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Everything posted by ktopper

  1. Yes, I also believe this about absorbing another man's cum. It is not just a bonding affect but it affects our sexual orientation. I have been exclusively a top for several decades but if I suck someones dick before topping a bottom it seems to enhance my gay desires and makes me enjoy topping even more than usual. I like to take the cum in my mouth instead of in my throat and then swirl some under my tongue where I can feel the sperm cells numbing my tongue as they penetrate me. I was turned on to this technique years ago by a former GF, a hippie chick I lived with for a few years. She swore it not only made her desire me even more but calmed her and left her with an afterglow that lasted for days. Semen is magical stuff.
  2. Damn me, there's some real jackoff material in this thread. Fuck, I love a good hot piece of gay ass. The whole ritual, from going down on his delicious ass to lubing his hole up and sliding a couple of lubed fingers inside. Then tease his hole with my dick before easing into him with my large cock head and enjoying that feeling of his sphincter trying to close up around me as I slide on into his ass. That tight and intimate grip on my rock hard cock as we fuck, a feeling several magnitudes better than any female pussy I've fucked. The masculine smell of him making me rock hard, the sensation of his buttocks against me and meeting my strokes. Then the feeling of my balls tightening as I begin to lose control and my prostate tingling with waves of ecstasy as my cock begins to swell and then throb as I fire wad after wad of cum as deep into him as I can get as he moans in pleasure beneath me. Is there something wrong with me? Am I a pervert? Whatever! I love fag sex and it just feels so fucking good. And natural. And it amazes me that I once thought it was disgusting. But once I tried it I was hooked.
  3. Back in the day, before I was married, I used to periodically travel across several states or even from one coast to the other. I used the trips for sex holidays. It was common to see ABS's from freeways or main highways and I would pull in and get some action. Everything from fucking some guy to oral. Several times a day sometimes, one city right after another. I would get a motel room at night and usually pick some guy up for a long leisurely fuck session before going to sleep. Good times.
  4. 15 with a girl, I was probably close to 16. I was hooked after that. 25 with my first guy when I gave up my ass cherry. Around 26 or 27 when I topped for the first time with a guy. I was versatile for a year or so after that but topping just felt so natural and so damn good that I became exclusively a top.
  5. Vaseline was what I used when I first started. I have used several others over the years. Someone mentioned Swiss Navy Lube, that is good stuff. I like it when bottoms take me in their mouth after I fuck them in the ass and some of the greasy stuff like vaseline isn't good for that. The water based lubes do dry out fast but that's not really a problem, just squirt some more in the crack of his ass and let it run down on your cock as you fuck. Spit is almost as good as cum for lube. I have never used lard but now that I think of it that would probably be a good option for some of the pigs I have bred.
  6. Yeah, I definitely see what you are talking about. You were born to take dicks with an ass like that.
  7. That was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. Probably around 12 or maybe 13. I remember that I was starting to get facial hair by the time I got out of 8th grade and my dad bought me my first razor. I think I had pubic hair by that time.
  8. Which has the biggest dick?
  9. The feel of an ass around my cock is fantastic but I also enjoy the way a bottoms buttocks feel pushing back against me. If the bottom is on his back or riding me cowgirl style I call feel his balls pressing against me which I love. Beyond the physical pleasures there is a mental dimension. For one thing it just feels so, for the lack of a better term, gay. There is a sense of forbidden fruit about the act. It is a feeling totally unlike straight sex, emotionally and psychologically. It is magical with some bottoms, the verbal interplay is like fucking them mentally as well as physically. I don't mean in a hurtful way but that playful but intense way in which a top sometimes synchronizes with a bottom, each feeding off of the psychological needs of the other. The top's orgasm is the reward for both of them for the fuck they just shared.
  10. Yes! Ever try a Bison ribeye? Soak it in some good EVOO then a good sear, perfection.
  11. I've never been to England so have never had spotted dick.
  12. For me it is just regular simple American food. Stuff like spaghetti, pizza, tacos, burritos, chow mein, pad thai, goulash, kimche. You know, just typical American food, nothing fancy.
  13. This is sad. I am 71, I came of age sexually in the late '60s, the height of the "sexual revolution." Almost everyone was getting laid. Even me, once in awhile. It was a great time to be alive, great music, guys and girls still liked each other, chopped Harley Davidsons, muscle cars, cowboys loggers bikers and hippies all partied together. The cops were pricks but they weren't just randomly shooting citizens. It is so different now. I hope things change.
