised to tell me more after we’d played a bit – they wanted to double team me and I was more than happy. I told them I had to find out more about this, just as the host was passing out loaded points. I looked around to see if Jim was cool with everything and caught him getting his cough and holding his arm over his head after his old buddy slammed him. Jim winked and gave me the thumbs up then started snogging his friend. Earl reached us at that point and asked if I were bumping or pointing that night, remembering I was the guy who always had to drive home. “Didier’s a home health aid in Montreal, he’s really a good admin,” Earl indicated. Since I had a particularly long block of time to play with this event starting in late afternoon, I gsve a nod. Earl was right, Didier was quick and efficient, and I was still finishing my cough when I heard Claude’s similar reaction from doing himself behind me, followed by Didier’s own launching into the stratosphere. The three of us got into a hot make out session of rough 3-way kissing before the two of them each sunk their mouths onto my nips – Claude particularly was turned on by how big they were (or so it seemed from the things he was muttering as he sucked, bit and tongued them). Our hands were all roving all over each other – I was tweaking their nips, jerking their soft but very long cocks, and fingering their hot holes. I was in the center of the couch and both of them got on their haunches on either end of it, their faces meeting over my cock, which they proceeded to lick, kiss and suck, intermittently kissing each other and sucking the other’s tongue. Between watching an honest-to-God father and son share my cock while they made out, and the little blue wonder I’d taken earlier, my cock was rock hard shortly. While they blitzed out on cock sucking and kissing each other I was slipping my fingers into their two hungry holes. I stood up from the couch, and for a few minutes,one rimmed me while the other continued sucking me, and then they switched. Soon I was on the floor in front of the couch, the two of them together in the center with their touching legs overlapping, leaning back with legs raised and holes exposed. I went back and forth rimming one while fingering the other, then switching while spending a while as well on each of their long, uncut ‘saucissons’. For some reason, I found the Dad’s hairy hole a bit more exciting, and the son’s cock more compelling, though telling the difference was a bit tough, as Didier was truly a chip off the old block almost identical to his father Claude. Their cocks got only semi-hard and were mostly soft at this point, but they did get hard later in the event. Unlike most of the pnp parties I’ve been to before or since, this one was unusual in that guys either paired or trio-d up at the beginning and pretty much played with the same guy or guys for most of the evening – though cheered on and watched by the other groups. There was a bit of a “round robin” as all of us fisted the host as he lay back in one of the slings. Then the other sling was free and Claude, Didier and I moved over to use it. It was very hot, when Claude lay back in the sling while the thinner Didier, with the assistance of two solid blocks on either side of the center of the sling straddled his father with their cocks and chests rubbing against each other and two beautiful holes presented to me. For a few minutes, I fucked each of them, bending my knees to access dad, and up on my toes to access the son. Since this was a fisting party (much to Jim’s surprise apparently, though he seemed to be doing well over by the fuck bench, with his arm way up his buddy’s chute while sitting on a large dildo up his own hole. I started playing with both holes and worked on opening them up Didier hopped up to go get the bong while I worked his Dad’s inner paradise – he got handed a bottle of poppers from the guy in the next sling and took a huff as four of my lubed fingers spread and turned in his hole. Didier put the stem of the bong to Claude’s mouth as he took a huge hit and blew a few huge clouds. Then he brought it to me and held it (both my hands and forearms were covered with j-lube so I sure couldn’t hold it) and let me take some hits – he did a few shot-gunning his dad on the last one as Claude’s hole inhaled my whole hand past the wrist. Didier had put the bong back and returned, rimming me a bit as I worked his dad’s hole and using a vibrating plug on my hole. I worked Claude’s hole for a while, thrusting, turning pulling almost all the way out, and after a bit, Didier added a few of his fingers alongside my wrist inside his dad. Claude needed to break, and after we checked that no one was waiting for it, Didier got in the sling. Started the same, opening him up, Claude brought the pipe, we all clouded while I used my fingers to stretch the kid’s fuck-hole. A hit of poppers and my hand shot in. Claude sucked my cock and played with my ass as I got further into his son’s core. Eventually he got on all fours under the sling and with me kneeling on the pillow while working his son’s hole, Claude backed on to my cock. I fucked him (gently to be fair) until Didier started demanding I pound them both. The fisting and the fucking got more energetic, I even got some punch fucking of Didier in before a break was called. We all went to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and they began to tell me their story (which I was DYING to know). As they spun their tale to me, we finished washing up and headed back to the couch with a newly refilled bong. I had wondered how this all started and who approached who. It seems son had approached father – seems Claude’s wife and Didier’s mother had started being distant and abusive to Claude and was diagnosed with Early On-set Alzheimer’s. This was 5 years prior when Didier was 19, and Claude 41. Claude was thrust into care-giver mode, and his sex life dwindled to zero, while his libido was still quite healthy leaving him horny and depressed. He was, however, still faithful to his wife and thought a mistress or a prostitute wouldn’t be right, even though his wife could no longer return his feelings. Meanwhile, at McGill his son had discovered the joys of not only gay sex, but gay chem sex. He also saw how miserable, lonely and depressed his father was. Claude had even brought up to Didier when he was visiting home one night after they’d had a few beers, that he was so horny but could not imagine cheating on his wife with another woman. That hatched a plan in Didier’s head. Reminding his father that he needed to break sometime, he got his Claude to hire an Aide for an entire four-day weekend while he went downtown and visited his son in his apartment at McGill. Utilizing the sports therapy massage skills he was already learning – plus a judicious use of some G in a sports drink, Didier got his father in a very relaxed, horny and calm mood. “You roofied your Father?” I burst out. Claude shushed me and told his son to continue. While massaging his recumbent naked father, Didier not only came out to him, but proposed that he would be happy to be the solution to his father’s sexual dilemma – not being female, he suggested that’s not really cheating. Between the G and the skin-to-skin contact and Claude’s overwhelming horniness, he told his son he could see some logic in that, but really wasn’t sure. Assuring that he had ways to help Claude decide, Didier pulled out a glass pipe, filled it with tina, and popped some bareback gay and bi porn on the TV and computer. Even though Claude claims he never really thought about or fantasized about having sex with men, the seduction worked. Soon son was blowing his dad and getting fucked by him and as more time and T went by that weekend, Claude started sucking his son and being fucked himself. He totally fell for chemmed gay sex, and by the end of the weekend a couple of Didier’s buddies had joined in. After that, Didier came home at least a couple of times a week – and since his Dad was already sleeping in his son’s room so the Aides could take care of his wife in the master bedroom, it didn’t arouse much suspicion when Didier and Claude would spend the night together in the same room, and though they also got high frequently, the did their best to keep it really quiet! Eventually the wife lost all memory and abilities and was moved to an institution for round the clock care, at which point Claude moved into Didier’s apartment which was closer to the extended care hospital than his original home, and allowed father and son to continue exploring their pnp limits. Both of the men being ass-infatuated, fisting naturally followed. Though both were versatile, both actually preferred bottoming, Claude even more so than Didier. Depending on the gay crowd you were with, they were either the scandal or the darlings of Montreal. Having hydrated, cleaned up and re-upping our high, we blew a few last clouds and got back to hole play. They got on their knees on the couch and we did a “Chariot Race” with me having an arm up each ass, fisting them simultaneously while they kissed and made out like crazy. One would fist the other while I either fucked them from behind, or fisted them, and again, they’d switch. I was fucked by both of them when they got hard finally and they helped me open my hole with toys, fingers, plugs and an anal pump. We’d break and shower off a bit, then return to the party room to have a rim circle and blow a few clouds. After they each slammed again, I was able to fist fuck Didier with two hands, then pulled one out as his father put his hand in with mine. I did the same with Claude, only with him I could have both hands in and Didier slipped one of his part way in as well. Astonishing… especially when Didier whispered in my ear “and to think, not long ago that chempig was a straight married guy… technically STILL married”. I almost shot hearing that! We played for 11 hours and I had to get going, thanking our host many times and offering to kick in for the favors, which he refused. I bid farewell to my hot Quebecois pervs, hoping I’d see them again (never did, unfortunately). Jim walked me out as he was heading home as well. He was really glad he came but didn’t think he’d do it again – he thought he “went too far” and was concerned if he did this too much, sex with his vanilla partner would pale too much. And, he added, it was a bit too much for his own limits. “Were those guys you were with REALLY father and son?” he asked. I nodded, “yeah on one break they took out their passports, they sure were.” “I don’t know,” Jim replied. “That’s kinda hot, and kinda sick to me… I guess I’m just not as debauched as you are…” I gave him an elbow to his ribs and hopped in my car, parked in front of his place on W85th. “Nah,” I said as we both laughed and he headed to his building. “But you WANT to be!”
    25 points
  11. Not my MOST recent, but I was playing with a group during the winter at the very large apartment of a couple I know down in Jersey City. It was still fairly early and though we had been doing some puffing on the glass cock, we were waiting for their candy man to arrive. In the past whenever he'd come during a party, he had his girlfriend with him and one or both of the hosts would meet him on the stairs and no one else would ever see him. I was surprised to hear steps coming up from the lower level, and Tom my host escorts this stocky good-looking Cubano guy into the video room on the top floor, then calls me in because I needed this guy's help. Seems the candy man had a fight with his girlfriend and broke up, so he came upstairs this time. Introduces himself to me as Victor and pulls out his glass pipe, loads it up and passes it round - says "SHIIIIIT MAN!" when he sees the outrageous sized shotgun hit I give Tom - and asks me for one. I asked him was he sure, and he told me we didn't need to lock lips or anything. I did and each time the pipe came back to me I did it again. And each time he held me longer and pulled me closer. Tom encouraged him to "get comfortable" so he pulled off shirt, shoes and socks. Looking at the porn, seeing the guys two rooms away naked and fucking (the apartment is a railroad flat with rooms one after the other in an old corner building, my friends love a bit of window play for the gay guys across the street to check out what's happening) , and Tom and I in jocks and harnesses, Victor shortly dropped his jeans to just his grey boxer briefs. There was a big package in there... Victor mentioned that gay guys had it so much easier when it came to sex, he sees this all the time wherever he delivers and is jealous of how much fun we can have and how OUR partners don't have a problem with us fucking someone else, in fact they like it. Tom says, well, why not have some fun here tonight and no one has to know - it won't make you gay, especially if you just want to get your rocks off. Victor asked whether or not we'd feel degraded or something if he just let us service him, but we told him "not really, so long as we all know it's just for fun". He said he was game but needed to start slow. Tom told him I'd be the perfect one to ease him in, and went to let the other guys know what was happening. Now in these party situations where we're playing with favors, I mostly wind up topping as I still get hard, and get bummed when I don't get to bottom at all... so, I knelt down, pulled the briefs down and started to suck on a very thick, brown, uncut spud of a cock. He liked it, a lot. We fired up the torch and I blew clouds around his cock, his balls as I tongued them, and even blew some up his hole when I gave him his (presumably) first rimming. Then, having greased my hole as he loaded the pipe, I sat down on his cock, facing him while he took more hits himself, going all the way to his lap in one motion. This he REALLY liked and frankly, so did I. After his surprised cough, we kept exchanging shotgun hits of white clouds, but then he really started to kiss me - deep and wet and long. I worked my butt muscles and he started to really pound up into me, shortly howling as he blew a load up my hole... AWESOME! I don't get seeded very often, so I was really hot over this - I mean come on - a straight "candy-man's" load? Seriously? He actually came into the bedroom and got into the group a bit - let everyone suck him and rim him, he fucked a few guys, kissed a couple and even sucked a couple of dicks for a short bit. He blew another load up my butt with me on my back with my legs over his shoulders, then had to leave. He thanked us all for a good time, and decided it probably wouldn't be his last! As it turns out, it wasn't - he's been back a few times...
    25 points
  12. The first time I got force-chemmed and raped was my first visit to NYC. I was barely 21, in the Army, all buffed out and a bit over-confident as I explored the gay-scene for the first time, alone in a strange dangerous city I had no business exploring by myself. I was walking down a dark, narrow, deserted street taking a shortcut on my way to check out a popular gay dance club I had heard about that was rumored to be frequented by gay college jocks my age. This hot Latin guy was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette at the opening to an alley. We checked each other out as I went by. He was wearing faded jeans and a wife beater that hugged his torso showing off his nicely muscled chest and arms. He had some hot tats and this bad-boy look about him that made my dick hard, so after passing him, I turned around to look again. I noted that he was checking out my ass, and when he saw me looking back, a sly grin flashed across his face. He dropped his smoke, cocked his head toward the alley in a "follow me" gesture, and disappeared into the shadows. I was feeling a slight buzz from a few drinks I had earlier, which undoubtedly clouded my judgment. There were no thoughts of danger flashing through my mind, only this burning desire to feel this guy's naked body up against mine. I remember wondering if he was gonna fuck me or if I was gonna fuck him. I didn't care which it would be. Maybe both if I was lucky. I didn't have any condoms with me and that fact didn't even register in my mind. When I entered the alley, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I could barely see him ahead of me in the distance. He was waiting for me outside of what looked like a doorway. As I approached, I heard the door open and he disappeared inside. I followed him, enjoying this little chase thing we had going. I found myself inside a dark hallway. I could smell cigarettes and alcohol. I could hear muffled voices. I couldn't tell where he had gone so I started down the hall. I checked the first few doors, which were locked. When I got to the end of the hall, I opened the last door and stepped inside. I found myself in the back of a long poorly lit room. There was a small bar counter to my right with a couple of guys sitting on stools and chatting with a bartender. There were a couple of pool tables toward the front of the bar, each with a single bare bulb hanging over it. I heard nothing but Spanish being spoken and quickly realized I was the only white guy in the room. As I stood there, taking in the scene, the occupants of the room noticed me and the place fell silent as all eyes turned to me. I sized up the situation quickly and the alarm bells were starting to go off in my head. There were about 12 guys, all Latino, roughly 20-30 in age I guessed. It was hot as fuck in this room and everybody but the guy I had followed in here and myself had their shirts off. These dudes were all in damn good shape and I realized they looked like gang bangers. I noticed a couple fresh tattoos on the two guys nearest me that looked like prison tats. This was not what I bargained for. I started to turn toward the door planning to retrace my steps out into the alley. That was when I heard the door shut behind me and the click of the deadbolt. I knew I wasn't going out the way I came in. I saw another door at the far end of the room and started calculating how I was going to reach it. I'm a tough, wiry, scrappy fucker but I realized there was no way I was going to be able to fight my way through these guys. When I saw a guy at the front door throw the bolt and lock us all in, I knew that I had fucked up royally. Swallowing my panic, I figured I'd better make friends fast. I forced a smile onto my face, walked directly up to the hot guy I had followed in from the alley, and said, "Hey amigo, can I buy you a drink?" The room was silent as he ran his eyes up and down my body and I could see the lust in his eyes. I felt like I was in a fucking meat market and I was the new meat. After what seemed like an eternity, he smiled at me and said, "No white boy, you are my guest, let me buy you one." The whole place erupted in laughter and everyone turned back to their conversations and drinks. I felt such a wave of relief sweep over me I thought my legs were going to buckle. My "host" fired off some commands in Spanish to the bartender, who got busy mixing our drinks. My Spanish is shitty and these guys all spoke some kind of dialect that rolled off their tongues like gun fire. I was clueless what they were saying. In no time I had a cocktail in my hand and I was invited to play a game of pool. The guys at the closest pool table cleared out to make way for us and the game began. The cocktail I was drinking tasted REALLY good...not too tart, not too sweet. It was like something you would have on a beach in a warm climate, but I had never tasted anything like it before. My host had the bartender make me a second one and about half-way through it I started feeling really light-headed and unstable on my feet. I plopped my ass onto a stool and someone asked me, "You feeling alright white boy?" I tried to respond but my tongue felt thick and all that came out of my mouth was gibberish. Several of the guys around me chuckled and the sound of their laughter sounded like it was echoing down a long hallway. I started to fall off my stool and a hot muscle guy with huge arms caught me. He picked me up and laid me on my back on the pool table. My host, the hot guy in the wife beater, came up to me, leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy it white boy. We're gonna show you the best time of your life tonight." The realization swept over me that I had been drugged, and the panic was starting to build inside me again. My mind was fully engaged, but I had no control over my body. I could see what was happening and feel it, but I was helpless to do anything about it. Guys in the room were stripping their clothes off and I could see guys playing with their cocks. I heard one guy say in English that he had gotten a taste for white boy ass in prison and now he couldn't get enough of it. Several other guys agreed with him. I watched as my host peeled out of his wife beater, then stripped out of his pants. He had purposely positioned himself so I could watch him strip and he was giving me a show. He had a gorgeous chiseled body with 8-pack abs. I was totally hot for him while simultaneously scared out of my wits. The combination of fear and lust was oddly erotic. My mind was doing this tug of war in my head. I realized that I was about to be gang raped by these guys and my reaction alternated between panic and lust. I was scared to death and horny as hell all at the same time. My cock had a mind of its own and it was rock hard. My host took notice and I saw him smile, knowing he was getting the response from me that he wanted. I could tell he got off being in total control of the situation and having me powerless. It dawned on me that I couldn't do anything about it anyway so I might as well make the most out of it. My host walked up to me wearing nothing but boxers. His cock was straining against the front of his boxers creating a tent effect and I could glimpse his cock through the overstretched fly front. He dropped the boxers revealing the biggest slab of cock I had ever seen -- even in pornos. It was long, thick, and rock hard. He stroked it as he showed it to me and told me I was going to enjoy being his faggot for the night. He told me how he was going to tear my ass open with his mammoth cock and how all his buddies were going to watch him fuck me before they took turns in my ass. I was thinking there is no way humanly possible that something that large could be made to fit into my ass. Boy was I wrong. My host said something in Spanish and then I heard him say, “Gibron is going to get you ready for me.” I wasn't sure what that meant until I felt someone grab my arm and pin it to the table. Someone growled in my ear "hold still motherfucker" and I felt something stick my arm. Then I heard, "got it," followed by, "hold on white boy and enjoy the ride," as more guys chuckled. Seconds later I felt a weird sensation. My pulse quickened, I felt a source of intense heat gather in my chest then burst, like a sun going super-nova, spreading outward through my arms and legs like liquid metal until the energy burst from my fingertips and toes erupting outward like jets of super-hot plasma. The heat in my chest rose up through my lungs and into my throat as I coughed violently a couple of times. The noise inside my head sounded like a freight train roaring through a tunnel. My vision changed suddenly and I could see nothing but star-bursts and colored lights. I couldn't focus my vision and my eyeballs wouldn't hold still. They bounced around in my head like a balls in a pinball machine. I experienced the sensation of weightlessness. It seemed as though my body has risen up off the pool table and I felt like I was floating. It was without a doubt the most intense and most pleasurable sensation I had ever felt. I couldn't help but repeat over and over, "oh shit", "oh fuck", "oh shit", "oh fuck." Then I became aware of my cock, standing straight up and rock hard, with this sensation of fullness and heat building inside of it. It felt like my cock was swelling and that it would burst outward from the pressure. Suddenly I felt the heat gather at the tip of my cock, and without any stimulation, the biggest cum load I have ever shot erupted from the head of my dick. My dick was like a fountain, with spurts of cum shooting several feet into the air and spraying in all directions. When the geysers subsided, cum continued to drain from my cock in a steady flow for what seemed like minutes. I was soaked in cum and could feel a huge pool of it forming underneath me on the table. It must have been impressive because I heard several remarks like, "fuck man look at all that cum!", "I've never seen a guy shoot like that!", and "I didn't know a guy could cum that much!" Then I felt multiple tongues on my body licking my load off my skin. The sensations of having these guys touch me were amazing. The next thing I was aware of was my host's tongue and fingers playing with my ass. He was telling me how much he liked my hot, tight, pink hole and how much he wanted to put his huge cock in there and own it. I realized that my ass was craving cock like never before and I found myself lusting after that mammoth cock he had showed me earlier. I felt confident that I could take every inch of it and I was eager to show him how much I wanted it. I knew in my heart that I would give every ounce of effort inside me to take all of him and that I wanted his load in me. In fact, I wanted every last motherfucker in that room inside me and I wanted every one of their loads. I tried to say something to that effect and someone bent close to my ear to hear my confession. He stood up and announced, "He says he wants all of our cocks inside him, right now, at the same time." That got a big laugh from everyone. Someone asked, "How much did you give the kid?" I heard, Gibron say, "Point 8, and I've got lots more for him when he wants it." My host walked up and showed me his hard cock. He held two beer cans in his hand end to end aligned alongside his dick. His dick was the same diameter as the cans and slightly longer than both cans put together. He asked me if I was ready for him to bury his tool in my guts. I wanted it desperately but the size of the thing scared me. Before I could answer he said, "It doesn't matter what you want cuz you're gonna do what you're told, faggot." He walked around to my ass, put the head of his cock against my tight hole, and with one shove he rammed it in ass far as it would go. I felt him bottom out inside me and heard him say, "No faggot. You're gonna take all of it, not just half." I felt him push harder and I was sure he was up against my diaphragm. It felt like he was tearing a hole through my intestines. I could hardly breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I remember a tear falling from the corner of my eye and rolling down my cheek. I remember thinking I had never felt such pain inside my guts. I remember thinking I was going to die and wondering if I would wake up in heaven. Just then, I felt something inside me relax, and I felt a 'pop'. His cock slid further inside and it felt like another two feet of hard dick slid into me. Suddenly I could breathe. Suddenly the pain was gone. I heard my host say, "That's the way white boy. You know you like that monster cock. Relax and enjoy every inch of it." I began to be aware of how fucking amazing this guy's cock really was. He had me stretched to the point I didn't think my hole could get any larger. He liked that tight feeling and he told me so. He was sliding his cock all the way out until just the head was inside me, then sliding it all the way back in again. With each stroke, there was a point in the middle somewhere where I would fell that resistance and that pop, and each time he passed that point a burst of pure pleasure would radiate through my body. It was fucking amazing and I thought, “Maybe I am dead and this is heaven?” It dawned on me that my version of heaven would be spending eternity with an endless supply of hot tops with huge cocks to fuck me, tight bottom boys to take my cock, and this wonderful shit called tina flowing through my veins. The rest of my time at this place was amazing. I had no concept of time. Every so often someone would slam another rig into my arm, and I took every cock in the place multiple times. At one point I heard someone ask how many loads I had taken and I heard, "at least 30 so far". I was both proud and amazed. Every time someone would pull out of my ass, I could feel my hole gape open and cum would run out of my ass and down my butt cheeks. At one point my host laid down on the pool table next to me and I was lifted up by many hands. I was really wobbly, but they set me on top of the host and fed his massive meat into my ass so I was riding him from the top. It slid in easily this time and felt really great pushing up so deep inside me. I was starting to rock on it and ride it when someone grabbed me by the neck, pushed me forward so I was lying on the host's chest, and ordered me to hold still. My arm was pulled straight and I felt something tighten around my bicep. I felt a sharp stick and that amazing heat flooded through my body again. I shuddered and whimpered. The host whispered in my ear, "You love that rush don't you white boy?" I answered, "Yes sir. I don't ever want that feeling to go away." I felt the head of another huge dick push against my hole. There was a steady pressure for a long time and the voice said, "Fuck! This white boy is tight!" I felt a finger slide inside me alongside the host’s massive cock. The finger worked around for a few minutes, then I felt another finger, then another. After a few more minutes, the fingers came out and they were suddenly replaced by the second cock sliding in and filling my ass beyond comprehension. I moaned in pain and pleasure. I didn't think anything could feel better. The second cock slid back and forth inside me, rubbing against my host's dick and stretching me further open with each thrust. This went on for a long time until both guys announced they were getting close. They were both grunting and snorting and telling me how hot my ass felt and I came for the umpteenth time without touching myself. As my cock released, my ass convulsed around their cocks and they both shot their loads inside me at the same time. After they pulled out of my ass, my ass felt empty and it felt like there was a piece of my soul missing. I didn't like the feeling and needed something in there to make me feel whole again. I started begging for someone to put something in my ass, anything. I felt someone slathering my ass with this thick, creamy substance and felt fingers teasing my hole. In and out they went, working my hole, stretching it larger and larger. Soon I experienced four fingers and the narrow blade of the hand. Then it became five fingers and the intensity grew exponentially as the volume of the hand changed from flat to round. The hand was removed for several seconds while something cold and wet was sprayed onto my ass and into my hole. The cold liquid turned hot on contact and burned for a second, then I felt this warm sensation flood my ass and the irritation inside my hole disappeared. I heard the aerosol can spray again near my ear and I could smell some chemical. Someone shoved a wet cloth in my mouth and told me to breathe through my mouth. I took a deep breath and I got an instant warm, fuzzy feeling. My head started to swim and my vision closed in like I was looking out through a tunnel. I was fighting to focus my mind and stay conscious while someone was working hard on my hole. I was aware of someone's hand wedging my hole open and the fullness felt like someone had parked a truck in my ass. Someone stuck a bottle of really strong poppers to my nose and told me to inhale. A few seconds later I felt my body relax and the hand pushed really hard. I struggled to get away but several guys held me down so I couldn’t move. Someone sprayed more liquid on the rag and stuffed it back in my mouth. I was given another big hit of poppers and I felt my ass open up. My ass seemed to have a mind of its own and it started to stretch open as if begging for the hand. I heard the guy fisting me say, “Yeah white boy, suck that hand inside!” I felt him change the angle slightly and the intensity of that small move was off the charts, then suddenly the hand slipped all the way inside me. I felt instant relief and heard a chorus of approval from those that were watching. The hand worked itself around inside me and started to play with my prostate and cock from the inside of my body. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. I started oozing LOTS of precum from my dick and it continued the entire time his hand was in there. At one point a guy pushed his cock inside me alongside the guy's wrist and I felt him unload inside me. Several other guys followed suit and I took several more loads that way.
    24 points
  13. I grew up in a small farming community in Nebraska. I have 5 older brothers and from early on I was treated different by my parents as my brothers are big 6'2-6'4 with big mussels and I'm 5'7 with a string bean build. On the farm when not in school you are working from an early age. Where my brothers went to work after High School I applied to College and received many offers. I knew I did not wanted to stay in Nebraska. I think my parents knew before I did I was gay and when I told them they did not seamed shock and when I was pick on my youngest brother would defend me as he is just 16 months older than me. I knew where ever school I went to would have been near a large Gay community so it was either NYC or San Francisco. I visited both and the school in NYC bowled me over with the best offer I could get. It would not put a major Financial load on my parents or me and I would not be left with big students loans.As I wanted to pay my own way as running a farm cost big money I would try to find a job to cover my living expensive at school. I moved to NYC into the dorms and the first thing I said to my self did I make a big mistake of my life as everything is so tight here. My room mate was ok at first but in a few weeks turned into a real ass hole tell me all the time who he fuck he is not Gay. Not knowing NYC and really being a farm boy I'm in a new world as I know it's out their but I can't get into the Gay bars I pass by of find so I know it's out there. My sex life is giving someone a blow job once when we visit the big city near us in North Platt Nebraska. I'm fed up with my room mate and I have to do something fast or I feel like going back home and work the farm for the rest of my life. As I have to find away out of living in the Dorms as the commute is 20-30 minutes either way by the bus the school has or by me on my bicycle. Every place I look is way over my limited budget or the room is smaller than I have now. One day I look at Craigslist of all places and find a room for rent for a male only and when I hear where the address its BINGO 1 block from where most of my classes are. I get on time and it's a very old building, I get to the door and when it opens and I see the guy at the door I think I was struck by lighting as we look at each other for a long time. He's 5'8 maybe 125 in a tight tee shirt and I can see the out line of his nipple rings. He ask me in and the place is huge , with wire walls with pictures of MEN in full leather or men with boys arm in arm. The pictures stop me in my tracks as I don't know to run or keep looking. I do notice James eyes have not left me as I just look around and takes me by the hand to the room he is renting out. This bed room is very big also with a king size 4 posted bed that does look very gothic. When I ask him how much I say to him how much and I'm saying to my self it's going to be to much, but James ask how much can I afford and when I give him the number he says that's perfect. I gave a number more than I could really afford but I said to my self I will make it here some how.somehow I get the use of the kitchen , bathroom that has all these long hoses off the shower head and free wifi. I could not be happier. I ask if I could start to move over the weekend and he shoot back I have a friend with a truck and it can be done in one run. So I move in and settle in and I love the quite this place is but I look at the pictures on the wall and I get as hard as a rock and even pre cum is coming out. I try to hide how hard I am but James is always walking around half naked as goes late every night. I never ask what he does but is mostly at night. As James goes out late to work most evening and is back in a few hours or comes home early morning as I'm leaving for school it really working well for me with school but my life is empty in some ways. After a month James wants to talk and ask if I want to hang out with him this weekend, I remind him I'm under 21 and can't get into any bars, he says it's no problem where are going as he knows the doorman real well. I tried of looking at the books and I'm way ahead of my school work and it's a Friday. We get waved right in at Pyramid Club and once inside the music hits me and so many hot looking guys around, it take me a few minutes to understand what is going on as my head is spinning as James gives me a soda and says let's dance. On the floor it's more like a grope fest as James and I get closer and closer and when our lips lock my arms are all over his body as he takes off my shirt, my bare chest is rubbing up against him as I feel his nipple rings hitting my nipples. Something comes over me as I go down to kiss his nipples. The rest of the evening there was one big blur of passion & heat form everyone I met at the Club, what I thought was 1 hour turned out to be 5 hours. As we left the sun was coming as we grab a taxi home our hands were all over each other. Once we made it up stairs what cloths we have come off as we head to the bed. It's my real first time of having sex with any one unless you say giving someone a blow job is sex. James is the first one to take my anal cheery and I thought it would be very painful but he was so gentle with me it was pure pleasure. I wake up and James is sipping coffee and looking at my naked body as all he has on is a tong with a hard dick showing. He ask how I'm doing I get off the bed and get on my hands and knees and take his dick out and start to suck, as he's about to cum he picks me up and takes me to the shower. In the shower I find out what all thous hoses are for. He is making love to me wile he's working over my hole. I come out of the shower clean on the out side & inside. We spend Saturday & Sunday fucking going to some clubs and I'm having the time of my life not hiding who I am but living what I am. I no longer live in my room but in James room. As I get near the end of the school year my funding will not be available over the summer and my part time job will not be enough to support my self in that time and I don't want to leave James as I'm in love with him and he with me. When I tell him that I will have to go back home for the summer and work on the family farm he says he has an idea how I can stay in NYC and make enough money to stay here with him. He ask how I feel about doing what he does, my being so fresh off the farm , I say I really don't know what he does at night and he is Laughing. He says he works as an escort a he showed me his profile on Rentboy. I'm shock and say you get paid to have sex with other men, he says that I could do very good but I will have to be a Top as that is where the real money is. He tell me he has a very good client who would love me. James tell me we will go over and double team him as he will really like that. I'm scared to death but if I can stay in NYC for the summer with James I'm willing to do it. We get to his home and I don't know what to do but James leads me by the hand an tells me what to do. I can see on the client face he is very happy that I'm came, as once I'm naked he says to James is he legal, James responds do you really care. He is on his knees sucking my dick in a second as James starts to lube his hole up. Right before I cum James pulls him off and turns him onto his dick and hands me a condom to put on and tell me to fuck him hard.
