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Everything posted by NiceHard1

  1. I often suggest that guys really think it through before they do something life-changing, but I think you have done that quite extensively. You have though about the effects on yourself, your children, and even future potential partners. I think that many of us actually long for what you have with this person. I do have a bit of casual sex, but enjoy the sex that is more connected. I also think that your belief that most people here are about the pleasure of the moment without regard of others may not be always correct. In some cases, I have talked with guys and gotten to know them for weeks or months before fucking. That is what this site is all about - for people to hear about others' experiences and explore what works for themselves. It sounds like you're a little worried about converting, but might also be OK with it if it were to happen. If he is undetectable there is a tiny chance, but probably unlikely that you will become poz. And if you did become poz, I picutre you being responsible to yourself and others, and would manage it well, taking meds if necessary, which would then reduce the likelyhood of you passing HIV to another. My suggestion - Talk it through with your partner, and then follow your heart.
  2. Last night was fucking hot at the dick dock. Lots of guys there. One hot slender sexy guy took a liking to me and we hung out for a while sucking, and he remembered that I had fucked him at the black party in NY. We got a little circle going on, and another guy came to fuck me while I sucked off the tall blonde. Then another guy who I knew from around town grabbed me and started making out. He then said that he wanted me to fuck him, and took me off to the side away from the crowd. He asked me if I had any condoms, and I said "no, do you?" He said no, but then turned around, licked his fingers, and got his buthole wet for me. It sure sounded like an indication that he wanted me to fuck him anyway. I admit, I stopped short of cumming in his ass, since he had asked for the condom in the first place. But then there was another hot tall muscle guy looking for sperm; I fucked him for quite a while before I gave up my load to him and then called it a night.
  3. though I don't think of myself as a lot "older" I guess I am, and so happy to claim that status.. Ever since I hit 40, I've found guys in their 20s more interested in me than when I was in my 30s. Perhaps the current 20s generation knows more quickly what kind of sex they want. Well, I totally enjoy being with younger guys, and would be happy to be with any guys guys from teens (at legal age of course) into 20s (or higher!)
  4. Keeping your cock hard...and/or helping it stick out more when wearing tight shorts!
  5. Guys - asking the age old question about penis length. My 8 inches may not be the same as your 8 inches if we are measuring differently. So what method do you use to measure your monster?
  6. But then the question is, how do you measure it?? I think I'll start a separate thread/survey on exactly that question
  7. Its not like you have to choose one or the other. Getting fucked by a 23 year old does not mean you can't go out and get fucked by a 43 year old an hour later! I've had great and not so great experiences both with older and younger guys. Try it!
  8. anyone in Provincetown lookint to breed and seed?
  9. Greetings -- where in MA are you staying?

    I'm in Ptown today and probably tomorrow - may head up to Boston, and then back in Hyannis Tue/Wed/Thr

  10. HOT butt...very fuckable

  11. when you say taking anonymous loads....so you mean oral only or anal?? -If you're bottoming and taking loads from guys who say they are neg, but concerned with sucking off guys who are poz, you may wish to evaluate your risk choices - bottoming with guys who say they are neg is probably more risky than sucking off poz guys.
  12. I agree with HH -- ..and to help or be more specific.... -Use my "eating for bottoms" several days in advance (though healthy to do all the time) -This includes high fiber diet...good fresh vegetables, oatmeal -Try using psyllium husk in your diet - you can get it either in powder or tablets. put powder lightly over oatmeal or stir a teaspoon into a glass of water. -Don't overeat on the big day, but don't starve yourself either. Be sure to eat earlier in the day to give yourself energy and give yourself time to clean well before the appointed time. I think a little prelube is good with a nice oil based cream that will last - (I like boy butter, though crisco is good too if you like that) Relax and enjoy yourself!
  13. its about the girth
  14. greetings where are ya? I would offer to be a dad
  15. i love steamworks and go there more often. But I love the historic value at man's country. I love the artwork by Etienne all over the place there, as it was owned by him before his death - along with his partner Chuck Renslow, founder of IML. Don't go with high expectations for the men, but check it out anyway - then if its not great, head back to steamworks http://www.manscountrychicago.com/history/ourhistory.html
  16. I especially love fucking a guy again after he already has one of two of my own loads in his ass
  17. i need to come visit you. Can you have company?

  18. im in Hyannis now, and sometimes in Provincetown....you on BBRT? or can you post or send more pic?

  19. Munkee--- While I agree with you that syphillis is nothing to fool around with, I am disheartened by your insensitive reply. While the purpose of a forum is to offer different perspectives, we should always be supportive and respectful of each other. This is a bareback site for guys who like to have a lot of sex with other guys. Most guys here either already have HIV or expect to have it; we do things that put us at risk for other STIs, and getting tested often for them is a great defense. I too go for HIV labwork and complete STI screening every 3-4 months. Whenever I see free STI screening at a bathhouse or bar, I jump at the chance to get in an additional test. BOSguy - I think its great that you go every three months. That tells me that you care about your own health, and also care about the health of your partners. I hope your next shot goes a little better for you. When you go in there, smile, be friendly, and let them know how much you appreciate that they are there providing care and services for people who need it. They probably see a lot of unapreciative people there who are not nice to them, which doesn't excuse their behavoir, but maybe you can help them and change their outlook on the important work that they do. I would be delighted to meet up with you and go out for lunch or dinner (we are not that far from each other) and once you finish your treatment, I'd love to fuck - preferably bareback if you're feeling better about it, or if not, maybe something else.
  20. hyannis/provincetown. got more pics too?

  21. greetings - where are ya?

  22. i think that bottoms don't necessarily have to top in order to become a better bottom, but tops really should bottom some in order to become better tops. So if you already have been bottoming, that is great experience to being a top. I try to find the right balance between being sensitive and agressive as a top. There can be a fine line between being agressive enough to hurt your bottom in a good way, and hurting him in a bad way. I always reassure bottoms that they can ask me to stop if they really need to, but if not, I am going to keep going...for a while!
  23. greetings. how are you? Tell me more - where are ya??

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