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Everything posted by bbdalbtm

  1. Awesome story thus far. Keep up the good work STUD !!!!!!
  2. As allways Sir. An outstanding story of a boy and his adventures in joining the awesome club of the Proud POZ Brotherhood.
  3. Oink ? Oink ? Oink ? Oink ?
  4. Man this story is very well written. It's not offten a storyteller can actually have the reader there as well.
  5. I like it !! More importantly will you return? ??
  6. Please Sir can we have more to this HOT story
  7. Is there some way to purchase this HOT story in book form? With Amazon it's only available with the Kindle. If not, I know what to tell Santa this year. Thanks
  8. Fucking awesome. A grand birthday celebration !!!!!!!!?!
  9. I think it's a great idea.
  10. Please Sir. More of this awesome awakening between a Man and his son!!
  11. Wow.... didn't see that coming
  12. I'm down Sir.
  13. I agree 100 percent that it's the bottoms duty to clean the cock that just fucked him. It's a polite and respectful thing to do.
  14. Sign me up Sir.
  15. More...please!!! Pleaae...more!!!
  16. More please! Gotta find out how this turns out. It's interesting thus far.
  17. Damm Gymguy8 this story is fucking awesome. Please continue with many more chapters.
  18. Update:: It sucks to say this. Midtown Spa after 34 years is locking the doors for ever on May 12. It's a sad sad day. ???
  19. True words to live by!!! Amen.
  20. The story Mr X, I'm guessing has to do with the pictures. Dam good story.
  21. Hope you like my pic guys.


    1. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful and Delicious ! 

    2. bbdalbtm


      Thank you Sir

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