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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. 3rd October: Virus Appreciation Day. And first year with my bf. Will be CELEBRATION 🦠☣️ 

  2. you know I love you... just to tell you this. Wherever you are. ☣️ 😘

  3. In recovery... Finally! I think I've lost 6-7 kilos in 10 days. Been so damn sick. And weak. 

  4. Several times a week! Despite having a satisfying sex life I find also enjoyable to have some time for self pleasure - it means penis stimulation but also anal stimulation; finding it important as only knowing yourself you can share your sexual needs with partner.
  5. Oh, LOL!!! I'm not a philosopher at all! 🤣 Sorry for your loss, unfortunately death is something we never consider, till it knocks our door! If only it could take assholes away from earth! Well, to people saying "love is an illusion" I just reply "talk for yourself" now but those became my feelings when so-called "mr. right" gave me HIV by cheating on me continuously. In that background I lost all my self-esteem and it took years to get it back! Now I've changed my prospect and give higher priority to myself. I'm partnered (happily partnered) and do not ask myself too many questions. At almost 50 years old, it's time I live life as it is without chasing ideals. Is my guy the love of life, will it last just some time? We don't know the future, and with this way of thinking we're going to celebrate our first year together. I understood what "self respect" was, as soon as I found myself in my current man's arms and felt safe, loved, as I haven't felt for long. Not by the man who lived into my house and that I called "boyfriend" before. Well, to make it short, I kicked my abusive ex out and changed the door lock, one week after! And admitted to myself I could have done it just after covid lockdown emergency. Self esteem and respect have not an expiry date. Yes, true, the sooner you find them the sooner you enjoy life. But I can say it aloud, Breeding Zone community has contributed to help me in many ways - even without me asking for advices every second.
  6. I agree with the original poster's thoughts. Totally. I know posts you're talking about, and instinctively I'm quite sad for people with no self-respect because I'm aware it's the result of a world where homosexuality is treated as something disgusting - and yes, there are also many hetero men getting excited by degrading and women who enjoy being degraded. What I think about it, I always compare it to sweets or non-healthy food. It's obvious that, generally, fried stuff and/or sweets, chocolate and so on, taste so good. But a life in this way means self harm! Sexually, I always say it's matter of understanding the huge difference between fantasy and desire. Fantasy is made of exaggeration, transgression, to break boundaries. But real life is other thing! I heard many men getting excited to have their tops spit in their face as a degradation sign, well, I would never allow someone to do that, I'd never allow a stranger to call me slut as, currently, I do not look for that kind of experience! Then with my long-term partner I do and say whatever but it's another background. The author also said about being "psycho", well, I don't think so. When you come from a background where you feel refused even by your family, it's very hard to feel self-respect unless you find the reason to, yourself! I personally fell in the arms of an abuser because I had no self-esteem, because the world (even gays in my area) made me believe that "gay men are in this way, accept it!" and "this way" means "love is an illusion, be promiscuous and proud of it" It's a matter of models we choose, I think. We shouldn't refer to "models" as every person has their own life and background, but it's really hard to feel self-respect in these days, where the world wants us to be more perfect and less humans. In general. Yes, we must help ourselves to be human, with everything it means. Including kinks (even extreme ones) and desires. They're ours, and we must make peace with everything.
  7. Hey, sorry for late feedback but I'm super busy these days! Anyway, I read part5 and am longing for 6! I want to see him fully convert to the poz slut he's meant to be.
  8. There are mostly two types of these. Keyboard warriors, and social justice warriors. They seem to turn the world upside down while chatting -privately or publicly- then as soon as they deal with real, no way to lift a finger! I'm the first to invent whatever for fun chats but always clarifying it, never promising what I can't (or don't want to) do.
  9. Keyboard warriors, yes if you're unpolite in real, your bad behaviour, online, becomes double. Because of my job I've known so many "nex door folks" who could have won the hate speech and cybercrime olympics if they ever existed. What about LGBT allies online and homophobics in real or vice-versa? Ghosting is just the least to worry about.
  10. this is what's called a KEYBOARD WARRIOR. At least if he was afraid somehow it could be understandable, but, talk! Damn, say it, "I've changed my mind" is not a crime!
  11. But Internet is not like a physical place: wanting it or not, it's a different context! Every place has its rules; in a bar you could scream, in a church you must be quiet, even on Internet it's not a frank zone - in many forums you might feel free to CAPS LOCK and say swearwords to whoever, hate speech and so, in others you cannot talk sexual, even here you have places where you can treat some topics and others where it's not permitted. It's part of life. This said, we cannot compare a physical environment where we may meet people, in there walking away is unpolite. On Internet you can't even know what happened to the person who was talking hot with you till yesterday! In an ideal world, everyone is polite but in this world not! And in this world there's also someone who doesn't show any interest; I'm frank with people and say "not interested" if appropriate, but no one show same feelings in same way. It's the power, and limit, of Internet.
  12. Agree! "I hate ghosting when I receive it but who said I hate making the giving part?" Clarification, even if it's sex-only. At least you know who you're hooking up with!
  13. Rejection is a topic we've discussed for long, here. Everyone has their way to deal with it, many of us have been rejected even by their biological family so, it's easy to be more sensitive to feelings. And, if you feel a piece of trash yourself, being rejected even in a chat could be very very heavy to handle. There are people like me who manage to get rid of their vulnerability and after bad experiences become stronger. Others who feel bad by a ghosting from an Internet contact you had no friendship with.
  14. I always say it, respect and communication are the key. I hate ghosting too, but considering it as such or not, depends on the context of the correspondence we have, especially on this site or, generally, in sexting-related chats. Do you take sexting as a deep confidence? Do you consider it just fun? Does it start with fun and become confident? Anything can happen and you'll react to people disappearing, in different ways. I'm a computer professional and know as things works, having seen the worst of humanity on the Internet, I tend to take things as they are; anyway I'm always polite with people corresponding with me as I know there's a human with feelings, behind the screen! And I can't be aware whether they feel it just a sexting chat to relax our mind and body, or the beginning of something else. I tend to say "I'm not into this" when it deals with substances for example, but that's not judgmental, it's like saying "no, thanks" if someone offers almond biscuits if you don't like almonds! What's wrong? Then, there are many reason people might disappear from here. I've made a close friendship here with a guy, called Evilqueerpig. He stated himself as "poz not on meds", we wrote daily for months, then he simply disappeared without a word... Do I judge him? No, he has every right to abandon this site and not giving me other contact methods, I also prefer not to give those around here. But in that case I'm scared he has something worse as he wrote a story fiction about a hospice and a dying man... Yes, mostly I say "be a man", like you; keyboard warriors are rubbish. But as far as we know, anyone can have their reason! Delete telegram chat? I personally hate Telegram so who knows, but he could also have come to a nsfw situation. That is the reason why I compiled a detailed profile here. Just people wanting my own fantasies, chat with me. Others won't even approach. Then, I can talk about anything else beyond sex, with people having different tastes. I don't bite! LOL
  15. Oh fuck!!! My phone is converting I think - got an update yesterday and now it's hot like fuck flu! ☣️☣️☣️