    24 points
  14. Another Real Experience (x 2!) PART TWO - the Porn Star and the Trucker Part Two, The Trucker So, as mentioned in Part One of this double post, I was watching a Classic Pre-Condom Gay Porn Vid recently and it brought back two very hot and very different experiences. The vid was 1986′s “Oversized Load” about the sexual exploits of some young truckers - and it brought back BOTH the many times I played with one of its’ stars, Scott O’Hara, AND the first time I partied with a trucker in his rig. Part One was about Scott O’Hara, now it’s time to talk about the Trucker… A few years back I was up by the New York/Connecticut border by I-84/684 for a workshop I was conducting. Knowing I’d be heading south in Upper Westchester I had contacted a pair of pig buds who have a home or actually, kind of more of a “compound” really, in the far north of Westchester to see if they’d want me to stop by for some parTy Time on my way home. They were very much up for it, so prior to the workshop I had cleaned out and I was wearing 501s, a black t-shirt and my engineer boots; which I knew would not be out of place at the Acting Workshop I was going to be conducting, strange as that may sound to some. I always got a bit horny conducting these workshops for the 18-20 year old theater students, so stopping at my friends’ place after was perfect. Perfect seldom stays perfect, and that’s what happened that evening. There was an electrical fire at the school where I was conducting the workshop which required clearing the building and ending the workshop an hour and a half early. I texted my buds to see if I could come early, something that normally would not have been too much of a problem, but they texted back that they were stuck in NYC and the train they’d be coming back on would not get them home for another 3 hours, and unusually, there was no one at their place that could let me in until they all arrived back together. Fortunately, they suggested that to pass a few hours until then, since going home and coming back would be flat out stupid and they did NOT want to give up our playdaTe, I should check out the Truck Stop on I-684 near Brewster. They said I could likely find some action to keep me busy and might even find someone hot to bring along for our session later. That sounded like a plan to me, so I headed my car in the direction of I-684. Now since I was a teenager, I’d had many a hot time at truck stops and rest areas all over the country, but interestingly though I’d played with Truckers among others at such locations, we’d always played in the woods, the men’s room itself, or gone elsewhere. Up until this time, in more than 20 years of hooking up at such places, I’d never been inside the cab of any Truck. I’d also had less chances to play at such places as the older I got, the far less time I spent driving all over the country for shows, and the far more time I spent at home in the NY metro area – where such locations with action and no hassle became fewer and fewer as the years went by. I pulled off the highway and rather than park with most of the few passenger cars, I parked further away and closer to the couple of big rigs that were there without making the location I chose totally suspicious. Checking to see that no one but someone in one of the rigs could see me, I pulled my small “travel pipe” out of my leather motorcycle jacket along with my torch and took a few quick hits of T. After blowing a couple of clouds, I cooled it off and carefully packed them back into the hidden special pockets hidden in the lining of my jacket, then zipped up and got out of the car. Once out, I pretty obviously adjusted the package in my 501s while pointedly looking in the direction of the parked rigs, and then sauntered toward the rest area building. There didn’t seem to be any obvious paths running back into the woods and so I assumed any action either occurred inside the building or inside the vehicles. Stopping to read pretty much every sign and map posted outside, I hoped I was at once giving a signal and at the same time wasn’t being too obvious. A smaller, wiry blond white guy in jeans, sneakers, denim jacket and cowboy hat stepped from the shadows behind me and quite obviously groped himself, showing a lot of package for a little guy. I groped myself in response and he jerked his head towards the men’s room, mouthing “follow me”. I followed into the men’s room and rather than going to one of the stalls he led me to the most remote urinals and whipped out his dick starting a heavy piss, while indicating me to do the same one urinal over rather than right next to him. Actually needing to piss as well, a minute passed while we both took care of business. The room seemed pretty deserted as I subtly looked around and he whispered, “lookin’ for action?” I nodded yes and he chuckled softly when he said, “…thought so when I saw you givin’ our girl Tina a kiss before getting out of your car. You okay talkin’ in my truck? This place ain’t too safe.” I nodded yes, and he indicated for me to follow. Trying not to be too obvious, I trailed about 20 feet behind him back toward my car and his truck. He continued past my car to the first rig parked closest to me. Checking to see that no one “inappropriate” might be watching, he popped the passenger door of the cab and told me to jump in. I got in quickly while he jumped up from the driver’s side and then pulled some shades down in the windows. He laughed a bit as he whipped out a glass pipe that was already loaded and took a nice big pull on it before handing it and his torch to me. “I’m only cool with lightin’ up right away ‘cuz I already seen you hit your own pipe earlier,” he said as I warmed the bowl and breathed in the curling white vapor. “Name’s Tom” he said as I blew out my cloud. I introduced myself and he asked what I was up to, and I told him my tale of my workshop ending early and my buds coming home late and looking to play until then, and the possibility of continuing later. He liked the sound of everything I said, but let me know that the rest area we were in had very recently become dangerous as it was being regularly patrolled by the State Police who came through on an almost predictable schedule at night. Any car like mine that was there without the driver inside on two consecutive trips through the lot was suspicious and they would begin to look for the driver assuming there was something going on. “We can play in my rig until your buds are ready for us, but we gotta’ get your auto out of here and elsewhere… there’s a diner right off the next exit where you can leave it for now and we’ll head back on goin’ north and park and play in the northbound rest stop until your buds call, then we’ll head back to your car, leave my rig in the truck parking at the diner and head to their place in your vehicle. Cool?” I nodded yes. “Then follow me bud.” He pulled the shades back a bit, took a look around the lot and since the coast was clear, indicated that I should hurry to my car. I did, and followed his truck as he pulled out of the lot. The next exit and the Diner were not too far away and I parked, grabbed my play bag, and walked over to his rig and got back in the front passenger seat. I got in and pulled the door behind me and laughed when he pulled his jacket aside to show he was naked from the waist down, except for his sneakers. “Pull them pants off and let me see what all I’ll be workin’ with this evening, while I get us someplace more private,” he suggested. As he pulled back onto the road I unlaced my boots and pulled my jeans and black jock strap down and off leaving them in a lump at my feet. My half-hard cock was surrounded by a black leather snap cock ring and he looked at me smiling, saying “fuck yeah”. He got back on the Interstate going north and headed for the northbound twin to the same rest area we met at. He pulled in and parked between to other rigs and proceeded to pull the shades back over the windows. He grabbed his kit with his pipe and pulled himself up into what looked like a loft above the main part of the cab, saying “come on up bud – the boots are hot but please leave ‘em down there, this ain’t the place for ‘em. In fact, get naked down there and just pull yourself up!” I ditched the rest of my clothes, while pulling my supplies and pipe from my jacket and popping them in my play bag and pulled myself up and into his bed/loft/whatever. When I got myself in and my eyes began to adjust, I saw there was a small screen playing some pretty hot looking BB gay porn, scattered pillows, a few bottles of lube and such, and Tom sitting cross-legged heating up the bowl of an even larger bong. He was a wiry little guy, as I said, covered with lots of tribal tatts and several body piercings, with a hairy chest and very hairy legs. Between his legs was a half-hard cock that appeared to be not particularly long, but nicely thick and HUGE balls that explained the big bulge he pushed in his jeans. I liked what I saw, he looked like fun, and the setting was VERY hot to me. He apparently liked what he saw too. I had worn my leather harness under my clothes, so it was in place and highlighting my pecs as I pulled myself over to him. “Fuck yeah, got me a leather muscle daddy… hot damn! I seen you blowin’ some huge clouds daddy, y’all ever share it – you know, shotgun?” “One of my favorite ways to indulge,” I let him know, before sucking in a huge hit, pulling his face to mine and slowly releasing a very large hit into his mouth while his eyes grew wider and wider. As we smoked we started stroking each other’s dicks, and feeling each other up. We chatted about what we were into, and we were both pleased to find the other versatile AND to find the other all ready to play – cleaned inside and out, with just some sweat and musk from the couple of hours since we’d each gotten prepped. Though the porn was hot and so was he, and he was definitely into me as well, it was a bit disappointing that we were both only semi-hard. I was about to scrounge a “vitamin v” from my play bag to split with him, when he stopped me and said he had something better. Seems he kept Caverject in his hidden supply area and though I’d only done it once before and was frankly wary of needles near my pride and joy, I let him shoot both our cocks with a shot and soon we both were sporting major solid wood. We sixty-nined our dicks, and then dove for the holes – he with as much enthusiasm for rimming a hairy hole as me! We took turns sucking, rimming and fucking each other, and passing around both of our pipes. He got on his radio for a bit and found another trucker in one of the other trucks who wanted to join us for a bit and shortly we had a third climbing into the rig and up to our perch… a big hairy bear of a man with a bit of belly, a big fat long cock, a heavy Boston accent, and a horny mind. He puffed up too and Tom gave him the cock shot, and soon he was happily switching back and forth from my hairy hole to Tom’s. He didn’t get fucked, but he was clean, so we each rimmed him while the other was being topped, and he was thrilled to be able to fuck both of us bareback – something he didn’t get to do too often. After dumping two loads, he took his leave of us, and we went back to pleasuring each other. I checked with my buds and sure enough they were on their way home from the train station and told us to head over, excited that I had managed to score a trucker to play with us. Tom pulled the rig back onto the highway, got off the next exit and got back on headed south. We passed the rest area where we met and continued to the next exit and headed for the diner. He locked his rig up in the rear of the diner lot where there were a couple of other trucks, and climbed into my car. Ten minutes later we pulled into the long hidden driveway of my buddies home and discovered my two pals – one a white bearish daddy, the other a younger tall lean Hispanic guy – along with their tenant Bobby who was another bear type, a hot trim Black guy and as usual, a twink who was already flying. Clothes flew, and we all headed to the hot tub outside, and proceeded to party, fuck, fist, suck, rim, double fuck and more until it was time for me to head out. My Hispanic bud promised to bring Tom back to his truck when they were done, and I headed home pleased that I had FINALLY had sex in a big rig!
    23 points
  15. I have a friend who's been a fuckbud for 18 years - since we lived across the street from each other in the theatre district in Manhattan. My own partner was always thrilled that Sal was so close by as he knew my buddy Sal would get into all the kinker scene-stuff that I liked and my partner didn't. Now, years later I still play with this guy even though my partner and I live in the northern burbs of NYC and he and his partner live in Jersey City. I'm in my 40s (though still play the roles of 30-somethings) in good athletic trim, just barely six foot, caucasian guy with blue eyes, silver/blond hair, average size but very hard dick - think Anderson Cooper worked out and into leather. I've been poz for 27 years. So the evening in question happened during the holidays 2009/2010. My bud Sal and his partner Dan called me for a nice long session with some new friends of theirs and I headed down to Jersey to play. Got to their place and they'd all been at it for a few hours - they were all pretty tweaked already and offered me the glass cock to get me to try and catch up some. They'd been getting to the point and asked if I wanted, but I was going to have to drive back home sometime around 4 AM and declined, saying I'd stick to the pipe and maybe a booty bump. I started pulling a long hit from the glass cock and my buddy's partner Dan says for me to shotgun a new friend of theirs, Jim - I did so and the guy's eyes widened as I blew a huge amount of smoke into his lungs and our tongues danced. I kept shotgunning him as I drew hits from the glass cock and tried to get close to the level these guys were already at. Finally, Jim lay back on the bed for a moment, and I got a good look at him - nice well-sculpted body, good pecs, nice long semi-hard cock, looked to be Italian or Hispanic and a nice face... seemed to be late thirties, early forties. Perfect. Dan whispers in my ear "Eat his ass, I've been telling him all about you". I push Jim's legs back, kneel on a pillow and dive in - he's moaning and clutching at my head with a lot of "yes, yes, yes" going on. Sal and Dan hold the pipe down near me and I take another long hit and blow the smoke slowly up the guys' hole. He seems to really dig that. Sal gives him a hit from the glass cock and then Dan says "Jim, do you want him to fuck that hole of yours" and Jim starts begging, "yes, yes, fuck me! Fuck my hole". Wasting no time, with his hole all wet from my rim job (and my cock all wet from a bit of sucking from Sal) I slowly work my cock into his hole. He's tight, but not at all resistant and soon I'm in all the way to the hilt. Jim moans and mutters, "so good, so good.." as I begin a slow twisting fuck in his beautiful hairy hole. The boys spray some Maximum Impact into a cloth and stuff it into Jim's mouth. He goes wild, screaming "Fuck me, fuck me, harder! Harder!" and I start to really pound - he pulls my face down and we start kissing and tongue wrestling. When I pull back I notice Sal and Dan and the other three guys are just watching the action, jerking dicks here and there, but totally concentrated on us. Being an exhibitionist, I don't mind and we continue a really hot fuck. Dan says to Jim - "do you want him to breed that hairy hole, man, do you want his load up there?" and Jim is saying "yes, yes, breed me man, breed me" - I build up steam and then blow in his hole, howling a bit as I do and the other guys are cheering me on, while Jim starts bucking like he's having an anal orgasm - his beautiful long cock is rock-hard and dripping, but he's not able to shoot. After pulling out, Jim thanks me and I tell everyone I'll be back in a moment, I want a quick rinse in the shower. Dan joins me and says - "Tonight was his first time partying - his first point - and that was the first time he was ever fucked". I said "excuse me?" Dan replied "yeah, remember how you were the first guy who ever fucked me, back when Sal had you come down to play the first time I met you? Remember how I was still married to my wife? Well I thought you'd be perfect to break this guy in". I looked at him with suspicion and he continued "yep, he's married, kids, the whole deal. The wife and kids are away visiting relatives in Italy for Christmas". NOW they tell me! But then again, Sal didn't tell me that DAN was married the first time Sal got me to fuck Dan (who you may have guessed is now divorced and living with Sal). We went back out to the bedroom and Jim was happily getting plowed by another one of the guys while rimming a second one. Dan said, "yeah, he came over for a blow job that we advertised on Craig's List for straight guys looking for a quick blow, and we offered him some party favors and he seemed to like everything else that was going on, so we just progressed him along..." I shook my head in disbelief as I jumped into the pile and continued with our scene...
    22 points
  16. I went to Steam Portland one night looking to get fucked. I had gone a couple time before looking to bottom, but either struck out or ending up topping. I had cleaned out and lubed up with a dildo at my place before heading out. When I got to Steam it was moderately busy. I went to the steam room for a bit just to hang out, but no one caught my eye. After a bit I got up and made a circuit. I saw someone was at one of the glory holes, so I went up and opened my towel up and put my cock through. A moment later a mouth wrapped around my dick and started sucking me. I got hard pretty quick and after a few minutes, wrapped my towel around myself and started wandering around again. I made my way back to the steam room and was sitting there for a bit when a cute twink came in and went slowly by me. He made eye contact and I nodded at him. He came up to me and asked if I wanted to fuck him. I said sure, even though I was looking to bottom. He got on his knees up on one of the platforms and I got behind him. He grabbed my dick and guided it to his hole. He didn’t say anything about a condom, so the moment my cock hit his hole I pushed forward. He was lubed up enough I sank balls deep right away. His ass felt amazing. I fucked him for about 5 minutes then he pulled his ass off my raw cock and went out of the steam room. After a few minutes I went out to the showers and had a quick rinse. I walked back up towards the front to check out the sling area. The twink I was just fucking was in the sling getting dicked by an older guy. I watched him for a bit and let him suck my cock while he got fucked. After a minute of that, I pulled out of his mouth and went to the tunnel and cell block area. I was almost out of the cell block area when a fit mid-twenties guy came in the opposite direction. He stared at me hard as we passed each other, so I went into a semi-hidden alcove with a raised platform and sat down. He followed me and stood in front of me and opened his towel, revealing a 6.5-7 inch cut cock. I leaned forward and started sucking him off, opening my towel and starting to jerk myself off. After a few minutes he pushed my onto my back and took my cock into his mouth while playing with my balls and teasing at my hole with his fingers. All of a sudden he lifted my legs up and started rimming me, driving his tongue deep in my hole. I knew he was getting me ready for his dick. He stood up and lined his cock up with my hole, never asking for permission, just expecting it. Now I had been fucked bareback before by people I had just met, but it had always been guys from Grindr or people I talked to at bars. I at least knew their names. We hadn’t even spoken as he spit into his hand and rubbed it on his cock, lining it up with my ready hole. He slowly pushed the raw head of his dick forward, splitting my hole open, and I could feel my cock getting harder. He put my feet on his shoulders and sank his cock in so his pubes were against my ass. Then he started to pull out… And thrust back in again. He started fucking me with his bare cock with purpose. This was a man on a mission to breed a stranger, and I was his lucky conquest. After a couple minutes he let my legs down and I wrapped them around him, urging him on. He leaned forward and started kissing me, our tongues dueling. A few minutes more, his raw cock thrusting in and out of me, he whispered “where do you want it?” I told him shoot in me and after another minute his thrusting slowed down and he put both hands on my chest and pressed down as he shot his load deep inside me. He bottomed out in me and I could feel his cock twitching. Then he pulled out, grabbed his towel and walked off, leaving me with the first anonymous load I ever got at a bathhouse. I got up, threw my towel over my shoulder and as I was walking out, the twink I was fucking before was laying on his back on the padded bench. He smiled at me and I got between his legs. I pushed them toward his chest and lined my bare cock up with his hole. I could see cum seeping out of his hole as I started to sink into him. I made out with him for a few minutes until I could feel my orgasm building. I asked him if I could cum in him and he said yes. As I was about to cum I could feel the load in my ass start to leak out of my ass and down my leg. That sent me over the edge and I flooded the twink with my own load. I pulled out, thanked him, and went to go shower and go home, a very satisfied boy.
    21 points
  17. They must've signaled each other, 'cause they switched places without speaking, and then I felt my ass being filled with Dan's X-tra thick cock. "Oh fuck!" I moaned, staring up into Brent's eyes. "Great, isn't it?" he smiled. "I knew you'd like his cock - God knows, I do!" We shifted on the bed, so that Brent was sitting, leaning against one of the mirrored walls. He opened the bag that Dan had brought - I couldn't quite see what he was doing (partly 'cause it was dark, and partly 'cause Dan was starting to really pound my ass). When Dan slowed down, I heard him say, "Hey babe - you sure he's okay with that?" I looked up, and Brent had a rubber strap tied around his upper left arm, and a syringe clenched in his teeth. Taking the syringe with his right hand, he looked at me and asked, "You okay if I slam?" I grinned, and said, "Fuck, yeah! Just le'me get my mouth on your cock while you do it." I waited 'til he'd cleaned his arm with an alcohol pad, and had gotten the needle in and it had registered with blood. He nodded, and I slowly took his semihard cock in my mouth. Everything stopped. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him push the plunger. He waited - then pulled out the needle - raised his arm and pulled off the rubber strap - - - and coughed - twice. I felt his body stiffen - then vibrate, as the drug ran through his veins. His cock didn't harden, but it did start to leak a lot of salty precum, which I swirled around his cock with my tongue. I instinctively moved my right hand between his legs and found his asspucker. He reacted by spreading his legs, giving me more access, and soon I had three fingers inside his pre-lubed hole. Mmmmmmmmm!- this fucker had come to pnplay!!!! As I worked my fingers in, Brent slowly slid down onto the bed, his legs spreading wider and wider. In no time, I had four fingers in his wet hole, and he was moaning like a bitch in heat! Dan caught on to what I was doing, and I felt his thick cock slide out of my hole. He grabbed the duffle that he'd brought and began looking for something. I just focused on Brent's open hole, massaging the soft, warm insides of his fuck chute. He grabbed my wrist and guided my hand, letting me know that he wanted more. I let my thumb fold into the palm of my hand, and began rotating my wrist to find just the right angle. Brent took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, he pulled my hand toward his stretched hole. The fleshy muscle relaxed, and my hand slid in! "Ohhhhhh fffuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk!" he yelled, loud enough for the neighboring rooms to hear. Just about that time, I felt a slight burning sensation in my ass. I'd almost forgotten about Dan, with my mind focused on getting into Brent's ass. I knew the familiar tingle of a booty bump, and the feeling of Dan's thick fingers stretching MY hole! Still on my hands and knees, I spread my legs a little wider, giving him plenty of room to work. Brent grabbed the bottle of J-lube and squirted a hefty glob at the intersection of his ass and my wrist - and then handed the bottle to Dan. It was clear they'd played this game many times! Dan held the bottle above my gaping hole and let a steady stream of the gooey lube flow into my tweaked ass. The lube was still warm from when I mixed it up earlier, and felt great filling up my hungry butt. Dan shifted his body into a more comfortable position on the cheap foam mattress, and then began working his hand inside, just as I had done with his boyfriend. I had lost my focus on Brent's ass, now that Dan was working on mine - but he had taken control and was writhing up and down on my wrist - clearly enjoying the effects of his slam! [Aside: In addition to copious amounts of crystal, I attribute my love for getting fucked and fisted to having a squeaky clean ass. Knowing that no cock or hand is going to come out covered in shit gives me the confidence to really relax and enjoy the experience. Once I'm clean and start to party, I don't eat or drink (except water) until I'm finished - sometimes 2-3 days! The only things that go in my hole are crystal, lube, dildos, fists, cocks and cummmmmmm] By turning to my left, I had a great view of Dan in the mirror on the wall - hot stud in leather, working his hairy paw into my hungry hole. I took a deep breath and exhaled, pushing back on his greasy hand. There was a slight feeling of pressure, as the widest part of his hand stretched my sphincter - and then he was in. "Whoa!" Dan said in surprise. "You're a fuckin' pro, man! Fuckin' sucked my hand right in." I rocked my ass side to side, acknowledging his compliment, and letting him know I was in pig heaven. "Hey, Brent," Dan said over my shoulder. "You found us a real pig!" Brent was in his own fistpig haze, with my hand massaging the warm insides of his burning hole. I rotated my wrist a half turned and pulled out slightly to test how far his assmuscle would stretch. He opened his eyes a little and gave me an evil grin, letting me know I was in sync with his 'needs.' I rotated my wrist again, relieving the pressure, and causing his eyelids to close again. I repeated the action over and over until my hand was able to almost come completely out. Brent shifted on the bed so that he could stretch one leg out and pull the other back toward his chest, giving me a better angle to work with. All the while, Dan was working on my hole, similarly stretching and getting me used to the size of his hand. When his hand finally came out, I heard him chuckle. "Fuck! How many loads you got up there, man?" he laughed. I could smell the distinct odor of warm cum fill the room, as my ass dripped the remains of my earlier play. "Not enough!" I replied, hoping that he'd add his before the night was over. Dan slid off the bed and walked over to Brent, placing his fingers in his lover's mouth. "Mmmmmmm!" Brent moaned, eagerly sucking the slimy cum and buttjuice off Dan's hand. "You'e so fuckin' nasty," Dan growled, smearing the palm of his hand all over Brent's face, marking him with the dregs of my ass. Dan stood up, but before heading back to me, he walked over and turned the door handle, just barely leaving the door ajar. Fuck - these were my type of guys - wild, chemfueled, man-to-man sex....with as many men as possible! Dan climbed back on the bed and kneeled behind me, his hand lightly slapping my asscheeks. The next thing I felt was his tongue and stubbled chin grazing on my sleazy hole. I pushed my hole open, so he could get in as deep as he wanted. "Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmmph! Mmmmph!" he grunted as his tongue dug into my cumbucket. When he needed a break, his hand would replace his tongue - and with the stimulation, drugs and earlier play.... his hand was easily inside me. "Fuckin' whore! Bet you let anybuddy stcik they're dick in there," he teased. "Ya got any preference for dick, pig?" he asked, his fingers expertly massaging my prostate. "Thick," I managed to spit out. Dan's hand slid out with a plop, and then I felt him grab my cock and balls, coating them with the slime from my ass. "That feel good, pig?" he asked, closing his thumb and index finger tightly around my cock and balls like an extra cockring. When I didn't respond, he squeezed harder and tugged downward on my junk. "Yeah," I gasped. "What's that, boy?" he tugged again. "Yes, SIR!" I barked back. "That's better, fuckpig," he said, slightly backing off on the tension. The work on my prostate, his manhandling of my cock, AND the Levitra I'd taken earlier were all having a positive effect on my partycock! "Mmmmmmmm! Now that's the kinda cock I like my boys to have," Dan purred. He pulled my hardening cock back between my legs and swallowed it in his warm mouth. I was in sensory overdrive - my ass twitching, my nipples tingling, my cock throbbing - every inch of my body was on fire....one hunky sextool! Dan continued tonguing my ass and sucking my cock until I was rockhard and needed to fuck. He leaned forward so that his mouth was next to my ear, and whispered, "I wanna see you fuck Brent. We get off watchin' each other get fucked by strangers." That kind of kinky shit is a total turn-on for me, and my cock throbbed even harder, knowing that Dan was into seein' his lover gettin' dicked by some guy they'd just met. I slowly pulled my hand out of Brent's butt, and wiped the slick lube off with a paper towel. Then I grabbed Brent's thighs and pulled him toward me, pushing his legs apart and back, so that his gaping hole was at about the same level as my cock. He just stared at me with kind of a blank, drugged look, like he wasn't sure what was about to happen. My PA bounced up and down on his slightly open pucker, and the head of my cock pulsed with blood, flaring a good 2" wide. I leaned forward, sinking into his hole in one stroke. "Ooohhh Fuuuccckk!" Brent moaned. "Fuckin' nice cock, man," he added. [One advantage I love about meth is that (when I can get hard) I can fuck for hours without cumming!] Brent's hole was nice and loose, just like I like 'em. Plenty of room to move around, and my PA doesn't pinch the head of my dick. "Gimme that big Daddy dick! Fuck, yeah! You know what my hole needs. Fuck!" Brent panted, as I corkscrewed my cock in and out. My cock looked damn hot covered in lube and buttslime as I slowly dragged it out of Brent's open manhole. The stretched, purple muscle flared out, begging for my cock to sink back in to the warm depths of his chemmed ass. As meth will often do, I got caught in my own little private fuck scene - oblivious to anything else going on around me - just my cock and Brent's hole. When I sort of snapped out of it, I saw two more guys in the room - one standing, and the other on his knees sucking his friend's cock. They were obviously turned on by our scene, and had joined in with their own action. If the chemistry's right, that's one of the many things I love about the baths - nuthin' like a few guys havin' sex next to you to make your own scene even hotter...especially when they're hot...and total strangers! I looked around for Dan, and saw he had moved to the corner furthest from the door. He had a rubber tourniquet tied around his left arm and was cleaning the crease in his elbow with an alcohol pad. Shit! He was gonna slam right in front of these two guys! I guess the guy getting the blowjob sensed my concern, 'cause he caught my eye and motioned a 'thumbs up' sign and a wink to me. I watched Dan line the rig up and slide it into the vein. He must have pushed the plunger in, 'cause the next thing I saw was him putting the orange plastic cap back on the needle. He raised his arm over his head and pulled the rubber tourniquet to release it. "Cough - - - cough," came the sounds from Dan - his body shuddered briefly while he threw his head back. Then he shook his head like he was trying to clear the cobwebs, and then drawled out, "Ffuuuccccckkkkkkkkk!" He dipped two fingers into the nearby tub of Crisco and then pumped several globs of J-lube into his palm. Soon, he was massaging the greasy, gooey mixture into his muscled crack, his pelvis writhing up and down off the black rubber sheet. I took a break from Brent's hole and turned my attention to Dan's. Fumbling around through the collection of dildos I'd brought with me, I grabbed my Ty Fox which was still slick from previously being up my ass. Dan's eyes were still dancing from the effects of the slam, but the way he spread his legs let me know he was aware of me and my intentions. I let the huge head of the big rubber dong graze his sensitive asslips, sending electrical impulses throughout his body. He inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled, I felt his ass start to give way. "Ooooohhhhhh, fuck!" Dan bellowed, completely giving in to his desire to get fucked. "Shove it in me, man! Rape my fuckin' hole!" he panted, as I kept a constant pressure on the big rubber-balled base of the dildo. It was so hot watchin' this big hunk of man flip from total top to total bottom - letting his inner pig come out to play. A satisfied grin came over his face when he felt the huge rubber balls grinding against his asscheeks, letting him know the huge dildo was firmly seated inside. "Uh-huh....yeah...uh-huh....mmmmm.....yeah...uh-huh," Dan mumbled, floating on the high from the slam, the warm lube and the pressure filling his ass. He was seriously grinding his jaws now, eyes closed, butt dancing while I worked the big rubber cock in and out of his hole. I loved watching his assmuscle cling to the dildo as it slid out - staying open until I shoved it back in - - - fucking bull twat!!! I felt some movement behind me, and saw that Brent had flipped over on his back and was shinnying between my legs. His warm mouth found my dangling cock, and he proceeded to gobble it up like the hungry cockwhore he'd become. The two spectators had disappeared, probably to check for other hot action - or maybe to go parTy in private. Dan was starting to show a little more awareness of what was going on, and he was digging through the pile of dildos with his right hand. He grabbed Kris Lord and held it up, gauging its size against his hunger. [Kris Lord doesn't appear any larger than Ty Fox, but its shape makes it noticeably wider, thus providing more stretch if inserted straight on. Sometimes, I'll start out with it sideways, and then rotate it to get my ass used to the width - - - or if I'm really spun, I shove it in straight for maximum impacT!!!] I let go of my hold on Ty Fox, and grabbed the new dildo from Dan. Scooped two fingers full of Crisco from the tub, pumped four gobs of j-lube into my hand and started slathering the veiny rubber shaft with the nasty concoction. By the time I was ready, Dan's hole had ejected Ty Fox, and his purplish rosebud was pulsating, begging to be filled. From experience, I knew exactly how he was feeling, so positioned the wide, meaty head against his bud and pushed. There was a slight resistance, and then the muscle gave way. The huge cock barreled its way deep into his gut, while he roared in pleasure. "Uuunnnngggghhhhhhh!" he growled. "That's it, fucker! Fuck me! Use my fuckin' hole!"
    21 points
  18. Early this morning, I'm on Grindr and I'm smoking and the more I smoke, the more uninhibited I become. I then saw a guy with a hot body and a screen name with devil in it. He hits me up, "you bottom?" I replied, "Sure." Address? 16 minutes later he's at my door, I have it dark. He walks in takes me to the bed pushes my head toward the center of the bed while positioning my legs and ass where he wants me. In the mirror I see this 5'7" chiseled stud with a red beard and a beautifull huge fat cock and above it his cock below the band line is a bio tat. I took the can of Maximum Impact and sprayed it into a sock and inhaled deeply. As I felt the world exlpoding around me he was fucking me so intently he began to explode inside me! I reached back and with both hands, I pulled his body as close to me as possible and he pushed his poz cock as far up inside me as possible and he moaned. It was so fucking awesome.
    21 points
  19. The summer of 2012 was the big eye opener for me as I was able to stay the summer in NYC with James. I did not go crazy working as an escort as I posted an add on Rentboy just a few times. Only a few times did I bottom as Topping is where the money is. I did have clients who became regulars as they were very nice and treated me really well. That summer James took me to some clubs that were real hit or miss with a lot of people, but we did meet some who we started to become friends with. As the end of summer was coming we were invited up to this nudist camp ground for males only up state NY. for the Labor Day weekend. From the time I arrived it was like fantasy land with really hot guys running around naked. Doing all type of things from just fucking to me seeing for the first time a guy getting fisted suspended by rope from a tree, I was hooked. Also some playing with whips being lead around by a leash as it was my introduction into Gay Male Leather scene. When we came home we found out more about S&M as we found some clients were into S&M as its fun. At this time I only played safe as I was scared to death of catching somethings. At the LGBT center on 13th st. They Would preach to you it's safe sex only and would hand out condoms by the hand full. When school started I would only see clients who I like and trusted to help me with my living expensive so I could go out more to the clubs. I was underage so to get into any of the Gay bars was not easy, but James was able to get me into the Eagle bar on 28th st. where a lot of the Gay Leather men hang out on Fridays , Saturday's or Sunday afternoon. As we both wanted to learn more we heard about the Tes group where they have classes on BDSM the only thing its pan sexual group. Then we heard that Gill Kessler Tes that he has classes for Males only its 6-10 Sunday at his home with maybe 12 showing up and all he ask was $30 for everything. Gill is well respected and very good teacher, we got a basic in rope , how to use a flogger, cane , Saran Wrap , E-Stim and other things. As Gill would say, is why do you put someone in rope? It's to fuck them so we both wanted to learn more about rope so we went to some of Erin Houdini classes in Brooklyn. Erin is trans and the classes that are of mix group of people but we were there to learn rope and we did learn a lot. We learn it's not about the rope but how you put the rope on and take it off as it can be sensual or brutal. In January of 2013 James is given 2 tickets to the NYC Black Party by one of his clients who we are going as his escort, as I have no idea what kind of a party it is but we get a gift card from him of what to get and where to get it from. We head over to the Leatherman on Christopher Street not far from our home. We tell them what we want and are taken down this small spiral staircase. There we are fitted for a chest harness leather pants and other things. As I'm being fitted I'm being eye balled by others in the store and the one fitting me is doing a fine job of grouping me as he ask me to get down to my underwear and I like the feel of leather on my skin as I put on a show as I bend over for thous in the store. The one who is fitting me is real friendly and says you are one big tease. What can I say about the Black Party it's 24 hours of dancing people fucking and sucking in the side areas and one big blast. After a few hours a friend ask if I was tired and I said yes as he pulled me real close to him and kiss me and passed somethings to my mouth and said this will get you back up and it did, I later found he had given my first hit of E and he gave more later. James and I walk this client around the Black Party like he was out slave and let him over to one of the side room and set him up to be gang bang, guys came from all over and for the first time I saw BB being done to him. I was a little shock as at that time it was safe sex only. James has body piercings since I met him and I really like them so for Christmas 2013 he took me over to the tattoo & body piercings place on Broadway north of Canal St. I was getting my right ear, both nipples and the Prince Albert. The ear was first and nothing then the PA and that I was scared shit of. The pain was not as bad as I thought as the Piercer Brian was very good , then the nipples as I though the PA would hurt the most but I was very WRONG getting the nips pierced was PAINFUL. When I went to pee the first time it was bloody and hurt but the second time was easy. I will not be fucking anyone for weeks till the PA healed, that’s OK as I like getting fuck better. I'm really doing well in school and I was given an internship that's to die for, I have a loving BF who has given me so much as being Gay here is so normal and so much fun. 2014 June we hear of PrEP and that it can protect you from becoming HIV infected if you take it as you should. So condoms are no longer needed as James and I have fucking each other raw for over a year now and I love the feeling of fucking or getting fuck raw and the cum that comes with it. Everyone else it's always with a condom. We find out in August we can get on it and we both follow the rules about taking it by the book. The first time I tell someone who we know is POZ to fuck me raw he says are you chasing and I say no as we are on PrEP, he never heard of it. He fuck my brains out and so did a few others and I love the feeling of my hole full of cum leaking out. 2014 way my first time going to MAL in DC & IML in Chicago. We had develop a group of friends who we started to play with and at MAL in January I wanted to see if I could take a fist. They set me up with the very old guy who at first I was turned off by but once he started working on my hole my opinion change fast, he was so gentle with me and a few hours his hand was in me and he work me good.I've I never had cum so much before as he work his hand in me . Since then when we can meet up I'm will to be his hand puppet any time as I've become a slut for his fist and anyone who is good at it. I learned I can be a real tease but there are pay back if you do it to the wrong people and thous pay backs can be very painful. In 2014 we started playing with GHB , Tina as well E and popper. At first I smoke Tina but I did not like it till I inject it and my first booty bump I was then I was hook for it. After we were confident that PrEP would keep us safe we both went nuts for raw dick and parTying. 2015 was a real blur as most weekends we were parTing and being real sluts with taking any dick in front of us. The group from up state that we know from the nudist camp has a place we call the barn. It a large farm for NY and they set up the barn as a dungeon. We would meet a few others and car pool up and once in the car the party would start by giving me some G or T at first it was a very small dose till they saw the effect it would have on me. At the barn it was like heaven or hell at times and going through the hell was worth it for the heaven. At first we would be there for 2 days then it would be 4 then a week. The summer of 2015 we spent a month up there and I would lose track of time. Spend a day in a sling all slammed up with dicks dumping loads in with someone fisting at times and it was never enough for me. Thanksgiving week we went up to the barn, there were some new members but we did not care as the G has done its job and being slammed the fun was just beginning. When we got home I was really sore as my hole took a heave pounding. I was going up to the barn for Christmas break but I had to get some work done for school and I was not feel great. Right after NYE I caught a very bad cold as my BF had one but his passed in a few days, but mine lasted for over 2 weeks. I was running a 101-102 fever and my body was hurting all over, I was scared until I started feeling better but something was not right. On 1/20/16 I went to the Doctor to get my regular test but somehow I was called back and the test on 1/28/16 now said I was HIV POZ with a VL of 700,000. 3/02/16 My VL numbers have not drop that much , but my BF numbers have drop. They might have to change my meds or maybe I’m one of thous where nothing works, time will tell.
