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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Chav uniforms domination
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Chav/tradesmen into getting me tied up and abused, rough as you like to give ….

    Open minded bareback newbie To be taught a lesson on who’s boss and take whatever is given

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  1. Love that start 😈 can’t wait to find out what happens next
  2. Full cock definitely, ideally to have no control of what happens😈 Forced deep down my throat
  3. Love that! So far I have only experienced mild … but definitely something to develop with the right person!
  4. Followed, you have a really horny and fit feed there! im. @shinykit86
  5. I’ve stopped for a week - went back to on demand style has anyone switched between the 2 ways before or any advice on how to go back on regular 1 a day … is it a case of just starting 1 a day and being covered straight away … or 2 tablets for the first day then 1 a day?
  6. Being seduced and almost being ‘looked after’ is horny, I love to let a older guy take control, also the added trust and respect is always both ways
  7. Heya! Thanks for the follow, love your profile text and local too! 

    1. Toploader56


      Hi sexy man yes I am in Worthing 

  8. Heya! Portsmouth and South coast here,
  9. I wish I had the courage to do so! just Reading all your replies on here is really making me think I should do!
  10. For me it was a combination of curiosity, and reading up on forums and message boards. I would also say to to a degree, pressure from the community had an effect especially the people I was meeting and the type of situations as it seems to be generally accepted that BB is the norm, it feels so much better… but I’m so glad it did and can’t wait for the next time
  11. I love it when filmed or photos taken from behind. although i did make sure it was in a pretty empty room, so nothing to associate with me, but like some have said would been nice to have got a copy!
  12. For me it has to be gear stays on .. certainly to begin with at least 😈 chav / uniforms especially but I love it when a top arrives in trackies and a puffa jacket or a bomber … I always ask if they’d keep as much on for as long as possible even for quick Cum and go… as like to be able to feel it on me and them ove found a lot of guys are quite accommodating to that as long as they get what they want too
  13. This is a really useful thread as it shows a common feeling and worry, but helps get your head around your own thoughts. I’m personally early stages of experimenting and starting to Bareback, I am absolutely loveing it, so it’s great to see others having the same feelings as not wanting to poz convert just yet vs seeding.
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