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Everything posted by BarebackedBear

  1. I've always heard bottoming is good for it 🤷‍♂️ Immediately after a heavy fuck session, either multiple tops, one top who can go for multiple rounds, or rough / rage fucking, my prostate is definitely tender and it can be hard to take a leak until things "calm down" in there. But after a run of the mill butt fucking with just one casual bud, never had a problem. My doctor knows I'm gay and a bottom, and as I've reached middle age has had the prostate health talk with me. Mainly just recommending I shoot at least four or five loads a week, more is better. I am curious what he says about bottoming and prostate health, I may ask next checkup.
  2. I just joined the other day. I'm leaving a message up on my old Twitter for a couple weeks so the people who follow me can decide if they want to move with me or not but that account has gone dark. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://bsky.app/profile/thebackwoodsfag.bsky.social
  3. Honestly, it doesn't have much flavor at all. Tastes like lube, is about all I can say. If you were thinking it would taste like a Pina Colada, I'm sorry to burst your bubble. It's not intended to be flavored. Normally after my buddies are done using me, I like to suck their dick, limp or not, while I rub one out to finish myself off. It doesn't have anywhere near the strong soap taste that I get from silicone lube.
  4. Good lube and practice, learning to relax your hole. I like rough fucking, one of my regulars calls it "consensual rape." He introduced me to Boy Butter lube. It's coconut oil based so not safe for latex toys or condoms (lol what's a condom?), but it's not greasy at all, washes up with soap and water, won't stain sheets, stays slick for hours, smells like sun lotion. Recently used it for the first time with another buddy of mine who doesn't rough fuck but has a beer can fat cock and can go for 3-4 rounds in an afternoon. When he was done for the day my hole was bruised and gaped. But no tears. You can also get disposable "lube injectors" to shoot some up into your rectum which can help if you've got some well endowed buddies. They're also great to slick up your guts before a gangbang scene. Keeping your rectum slick will helping prevent the pulling that can become problems. Check sites that sell hardcore toys or cater to the fisting crowd. Beyond that, the more often you bottom the more "hole control" you develop. And after a long fuck session or with multiple tops, self care is essential. A after a shower I'll apply a little Vaseline and work it into my hole with a finger if they really roughed me up, just to keep everything lubricated to prevent chafing while I walk.
  5. I also work in tech, and that's another fear that I have. Especially with the distrust of legacy news outlets and the rise of sites like Twitter becoming the primary news source for a lot of people, and how these media empires are owned by individuals who are a little bit too cozy with the administration. This isn't anything we haven't seen before, though. I think if you're of a certain generation you must have learned in school about the Hearst media empire. I doubt anyone reading this is old enough to actually remember that first hand. But then again now we've come full circle to my last reply talking about the lack of education in this country in the area of civics being the root cause of a lot of what we've seen lately. Hearst also used the "America First" branding on his media and in praise of fascism's rise in Germany after his shift to the right. Every old concern and fear is new again.
  6. I've been saying for years, but especially since Trump entered the political scene, this country has a serious problem with education, specifically around government and civics. It's not a blue collar versus white collar thing. No sane person can look at what the Republican party has served up for nearly a decade now, both at the national and local level, and feel that this is really a long-term solution to real problems that real Americans face. Both sides are guilty of engaging in partisan identity politics, but in the Trump era that's the only thing the GOP can offer.
  7. This is what I'm primarily afraid of. I'm coming from a place of privilege. I'm a white male, age 18 to 49 as The Simpsons joke goes, meaning I'm basically the demographic with power in this nation. I'm even straight passing, even though I hate that phrase. But I'm still a fag. And I'm concerned that groups that hate now have their mouthpiece and figurehead back in the White House. I remember what it was like last time. I live not far from Charlottesville, VA. I remember the neo-Nazis with tiki torches. The administration is going to have a lot of power, at least until the next midterm when we have an opportunity to take back the Senate. I hope we don't lose any Supreme Court justices between now and then. But I'm mainly concerned about what this is going to mean in the neighborhoods. In the communities. In the streets where people are emboldened to act on their hate once again.
  8. Preface: I firmly believe that in addition to being a rapist, a misogynist, and just overall a disgusting excuse for a human being, Trump's rhetoric and his focus on grievances and his strong man attitude towards ruling rather than governing puts him squarely in the category of fascist. I'm also well aware that he's going into his second presidency immensely better prepared than he was for the first, after years of being groomed for this by a cabal of conservative interests with their own agenda. That being said, I feel like there's a little bit of catastrophizing on the left in light of the news. I think in the short term his economic policy is going to be a cheap sugar rush for the economy which is definitely going to have long-term knock-on effects. With a power shift in the Senate, any nomination he wants to make will get pushed through. Yes, it's bad. But until he starts to make good on these threats I'm stopping short of calling this an existential threat to democracy. He not only won, it looks like he actually crushed the popular vote unlike the last time he managed to game the electoral college. I still think we have enough rational, sane people in this country to hopefully keep the worst of the damage in check over the next four years. I have to believe that at this point.