    21 points
  20. Most of those who’ve read my real life “enhanced” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole set and returned it with one book missing. He found the misplaced notebook just this month while doing a closet overhaul to relieve Corvid Cabin Fever. I will post it as I finish typing and editing, in several parts. P’TOWN PARTYING Part 1 I've always been a huge fan of Provincetown ever since my parents (knowingly!!) sent me there for two full weeks as a 19 year old back in 1982 (to the Pilgrim House, no less, which might as well have been an upscale bathhouse at the time – that part I actually DON’T think they were aware of!). So, why am I such a huge fan? Less attitude than Fire Island and lots of sex. My husband and I even spent five full months a year up there for six years in a row (May - October) and during that time I was one of the models for the 1992 "Joy of Gay Sex", and I wrote a few articles about how to cruise the dunes and the "dick dock" for Scott O'Hara's magazine "Steam". Well, that was the 90s... More recently, we don't get to spend too much time up there, but up until a few years ago there was always a time in August when my other half had to attend a Thursday through Sunday business conference near Boston, so our usual M.O. was to have us drive from NY to the conference center on Wednesday night, staying with my other half at the hotel overnight, and then when he left for his morning session on Thursday have me head to P'Town and check in by early afternoon - he'd take the ferry over after the conference on Sunday evening and we'd stay till the following weekend. This schedule gave me three nights and four days of playing around with his blessing - amazingly he's VERY vanilla despite our 30 years together, and he'd rather I did my major partying and kinkier playing when he's working or away... perfect for both of us. Though I have always been lucky enough to have a lot of really hot play sessions, they are seldom LONG as generally I have to work the next day and my other half prefers that I not stay out all night even if I get home at 5AM. So, this annual “free weekend” arrangement allowed a nice really long extended session for me. One year in particular was probably the best long session I've ever had. It’s certainly got the most entries on one weekend that I ever added to what I call my “sex diary” (if you ever wondered why I remember so many details of my experience, it helps that I write them down right after they’ve happened in a notebook I keep for my old age! I started them way back when I was a teenager). I had been chatting with a guy on-line that I'd been “e-introduced” to by mutual fuck buds. He lived year-round in P'Town, but he had not moved there as yet in the 90s when my hub and I were doing our 5 months a year there. This new bud and I had agreed I would meet him at his house at 3:30 that Thursday afternoon when I arrived in town. He was versatile also and we further agreed to make sure we were both totally cleaned out and popped a blue pill before meeting so we could get right down to chem sex... THURSDAY ARRIVAL AND PREGAME SHOW There was - unbelievably - no traffic that day, and I was checked just after 12 noon – I was lucky my room was actually ready, I was so early! I called my hubby’s hotel and left a message for him that I’d arrived safely. Anyone remember "The Ranch" in the center of town? Half guest house, half bath house - billed itself as a bunk house and was the leather men's place to stay - the second and third floor hallways were the same as any bathhouse and any time day or night you might happen on someone with the door open looking for some action. I had taken my Vitamin V and was all cleaned up and out, back from the communal showers and in my room with the door cracked puffing a little on the glass cock. A guy peeks around the door and asks to borrow some lube - he was actually someone who'd been at the Ranch the same time the last two years, so we'd played around some in prior vacations; he'd seen me coming out of the shower and knew I usually had good lube with me. Like me he was a well-toned blond, though not as hairy in the body as me (and yeah, about 20 years younger!) He looked at the pipe and said "I didn't know you partied! I've always wanted to but my boyfriend won't let me." I told him he didn't know that I partied because generally he was always here during the time when my partner was - and my husband doesn't do it and prefers I pnp when playing by myself. I told this Boston Fratboy to close the door over and come sit down. I asked if his boyfriend were waiting for him and he said he had a couple of minutes while his boyfriend futzed with the porn, but would I like to join them? I said I had a major hookup to go to at 3:30 though I'd come play for a few minutes, but first I was going to give him a taste of partying. I took a huge hit and shot-gunned him, which he said he'd done enough times with the green stuff back in college. He was amazed how smooth it was - I shot-gunned him a few more times, then he took a few big hits of his own - we put down the pipe for a minute or two of mutual ass rimming, then took a few more hits. He gave me a huge tongue kiss and headed back to his room to let his BF know I was going to play with them for a few minutes. I packed my bag for my upcoming long session, and then wandered down the hall in just my jock to the room those guys were in - which was one of the rooms with a sling set up. The BF was a white cub type in the sling, blindfolded, with a bottle of poppers he was huffing. I said "hey, don't get up" and he remembered me from past years and thanked me for coming down, hoping I could join them for a longer period later in the weekend. Fratboy got up from where he was rimming his BF and slid his condom-covered cock into the guy (I'd forgotten they played "safe", ugh). The blindfolded BF was sucking my cock with his head turned to the side, and Fratboy silently mouthed to me "fuck my ass... bare". I tell Bearcub I'm going to go rim Fratboy (which I did for a minute), then lubed him with my lube and slid in - easily! I remembered that the kid was mostly top, like me, and always had a hard time getting fucked. Well not after Miss T made his acquaintance! He was moaning like crazy but careful to say "yeah, rim my fucking ass" rather than what he really wanted to say. I fucked for a few minutes then pulled out, indicating my wrist for "time". I gave his BF a few minutes of oral on his short thick hairy tool, thanked them for the quickie and headed back to my room to get ready to leave. I took a piss, washed my dick, and went back to my room. Fratboy slipped in my door as I was putting on my shorts and sneakers. I raised my eyebrows and he whispered "he's got a vibrating plug up his hole, and I told him I had to piss. I was hoping I could get a couple of more hits from you before you go - and maybe later when he's asleep I could join you guys?" I smiled and shook my head affirmatively - another convert to chemsex! I lit up the pipe while he programmed his number into my cell and we shot-gunned back and forth... He said getting fucked had never been that easy and that he hoped my host friend would let him join the scene later. I told him I would definitely check with my buddy, and he should be ready and cleaned-out for the leather party, “and make sure your fingernails are clipped and filed down…” I also informed him it was an all-bareback party and guys who were poz – including me - would definitely be there and expecting to breed. He said he had no problem with that, so after one last puff he slipped out my door. Cooling and stowing my pipe, I waited for him to get back into his room before I closed my door behind me and locked it. THURSDAY AFTERNOON – LET THE GAMES BEGIN The guy I was meeting was named Jimmy and lived about a 5-minute walk away - ironically only two buildings away from the offices of the summer publication I used to write for! As I turned off Commercial Street, I saw him sitting on his covered front porch that was lifted above street level by about 10 stairs. He was hot - a really tanned white guy with longish blond-white hair and a handsome mischievous face with a bit of a five o'clock shadow. He didn't stand as I approached the porch but smiled and waved one hand - his profile had said he was 5'5" so I knew he wasn't at all what you'd call tall, but that doesn't concern me - hot is hot. I opened the gate he indicated and climbed the stairs to the front porch. There was a solid door at the top and rather than an open railing the porch had a solid wall up to waist height - when I opened the door I saw why he hadn't stood up. He was naked from the waist down other than his socks and his huge dick was hard and bobbing and dripping as he stroked it. I knew his profile and our mutual acquaintances had said he was hung, but sheeee-it this was one of the biggest cocks I'd played with and in the top ten for any white guy I’d encountered. At that moment I was a bit abashed - thank god for the few German genes mixed with my Irish... my cock is completely average in length, though thank god thicker than usual - still, this humongous piece on this obviously short guy had me jealous for a minute! Next to him there was a bong and what looked like a lit Bunsen burner, a can of maximum impact, some lube and a little black case. "Right on time, man, I like that..." he said. "Put your bag there, then sit down, then slide your shorts down so nobody walking by sees we're not wearing much here." I sat and he indicated the burner and bong cautioning me to keep it low below the level of the solid railing. Leaning to my left, I held the bong over the blue jet and with my left hand and watched the clouds start swirling within. I took a huge hit, and he told me "don't move!" as I felt him wrap a band around and then swab my right arm. With amazing ease, I felt the pin prick and warmth spreading from it, then he pulled away counting down from “10”. I exhaled the smoke I'd been holding, and at “1” he pulled the band and I coughed four times. Whoa... this guy knew his business... had to be the best point ever, and the easiest. If I thought I was horny before... jeez, I was an animal now. He stayed on his knees and began sucking licking and mouthing my cock while around it he said low enough that no one walking by could hear - "I pointed as soon as you turned the corner and I recognized you from your picture, and I had to get my mouth full of cock for a minute it got me so horny.” I was going wild and wanted some cock myself - we waited until there was no one passing by and he slid back into his seat, while I melted out of mine and between his legs. I was face to cock with that monster of his and started sucking and drooling all over it and his hot hairy balls. I lifted his legs a bit and got my tongue in his hot little hole while I felt his boy-butter covered fingers sliding into and lubing up my hole. I heard him spraying maximum impact into a cloth and he handed the cloth to me as he leaned down and whispered, “Stay on all fours but turn around and start impaling your hole on this cock... when you get in, sit up so it just looks like you are sitting on my lap.” Sucking the sprayed cloth, I turned around on hands and knees and backed my now very hungry hole up to that massive tool. It slid in amazing easily, showing how well the chems were doing their job. In a word it felt AMAZING, and unlike my usual M.O., I required no time to adjust. I got one leg under me while he held my hips and in a few more seconds I was sitting in his lap with that entire rod buried up inside my hairy blond butt. With our tank tops on and innocent smiles on our faces, we looked like a sweet gay couple just enjoying the afternoon, instead of two chem pigs, fucking in all-but-broad-daylight. I worked my butt muscles on his rod and he moaned, while I just rolled my eyes reveling in how damn good his huge cock felt in me. He leaned down to the burner and subtly got a hit from the bong. Leaning back and turning my head, we kissed and he shot-gunned his hit. The smoke wound up back in his mouth, and picking up a very fake cigarette he very obviously held it to his lips a second before breathing out our cloud of T. Then from below the porch there was a bang of a door which should have shocked me but didn't. A voice called up from below "I'm finished Mr. J... have a good weekend!" I looked down to the street to see the retreating back of a woman carrying some cleaning supplies in one hand and tossing a wave over her shoulder with the other. "What the fuck was that?" I asked with an obvious laugh, and he replied "my cleaning lady was running late today and I didn't want to wait to start our session, so that's why we've been fucking around out here on the porch." I just sat there for a second, still impaled on his huge piece and then starting laughing my head off. He said, “Let’s pull up our shorts and get inside and get the real fun started.” He turned off the burner, and put all his supplies in a wicker picnic basket as I pulled my shorts back on and got my bag. He opened the door and we crossed into the upper floor of the house quickly passing through what I think was the living room with a VERY extensive art collection. There also appeared to be a kitchen, small bedroom, and a bathroom on that level, but he hustled me quickly down a staircase. There was a small office at the bottom (with the door to the outside his cleaning lady had just used) and a locked door on the other side of the landing. Through the door was a huge room that was all play space - one of the best I'd ever seen. There was a sling, a rimseat, a weight bench, saint andrews cross, two mattresses and a couple of those wedge things covered in leather. The walls alternated between Vid Screens, mirrors and black pegboard with all sorts of toys and B&D equipment hanging or in metal cubes... there was a large bathroom that was mostly open to the space that looked more like a locker room bathroom than a home installation. Finally, on what would be the rear wall of the house, there was some kind of small alcove curtained off with black cloth. I smiled at him, nodding and saying "Nice... damn nice" then indicating the street and the office door over my shoulder I trailed off with "but... um". He laughed and said, "No man, the cleaning lady doesn't clean THIS room - only me." He hit a couple of switches and the screens lit - three screens of porn and one that was obviously a cam, split screened with us in the room on one side, and the logo for some cam site on the other. We stripped down completely this time and he opened the cam site pulling a few guys feeds onto the one screen while a small image of us remained for us to see ourselves. I took a good look at him (finally) as he got the bong ready for some hits. He WAS short, 5'5" might have been an exaggeration, but he was ripped and wiry with that huge cock and a sweet little butt - and covered with swirls of blond hair all over his chest, legs, arms, shoulders, ass and cock. We shared some huge hits as more guys "pinged" on the screen to watch us, and then he lay back in the sling and said "blow that chem-smoke up my fucking mancunt". Okay, so you don't have to ask me twice. Really, I catch on to these things rather well... All kidding aside, I got down on the pad under the sling, took a huge rip and sinking my lips onto that freakin’ gorgeous hole, pried him open with my tongue and breathed the cloud into that hole to the best of my practiced abilities. I totally LOVE rimming a man's hole and as usual it made my already hard dick ready to split open. "You've felt mine man, let me feel yours - give the viewers a show here". I stood up and sank my cock right into that fucking hot hole and proceeded to give him a major good pounding. I used the sling to its best advantage, at times pulling him to me, at other times hanging from the bars and rabbit fucking him, even pulling my legs up into the sling so he could suck my toes while I continued hanging from the bars and using my arms and the inertia from the movement to continue to pound into him. We had an awesome ride, until after a while his phone beeped. He asked me to hand him the phone, which I did, and he said "Good! He's right on time" (This guy definitely had something about punctuality - I never did find out what, but that sort of thing went on all weekend). "Who…?" I asked. He smirked, "My 'grocer' is here with a delivery for the weekend, we don't want to run out of Miss Tina, do we?" Vehemently shaking my head "NO", he smiled and said “I'll go let him in". And got up naked and hard and went across the hall. I sat on the weight bench watching the porn and the cam-guys for a minute then heard voices. Now, I'm a native New Yorker, and the fact is that I like hot guys of all races and nationalities - and I can indulge my desire for variety in New York very easily. Provincetown on the other hand, being a Massachusetts seashore resort, is another issue. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a white guy myself and it’s not like I don’t enjoy playing with other white guys, I just enjoy a varied diet when possible. Provincetown has gotten a bit more diverse over the years since I started going there, but is still pretty much white Bostonians and New Yorkers (which do have the Italian and Irish flavors) mixed in with the Quebecois from Montreal, and suburban gay New Englanders and East Coasters. So I was pleasantly surprised when a tall black man came through the door (seeming even taller in juxtaposition with my buddy) with a guy trailing him who looked like he was from one of the local Portuguese fishermen families. Lou, my buddy's 'candy-man' was a tall wiry black man with hair done back in tight cornrows and a tat coming up his neck. The guy with him - who went by the nickname "Vice" - was a stocky olive skinned guy with a huge chest, shoulders and biceps only a straight boy should have, as they were way out of proportion with the rest of him. Turns out I was right in that opinion. Jimmy introduced Lou - who in turn intro'd Vice to both of us. Lou said he hoped I didn't mind the company but he always came to Jimmy's place first on his delivery rounds so he could have a couple of hours to "chill" and get his rocks off before the busy evening delivery period in this gay mecca. He said Vice was one of his best bros, and Vice's "bitch girlfriend" was away taking summer courses and Vice wanted to get high and get his rocks off. Seems he'd never had head or anything from a "cocksucker" before, but when he found out that Lou got down with it and didn't have a problem, he figured he'd tag along and see if he could give it a shot. Okay, cool with me. Soaring as I was, I was up for pretty much anything, and frankly I love groups. Lou loaded up a big ole bong of his own from his bag, filled the base with something and then started pulling his clothes off - "come on, bro" he said to the hesitating Vice, who then proceeded to pull off his team logo shorts and wife beater. Lou was seriously defined with like 2% body fat, wiry with a nice sized piece (not as big as Jimmy's) and Vice was a fireplug of muscle with a bit of a beer gut for one so young, and an uncut piece that hung down over his balls nicely. He seemed like a satyr - really hairy from the waist down and almost no body hair from there up. Lou was a bit plumped already, but Vice was obviously a little intimidated and totally flaccid. Jimmy surreptitiously switched ONE of the porn vids to one that was bi with women in it along with the studs (sound down, thank god) and Lou fired up the magic cauldron and passed it around. As we breathed out our hits, Lou said to me "oh shit man, I forgot to ask - are you one of them ‘just tops’?" I smiled and said "no, I'm versatile - I like as much variety as I can get: sucking and getting sucked; fucking and getting fucked; rimming and getting rimmed... you get the picture." "Yeah, I'm down with that... so why don't you give this big black dealer dick a taste then man." I dropped to my knees and took that dick in one fell swoop. Vice muttered "Holy Shit" under his breath and Lou stopped and gave him the bong and said - why don't you sit down on the mattress there and take some hits and watch the scene so you can get used to it and get into it..." Then Jimmy said, "Are both you guys showered?" They both nodded. "Then watch this, Vice," he said as he pulled Lou and I toward the rimseat. He said to Lou, "we're both at your service... my New York bud here loves to fuckin’ toss salad till the cows come home." I got down on the matting and pulled myself under the rimseat while Jimmy pushed the leather pillow behind my neck. Lou took the glass cock back from Vice for a minute and gave me a huge shotgun, then returned the bong to Vice while Jimmy sprayed Maximum Impact into the bandanna, stuffed it into my mouth and against my nose and I inhaled deeply. Then Lou slowly sank his hot freakin’ butt over my face, settling himself into the rimseat while my brain exploded, and I went at his hole with my tongue like a madman. My rock-hard cock was swaying in the breeze for only a moment then I felt Jimmy's tight butt sinking down on me. "Yeah boy, fuck yourself on that cracker dick while you worship my big black cock boy". Sure enough, the sounds of dick being very eagerly sucked came from above my head. "Holy fuckin' shit... that’s fuckin crazy dude" was Vice's muttered comment. I heard the bubbling of the waterpipe as he took more and more hits. "shit, man... holy shit" he kept muttering in between. I was in fucking pig heaven, the only thing that could have made it better would have been a cock in my ass, which I was hoping wouldn't be too far off. After a while, Lou said to Vice... come over here man, and let these cocksuckers service you a bit too. Lou stood up, telling Jimmy to stay where he was... he took a huge rip from the pipe and knelt to shotgun it to me. Before he did I whispered "fuck my ass once I'm rimming him and Jimmy's sucking him". He nodded and passed me the hit. Then another whiff of the aroma filled bandanna and Vice was standing over me with his big hairy butt and yeah, I could smell from his legs he'd just showered (my one turn off is scat - too sensitive a nose). I heard Jimmy taking a hit, then Vice took another one and Lou pressed the newly sprayed bandanna to Vice's face and told him to breathe long and deep. While he did, Lou got one of the wedges and with Jimmy still sitting in my lap with my dick in his ass, Lou pushed the wedge under us. Lou then commanded Vice to sit down, and that straight hairy hole lowered itself to my waiting face. It was a work of art really, just a beautiful manhole. And as my tongue started its dance I found out he tasted REALLY good. And boy did he start to moan, especially when Jimmy started deep-throating him. Then finally I felt Lou’s hand around my butt and his finger pushed something small and sharp into me, and I realized he had booty bumped me. He muttered, "Fuck yeah man, enjoy the tweak..." and amazingly the next thing I felt was his goddamn tongue! Vice blurts out "Holy Fuck bro!" watching his friend munch another guys butt. I moaned as Lou rimmed me and the crystal started melting inside me. He pulled his tongue out, got up and sank his big dick right into my hole, sighing the whole way. Goddamn he felt good and I went even crazier on Vice's straight boy hole. "Oh shit, man, oh shit... this is so wrong... but wickie hot" (which he pronounced "hawt"). Lou threw me an awesome fuck, and I heard the bubbling as Vice took more and more hits off the water pipe, interspersed with him repeating "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck". "Yo man you ready to try some of this tight hole?" I heard Lou asking Vice. "Fuck yeah man!" was the response although when Vice stood he seemed a bit reluctant to take his hole away from my probing tongue. Lou came to stand over my head, while Vice got between my legs. As he was about to shove right in Lou stops him and says "Yo bro, a little courtesy here? You gotta’ wet down that mancunt before you fuck it..." Vice seemed ready to balk, but Lou said "Fuck dude, you watched me do it... bro you lick pussy and this is actually better. Just do it man..." He sprayed up the bandanna and shoved it in to Vice's face telling him to pull deep, he held it for a long time and Vice just whispered "aw that wickie hot..." again. Lou gave me the cloth and I breathed deep and then that tight black ass was heading my way again. Jimmy is still bouncing on my cock and says, "yeah man let me eat that big licorice stick...". Vice's tentative first licks started becoming downright enthusiastic and he and I both moaned as he did so. After a minute he pulled his face away and then that uncut linguica of his started into my willing hole. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" was pretty much the only sound Vice could make as he started to slowly fuck, then really pound my hole. I forgot how "enthusiastic" the young could be! I think Lou, Jimmy and I knew Vice could not hold that pace for long, so Lou said to Jimmy, “slide off your buds cracker dick and sit down on this dealer cock – you can face away and suck your juices off his dick…” which, indeed Jimmy prepared to do. I missed being in that hot hole, but I was glad he was going to enjoy another cock other than mine, as I kind of felt like I unintentionally wound up monopolizing the scene and it was HIS scene after all! As Jimmy got himself positioned, Lou basically commanded Vice to jerk my cock while he fucked me and Jimmy got into place. I felt Vice tentatively wrap his hand around my tool and start to pull on me, gaining more confidence as he went on… Jimmy impaled his pighole on Lou and started riding like he’d joined the rodeo. Soon enough, Vice was bellowing and blowing a load up my hole, and Lou more quietly did the same for Jimmy, who never did get around to blowing me at that point. After a lot of heavy breathing, Lou said they had deliveries to make and they’d best be finishing up with us “for now” – which I found encouraging! We were all standing and shaking out our muscles and Vice asked if there was somewhere he could clean up a bit and piss, so Jimmy led him off to the bath. Lou just looked at me and smiled, put his finger to his lips in a “shush” motion, went to his jeans and handed me a small envelope. “That’s for a seriously good time man, on the house,” he whispered “I’ve been wanting to get that Portuguese homeboi into some more serious shit for a while and you guys just got him off to an excellent start… thanks. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around this weekend…” I thanked him and stuffed the envelope into a compartment in my bag, then used some wet ones to clean off a bit as Jimmy and Vice returned. “We need to do some business,” Jimmy said drawing Lou toward the door. “We’ll be in the office, you two chat amongst yourselves, or whatever else you choose to do…” Lou indicated the water pipe on the way out, so I picked it up and fired up the torch as Vice said, “Fuck that was freaky man – never had a BJ like that, never had a cunt as tight as your ass, and fuck – what your tongue was doing to my ass… wickie cool.” “Yeah,” I said, as I filled the torch with butane “sex on this can be pretty awesome – and with a dude too, cause there’s no expectation or bullshit like marriage or getting knocked up.” “You got that dude,” he said as I fired up the pipe and took a huge hit – I indicated my mouth and his to see if he wanted a shot gun hit, he looked a bit weirded-out, looked around and then leaned in. I fed him the smoke and we actually had a bit of a tongue duel as his prior inhibitions continued to ebb away from him. “So did you enjoy yourself today Vice?” I asked. “Yeah,” he replied, “freaky but wickie hot.” I handed him the glassware and the flame and he took the biggest rip I’d seen him do yet, put them down, and then grabbed my ass with both hands, and with a smirk pulled me in for a shotgun. Pleasantly surprised with his sudden aggressiveness, I put my arms around his neck and shoulders and wrapped one leg around his waist letting his now re-hardening cock to slide below my balls, through my crack and against my hole. “Lou was pretty certain he was coming back for more sometime later,” I said. “I sure hope you’re still cool with this and up for coming back too, I’d like to give you some more of what I gave you earlier…” “Yeah man? You really like gettin’ fucked a lot, don’tcha?” I looked at him for a second and said, “Yep. But don’t get me wrong dude, I like to fuck as much or even MORE than I like to get fucked. Shit, if you weren’t straight, I’d be all up in that freakin’ gorgeous ass of yours, but don’t worry, I respect limits…” He looked shocked for a second and then laughed. “Seriously, Vice, for me that’s one of the most awesome things about mansex – I get to try ALL the positions, from both directions. I did my share of pussy when I was younger, but for ME, it’s just not as exciting, and you sure can’t switch roles so to speak!” He chuckled again, shook his head and said “Man, I gotta’ give it up to you. You’re cool, very cool… yeah, I’ll prob’ly be back later with Lou and tap that ass again…” I dropped to one knee, took a quick suck on his rod and said “I look forward to it…” before I took his pole most of the way in and began a slow goodbye suck. He rifled my hair a bit, moaned a little, and then a minute or two later asked “You really think I have a nice looking ass?” Bingo! Licking around his head I answered, “oh yeah dude, SERIOUSLY nice…”. He started to get dressed then, as we heard Jimmy and Lou coming back from their “business” in the office. Before they left, Lou said that Jimmy told him I was staying at The Ranch and asked if I could invite him into the place before Saturday – seems the management didn’t want him just coming like the ice cream man to sell, which would be too obvious, BUT if he were invited in by a guest to play, and then just happened to meet some people whom he could help out, that would be okay. “Sure,” I told Lou and Vice, “I’ll likely be back there for a break tomorrow afternoon and early evening… if I’m not here, I’m there – room 21.” I also gave both of them my cell number. As he was about to leave, Lou turned and said “I suppose you two will be working the holes later?” and Jimmy replied in the affirmative. “Holes?” I asked when they’d gone. For an answer, Jimmy pulled aside the black curtain around the small alcove… “I have my own private Glory Holes,” Jimmy told me. What looked like a former coal chute or maybe a woodshed attached to the back of the house had been converted to Jimmy’s own private oral paradise. Seems he had a system of lights on the side of his house. If there was a green light shining instead of white, the hole was open… TWO green lights meant two holes were open. How this news got around to locals, I’m not quite sure, although the winters are REALLY long, grey and boring up there, so I guess anything like that would get around… I was intrigued by the whole concept to say the least.
    20 points
  21. ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE – Unsuspected Pnp’ers Who knew they partied? A recent series of posts on Breeding Zone, discussing whether or not your friends are aware of your partying activities got me thinking about the times I discovered someone I knew and would never have expected indulged, was instead well-acquainted with enhanced sex. For 16 years, I've managed to keep my party life from interfering with my two careers or other "normal world" day-to-day activities. Some periods I attend pnp parties once or twice a week, some periods a few times a month, sometimes only once a month. In answer to your question, CERTAIN friends know I party (certainly my husband knows I do, though he does not - our open sexual relationship for the past 27+ years and our opposite work schedules mean I do so only during those times he is working which he is cool with). Only one of my straight friends knows I party, and select gay/bi friends. Usually those are friends I've either met "in the scene" who have crossed over into being actual real-world friends that one could rely on, rather than just pnp-buds (who are fine too, so long as one realizes the limitations and true parameters of that kind of interaction). However, every once in a while I'm surprised to discover someone I never expected is a partier, and I always get a kick out of hooking up in a situation like that. When my husband and I lived in Hell’s Kitchen in the 90s, directly across the air-shaft that sank through the center of our apartment building lived two guys who like us were musical theater performers – these guys were both hot and ripped African-American dancers (my hubby and I are Anglo – and like them I had a muscled dancer bod). It got to the point where we would all do 3 ways and 4 ways together… the catch being that either one or both of them would come to our place, or I would go to theirs by climbing across the airshaft 4 stories up! (My hubby, an opera singer, could not do the same). To be fair, the ventilation shaft was shaped like a hexagon <=> and we crawled across where in the angle where the two windows met. Like us, one of them was really kinky and the other pretty vanilla so no enhancements were ever included. They eventually moved out to LA to do music videos. Then, a few years later, after I had started to pnp a bit more, I bumped into Craig, the kinky one, at a buddy’s afternoon chemparty and finally got to play with him in a supercharged way – we did so several times during the time he was back in New York for a show – it was great to finally fuck that beautiful hot ass bareback and get fucked by his fat black cock the same way, along with some major hole play between us. There was a hot but conservative couple I knew that for years were very vocally anti-party - we'd played together, but it took longer for me to get to their place then the un-enhanced sex would actually take, and so I didn't go out often. Then one day out of the blue they had a total switch and my numerous sessions with them since have been very hoT - I've written about them in my true experiences blog on this site. The same for an actor/director I knew only professionally - we'd starred in two productions together and he'd directed me in a third... what a Christmas Present it was when this guy - a married guy with kids who had a TV series in the 80s and is in a ton of movies we've all seen - got me alone at a rehearsal for "A Christmas Carol" and told me he was bisexual and a 'mutual friend' had assured him that I could mentor him in the T-fueled gay sex scene which I gladly said I would... this was made even more ironic in that I was playing Bob Crachit and he was playing Ebenezer Scrooge at the time. Imagine if you will seeing Crachit and Scrooge naked, blowing clouds and booty bumping, with Crachit topping and breeding a leather restrained Scrooge and giving him chem piss... yeah we played that up in our first sex session (even used the British accents...). One of our other first sessions took place in his house one evening, in his office/library room while his soon-to-be ex-wife was out – we swapped pipe hits while fucking on his desk and blowing clouds on the family pics on his desk. When they separated, he took an apartment in Upper Manhattan and we pnp’d there frequently. Another surprise was recent and very, very welcome. During the '90s when I lived in Hell's Kitchen, there were a number of regularly scheduled sex parties in NYC. There was one I attended very frequently where the guys running it would not charge me the entrance fee if I would come early and get the sex started (having no inhibitions). One of the event runners, Bill, was one of the hottest guys I'd ever had sex with and we'd frequently save our last encounter of the night for each other when we'd flip-fuck, both of us having spent the rest of evening topping others. While I would do some bottoming on some nights, he never did at all, except for me and one other guy and only at the end of the party, because the other guys in management didn't want his big cock and butch leather reputation to be sullied among the other customers/guests - apparently, they felt, correctly it seems, that the possibility of being fucked by him brought lots of guys back week after week. Bill and I also very naughtily broke the “always use a condom” pledge that was part of the event rules somewhat frequently… however, it was usually so late that there’d be no one to notice who ever would have complained or reported it, and hell, he was one of the event runners! Anyway, these parties were very much NOT chem-friendly so how would I know he was into it? After 12 years without seeing each other, he read one of my "real experience" blogs on Tumblr, and as he said "I knew immediately that had to be you!" and sent a message. Funny, he was afraid I wouldn't remember, or that I'd not be interested - WRONG!! I nearly fell out of my chair trying to respond immediately - it's nice to know that someone you think was one of the most amazing sex partners EVER thinks the same of you! The first time I saw him after those 12 years, I met him in midtown to introduce him to my candyman. After sitting around with a few other guys and blowing clouds with them, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other – and since nothing was going to be happening where we were for at least a few more hours – we found a nearby hotel room, raced over there, got naked, loaded up our pipes and dove all over each other. We both ate hole for what seemed like hours, since we’re both addicted to rimming and we each do it VERY well. It was a very hot, unexpected surprise (we hadn’t planned on playing until the following week) and though it was only a couple of hours, it was just so much fun to really LET GO with this kindred spirit. Just this past weekend, I introduced him to a hot versatile couple I play with sometimes in the Bronx, and it was the first time I saw him slammed (he’s done so very infrequently)… it was amazing to watch him truly relax and just have FUN while the four of us flip fucked and enjoyed each other all around. So we've now partied together - one on one, which is unusual for me - several times now and the sessions have been awesome. We also relate on a number of other levels including having husbands with physical disabilities, and its great to have someone to talk about that with as well - its been double bonus time for both of us!
    20 points
  22. I went to the neighborhood adult store last weekend. In the basement of the store, they have a number or gloryholes and private booths. This place is always a hit or a miss and there are trolls and addicts hanging around. But I usually get to fuck around with at least one hot guy. I sucked a few decent cocks and was thinking about leaving when I saw a hot daddy. I gave him the look and he looked back. I entered one of the booths and he entered the opposite. He pushed his cock throught the hole and I went down on him. His cock rose to a good 7 or 8 inches. I got off his cock and he asked me to join him in his booth. I locked the door as I entered and dropped my jeans. The hot daddy grabbed my hips and pushed his tongue between the straps of my jock and ate my hole out for a good while. Some trolls gathered in the booth nextdoor and I had to swat their paws away from my ass as they tried to grab me through the hole. The daddy was sitting on the bench and pulled me back toward him. I sat back on his lap and guided his big cock into my ass. He reached around and held an open bottle of poppers under my nose and I huffed deeply and grinded my ass downward on his dick. He gasped as I bottomed out on him. He reached around and jacked my cock and pinched my left nip as I rode his cock. After a few minutes he groaned and I made sure he was in me balls deep as he re-charged me. As I drove home, I felt his cum oozing out of my hole, getting my seat damp with his babies.