  14. I have never heard of a "passive top." Is it even possible? I am rather introverted. I'm definitely not the life of the party. But I am NOT passive. I can be in a social setting and not saying much and still, if the situation warrants it, dominate the scene, especially if someone is saying or doing something that pisses me off. Same with sex. Once the clothes come off we are going to do things my way. I'm not an asshole about it, it's just the way it is. If I am on my back and a bottom is riding me it is usually because I told him to. It just comes natural.
  15. I have never been fucked by a big cock Black man, but then my time as a bottom was short, top most of my life. I have given a few of them head. I have bred two black men I can remember, possibly a few others through glory holes. Blacks have some of the sexiest asses ever and feel sooo good around my cock. I will fuck one anytime.
  16. There are two things I hate doing, one is going to bed at night, the other is getting up in the morning. I think that qualifies me as a night owl.
  17. I have been filmed a few times. I am kind of paranoid about it. I ask not to have my face filmed and insist on watching it before I leave to make sure it doesn't show my face. First time was an add on Craigslist when I first moved to this city. I called the number one Sunday afternoon and was given directions to an automotive repair shop. There were two guys there, one owned the shop, closed Sat, and Sunday, and the other was his friend. We went into an office with a sofa, some chairs, and a clean blanket on the floor. The friend said he wanted to eat my ass while jacking off. I explained that I didn't bottom and he said he didn't want to fuck, just eat some ass. The shop owner had ED and couldn't get hard, he wanted to film us. I said "no face shots" and he was OK with that. After the friend had cum while giving me a fantastic tongue job the shop owner handed the camera to his friend and he filmed the owner giving me head. Watching it after we were through was a turn on. While I knew I would never be a porn star I still thought I looked pretty good in their movie. I asked them if they had any friends who liked to bottom. Their reply was "several, we sometimes have regular fuck parties here." I went to probably 4 or 5 of their parties over the next couple of years. Sometimes it was just us, other times there would be 5 or 6 people there. The shop closed down and I lost contact with some of them but others were making the rounds same as me and we would sometimes hook up. Another time I was filmed was a couple, man and his wife, in a motorhome at a campground. She filmed me fucking her husband while she taunted him by calling him names. I bred hubby, then watched the video, gave her a big kiss and left. I have had guys hand me their cell phone and want me to film while I fuck them. I will record around 30 seconds or a minute but it takes two hands to properly fuck so I put down the camera when things start getting serious, then sometimes start filming again as I pull my cock out.
  18. Two nights ago; slept about an hour and a half, woke up and couldn't go back asleep. A common occurrence for me. So I headed out to my shop/man cave about 0100. Turned the heat on, lit up a Romeo y Julietta, poured a glass of dark rum, fired up the 'puter (with some nice speakers plugged into it, big subwoofer and nice woofers with built in tweeters. Played some classic 60s-70s rock and roll for awhile, then pulled up a recording of a full concert by 2cellos played in the Arena Del Pula in Croatia. Pula is the hometown of one of the 2cellos guys, the other guy is Slovenian. Pula was a resort town built by the Romans during the Empire. The arena is the best preserved of the ancient Roman arenas. No doubt many gladiators shed blood or lost their lives there. The contrast between that and a 2cellos concert is mind boggling. I could have easily had some male company with a phone call or two. But I just enjoyed the alone time. And a good cigar and a couple of drinks. I like cigars.
  19. Breeding might seem to be an oxymoron in regards to gay sex. But is it really? I have a long held theory (unproven by any science that I know of) that a bottom absorbs some of a tops semen into his bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body and even passes the blood/brain barrier and has a physiological effect on the bottom. He wants more, he craves cum. A former girlfriend kind of turned me on to this way of thinking, she swore that after a hot night of sex she felt super feminine, calmer, and was aroused by my mere proximity. One could put it down to just the normal after effects of several orgasms (she was multi-orgasmic) but she thought it was due to absorbing my semen into her body. I myself have noticed something similar. Although I am exclusively a top if I am in an ABS or busy cruise area or even a gay fuck party I like to suck a dick or two before breeding some hot fag bottom's ass. When sucking cock I swirl the cum around in my mouth and hold it under my tongue so it can absorb straight into my circulatory system. It seems to make me even more gay and when I sink balls deep into some hot sexy fag ass I am so into the fuck that my whole world is at that moment focused on it. That is breeding, spiritually if not literally. And no, I do not use fag as a derogatory slur for bottoms. They are my sex partners of choice and we are playing the same game.
