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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. That bad experience I had with one fuckbuddy years ago, about sweat fetish - this man was stinky, something really really obscene! I think he didn't wash his armpits, genitals and feet for at least one week - thankfully he declared he worked from home, would never have liked to be one of his co-worker in case of sharing same office. Especially in winter with heater on, or in summer with aircon, and windows closed. Thinking of him makes me feel still uncomfortable. He wanted us to lick and breathe from his hairy, sweaty and dirty armpits and the only fun I had, was because my ex liked to be degraded in such way and, knowing relationship was gradually deteriorating, I wanted to see others humiliate him somehow. I felt somehow violated when they both wanted me to lick dirty beast's armpits, then I consented to fuck him, but condition was to wear facemask and condom. It was kinda Bikini on! LOL That fucker (and my ex) assumed I had sweat/stink fetish, it was the only time I saw that man, he's a friend of my ex's. That is "tell me who you visit and I'll tell you who you are". My sensation is that people often assume that when it's a sex-only adventure, everything is allowed. Let me say that, if someone wants to be used and abused by whoever regarding of fetishes and tastes, just lie down in a sling in a public sex place or go to a gloryhole or public toilet, wherever, ass and member exposed and let things happen. But for one-on-one encounter, unless it's clearly specified "anonymous no question", everyone should clarify their limits. Specifically on here, "what you're looking for" section is made for a reason!
  2. This guy ErosWired has somehow "sermonized" me about my fantasy last summer, or at least I understood it as such, so I've chosen not to talk to (and about) him. But in this case he brought up an ESSENTIAL topic: kinks vs. communication. My fantasies are clearly documented on my profile for this reason: I never want to abuse of anyone! And this does NOT concern "hardcore" kinks only, it's not the first time I've approached someone here with "are you up for dirty chat role play?" And from the other side I got the answer "I'm not into role play chat" or "let's meet up [date/location] if you want to", and I behave accordingly: respect, without bothering someone who doesn't show interest in talking to me. No one is the center of the world, in a community like this (and better off line) everyone contributes to the world but no one is essential! There's a French quote saying "graveyards are full of unreplaceable people". Brutal as it is, but it's the truth. So, there is really no reason to think that our fetishes are the ones to make our partner live their most unforgettable experience. I also agree with the horrible sensation you feel when someone feticizes you for what you are: how you are dressed, tall or short, more and less "masculine-looking" or even HIV status. I've not wanted to become HIV positive, despite I had gifting fantasy (repressed) for a long time. New condition made me repress it even more... Now I've embraced it completely, but when I discovered my ex had chasing kink, I didn't feel flattered. Being repressed, I felt objectified! Very unpleasant! When I saw his Twitter with some kind of videos, it took a while to come out with my turn-on imagining those faceless sex acts with myself and him instead. My current bf? As I was his first male partner and a close friendship 12 years long, it's been quite easy to explain my kinks and why not being afraid of them. High trust has played a very good part! We're currently discussing this "not assume everyone has your kinks" topic as we're facing the matter of opening our couple or not. So, every aspect must be kept in consideration. Are we going to let other possible partners know about poz talk? Are we exploring other kinks? Are we staying monogamous? We are just discussing right now with no urge or forced decision around. But I admit, having a partner with same kinks makes sex much easier but life mustn't be concentrated on sex. About buddies here? I have a few neg guys playing with me frequently in our breedingzone message box, we have fun, this allows us to relax body and mind... But nothing else.
  3. Me playfully flirting in person with my first ex-boyfriend, in front of current partner and I was ready to receive a jealousy scene. But my current bf didn't protest at all, he actually flirted back! He has no trouble about me sexting around with guys here, and today I played my chance. Will we open the couple? Who knows.

  4. hey sexy! Up for dirty poz talk anytime

    1. myDNA4u


      Sending you a PM

  5. I'm not an alcoholic but when my bf prepares chocolate and rhum, what was the quote? "Rhum makes you cum"... 

  6. Not here to gain a status, well, depends which one!!! ➕➕➕🦠☣️ Sorry, this was too much a number LOL!!!
  7. I honestly wonder why you should care; the story is yours, characters are yours, it wouldn't be fair to change them; it has been just a passage regarding this transman, but then stop - eventually if you wish to develop Dean's character you could create a story on trans/crossdressing bugchasing section and tag it as "fictions". But these matters mainly regard site's rules, because as a reader I would never judge what another author builds - unless we decide a collaboration but this is not the case. As story writers, our duty is mostly having fun with our plots, we can't always guess others' tastes or manipulate our way of writing to satisfy as many as possible. I would never and never hide my talking HIV because someone doesn't like him; we both (virus and me) send those guys to f-off and we go on in our journey!
  8. Thanks for being one of my long-term readers!!! 🦠☣️🏳️‍🌈😘

  9. I woke up angry for a bad dream: some guys here from bz organizing a conversion party for my bf without my permission. I would never let it happen for real!

  10. Relaxing, chilling out on the bed, waiting for food delivery to arrive. Then, a hot hot time of intense sex; and, if some sexting buddy is around to turn us on with dirty chats, well, they're always more than welcome.