    20 points
  23. Earlier in the week, I visited my ‘reserve’ dealer because she was (eventually) picking up her phone. It’s the second time in about a month I’ve seen her (which would also be the second time in over six months). Last time, her sister’s boyfriend was there, a young bloke who calls himself ‘Tardy’ or ‘Tard’ for some reason and he and I seemed to hit it off pretty well. As I hadn’t been partying for several months, I had a few pipes before I left (I now live at least 90 minutes from Melbourne and stay in the city 2-3 days per week) and I offered Tardy some (as you do) and talked. We seemed to get along well. Tardy is a bit “rough around the edges”, very much a bogan - replete with the shaggy, unkempt dark blonde/light brown hair and the jail tatts, etc - and he was obviously a little slow (he was stoned) but good humoured. (He even joked that “Tard” wasn’t a reference to him not being that smart; that had never even occurred to me. He seemed like a decent bloke. But, as I had a few pipes for the first time in a while, I found myself looking him over and finding him attractive. He’s skinny but still looks more athletic than scrawny and does look a little older than he is (he’s just turned 22 a few weeks ago) with that rugged, hairy but young look. I hoped that it wasn’t obvious to anyone although I think he might’ve twigged that I had a quick look at porn when I went out to my car for a few minutes. He was standing behind me when I turned around but he gave no indication that he’d noticed and his demeanour didn’t change at all. Fast forward to a few days ago; the sister announces to me that she’d told Tard to leave. He’d only been staying with them because he was having trouble with the men his housemates; they’d jumped him in the street the night before I first met him and beaten him up. I really didn’t think much of it until I reached the end of their street and there’s Tardy on the corner, looking lost. He waved so I pulled over and asked him how he was. Even though he obviously couldn’t remember my name, he recognised me and was friendly but obviously down. He told me that he’d been thrown out and then asked if I’d ‘collected’? Me being me, I said “yes but I’m about to head home...” And then thought, “shit, offer him a coffee (and a quick pipe)”. He was reluctant to accept at first but relented when I told him I was stopping to grab one anyway (and would sneak a pipe) to ensure that I was alert enough to drive. Long story short, I only just arrived home a few hours ago. When we started smoking, the conversation really flowed. And I kept sharing more and more, by which time it started to get dark. I asked Tard where he was staying and offered a lift but it was obvious he’d realised it was too late to arrange any emergency accommodation. There was no way I was going to leave the kid sleeping rough (Melbourne’s had a shocking cold patch in recent weeks). I felt responsible for that. I told him I’d book a hotel room in the city rather than drive home and that he was welcome to stay there and smoke pipes with me if he wanted. Seeing his eyes light up with gratitude was quite a special feeling but he still was reluctant to accept. I was uncertain if he mistrusted my motives or if he really just thought it was too much but I really couldn’t think of a way to broach the subject of what his concern might be without making it look and feel worse. So I just went ahead and presented him with a fait accompli; I booked a room and gave him my mobile number so he didn’t have to decide until later what he wanted to do. The kid rang me before I even got to my car. I was really pleased. I actually enjoyed talking to him; he’s a good kid who’s clearly had a rough upbringing and I knew that I would never act upon the attraction I had for him anyway. When we got to the hotel, he was like a little kid at Christmas. The view of the city skyline etc was incredible for him. After a few more pipes, Tard announced that he’d find a way to pay me back and, I thought, alluded to sexual favours. When I told him in no uncertain terms that I expected nothing in return but he could pay me half of the hotel bill when he could afford it if he wanted to. He seemed happy with that and we were having a great time just chilling. Until a few hours later, Tardy suddenly said, with a huge mischievous grin on his face, “I’m horny as fuck. I’ll suck your dick if you suck mine”. My immediate reaction was more annoyance than anything else but, I admit, Tard voicing the idea had caused some movement of blood in my nether regions. And then he started flirting full on. It was either that or he was taking the piss. He touched my arm; put his hand on my leg and left it there too long. It even felt as if he’d reached toward my cock before taking his hand away. I kept saying “please don’t mate”. I was speechless otherwise. He settled a bit but the look in his eyes remained...and, by now, I’m now getting pretty uncomfortable and embarrassed. And then Tard’s lowered his pants and his cock is out. It’s a fucking nice one too. Pretty big and oddly thick and veiny for such a skinny bloke. He’s rock hard and playing with himself. I couldn’t look away. Honestly, I wanted to deepthroat him right then and I doubt I was hiding the look of lust on my face. Until he took his shirt off. His body is gorgeous and I couldn’t hide my attraction any longer. My erection was pushing hard to escape and Tard made it clear he had noticed. But I still said, “no.” This wasn’t my intention in helping him and I hated the idea that he might think that’s how he could, or should, repay me. Tard just said, “shut the fuck up. We’re doing this because we want to” and he leaned forward to kiss me; just a small, almost apologetic peck initially but then he moved close and started touching my body and staring into my eyes. His touch seemed confident and assertive at the same time as seeming gentle and calming. Then he started kissing me passionately and his hand’s on my cock. I remember just looking at his chest and his nipples and all I could think about was how weirdly smooth and hairless his chest was compared to his face and his arms and legs. How beautiful those huge brown nipples were. How, when you really looked at them, there were a few strands of blonde chest hair around each nipple and some tufts of slightly darker hair on his chest. And how enticing they’d be to wake up to if you’d fallen asleep with your face resting on that beautiful chest the night before (preferably from exhaustion while feeling a firm young cock slowly losing its erection but never quite becoming flaccid.) As much as I kept protesting that he didn’t need to do this, Tard just kept kissing me and touching me, coaxing me to respond. Not that I didn’t lose that battle the instant his lips and his caress set my senses on fire. We were both as horny as hell and when I kissed, then licked and then sucked his left nipple, he groaned. It was the hottest sound I think I’ve ever heard. This young man was as turned on as I was. He wasn’t doing this because he thought he had to. And he was already naked and moving to lie down on the bed, easing me with him. All I wanted to do was ask him how his skin was so soft..it’s really annoying how my over analytical nature doesn’t even lay off when my senses are on fire....so I grabbed the pipe, and went shotgun with a massive amount of smoke in his mouth. At some point, Tard paused and said, “you need to understand that this is not something I haven’t done before. I have. Sure there’s been times when I’ve hated myself for it. But there have been others where I enjoyed it. And I’m loving this and I want this. With you. You make me feel special. You don’t talk to me like I’m dumb, like I’m a loser. You’ve shown me more care after meeting me a couple of times than some people I’ve known my whole life. Don’t worry: I’ve sucked cock to get drugs. I fucked blokes to get drugs. I’ve taken plenty of cocks just to score. Fuck me dead, I’ve taken cocks when there was nothing in it for me except not getting bashed. I’ve been fucked full of so much cum by so many blokes that I used to wonder why they didn’t talk to my “dirty boy cunt”. But I like having sex on drugs too and I’ve begged for cock after cock and load after load because that’s all I was to them. Been there, only a few months ago. Got gangbanged by probably a dozen old men because they gave me all the gear I could take and them some. And, afterwards, I had sex with another old guy because he was the only one who asked me if I was ok. So I said thank you the best way I know how. I pulled him towards me, kissed him and said, “please come here and make love to me. And I turned myself on my back and lifted my legs up and said, “give me your load daddy”. And he did. He fucked another load of cum into me. And I loved him for it. He fucked me like I was the only cunt left in the world. He blew in me like all the others but then he kissed me and held me and even told me that he was fucking his cum into me. His cum was to seed my cunt alone, not to be passed around to the next cock. And I loved him for that. But I still enjoy getting fucked. I love it. I love fucking women too but, shit, I think there’s hardly been a month when I haven’t gone out alone so I could get my cunt pounded. I’m good at giving it and at taking it. Both to live and because I enjoy the sensation of it all. And now there’s you. A hot guy who’s so caring that he can’t accept that he’s even sexier because he’s a bit shy and a bit worried about getting some care back. You’ve made a difference to me, you know. The way you look at me with all that lust but then you worry that you’re like the other thousand dicks that have blown their load into my cunt. But you’re nothing like them. You cared about me when your dick wanted you to fuck me like a worthless cunt but you actually talked to me like I was worth talking to. I want this, and I want you to want me just because you want this too.” I know I just collapsed into him when he said that. And, somewhere in exploring his body, my cock and his arse crack rubbed against each other and the boy just sighed. A massive sigh. That alone made my cock go even harder and Tard must’ve sensed it too because he started working his hole back toward the head of my cock. I can’t honestly even remember what he said but it was along the lines of “I’m so happy you top. It’s going to be yours tonight. I know you’re dying to get my cock in you and you will. And now you know that I can’t wait for you to fuck me”...which, of course, was my cue to thrust into his arse. I’d intended only to insert the tip but, somehow, I slammed into him, tearing through his second sphincter as well. I’m blaming the bottom though: Tard’s entire body just seemed to heave and push back on me so I gently pushed in further. Before I knew it, my cock was exploring the walls of his innards. I love watching a man’s eyes react when you penetrate his hole and the groan he made was just magical. And then Tard blurted out, “have you ever slammed?” It sounds awful in hindsight but it was so hot, so unbelievably hot, at the time. “Yes. Have you?” And his eyes lit up. “We’re going to slam fuck each other one day soon, aren’t we?” You should have felt how his body wrapped around my cock even more when I said, “I have some fits. We can do it tonight.” And, at that moment, one of us moved in such a way that our bodies were fucking each other. I don’t know if I thrust into Tard or if he thrust his cunt back onto my cock but suddenly I had ripped through his sphincter and was balls deep inside him. I’m a bottom who’s learned to be versatile, especially if a man has already taken control of my cunt and fucked me silly. Flipping is easy then. But it usually takes the attempted destruction of my cunt to make my dick reliable. Even though I flip pretty skilfully nowadays, I rarely top first. But we were fucking like animals. It was as animalistic and violent a fuck as I think I’ve ever done. Everything I saw from Tard, every sound he made, every thrust demanding I go deeper and harder...everything just made my desire for him and his pleasure more urgent. My cock and his cunt were one. I doubt I’ve ever loved another human being as completely as I did as I was making mad violent love to him. And then we flipped. And flipped. And flipped. After a few hours of fucking, we held each other a while. I’ve kissed and licked and sucked every inch of that boy’s body. And we ended up staying for three nights. We invited a few other guys over after the first day and a bit and it’s fair to say that Tard’s almost as insatiable for cock and cum as I am now. I’ve booked him into a hostel for a few weeks so he can sort out what he wants. And he’s got a standing invitation to stay with me on the farm as often and for as long as he needs. I’m already missing him. I want his cock inside me. I’m encouraging him to get tested for HIV but that’s up to him. It’s my birthday next week; I’m hoping he’ll get tested so he can tell me, if he tests positive, that he’s giving me an extra special present. But that’s selfish of me, I know...but it’d add even more fire to our love making. And, of course, I want my cock inside him. Not because I enjoy fucking the young man and not even because he derives so much pleasure from it...but because I get to hold him and feel the softness of his skin and smell him. He’s already reminded me of something I started to lose sight of: that it’s important sometimes just to be there for people you care about and have them care about you...
    18 points
  24. I thought pozzing was my biggest turn on.... I blew some clouds earlier and it reached deep down into my dirtiest parts. I WANT AN AIDS LOAD!!!! Getting poz loads is so filthy and I love it; but I want to get spun and have someone make my dick truly toxic! I want to beg and moan and pray for that AIDS load. I want them worshipping my toxic cock while it infects me, taking a strain from every load they've ever taken. Them have them beg to be bred by my now deadly dick. FUCK! I want to be tatted, and pierced, and roided, and have an AIDS daddy give me everything and more.
    18 points
  25. I had been told on a handful of occasions throughout my stay in New York City about a bar known as The Eagle in the Chelsea are of Manhattan. "You've got to go to The Eagle" "You'll get what you want in The Eagle" "You've never been to The Eagle?" and so on. I was told it was a leather bar. Which at first put me off going, I'm not exactly a gay scene member. I'm a pretty regular bisexual guy who's interested in the world of kink without being a regular participant. Besides the only leather I had with me were a pair of regular boots. The idea I had in mind was leather ass-less chaps with a hardness and gay policeman's hat. I wasn't about to dress up as a member of the village people just to get into a club. After I was enlightened to what the place was actually like, I thought it was worth going. "Maybe on a quiet night" I thought, that way I wouldn't be bombarded with too much to process and I'd be more comfortable sat at the bar. I decided to go on a Monday. If I had checked their website in advanced I would have found out that Monday was actually foot fetish night. Now I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this fetish but if I had of know I probably would've went on another night. I head to the bar which opened at 9pm and made my way upstairs. On the quiet nights only the upstairs section of the three storey bar was open. I was greeted by a shirtless barman who looked like Chuck Lidell(ufc fighter) and ordered a drink. He was friendly and welcoming and very open from the get go, he explained to me why there was foot fetish videos on the TV screen, and two guys tickling each other in the corner. I felt a little embarrassed, he asked me about my type as he saw that none of the 9 patrons were talking to me. I told him I was into older guys. "You'd like my friend Kurt, he might be here later" "Cool" I thought. I observed as the barman played cupid with people sitting at the bar, those he knew previously and those he just met. He seemed to enjoy this, but was in no way forced like the barman at Stonewall. He was a really cool barman, didn't pretend to like anyone he didn't like but wasn't rude either. If he wasn't a bottom I'd be very keen to let him fuck me. I wasn't his type anyway, he was more into Latin guys. Speaking of which. A midget parks himself next to me on a stool at the bar. Is midget correct term? Dwarf maybe? Anyway he was about 4 feet tall, Latino, very confident. He immediately struck up a conversation with me. I was the only Irish guy he had ever met. We made some small talk and for whatever reason he wanted to show me some leather harness he bought. He had a picture on his phone. As he flicked through the pics of this unimpressive harness, in a very obviously deliberate move he "accidentally" brought up a picture of his dick(which to be honest was impressive given his size) "Oops, I didn't mean to show you that.....what do ya think?" "Very impressive" I answered smiling. I for just a second contemplated having sex with this guy, just so I could say I was fucked by a midget(dwarf ) however he was being a little overbearing and I soon became uninterested. He got up to use to toilet and never came back. In his place, sat an older black guy who worked just down the street and was just popping in for an after-work drink. He was friendly and interesting and we seemed to be getting on. "Can I swap shoe with you?" "What?!" This was an odd request. Then I remembered where I was. "Just for a few minutes" I hesitantly obliged, it seemed to give him a lot of pleasure. A German man in full leather(pants, boots, and harness) sat beside me, he had a strong BO. Not a bad smell, but a strong smell of sweat, quite nice actually. He joined in on our conversation and filled me with compliments. He leaned in for a kiss, as we were kissing a felt a hand slide down the back of my jeans and grab my ass. I thought it was the German but it was the black guy, I guess he wanted a feel. He then pulls me in for a kiss. The German shoves both his hands up my shirt and feels his way around. "You taste great" says the black guy. His hand sliding further down to the point where I'm sitting on it. His finger pushes into my hole. We all go in for a triple kiss, I'm getting horny. "Come with me" says the German. and takes me by the hand to the toilets. For whatever reason the black dude didn't follow us. Inside the toilets were two older leather guys, one taking a piss into the other guy's glass. He then taps his dick on the rim of the glass making sure every last drop had gone in. Without hesitation, the leather sub knocks back the entire glass of piss. "You find that horny" enquired the German. "Yeah it's hot" I replied. He pulled me into a cubical and shut the door. "Get down" I squat in front of his leather pants in the piss soaked cubical. He pulls out a bottle of poppers and takes a huff. He then feeds me some. The club music begins to pound heavier as does my heartbeat. He pulls out a semi erect penis with a large Prince Albert through the head I place it in my mouth and taste the metal. He pushes his semi soft cock down the back of my throat with gentle thrusts. The feeling of the metal sliding down my throat is new to me and very pleasurable. I take it down and swallow, massaging the head with each gulp. His crotch smells as good and strong as the rest of him, and the high from the poppers heighten this. I feel his cock harden with my lips. He puts the bottle under my nose again "Breath deep" I get nice and light headed, he begins to fuck my throat as he sniffs back the poppers. I see people in the corner of my eye looking in. It gets me going. I start to gag on his cock as he fucks harder and harder, I sense he is close to blowing his load down my throat. I pull back but he pushes my head against the cubical wall so I have nowhere to go. He fills my mouth with his cum, it tastes great. "Open" I open to show him his load. He spits in my mouth and slaps me on the cheek, I swallow it all down. As we leave the cubical and old man grabs me by the arm "I was watching you in there. You're a dirty little boy" This was all done in a very creepy way, that made me feel kind of intimidated, he was really grabbing my arm tight. "Let go of him" said the German guy. and he brought me back to my seat. As I got back to my seat I was scolded by the barman. "You should've let me know you were going to the bathroom, here I held your drink. Next time tell me. Anybody could've put something in there" Oops. I was very impressed that he cared enough to hold my drink and give me a lecture. Luckily(or unluckily depending on your fantasy) I wasn't spiked. "Anyway, Kurt is here, he's at the end of the bar" I excuse myself and head down to see Kurt. He's about 6 feet tall. Wearing jeans large black boots and a sleeveless shirt. He had a bald head and a goatee. Fitting my type(or one of my types) perfectly. Right away we got on great, I felt immediately comfortable around him, and his Texas charm was working wonders. We had a few drinks and he invited me back to his place. The barman looked over and said "See I told ya" he had certainly done his job as cupid well. Just as the place was filling up we decided to leave. Kurt took me to his place in Hell's Kitchen and up to the apartments rooftop. We took in the view and he offered me some weed, I accepted and he gave me a blow back from his joint. This let to a few minutes of passionate kissing. He was probably the best kisser I've ever been with(boy or girl) he knew his way around a mouth, his lips were soft and beard felt great. After a few minutes of swapping spit we moved downstairs to his bedroom. We both undress. "You've got a great ass" he remarks, I thank him. "I'd love to rape that!" "You can" I reply. I feel his body, he is in great shape. His dick is very long. I comment on the size of his penis and he tells me not to worry. "I'll go slow at first" I suck his dick for some time he loves it. Then he parks me on all fours in front of him. He taps my hole with his large dick. "Breath" I take deep breaths as he pushes his dick into me. I feel a shock and push forward, bashing my head off of the headboard. We both laugh before he gives my head a gentle kiss. He is such a cool guy it really makes me want to please him. "Lay on your back" He grabs my ankles and stretches my legs apart, he plunges his dick down in one go, it takes the breath from me but I have nowhere to go. So I take the shock, he begins to fuck. "Yeah exactly like that, fuck your boy hole" He is getting me extremely horny "Fuck me, that's so big" I tell him. "Yeah? You like me raping your ass boy?" I feels so good I can barely answer. "I can tie you up and just rape your hole all day long. If you scream I'll shove my sock in your mouth....Or maybe something else" With that he pulls out and straddles my chest. Pulls my head up by my hair and jams his cock down my throat. I gag a lot and start to drool over his cock. He then buries it back into my hole and fucks. He leans in so my legs are over my head, wraps his arms around me and tongues my mouth and he pounds my hole. This angle is extremely sexy and I can feel his dick pushing through my second ring, it feels amazing. He then turns me around and pounds me from behind, still penetrating my second ring balls deep in my ass. "Im about to cum boy" His speed picks up and I start to loose my breath. "You want my load?" "Yes Sir!" I bellow out. He shoots in me deep, balls deep right into my guts. It makes me hot how deep his dick is in me. "Your turn to cum" "That's ok" I reply, sensing that he might be tired from his machine like fucking. "No way. I'm not the only one having fun tonight" If I could marry that man I would. Where are these kind of tops in Ireland? "Come here" He places me on top on him straddling, with his large dick still in my ass. I grind it deep as I jerk on my dick. It doesn't take much wanking until I blow a huge load on his hairy chest, I collapse, sweaty and exhausted. He pulls my face towards him and makes me lick the sweat and cum from his chest. "Now that's hot" he says calmly. I fall asleep in his arms. He woke me in the morning, fucked another load into me and sent me on my way. We got to know each other before I left and met a few more times, he was one of the nicer guys I met in the states and is the kind of guy I'd do anything sexually with. Those kind of guys are hard to come by, especially at home. Makes me glad I listen to the advice and finally went to the Eagle. My first time there was a resounding success and pretty soon I became a semi regular. Hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Sorry this entry didn't come sooner. Still trying to come to terms with my recent diagnosis and events surrounding it. So some days it's hard to write about my experiences as I just don't have the energy, I may be a little depressed. Pretty soon I will report on the meeting I believe got me infected, which will be hard given that it has come to light that the guy knew he was positive and told me otherwise. But I think it's the most important part of my stay there, so it's coming up soon. Thanks for reading
    18 points
  26. Hey dudes, It's Eric, your boy who loves takin' it raw. I just had the craziest week ever, broke my own record for loads in one week! My Dom, Master Dex, took the week off and took me to these dope spots in here in Florida - Slammers and Ramrod. First up was Slammers, where it was all about barebackin'. The place was packed, full of old dudes and tourists 'cause it's winter here, and everyone's down for some raw action and everyone assumes your on PrEP or on treatment. But then we met this dude, Miguel from Portugal, with this sick scorpion tat. Master saw it hip while he was fucking, so he talked to him and found out he's HIV+ and into gifting. Master told him my status and well let's just say poz talk with a Portuguese accent is damn hot. He fucked me three nights in a row at Slammers, and I loved every sec knowing I was full of his hot load and the look in his eyes while he was pumping my asshole. Then we hit up Ramrod, which was like, even more hardcore. It was sleazier, and wetter, but could only take some loads in the toilet. I did a lot of belly lifting and sucking off guys, it was definitely an older crowd. The big night was Saturday. Master Dex had Miguel and his bf over for dinner, and some poz sex 🙂 They're both in their fifties, both poz, but the bf's on meds. They told us about Lisbon and the clubs and backrooms there and a bit of their travels. And about Darklands!! (I so wanna go!) It was kinda hot when they were saying that Miguell was leaving a bit of his seed or strain to replicate here in the states. After, we went back to Ramrod, but this time, I was on a leash, puppy mask with a my knot butt plug keeping their cum inside me. It was like a party mix of cum in me churning while I walked and was so horned up thinking that Miguel's strain was working its way into my core. I was just wearing my cock cage, sneakers, and nipple clamps, and leash on my collar, while they were in full leather gear. Miguel's a big, hot daddy with some musky pits that drove me wild, and his bf had these smoky eyes and a juicy dick, plus a sweet furry ass that I rimmed in front of everyone at Ramrods. I didn't get fucked but I did have to suck off guys in the toilets and got pissed on. Miguel did take me into a stall toward the end of the night to pump in some more of his potent cum. Master and I slept pretty much all day Sunday and we even call that butt plug Miguel now after that super hot Portuegese gifter and Master thought it'd be a nice idea if we use that one for when I get a known toxic load in my bussy. We're definitely keeping in touch! . Stay kinky, stay raw, and remember if you're ever in the South Florida area hit me up!
    17 points
  27. I got pozzed the day after my 35th birthday... ok, ok, I was chasing it for a couple of years. I needed that bug in my hole so damn bad! It really did free my hole and soul to finally be able to fuck completely bareback, and finally without that nagging little voice that freaked her ever loving shit every time I took an anon cock. I remember talking to so many fellow chasers on the forums, and I figured once I bugged up, it would be a free for all of Buggery! I'm not sure where the shortage is... Gifting tops or Chasing bottoms? Before my conversion, it was damn near IMPOSSIBLE to find an unmedicated top gifter that was not shooting those wretched blanks! Now, after having had my fuck flu for thanksgiving last year... I find myself with a shortage of holes to convert! Even with a silent HIV epidemic going on in Kern County, its a challenge to find those tender clean holes to destroy! Sure we have the stealthers around here, and the "I didnt know" bi married guys... but where are my horny slutty bugchasers at?? Was i the only one around here? Im even staying purely unmedicated so i can (Hopefully) become as notorious as BBSeroMan in his continuing count of confirmed conversions! (BBSeroMan 4 Prez!) Well, since there seems to be a lack of need around my area, I'm going to broaden my horizons a bit more... If there are any desperate NEG holes out there, that need their bug, we can discuss, and plan, for you to take a trip to me out here in Central CA (we have an airport) OR if you have the means financially, I would be willing to be "invited" over to deliver it personally, and probably even just stick around breeding and/or bloodslamming you till i'm sure youre pregnant with my AIDS baby! Fingers crossed that I can finally get what it was that I was really chasing after... a firstborn Son, and an entire bloodline to claim as my own
    17 points
  28. The guy in the shower was tall and lanky, and had a nice piece of uncut meat hanging between his hairy thighs. He stepped out of the shower, still dripping wet, and walked over to us. "Get to work, pig!" I ordered. The hungry Asian turned on his knees and swallowed the new meat in one gulp. "Fuckkkkkk," the guy from the shower moaned, reaching up and tweaking his nipples. "God that feels good," he said, grinning at me. "Ya got some piss for 'im?" I reminded him about the pig's thirst. "Yeah... he okay with a few .....uh ..... enhancements?" he asked. "Most definitely, man," I smiled back. "Tryin' to keep him as fucked up as possible!" The shower guy chuckled. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. I could tell he was trying to concentrate on getting his piss to flow. I yanked the leash on the pig's collar, letting him know to quit the sucking, and just let his mouth become a urinal. A soft exhale from shower guy, and I knew that the pig was getting a nice, warm drink. Pig squirmed a bit, and I could hear him swallowing the warm, yellow liquid down his throat. "That's it, boy. Take the man's piss. No need for a urinal, when ya got a willing mouth," I said, placing my hand on his throat so I could feel the swallowing action. A calm smile spread across the shower guy's face. "That's all I got for now," he said. " Wish I had a 6 pack of beer to fill up on." "So, what's in your piss," I half whispered to him, drawing close to his stubbled face. "Oh, a little T, some G, X - - - actually, a lotta T!" he grinned, slyly. "Good," I said, rubbing the back of my hand up and down his hairy abs. "I wanna keep his hole hungry!" "Mmmmm....." shower guy growled, grabbing his towel and looking the two of us up and down. "Maybe I'll see y'all a little later," he said, giving his semihard cock a serious tug. "Yeah, man. We're always lookin' for cock!" I said. "Got some V, if ya need it," I added, grabbing his cock and balls and giving them a friendly squeeze. "Get up, PIG!" I ordered. He obediently stood, keeping his eyes downward, hands clasped behind him. We walked the halls of the third floor, me in the lead, checking out any open doors for cock. I enjoyed the looks we were getting - a big, masculine, leatherman taking his chemmed up pig out for a walk. Some were in shock or disbelief - others wanted to be part of the scene. Occasionally, I would stop and order the pig to his knees to suck my semihard cock. This definitely made some guys sit up and take notice. I made sure they got a good look at my large PA as it glimmered in the dim light. As we rounded the corner to the hall with my room, we ran into Trent from earlier. This time he was solo, and had switched from the bathhouse towel to a black jock. "Hey man," I greeted him. "Where's your buddy?" "Oh - he got all pissy and left. I told him if we came here, I was gonna wanna play. But he didn't believe me. Anyway, I'm kinda glad he left," he said, casually massaging the bulge in his cotton pouch. "You parTy?" I asked. "Yeah - but I didn't bring anything, 'cause I was with Miss Prissypants," he said. "Wanna come in an' smoke a bowl?" I asked, rubbing my free hand over his chiseled pecs. "Hell, yeah!" he perked up. He followed us midway down the hall to my door. I fidgeted with the key in the clock while trying to remember how I had left the room. I really hadn't thought about anybody but the PIG coming back with me, so I'm sure it was a sloppy mess. -------- I was right! The black rubber sheet was a gooey mess of jlube and Crisco, with two huge dildos laying in the middle. I HAD managed to stash the bags of T in my boot, but the glass pipe was right next to the TV on the table beside the bed. I pushed the PIG in first and unhooked the leash from his collar. He promptly crawled onto the bed and sat in the pool of lube. "Sorry. The place is a kind of a mess," I apologized to Trent. "Fuck! I think it's hot!" he replied. "This is why I come to the baths - - - to get fuckin' messy an' twisted an' - - - you know - - - dirty!" he grinned. Now he had his hand inside his pouch, and was unashamedly stroking his cock. "Allright PIG!" I said gruffly. "Service his cock!" PIG eagerly slid to the edge of the bed and pealed the waistband of Trent's jock down. My eyes bulged when I saw the mammoth piece of meat that fell out! Miss Prissypants should not have let this one go.... I shut the door and fished around in my boot for one of the baggies. I pulled out a half empty one and pulled the seal apart. Got my pen cap and scooped out a nice-sized rock and loaded it in the pipe (along with the unsmoked residue that was still in it .​ "Make yourself comfortable, man," I said, gesturing to a dry corner of the bed. Trent sat down, one leg cocked up and the other on the floor, so that PIG could continue eating his cock. I flicked the torch (which reflected in the mirrored walls and really lit up the room in a sort of drug-induced, leather dungeon way), and waved it in circular motions under the round glass bowl of the pipe. Trent stared like an animal that hadn't eaten in weeks. I watched as the rock liquefied and pooled in the dirty glass bowl. Then the thick white cloud started easing its way up the glass stem. I held the pipe to my lips and inhaled slowly and deeply. Hold it - - - hold it - - - hold it. I knelt down and placed my mouth over Trent's and shotgunned the hit into his hunky, hot body! I could tell he'd done this before, 'cause he didn't lose a puff of smoke! Our lips stayed sealed for what seemed like ten minutes, while we passed the smoke back and forth between our lungs. His right hand found my leather pouch and squeezed the greasy package inside. Finally, I pulled my mouth off of his, and handed the pipe to him. He held it out while I warmed the bowl again, and then he took his own hit directly from the pipe. When he was done, I motioned for him to shotgun the PIG. While they were shotgunning, it gave me a chance to get my mouth on Trent's cock. It WAS a beautiful piece of meat - thick, slightly veiny, uncut, large head and a slight upturn when erect to hit all the right spots! For me, one of the benefits of Tina is that it lessens my gag reflex. I was able to force the head into my throat and hold it for a few seconds until the spasms got too bad. I pulled off, gasping for air. "Fuck - - - nice - - - cock - - - man," I panted, catching my breath and drooling on my own chest. "Thanks - got no complaints," Trent said confidently. "You wanna fuck this pigwhore?" I asked, finally being able to talk. "I got 'im tweaked up pretty good, an' he loves big things in his hole." Trent wrapped his fist around the thick shaft and stroked until the foreskin pulled back and revealed the large head. "He take it raw?" Trent asked. "Only raw," I answered, lightly slapping the PIG's muscular butt. "Lemme give 'im a bump to get ready for you." My middle finger was already wet from being in the PIG's hole, so I just dipped it in the baggie and the crystal stuck to it. PIG slid a little toward me on the bed, positioning his ass so I could get a good aim without spilling any of the crystal. "PIG want a bump in his hole?" I asked, wanting him to beg. "Yes SIR! Please bump my hole, SIR!" he answered. "You want me to give your whore fuckhole to this hot stud, PIG?" I teased. "Yes SIR! Please SIR! I need fucked - - - please!" I inserted the T-covered finger into his battered hole. He didn't even flinch - just gyrated his hot ass around my finger. I wiped the insides of his burning rectum, digging the sharp shards of crystal into the delicate lining. The burn must have been delicious for a methpig like him. I pulled my finger out, and made a production of shoving it in my mouth and sucking the combination of ass juice, cum, lube, Crisco and Tina off with my tongue. Trent sneered in approval, slapping his hardening cock with an open hand. It now looked like an angry club, ready to beat this shameless PIG into total submission. I got up off the bed so that Trent could take my place behind the PIG. He positioned himself right behind the hunky Asian, and laid his fat cock in the crevice of his ass. "Damn, you're gonna rip him apart with that thing, man. You're fuckin' huge!" I said. In response, he slapped the big dong on PIG's cheeks, and took several warning pokes at the wrinkled, purple assring. I got down next to the PIG's ears and said, "Take a deep breath, and when I pinch your nipples, let it out." Trent caught the gist of where I was going - getting the PIG to relax for the giant cock. I pinched the PIG's nipples as hard as I could and nodded to Trent. He pushed forward, and the entire length and width of his giant cock disappeared into the Asian's hole. Two loud moans came from the hot men - I think both were in absolute ecstasy! I moved over to one of the mirrored walls, and propped myself up on the two cheap pillows they give you, and watched the show. Trent was a good fucker - taking his time, but making the PIG feel every inch of his cock. I found the baggie of T, and couldn't resist giving myself a hefty bump! Damn, the burn felt great in my hole, as I slid my T-covered finger in and out to deposit the meth. "Fuck him, man! Fuck his nasty pighole!" I chanted, while fingering my own. Out of habit, I grabbed a nearby dildo, and easily inserted it in my twitching hole. The chems allowed me to have a sort of "out of body experience," looking at the scene in the mirrors and imagining that I was living in a hot, BB sex video. I slid over next to the PIG and started deep kissing him. This gave Trent a chance to grab the dildo in my ass and start ramming it in and out in rhythm with his own fucking. At one point, I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling, and saw this amazing picture of muscle, skin, leather, rubber, lube and chrome - all enhanced by some very good drugs!!! After a good hour, Trent collapsed on top of the two of us and begged for a break.
    17 points
  29. In typical Hansen family tradition, Matt was carrying out his fatherly task of fucking his oldest son Matt Jr. JR, as he preferred was very aroused by his father's huge cock this particular morning. At first he was purring and then moaning and now he began to start barking and slowly fucking himself onto the cock that made him. He was so fucking horny and he knew dad's cock was the only cock that could make him cum from his cock and his cunt. Matt's mind was much more focused. Today is the day that JR's breeding must come to an end because his younger brother, Thom was just bragging about puberty and Matt knew his responsibility. Stealth breeding JR was actually a bit of fun and came quite naturally to the older perverted father. The worst situation was missing JR's talented and well shaped cunt. Sometimes more delicious that his wife's meatball dinner. Actually, always more delicious. As he began to unload, he started talking about everything but his cock sprayed hard against the p-spot as the head punched in and out of the second door which triggered the two orgasms that JR was grunting and calling to God for. He never heard the news. Matt sat down and, in between cunt lapping, he told his son he was poz. JR laughed and said that was not true. Matt told him that he was Full Blown for many years and not on meds. He told JR he knew how fertile his cum was. But dad, I'm on PreP...........................
