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Everything posted by DilfSub

  1. I use NOW Psylum Husk purchased from Amazon. I use it by the gram not by volume, and have 2 x 5 gm in water a day. I'll take a 3rd if I don't have a fibre rich meal like something with lentils just to try to meet the minimum requirements for dietary fibre.
  2. One of my exes used to go almost elbow deep- after that self fisting was boring and larger toys became more pleasurable - This said I went back to self fisting after I met my next two partners who were both vanilla until age just made me a little less flexible in the wrist.
  3. Don't worry about it... Its a scam. Here are a few articles on how this specific scam was created - but if you just want to move on delete it and ignore it like the others mentioned. [think before following links] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13873203/Urgent-warning-hello-pervert-email-scam.html [think before following links] https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/warning-hello-pervert-email-what-33719459 [think before following links] https://malwaretips.com/blogs/ive-sent-this-message-from-your-microsoft-account/ To stay secure, follow these tips: * Keep your operating system up to date: Regularly install updates for Windows 10 or 11, as well as macOS or Linux. * Use reliable antivirus software: Ensure you have a reputable antivirus program enabled and running - this is especially important on Windows systems. * Avoid risky software: Don't use BitTorrent for downloading files or install pirated/hacked apps, as they often carry malware. * Scan for threats if you suspect an issue: Use tools like Malwarebytes to detect and remove malware if you think your system is compromised. * Back up important data: Regularly back up your critical files. In case of malware or ransomware, you can restore your data from backups instead of paying a ransom.
  4. US Canada Taiwan Japan Thailand Macau Hong Kong Germany Netherlands France Switzerland New Zealand
  5. Why would that make you gay? You could still have your wife, have sex on the side with fembois, and be HIV+. Curious as to that comment since I would still assume you are Bi, but if you truly are gay - why not move out and go find the new best thing for you!
  6. Miss having someone elbow deep in me. The almost 2 decade stint with my vanilla ex-husband left me wanting, but I've recently found someone to re-ignite that deep desire inside.
  7. One of my boyfriends in my early 20s would have me jack off on his cock and then fuck me using my load as lube so that I could focus more on my ass muscles than my cock, but I realized as I got older my body changed and the technique needed to change too to ensure I am offering the best experience for my top. This will need to be a time of experimentation for you - but that sounds like fun!
  8. I'm less worried about this, since it is open source. Yes the project code is hosted by an Australian organization, but the moment that Australian specific code enters it will be taken out or the project forked to a new project based on the old code to avoid any Australian government oversight. As for the use cases of communicating for the most part anonymously, it fits the bill - however I am still not doing or condoning illegal communication over session.
  9. Session is good - open source, cryptographically secure, uses standard protocols, censorship resistant, and easy to use. There are more secure solutions out there like TOX, but session is in the sweet spot of being easy to use and cryptographically secure, but more anonymous than solutions like Telegram or Signal. I have it on my mac, pc and tablet. [think before following links] https://getsession.org Session ID: 059082f9439ee7f9db6c8be9d0ae93614ef0463fadd43bf9a333d2d4403235550a
  10. Awoo thats cute, looks like you have a subby friend with you too ^^
  11. Agree, also good for prepping your hole for any encounter. My only complaint is how it builds up in the shower or can stain sheets..
  12. Seems kinda hot, but I think I would prefer less public toilets if i were asked to do this.
  13. My boyfriend started using my pillowcase for his worn socks - I fall asleep every night thinking of heaven.
  14. I'm quite kinky and actively like WS, FF, A2M (especially to clean off the top's cock), sweaty feet, rimming sweaty holes, used condoms for lube, etc. I think I would do anything as long as I trusted my top enough - I always tell my partner I am OK to do anything as long as you will still kiss me after.
  15. Hey there, I've noticed the two of your opinions on cheating differ - everyone's entitled to their perspective. However, constantly downvoting can come across as a bit intense - it's equivalent to going into a topic on barebacking and downvoting because you believe in condoms - or taking it to an extreme, telling a CIS woman to not have an abortion because your beliefs differ. Can the two of you agree to disagree without making it a constant thing to downvote each other - I think your opinion BootmanLA has been heard by now. I agree with you on this topic - but that is between myself and my partner and I don't want to tell someone else what their morality should be if I am neither a friend or in a relationship with them.
  16. Hey, you may want to look at this resource. They mention a 1 in 500 chance of a medical-resistant strain currently. [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/prep-and-drug-resistance
  17. I'm dating an ex-porn star who swears there's a world of difference between "business" and "love" in bed. For them, meaningful intimacy now trumps collecting paychecks, and they're now all in for that deep connection which never came on the job.
  18. It's a mix, although most Backroom stories dabble in POZ and POZ friendly stories.
  19. Dunno if you had fun attending, but in other parts of the world you can use an app called Barq! to look for furrys in your area.
  20. A friend introduced me to larger syringes which you can get on amazon, 200 ml ones. Inexpensive and easy to fill.
  21. Hot, I am sure many chubby daddy bottoms would sign up to take your load!
  22. I've always wanted a top to do this to lube me up, don't bother even telling me... I get the kink totally, and have been looking for places to harvest them myself. 🤤
  23. Depends what better is... but it was designed to be as minimally traceable as possible. from their website:
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