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Everything posted by TaKinGDeePanal

  1. @versmetropig - it's always the siGn of a good time when your hole taKes a while to close iTself after a night (or three) of enhanced fun (and the activities therein). I'm just hopeful that I can live up to what is promised for our time together later this year. Have a 10 (or is it 12?) inch strap on that a friend here is going to use on me after he has combo slammed me (T and K). Hopefully this time someone takes pics. It seems that we are usually otherwise too occupied to actually locate a camera (last time we were too occupied to remember to take the poppers out of the freezer, but the K helped make up for that). Whatever happens, I can send you pics next time if you wish me to - and you can share them with whomever you think might benefit from seeing them.
  2. With the amount of notice you can give him about what you are going to do to me, hopefully he can plan accordingly. I’m envisaging arriving around 10/24 (have tentative plans with a slamming top in LA (RIGGINPIG666 who you know on another site) then be at your place in time for Halloween and your birthday, and this can hopefully turn into something of a longer-term plan, which is something I’d like to discuss with you when I get there, as for starters I never had a proper 50th Birthday ParTy last year). BTW, your blog about the 3 gentleman with the gigantic cocks mentions that one of them (Alex) does porn. Are you and him still in contact? You know where my mind is going with THIS! Wonder whether you can convince Darren that I’m pretty much a newbie to chemmed up sweaTy manpiGsex. I’ll have to have the hair removed from the appropriate parts of my body (fuck - you guys can remove ALL of it!) in order for things to work and feel better, but I think I look better without. Definitely FEEL piGGier, and that’s part of the fun!
  3. Damn hot sTories. You need to get spun more often!

    I’m in the States in October/November this year. We need to meet up. You ever get to LA/NYC?






    1. ronnie4u


      Oh Baby  !   Oh Baby  !    DO ME  !  RAW the Only Way !  Poppers  and  Clouds !

  4. This happened in October 2016. I was getting nicely tweaked with a guy around 9 at night who I found on CL (remember when it was a wonderful site for piGs like us?), when we decided to advertise for a third. The guy had never seen anyone in bondage before, so the guy who joined us tied me to the bed, and flogged my T dick (but not very hard). This proved a little too much for our less experienced friend who bailed. After the new guy had let him out, he came back to finish his business, turning me over and dropping a load in my ass. I jokingly told him that I might leave the door unlocked as he had to attend to some business, but that I was off to sleep in the meantime. Sure enough, at around 2 in the morning I heard the door being opened. He growled: “you shouldn’t have left your door open, whore”, then grabbed me by the throat, hauled me off to the shower where I had cleaned off a 10x8 dildo that I had lubed (in those days I had a tin of menthol lube which felt VERY nice once it had been lined my rectal walls) and had been fucking myself on while watching a college-age chick get their holes destroyed (I loved xvideos.com at that time!) before I invited the first guy (the one who had bolted). My new friend told me that he had something special for me. Put a blindfold on me, a hand around my throat, then handcuffed me, forced me to open my mouth, and rammed his cock down it. Started to unleash a torrent of chempiss down my throat while I was grinding against the dildo. He finally pushed me down all the way on it (talk about a way to get instantly filled!), and came in my throat. Then he dragged me into the bedroom (no idea why he didn't use the sling that I had set up for occasional entertainment of some of my filthier friends), threw me on my back, ripped the blindfold off and the dildo out (felt empty but fucking great!) and had me watch footage of him fucking his 18 yo niece (obviously the “business” he had to take care of as the video was timestamped) while he kept me high (smoke and booty bumps) and raped me for a couple of hours with a couple of he toys, his cock, and ginger crushed on a nice big cucumber. After he had cum 4 times and given me a couple of loads of chempiss, he left. He mentioned that he wished he could bring the girl and watch me fuck her then join in, but would the next time. Sadly, I never saw him again.
  5. @versmetropig - I can only hope that I am able to not only please all of you guys, but that I can under your tutelage and guidance turn into the nasTy piG that I believe I was always destined to be. Have you ever used a simultaneous combination of nip cylinders rosebud pump and cock pump on anyone while they're hitting the glass cock? It's no secret that I'm more bottom than vers, but given how hot this description was, I think you'll like the results of what my 7" cut cock can deliver.
  6. With a cock that looks like yours, there should be MORE than plenty of satisfied guys in Brisbane. If not, PLEASE come down to Melbourne. I'm sure my hole would love being filled by you.
  7. If one of these genTlemen is the one who you mentioned in NKP, I know we’ll have an eXTremelY ffucKinG greaT time 💥💨💥
  8. You’re fucking HOT. Would love to meet you when I come to the States later this year. Can you please DM me, as I am unable to send messages at the moment. 

  9. 1 point or 1 gram? The latter is an overdose amount.
  10. @versmetropig - I need to be properly trained in order to PROPERLY please you and ALL your friends.
  11. @versmetropig - bet you know a couple of guys who could give Horse some kind of competition as to size. BTW, @Hotrawbutt4u - I think I could give the Kid a run for his money punishment-wise. 7 hours in the sling helps build up one’s stamina! 💥
  12. I still have to remember to send you that list of guys that I promised you! I think that at least 6 of them may be help out in that manner 🐷
  13. Can you please send me a DM? I can’t send messages yet (can only respond to them). Need to ask you something.
  14. @versmetropig - I’d love to see a cock move inside me like this.
  15. Gag Reflex Tip - I find that if I curl one of my fists into a ball (with the thumb inside), it seems to help defeat my Gag Reflex.

    ThoughT I'd share with you as I've just discovered that fucking awesome story you wrote a couple of years ago in the Chem Sex FICTION forum.

  16. @versmetropig - food for thought for later this year?
  17. Having a shard fucked into me is one of my favourite new things to do. Just have to remember to ask for a larger one next time.
  18. For all of you who are followinG this sTory, I heartily recommend the new one that @Hotrawbutt4u has written.
  19. Avidly following (Gave you a 5-Star Rating). I also get some nice (or are they nasTy?) deviant ideas when spun - and even when I'm sober!
  20. Special K feels even more special when it's mixed with T and put in your vein. Doesn't require as much to achieve the same effect - and your slut level magnifies remarKably ... especially good when receivinG a fisT.
  21. Do you know anyone who belongs to the 99 Club, @versmetropig? Fire in the Hole is also fucking hot, as well as what we've discussed during the time we've known one another.
  22. I’d love to be introduced to these fine gentleman later this year if you’re still in contact with them. 💥💨⛓💨💥
  23. If you think you’ve seen a guy love to take a serious pounding when he’s flying, you’re going to LOVE to see how much I can take 🙂
  24. First time I was ffisTed, I took a slam to get me in the zone. Kept saying “Please, Daddy, Fuck Me Harder. Fucking Rape Me, Daddy” over and over again. @versmetropig, hope you like having a verbal little piggy. I have a fucking filthy tongue when I’m flying (and especially when I’m encouraged to share my fantasies).
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