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Everything posted by topblkmale

  1. Black unemployment rate for the past twenty years.
  2. Black unemployment was record lowest under Trump. 5.3% Biden just tied it last month after 3 years.
  3. Sadly I never got to visit Watergarden in San Jose before it closed.
  4. 125% black families remain very homophobic
  5. This is misquoted and belongs to @Orlbttmntraining I’ve only been with two Cubans in my life and politics were in neither of their mouths.
  6. Yes you may, but they're not LGBT issues.
  7. Neither of them. I’m both pro gender identity and pro straight identified men who want their dicks sucked by men yet are conservative/Republicans themselves.
  8. Agreed. 👍🏾 But the straight man getting his dick sucked by a trans woman would see her as a woman. Which is contradictory to what you stated.
  9. Nope. Two totally separate groups of people. Nice try.
  10. Is your regular feeder ‘straight’ or bi? It might be that he just does not identify with LGBT but does enjoy a good blow job from a man.
  11. As old generation 1.0 I have not encountered body shaming at any bathhouse I've ever visited. Having said that, new generation should probably avoid gyms and beaches as those places could also be hotbeds of body shaming.
  12. DC had a Club Baths chain bathhouse. It was pretty small but action packed and in a good location. DC also had a bathhouse-like place called The Men's Party.
  13. Reminds me of the early internet days when guys would state their eye and hair color while giving stats. 5'10", 170 lbs, blond/blue, 30 y/o
  14. Ron DeSantis does use the word a lot in his daily life. But he didn't start the modern day usage and I highly doubt he knows or cares about the origins of the term in black American culture.
  15. What nation? Who is ‘us’? What is the ‘fantasy’ if they close down? Sincerely, A Concerned survey taker.
  16. Detroit is a new one I’ve never heard mentioned before. Chicago was good when there were multiple bathhouses.
  17. Yes. Where do you have in mind?
  18. Bring back tearooms & glory holes. Also glory holes in tearooms.
  19. Smart man. One year ago, you accurately predicted February 2024. 👍🏾👍🏾
  20. Woke is what happened to San Francisco.
  21. BBC's have radios. Now that's woke! But seriously its racial injustice as experienced by black people. White liberals co-opted the term. Happy Black History Month!
  22. Like a lot of slang, 'woke' originated in black American culture (90s rap, hip-hop, R&B, neo-soul). Back then it referred to watching out for 'the white man'. For me, its a bit funny and ironic hearing white liberals use the term as I understand what the original usage of the word was among black folks.
  23. So you're saying they're now flying drones over Haulover Beach (the gay section) to deter guys from fucking? I thought drone money was only going to Ukraine & Israel.
  24. I identify as LGBTQ+K Let's Get Biden To Quit + Kamala 👍
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