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Everything posted by bottomforsize

  1. Thanks guys! I've taken over 20 loads so far - going for 100+ by Sunday
  2. Hey studs, I'll be in Ft. Lauderdale at the Cabanas in Wilton Manors Aug 6 - 12 looking to take as much sperm in my bottomless cunt as possible. Looking for advice on ways to get maximum semen in my ass while in town. Advice on bookstores, resorts, motels, etc. all welcome. Absolutely no load ever refused. Thanks! bottomforsperm on bbrt
  3. I'll be doing a pump and dump marathon to ring in the new year at Dunes Inn on Sunset on Monday the 2nd, 3pm til 3am. Door open, face down, ass up for absolutely any guy who needs to cum in a hot, hungry hole. Perfect for guys who have an extra day off and for guys who need relief on their way home from their first day back at work. 100% anonymous. Looking to break my record of 55 loads in one night. I love all types of guys. No cock or cum ever refused.
  4. When I'm cruising for COCK, then yeah, size is important (but so are other things - like a really sweet head on an otherwise average cock can be a thing of beauty, well worth traveling for). But when I'm cruising for CUM, which is about 99% of the time, size is irrelevant.
  5. Aging is harder for bottoms, no question.
  6. By the way, I think some of those 29 were bottoms emailing from different accounts hoping I'd changed what I was looking for since the last time they tried. If that's what tops are running into when posting for bottoms, I'm gonna try to be more patient with them if they seem impatient with us.
  7. Funny, I was just about to write a post about having more sympathy for tops. I've been traveling all this week and have been able to take a number of anonymous loads in my ass, mostly in gloryhole bookstores, but some in motel rooms from dudes off of Craigslist, etc. I ended up having to stay the night in a mid sized town tonight, and I've been trying to pay the load-taking forward some lately, so this evening I posted a CL ad saying I was looking for a cumdump who could host face down ass up for an anon pump and dump style walk-in sperm delivery. In about 4 hours I got replies from - no joke - no fewer than 29 different bottoms. And every single one of them tried to talk me into something I wasn't looking for. Or wouldn't send an ass pic, or a location. Or couldn't be ready until 6 hours later, or tomorrow, or the next day, or next week. Or said that what they really wanted was to suck my dick. The list goes on. I finally gave up, depressed by two things: First, that there were so many more bottoms than tops. (I've posted load-taking ads in this town before and have gotten maybe five or six hits in a single night, max.) And second, that none of the bottoms were offering what I was looking for. In fact, less than half of them even seemed to read my ad to the end. I have one particular top buddy who keeps telling me that it's easier for bottoms like me who are looking for anonymous tops to hook up than it is for tops like him who are into easy-access bottoms. I used to think he was kidding. But I'm starting to think he might not have it that much better than me.
  8. With respect to sex, I have two that are big enough to be biggest: First, I wish I had thought that I was more of a catch than I did when I was younger. I always started every interaction assuming the other guy wasn't interested. I'm not saying I *was* a catch (although when I look at pics of myself from when I was 20 I wonder what the heck I was complaining about) - just that I would have enjoyed everything I did a lot more, and I would have probably done even more of it, which is saying a lot. Second, and maybe this is connected to the first, I wish I hadn't been so jealous of other bottoms. Sure, I'm still insatiable, and I love being the one bottom milking every cock in the room, building, ... city limits But it's only recently that I stopped envying or even resenting other bottoms getting their fair share. In short, I guess I never really learned to play well with others when I was a kid, which for one thing isn't a very nice way to be, and for another probably resulted in me missing out on some good times and decent friendships. Oh wait - there's a third, having to do with a circus sized cock on an Arab dude at a Paris bathhouse, but I'll save that story for another time.
  9. p.s. If the mod wants to remove my comments as a sign of respect to trans guys (or because my comments were off topic), I'm ok with that. Now back to the hotness.
  10. Not to take this into a non-sexual direction, but I chose not to choose a gendered pronoun for the first two partners I described because I didn't presume to know what pronoun they preferred for themselves. I had intended to refer to the FTM as a he, because that's how he referred to himself, but I slipped as I wallowed in my memory of going down on him and how he came more like the women I've sucked off than the men. Regardless, I owe him an apology for the mistake. Ditto to anyone here who was offended.
