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Everything posted by VersGuyAnon

  1. That's horny, but I actually feel a bit sad for the older guy who had a black hood. I always respect how someone wants to play (BB or rubbered up). Obviously more and more guys are barebacking, but I do hope those who choose not to actually manage to have decent sex lives. Does that sound odd?
  2. I had no idea! I've actually just done a search online and can't find it mentioned, but good to know. I doubt many would know though, which defeats the purpose of having it. I guess the simplest way to let guys know you bareback is shove your lubed arse up against a glory hole and wait for someone to use it 🙂
  3. Assuming many have changed their behaviour (not all, but i think it's fair to say many), the big question is when will everyone go back to their normal sexual activity? Once a blanket vaccination programme has been rolled out? I'm curious what other factors will make guys think it's time to go back to "normal".
  4. Great to hear. How many red hoods (assuming bb was a red hood?) vs black or white or whatever "safe" is?
  5. I've only ever had one guy sort of cum in my mouth. I remember I hated the salty taste, but I know times and tastes change. Maybe I should give it another go sometime 🙂
  6. As of 12th July, 1,735 confirmed cases in the UK
  7. A reminder there is something else doing the rounds, that condoms won't necessarily prevent.
  8. It's up to you, but obviously everything you do can potentially impact her as well. I'd say whether you tell her what you get up to or don't, you need to be prepared for any consequences.
  9. On many occasions I've had perfectly good fucks using a combination of my precum (lots of it) and spit, topped up at various times during the fucking. With certain guys I've never had to use lube.
  10. I still have to experience being properly piss fucked. When it finally happens, I'm going to do my utmost to hold it in once the top has pulled out, then let it gush out.
  11. I think it would be worth trying to find some allies/people you can speak with in your city/town, to discuss how accepted gay people are locally. Is there a LGBT centre or switchboard? My thought is perhaps things are more accepted locally than you realise, which would make it easier for you to start opening up and coming out to selected people.
  12. Yeah I need to get back there for SOP sometime, so I can have a few good piss fucking sessions
  13. Bareback porn that isn't bareback and inane conversation.
  14. I saw earlier it's back on in KX and I was pleased to see they finally actively promote black or red hoods (or is this not new in the UK ones?). It's a shame it's later of an evening rather than during the day. I'd love to be a mare at one, at some point in the future.
  15. I'm surprisingly late to the world of darkrooms. For years I've avoided them, mainly because I've wanted to see what was going on and my night vision is pretty shit. Since concentrating on getting back to serious bottoming, I've taken to hitting the main sauna darkroom to take any and all loads. I'm careful to not interrupt anything going on or to force myself on anyone. I let them come to me. On the rare occasion I've started playing with a guy, if he made it clear he didn't want to bareback I just moved away. Things that irk me? As someone has said, guys who seem to think everyone likes having their hole fingered ad infinitum. Others who run their hands all over your body as if you're being auctioned off. Also guys who stand right in the doorway doing stuff, when there's plenty of room further in, then get shirty when you try to get past. I agree re the lights on watches (mood breaker) and the only chat that really belongs is slutty stuff like "breed me" 🙂
  16. You bet! I had one of those a few months ago. Well, sort of. The timings didn't quite work out to go from one to the other, but I had a particularly good time loading a guy who I think is on her (forget his handle), who was hot as fuck. When I walked in there was a guy fucking him, so I stripped off and waited for my turn. I don't think you'll be short of shags 😉
  17. Keep an eye on party listings and quick connect ads on BBRT. There are often cumdumps staying right in the West End near Tottenham Court Road Station (at a certain hotel you'll probably become very familiar with). Let us know how you get on!
  18. Maybe to let the penicillin be as effective as possible
  19. Reading these comments and thinking about what there is in London now (compared to the days when Chariots ruled), I'm reminded just how lucky those of us in Brighton are to have the Brighton Sauna. It's excellent!
  20. Which part is true and which part is "maybe next time"? 😉
  21. Fuck knows, but I chose a range which is probably fairly close. I lost count a long time ago!
  22. For me it's not cumming for a few days (or longer), lots of horny online chatting/activity (including checking out threads on here!), during the day thinking about horny situations when you can't do anything about it, then a slow build up when it eventually comes time to unload. These days I rarely wank. I just wait until I can load another nice hole (even after I've been bottoming a fair bit).
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