  11. Makes no sense to continue it IMHO, it has not the structure for a series. - To see what I mean, read one called "stealth bomber" unfortunately I don't remember who the author was. Not all stories have the characteristics to become multiple episodes
  12. reading this one with my bf next to me, remembering when I popped his cherry last October. He was straight before... No, he pretended to be straight, he has always been in love with me! But he was sitting on me then. I wanted to own him, my twisted fantasy wanted to convert him full poz, but I was (and am) undetectable so roleplay started and never stopped.
  13. Not into chemsex at all, but love reading stories with gradual seduction, pozzing, and a bond/ownership forming between gifter and chaser. In this case chems have helped to defeat Lance's hesitations a lot!
  14. I think "talk to me" will be the very last story I write here, it's becoming a worthless effort and I'll be here just for roleplay chat and nothing else. 

  15. It's going on! The virus is determined to prevent PozCop from pozzing Elias! Till the boy doesn't tell the truth about the accident. Poor naive neg boy he doesn't believe in talking virus (spoiler)
  16. This is the price to pay when choosing to create stories different from the "ordinary"; I honestly often complain because many stories here do not transmit (pun intended) anything to me. Not wanting to criticize/dislike others, I do my best to create my own content, and not being liked by everyone is always among possibilities.
  17. Chapter 4, PozCop: man outside, boy inside Humiliated, degraded. That's what I felt when my dick softened in front of my son! No way to explain Elias that I had a conscious virus who could stop me from doing what he didn't want me to, so I ran downstairs till pain and embarrassment subsided. Fucking stubborn HIV of mine, nothing could be done if he decided something but now he had to accept I wanted to poz my son! Why shouldn't I! "Elias is not what you think he is", my virus insisted and I couldn't accept him to accuse my neg son of something so, I lost my patience: "think about your own business, damned HIV! Or you know how you're going to end up!" I squeezed my soft dick in my hand, I knew just a way to make it rise again but looking around, I realized Sharon and Alexandra already headed out. I stared at Ian's photo hanging on the wall, if only he could be here and let me fuck his face or ass! No, he was permanently gone, brutally killed by the bus. The thought about Ian made me wonder: where was the white cane my husband used as a guide? Other cops didn't find it on the accident's scene. Could it be possible, the three teen boys running quickly away stole it? That made no sense! A quick thought came to my mind: Elias, is it him! Was him one of the bullies, no, Ian loved my son and that was mutual, no reason to think something bad about my Eli. "He's not what you consider him to be", HIV warned me one more time, forcing me to clearly ignore those advices; Ian was there, smiling from the picture, his white cane in a hand and holding Sharon's arm with the other. Breaking down in tears was not appropriate, so I ran upstairs again. "Oral only", I repeated at myself and finally sat on my bed, next to Elias. "It's me", the boy still cried, his head on my shoulder one more time; "I'm wrong, I was born wrong..." "No, boy", I kissed his cheek and dried his tears with my fingers. "My little, sweet, innocent boy! My best success in life!" He unexpectedly jumped up and came to sit on my knees; finally our bodies entwined again, arms circling each other's waists; our lips touched once, twice, then a sweet, innocent kiss lips to lips, him shaking in my arms for excitement and maybe fear. My hands began exploring his back, shoulders, and his perfect round ass; "this needs to be bred", I whispered and with no further hesitation I shoved my tongue into his mouth. There he was with his innocence, his lips began to suck on my tongue and only after a while he kissed me back; his dick was hard as a rock, the opposite of mine which still bounced down. "It's me", he told me again after we broke the kiss; "I've got something wrong for sure. Or, you know father and son couldn't fuck..." One finger on his lips to silence him, and again same finger inserted in his mouth, together with my tongue, both of us sucking it simultaneously. With no result for me, so I pushed him down, laying on the mattress, and kissed all over his body. But something still blocked me! "Eli", I called him tentatively; "I can't explain it in other words..." I rubbed his chest, caressing his teenage fur; some on his legs, genitals and ass crack. "No, no, no", I shook my head; "I found what's wrong with you, something must change on here..." "I'm so proud of my fur", he commented, "what do you tell me!" Shaving cream and electric razor in my hand, I had not to explain Eli my intentions: "you're not allowed to have hairy skin", I commanded; "till you don't became a man, till your blood stream gets upgraded. For now you're a boy and must look as such! you hear me?" I took his balls in my hand and squeezed hard: "no hard on! Not now at least! Understood?" As soon as his dick became soft, I quickly extracted a chastity cage from my drawer and locked his member; "fits perfectly", I smiled, showing him another cage, with spikes inside. "And if you don't behave, I'll change it with the other one!" "I deserve this, dad", he said, staring at the mirror to see his newly transformed body. I caressed and licked all over his newly shaved skin, it was so smooth and velvety, as a good boy should be. But nothing happened: I felt mentally horny, while my penis didn't respond at all! "Son", I finally called him; "your actions and reactions don't convince me... What's the fucking matter with you!" "Nothing", he replied; "I'm fine..." "Fine when you stay awake all night? Fine when you always cry? Fine as you don't go to school? Boy, do you really think I was born yesterday?" That was my most difficult mission, to treat my son as I assumed him to be suspected of a crime. "Eli, there's something serious you've seen", I dared to say. "Seen, or done. I know it, you stole Ian's cane. Say it!"
  18. You all here have the intention to keep me horny all the time!!!
  19. You know what you are? A slut who deserves to be restrained on my bed and kept under my control till you convert! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      I hold you down while fucking you from behind. I want you to feel owned, you're my property

    3. swimslut


      oh yesss sir! I'll do whatever you say! Just bend me over when u need to slide that dirty raw dick up in me and get off using my faggot cunt ass! 