    17 points
  30. AS I STATED IN PART ONE OF THIS MULTIPART EXPERIENCE: Most of those who’ve read my real life “enhanced” experiences may know that I’ve kept a “sex diary” since I was a teen-ager coming out in pre-AIDS New York City. This multi-part entry tells about the longest party weekend I’ve had in all my years back in 2006. I had started to tell this story on another now defunct site almost 10 years ago, but the notebook of my experiences from that time went missing when a friend borrowed the whole set and returned it with one book missing. He found the misplaced notebook just this month while doing a closet overhaul to relieve Corvid Cabin Fever. I will post it as I finish typing and editing, in several parts. PART 2 – THURSDAY, SUNSET INTERLUDE Jimmy pulled me into the bathroom telling me we had someplace to go and should do a quick rinse in the shower – as the water hit us from all directions we started deep kissing and rubbing our horny cocks against each other when all of a sudden I felt a warmth coming from that big tool between us. Awesome, the sexy fucker was pissing between us, so I let go of my piss too and we laughed and joked like two school kids as we soaked each other down. We soaped up and toweled off, and then he had me bend over for a booty bump from a needleless syringe, following with one for himself. He told me – boots, socks, jock, cutoffs and tossed me a sleeveless flannel shirt. Out the lower door and into a Miata convertible we went and he headed out to Herring Cove as he said, “to suck straight guys, swim and fuck a bit and watch the sunset.” Well, okay. This guy did have a thing about scheduling, but that was cool, I was up for it. When I lived in P’town I usually hit the Dunes around 4pm so my Irish skin wouldn’t fry, but still getting some sun and some outdoor sex with the other gay guys out there. I didn’t know all those years, that later, around 6, some of the local straight guys went out there for some oral service. Jimmy said he was a regular for that. Obviously Jimmy shared my love of getting straight guys into the scene a bit, although this seemed to be more the pump and dump type deal than I usually did – but hey, I was cool and up for it so I followed his lead as we parked at the far end of the beach lot. On the ride he mentioned that some of the guys really liked to get dominant and abusive and he knew that was NOT my scene – even bottoming I don’t do submissive, it’s just not me - so he told me he’d give me a sign if there were “regulars” there that I would not have fun with. We got onto one of the trails through the dune scrub brush and came out on the edge of the beach around the place where earlier in the day the “straight” section of the beach bordered with the “lesbian” section of the beach – the gay men’s section was even further from the lot on the far side of the lesbian section. Of course, the sun worshippers were gone at this point, and there were just a few folks, mostly men, wandering along the water’s edge. We “set up shop” in a little group of dune plum and dune birch trees just a few feet from the edge of the beach area – Jimmy stuck out a beach umbrella that screened things a bit more, laid down a blanket for us to kneel on, pulled out poppers, got us both on our knees and settled in to wait for “customers”. He pulled out a little pre-loaded pipe melted it a bit and took a puff or two, handing it to me to do the same. It probably wasn’t five minutes before we heard a stealthy approach. Two middle-aged guys came into our bower through the brush and the first one smirked and remarked, “Two cocksuckers – nice, no waiting today.” He was bald and slightly chunky and his buddy was taller, very skinny, with a graying ponytail and both were engaged in pulling their cocks out of their grey dickies-type workpants. Both wore well-used scuffed construction boots, and work-shirts with grease and oil stains. I vaguely recognized them from a car and boat engine repair shop in town. Baldy had a thick, uncut tool and ponytail had a longer, thinner cropped tool. Jimmy signaled me a “no” for the bald guy and motioned me towards his skinnier friend. Fine by me – I motioned the guy over and undid his pants some more as the talkative buddy growled “you got those little bottles anywhere cocksucker?” Jimmy took his bottle of poppers, shook them a bit, took a huge huff and handed them over. I did the same with mine and my guy, who proceeded to take a couple of snorts with each nostril and then handed me back the bottle – I took another huff and the stuff hit me and suddenly I was all about servicing that straight man cock. Fortunately, it curved down slightly as he was soon groaning and pulling me on to it all the way to his pubes, and the curve let it go all the way down my throat without gagging or wanting to. We both obviously enjoyed the feel of his rod lodged all the way to his balls in my throat and I worked my throat muscles to squeeze him and drive him really crazy. I gave that townie and his long circumcised screwdriver excellent oral service lasting a good 15 minutes, bringing him to the edge and back a couple of times before I let him finally explode down my throat. All the while his partner in crime was spewing all sorts of trash talk that frankly if I’d been working on him would have made me nuts – I probably would have broken his nose had he sent those remarks my way… Jimmy was smart to direct me AWAY from the guy, but he seemed to enjoy the humiliating monologue, so hey, whatever gets ya’ off, right? He finished off his guy not too long after I finished mine. And with a soft “thanks” from my dude, and a derogatory crack from the other, they were off and back to their car. Much to Jimmy’s disappointment, we only sucked off one more guy each… both very nervous and very fast shooters. I barely remember them other than mine was uncut and tasted pretty good. As the sun started setting, Jimmy led me down to the water for a skinny-dip and a bit of fooling around ourselves before he decided we should pack up and head back to town to get ready for the leather party we were going to that night. We hopped back into his car and headed back to his place, with a quick stop at my guest house to pick up one or two leather items I thought would be good for the evening. I mentioned Fratboy wanting to join us later and asked if that was cool – Jimmy was up for that so long as we could get him properly geared up, which between us wouldn’t be too hard. The kid had told me his hubby was planning on an early night and would likely take an Ambien by 10pm and would expect him to go out and enjoy himself. PART 3 - THURSDAY NIGHT - GETTING IN THE MOOD We arrived back at Jimmy’s place and headed for the playroom. He dimmed the lights some, put the porn on with low volume and gave us both a bit of g mixed with Gatorade to help us relax a bit before getting ready for the party in a few hours. We just laid back, naked, sometimes chatting, sometimes eyes closed, always with a tug or two on the other’s cock, or a tweak or tug on a nipple. I actually kind of dozed for a bit and I believe he did too, until his cell phone rang, and he stirred to check the caller ID. He jumped up, tossing a “be right back” over his shoulder and crossed the hall to his office. I stirred also, seeing that it was pretty much time to start getting ready. I was taking a hit from the bong when he returned with a bit of a frown. “Anything wrong?” I asked. He reached for the glassware and dropped down beside me with a pout that for all the world made him look like a school kid having a temper tantrum. “Best laid plans… damn,” he started. “Gonna have to change some of the plans for the weekend. My boyfriend is coming in for a day tomorrow, so I’m going to have to leave you on your own – just tomorrow – and then we’ll hook back up Saturday for the special group that night…. Sorry.” I told him that was okay, and he was very relieved. Apparently, his other half, like mine doesn’t party and only does groups and scenes on rare occasions. According to Jimmy, he spent only about half his time in P’Town (and other than Christmas/New Years, no time at all during the winter). He usually didn’t mind Jimmy playing in the dungeon after he went to bed, but being home only one day, plus needing to do some legal stuff with Jimmy for some new artwork, he wanted Jimmy to himself for the whole day. “Understandable,” I told him, “don’t worry I’ll be fine!” We each did a quick touch-up with his shower-shot to make sure we were still set for anal play of any sort. We both had some yogurt and some pineapple and grapes, then continued dressing taking a few hits off the bong. I was in laced 16-inch black leather boots, leather chap-shorts with removable front panel and ass panel, chest harness with a strap to a metal cockring under the shorts, a leather vest, right AND left black leather bicep bands, and a black leather ball cap. Jimmy chose rubber, having me powder him all over, he wormed his way into a rubber assless singlet with what I can only describe as a black gladiator skirt (inch wide strips of black rubber all the way round his waist) so he wouldn’t get hassled about his ass being completely exposed. He carried that “roman” look into his footwear which looked more like black leather gladiator sandals than actual boots. He had a leather vest with laced sides and a black leather do-rag on his head. He also had right and left armbands, but metal. He checked the time (again!), saying “perfect, let’s go”. Throwing some stuff into a leather sling bag, he guided me out the office door and locked it behind him. Our first stop was the A-House just to check out the Macho Bar for a bit. Just like in “the old days”, Adam was working the door. Seeing us walk up, he just grabbed me by the back of the neck and laid one on me, finally saying “well look who’s back in town?” Adam was a town legend… a former marine, blond, buzz cut, huge pecs with huge ring piercings, smooth skinned muscular, and the kinkiest greediest fisting bottom you’ll ever encounter. When off-duty, simply walking around town during the day, he wore cutoffs, white socks and construction boots ONLY – the shorts generally ripped, and the boots… no joke, the guy wore boots with metal eye bolts sticking out sideways from the heels so that any piece of rope could become an instant sling for him in an emergency. He and I had played a number of times during my summers living there, he being the first guy I ever got both my fists into at the same time… Everyone had considered the guy to be a walking porn film, and now 10 years later he still was. Jimmy was quite pleased to discover we knew each other, as coincidentally, Adam would be at the party at his place later. That made me smile. We milled around the upstairs bar, checking out the early crowd, me drinking ginger ale (I can’t drink and party at the same time). After 20 minutes or so, I got a message on my phone from Fratboy, that his husband had taken his pill and had gone to sleep. We told him to meet us at my room in 10 minutes. Jimmy downed whatever he was drinking, and we clomped down the stairs and out the door past Adam (from whom I got a promise to spend some quality time with at the party). We walked back to The Ranch and headed up to my room. We’d hardly sat on the bed and pulled out the pipe when there was a knock, and Fratboy slipped in. Closing the door behind him, Jimmy handed him the pipe but held the torch since I told him the kid was a newbie. “Okay, guys, at this point I should be a good host and do an actual introduction, but despite me having had sex with you several times over the past 3 years, I actually don’t know your name…”. Fratboy had been holding a hit but spewed out a startled cloud laughing and coughing. That’s when I found out his name was not “Fratboy” but Kieran, and he learned mine was John and not “Dude”. Jimmy asked if Kieran had prepped himself and was ready for a wild night and when the answer was affirmative, Jimmy said “we have to catch you up, bend over”. Pulling the kid’s shorts down, Jimmy dropped and licked K’s ass a bit then inserted a BIG crystal. Chuckling, he then followed up with one for him and one for me if slightly smaller. I passed Kieran a full size Viagra (he was young, BUT… better safe than sorry), while I topped up my earlier dose with a 25, Jimmy had his own. We stripped Kieran down, then started putting together some gear. Fortunately, he was also size 10 ½ so he could wear my other boots - black leather engineers. Jimmy pulled out black neoprene shorts, and I put my spare chain harness and two black leather thong type armbands on him. He had his own black sleeveless denim shirt to go over but leave open, and I put another black ball cap on him, while Jimmy pulled out the finishing touch, a thick black leather collar with a black leather leash. Kieran nearly blew a load just looking at himself in the mirror. Doing a few more copious hits each, with both Jimmy and I shot-gunning them to Kieran, we headed out and up the street to the leather night at Backstreet. There was a good crowd downstairs, and Jimmy indicated the DJ booth. Low and behold another old friend, Manny was DJing, and let us in the booth. He took a minute then recognized me, we having played a few times as well, the years had treated him as well as Adam – now he looked like a Latino Satyr with salt and pepper buzz cut, and silver among the black in his satanic Vandyke goatee. However, he didn’t know I partied, and made sure to shotgun me when we gave him a surreptitious hit. Hoping his big P.A.’d Latino cock and beautiful hairy ass would be on offer later, we left our bag, our vests and K’s shirt, and my front and back panels from my shorts (codpiece on my cock, but ass exposed) and Jimmy’s gladiator skirt in the booth. That’s when our fratboy discovered his neoprene shorts had a fly in the back as well as the front! On the dance floor, we three plowed right into the crowd, finding a home close to the center and in front of the DJ booth. Not only were our hands groping each other’s asses, and crotches and chests, hands around us joined in, and we returned the favor. Hairy guys, smooth guys, muscular torsos, well-padded bear bods, otters, daddies, bois – just lots of hot men of all kinds dancing and coping feels. We’d pop back to the DJ booth to do a few quick hits after every few songs, sharing with Manny as secretly as we could, and we all got a few licks of Manny’s pierced pinga in when he opened his tight leather jeans under the mixing board. The music got a bit more trance-like as the time got closer to Provincetown’s oddly early “witching hour” of 1AM (being a native NY’er, used to our 4am closing, it was odd – but to be fair, allowed for more playtime if you hooked up). The three of us were high, horny and hard, and as the lights went to almost full blackout with the dry ice fog adding mystery – our cocks were out and sliding in each other’s trench, with the occasional insert of a thick head. I noticed that there seemed to be more cocks available than just our three and realized some of our dancefloor neighbors were joining in our fun… that was cool with me, it reminded me of my college days at the NYC leather clubs and dance clubs like Limelight, where a “sneak-fuck” on the dance floor was a much more frequent occurrence. It wasn’t a good idea to be REALLY obvious that there might be some actual sex going on out there – dancing front to back rubbing cock along asscrack (with the occasional slip of the head into a hole for a few strokes and only when the lights were really low) all three of us playing with the others front and back soon became more like 7 or 8. One of the last songs had a driving beat putting us into a circle – crotch to ass, one arm on the guy in front the other on the guy in back and I started feeling myself slipping into other new holes, and feeling new strange cock slip into me. I would have been happy with this going on for a while longer, but Jimmy pulled his phone, checked the time and pulled Kieran and I out of the sweaty group scene, indicating we had to go. Giving two of the couples we were dancing with business card type invites, he whispered to each of the four “Bareback Leather Chem-party at my dungeon tonight – only pnp’ers and everyone needs to be at least partly versatile, hope to see you…” We got our stuff from the booth, all of us giving Manny a kiss and a grope and took the back exit out onto Bradford Street. It was 12:45AM. “We need to get back to my place and open everything up by 1AM so nobody is waiting or worse leaves! I chuckled; it was that punctuality thing again! PART 4 - THURSDAY NIGHT DUNGEON PARTY We walked on Bradford rather than Commercial to save time and got to Jimmy’s in about 5 minutes entering through the office. You should have seen Kieran’s face when he saw the dungeon. Jimmy told us to strip any superfluous portions of our attire (I dropped the vest and the front and back panels of my chap shorts; Kieran lost the shirt and we set him up in a black leather jock). Our host then had us setting out trays of lube, toys, pipes, poppers, maximum impact, Gatorade and fruit. Lights, music and vids seemed to have been pre-set like a stage production. The damn place was so organized we were done before 1:10 when the first buzzer sounded. Two of the guys we just met entered, and several locals followed quickly. Ages ranged from Kieran’s early 20 something to one local who I knew to be approaching 70 (a yoga instructor, he was wiry and toned) with bods from muscle to beer-gut, most hairy a few smooth, cut and uncut, small to very large endowments, nice variety (though at this point we were all white guys, this being Provincetown, but that would change a little as you’ll see). Kieran and I were instructed to get people high, with holes and cocks free or in easy access, while Jimmy kept by the door showing where to put clothes, and how to work the shower and clean up equipment and such. Passing two large water bongs around while asking names (and me greeting the few I actually knew formerly) and telling guys it was clouds and booty bumps for now, no pointing please until our host locks the door at 2. Seeing the next arrivals, I almost dropped the pipe, Kieran whispering to me “What’s that about?” Indicating with my head, I said “the two guys who just came in, I know them… I’ve traded fucks with, and I fisted the boi of that couple but the daddy I’ve only ever been given the opportunity to do a bit of oral with. The daddy is Mack Kiley and he has the biggest white-guy cock I’ve ever seen in my whole piggy life.” “Bigger than Jimmy’s?” K squeaked in a whisper. “Maybe an inch longer but WAY wider. I’ve fantasized being fucked by that work of art since I first met them in 1990. Mack never believed a former top only like me would ever be able to take it, and he HATES when someone tries and then begs off because of pain. Maybe seeing me fucked by Jimmy he’ll change his mind.” As I greeted them, and they not only remembered me, but were very pleased I was there, Kieran just stared until he realized it was rude. It's kind of understandable – they had been and were still an impressive leather couple. Neither was classically handsome but had masculine bearded faces. Danny, the more sub, was now about 35 a hairy otter with a nice hairy husky body from actual construction work, with a pierced uncut cock of average size and a heavenly hairy ass. Mack still looked great – 60ish – a little more chunk over his hairy musculature than 10 years prior, a big hairy ass, and that monster between the legs – a masterpiece of a circumcised cock over 10 inches long, but with a girth of just about 8 inches, with lemon size balls in a velvet sack hanging way low below pulled by a leather ball stretcher. Now, I’ve had a few Latino and African American playmates over the years who were longer by an inch or two (see “ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE: How Big Are Those Cocks?”), but none that girthy by a long shot. I smiled a sly grin when I also realized that Jimmy’s rules were that EVERYONE had to party, and EVERYONE had to be versatile at least part of the time – no total bottoms OR tops. These two hotties did not party back in the 90s, and Mack never did anything but top. Meaning Mack’s big hairy leather daddy butt had to be at least partly available too this evening. Better and better! I headed into the office to check with Jimmy to see if he’d rather I answered the door so he could start playing with his guests only to find him being orally serviced front and rear by two fully shaved leather boys – he thanked me for the offer and told me he’d rather I got the sex started in the other room. Guys were still blowing clouds, but there was shot-gunning turning into kissing all over, asses and cocks being groped and stroked, so checking with Kieran to make sure he was ready, I popped him into a sling. Crouching, I rimmed that pretty ass ‘till it was soaking, all the while coating my hard tool with lube. I stood up and eased my way into him as the majority of guests watched intently, and then the party was on. Some guy I didn’t know got beside K’s head and slid an uncovered cock into his welcoming mouth. Another slipped behind me snapping some clothespins on my nips and rubbing his erection in my crack. An artist from town grabbed my Fratboy’s cock and deep throated it in no time at all, while pushing his very hot ass out and back for easy access – soon a bearded face was buried deep and Art-man moaned around the cock in his mouth. Ah, nirvana, I thought as the cock in my crack breached my hole and slowly began to fuck me, matching his strokes to mine in Kieran’s ass. “Lucky Pierre”, my favorite place to be! This party was starting out perfectly. “You planning on sharing your boy?” asked the guy dicking me. “Of course,” I replied and slipped out, allowing him access to K’s hole. The artist’s ass was free and I couldn’t resist dropping to my knees in preparation to rim that magnificent butt – only to be offered a hit off a water bong by some kind soul – taking a huge rip, I slowly exhaled that t-vapor over and into his sweet pucker. I’d known the guy years ago, but we’d never played – he hadn’t changed much, a bit less tire around the middle, and because he’d always kind of gotten on my nerves I’m afraid I had missed out on his positive aspects (he was known for being very loud and discussing sexual kinks in front of kids and grandmas in his gravelly Brooklyn tones that made Fran Drescher sound pleasant – and BTW, I’m a native NY’er myself, so I’m allowed…). Anyway, here was this dude – smooth all over (hairy is my usual, but on a guy who is naturally smooth, that’s damn sexy too) with olive skin, a magnificent ass I’d just been chowing down on and while taking another bong hit, noticed he had the most perfect smooth velvet skinned incredibly low hanging sack of big balls swinging beneath that ass. That sack had DEFINITELY been stretched by someone who quite obviously enjoyed some CBT play. So, while I rimmed a few minutes more, I batted those eggs hard a few times and his roar of “Fuck Yes” let me know it was appreciated. I followed that by standing and sending my hard cock right up that killer hole. He bucked right back, yelling “pound me!” before stuffing his mouth full of dick again. I gave him the hardest piston fucking I could while spanking his ass with my hands in time to my hip movements. When I pulled out to take a breather, he freed his mouth saying, loudly of course, “Gotta know who the goddamn just gave my ass the fuck I’ve been waiting all month for…”. Then he saw me, recognized me, and crowed, “oh my gawd, I’ve just been bitch fucked by Dudley Do-right!”. See, one of the reasons he got on my nerves so much back when I was a summer resident was because despite the kink pig I was on the inside he constantly referred to me as a Boy Scout, or Captain America, or Luke Skywalker or Captain Kirk, or the All-American Boy, or Neil Armstrong or worse “Goodie Two-Shoes”, because I was kind of a jock and didn’t LOOK edgy or artsy, had no tattoos, no piercings (I would have but my hubby is turned off by them, so why?) and being fifth generation NYC without a “dees, dems, does” accent was apparently too much for him to bear. Apparently, we both missed out on a damn good sex partner due to some preconceptions. So when he pulled the Dudley Do-right bit, instead of getting pissed, I laughed my ass off (and did my best impression of the cartoon character which is actually pretty good). That made him laugh too… and later in the evening, I’d find my hole being filled with that gorgeous ball sack and big eggs of his as he “ball fucked” me. I noticed a few more guys had trickled in, one being an old buddy Clint, who was the bass in a fairly famous gay acapella group. A very large African American bear type, he had the sweetest personality and an ass that could take me to the elbow. He grabbed me from behind, hugging me and laughing and pushed his short but fat cock into me while he licked my earlobe. “So cool seeing you dude! Didn’t expect you here, thought you’d be in the city singing at the Duplex or some shit…” I was really pleased to see him and later in the evening, I reminded him- well, reminded his hole – how double jointed my hands and wrists are! It was shortly 2am, and the last 3 guests – Adam the bouncer, Manny the DJ, and interestingly Lou the candyman were quickly stripping as Jimmy locked the door and pulled his prepared rig, while most of the other party guests broke to do the same. Lou offered to admin me, and as he was prepping I asked where Vice was. “He’s chillin’ in the office, guarding the door and watching straight porn – since the rules are that everyone has to switch hit, he was just not ready for that…” I had to admit, that made sense. Things got wilder and more intense now. I was on my back on a platform with my face under the rimseat, with my cock free to be sucked or ridden, and my butt within reach of anyone next to the platform. I tasted a few hot holes and had several guys ride my cock, while Lou and Jimmy and another dude took turns rimming and fucking me. Nice! But then everyone kind of stepped away… and my hopes for the evening were made. Mack (of the giant tool), his boi Danny and Adam the bouncer were heading my way. I took few major hits from the nearest bong, and got Kieran to throw me some Maximum Impact and a jock that was laying around. I sprayed a copious amount, sniffed and sucked on the cloth, and ducked my head back under the seat. Mack sat that magnificent hairy daddy butt of his right down and I chowed down like a madman. I felt a hot hairy ass sink down onto my hard cock and knew that had to be Danny (since Adam was shaved all over) and then Adam’s location became apparent when I felt a tongue and fingers and some metal start to work my hole. This was getting me really excited – even more when Mack took time away from his pleased growling to say “that’s it boys, get him ready for me, we’re finally gonna have ourselves a fuck, eh stud?” Adam’s fingering got more insistent as he stretched me, and then I felt the cold intrusion – it had to be a syringe for a booty bump – and when he released the contents into me, boy was it a doozy. I was a bit shocked at how much it hit me, then reminded myself of the monster that was about to take up residence inside me, and decided I was pleased. I will say, my hole was accepting Adam’s four fingers, then his pierced cock, then his fingers again quite easily. Mack shifted a couple of times to drop the head of his behemoth into my mouth, then returned his hole to my tongue while his own regular boy got him wet and hard while still riding my cock. At some unseen signal, they all shifted places. Adam and Danny moved to either side of me, tweaking my nips and stroking my cock. Mack moved between my legs slathering that god-cock of his with lube and anal-ease and staring me down. The rimseat was left empty for the moment, apparently so Mack could watch my facial expressions, and I could watch the fattest cock I’ve ever had before or since enter me. Kieran had come close to watch in fascination, horniness and I think a small amount for fear and horror. Lou was fucking him as they stood nearby, and they were the keepers of the Max Impact and poppers. As I took a huff of the former, I felt the cool metal kiss of Mack’s huge gauge PA part my hole. I reminded myself that I actually WANTED this and let myself relax and open – there was no way I would show Mack any pain or discomfort even if there was some. The peach sized head popped in a bit faster than I think either of us expected and I felt the internal spasm that usually produces, but fortunately, was sucking on the jock that very moment, so I didn’t wince or anything. Mack continued a slow entry and I reached out to grab and squeeze his giant nips, smiling up at him and saying “fuck yes, THANK you”. When he bottomed out at last, again, my hole spasmed for a minute then calmed. I felt his balls swing against my butt and marveled at the sensation of being that freaking FULL of that masterpiece of man meat. THAT’s when I saw Mack smile, ear to ear as he said “you ARE enjoying this! Brilliant! Let’s fuck stud.” Fuck we did, thank god he did not pound me the way I’d given it to the artist and a few others already that evening – I couldn’t have handled it – but then I’m brandishing an average length tool while he was sporting a megacock! To this day, that was one of the hottest fucks as a bottom I’ve had in my life… it was a group scene so it was about 15 minutes of him in me, while Adam and Danny either rode one of my arms, or sat on my face or sucked my own rock-hard prick, while I worked my ass muscles as best I could on the beast inside me. And then to my added pleasure, after 15 minutes of a great fuck, Mack sped up his thrusting and bred me. Awesome. It took a few minutes for me to stand without leg tremors, but by the time I had, Mack had taken my place and presented me with his ass – I’d be the first to fuck him that evening. A bit of chowing down on his hairy daddy hole, then a pause as Adam booty bumped HIM, and I began a slow entrance with Mack reminding me that he was even newer to bottoming than I was. I was stunned. That hole was HEAVEN. I felt like a warm silk and velvet vice had grabbed hold of my cock and led me to the promised land. That 60+ mans ass was one sweet sensation (and now, 15 years later at 57 myself, it still gives me hope!) and I’m still not sure which was hotter, finally bottoming for him, or topping him. I gave him a good slow, twisting, sensuous fuck and he really enjoyed it. We broke after about 10 minutes, and headed for refreshments and the pipes, and a few minutes to piss and breathe. The rest of the evening was awesome. I had my fists in Adam, Manny, Clint, Danny, and the artist. All of them fucked me, and as I said, artist guy Seth ball fucked me and got his cock in with his balls for about 5 minutes too. Lou and Jimmy and Kieran and I switched around and Jimmy and I gave Kieran his first Double Penetration. Jimmy had turned the lights on and opened the alcove at the rear of the house for gloryhole work, and several of us got to blow or sink our asses onto the cocks of the guys who appeared intermittently. There’s a buzzer for the guest to use if the sucker is away for a moment, and there was a grainy black and white security cam that showed the guy or guys out there. I couldn’t wait to tell my hubby that I had sucked off the hot Vietnamese owner of the local Chinese restaurant who had a wife and tons of kids, but whom we had always suspected swung a bit our way. At 6AM we helped Jimmy put some stuff away, and the party broke up – unfortunately earlier than it would have had Jimmy’s partner not been coming home unexpectedly as I mentioned. So as we walked out into the early grey morning several of us were trying to figure out how to finish off our tina highs… more shortly…
    17 points
  31. Here's another real experience for you guys that like the true stories (not that we ALL don't like the fiction! Some of these guys are awesome writers!). It was a get-together in late winter with my twisted bud Darren for a pig session at his place up in Inwood. I had actually worked with him professionally before I knew what he was into - he was director for a musical I had a large role in, and then we appeared together in a drama, before he pulled me aside one night and said "I've been told by a mutual friend that you're a real expert on kink and edge-play and parTying groups..." I was surprised - he was married, had two adult kids... but he tells me he's always been bi, was divorcing his wife, and was looking for a "mentor" to help him really find his "inner pig"... that was a bit less than a year and a half ago, and boy has he learned a lot. Now he's got his own place, with a sling permanently up, and a rim seat as part of the regular furniture. I brought my friend Todd, probably one of my longest term fuck-buds, about 8 years now. He's another clean-cut looking jock type that hides a real pig inside - same worked out build as me, same coloring, but a bit taller, broader, cock proportionately larger and his darker hair color makes him appear hairier from a distance. He and I look enough a like to be confused as brothers, which is a fantasy I sometimes like to play as we're doing a scene - two nasty brother POZ pigs working on some guys together... Oddly, Todd and Darren never met, they kind of traveled in different groups of my play friends, and I thought he would be a fun addition. We arrived late afternoon, and it seems the other guests were putting off their arrival by a couple of hours, so we had time for a heavy 3-WAY first. Todd and Darren were immediately taken with each other, especially discovering their mutual water-sports addictions... both loved taking my chem piss up the butt or down their throats during a session, so I made sure I had plenty of fluids available, especially for me. With a real twisted fist vid playing we got out the glass cock and started shot-gunning each other. The "administrator" was with the group arriving late, so we worked with the glass cock and booty-bumps 'til he could arrive. After a number of hits we started to feel the magic and we dove into 3-way daisy-chain rimming on Darren's large play bed in his play room. Hit the pipe again, then "switched sides" so that everyone had tasted each others hot hairy hole. Time for fucking! I topped each in turn - when fucking Todd, he was pushing a glass dildo in Darren's hole while Darren really worked my nips... when fucking Darren, Todd was behind me chowing down on my hole. Neither got hard enough to fuck me, and after a few more puffs we moved on to toys. Darren has an amazing collection of toys, especially for someone who basically collected them in the last year! He's got a number of attachments for his pump - they both immediately got the nip cylinders on my nips and pumped them to huge proportions - no surprise there. Todd had the biggest cock of three of us, and though he wasn't getting hard we got him pumped up... Darren started with a pump that suctions out your rosebud, and got his asscunt lips really puffy and open. Then toys went up all three pigholes - of varying sizes with lots of bumps and twists and turns... knowing I was likely to be shortchanged in the "real" cock department, as there were times that I was the ONLY one hard at a party, they worked me over with a cool vibrating dildo that also has a series of metal balls running down the sides in a channel, so when they move through the dildo it's a continuing wave feeling. That felt awesome. Hours later the other guys arrived, a hot guy, Vaun, of Pakistani descent from Trinidad, and a big burly muscular hispanic guy named Eddie who'd done some boxing and was new to the whole scene as he'd gotten divorced recently and admitted he'd rather do men - he was POZ however, but not from a gay sex experience. He was, supposedly, JUST a top and did not get fucked... but Vaun had insisted that he get cleaned out before this party and made him do so before they came... which turned out to be a good thing. We pulled out the glass cock - filled it a couple of times in fact - as we got the guys up to speed... lots of shot-gunning, and Eddie got very friendly and loosened up, which Vaun whispered was unusual... I finally got fucked for a bit - Vaun had fucked me on past occasions and did so now (not a huge cock, but THICK) as I variously blew both Todd and Eddie, rimmed Todd, then convinced Eddie to let me rim him - and after some hesitation he rolled back, lifted those big muscular legs on that hairless hispanic butt and showed me a tight pink hole - I went nuts on it! Vaun moved off to fuck Darren in the sling while I chowed down on that gorgeous he-man butt and Eddie started to thrash and moan. Todd, catching on as usual to what I was doing, got the pipe and started shot-gunning both of us, feeding Eddie his big floppy cock between Eddie's hits. You guessed it... not too long and Todd was helping me get my cock in Eddie's hole as he was BEGGING for it. (Turns out he had been fucked briefly twice before - poorly he said - and didn't think it was his thing). He started to scream for more and I really laid it on him for about 40 minutes in all sorts of positions, while Todd continued with us switching back and forth, getting his cock and ass eaten and sucking Eddies cock or rimming the hell out of my hole while I fucked Eddie into the world of the versatiles! After a long satisfying fuck, I knew my pozload was ready to spew, and when I told him he told me to give it to him and fill him up. I blew my wad up his seldom-used before manhole, and Todd and I rimmed him and tasted my load, the three of us swapping deep cumkisses and tongue fucking each other. I finally broke for a while to do a watersports scene with Todd and Darren in the shower, and Eddie was in shortly begging for chem piss in his butt! I'm a nice guy - I gave it! No one else got hard that evening (the only downer for me) but after a few more fucks from me to the guys I headed out, as I had been there 10+ hours already and needed to get home to my partner, to tell him the stories when he woke up next morning, and so I left them all with toys up their butts as they continued well into the daylight. Darren tells me Eddie would like to get together again "REAL SOON"! *again a true story with names changed slightly to protect the guilty!*
    16 points
  32. This happened last week when I was in NJ for business. I had been horny all day and my cock kept getting hard. I was busy with a work meeting but I was having trouble ignoring the growing lump in my pants. After I was back at my hotel I started to search for some hot ass to breed on BBRTS. I came across a cumdump ad from a guy that was taking loads a few miles from where I was staying. He was in a local Adult theater and was taking loads. I sent him an email and asked if he'd like some additional loads. He sent me a message that he was taking some loads from 3 cocks and as soon as he was done he was happy to come over and take mine. Sure enough, about an hour later he arrives. Hot guy late 30's 5'10" hairy chest and ass, and a wet hole. We started kissing and he got down sucking me hard. I couldn't wait any longer and pushed him on the bed on his back with his legs in the air. I sank my cock deep in that hot wet hole. OMG it felt so good with the other loads inside. I fucked his hole hard for a short time before my first load shot out of my balls and into his ass! "don't you dare pull out" he said. DUH I had no intention as I pushed further inside to let him feel my cock explode. He stayed with me for several hours and over that time I fucked him and seeded his ass several more times. I'm lucky, my dick isn't huge but its kinda thick and I can cum mutiple times. He was a greedy cumdump and took everything I had. Honestly I was spent and very happy. He left my hotel room about 4am with a very happy wet dripping hole! I want more! I love it and am addicted to breeding hot ass!!