    1. leatherpunk16


      LOL. I think it's up for a recharge. 

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Think so, percentage is lower and lower! It needs me to insert something into that hole

  16. Computers have absolute calculations. Zero-false, one-true but human life is complex! Can't talk in general, but many homophobics are repressed queers wanting self-punishments. Like the abuser's philosophy "if I can't have you, no one must be able to". So I'd gladly out some of those, but then? I become violent as they are. What satisfaction could I get from there? I have my biological father who's passed away at beginning of this year; we had very few contacts as he was homophobic-serophobic, and in last stage of his life, advanced brain cancer, he called me -and also his assistant despite she was a lady-, with another man's name. I played along to know if in his cognitive impairment he could say something about who that man was as I have suspected his hidden homosexuality for my whole life. But should have I spied on him, then out him? For what? Revenge is not in my lifestyle. And, about married men, my current partner was a married man -not any longer!- but from there to now, it took 12 years to admit to himself he wanted me. I knew it but forcing him could have caused to lose him also as a friend, at that time. He came out, when he's been ready.
  17. I generally am against outing; what people do, is not my business; when it deals with politics, I'm conflicted instead. How many people of all genders, races and ages, have a double life? Talking in a very strict manner about sex (especially homosexuality) and then, behind the door, they act the opposite? I heard about a man in Hungary, in the parliament, he was arrested with 25 men, and substances! 25, not one... In this case I'd be more in favour of outing: if now YOU can have a double life, including being in gay places with guaranteed privacy, it's thanks to the community you're fighting against. So you have no right to spit on us and then use us for your own fun. That's the matter. But, on the other side, I really don't know if it would be a good way to act; violence generates violence, always. I am not religious but think that I shouldn't do to others what I do not want to be done to me. And, if it deals with politics, opponents would say "look at this movement, they share private information because they've nothing else to tell the world". It's something to pay attention for!
  18. Agree totally with them except for 6th, well it depends on situation. When I used to top a guy for sex only without any lasting feelings, it was matter of primal pleasure for me... Especially with one guy in particular. But now, if current guy asks me to slow down, I of course do - also because it allows me to last longer and enjoy the ride for both
  19. Let me say it: in 27 years of Internet experience, Breeding Zone is the safest place I've been into. Thanks to mods' efforts, despite sometimes warning policy can seem too strict. It's only way to avoid hate speech and most accidents. 😘😘😘

  20. sorry if I don't react/reply to public posts these days, on Internet I'm mostly in reader mode lately. I'll do my best to get back on track soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      They call it "writer's block" or in my case it's kinda interaction block. I've been bullied by some haters over the Internet (thankfully not in this site) and I just feel like "sit down and look around"

    3. Cravetoxic22


      People can be awful. I'm sorry you have to deal with haters. Hopefully you don't have to face that from anyone here. 

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Twice it happened last year but I don't feel like calling them "haters" totally; they just approached me (and my fantasies) in judgmental way. 

      It's not mandatory to share same fantasies among people but please if they don't agree with me they have no right to judge me! I have fun chats with many guys here, who have different kinks from me - chem/cumsluts into substances and anonymous sex; I'm not, and what then? Everyone lives sexuality as they want and like to! No need to lecture anyone. 

  21. X/Twitter is crap, now! Not only Musk has fired all accessibility team, as first move, as soon as he acquired the platform but also wants to let haters go free, by removing the "block" function, as soon as Elon Musk-et- got the platform, my best friend and I escaped from there! We had a project together posting to Twitter. And, poz pigs, was one of the accounts helping me to embrace my fantasies totally! My ex (the abuser) was always there and I caught him watching all contents you retweeted from there... As for "musk-et-" I said like this because it was him tweeting with a weapon in hand and making this silly "joke" on himself. Now I'm studying Mastodon, but I found chaos there too! I'll keep an eye on your possible news about that Nostr
  22. not to use love and trust as STI prevention methods for example...
  23. we can talk whenever we want, message me without any problem if you want to confront
  24. We have same tastes for stories! I'm happy when I can share them. Mostly, people here are for fast "pump, poz and dump" tales. That's not my thing. And if between pozzer and pozzed a bond develops -or strengthens-, even better!
  25. sorry for my slow activity but I have trouble to solve on Internet. Dealing with haters, thankfully no one of them has come here (YET) I'm determined to make them pay for insults they address me.

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