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Everything posted by VersGuyAnon

  1. I did that yesterday, although I do always check the top knows I'm about to present my hole for a fuck, in case they want to rubber up (in which case I'd probably go wandering). 9 times out of 10 it ends up being a raw fuck.
  2. There's a special kind of excitement knowing your hole is the total focus of the other guy's attention. It's seriously hot.
  3. I think that's probably why I still prefer saunas to sex clubs, where fucking is involved. The ability to have a shower and proper clean up makes all the difference. I've been in the same situation where I thought I'd be squeaky clean, but it wasn't to be. At other times when I wasn't 100% sure, it turned out I actually "spotless". Let's face it, it's a risk everyone faces.
  4. From memory, about 11
  5. I've broken the 2024 spell and took four loads at the sauna today. The last one was in the darkroom, from a guy I've fancied for ages. I didn't think I'd ever get his raw cock in me, let alone his load, but today the mood at the place was raunchy and there was plenty going on. He has a really lovely cock too, which responded very well to my sucking and wanking. Then even more so, once his cock was up my arse.
  6. Final call out for votes, before I close it
  7. Reading this, I seriously need to get back to the sauna this Sunday, to be bred as much as possible. I still haven't knowingly taken a load yet this year!
  8. I thought the same. I'm currently not paying for membership, which is just as well.
  9. I normally run my finger over my hole, as soon as the guy pulls out. You can normally feel the load starting to ooze out. If it's one after the other, as you mention, that's obviously not as easy.
  10. I went to the sauna and was fucked a couple of times. Both guys made noises as if they shot their loads, but my hole felt only slightly "moist" after one of them. I wasn't sure if it was just lube. On that basis, I'm going to realistically say I'm still on zero.
  11. Totally understood. I hope my comment didn't sound harsh, as I was only trying to be helpful. Good luck with things. The patient concerned is fortunate to have access to someone like you, who cares so much.
  12. Thanks John. I'm more of a daytime person (largely due to practicalities of "prepping"), so I guess I'll never get to one. I doubt I'd have much luck anyway, so I'll just focus on the good old sauna.
  13. In order to help eradicate stigma, terms such as "clean" (even when used in quotation marks) must never be used. The closest suitable alternative is "clear", especially when referring to being clear of other infections.
  14. Am I right in thinking the sessions in London are only around 2-3 hours long? Is it the same at the official ones (i.e. Berlin, etc)? I'm an older guy. I know every occasion is different, but in general are older mares of interest to the stallions, or do they generally just focus on pert young arses?
  15. Don't forget daytime at Basement Studios. I haven't been for a long time, but I imagine you can still get day passes there.
  16. I prefer backing onto a glory hole, spreading my cheeks and taking a raw cock in me (and ideally a load). At times I'll go into the end cubicles at the sauna, so only my arse is visible. At other times, I'll go into one of the cubicles in the middle, where my arse is against one hole but there's also a hole on the opposite side of the cubicle. If I'm lucky, a guy will just shove his cock through without any preamble. In those situations I figure he's also a slut and very possibly up for fucking (normally bareback, from experience). The loads come, more often than not, later in the day when guys are more likely to want to get rid of a load before heading home.
  17. What did your consultant/medical professional say?
  18. I'd say the darkroom option might be the best for starters. Each time I go to the sauna it's a different crowd. Some days I get a lot of action. Other days, not much at all. If you do manage to enjoy a fuck in the darkroom, it will very possibly give you the confidence to seek more fun in other areas of the sauna. There's no need to rush things. If you can go in with no or few expectations, you'll more than likely be pleasantly surprised. Good luck!
  19. Speaking as a bottom cumdump, occasionally I do still fuck a guy I've been using from time to time. It's always anon/door ajar. Not always, but most of the times I've fucked him I've just used spit and my precum. I much prefer it to using lube, but if I'm not as wet as usual, for whatever reason, I might add a little bit of lube just to make it slightly more comfortable.
  20. I've found that if I clench too much, it can actually become slightly messy (where maybe I haven't cleaned as deeply as I thought). I do like to squeeze a cock with my arse at times, but that tends to be quick squeezes, which seems to turn on a lot of guys. I'd say relax and maybe try out different techniques, to find out what works best for you and your body. Welcome to the wonderful world of cumdumps!
  21. I haven't checked this for a while. I looks like my preference is still the way to go! I'll report back after I go again on New Year's Eve.
  22. The only regret I have is that I haven't taken more loads. YTD my load count (based on trying to keep count) is 63. New Year's Eve will be my last session at the sauna, so I hope to get that to at least 65. I'd be VERY lucky (and really surprised) if I managed to get it to 70!).
  23. On more than a few occasions I've kept it in overnight. By then of course it's pretty much been absorbed into my system.
  24. It depends what stage of a session I'm at. It would nearly always be in a sauna. If I've been there for a while without any action, I'd probably go ahead with it, simply to help open me up for other cocks. If I'd taken a decent number of (raw) cocks and ideally loads, then a guy wanted to rubber up, I'd probably say no. Again, it also depends on the cock.
  25. I've never had one in me. To be honest, I've always been nervous it might hurt/cause damage inside.
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