  9. As a bear type I'm loving that body hair is coming back. Men should be comfortable to be themselves and the push for hair removal always seemed weird. For my own preference, I am attracted to all types of men, hairy or not. But furballs always get my dick twitching. I once - once - shaved for a guy who wanted to see me "smooth." I'm pretty damn furry. Within about ten, twelve hours I had "stubble" head to toe. It was horrible and lasted for days until my "body beard" started to grow out. Never again. If you're not into fur, I'm not the guy to take home.
  10. "Dadbod" seems to be the flavor of the week with The Gays these days, and tbh I'm here for it. I've always been a big, beefy bear type. Hairy all over with a tummy, thicc ass, solid thighs, bearded. For ages I was invisible while twinks and gym rats were what the porn industry told guys they should want. We're heat in the winter and shade in the summer, and a thicc ass makes a great slapping noise when you're clapping cheeks. Don't sleep on the bear types. I've even had a few guys tell me when I get really worked up in the moment, I growl 🐻
  11. Depends on the top. One of my regulars has a shorter but insanely thick cock, beer can fat. On my back, legs up with him lets my hole relax and gape easier, plus he likes seeing my face when he forced himself in. One of my other regulars has a thinner cock but he's well over 9". On my side with one leg pulled up to my chest unkinks my guts so he can slide in all the way to the balls, deep past my second hole. With most other guys I'm a face down, ass up kind of bottom.
  12. Bottomed for a much older (probably over 3x my age) daddy type. On my back, legs up with his arms wrapped tight around them in case I had the urge to pull away since it was my first time.
  13. @BackwoodsBear 👀
  14. Getting my ass eaten Getting my dick sucked Both do next to nothing for me. One of my regulars LOVES to eat ass. I let him get in there and chow down because it turns him on but the whole time I'm laying there like 😪 I moan and growl and act like it does it for me just to ramp him up. Sex theatre, as I call it.
  15. I feel like, as a bottom, I almost never take dick pics. My pecker is like the lettuce leaf under the fried dumplings at the Chinese place, it's there for decoration.
  16. I came of age in a time when HIV/AIDS had always been there since before I was born, and sex ed in schools was all heterosexual focused, largely abstinence, some condom discussion. Also grew up in a conservative, WASPish household and my parents never gave me the "sex talk" other than it's something to save for marriage. It made sex feel dangerous, dirty, and [banned word], especially for a queer kid. I was very young my first time, with a much older (over three times my age) man, who was patient but very dominant. The stereotype "dad type." Without going into the details of my first time, I'll say he did explain to me what was going to happen, and that it would hurt at first, maybe the entire time. He said I could decide if we went through with it and could tell him to stop, until the point he was inside me. At that point, he would not stop until he was finished (but he'd be as gentle as he could), because my instinct would be to ask him to stop and pull out. He assured me he was neg, and said he would not use a condom. I decided to go through with it , and he did finish inside me. I could feel him shooting when he did, and the [banned word] and fear of sex turned into a rush. From that moment I wanted it, and I wanted it raw. Most of guys I played with between then and when I started PrEP in 2016 used condoms, occasionally I'd get a breeding. But since PrEP I've been 100% raw is law. I'm pretty sure that moment in my late teens, on my back, legs up, submissive to him as he pumped his load in me, informed both my barebacking and submissive behaviors.
  17. I prefer to nut before getting fucked. Makes my hole tighter and my prostate more sensitive, amps up the pain of the initial penetration which is a huge turn on for me. I've got a few fuck buds I do this with, they like how tight it makes me, too.
  18. I prefer more mature men almost exclusively. I'm currently 42, and all my regulars are in their 50s and 60s, with the exception of one in his 30s (I can't honestly say he's a regular, he's partnered to one of my regulars who's 62 and the two of them play either alone or together so sometimes I get them both, but I can't think that I've ever hooked up with the young buck alone). I think the oldest man who ever fucked me was 78 or 79, I was in my 20s at the time. I swear, gramps fucked me almost to the point of feeling like I was being raped. God bless that man, it's been decades and that night still lives rent free in my mind. I can almost still feel those low sagging old man balls swinging and slapping my backside as he went at it. Those tanks must have held an awful lot because I leaked the whole way home. It's not a man's age or his body type that's sexy. It's not the size of his cock, either. It's whether or not he knows how to breed a hole.
  19. Too many flakes and weirdos when you're trying to find random. Too many no-shows. If I clean out my ass you'd better fuckin be here, and on time. And you never know if what you're going to get is quality breeding. I keep a small circle of regulars that always deliver quality breeding. A couple of them are good for three or four loads in an afternoon if we've got time to hang out for a few hours and not just pull a quickie. You get to build chemistry. My regulars know what I like. When you get a few regulars who know each other and are friendly you can plan on two or three guys coming over to spend the afternoon pumping cum up your chute. Plus it's more chill with regulars. I love being on my back with a good buddy slow edging in my guts, spit for lube, hole raw and torn because this is his third time in me that afternoon, sniffing the stiff, musky jock he wore mowing the lawn the other day and brought with him because he knows that's my freak. You don't get that with a random on Sniffies or Grindr.
