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    Poz men. Verbal rough fuckings. Bugs.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. Love a sex club or backroom over a hotel. Feels sleezier
  2. Regulars are good sure but I've never felt such a sexual high from an anonymous fuck
  3. If your bag is flagged just be honest and upfront. TSA agents have seen everything, they don't care.
  4. Exactly what I thought when I read the thread title 😆 raw is law
  5. Blindfolded, totally anon fucking is so thrilling! Love it!
  6. Don't remember the last time I let a rubber touch my hole. Condoms are out of the question.
  7. Parking lots, back rooms, alleyways, work bathroom, hotel lobby, various clubs, beach.
  8. Girth and length. Big size queen here
  9. Love a hairy hole. So tasty
  10. Both but nothing beats that feeling of a load pumping into you
  11. I've never had a top mention anything any my soft dick. My hole is what us giving pleasure and the top is all the matters.
  12. I love a big dick that obliterates my hole beyond recognition but the first time I had the biggest dick of my life, he slipped a little on my sheets and unintentionally rammed his cock into my cunt balls deep in one quick surprise stroke. It was both painful and thrilling. We tried to recreate that every time after. Love pain.
  13. I got tons of action working in a hotel. Recommend highly
  14. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/fag-slave-2-daddy-it-hurts-so-much/
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