    16 points
  33. It'd been a few months since I'd been to the baths - - - and a few months since I'd parTied. I still had three bags in my stash, so I loaded up my gear and headed downtown. The place was pretty dead for a Friday night - but it was kinda early (11:00pm). Got myself a good room and started to get my party on. I was in one of those wierd moods - horny as hell, but really didn't want to play any cruising games. I smoked until I felt that familiar tingle in my ass, squirted some j-lube in my hole with a syringe, and fingered my hole while watching Corey Jay get fucked on the video monitor. Found a tab of X in my pill bottle, and washed it down with some vodka for good measure. Slipped on my red cotton jock and got ready to go out and make the rounds. The rubber cockring and neoprene ballstretcher gave a nice bulge to the jock pouch, even though my cock was pretty soft. As I walked down the hallways, there were plenty of hot guys - but I just couldn't get myself into it, for some reason. Went downstairs to the second floor and did the circuit there, too. Out of habit, I decided to walk through the maze - though I'm usually more of a visual person and like to see what's going up my ass or down my throat. Anyway, I shuffled slowly down the dark, plywood-walled corridor, letting my eyes adjust to the little light coming from a flickering video screen. The maze has small, dead-end 'rooms' off the main path, where guys can lurk, waiting for some curious fuck to wander in. I let my knuckles drift along the rough plywood, trying to feel if there was a warm body hiding in the dark. I made my way around the small cubicle without running into anyone, so I headed back to the opening of the main corridor. After being in pitch blackness, the corridor seemed almost bright. I could actually see white towels moving around in the dimness. I saw a semihard cock hanging out of a gloryhole - - - the short bearcub in front of me dropped to his knees and quickly took it in his mouth, followed by a guttural moan on the other side of the plywood wall. I eased my way around the kneeling cocksucker, and slid into the next cubicle opening. Once again, I let my fingers guide me around the inky blackness. I reached the back of the space, and was about ready to turn around, when I felt a warm body behind me. A hand found my waist and slid around to my flat stomach. The hand pulled our bodies closer together, until my ass pressed against his crotch and my back rubbed against his hairy pecs. Now, like I said, I usually like to have a visual of the guy I'm playing with - - - but the X and the T and the blackness of the maze just made me give in to the moment. He wasn't wearing a towel, and I could feel his cock starting to throb against my asscheeks. His other hand had found my left nipple, and was tugging on the stainless steel ring that pierced it. I moaned a little, letting him know I was his. A deep growl sounded next to my ear, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He smelled like cigarettes and whiskey. My skin was electric from the X, and his hands sent shockwaves through my body. I ground my ass against his hardening tool, letting my pre-lubed hole coat his meat. I reached around, grabbing his cock, massaging it and gauging its size. Fuck! Not the biggest I've had - but certainly thick enough to keep me interested! He was wearing a metal donut cockring, and what felt like a heavy metal ballstretcher. His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his cock - (Okay, Daddy! Take charge!). I positioned my feet against the sidewalls of the small cubicle (about 3 feet apart) and put my hands against the wall in front of me. His rough hand slid up and down my slick crack until his thumb popped into my swollen pucker. He twisted his thumb around, opening me up (like I really needed that!), and then I felt his warm cock slide in beside his thumb. "Fucccckkkkkkkk!" I moaned, as he leaned forward, sinking his meat all the way to the balls. His right hand grabbed my shoulder for leverage, and he began deep dicking me. All I could hear were the grunts from the fucker behind me, and the slapping of his pelvis against my sweaty ass. I took a deep breath, and completely relaxed my hole, giving him all the room he needed to tear my ass apart. "Unh! ungh! ungh! unnh! unnngghh!" he panted, slamming my hungry fuckhole with his bare cock. After a coupla minutes, he pulled out, placed his hands under my armpits and pulled me to a standing position. I felt his hot breath next to my ear again, and he whispered, "You got a great ass, but I don't wanna cum yet." His hand glided up and down the cleft of my ass one more time, and then he turned and headed back into the maze. I was still catching my breath, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do next, when I felt another warm body behind me. (Hmmmm! Maybe this wasn't so bad after all!) I braced myself against the wall again, and the anonymous cock easily slid into my open hole. He pumped frantically for about a minute, and then I felt his cock pulse, dumping a load in my ass. This time, I didn't even stand up. Within seconds it seemed, I had another cock breeding me. Evidently, word was getting around that some slut was taking loads in the maze, 'cause four more guys fucked me after that - each leaving a warm load in my gut. The X and T were combining with the sleazy, anonymous sex, and I was growing hungrier by the minute. After the sixth load, there was a lull, so I decided to head back to my room for a little more 'smoke.' Definitely got some stares from the guys as I walked back into the light of the outer hallway - - - my 'fuck' street cred had gone up a few notches in their eyes. I got back to my room, flopped down on the foam mattress, and lit a cigarette. I had left the door cracked open a bit, just so I could keep an eye on who was walking by. Flipping through the channels on the 'all porn, all the time' TV, I finally found a decent BB flick with guys takin' turns fuckin' a leather bottom in a sling. Since things were pretty dead (and I didn't feel like getting up to close the door), I reached in my bag and pulled out a baggie of finely crushed T and one of those plastic Bic pen caps with the pocket clip extension. Dipped in the bag and raised the pen cap to my nose - SNORT! Mmmmmmm - I love that burn! Then one for the other nose. Just as I inhaled through my right nostril, I saw a face looking in from the hall. I couldn't tell if he'd seen me snorting, or if it was too dark in the room. At any rate, I quickly stashed the baggie, and made like I was just smoking a cigarette. The face disappeared - but I was still a little freaked out. Hoping if he had seen anything, that he wasn't gonna go rat me out to the staff. To get my mind off it, I grabbed my towel and headed for the third floor shower to rinse off and drink some water. The warm water felt good on my X-tingling skin, and it felt good to wash off some of the filth of the maze. The snort of T was also starting to make its way into my bloodstream, and kick my sleazy mind back into gear! I shut the water off and pulled the flimsy shower curtain back - grabbed my thin towel and started to dry off. A big, black guy walked in and positioned himself at the urinal. I could hear the heavy stream of piss as it hit the plastic grid in the bottom of the bowl. Taking occasional glances as I was drying, I saw that he was well built AND well hung! He was wearing a black leather cockring with chrome pyramid studs that really looked hot against his dark skin. When he was finished, he slowly stroked the thick meat, squeezing a few more drops of piss into the urinal. Then he gave it three firm shakes and turned toward me. I'd been caught staring - and he knew it. He smiled a big grin and said, "How's it goin'?" I managed to utter, "Great - and you?" "Oh, I'm just gettin' here," he answered, "so I hope it's a busy night!" "I don't think you'll have any trouble," I smiled, finally recovering my dignity. "Maybe I'll see you later." He gave me a thumbs up, wrapped his towel around his narrow waist, and headed out to the hallway. I finished drying as well as I could with the threadbare towel, and noticed that my shriveled crystal dick was starting to show signs of life! Guess the thought of getting fucked by that thick, black cock was having a positive effect. Headed down the dark hallway to my room - - - finally getting over my earlier mood - and starting to enjoy cruising for XL cock! I wasted no time sliding the key in the lock, anxious to get inside and blow some thick clouds. This time, I shut the door for privacy, wanting to take my time loading the pipe and slowly heating a fresh rock until it vaporized. Digging through the baggie, I found a nice-sized rock and scooped it out and into the bowl of the glass pipe. Since I had time, I pulled out my flask of vodka and chugged a quick shot - letting the clear licquor burn on the way down - and then warm my insides. Then, I picked up the glass pipe, staring at the pea-sized shard of chemical that was about to send me deeper into my cockhungry pig-state. I flicked the starter on an old Zippo lighter, and waved the orangish-blue flame back and forth under the slightly blackened glass bowl. Careful! -Don't burn it! (I had been accused of this by another tweaker awhile back, and had since taken more care when heating the meth in a glass cock!) The rock disappeared into a small pool of liquid - and I continued slowly waving the flame back and forth under the bowl. Then it happened - as it always does - - - that thick, white cloud started to form, slowly drifting up the length of the glass tube, inching ever closer to my open mouth. I cleared my lungs, so that I could take a deep pull on the pipe. I set the lighter down, and slowly inhaled as long as I could. Hold it - hold it - hold it - hold it...............exhale............. Fuck yeah! I love gettin' fuckin' high at the baths. My own little drug - fuck - leather - kink - big cock - toy - cum - rubber - dildo - fist world! Flick the lighter again - this time, the smoke starts to form almost immediately. I do another deep hit. Hold it as long as possible. Exhale. FUCK!!!! My ass twitches just at the thought of getting stuFFed! Cock - fist - hell, I don't care! As long as somebody's playin' with my hungry fuckhole- I'll be happy! I set the pipe down on the wooden TV platform to cool - stash the baggie in my duffle - light a cigarette to cover up the acrid, metallic smell of the meth cloud - and tug on my limp dick. I can hear some guy gettin' fucked in the room next to me, his muffled moans seeping through the thin plywood wall - and the occasional thud of muscle against wood as his body gets shoved against the wall by the guy who's fuckin'him. I open my door to get a little fresh air from the hallway. The coolness of the outside air feels good against my chem-heated skin. This reminds me that I better get some water before I get distracted. I grab two plastic water bottles, and head back toward the drinking fountain to refill - not bothering with a towel, since it's already 2 am, and I'm high, and I'm in a fuckin' bathhouse! I tend to my business, but enjoy the long looks I get from the more timid guys in shorts and towels. That's right guys - I'm a fuckin' hot guy, high as a kite, with a msucled ass that needs to get fucked - NOW!!! When I get back to the room, the "T" has really kicked in, and I am in full "fuck me" mode. I leave the door about halfway open, and take a long drag on still-burning cigarette. Figure it's time to put on some of the leather I brought, so I fish through the duffle. First, the leather codpiece jock - cock and balls go through a hole in the front panel, leather strap up my greasy crack, six snaps attach the codpiece and keep my shriveled cock bathed in a pool of slimy lube. Next - leather harness - simple, black, wide cross straps with a chrome ring in front and back - shows off my hard worked pecs and lats, an' gives a top somethin' to grab onto for leverage! Armbands - red and black leather - shows I'm into fisting - versatile. Another drag on the cigarette. As I'm checkin' myself out in the mirror, I notice the face from earlier checkin' me out from the doorway. I pretend not to see him, an' let him enjoy the show. I squat down with my back to the door, lettin' him get a good look at my leather-strapped ass, while diggin' through the duffle for my tit clamps. Ah! There they are! The chain jingles as I pull them out of the canvas bag. I grab a sheet of paper towel off the roll I brought with me, and wipe the dripping sweat off my pierced nips. Clamp...... "Fuccckkkk!" I moan, as the rubber-padded clamp connects with the nerves on my "X" sensitized tit - like little electrical charges running between my nipple, my cock and my ass. I wipe the other nipple and repeat the process. "Fuck, yeah!" I smile to myself, letting the chrome chain drop between my pecs. I glance up to see the reaction on my audience. Fuck! He's gone. Oh well - I'm so into my own chem-leather scene now - I decide to just kick back and enjoy the ride. I light another cigarette, prop myself up on the two raggedy pillows, and flick through the porn on the TV. My buddy down at the front desk had said he'd brought some Raw Fuck Club dvds for later - I found one with Mason Garret gettin' fucked by this huge, black cock! Grabbed a dildo, lubed it up, slid the leather strap aside and shoved the rubber cock in my cummy hole. The face was back at the door! I could see now that he'd just left to put on some leather of his own. I shifted on the thin mattress toward the door, focusing my attention on the watcher. He was wearing a harness and a pair of rubber chaps (no jock), and was stroking a nice-sized cock. I let go of the dildo, leaving it lodged halfway in me, and hooked my thumb under the titclamp chain, giving it light tugs. He stepped further into the doorway. With my free hand, I picked up the cigarette from the ashtray and took a drag. Then I ground it out with the others, and stared unblinking at the stranger at the door. I cocked my head back, motioning him in. He got the message and walked the few steps to the edge of the bed. I sat up, legs on either side of his, and took his cock in my mouth. As I did, the rubber cock slid deep inside me and hit my prostate, driving me crazy! I slobbered on the big cock, moaning at the feel and taste of the thick piece of meat. He spread his legs a little for balance - and to force my legs farther apart. One of his hands found the back of my neck, guiding my head onto his cock - and holding me still as he pushed down my throat. (When I party, my gag reflex almost disappears, and I can deep throat with the best cocksuckers!) "PIG!" I heard him say, as my throat massaged the head of his cock. Just when I thought I was gonna pass out, the pressure on the back of my neck eased, and I let the tool slide out of my mouth. I coughed a little, gasping for air, while he gently ran his hand across my buzzed hair. "Fuck, you're hot!" he said, wiping his spit-covered meat up and down my stubbled cheek. He walked over and shut the door. "So - whuchoo get into?" he asked, slowly stroking his cock. "I get fucked," I answered, staring straight into his eyes. "And?" he continued. "Fisted," I added. "Party?" he asked. "Uh-huh," I answered, reaching up and fondling his heavy balls. "Raw?" "Yeah." "Couples?" "Hell, yeah." He reached around and unclipped a phone from the back of his chaps. Speed-dialed a number. "Hey." "Yeah." "Third floor." "Yeah - He's a fuckin' pig." "Yeah - bring it." "Mirrored Room." "Yeah - hurry up." Click I was still playing with my nips, staring at him. "That was my boyfriend," he said. "We like to play together - an' you look like fun!" he smiled, pushing me back on the bed and kneeling between my legs. "Ya mind if we party with ya?" he asked, grabbing the base of the big dildo and twisting it in my ass. "As long as I get fucked, you can do whatever ya want." He pulled the dildo out and sank his cock in all the way. "Like that?" he said, grinding his pelvis against my ass. "Uhhhhh-huhhhhhhhh," I moaned, feeling the heat filling my chemhungry hole. He rocked back and forth - not really fucking - just getting my ass used to his cock. I took in the image on the mirrored ceiling, liking the look of my hole getting bred by this hot stud! "Knock, knock knock," came a light tapping on the door. The stud pulled out, and got up to answer the door. He opened it just a crack - then all the way. What walked in was a fucking wet dream! Well over six feet tall, tatted all over, shaved head, and built like a brick shithouse! He was wearing a harness and chaps, too, but also was sporting a well-stuffed rubber jock. "Uh, this is my lover, Dan - - - and I'm Brent," Brent said, finally introducing himself (not always necessary, but nice if you need to ask for something...). "Great! Uh, and I'm Jim," I replied. Dan had a small, black gym bag that he tossed on the bed. "Brent says you're a fuckin' party pig," Dan said in a deep voice. "I'm as fuckin' nasty as they come," I threw it back to him. "Hope you like it good 'n' sloppy," I grinned, laying back and pulling my asscheeks apart to show off my gaping hole. "Fuck, that's hot!" he replied, reaching down and dipping two fingers into my slimy rosebud. "You a total bottom - or you fuck, too?" he asked. I unsnapped the leather codpiece, revealing my shriveled cock - "Sorry, can't help ya out there. Got a bad case o' crystal dick tonight," I said, lightly tugging at my useless meat. Dan sat on the edge of the bed and proceeded to unzip the gym bag. He dug through until he pulled out a small prescription bottle. He opened it and shook out a small, orange pill. "Here. Take this," he ordered. "What is it?" I asked, not afraid to try something new, but wanting to make sure I wasn't gonna have some adverse druf reaction. "Levitra," he replied. "Keeps me goin' when I party," he smiled, rubbing the stiff log that was inching toward the waistband of his rubber jock. I tossed the pill in my mouth, and washed it down with water from one of the plastic bottles. "Now - how 'bout you get to work on this?" he said, undoing a snap on the back of the jock and freeing his thick fucktool. I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to the edge of the bed. Dan aimed his cock at my open mouth, and it was immediately surrounded by my lips. Brent stepped up on the low platform bed and walked around behind me. His fingers slid into my partially open hole and massaged the insides. "You're gonna love fuckin' him, Dan," Brent said. "He's got a real loose hole, just like you like!" With that, Brent replaced his fingers with his cock and started fucking. I was in pig heaven - bein' spit roasted by these two hot guys. We were all moving to the beat of the electronic club music, and I could feel myself giving in to the drugslutcockwhore that I loved!
    16 points
  34. The jizz in my ass had been feeling lonely all through dinner and I was gagging for more loads. The bars were busier tonight, everyone hanging around outside again chatting and cruising away the hot evening. At the end of the street, in front of Queenz bar, was a gaggle young lads, fairly cute but with that annoying overly-preened plucked eyebrows look going on, they were handing out flyers, selling drugs and selling themselves. Coke is the drug of choice over here it seems. We get given flyers for Union that includes a free shot, it's a dance club and the music is good but there are only 4 other people in there besides us. We have our free shot (Vodka mixed some Lemoncello type liqueur) and go to DSB Dark Bar opposite. This is more like it. A long thin place, cute barmen with their tops off, porn and seating down one end near the entrance to the toilets and darkroom. We get a drink, the largest gin & tonics you've ever seen, and I go off to explore the darkroom. There's an open seating space in the middle with a big screen playing porn, the rest is little cupboards for 1-2-1s but there don't seem to be glory holes. Down the very end is a sling and just outside are 2 guys making out. I get my cock out and a guy who must have followed me from the bar gets up close and starts feeling my ass. I pull my pants down and can feel his hard cock pushing on my ass cheeks. Condom? He asks. I lube my ass with spit and guide his cock to my hole. Spunk in me I reply, and he pushes his cock all the way in. I sniff my fingers and can smell Nate's load from earlier, mixed with sweat and ass juice. This gets me going more than the hit of poppers which I've just been handed by one of the 2 guys opposite who have stopped making out now and are watching me take this guys raw cock. The one who handed me the poppers is trying to get the other lad to get his ass out so he can fuck him. Lad number 2 isn't keen. The guy inside me doesn't take long before the tell tale grunts start and his thrusting gets faster. I look behind and say yeah to reassure him he can dump inside. Yeah he replies and his cock starts to spasm in my ass. He pushes hard and my face is pinned up against the wall, his babies flooding my cumhole. He pulls straight out and won't let me suck his cock clean. Just zips up, pats me on the shoulder and goes back out to the bar. This is obviously not what the one guy opposite is into and he walks off leaving the other guy, the one whose been trying to fuck him, with a hard dick and no one to play with. He comes straight over and rams his dick up my spunk dripping hole without a word. Arrhh yeah. It's bigger than the previous cock and I can feel the cum inside me making my hole sloppy, stretching to accommodate his width. He begins with long, sensual strokes which make my hole feel so good. He takes a hit of poppers and offers me the bottle so I have big sniff and feel like I'm in heaven. Fuck yeah breed me man I cry out and hand him his bottle back. He's inside me, pleasuring his dick with my asshole, churning up the seed inside, for around 10 mins before, without warning, he groans and dumps his wad of jizz deep in my ass. He stays inside making sure I get every last drop and I have to stop wanking my cock as I'm really close to cumming. I pull off his cock and he shudders a bit and sighs. Cheers mate I say and go down on him, sucking off the spunk and ass slime coating his still hard cock. He smiles, zips up and walks back to the bar. I wander around the rest of the darkroom but it's empty now so I go back to the others and my G&T. We all go outside for a smoke and Nate says he came to see what I was up to but I seemed to be busy. Yeah, getting 2 loads I explain. Yes I saw he replied. We go back in but the place seems to be thinning out. Everyone is doing the typical Spanish trick of having one drink in each bar then moving on. I'll just have another quick nose in the back before we go I say to everyone. It's still empty in there so I guess it's time to follow everyone else and move on. Just then Nate taps me on the shoulder and indicates toward the sling room. Erm ok then. I strip off and so does Nate, we put our clothes in a heap on a stool next to the sling. My cum dripping hole is now exposed and at just the right height for Nate to pound me. He goes at my ass for about 15 mins and his big cock is all very nice and all but he's got a condom on and it's just not doing it for me. Different guys pop their head through the open doorway to see what's going on and one comes in and brings his cock up to my face so I can suck him while I get fucked. Do you want to spunk up my ass I say. He doesn't say anything but Nate pulls his cock out and indicates to this guy that he can have a go if he wants. The guy doesn't move so I say I think I need a break (more about this guy in the write of the next day). We have a last drink in XXL and everyone else is ready to go back to the apartment. I'm gonna see what's happening down the beach I say, I'll see you in bed I say to my bf. Be careful he says. I get a small beer and chat to some English guys outside for a bit then make my way up to the darkroom. I do a bit of sucking but no one is up for dumping load number 4 in me so I head down to the beach. My head is spinning a bit by now so I sit on the same bench as the previous night and wait for trade, watching the waves and listening to the sea while slowly stroking my cock. A guy comes down the steps to the beach and notices me, he stands there watching for a while then walks off to the opposite side of the beach wall to another bench. I follow him with my cock still out and my trousers and pants near my knees, my ass exposed and ready for action. He gets his cock out so I can suck him, he's circumcised and his cock is all bronze from nude sunbathing. I get him hard in my mouth and ask him if he wants my ass. How many loads you got already he asks in foreign accent I can't place. 3 I say. You want more? As many as I can get I say as I lean over, resting my arms on the wall and pushing my ass out toward his cock. I'm gonna breed your cunt boy he grunts as he wanks his fat cock and pushes the head onto to asshole. Push some seed out to lube my cock he commands. I do as I'm told and coat his dick with seed which comes gushing out of me in a big loud fart. Fucking filthy cumwhore he says and rams his cum coated jizz stick up in me with one hard thrust that takes my breath away for a minute. He starts pounding away at my ass and another guy comes down and sits on the bench next us. I feel for his cock and try to suck him but he says he just likes to watch. I'm getting long, hard strokes from my top now and he's clearly getting close. You want it don't you slut he gasps, loud enough for everyone to hear. Yeah knock me up I plead with him. He thrusts really hard, nearly knocking me off balance, and cries out, I'm fucking cumin in your cunt boy, take that fucking load. Arhh breed me man I whimper. He pulls out and demands I suck him clean. Mmmmm I don't need telling twice. His cock tastes great, covered in his own load mixed with all the other seed from my ass. I fucking love that taste. I carry on sucking, pulling his dick for any last drops of cum, sticking my tongue into his piss slit. I'll be here tomorrow night if you're ready to dump again I say. He smiles, says maybe, zips up and walks back up the stairs. I stick my finger up my ass and can feel all the guys sperm swimming around inside. I sniff my finger, fuck yeah, it smells so strong and ripe, I lick my finger and taste all the gooey mess and stick it back up to get more. Ass spunk has to be the best smell in the world. You like getting fucked, the guy whose been watching asks. I love it, you sure you don't want to use my ass I reply. No, I don't fuck men he says but tomorrow will be busier, I'd like to watch you take more. I'll be hear after midnight I say. I'll show you where you can get the most cock he helpfully assures me. Nice one I say. Laterz mate, I walk along the beach back to the apartment checking down on the sand all the way in case there's any more action I can join in with. Unfortunately it's all very quiet.
    16 points
  35. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’ and weigh about 160 pounds. My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared. All three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their picture did not do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a “bong”, something I’d never seen before. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. Jordan than asked me if I’d like to try something called “poppers”? I said sure and he told Aaron to go and get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
    16 points
  36. I was still high from a party I went to on Friday night, so I packed up my bag and headed to the bathhouse on Saturday around noon. Figured, even if there wasn't any action, I could get some sun on the roof deck. Checked into my room and got comfortable - fired up the glass pipe - blew some clouds - went to the bathroom with my douche bulb to make sure I was clean (even though I'd done a thorough cleanout before the party - and hadn't eaten anything since). Went back to the room. Popped a tab of X. Blew some more clouds. I was still wearing the heavy chrome cockring from the night before, but my dick was showing the effects of Miss Tina. Dug around in my bag, and found the pill bottle with the Viagra. Took a half pill. Kicked back and smoked a cigarette and gooned to the porn on the TV. Dug through my bag and found my 2" neoprene ballstretcher and pulled my balls through it. (Some guys don't like all this shit on their cock and balls - but I look at mine as 'equipment' - and anything I can do to draw attention to it is a bonus!) Enough of this shit. Time to walk around and see who's here. I snapped on my leather jock/codpiece and headed out the door. It was pretty quiet on the third floor. As I passed by the closed doors, I heard the occasional loud snoring from some guys sleeping off the previous night's excess. As I got toward the back of the floor, I saw the door open to the corner room. (I mention this, because the corner rooms are larger - usually with a double bed - and are usually rented by couple, or guys who want lots of company....) I slowed down, so I could get a look inside without actually stopping. The lights were off, but from the flickering of the TV, I could make out one guy on the bed - propped up on a pillow - smoking a cigarette, and staring blankly at the TV screen. I could tell he was trying not to look like he saw me, but his eyes shifted a couple of times toward the door opening. I continued on, checking out the rest of the closed doors, and fantasizing about what kind of trouble I might get into with the corner room guy. On my next circuit around, I was bolder - actually stopping in the doorway and staring at him. He had a nice body, probably mid-twenties, short blonde hair, clean-shaven, and I noticed four or five good-sized dildoes on the bed next to him. He had his towel draped over his cock, so I couldn't make a judgment on that score - - - yet. He finally turned his head and acknowledged me with a nod. I stepped a little ways into the room and said, "Hey man. Want some company?" He waved his cigarette, motioning me into the room. I sat down on the edge of he bed, introduced myself, and found out his name was Tyler. He and his boyfriend had checked in the night before, but around 5 am, the BF had left to go party with some friends at the 'other' bathhouse down the street. "So - you guys play around?" I asked, pulling my pack of smokes out of my jock waist band and lighting up. "Yeah - he gets kinda crazy when he parties - guess I do, too - but more guys are after him, 'cause he's got a real big dick..." Tyler said, lazily fondling his crotch under the ratty, white towel. "So - uh - I guess you like to get fucked?" I kept the conversation going. "Yeah - pretty much - 'specially when I party." "Yeah - I know what you mean," I answered. "Whatchu party with?" I asked. "T... G... X... K... - those are the main ones, I guess," he answered, propping himself up a little on the two poor excuses for pillows. "Man, I love 'T', " I said, letting him know I was cool with it. "Mind if I go get my shit, an' we can party together?" I asked. "Cool," he nodded, actually looking at me for the first time. "Just leave the door open." he added. I got up and headed back to my room, glad that I'd made some sorta connection. Out of habit, I checked to see if there were any open doors on the way back to the room. Nothing. I grabbed my pipe, a bag of t, lighter, j-lube, coupla dildoes, leather harness and armbands - threw it all in a black nylon gym bag, and headed back to Tyler's room. He was laying right where I left him - staring at the TV on the wooden platform - smoking another cigarette. I walked in and shut the door. He seemed a little surprised that I'd brought a whole bag o' shit. "Don't worry - I'm not movin' in - just thought I'd bring summa my stuff in case we wanted to play..." I explained. I pulled out my glass pipe and lighter and fired it up to get things going. He instinctively reached for his own and did the same. "You ever booty bump?" I asked. "Hell, yeah," he grinned, finally pulling off the tattered towel, and revealing his shrunken tina dick. He was wearing a leather cock-and-ball stretcher, chrome cockring, and had a 2 gauge PA through the head of his cock. (I love seein' a wasted party cock on a hot man - means he's fuckin' spun and needs to get his hole stretched - - - BAD!!!) I licked my little finger and slid it in the bag of t, pulling out a nice bump for my new friend. Tyler licked his lips and pulled his legs back exposing his shaved ass. "Push it out, pig," I ordered. I saw the pucker start to open as he controlled his breathing. When I could see the pink insides of his hole, I slid my finger in, feeling the warm folds of his rectum. "Ohhhhh yeeaaaahhhhhh!" Tyler moaned. "Fuckin' burn my hole up, man!" he said, throwing his head back and grinding his jaws together. I slowly traced the inside of his guts with my finger, making sure that the crystal was well distributed, and testing to see how easily he would open up. When I finally pulled my finger out, I first held it up to my nose to check for any hint of shit (I'm not into scat, guys). It passed the smell test, so I stuck it in my mouth and licked it clean. "Mmmmmm! Sweet hole, man!" I complimented him. "Tastes like you got some cum up there..." "Yeah - I guess I been fucked four or five times tonite," he admitted nonchalantly. "Cool!" I answered. "So, you like raw dick?" I asked. "Yeah - rubbers fuckin' give my hole a rash, man," he replied. "Plus, I like feelin' it run outta my ass," he said, smiling. (Mmmm - jackpot!!!) I squirted some j-lube on my fingers and inserted two in Tyler's hole. He raised his ass to meet me, signaling that he wanted to play. "God, that feels good!" Tyler raised his head up, staring at me. I was slowly twisting my fingers in his warm hole, alternating between two and three, and keeping him well-lubed. "Fuck! That's awesome, man!" he grinned, playing with his nipples. "Hey - wait a minute," he made me pause. He dug around and found a pill bottle, pulled out a little pink one, and downed it with some water. "What was that?" I asked. "X," he answered. "Haven't had any since we first got here - this'll really get me goin'!" he grinned again, flicking his tits with the tips of his thumbs. (Okay - we're in it for the long haul.... ) I played with his hole for what seemed like an hour, taking turns between my hands and a few medium-sized dildoes. We took a brief break for him to smoke some more t and we both had a cigarette (I skipped the t 'cause I wanted to fuck this hot ass!) "Man - you really know how to work my hole!" Tyler said, finding a pair of titclamps and attaching them to his hard nipples. "Ger hardly ever plays with my ass," he said, speaking of his boyfriend, Gerhardt. "He just wants to stick it in an' start fucking." "It's like you know what my ass needs," he said, stretching his legs and tugging on the chain attached to the titclamps. "Takes a good bottom to know how to play with your ass," I answered. "Trust me - I've had years of experience!" On our next break, Tyler sat up, crosslegged and groped my leather crotch. "So - wutcha got packed in there, Daddy?" he said, his eyes darting between my face and my crotch. "Open it 'n' see," I teased, leaning back against the black-painted wall. Slowly, he unsnapped the codpiece, tentatively reaching in and squeezing my semihard meat. "Pop! Pop!" went the two side snaps, and the codpiece lay on the thin, white sheets. "Fuck yeah, Daddy!!!" Tyler hissed, his eyes unable to move from my growing package. The Viagra was definitely doing its job - along with the restraint from smoking more t, and the thought of getting to fuck the young stud's tina hole! Tyler ran his hands along the shaft, tugged on the PA, gripped my cinched balls - just like a kid with a new toy! "Fuck, that's hot!" he said, encircling my cock and balls at the base and pulling my 'equipment' toward him. "God, I need to get fucked!" he said, staring directly into my eyes. I put one hand on the back of his head, and pulled his head down to my crotch. He caught on quickly, and soon my cock was buried deep in his warm mouth. "Mmmmm-hmmmm!" he moaned, swirling his tongue under the ridge of my cockhead, and forcing the PA to slide back and forth through the pierced flesh. "Good boy!" I growled. "Suck your daddy's fuckin' dick." A garbled 'Yes Sir' came from his throat. I could tell the chems were really kickin' in for him, as he turned into more and more of the bottom fuckwhore I wanted. Every now and then, he would come up for air, tears welling up in his deep blue eyes from gagging on my thick cock, but still begging for some sign of approval from his newfound Daddy. I shoved four fingers in his mouth, so he could taste his ass, and know who owned him for this moment. "Whaddaya want, pig?" I snarled at him. He just looked down at my rigid meat. "Ya want your Daddy to fuck ya? Ya want my big cock in your slimy, used cunt? Fuckin' tina whore! Fuckin' whorin' your ass out while your boyfriend's fuckin' some other cheap cunt across the street? How bad you want it, boy? Say it! Beg for my fuckin' cock, slut!" "Please, sir!" he panted. "Please.... I need your cock in my hole, bad! I need your Daddy cock, Sir! Please fuck me! Use my fuckin' hole! So fuckin' hungry! Need it bad!" he chattered away, tugging on my balls all the while. "Get on your fuckin' hands an' knees, boy!" I ordered, slapping his stubbled cheek with my spit-covered hand. He quickly turned around on the bed, pointing his bubble ass in my direction. While he wasn't looking, I quickly reached in my bag and pulled out the leather harness and armbands, and put them on. Then I dipped my finger in the plastic baggie of t and pushed it in his gaping hole. "Oh fuck!" Tyler moaned, realizing what I had just done. "Thank you, Daddy! Thank you, Sir! I wanna be your fuckin' chemwhore! Fuck my cunt with your big cock, Daddy! Fuck your boy's tinahole!!!" he rambled on in typical chemchatter. My dick did look damn good! Since I'm the one who's usually so fuckin' high on tina, I'd forgotten how nice a piece of meat I had! I knee-walked forward toward Tyler's gyrating ass, and slid my cock up and down between his muscled asscheeks. "Fuck!" was all he could muster. I slapped my dick on each cheek a coupla times to let him know what was coming. "Open up, boy!" I growled. "Show me that fuckin' hole! Show me how hungry that tina's gotcha! Show me how much you want my big dick!" With a combination of relaxing and pushing, his pucker started to open. I bent down and shoved my tongue in, and ate his fucking ass. It tasted like cum and lube - - - and the bitter taste of meth! Fuckin' sexy chemwhore, cunt! I positioned my PA inside the open pucker, and slowly leaned forward, watching as his fuckhole swallowed my fucktool. "Fuck, yes....fuck, yes....fuck, yes......fuck, yes - - - uh-huh - - -yeah - - - uh-huh," Tyler chanted into the pillow in front of him as I drilled his hole. The X made my cock tingle a little, and I'd had just emough t to keep me from cumming right away. I put both hands on Tyler's broad shoulders for leverage, and powerfucked his muscle butt for a good 15-20 minutes. "Fuck, man!" I said, panting. "I gotta take a break." We were both sweating (part from the exertion, and part from the drugs) like pigs. "Ya wanna go get some water," Tyler asked, holding up an empty plastic bottle. "Yeah, sure," I agreed, grabbing my own bottle out of my bag. We headed out the door into the cool hallway - him totally naked, and me in my harness and jock w/out the codpiece. My cock was still hangin' thick, and glistening with the lube from his ass. We turned a few heads on the way to the water fountain, so the crowd seemed to be picking up! We took turns slurping from the fountain several times, and finally filled our water bottles. On our way back to his room, I slid two fingers inside Tyler's ass, giving him a deep fingerfuck all the way back to the room. One, hot, musclefucker standing in one of the doorways gave us a long look, and gave me a nod of approval as we walked by. While Tyler fiddled with the key in the lock, I pulled my fingers out and sucked on them (facing the hairy, muscleguy). I got a big grin out of his serious face!