  20. I had a fuckbuddy years ago that was a great lay. Thick uncut dick and he could go for miles before he put a baby in me, likes to edge in a hole nice and slow and gape it out. He lives over an hour away and we fell out of contact during the pandemic, during that time he met a guy and they got married. His husband is just as well equipped as he is, long fat dick with a big head. And even better, he likes to pound hard. I reconnected with my buddy and met his husband for the first time yesterday. They've got a play room set up at their house and for about an hour they took turns abusing my hole on either a bed or on a breeding bench complete with straps. I felt loads getting pumped into me at least twice, maybe three times. The hubby was a little bit nervous about going too hard and my buddy had to tell him more than once that's how I want it. At one point he pulled that fat meat out of me all at once when they were going to change who was riding and who was watching and I swear you could actually hear the head pop out of my hole. Once I stopped cussing and shaking all I could do was thank him for it and ask him to do it again at least one more time before I left. I drove home sitting on a towel and entire back side of my tighty whities was soaked from all the leak, had to basically peel them off to hop in the shower. This morning my hole is still puffy and sore.
  21. I'm not POZ but to me this feels like a tacky thing to ask. I'm not sure what you would even gain from knowing how it happened unless it's a fetish for you, and I would hope in that case it would only come up in conversation if it was a fetish for that person also. If you're close with this person, there's a good chance it's already come up in conversation. If it hasn't, they may not want to talk about it. If they are a former chaser or current giver, chances are they've already broadcast that to you, and then you've got your answer. Asking someone this just feels like it's curiosity about something that's not your business or opening the door to offering judgment, which I know wouldn't be everyone's goal in doing this but it just comes off weird. Of all my acquaintances who are POZ, only one ever told me how it happened, and it was not a pleasant story that he told lightly or with any measure of pride. This is an area where it's best to tread lightly unless you know a person and their story intimately.
  22. ... both in real sex, and in porn. I've been cruising porn more than usual this week since I'm off work and my dick is hella entertaining, and I've seen too much back basting in videos. When it comes to the money shot in bareback porn, there's the good way to capture it, the best way to capture it, and the worst way to capture it. I said what I said.
  23. I'm blessed to have a fuckbuddy who can go for 3-4 rounds when he's got the time to hang out instead of a pump and go. Today was a longer breeding session. Nearly four hours, I took three loads. He's very well equipped to satisfy a power bottom pain pig like me. Shorter than most cocks but beer can thick and he's not afraid to force it in, pound it, yank it out hard and force it in again. An absolute hole destroyer. At one point on my back I thought he was going to split me like a piece of firewood. I think it was round three I was on my side and he edged in me for close to half an hour before putting me on my back again to finish. This was the aftermath. I haven't been wrecked like this in ages.
  24. Widower dad in the neighborhood where I grew up. He just absolutely dripped sex in my eyes. I already knew I was gay and had looked at some porn, had perved on different male celebrities, but didn't feel that strong desire to be with a man or "awaken" beyond curiosity and awkward attraction until one summer. I was a very young teen, not even driving yet, he was in his very late 50s or early 60s. All three of his daughters were grown and out of the house living their own lives, his wife had passed a few years prior. An empty nester. Probably about 6' tall give or take, husky / dadbod, bald, always had some style of facial hair (I found just the mustache the most attractive). I remember one day I was riding my bike past his house and he was outside mowing the lawn, shirtless, in a pair of short shorts with striped tube socks pulled up to his calves. I damn near went over the handlebars when I got distracted and hit the curb 🤣 That summer he asked me if I'd like to make $5 a week stopping by his house after school to do some pet sitting duties. Make sure the critters had water and some exercise until he got home from work that evening, clean up any messes. One day I was doing the pet thing cleaning the litter box in the laundry room and saw a basket of laundry to do with his tighty whities on top. I couldn't help myself and pulled them out, gave the crotch a good sniff. Instantly felt like I was high, rubbed one out right there. Did the same thing any time I was lucky enough to find his laundry waiting to be done. Eventually he became my first, but that's a story for a separate thread. But that first time I pressed the musky, stiff, piss stained pouch of his Jockeys to my nose and breathed deep, I went from being curious to a full fledged faggot.
  25. I've had my PA since college, when I pierced it myself. True story! Not sure if they still operate anymore, but about 20 years ago you used to be able to just get piercing supplies off the internet. I bought all the equipment I needed specifically for a PA (needle, receiving tube, ring), but then it took a couple of days for me to work up the nerve to actually do it. Managed to get it at the perfect depth and dead on center with no infection, but it was a pretty dumb risk to take so I don't recommend anybody repeat that. There was almost no pain, but some of that may have been the adrenaline. The skin on the underside of your cock is extremely thin so a proper beveled piercing needle slides right through like butter. It did bleed a lot for a few minutes, which was a little scary. Like all the rest of my body piercings, I hardly ever wear my PA anymore. At one point I had it stretched to a 2g or 4g, I forget, but honestly I never quite got the hang of peeing standing up without making a mess so I stopped putting it in. The hole never completely closes up on piercings like this and even now I can still pop a 10g in without thinking an eye. An 8g would need me to spit on it, first 😈
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