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Everything posted by NiceHard1

  1. If at a sex party, I understand tops who want to fuck a number of guys before they cum. I often do that too when I am topping. But when I find a guy where I feel a good bond and connection, I know he's the one to get my sperm, whether he's the first guy I fuck or the 10th. What really bothers me though is when a guy fucks me bareback and then pulls out to cum on the ground. That really gets me mad. I'm cool if another bottom is getting it, but to waste it is pointless.
  2. Hey stud. You still feeling ok about things?

  3. I think the key point here is that you've been together for 16 years. While that still does not men it is forever, it sounds like you're doing something right with him. I agree with others here. Sit down and talk thorough the situation. Also talk about your concern for staying neg vs how comfortable you would be if you became poz. Maybe you even want to become poz withdraw him. Not saying you should, but it's your choice to think about together. Much like a couple deciding together if they want to have a child together. If you got fucked by him right about his conversion time, you might have uggg him before his viral load went up. If your conversion possibility is a concern to you both, then perhaps it is a good idea to take a break as you are doing until you get your arms around his viral load, and suggest that he gets on HIV meds. As that would give you the most protection to get him undetectable and inimize the chance of you converting. If you want to become poz, then of course the opposite. Star fucking like rabbits while he is not on meds Tis could make you closer whichever choice you make together. It will show you both how well you can talk about a challenging issue and work together to come up with a plan that gets you both what you want and addresses both of your concerns. It's all about communication
  4. I go for STD screenings every 3-4 months, along with checking Up on my HIV counts, and though my most recent tests came back fine, every so often I find that I've picked up syphillis or gonorrhea and have to go for one or more shots for it, which are usually intragluteal (ie in the muscle in your ass). Though I usually get anxious about going for the shots, I also find that I kind of enjoy them. I wouldn't go for one if I really didn't need it, but now when I find out I have something, it doesn't bother me as much, because I know I can look forward to going to get shots in my ass. The recommended standard now for co-infection of syphillis with HIV is to have shots for three weeks in a row. Anyone else have feelings one way or the other about getting shots in your ass?
  5. Hey. Polish guy here too

  6. Hey. You in NHL still?

  7. thanks for your message!

    you're a bare pornstar?

    Yes. Done a few films

  8. How's it going? Where are you? I'd come meet you

  9. Thanks for your message. How are ya

  10. Hey stud. How are ya. Would love to fuck

  11. Wich hotel? Best western Hollywood hills is cool... With a fun diner
  12. I like the facility at Hollywood Spa. It's pret hip. It can be hit or miss for act, but I have had fun there
  13. I agree. You can make it work
  14. Greeteings - how's it going?? Where are you now?? would love to meet

  15. I met a hot guy out on the street last nIght and brought him home with me. We got naked and immediately were making out. After some heavy duty making out, sucking and rubbing cocks, he landed face down and I was on top of him, attempting to try to fuck him, but he said no, and I always respect that After a while things flipped around and he was laying down, with me on top of him. I thought I'd try to tease his cock with my butt and see if he would let me sit down on him. He appeared to be agreeable, and let me get about 3 or 4 long rides up and down on his cock. He then pulled out but continued to make out with me, and asked if I had any condoms. I always have an emergency supply just in case, and grabbed one, asking who should put it on. He wanted to wear it, so I lt him fuck me with he runner for a while. After a while, he pulled out, and then shot a nice load down my throat and I jerked off on him. After he left and i went to the bathroom to shower and get dressed, You can imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to find a load of cum in my ass. In the short few moments when he was fucking me raw, he must have deposited a load of cum into me - maybe he didn't even realize it himself. I wasn't complaining.
  16. O get your own cock into your own ass?
  17. It's leather pride in Amsterdam. Sat nov 3 is arguably the biggest sex/dance party in Europe. I'll be there for it http://www.get-ruff.com
  18. Many of you have probably heard of the dick dock in Provincetown. if you have not, the you need to come here. It's an area along the beach below a covered deck where guys go late at night to fuck. In the summer it can be packed with guys, and in the offseason on a nice night, there can still be a handful of guys there. Well I had not frequented the place early on when I moved here, though I had heard of it. One night after the bars closed I met this hot couple and wanted to play with them, so we went there. It was 4th of July weekend, and it was packed - probably over 100 guys there... I was there with my two new friend, with our pants down, when we see the shine of flashlights from the end of the dock. Yup, it was the police - probably about 6 or 7 cops were there. I was wondering the the paddy wagons were there, but Provencetown has often been a pretty tolerant place. the police certainly know that this goes on there all the time, but it appears they leave it alone unless they get noise complaints from neighbors, which was apparently the case this busy night. The line up of cops just stood there and guys put their pants back on on scurried out, right past them. I was both upset that my hot threesome came to an abrupt end, but impressed at the way the cops handled the complaint. I ended up making a visit to Chicago a month later to complete the visit with the couple.
  19. Yes. I'd be up for fucking you

  20. Hey. I'm in ptown this weekend. Want to come out here tomorrow?

  21. Tx - thanks so much for your kind words and plug for poz guys!
  22. Hey Phoenix. I'm impressed by your well thought consideration of your sexuality in your posting. I'm convinced that whatever you decide will be the right decision for yourself. What's right for others may not be the same thing that is right for you. It sounds like your struggle is in balancing your desire to be the sexual person that you are, with wanting to stay HIV negative, and also increase the pool of hot guys to be with, knowing that many of us are HIV poz I think it is entirely possible to have both: to be highly sexual and to have a harm reduction strategy to stay HIV negative. Given that you wish to top is reducing most of the risk right there. Some guys are very comfortable topping poz guys knowing that there is less risk from being a top. Though again, what is right for others is not necessarily right for you. I do challenge you to look at your strategy if it is currently to only fuck guys who say that they are negative. As I think you know, and others have pointed out, poz or negative is not so black and white. Yes, there is no HIV risk from a true negative guy, but within the pool of guys who identify as negative are guys who are recently poz and don't know it. Also a guy who recently converts will have an initially very high viral load right after conversion - which gives the greatest chance of transmission, until his viral load either comes down on its own, or he discovers his status and then starts meds. If you wish to continue fucking "negative" guys, you may want to ask a few more questions, such as how often do they get tested, and how often do they take loads from unknown status guys. The known quantity (poz, undetectable) may be a lower risk than the unknown quantity (possibly neg/possibly poz with a high viral load). So while It is your choice of what you are comfortable with, you may want to consider that fucking poz, undetectable guys may really be a great harm reduction strategy, and may ironically reduce your risk over fucking only neg guys.
  23. Someone asked me to comment on my comment about Toronto. I think Toronto is a magnificent city. Summer is lovely and winter is cold. I do go at both times of the year. The gay villiage is the center of activity around church/younge streets. The bathhouses are a great place to start....or finish.. Steamworks is always a good bet, especially on weekends, but sometimes during the week too. I like excess as it has a bar and food there too. The clients can be hit or miss, but I have usually had a good time. Bars, restaurants though the village are great I often also can find guys online too to play with. A fun event is the northbound leather fashion show, coming up at the end of October. The have lots of demos and bondage play, though they don't allow complete fucking. But it's a fun time, and place to meet hot guy s and go elsewhere. Hope that helps Enjoy
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