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      You'll bleed copiously, I want to enter you with no lube at all

  20. when guys dirty-talk to me under my status messages it's such a turn on! I guess others looking at it all and we get hard all together

  21. thanks for follow, sexy! We can dirty chat anytime.

  22. Part 3, of course! After a hard day of work, those stories make me so fucking hard! Poz guys exchanging strains, and, yes I admit I still think of my ex when I think of 742L - that asshole deserves same treatment.
  23. This site is making me more and more twisted. Now I can easily define myself versatile in real, and roleplay too. And it's fun anyway, even if playing the neg's role should downgrade me LOL!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Only after I'm sure you're poz! Till then you're just mine! I don't want other strains to pollute you before me. 

    3. swimslut


      Well you better hurry up and poz me up man because I can't say no! lol I always say yes to taking a dirty load 😉

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Restrained on my bed with chains, locked and with a remotely controlled plug... Difficult you get away from my control! 

  24. Pleased to see you're back, sexy! Keep on with this one!
  25. Chapter 3, HIV: who's in control? No human knows Elias as I do. Not his friends, much less his parents: I was there while Adri's poz seed and Sharon's negative egg merged together, I should actually have been the only creature to be transferred from that encounter! A new being formed, instead; I assisted to the event of two cells becoming one and starting to replicate in a new life, never seen such a show before; in that exact moment I understood I had to share my existence with an undesired guest. Time passed and I learnt to love the new creature who continued growing and growing, through Sharon's body I could perceive their heart start to beat and their movements, till I realized he was a new vulnerable, little male human! "He'll be toxic like us", was Sharon and Adri's decision. But I wanted to take revenge on them for having excluded me from such an important choice; kill him and force Sharon to expel the lifeless body? No, too cruel; I loved her and her gifter too much, but I couldn't forgive them completely. For months I wondered why the newborn should come out from the same door that gave me free access to Sharon's body! It hadn't to be like that, so, I let baby Elias live with my antibodies for some days, then here it was. A nice neg status. I'm looking at him now, through his father's blood stream I can see how a beautiful guy he's become; if only he wasn't the asshole I've seen he has turned into! I started to regret my decision to leave him neg, as I could have avoided many trouble he's caused to others. Yes, I just assumed he well accepted his parents' education. And I was totally wrong. Finally his 18th birthday has come and he's unbuttoning his father's pants; like mother like son, I notice the same anxiety Sharon had years before, when Gifter took her virginity away. Elias's lips were closer and closer to his father's, so I took the chance: "FBI", I said; "PozCop! What kind of policeman are you? Look at him some more!" He stepped backwards and stared at his son for a moment but noticing his excitement he guided him upstairs, where the bed was prepared as it had been 18 years before: the white clean sheet was there, to welcome Eli's virgin blood. "You think your neg status is lasting long with me?" my host asked nonchalantly, while his son undressed him; both humans' dicks were rock hard and soon enough the two were rolling on the bed, in each other's arms but young Elias clearly didn't feel comfortable and his father gently massaged his body; "no way", I told my carrier. "Who's in control, cop? You'll poz him if I want you to, understood?" Every time they attempted a kiss, I enjoyed causing Adri pain and itching through his skin, swelling his lips, till his member finally softened; matter of determination, I didn't want to be inside Elias's body knowing what he had done with his horrible group of friends! My host surrendered and, struggling against the tickle on his feet, he ran downstairs leaving his son naked ass up on the big bed; I could now confront him, virus-to-man, forcing him to face reality in a way or another. "Damned virus", he exclaimed sitting down on the couch; "what the fuck do you want now! Don't you think you already created problems to us?" We both heard Elias calling dad from upstairs, but I didn't want to let Adrian take care of him yet. "I won't be his virus at all, first educate that asshole of your son..." Still naked, his soft dick and balls ridiculously bouncing, he jumped up and opened the meds cabinet trying to threaten me again. "I'm not afraid", I teased him, "if you make me go down to undetectable your sex appeal will decrease. Look at yourself now, would you spend an entire life with those useless pendants down there? If I only want it, you'll never be able to get hard again!" "I'm a gifter", he shouted; "I'm a fucking gifter!" And he started to play with his member, with no results. "Let's find a compromise", I finally proposed him; "you go upstairs and play with Elias orally then you ask him what he's done with poor Ian's white cane. Listen to me, he's a lot to tell you about."
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