  20. That has always been my definition. If I ejaculate in a hot sexy male ass I think of it as breeding him. With the ladies I think of breeding as impregnating them, otherwise it's just fucking them. There's nothing else in sex quite like cumming balls deep in a hot male ass.
  21. I just now saw this. I think most here know exactly what you are going through, it hurts. Love is such a divine, ennobling experience that it is worth the risks. Someone once said "he who has not loved has not lived." As Lord Tennyson put it, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
  22. I haven't hooked up with a truck driver for several years but when younger I scored with several. My second gay encounter ever was getting fucked in a sleeper unit. I also remember the light flashing signals. Walk slowly along in front of the parked trucks with a hard dick creating a bulge in your pants, make one pass then turn around and slowly walk back. If one flashed his lights, bingo. I caught on to this on a motorcycle trip. I pulled into a truck stop to eat and watched a prostitute from the window where I was seated do this. Later I tried it. It worked. Not always, but often enough to be entertaining. Back when Craigslist was still a thing I scored several truckers looking for cock. We had a big truck stop north of town, one south of town, and a rest area where they parked. They would pull in and park then place an add on the local Craigslist, I would see the add and respond, then get me some ass in a sleeper. Porn fiction always portrays truckers as big super masculine tops, my experience has been the opposite. Other than my first trucker, they have all been bottoms. Driving gets boring and the only thing they have to occupy their minds is sex so they must be some of the horniest people on the planet. I know driving long distances makes me hyper horny.
  23. Oh yes, Bourbon is good also. That routine with a fine cigar, a nice bourbon, neat of course, maybe a couple of drops of water to release flavor, and a hot gay cocksucker is something I need to try. My wife, back when we still thought each other was cool, would sometimes try to distract me from my cigar out on the back patio with a blowjob. She considered it a success if the cigar went out. A gay BJ and the addition of an adult beverage would be perfect. Might even kiss the cocksucker after he's done if he does a good job. I wonder what liquor goes best with the taste of cum?
  24. I haven't really encountered too much I considered excessively weird but then I've always been open minded and rather adventurous. But some of the weirdness posted here, like WTF? I've had a few guys who liked to be pissed on, always considered that strange but I usually comply. Once in a motel room a guy wanted me to piss on him so I took him to the shower to do the deed. After I pissed on him I thought WTF and asked him to piss on me. He did. It did nothing for me so I still don't understand the thrill. I used to like to breed hook ups in my marital bed, wife was gone of course. One bottom told me I was kinky as fuck for that. Some tops find xdressers weird. I have developed an appetite for them. As for the language barrier thing, I hooked up with a hot ass Mexican bear type several times. He spoke almost no English and as for me, no habla espanol muy bien. He was very vocal while getting fucked and would carry on in Spanish while I fucked him. It was hot as hell. I could get a few words here and there, Gringo grande muy bien, convertieme en tu puta, enough to kind of get what he was on about. It was fun. I met him at a cruisey rest area outside of town and once we figured out what each other wanted I loaded him up in my PU truck and headed to a local hook up area a few miles away. After we fucked I drove him back to the rest area and then found out he didn't have a car so I drove him into town and he gave me directions (mostly by pointing) to a house where he was staying. He had me stop a block away and then gave me a big passionate kiss and handed me a piece of paper that said "Antonio" with a phone number. We got together several times over the next few months. Just arranging a hook-up was an adventure due to the language barrier. He never wanted to be picked up at his house and would name a gas station or store nearby. We would work it out until we both understood the time and place, and I would confirm "OK, si, me comprende, be ready for some gringo grande dick." He eventually moved on and I hope things are going well for him, my hairy assed little hispanic faggot and amigo.
  25. I've have a couple that have lasted for 10 or 15 years. Over the years I have had several that lasted anywhere from 6 months to 5 years or so. There is just something about long term fuck buddies. You get to know what each other likes sexually and you get to know each other as people, friends even. It makes for some really hot sex. There's no emotional manipulation and games like with women.
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