    15 points
  37. Hi guys and Sirs, My mentor helped me with a bucket list for my training. Here it is briefly.. Hooking up with guys 5+ not seeing pics first. (1 so far) Intergenerational 20+ years ✔️ Intergeneration 30+ years ✔️✔️ Interracial ✔️ Fisting Group 5+ Unmedicated HIV+ Men (21 different men for 2021) (4 VL men so far) ✔️✔️✔️✔️ Double penetrated Come out as a cumdump on social media (facebook) Find a colab with someone on OF Take first HIV test on Dec. 1st This is just a 5 month bucket list, Working on a 2022 bucket list. ✔️'s mean accomplished, ones without checks mean not done yet. Also open to stuff that isn't on the list, so if you can help let me know. I'm also supposed to get rid of all of my underwear, but because I live at home it wouldn't be easy to just empty my drawer, but I haven't worn any underwear for 3 weeks.
    15 points
  38. I met Dave at the bars. We hit it off immediately and spent the night talking, until the bar finally shut down. We left and decided to go to a new bathhouse that had just opened down the street. We got checked in and got a shared room. We stripped off, making out briefly, and then went out to explore. We got in the hot tub for a bit and chatted with some guys. Had a nice chat but decided to get out and roam a bit more. The club was nice but plain so we headed back to the room where we made out, I sucked his nine inch cock and he sucked my six and a half incher. He was a total twink but turned out to be a top. I totally had him pegged as a bottom. He proceeded to fuck me bare in a couple different positions and ended up shooting his load deep in my ass. We met up again another night and ended up going to another bathhouse and he fucked me in the hallway. The club was pretty empty and no one really bothered us much. He cock felt great in my ass, I've always felt more comfortable taking larger cocks than smaller ones. He always gave a good fucking and ended up shooting another load up me. The next time we met he came over to my apartment just before I had to go to work. We were standing in my living room and made out for a little bit. He turned me around and put his hand down my pants, grabbing my hardening cock. He jerked me for a little bit then undid my trousers and pushed them and my underwear to the floor. He pushed his down freeing his massive nine incher and started sliding it up and down my crack while kissing my neck. He spit on his hand and slicked up his hard cock and put it back against my crack. He slid down and came back up and hit my hole. He pressed slowly against me and popped in me bareback. He fucked me for a couple minutes while I jerked my cock. He thrust in deep and shot a load in my ass while I shot a load across the carpet in front of me. I didn't see him for a couple years until I ran into him again at the bar. He came up to me and told me he was HIV poz. I asked him if he would still fuck me if he wore a condom. He said sure, but we didn't really have a place to go. He grabbed a condom and took me to an apartment building he used to live in. There was a door to one of the stairwells that didn't close all the way so we pulled it open and went to the top where there was a landing and a ladder to the roof. We could look over the wall and see down the stairwell. It was about three am, and Dave stripped down naked. I was a bit nervous about it because while it was unlikely anyone would come up to where we were at, it was still a possibility. I still got naked and he sucked me and rimmed me. He stood me up naked against the low wall looking down the stairs so I could see anyone that came out of the door on the floor below. He rolled the condom on and proceeded to slide all nine inches of his tool into my ass. He fucked me from behind while standing up for about ten minutes, then he dropped me to the ground on my back, putting my legs up on his shoulders and slammed his cock in and out of my hole. He kept at it, kissing me and sliding his rubber-covered cock in and out for another fifteen minutes before he flipped me over on my hands and knees to fuck me doggy style. Before he entered me again I heard a pop that I didn't really pay much attention to. I was pretty drunk and when I reached back to guide his dick into my ass I still felt the condom. He fucked me for a little while more and then I decided to turn around and lay on my back again. As I was guiding his cock back into me I realized only the base of the condom was intact. He had been fucking me bare for the last few minutes! The moment I had that realization I almost had a spontaneous orgasm. He slid half covered dick back into me and I started to jerk my cock. It only took me about thirty seconds to shoot a load all over my chest. I told him to pull out after I came because his cock was starting to hurt my ass. He pulled out, took the broken condom off and jacked his load onto my chest as well. He never said anything about the broken condom. I realized he broke open the condom while he was repositioning me. I guess he was used to fucking me bare. I was so turned on when I noticed the broken condom, I wouldn't have cared if he seeded me with his poz load. I saw him again a few years later on the local light rail. He was checking me out, but I couldn't tell if he recognized me but he was definitely cruising me. I had to get to a class, but I should have gone after him for one more fuck and one more load in my ass.
    15 points
  39. So I went to Berlin last weekend... I checked into my hotel around 8pm and instantly started getting my ass ready for my first evening in Berlin. I was going to the Biohazard party, a BB party for poz guys only, and by 10pm I was standing in a changing room, stripping down to my jockstrap and running shoes alongside a throng of other guys in various states of undress. I had met up with a Danish BB top outside the venue, so we started off with a beer in the bar. And then the fun began... At first I did that cruisy walking-around-waiting-to-be-grabbed thing, but after the first man had fucked me I just stayed on my hands and knees on the bench where he had fucked me and waited to see if another man would be tempted. Oh, boy... Yup, that strategy worked!!! In the beginning I guess I was a bit shy, sticking my ass in the air and hiding my face in my arms while men took turns in my hole, but as the evening wore on I grew into owning my sluttiness and brazenly looked around me as men were pounding my ass, making eye contact with on-lookers and inviting them to be next in line... The cocks were generally good. All shapes and sizes, but mainly average-to-large. Cock number 15 was quite average in size, but he kept changing angles as he fucked me, so he opened me up more than any of the previous cocks had done. At that point I was on hands and knees on a padded bench up against a wall with a huge mirror and lots of on-lookers. And then... Then came cock number 16! Damn... Ouch... He was thick, so I appreciated the work number 15 had done on my hole, but the worst/best was the length! It hurt every time he went deep - and he went deep with almost every thrust, making me cry out and pull faces every time he hit me hard inside... I guess I must have been quite a noisy bottom as he fucked me, because we drew quite a crowd... And thanks to the mirror on the wall right in front of me I could see them all - and they could see my face and my expressions of pain and ecstasy! They were actually cheering him on to fuck me harder and deeper, apparently turned on by a bottom getting fucked to the very limits of what he could take! (Except one very sweet guy who came up to me and wanted to check if I was okay... Awr... Filthy pigs can be caring! - And of course I was more than okay!) When he was done with me I really needed a break (I had also taken a break after cock number 7), but numbers 17 and 18 were waiting in line and it would just have been rude to turn them down... After number 18 I was beginning to get tired - and sore, but never mind; that was only to be expected! But I figured a break would enable me to take at least a few more cocks before throwing in the towel. So I took another 4 cocks and then decided on another break, but while I was sitting in the lounge this guy began fondling my cock through my jock strap. Sorry, but I couldn't care less about my cock in a setting like that, so I shifted a bit and leaned backwards enough that my hole was exposed, and then I removed his hand to my hole... He got the general idea and started fingering me a bit before pulling me up to a standing position, turning me around and bending me over. So he was number 23... He fucked me for a while, and then he invited his boyfriend to try my hole - number 24 - and they took turns fucking me right there in the lounge next to the food buffet! When they were done with me, though, I was done... It was getting very late and I was tired and had a wet, sore, fucked-out hole. I have no idea how many men came inside me, but it was quite a few, judging by the amount of cum I had leaked unto the hotel sheets when I woke up Saturday morning! ......................................................... So that was the Friday night... Well, I was also in Berlin on Saturday! I spent the day mooching about town and being cultural and so on - basically giving my still-sore hole a bit of a chance to recover from Friday night... Saturday afternoon I got myself ready once more and by 5:45pm I was at Fickstutenmarkt, getting naked along with the other mares / Stuten. Whereas getting changed on Friday had had that slightly sexy tinge of not knowing if I'd end up getting fucked by the guy changing next to me, on Saturday I knew I was getting changed with bottoms only. (At Fickstutenmarkt - "fuck-mare-market" - the bottoms arrive early and are completely naked, blindfolded and tied up when the stallions / tops arrive.) I made a tactical error, though. I should have tried to secure a place on one of the benches, but instead I wandered around and when the time came for the "stall-helpers" to blindfold us bottoms I was placed standing somewhere. (I really have no idea where I was!) This probably meant I didn't get as much cock as I could have had - and crucially it also meant I was standing up! Quite frankly, standing up for hours is not pleasant, and in time my feet and knees became sore way before my hole did. When you start thinking "actually, I'd rather like to just lie back in crisp, white hotel sheets" it's perhaps time to leave... So I only took 8 cocks at the Fickstutenmarkt, leaving at 9:45pm and being back at my hotel by 10pm... I'm pretty sure I could have taken a LOT more if I didn't have to stand up, but that's how it was. And 32 cocks within 24 hours is not too bad, I think. It's anybody's guess how many loads I actually took that weekend - probably a lot of the tops just fucked me for a while and then moved on to the next hole - but who cares. The mere feeling of being slutty enough to allow tops free access to my hole was SO satisfying... ............................................... The next time I go to Berlin I think I'll try out Fickstutenmarkt again - but make sure to arrive as early as possible and hog a place on one of the central benches! And I'll try to find a weekend where there's both a Fickstutenmarkt and a Biohazard party...
    15 points
  40. I am a true cum dump. To call myself a Sex Addict would be inaccurate. I love sex. If I inherited a bunch of money and could travel, I'd go from cum union to cum union, bath house to bath house, breeding party to breeding party. I crate dick 24/7 and more than craving dick, I crave the feeling of a guy shooting a load deep inside my hole. I'm from the Detroit area, and we have a dive of a bathhouse called BZ. I can't trash it too much, because being from a smaller city than Chicago, I tend to pretty easily get my fair share of dick. If I stay 6 hours, I usually get fucked by 10+ guys. If 10-12 hours, closer to 20+. For the number of patrons, that's about the number I can max out on. The problem for me is that the more dick I get and the more guys cum in my ass, the hornier I get. If I get 5 loads, I want 10. If I get 15, I want 20 or 25. It's never enough. My ultimate fantasy is to be fucked and breeded by 50 guys in a day. That's about 2 an hour. I have a great ass, have many guys wanting to fuck me repeatedly, and I'm a talented bottom who knows how to work my muscles in a way that instinctively adjusts to the needs of each breeder to bring them to ultimate orgasm. This past Friday, I took 10 loads at BZ and left a little disappointed. I was just getting started. I'd love to be in a bareback porn like Dawson in 50 load weekend, or Blue in Viral Loads, or Xtube CumDumps Ryan Cummings and RawLatinJock. That's what I want...to be in a treasure island video with 100 guys all there to give me their loads. A true cumdump...I don't care who fucks me...just give me your load.
    15 points
  41. I figure after a couple of initial stories, I'd give you fine fellas the one you all came here for... I've never really considered myself a "chaser". I got fucked bareback for the first time when I was around 20, but I didn't actively seek it out. A guy I'd met at the local gay bar that evening took me back to his place and just stuck it in unwrapped. I wanted to say stop, but I just couldn't say no. From there on, I was hooked; although, I tried not to do it too often. Fast forward a few years and I turned into a total bareback slut. I found out that I really hated bottoming for a guy wearing a condom as it felt too uncomfortable. There was only one way to do it: skin-on-skin raw. From there on, it was only a matter of time. A few years (and a new city) later, I was logged on to bbrt and a guy visiting my city gave me a quick "Oink". I checked out his profile to find a good looking guy; not mucular, but not out of shape, who had a nice looking cock with a very pronounced vein on the top that started bulging under his skin right under the head. Checking the rest of his profile, I liked what I saw and then got to the bottom corner: My Status - Positive. I was super nervous, but intrigued at the same time. I replied back saying that I liked what I saw and unlocked my photos in return. We agreed that I'd meet him at his hotel room for an afternoon fuck. I arrived at his hotel with my heart practically beating out of my chest. I'd been fucked bareback countless times before that, but this was the first time I was going to get fucked by a guy I knew was poz at the outset. I wasn't sure if I'd go through with it, but a deal is a deal and I wasn't going to stand him up. He let me in, and we made out a bit - making our way over to the bed. We weren't exactly in a rush, and took our time; loads of kissing and slowly stripping of piece by piece. After a bit, I slipped off his boxer-briefs to reveal his rock hard veiny member. It wasn't that large - maybe around six and a half - but had a pronounced curvature to the right. It was quite beautiful, and I just had to get my mouth around it for a while. As usual, I took my time and let my top dictate when he was ready to move on. He let me go for a good bit, moaning in ecstasy the whole time; must have been about 15-20 minutes of it with me alternating between fast and slow. In the back of my mind, I started to wonder if he knew I was neg. It wasn't actually stated on my profile, as I simply put "ask me" as my status; needless to say, he didn't ask. He soon stopped my bobbing on his throbbing cock, and came around the back of me to give me a good rimming. Ever since the first time I had a guy do that, I found that a good rim job practically makes me beg for cock! Similar to how I prefer oral, I let my top just keep going rimming my hole until he's ready to stop - knowing that he's prepped my hole good and well for what comes next. He could tell that he was doing a good job as I kept moaning pleasurably and kept arching my back and ass into his face wanting him to bury his tongue deeper inside me. Soon enough, he rose up, spit on his hand and gently carressed my hole while he wiped his spit on his cock - no lube; this was going to be interesting. The moment of truth was here. He pushed his cock into me gently, and I slowly let him inside. A million thoughts were now going into my head. His cock felt good; his motion was accomodating (not too fast or slow); however, my nerves were getting to me. My top could sense that I wasn't fully relaxed, and offered to stop for a bit. After a short break, we started again; this time feeling a little more at ease. He kept pumping into me for a bit, lasting around 10 minutes or so, before he could tell that I was tensing up again. Fuck - why was I just not letting this happen! He slowly jerked his cock and said that he wasn't going to last much longer. That seemed to be all that needed to be said. At that point, something inside me snapped into place, and I asked him to go back inside me. He pushed slowly back in, and started working me again; beginning very slow and slowly picking up the pace. All of a sudden, I was far more relaxed than before; my top now noticing me fully release myself to his pleasure. He never said this out loud, but a small part of me got an inkling that he knew he was about to dump his poz load into a neg ass. Working his pace up a bit more, I could hear his sounds starting to change; the kind all tops make as their breaths shorten due to their bodies getting more tense in anticipation of release. I knew what I was about to get. My moans turned into "yeahs" and "fuck yeahs" and he started pumping harder. Next thing I know, he pushed all the way in, and let go. We looked deep into each others eyes as he grunted with every shot being emptied inside me. I reached forward and grabbed the small of his back to make sure he didn't slip out. I'd just (knowingly) taken my first load of poz cum. I suddenly felt free. My top could sense my relief - even though he never vocalised it. He stayed inside me until he softened up and fell out. I then reached forward and felt my wet hole; bringin my fingers forward, I saw a bit of white goo with a slight pink tint to it. That must have happened when I tensed up due to nerves. Whatever the case, I then discovered my affinity for the forbidden fruits of my sexual labour. We parted ways shortly after. He came back through town a few times afterwards, and we always made time to meet up for a repeat. To this day, I get the feeling that he knew he was likely the one that may have converted me. He made me into the bottom slut I've become, and I'll be forever grateful...
    15 points
  42. Total pigs and cumsluts like me do not make for the best of faithful partners - sure we are great sex, that is why our partners are with us - but it takes a special kind of top to tolerate being in a relationship with a pig that constantly craves cock and seed. We can't help our cravings - it is what we are born for - to take cock and seed and that need permeates every fibre in our body. My current partner is a great man and I love him heaps - he is great sex and I get plenty of it from him - but that insatiable need for hard cock inside me always wins out over everything else. We have only been together a short while and he is a one on one man and up until recently I lived within the rules. Then, oh fuck - Mardi Gras fortnight came along. For years I have spent those two weeks taking cock and seed from all over the world and absolutely loving it. This year I was going to try and keep a lid on my slutting out - until my partner told me he had to go to Melbourne for four days for work. He did the worst thing he could have done the morning he was leaving, he threw a good 20 minute fuck into me before he left for the airport. Suddenly I was alone., naked in bed, with a load seed in me and horny as fuck. I knew I needed more cock (or dildo - which I resort to at times to satisfy myself fully) so I thought I would hook onto BBRTS and see if I could get "just one more fuck". I threw up a quick connect ad and within 25 mins a middle aged American man, hairy chest nice fat cut cock was talking to me. He was looking for a pig and I knew I was looking for a pig fucker, so in no time at all really we arranged a hook up in his city hotel. I told him my partner had already loaded up my mancunt and he told me not to get rid of the load as he wanted it for lube. In no time I was on the train and headed for town. He was a great fuck, he rimmed, fingered and fucked me for a good half an hour. It was like old times for me, my legs open and a strange cock in me and me enjoying every thrust of his gorgeous cock and the feel of his large balls slapping against my hole. As he blew I arched my back and worked his cock so hard with every muscle in my hole. As he pulled out he reached for the towel, which I quickly pushed aside and went to work to complete the job, cleaning his cock and balls and ensuring what never went in my hole went down my throat as I stuck my tongiue in his piss slit to make sure I got every filament of his seed in me. After some small talk he said ÿou want more". That was music to my ears as I certainly did want him to fuck me again. But, I was misreading what he was saying he meant did I want to fuck for a group. He got back on line and shortly said to me - another top is five minutes away - he wants you blindfolded on all fours. Just like old times I got really excited and knew I was in for a day getting banged. He blindfolded me and I heard the buzzer ring and he left me in the room while he went down to retrieve the top to fuck me. As they walked in he was tellin the top there were already two loads in me. The American slapped my arse and asked me to push some seed back for the top/. I obeyed. I could hear the sounds of undressing and within a minute or so I could feel a cock probing at my hole. In one thrust a good sized cock was buried to the hilt in me - and the hard fucking began and the yank cheered him on from the sidelines. "You like that cock piglet"and "fuck him hard"and "breed the cunt"and "make the pig squeal" were among his verbal onslaught. The top obviously loved it as he fucked me really hard digging his fingers into my hips before finally letting out a guttural groan and unloading in me. "pull it out and let the pig clean you up"the yank said. I immediately spun around and felt for his cock - it tasted wonderful with that lovely pungent taste of three seeds mixed on it. He left and the yank offered me a beer. I accepted as I was hot and bothered and then he told me had organised an Asian and white guy couple to come over and fuck me. He started fingering my sloppy cum filled hole and asked me if I was up for more cock. The dormant slut in me had risen fully and I was ready for the entire city to fuck me. I said yes. Within an hour they arrived the white guy about 50 salt and pepper hair and a hairy chest with a nice average uncut cock, his Asian partner slim, hairless, about 35, average cut cock and I immediately set to work getting them hard. The Asian guy fucked me first and within five minutes he was groaining and busting his nuts in me. His boyfriend immediately took over. The Asian boy walked to my head so I could clean him while his partner fucked me doggy style. After I cleaned the Asian up the yank stuffed his half hard meat in my mouth and I was relieved as I knew I was going to get another serve off him. "Hey piglet do you think you could take both our cocks" he asked. With a mouthful of his now hard thick cock I nodded yes. When they DP'd me I was in heaven, there is nothing nicer for a bottom pig than to feel that full of cock you feel like you are being split in two. I stayed as still as so I could keep both cocks in me as long as possible and let the tops fuck me how they wanted and in what position. The yank had the best of it as he was on top while the white guy was under me and after about five minutes the yank said Ï am going to breed your pig cunt" - he thrust hard and blew in me and all over the white guys cock in me. He slipped out and rolled on to my chest and the white guy pounded me for a few minutes before he too unloaded in me. I loved the verballing I got off both the white guy and the yank - they reminded me of what I was - a fucking cumdump pig. After I cleaned up all the cocks, I felt so complete, so happy and so used - but at the same time thrilled to be filled with loads. My yank friend said he had a dinner date and I got dressed - conscious of my dripping cunt and headed home to suburbia. When I got home I immediately put a butt plug in me to keep all the seed in me for as long as possible. Like all true cumdumps - I had a spring in my step.
    15 points
  43. I started watching interracial porn online and then wound up moving to interracial specific sites. I chewed through everything they made in probably under a month. They were the first porn sight I subscribed to and, so far, the last. They weren't making videos as fast as I was consuming them so I looked elsewhere. Then I learned about the entire Queen of Spades scene; women who only slept with black men. It was hot. Really hot. Eventually it was all I could get off to. After a while, I started to admire those women. Not 'admire' in the way you admire someone's beauty but in the way you wish to be them, or at least in their position. I dreamed up with elaborate ways to seduce a black man and have him dominate me. But that's all they were, fantasies. At least at first. I had started browsing an interracial sex blog. They mostly posted porn but sometimes they would post general lifestyle stuff. I was scrolling through the blog with my cock in my left hand and the mouse in my right when I saw a post about temporary tattoos. Jack of Spades often have tattoos that subtly hint they want to have sex with a black man, I hovered over it for a minute and thought about my fantasies. "What the Hell." I thought, "Worse case scenario i throw them out." I hit the link and the page blinked to an online store. There were the usual Queen of Spades tattoos at the top and some more extreme stuff at the bottom. I chose a black, curly spade with a white 'J' in the center. For Jack. I was about to head to the checkout when I started thinking about the stuff further down. I could feel my ass get hotter as I thought about them. Maybe... just a peek... I was largely disappointed by what I saw, most of it seemed over the top and grotesque. Then I saw one and my heart leapt. This one, this was one. I slammed on the 'add to cart' button and went to checkout. But after I bought them I came harder than I had ever cum in my entire life. A few business days later they arrived and I totally forgot about them. It was one of those things that's really hot when you're horny but you're immediately ashamed of when you cum. I considered throwing them away but I couldn't, it would be denying a part of myself. "Maybe I'll go out to a gay bar and wear them at a bar or something?" As soon as I thought it my stomach tightened. What if I run into somebody I know? What if the guy I meet knows someone I do? What if he knows family? No. No way I'm risking that. I couldn't keep them, But I couldn't throw them away. Then I had a stroke of genius, I'd keep them in my fag bag, that way if I'm ever out of town or got a Hotel room alone I've got them right there. I pulled my black fag bag out of my closet and slid them carefully into the small front pouch, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few months later I got a hotel room, So I went and got a cheap motel room. My room was completely red with white sheets. It had a heart shaped jacuzzi in the room. I pulled out the Chastity Cock Cage and put it on, I changed into a jock strap and some sweats and a tee shirt and watched TV. When I got a hankering for a coke. I counted out a couple bucks in quarters and headed for the ice machine. Standing in front of the ice machine was a man straight out of my dreams. His skin was the color of Mahogany and he looked as sturdy, dense muscles stretching beneath hairless skin. He was huge, easily 6'2" with broad shoulders and huge pecs all barely hidden under a grey hoodie and blue jeans. "Hey," he said, "You have a quarter I can borrow?" I realized I was staring and stammered out some kind of affirmative before handing him a quarter. "Thanks." He had a tattoo on his body. I smiled and walked back to my room, conscious of every step. My heart pounded in my chest and I swallowed hard. I'd always had a reaction around tall black men but nothing like that before! Then I remembered the tattoos. I opened my door a crack and peeked out. He just entered his room; 25, right next to the ice. This was it. This was the perfect moment. I yanked the tattoos from my bag and ran to the bathroom. I put the smaller one, the Jack of Spades, right on my arm, I put the second, larger one on my right butt cheek. It needed all the room i could give it. After a few dozen times checking them in the mirror I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. "Just a sec." He opened the door and rose an eyebrow at me. "Hi." I said, I could feel my ass getting hotter. "Hi." He responded a little sarcastically. I swallowed hard and put all my effort into not shaking. "The phone in my hotel room doesn't work and I was going to call the front desk and find out how to get on the web, Mind if I barrow yours?" He looked me up and down and shrugged, "Sure, come on in." I murmured a thank you and and walked directly to the phone and started dialing. His room was a carbon copy of mine, down to the red walls but no. Whoever cleans this motel deserved an award. I put my hand to the receiver and turned to him, "They put me on hold." "Makes sense," he said, "It's Saturday night. Probably a lot of people getting rooms ." I cradled the phone in the crook of my neck, pointing my tattoo on my arm at him, and acted like I was making idle conversation. "So what's the tattoo for?" He smiled a little, revealing perfectly straight teeth, "It's nothing much, I've just been pretty lucky in life that's all." I nodded approvingly. "What's yours?" "What this?" I pointed to it, "Nothing it's too weird." "No come on, tell me." "No I can't. It's too weird. You'll laugh at me." "No I'm serious!" I smiled mischievously, "Google it." He rolled his eyes and pulled out his iPhone. Just then the front desk answered, I said I'm in room 41 and wanted to get the code for the web, being extra sure to say the room number a few times to front desk, "Any luck googling that?" I said as I opened the door. "Yea just one-" He trailed off and his eyes narrowed. He read over it a few times and looked at me in disbelief. I smiled my best," A few minutes after I returned to my room there was a soft knock at the door. My heart hammered in my chest as I opened it. I held the door open as he entered and said, I think I figure out the tattoo" He took off his hoodie, stretching out his chest and back as he did, "You know I think I did." As he rubbed his dick, I moved down to my knees and pulled down the waistband of his sweats. He looked surprised but he smiled. I reached in to his boxers and my heart skipped a beat. He was way bigger than I thought. I pulled it out and it was almost one and a half times as long as my dick hard. And thick. So thick I could barely wrap my hand around it. I ran my tongue all the way from the base of his shaft to his head, reveling in the taste of his cock. "Good." I said and slid his cock past my lips and all the way into my throat. I held it there for a moment, pressing it to my throat before I pulled it out again. I gasped when I pulled it out, but he gently gripped me by my hair and put my mouth back around his cock. Slowly he startled fucking my throat until his balls were hitting my chin. I gagged but let him fuck me. I wanted to please him. Finally he pulled out and rested his gigantic saliva-covered cock on my face. "You like that don't you ?" He asked again. ? I was still gasping around his meat, so I just nodded and caught my breath. He grinned and forced his cock back into my mouth, fucking my throat all over again. He pounded and pounded until his cock started to twitch and his balls sucked into him. I closed my eyes and waited for the salty taste of black cum. But he yanked himself out of my throat and grabbed my scalp with his left hand. I closed my eyes just in time to feel loads of warm cum splash onto my eyes, nose, lips and open mouth. He squirted over and over until my entire face was caked with his Black Seed. I felt him shake off his last few drops onto my outstretched tongue. My cock was so hard and pressing against the cock cage, as I swallowed the load in my mouth and then set about sweeping the cum off my face and into my mouth, gratefully swallowing every drop. When I opened my eyes he was still hard and I instinctively stretched my tongue toward his cock. "Nope." He said, lifting me to my feet. "That was just a warmup." I took off my shirt and climbed onto the bed. I immediately felt his hands on my waste band and he yanked down my sweats in a frenzy. He smiled when he saw my cock cage, And said you are going to be my slave, Once my pale ass was exposed he stopped, and chuckled at the black ink on my right cheek. The second tattoo read, "Black Cock Only" I felt his massive head force its way into me. It hurt, a lot. I couldn't handle it. I begged, pleaded him to stop but he just pressed harder and deeper. When I started to squirm away he held me down. I didn't just feel the pain in my ass, it jolted over my legs and through my very spine as though I was being split in half. I grunted in pain and his massive black hand covered my mouth and he took my ass by force. My tears mingled with the cum glaze he left and flowed over his thick fingers as he made my ass his. Not tears of terror, tears of pain and pleasure. He released his grip on me when he realized I was backing my ass into his cock. He said, This ass is mine now, Eventually the pleasure weighed out the pain and I couldn't keep myself from moaning. Long, deep animal noises in a voice that was not my own. His cock slammed into my bowels in long, deep strokes until I could feel his massive balls slapping mine, dwarfing them. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and pulled my ass toward him. I could feel his Big Black Cock pulsating inside me, sending waves of pleasure ripping through me. He was cumming in my ass. Marking it as his own. I could feel his load filling me, and I came with him. He withdrew his massive BBC and his sperm leaked out of my ass and over my balls and already-limp cock. He smiled and rested his cum-covered meat in between my ass-cheeks, knowing I wouldn't -or couldn't- resist. "This," He squeezed my ass like it was a new toy. "This is mine now." I own this now" Unable to speak, gasping into the pillow, I merely looked back at him and nodded. I rented the room all weekend, I stayed in all weekend, And he owned my ass for the weekend That started a reg thing for me renting a room, And taking care of Black Men ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    14 points
