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About friday666

  • Birthday 10/07/1967

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    fucking and fisting pig long sessions. Exchange sexual pleasure and grow on it and whatever it needs to enahnce it.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
  • Background
    6'6, 7.5" white german breed
  • Looking For
    Pig sex, lustful no boundry pig where body to body deeply united experiences their beasts in them. Aware of every lust cell in your your body and explore for more. I am interested in your desires that you do not even know yet.

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  1. the good feelings of Lust and sensation is what we are after all when having sex sessions. Everyone got their preferences of course. I love to fuck as a top and feel the edge of sensation coming from my cock involving my whole body and mind. I discovered over the years that my nipples are a wonderful additional tool, my ball sack lightly beaten changes from pain to pleasure. As a good top i love fisting and am in extacy watching my bottom squirms and loving my controlling fist and arm inside of them while my nipples are tortured. Fucking in sling and other constellations make me horny and feel good. Being on a trip...helped through M and 420. For hrs ailing in that lust. didnt try any others yet. But it is great to fall in a dark trance. Porn and good dark techno in the background. What do I miss...what is the next level of wave you experience and where should I search...
  2. Do you think there's a Satanic aspect of poz conversion? 

    1. Lucienblack88


      @J-raw most definitely there is

  3. Please sodomize my hole for Sarah Palin

    1. Lucienblack88


      That auto correct is so annoying 

  4. as a top.... I am all for Raw Pig sex. That includes a wide range of things. Love fucking, fisting nipple play, ass eating, prolapse, ...you name it. Everyone of those acts are on the right time the favorite.
  5. it is a pretty good reward to get a prolapse after your fisting work, Love fisting and love to suck on the prolapse play with my cock in it...seed it. it turns me on.
  6. Hot profile!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZaayrX


      I never have...but I would if it would get me pozzed. 

    3. ZaayrX


      In fact I'd be turned on as all hell to let my first time partying be controlled by a guy who wants to make me as slutty and piggy as possible...hopefully getting pozzed or even toxic that first time.

    4. friday666


      in order to get the most best feelings lust and get your desires free and  you want to become a pig or dive in to the pig world it aint go without. it will open a new world that is much fun for you. start with molly. it will open you up and horn you If you got a good partner he will show you that world.it is really great.


  7. yes. 23 years ago and still together and married.
  8. Super topic. never used it on a bottom. But now I am interested as fuck.
  9. i love to suck and taste and smell the ass juices mixed with someone else's sperm makes me crazy horny. To taste the pure lust that someone else makes me hard and makes me fuck that same hole knowing we feel the same.
  10. you describe it very well. I feel, smell and taste the same lust than you. I can underline everything you say.
  11. perfectly well said. Thats how i feel
  12. totally agree. I am a top but also like to receive piss. It is pig work and feels great. The Male Sex Bonding hits the spot.
  13. my first time i was the top on the bottom....it was feeling this good that i had to cum and could not control it of course.....too early
  14. love porn in the background but also love the right beats that fit to the high we are. both can be incredibly contributing to be so much deeper in to it or trance you into the sex play yo are doing. see a glimpse of porn around when you look up or having a break makes u want more and being part of more.
  15. as a top I like the sloppy hole. There is nothing better than yo put my cock where there is room for creative fucking that not only i enjoy but the receiver loves it. loose an juicy is also good to dig in with my face and suck on it. ready for fisting perfect for me. tight holes do not leave much room for that creativity
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