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Everything posted by NiceHard1

  1. Hey sexy. What up to?

  2. Hey jazz. Checking in. What ya been up to?

  3. Thanks for your message. Added you as a friend!

  4. Greetings sexy. How's it going? Wild love to chat more

  5. Great questions. I don't have the answers, but also think that there are unknown positive psychological and physiological reasons why we want to have sperm inside of us, which the use of condoms for HI prevention has never considered
  6. I'm willing to meet any!
  7. You are so fucking awesome. Thank you for sharing this story. I love this site, and am totally cool with negative guys who are comfortable with their choices and risk and the potential of becoming poz, but I still can not get my arms around wanting to get full blown AIDS. 20 years ago when we saw so many guys dying horrible deaths, no one wanted to choose this. I agree that being poz requires responsibility to ourselves to stay healthy with it. Thanks again for your message. You are wonderful.
  8. I believe that the term "are you safe" to mean "do you use condoms" I know that some people use this as a euphemism for "are you HIV negative" but I find this to be almost as derogatory to poz guys as "are you clean". He's also probably not lying about having been tested in the past 3 months. Most poz guys get tested much more often than negative guys, to monitor their viral load and CD4. I go about every 3 or 4 months myself. As others have noted, you were probably in a much more low risk situation with this guy than with a random guy who thought he was negative, but was really untested for a year, unknowingly poz, and with a very high transmittable viral load. I often suggest to guys who want to stay neg and bareback that they ironically might want to stick with the known quantity of guys who are undetectable on meds as their HIV prevention strategy
  9. yea...i just searched for it and it is still there. I have not been to it in a long time, but I really liked it too.
  10. greetings Thanks for the friend request. where do you live? Have any pics on here or elsewhere? Tell me more about yourself

  11. nice - do you have any pics on here or BBRT?

    We should meet up.

  12. I''ve been wanting to go to it. I would totally fly out to go there and also the Hoist. Maybe some hot London guys could put me up overnight for a visit!
  13. I know the guys who own the place, and they are really awesome. They to to the gay naked camp that I have posted about on here, and have a well equiped cabin with lots of sex equipment, and throw some awesome parties at camp. I've not been to the club in Pittsburgh, but I'm sure it is as awesome as their parties at camp. I do want to get there and check it out sometime soon. Let me know when you're planning to go!
  14. i agree with the posts of many here. I don't agree with blaming others, but a man has to take responsibilty for his own actions - whether the top or bottom. I think you'd be hard pressed to prove that you he forced you to get hard and to fuck him raw against your will. I became poz as a bottom in a situation where we both "thought" that we were both negative, and choose to fuck raw - but I was an equal willing participant, and take repsonsibility for the outcome myself. And if you prefer to be "safe" then why didn't you have condoms with you?? "Back in the day" I never left home without them - always had condoms in my backpack to be ready to fuck or get fucked at any time. In fact, I still keep them in my travel kit, just in case I run across a hot guy who prefers that I use them. Ask the questions before, rather than after. Be specific? Are you poz or neg? When did you last get tested? IF you're poz, what is your viral load and CD4 counts? What about you? How often do you have unprotected sex? DO you always top, or bottom too? When is the last time that you got tested for HIV or other STDs? Maybe you have syphillis or ghonorrea, and might be less "clean" than your hiv positive friend,*and maybe he should take legal action against you for giving him another STD. If you're going to play in the kitchen, then you need to be comfortable with whatever risk you are choosing to take
  15. Greetings - how are ya. .... and where are you? I'd love to chat and fuck

  16. Greetings - I'd love to come meet you and fuck
  17. Where are you? Tell me more about yourself. Lets chat!
  18. I fuckbuddy boy of mine wants me to buy him one. Trying to decide which size to get for him!
  19. the term "big" is a relative term that guys use in comparison to what they see or experience or feel. I think that many times we compare our own cocks to what we see in pictures or in porn, and this makes us all feel small or average at best. But when a bottom is getting fucked, he is comparing the feeling he is experiencing to other guys who have fucked him. I always thought I was average, probably due to the first part of my comment above, but then sometimes hear guys tell me I am big when I am fucking them. At first, my thought, like you, was that they were just humoring me. But I've come to believe that in that moment, my cock feels big to him. I've also realized that I am just a little thicker than some, though I think pretty average in length, and that it is my thickness that they feel. So when guys say that, it first makes me feel good, but then I also take it as a cue to check in with him to ask if he needs me to slow down, add more lube or spit, or even stop if it really hurts. I try to be a respectful top. So I suggest to accept the compliment, smile, and make sure the bottom is doing ok and enjoy it!
  20. Does anyone have any experience with HIV-friendly or HIV-phobic dentists? Particularly, does anyone in MA have a recommendation for an HIV poz friendly dentist on Cape Cod or Boston? Thanks
  21. Greetings - I work for an airline, and have several days off over Thanksgiving week, and so looking for something fun to do. Anyone know of any bb parties or events going on next week? Or alternatively, open to visiting anyone who I may be chatting with if you are open to hosting.
  22. I don't have great ones near me. Of course we do have the dick dock in Provincetown which is like. An outdoor bathhouse - ill be heading there in a few minutes - but I often travel for,sex, and sometimes will just fly out, stay overnight at a bathhouse, and then leave, the next day. Best ones I do for that: 1. Toronto - Steamworks 2. Chicago - Steamworks 3. ft Lauderdale. - slammer and the club
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