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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. if you were poz, I'd have said "let the virus give you suggestions for the story" I thought about a prequel too, some days ago; but then I gave it up. Do what you feel right for you!
  2. Is it an invitation? 🤣☣ My virus prefers to stay on the couch watching tv shows rather than searching for new hosts! - I'm teasing you, of course.
  3. I am slowly but constantly writing chapter 12. Another project is keeping me busy till Friday August 26th (my third anniversary as a PROUD poz talk author); I planned to end my BZ stories in that date but COVID and other issues kept me off. Honestly I was tired of reading stories I felt as almost all the same plots; what excites me most about conversion is the bond that may create between gifter and chaser so I decided to get involved writing here, and make my part. I don't like to criticize others, neither to stop reading because I get bored from someone else's writing. Everyone has their style, I respect them, and try to create mine.
  4. hi - I'm happy you appreciate my "we have to talk" story. The talking virus is proud of your upvote 🦠☣️

    1. oinker


      Hey ur welcum Iam reading now and you have my full attention Virus is smart and powerful 

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      He's still to show full powers! Stay tuned! I just have to find the time to go on with the story as I have many project I'm working for! 

  5. Yes, thanks waiting for your next chapter!
  6. The guy pozzing his brother, fuck, it's a double biological bond!
  7. Bye bye vacation. And WELCOME 3rd year as poz talk author -anniversary next Friday-. 

  8. keep on going! Let's see how far things will go. Currently I'm full of writing projects so I'm less productive here but I'm always around.
  9. "We have to talk" story: someone wants the prequel with Ryan's background?

  10. And the other one, "starting a family"? Are you planning to finish it? Be careful, don't make my same mistake - starting two and then leaving one incomplete because you care most about the other!
  11. Go on! This is a good start and I feel it comes to an unbreakable bond!
  12. WTF! These two are COLLECTORS! I love all your stories Part two? Maybe the guy converts and wants to be included in the gifters' group?
  13. A real BROTHERHOOD! Lucky this guy to have found all of them. George himself is a very prolific gifter, he should be proud of his legacy.
  14. Busy in another project. Bz's stories are in last priority now, sorry. It's the author's life!

  15. Fucking love it, really. Now I wonder what happens - the doctor talks about family, so, I'm curious to know the connection. They gifted the doctor, or vice versa?
  16. I love these stories where the gifters take care of chasers, and ensure that his virus is theirs. Regardless of boyfriends or not, I really like this idea of family bond as it's a biological tie that each of the characters can choose. There should be more of these bonding experiences, in these stories!
  17. As this story's author said, he changes some plots because _he_ did not like the original ones. About confronting, there are many stories here where the authors ask explicitly for ideas from readers, so I find nothing bad about this! When I like some plots I can share my fantasies about further scenes but if the author has already written it, he'll upload it without caring of what other say.
  18. We can give feedbacks, but not complain of anything. This is a content management system which has been customized, and I know how many hours and case-studies there must be done for testing. In an environment like this, it's better that admins and mods work to keep this place the safest possible. And to avoid security issues if possible, not to let personal and sensitive data go out in the world
  19. FUCK! @talurium that's making me horny AF! Let's see how the process goes on! And let's see what happens if he converts! I want the three guy enjoying his hot feverish hole!
  20. I bet @BlindRawFucker1 with his talking devices would have found it immediately! I have web/computer experiences with visually impaired people where they control an interface by keyboard only, and listening to text to speech, and they get rid of obstacles better than us sighted! This should convince interface and site producers to build and design more accessible interfaces for EVERYONE. Often they over-talk about inclusion without even knowing what it really means, this is a battle I openly fight. I have no physical or sensory disability. I'm "just" poz. But people should not consider just matters that concern their very own condition. That said, this status messages switch is disabled by default, I assume; at least when I joined here, I had no ability to be reached publicly on my feed. I had to enable it!
  21. most important thing for a community is confront. Of course characters are the author's, but if some ideas work better than others, they must be welcome! Feel free to re-write and take your time, given that when you publish something here, you can't edit any longer unless you ask to moderators.
  22. don't worry, I know what writing means, what effort is it; in opposite to you, I tend not to satisfy _every_ reader's need; if I have an idea I try to bring it up all the way. Experiments can succeed, or can fail. It's life. And even failures at the first shot, are made to improve ourselves. I'll wait for next chapter!
  23. "turn off to turn on" was a campaign against tech abuse. But what if it's a couple who is willingly SEXTING with a consenting third? We're all three turning each other on!

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