  44. The Adult theater was on a main road that I use to drive thru on the way to work. It was in a run down area I would drive by on my way to and from work. I would see lots of Black Guys going in and out and wondered what it was like. One night I was let off of work early. I was driving home. As I passed the theater I saw a well dressed tall Black guy standing in front of the theater, I pulled around the block and stopped across the street from the theater. And looked at the Black Guy, He was well dressed, suit and hat, He was groping His Black Dick constantly and looking at the cars when they went pass the theater. He spotted me looking at Him. He walked over to my car, And was eye ball me. And crabbed His Black Dick and said what you looking for ? I said I was checking the theater out, As I looked at His Crotch , It started to grow. He said come inside and check the theater out. I said I didn't have any money And the Black Guy said No problem I can get you in for free, We walked up to the ticket booth And the Black Guy said something to the Black Clerk and He buzzed us in. We walked into the theater and it was dark We sat down in a seat , It was a interracial movie that was on. The white guy was taking care of the Black guy , The Black Guy pulled His Black Dick out of His Pants and started to stroke it. It started to grow bigger It looked to be 11' uncut My eyes were on His Black Dick Before I knew it He was gabbing my head and forcing it down on His Black Dick, Then He got up and through me over the seats in front of me, And started to fuck me, Another Black guy came around and rammed His Black Dick in my mouth, Till he was cumming I took a few loads in my mouth And the Black Guy that was Fucking me Came too,' I was exhausted I went in the bath room and washed up The Black Guy followed me in, As I was washing my Ass off with a piece of paper towel I pulled my shorts up . The Black Guy walked out with me. The next day was Friday When I got up I was still horny and I decided to go back to the theater and suck some more Black Dick. I got there around noon. The Black Clerk had just opened the theater, He looked at me and said "Your The Jack of Spades" I heard about from last night ! He buzzed me in for free . I didn't know what He was talking about.. But I saved $15.00 dollars. I said What ? The Black Clerk came out of the ticket booth, And said His name was Daniel, He Said that His clean up guy had not been showing up for work And asked me if I wanted a job ? He reached down and gabbed His crotch and rubbed His Black Dick, I said ' Yes Sir' He took me in the back of the theater, It was a storage room. He gave me a pair of white shorts and a white t shirt And said these should fit., All the white boy have to wear them. He stood there and watched me undress, The shorts and t shirt were tight and had a logo on them saying "Jack Of Spades" He Put a Leather Collar around my neck. He said to where this lock on the Collar . He was very demanding boss. But just to me Not to the other Black employees. I could never do any thing right. He said that I was part of a inferior race, He shamed me every chance He got, But I continued to do my job, It got worse, He would scream at me, And tell me I was a dumb Ass, Than one day there was a mess in the bathroom And Daniel Told me it needed to be cleaned up right away. As I was cleaning it up, Daniel came in the bathroom And said I was doing it wrong, He called me a stupid white Hunky, He throw His cigarette on the floor and told me to pick it up, I bent down to pick it up and Daniel took His shoe and pushed me down to the floor, My face was right next to the bottom of the urinal. He told me to stay there and unbuttoned His jeans and pulled His Black Dick out and started to take a Piss, I watched Him taking a Piss, He called me a Hunky again, Than He swung His Black Dick over my way and His Piss sprayed all over my face, He shook His Black Dick off, And said "You'll learn" Jack Of Spades , When He left I took my tongue and rubbed it over my lips. I was going thru the theater when I got a feeling deep in my gut, I was Horny, Than I saw a Black God jerking off. I licked my lips and dropped to my knees, He motioned for me to come over and swallow His Black Dick. He Told me to stand up He pulled my shorts down and placed His Black Dick at my hole and slowly pushed His Black Dick in even further Till He was Balls deep in me, I spread my cheeks with my hands and said Fuck me Deep ! He used my Ass just like in the movie, He put His Black Seed in my ass, Than He turned me around and put His Black Dick in my mouth, Yeah clean if up ! He zipped up and left, That night when I went in to get payed Daniel handed me the envelope and it said , "Jack Of Spades " on it, Daniel said check your schedule. He handed me the schedule He dropped the paper on the floor, When I bent down to pick it up, Daniel gabbed my Ass, There was a line crossed over my name With a new name "Jack Spades " Daniel said it totally normal and natural for most white males to feel a deep hidden sexual attraction to Black males. These feelings are totally normal. I said thxs and left. The next day when I got there Daniel said there's a mess in the theater, "Clean it up Jack" I when in with a mop and bucket and cleaned it up , There was a Black Guy jacking His Dick, He moved His hand away from His Black Dick, To give me a eye full, Bring those lips over here white boy, He spread His legs wide apart and I fell to my knees and swallowed His Black Dick, He Jammed it into my mouth , Suck on that Black Dick,.. It got bigger and thicker before I knew it He was coming in my mouth, I swallowed His Black Seed, And pushed the bucket to the rest room to put it away, There was a Black Guy in the Bath room He said What's Up. He pushed me into a stall and said you like Black Meat don't you ? I shook my head Yes" He Pulled down my pants, He laughed when He saw my little white dick, He pushed me down to the floor. He put His Shoe against my dick and then pushed it down on my nuts. I grabbed His leg and said Please Sir " I'll do anything, Anything ? He put me in between urinals , Get on your knees. Kneel down, He took my hands and tied my hands to the other urinals on my right and left. Then He pulled out a magic marker and started to write all over my body Cum Dump, Black Dick here, I want your Black Load, He put a bag over my eyes. And left me there, A couple of guys make me Suck them off, The Guys that Had all ready cum Pissed all over me,, One Black Guy removed my blind fold, It was the Pimp that brought me into this place, I begged Him to untie me, He said if I would swallow every drop of His urine He would untie me, He placed His Black Dick in my mouth and told me to get ready for His Piss, In a moment He let lose the yellow stream, I drink the yellow Piss, When He was done peeing He told me to relax my throat and to let His Black Dick in, All the way in, I felt Him growing Bigger in my mouth and down my throat. His Nuts were Bouncing off my chin, He untied my hands, and backed His Black Dick out of my mouth, I saw how Big He was, It must been 11 inches long and uncut, He turned me around and I felt His Black Dick hitting my hole. He was very verbal, He brought my submissive side out, Be for I knew it The Black Pimp , Had lifted my body up and rested it on His Black Dick. Then I felt His Black Dick start to enter my ass. It slid in like it was meant to be there , I moaned with pleasure as He moved it in and out of my ass. He was Muscular and Dominant. He moved my body around to Hit His Black Dick just right , The way that He mounted my hole, Made me feel like a real pussy . He moved my body up and down on His Black Dick. The Pimp had me reach around and pull my Ass Cheeks apart, So He could get His Black Dick all the way in,my Ass. He removed His hands from my waist and moved them to my neck, All the while He was fucking me , And then as He started to squeeze my neck, I couldn't breathe, He was choking me. My body started to convulse, I started to suffer violent involuntary contraction of my muscles, The Black Guy liked the feeling of my ass pulsating on His Black Dick. He tightened His grip on my neck, And I started to shake violently, He rammed His Black Dick into my Ass hole, He tightened His Grip even more around my neck, I Couldn't breathe, My arms and legs started to move uncontrollably, The Black Guy was Fucking me relentlessly As I was shaking, His Black Dick slid pass my second hole, He Held me there and said I'm Cumming, I'm Cumming, Breeding this white hole good with this Alpha Black load. Than He released His hands from my neck, And I was Chocking and trying to catch my breath. He smiled at me and said You've been Cunted Now The result of getting Fucked and Bred so relentlessly and violently by an actual Black Man, that it makes a fag’s butt hole become a sloppy Cunt. Abolishing any remaining part of masculinity from the faggot. Let's do this tomorrow night .. On the Stage.. For everyone to see I can Fuck for hours with out Cumming The next day came soon enough. I kept my self busy The Reggie came in and asked if I was ready to put on a show ? I said No I didn't want to have Sex on Stage.. Cum on Don't be scared. I got what you need a Booty Bump' I asked Him what that was ? It's just like Coke but Better. Come on try it , A Booty Bump. . He pulled a Syringe out with out the needle, He ripped my shorts down, I said I didn't want to do that. He fingered my Hole,, Stop I said ! He took a Syringe and pushed it up my Butt Hole and injected some liquid in my Ass, I said Stop It. But it was to late. He rubbed my Ass Hole and said You'll do just fine. The solution that He put up my Butt Hole was Meth. He told me to pull my short up. And Drag the bed frame out and put it in the center of the Stage. It only took about 5 mins for the Meth to start hit me. He dragged me out on the Stage and removed my shorts so everyone could see me. He Had me lay on the frame and than put restraints on my wrists and ankles, He put the Blind fold on me. I could feel the Meth was hitting me, He put a Mic so everyone could hear me Begging. He toughed my back and I moaned, Reggie said Legs Spread wide open, Ass Up.. Your Back is Arched, On all fours waiting for Black Dick ! He put His Black Dick up against my hole and I backed up and He enter my Ass and I Moaned , Be for I knew it His Black Dick was Deep in me, Balls Deep in my Ass. He eased His Black Dick in and out. He said my Ass was my Pleasure Zone, That's all I could feel, I was nothing but a Hole, For Fucking. Reggie new He would be feeling the Booty Bump too. He was Fucking me waiting for the Meth to transfer from my butt to His Black Dick, It only took a few Mins for the Meth to enter His Black Dick. He could feel the Pleasure, The Meth was focusing on His Groin area. All I could do was to Beg Him for that Black Dick to Fuck me, He Fucked me silly, I wanted more of Black Dick, I was experience a sudden "rush" of pleasure a prolonged sense of euphoria, as well as increased energy, confidence, sexual prowess and feelings of desirability. I said Give me more, My voice was going across the sound system. I was begging for That Black Dick , Reggie lifted me and placed my Ass Hole on His Humongous Black Dick. It slid on in my Ass, He said is that what you want ? How do you like that Black Dick ? I was so high, I was experiencing a surge of dopamine, intense rush of pleasure. I didn't know what I was doing or saying, I said "Give me that Nigger Dick" It Boomed across the Speaker. Reggie slipped my face , I said it again and He slipped me Harder, And Pulled His Black Dick out of my Ass, He grabbed my head and rammed His Black Dick into my mouth, Making me silent other than the Moaning and Groaning, The Ass juices that were once in my Ass, Now were in my mouth. He Fucked my mouth, But He wanted the Meth Hole, He wanted to Feel what I was feeling. My ass was on fire, Reggie started to got really Weird, It was if the Devil came out in Him. He wanted to do all these "crazy" things and was extremely forceful and aggressive. His Black Dick Had a mine of it's own, Reggie said I"m going to Rape You Bitch, Reggie suddenly had me hog-tied. I was crying out for Him to Stop. He had become Really aggressive and demeaning. It was as though, I was only there for Him to enact some kind of rape-type fantasy! He got physical and rough. He was playing the role now, He was the Black Master and I was His white slave. He was Fucking me rough All the way out and then all the way in, Than He said what do you want ? I said Give me that Nigger Dick ! Again and again I screamed out , He struck my Ass, Again and Again He put His hands around my neck. And tightened His grip, He was Choking me. I was struggled to breathe, He tightened His hands around my neck. This is my Ass Now He said, "Your my Slave", Call me Master , I said Your My Black Master ! This must of turned Him on. He Choked me Harder, I couldn't Breathe, I started to Shake and Convulse. He got more intense His Black Dick was growing Bigger and Longer, I could feel His Black Dick in my Gut, I was Shaking uncontrollably! Than He started Humiliating me, Talking down to me, He wanted me to feel like a slave! He said Your not a men ! You could never compete sexually with a Black Man ! You'll Never be a man ! Nature never intended for you to be sexually Dominate the way a Black Man is ! He rammed His Black Dick into my Hole. Nature intended for me to be dominated ! Your Like a Bitch ! Like my slave! I'm going to show everyone how to convert a white guy. Make Him a Bitch for Black Dick! No need for Rubber's because you can't get Him pregnant ! Your Black Master is going to try. You want your Black Master Cum , I'm going Bred you slave, Shit I'm Cumming , I could feel His Warm Black Seed entering my hole, At that moment When He was Cumming, I started to Shake, I felt myself Cumming too, My Black Master pulled His Black Dick out of my Ass, He grabbed my head and put His Black Dick in my mouth and ordered me to clean it ! The audience was clapping .. Than He pissed all over my body Your a "Jack Of Spades "
    14 points
  45. The second part of my real experiences that came about because of my work in real estate – to be fair, this doesn’t happen OFTEN, but being a realtor has afforded me a number of unexpected chances to play - even more frequently than my OTHER career, performing. So here's a few more of the hotter sessions that started out as "just work". RENOVATION CHEMMING. A number of times, bumping into the workmen who are doing a renovation at one of my listings has turned into a hot scene in hot surroundings. One of the first of these involved a colleague named Kevin who was a “flipper” of condos along a stretch of the “Gold Coast” in Jersey, from Fort Lee to Hoboken. This guy had me coming to meet him at his latest purchase in a tower building facing Manhattan. Now, I did know he was gay prior to heading down there, but wasn’t aware he was a real player. I arrived earlier than expected, but since he’d said he’d be there with the workmen “all day” I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t have the front desk call up to let them know I was there because I knew the unit number already. So when I arrived it was a bit too soon and Kevin was not quite prepared when I arrived. I tapped on the unit door, and apparently, one of the workers thought I was there for something else as he peeked around the doorframe. It was obvious he was not wearing much if anything. He winked and gestured me to come in. Kind of an honest mistake, as I WAS wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, jeans, and engineer boots, but I do that a lot in Fall and Spring in the NYC metro area – it’s an accepted enough look, especially when heading to a construction project! I looked around and raised my brow and smiled, which was when Kevin noticed me, and whispered “Diego, that’s my REALTOR”. What began to ensue was a certain amount of panic – trying to turn off porn, find clothes, put away incriminating items… I felt bad I interrupted, and was honestly a bit envious, so I pointed to a bong that was poorly hidden behind a chair and mentioned that “if that’s Miss T you’ve got in there, I’ve had a hell of a morning and I could use a hit.” Well, THAT certainly slowed down the panic, and worried looks changed to smiles and laughs. Kevin looked at me and said “Didn’t you get my text?” I shook my head “no”, looked at my phone and shook my head again. One of the other guys held up a cellphone and said “Yo, Bossman, you forgot to hit SEND…” all the while busting out laughing. Kevin looked abashed and started to stammer, until the same guy said, “look at his jeans man, he’s into it, no harm…” “I’m sorry,” Kevin began. “I meant to send a text asking you to come late afternoon”. it was now barely 10:30. “You’re really cool with this?” he asked. I laughed and looked around. “Of course I am, especially if I’m allowed to join in” I replied, then asked, “That cool with you guys?” Kevin looked amazingly relieved, and then looked me over again, appreciatively. “Hell yeah, get naked.” I said I would but wanted to run out to my car and get my play bag that I always keep in the trunk. I was back as fast as humanly possible, perhaps faster, and started a quick strip. As I pulled out my leather harnesses, metal cockring and such, the talkative guy, Lonzo, said to Kevin, “oh yeah, he’s into it… looks like he’s TOTALLY into it!” The bong was brought my way, and a torch applied. I breathed in slowly but for a long, long draw and finally let out a huge cloud. It was GOOD stuff too. For me to feel that much on one hit proved that. I was encouraged to take a good number of hits while the guys appeared to be starting to get back into the activities I had interrupted so unexpectedly! Kevin beckoned me to follow him as I looked from side to side at the construction project well underway all over the unit – with tarps and sawhorses and some exposed framing here and there, it was actually a damn good and hot play space. “What a great space and what a nice way to do business,” I said to him. “I wish every new client-meet turned out this way. And damn, your stuff is REALLY good. I’m half-way there already.” Kevin agreed that it was very good product, and that he got only “the best” for his workers, it kept them loyal and coming back to work for him over and over. I imagined that it would. He led me to the bathroom, which was by far the most renovated in the entire place, and had a huge shower already hooked up with a sure-shot. “I don’t know whether you’re top, bottom or between,” he said, “but everyone’s ass gets played with in our groups, so please clean out. Here’s a dick pill and a pipe and torch to help out, that cool?” I told him it was and that I was versatile, and pleased about that rule, and set about getting ready. As he was about to leave, he said, “oh, and if you’re into it, don’t waste piss in the toilet, we have a few watersports fans…” I assured him I would and got down to business getting ready. Fortunately, it was a quick cleanup, a brief rinse under the shower, and drying off I opened the door. I put my leather on, put my package through my favorite metal cockring, took the pipe and torch and headed back out. At Kevin’s suggestion I put my boots back on, just like all of them. When I got to the living room area, the guys were kicked back, kindly waiting on me to really start going at it again. There were two large laptops running bareback porn, and lube, poppers, Max Impact, and some bongs and other paraphernalia in view. I looked around the room; Kevin was a white guy with dark hair and handsome face, lightly hairy average body with a little middle age spread, and partly hard cock that was not particularly large or thick, but his ass was a work of art. Lonzo was the only one apparently taller than me – either Italian or Hispanic, big chest and arms, great legs, big weapon swinging below a hairy torso with a slight beer belly, and a beefy butt. Diego, the kid who answered the door, was young, Hispanic, smooth pretty much all over, thin but wiry body about 5’6”, nice cock for his size and adorable little ass. An Irish guy - and I mean FROM Ireland - just shy of my height, incredibly pale, muscular, tatted, several piercings, low hangers below a normal size dong was sporting a shaved all over skinhead look that was pretty hot. And finally, another guy from Eastern Europe – scary hot green eyes, hot daddy soccer player type, lightly furred with a thick cock. This looked better and better. “Pull some clouds, dude” said the Irish guy handing me an even bigger and more intricate water bong. I started to melt the contents of the bowl while I said: “You saw my cloud earlier guys, I’m a singer too, so I have huge lungs… if anyone likes shotgunning, I’m good at it.” Several of the guys took me up on that, so I got to lock lips a bit with most of them including my host. We were all stroking our cocks – and others – getting our motors running for some great partysex – or in their case, a continuation of it! Little shots of G were handed out, while mouths found cocks and nips, and I took advantage of Lonzo leaning over while he put down the tray of shot glasses, and sunk my tongue into his hairy hole. He wiggled a bit back my way and I started to go to town on his beefy butt, causing my cock to start to plump up, but not get fully hard as the blue pill hadn’t quite kicked in yet. “Hold up just a minute and you can go back to that anytime,” he said, as he called us all over to take our shots. When I do it I always have to take a couple of good rips on the pipe to make sure I keep a “healthy balance” between my two letters of the alphabet. Diego took that opportunity to start sucking my rod, and started bringing my soldier to attention. “Right,” said the Irish guy, brandishing a long needless syringe like a thinner turkey baster, “if you want to be fully part of the crew, you gotta’ get initiated. Bend over the scaffold.” There was a sturdy looking paint scaffold – thick planks secured to several sawhorses with some tarp covering at just about waist height. I bent over leaning my elbows on the thing, and presented my butt. Diego scooted under me and resumed work on my cock, while the Irishman crouched behind me and stuck his tongue up my hairy hole to loosen me up for a booty bump. Ever get rimmed by someone with a tongue piercing? It’s awesome, and not only did this guy have one but he knew how to use it too… fuck, he was good! I moaned at the two oral assaults, wishing I had somewhere to put my mouth and tongue. Then I felt the cylinder of magic pressed into my hole and the bump was pressed into my hole. “Clench” I heard from behind me and did so while the guy ran his tongue and piercing and lips all around my cheeks and taint and the back of my balls, while Diego continued his magic on my cock. “Boss, could you get me ready”, said the hot skinhead behind me, as he followed with “unclench” and dove tongue first into my now relaxed hole. I saw my client/host/new fuckbuddy Kevin get on his knees and start sucking that pale cock while its owner went to town on my pulsing bud. The G, the booty bump and dick pill all seemed to kick in at once, and I was feeling amazing. Through my legs I could see Lonzo and the Euro guy had stopped 69ing and came over to watch, dropping a bottle of poppers and a Max Impact spray and cloth in front of me on the scaffold. “Take a quick hit before he nails you,” was whispered in my ear. I sprayed the cloth and started to suck it in, when the tongue on my butt disappeared to be replaced by a feeling both warm and cold – the head of his uncut cock and his prince albert. Fortunately, it was a thicker gauge so it did not cut going in. There was some discomfort at first, but hands tweaking my nips, Diego lapping my hard cock and the entire scene was so hot, that it faded pretty quickly into a very hot fuck. He wasn’t super-hung, a bit smaller than me, but his cock and his piercing felt really good, and I was super turned on by how his long, hefty ballsack swung back on forth and slapped me each time he pumped me. “Yeah, fuck that daddy ass, Devlin,” I heard someone mutter. At least now I had a name for the Irishman, one more to go… Euro guy pulled one of my arms up and popped up onto the scaffold spreading his legs so I could suck his cock while I was being fucked, I went to town swallowing that thick pole and enjoying it, before he rolled back some and then pulled himself back to the edge, presenting his pucker for a salad tossing. I dove in with gusto, it being a very favorite activity, and as usual, my cock got stiff as a board. Apparently this was a signal to Diego, who stopped sucking me. Being young, flexible and short, what he did next should have surprised me. He got on his feet in a bent-over crouch and backed up onto my cock, which entered him with almost no resistance. Oh my god, pure nirvana – my ass, cock and tongue were all performing their favorite jobs. Taking a quick breath and Max Impact hit, I noticed the entire party was now part of one scene, as Euro guy had laid fully back, 69ing with Kevin, while the “bossman” was plowed by Lonzo’s big dick as Lonzo balanced on his knees on the opposite edge of the scaffold. Damn, what a hot scene. Devlin’s strokes started to get faster and more punishing, and he grunted “Hope you wanted this load!” seconds before he blew off strongly in my ass. What felt like waves of sperm must have been flowing into me from the way his cock shaft was pulsing. He pulled out a bit too fast and I gasped, while Devlin dropped behind me and stuck his tongue up my hole to reach his own juice. It was incredible, but after another minute or so, I tapped Diego on his flank, pulled my mouth off hot Euro hole and said, “I HAVE to straighten my legs!” I eased out of Diego’s hole and stood up flexing my thigh muscles and going up on my toes for a couple of times to stretch my calves too. Devlin and Diego pushed me towards the Euro hunk and his now perfect cock height vulnerable hole on the edge of the scaffolding. My cock slid in like it had been pumping this channel for years, not the first time. The beefy daddy legs went up over my shoulders while Kevin continued to blow him for a few. Kevin pulled up and got off the scaffold saying “we need some more hits” quickly bringing the bong over. “How’s his rod feel in your hole, Caz?” said Kevin as he held out the bong for us both to take hits. Caz. Short for Cazamir, it turns out. Nice to finally know. “He fucks good,” came the deep growl from this hot construction guy, with a definite accent. “Then the boss gets next dibs,” Kevin said. I made out and shotgunned with Kevin as we blew a few more clouds and I fucked Cazamir, then he quietly let his boss take his place and I pounded Kevin hard the way he begged me to. Then it was time for me to take a break on a couple of cushions that were under the tarps. I watched the porn, blew some clouds, sucked down some hydration, and shortly Lonzo pulled me forward, rolled my legs back and began furiously tonguing my hole, searching for the Leprechaun’s gold, no doubt… he then sunk the most sizable cock in the room into me and began a nice fuck. Shortly, Diego came over and sat on my face, while I licked his boy hole and he made out with Lonzo. As the afternoon progressed, I would eventually fuck everyone there for at least a bit, and was fucked by everyone except Kevin and Diego, who apparently were strictly bottom guys. I got into some fisting with Devlin and Caz, their holes blossoming open for me as we gave them some enormous stretch – I love those trashy hot Euro guys – and watching my technique, Kevin made me promise to come back and help train his hole to accept and enjoy a fist. I promised I would. Toward the end of the session, a hot water sports scene ensued in the most unfinished room – the floor was covered completely wall to wall with rubber sheeting that went up the sides a bit (the space had to be a large walk-in closet or pantry or something, with guys getting wet down and sprayed by each other, and guys swallowing chempiss or taking it up their cumholes, eventually all down on the floor rolling and sliding around each other with mouths, cocks, nips, fingers and holes all being used indiscriminately. W/S isn’t always my favorite thing, but I can certainly get into it, especially with guys who really enthusiastically like it – and this scene was by far the hottest ever W/S scene I’d experienced up to that time, or for that matter, since. Any time I met with Kevin for playtime after that, either alone or with his crew, at a work site or in his own place, there was always an area for that rubber sheeting, and he loved nothing more than to be fucked while he and his partner and anyone else were soaked and slippery with chempiss. It was, I’ll admit very hot. Sometimes, the shower clean up afterwards could be ALMOST as hot as getting messy in the first place….
    14 points
  46. Got together a while back with a hot couple I play with sometimes - they were having a small group scene at their brownstone in Brooklyn. When I first met them, they did not party and though both were hot, and very nice guys to boot, the travel time for me to get there wound up being more than the time we spent having sex, then I had the same trip in reverse to look forward to going home... kinda tough. Recently, however, they both started to pnp and I was pleased as I really like them and this makes the possibility of sitting in traffic for an hour or two on a Friday much more bearable.* One is a hairy, incredibly well-hung top-only (Well, FORMER top-only, I got to fuck him recently and he's now getting fucked regularly, and considers himself versatile), fiftyish, olive skin, 'stashe, nice build - his partner is totally vers, but really loves to bottom and to get fisted especially now since he's become acquainted with Ms. T - late 40s Irish-y pale, trim and wiry, nice dick, beautiful hairy butt that I love to eat for hours. Call them Mick and Don. I was due at 8:30 but between a longer meeting with my agent than expected and NYC Friday night traffic, I could not get there until almost 10. The little group was in full swing when I got there - a shaved all over tatoo guy from Uruguay I'll call Ricardo early 40s, a freakin' hot wiry red-necky type from Oklahoma (and I mean that in only the hottest way...) I'll call Russell who I took to be 40 and turned out to be in his late fifties, and a kid I'll call Justin who was a blond, Polish-decent kid from the neighborhood who looked for all the world like a fratboy. They'd been at the glass cock and Ricardo had gotten several of them to the point, so I had to catch up a bit while I watched these boys in action. Not wanting to waste anything I started shot-gunning my hits back into these guys and watched them get even piggier before my eyes. Just to get into the swing, I got down and buried my face in each guys' butt for a few minutes, then fucked Don, Ricardo, Russell and then Mick (I love fucking former top-onlys, and bottoming for former bottom-onlys!) and then I turned to Justin - who suddenly had a great need to be somewhere else and bolted! Everyone laughed and they told me that it was his first group scene, and he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to handle it, and might freak out at any moment. Seems my hosts had been pseudo-warning him that when I got there I was going to pound him into next week and turn his butthole inside out.* Hmmm... yeah, that was sure to reassure him! I would have been happy to fuck him, but I'd also have been happy to have him pound me too. Oh well! I was also fucked royally by Mick and Don before we took a break, usually while I was topping someone else, leaving me to be Lucky Pierre. More puffing and shotgunning and we pulled out some of the toys I brought. I fucked Russell with a vibrating bullet in his hole which made my dick feel incredible.* Amazingly, Don got a HUGE vibrating dildo up Mick's formerly off-limits hole and he was moaning and writhing for all his might. The position I wanted to tell you about was this one.* I was laying on my back while Don rode my dick. Ricardo inches his ass toward my outstretched arm - I requested "elbow grease, please! and a hit" and was rewarded with someone greasing my left arm while I was given a hit off the glass cock. Don pulled off my dick, lifted my legs and slipped in me for a bit, while I worked my arm up Ricardo's hole. I was amazed how easily he took it. Ricardo starts to ride while I twist and flex in his manhole, and Don says "I'm jealous, I want some!" - proceeds to pull out of my butt, grease his hole and my RIGHT arm, and hold my arm up perpendicular to the bed and sink his ass down on to it. Russell who's been playing with a vibrating dildo up his hole, pushes another vibrating one up mine and begins to suck my dick. As the "piece de resistance" Mick blows a huge cloud of smoke into my mouth, puts the bowl down turns and sits his beautiful hairy, formerly top butt right on my face. So here's the scene, I'm flat on my back on the bed, my left arm is up Ricardo's butt who is on his back with his legs in the air. Russell has a vibrating dildo up his hole and one up mine and is blowing me. Don has my right arm bent up and is straddling my wrist and forearm, while he blows his partner Mick's huge cock while I tongue-fuck Mick's hole for all I am worth. Holy Cow, Batman! Now that particular configuration was one for the books I must admit! I've fisted two guys at once before, but not with the additional guys adding all sorts of other sensations.* The party was still going when I left at 4 AM, and there were lots more configurations, including some shower sex, and I did breed Mick's formerly top hole. Nice way to end what was a tough week!
    14 points
  47. Lets get some talk about "after breeding" activity. I get off on felching cum filled hole when it's overflowing with seed loads. The taste and aroma of pigsex and hole juices, piss and cum is so fucking hot. Love to share the loads with the bottom I just fucked.
    14 points
  48. A few months ago, I blogged about hooking up with an ostensibly straight young bloke who was the boyfriend of the sister of one of my dealer’s. Since then, I’d been helping him out with his rent at the hostel he’s been staying at but it wasn’t much good for hooking up. We’d hooked up a few times at venues and hotels and he’d stayed at the farm for a few days once. The place in town I’d been sharing since I’d moved to the farm wasn’t feasible given my friends were there too so I decided to lease an apartment. Overlooking the city skyline, pretty modern, two (and a half) bedrooms. Nice ‘get’ really. When Tard first came over, I hadn’t told him I’d leased it long-term and was thinking of inviting him to live in the spare bedroom; obviously the idea of leaving him alone here three days a week most weeks worried me a little. But I intended that first time to stay in the city for at least the week and see how it went. I think I asked him if he wanted to move in on a trial basis the next morning as he was fucking me. We sealed the deal by me flipping him onto his back, sharing a slam and me slam fucking him. It’s been a few months now and, in all honesty, it’s working out better than I’d hoped. We’re not in a relationship but we are living together in every sense except that neither of us expect fidelity. Tard was essentially homeless when we first ‘got together’ so I offered him to share my new place. From the day he moved in, he’s made it clear he prefers to sleep with me in my bedroom even though he has his own room. So far, I’m loving the arrangement. For a kid who basically left home when he was 14 and has lived on and off the streets since then; who became a father himself at 14 or 15 and again at 19 (he’s just announced that his girlfriend of sorts is four months pregnant and she’s intending to keep the kid), who’s spent some time in both juvenile detention and in an adult prison; and who’s supported himself and his drug habit by selling his body since he was young, he’s surprisingly ‘together’ at least in relation to me. He asked me if I minded if he took up escorting again to support himself and his kids and, of course, his drug habit; we talked about it for a long time as I wanted him to be certain that it wouldn’t affect his sense of self. He was more concerned about “sponging” off me. So I’ve been actively helping him establish himself as an escort (versatile and, yes, he works bare and seems literally to have no limits to what services he’s willing to offer) and I must admit it’s been incredibly hot watching a few of his ‘appointments’ with his clients. I filmed a couple of the sessions for him with the clients and I must admit that Tard and I have fucked to the vids already. I booked a session for him with a couple of escorts I’ve regularly hired and they’ve really taken him under their wings. He’s had a couple of bookings with them already and the three of them have done two amateur porn scenes with him mostly getting fucked. One took Tard to a gangbang in Sydney to introduce him to some of his clients and not only did he do very well, he was booked for a breeding party a couple of weekends ago which ended up being three days wired, with his legs open, taking multiple loads. According to the escort who organised it for us, there were some poz tops there; it’s hard to tell on the vid but he’s pretty sure a few poz loads were pounded into Tardy. And he’s decided that’s going to be his focus in escorting; cumdump at bareback parties, with an especial openness towards poz tops breeding negative holes like his. (He’s already persuaded two of his straight mates to be straight cumdumps with him and he does seem to have a talent for identifying straight men who might be interested. (He loves playing with other straight guys and teaching them the wonders of wired gay fucking.) Last Friday week, he brought two young blokes home (from his outreach centre) and we ended up having sex with them; one fucked Tard brutally and we all ended up fucking the younger one. That one’s proven a real cutie.
    14 points
  49. I felt his cock pulse four or five times, signaling that he was dumping a load of hot cum in my ass. I couldn't really "feel" the cum shots, but there was an unmistakable warmth that spread in my butt as the jizz pooled inside me. He slowly pulled his softening cock out, grabbed a nearby towel and wiped his cumslick meat before standing up and wrapping his own clean towel around his waist and walking out the door. I would have preferred cleaning his cock with my mouth, but that evidently was not his deal. In fact, I don't think he ever uttered a word. Just walked into my room, pushed my legs back, and fucked until he came. No complaints here. He had a thick cock and left me with another load. That's why I cum to the baths. I reached over to the plywood table and grabbed a pack of Camels and a lighter. Lit the cigarette and then fished my phone out of my duffel and texted "Hungry?" to my bathhouse buddy Roger. In less than a minute, my phone pinged with a response - "On my way!" Roger's a cumwhore, too - but he likes eating his from freshly fucked ass. The door creaked open, and Roger's face peered in. I motioned him in. Roger's around 60, in good shape, a little on the thin side, shaved head, always tan - and always hungry. He immediately climbed between my legs, pushed them back and started licking my oozing hole. "White guy - around 40 - fat dick," I spoke, filling in the few details about whose cum he was tasting. "Mmmmmmphh!" ."Roger grunted in approval. "Pump and dump - about four minutes." "Mmmmm - fuck!" "Marine Corps tat." "Mmmmmm-hmmmmph!" "Uncut." "Fuck yes! Mmmmmph!" "Never said a word." "Oh fuck!" Roger said. "I think I saw him headed down the stairs to the showers. - - - Damn, that tasted good! Nuthin' like jarhead cum!" Roger let my legs down on the bed, and took a seat off to the side of the double bed. "Smoke?" I offered him a cigarette. He took one and I lit it for him, and a fresh one for me. I stood up and stretched, and also shut the door on the small cubicle. Turned the light up - just a little. "So, what's the crowd like?" I asked. "Not bad - for 5 am on a Sunday," he answered. " "Coupla guys workin' the gloryholes in the maze, and a tweaked out guy sounding his cock in the far corner room up here. There were a couple of hot leather guys earlier, but I don't know whether they hooked up - or just got tired and left." "Were they together?" I asked, playing with my limp dick in my slimy jock. "Hard to tell." Roger said. "They definitely knew each other, but looked like they were cruising separate. One in leather chaps and harness - the other in a leather jock and harness. Hot guys." "Guess I need to get out and let 'em see this hungry hole," I grinned, sliding two fingers in my slick pucker. "Wanna smoke before we go?" I asked, holding the glass pipe up in front of Roger's face. "Mmmmm - twist my arm, fucker!" he grinned back. I fired up the torch under the glass bowl, waving it slowly back and forth to heat the crystal. Love watching it vaporize and that thick, white cloud start to work its way up the pipe. I took a deep hit, and then handed the pipe and torch to Roger. He repeated the process, and we both sat back to enjoy the cloud. "I'll head out first, so they wont think we're together," Roger said, adjusting his junk in his standard issue white jock. "As if there's anybody out there...." he smirked. As soon as he was out the door, I located by pill bottle and shook a tab of X out and downed it with some Gatorade. I checked the J-Lube bottle - it was about half full - I'd need to mix some more up if things went well! (I bring the powdered version, a large plastic container and a plastic whisk. Then I fill the container with water and heat it in the downstairs "cantina" before adding the powder. Nothin' like fresh, warm, J-lube being pumped in your greedy hole!) Then, slid on my black leather jock (with the codpiece pouch) and my leather harness, grabbed my key and headed out in search of more cock. Roger was right. The place was pretty dead. I heard loud snores coming from a few of the rooms. Several doors were open - but the rooms were vacant - waiting for the cleaning crew to get them ready for the next horny guy. The maze was closed (had one of those yellow "Wet Floor" signs blocking the entrance, and I could hear the slosh of water, as some hapless staffperson mopped the cummy floor. It would be out of commission for at least an hour, until the floor had dried and the fumes from the strong cleaning solution had dissipated. Slowly made my way down one of the side hallways, walking slow enough to check for any action, without looking too interested... On the right, a door open - tall, black guy standing against the wall - white muscleboy on his knees, slobbering on a thick piece of dickmeat. I stared for awhile, rubbing my crotch, and pinching my nips (the X was starting to kick in!). They didn't invite me in, but didn't seem to mind me watching their hot scene. I continued down the hallway and turned the corner. First room on the left there was a guy - doggy position - ass in the air - in black jock. As asses go, it was gorgeous - muscled, slightly hairy, shaved hole. a slight film of lube around the ring. (If I weren't so partied up, I would've fucked it.) I stepped into the room and ran my finger around the hole - - - he moaned. Let my middle finger penetrate his pucker - - - he gasped briefly - then relaxed and opened his assmuscle. I played with his hole for awhile, massaging his insides (just the way I like it!), while rubbing my x'ed out tits, and watching the porn on the small, cheap tv monitor. "Nice hole, pig," I whispered. He whimpered, as I added a second finger, then a third. "Mmmmm! Hungry pig!" I added. In the mirror, I could see we had attracted some interest from the hallway. Having no hard dick to fuck this hot butt, I bent over next to his ear and whispered, "If you wanna play with another tweaked, hardcore pig, i'm in room 312. Have fun!" I walked out the door and let the others work their way in. Amazingly, playing with that pig's hole had stirred a few twitches in my pitiful Tina cock. I checked the rest of the halls on that floor, and then went back to my room on the third floor. When I got back, I shut the door, found my pill bottle and located a 1/2 of one of those "little blue pills." Washed it down with some Gatorade, and resisted the temptation to smoke some more T.
    14 points
  50. Hello everyone, My posts are limited here, so I'll talk about 2 things in this post. First, thank you for everyone who voted! It looks like BugBoyEric won! Which is pretty cool cause that's what BB meant when I created my profile here. I though bareback was assumed on this site when I used BBEric, so it's cool to be more open about it. Open legs, open hole and open mind 🙂 Next I had this really great hook up last night from a Poz detectable couple in Ft Lauderdale! I just signed up for BBRT and I'm loving it! I don't even use Squirt or Scruff anymore. The best part of the hook up was the connection and excitement. We literally talked for about 2 hours before we got down to business 🙂 They were completely cool and validating! They've helped subs convert before, so they've been there before! They were confident, passionate, and totally open about pervy sex in general. They even let me stay over and the next morning we had breakfast and more sex! Morning sex is the best!!!!!! One even joked when he was making breakfast and asked me if I wanted HIV with my pancakes. Now I think if I smell pancakes cooking I'll get hard lol. It was the most emotionally sexually charged (yes, I picked that word on purpose) night of my life and my hole has never been so sore. When I got home I literally crashed for 8 hours! Anyway, those are just my unorganized thoughts, I'm sure I forgot something, but just wanted to get this up! Licks for everyone! 👅 Bug Boy Eric P.S. eating ass while getting fucked is heavenly and having your ass eaten by razor stubled Daddies is even better. My hole is razor burned and I couldn't upload a pic in the message I put it as a feature pic.
    13 points
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