  11. I've been with MTF's twice. Once was when I was having a pump and dump marathon at a sleazy motel in Los Angeles. A t-guy who according to the pics s/he sent had a cock the size of a beer bottle replied to one of my ads and asked if s/he could add another load to my total. I was sort of intrigued, but as much as I like getting fucked by horse cocks, I was on a mission to get a minimum of 50 loads in my ass in one night and I thought it might turn other tops off if they walked in while I was getting creamed by a guy who (except for his cock) was a girl, so I said no. I felt kinda bad about it. But s/he ended up getting me back by posing as an another anonymous guy in a later email, walking in into the motel room wearing sweats and a hoodie over his face. He had his cock deep inside me doggie style before I realized who s/he was in the mirror. That was actually an amazing fuck, I gotta say. The second time with an MTF was at a gloryhole bookstore. I was alone when a nice looking woman with long dark hair walked into the arcade. At first I actually thought she was a hooker - a pretty one, in jeans and a tank top, with a nice rack. I happen to be into licking pussy so when she went into a booth I went into the one next to her looking to see if I could get her to put her clit up to the gloryhole. Turns out she had a cock, and she wasted no time poking it through the hole. I sucked and rode it off in only a couple of minutes, and she was out of there before I could wipe her cum off my ass and get my trousers up. I've also gone down on a FTM guy I met off of Craigslist in a tiny town in nowhere West Virginia. She loved having guys suck on her "dick" (a clit that was bigger than more than a few cocks I've worked on) and it was pretty cool making her cum over and over again by slurping on it. I think I gave her 7 O's in about half an hour.
  12. Not making this up: I'm at 480. Gave myself 5 instead of 10 for brothers (at the same time) but not twins. Am close to a perfect score save for points awarded to tops.
  13. I can never get enough sperm inside me - ever. The only time I stop is when I've only got a minute left to check out of the motel
  14. This 19 year old kid just stopped by my gloryhole. It was so sweet - I could tell he had just showered, got dressed up, and splashed too much cologne on wanting to make a good impression. Short, thick cock that rose to rock-hard attention as soon as I laid my lips on it. He barely lasted 3 minutes before blowing a young buck's load into my mouth ... mmm so much semen. I have a feeling that that was the first time he's ever been sucked off - at least by a pro, anyway. So cute - he said a proper thank you before zipping up and heading out.
  15. I am a proud to be a public-service cumdump. It's an honor to provide a warm, wet hole for very horny man to unload in.
  16. I've had a few tops stop fucking me when they've reached around and felt the size of my cock - I don't know if they got intimidated or if they just weren't into bottoms with big dicks. The far more frustrating thing for me is when bottoms hound me when they see my bulge, which pretty much happens everywhere I go.
  17. I took 102 loads on a recent 10-day trip to Atlanta, all anonymous - in my motel room some (face down, ass up) but mostly in sex clubs and gloryhole bookstores - bringing my total to 967 for the year. I'm about to move for a job to the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Virginia. Have scoped it out and luckily there's some redneck cum to be found, but I'm hoping to hit 1000 doses of sperm in my ass before I drive down from the urban north or at least on my way there (thanks to some pretty decent truck stops on the route), since the tally will surely take a slow turn once I'm deep in the hills it's a great gig where I'm headed, but a tough town for a cumdump.
  18. I think I got started getting turned on by guys who would normally turn me off when I was working in a dive bar my dad owned in a small town in West Virginia. I was 18 or 19 slaving on the sandwich grill and this one .... no other way to say it but ... ugly guy who was in his late 40's or early 50's was basically sobbing into his beer every evening because he couldn't get pussy. I don't think he'd had a job for a year or two and he was sort of overweight and had one of those faces that are so bad looking you almost can't take your eyes off it. But he was a really nice guy - just with rotten luck. A lot of it. Anyway he happened to go to the same gym that I did - the local Y ... he never worked out, only sat in the sauna and the like. So one day when I walked into the lockerroom to change for lifting weights I saw him in the jacuzzi and decided to postpone my workout to soak with him in the tub. As we were talking about how terrible the local college football team was I began searching the water with my legs and managed to graze his cock with my toes. He didn't flinch, so I footsied him a couple more times, felt his floppy tool start to get hard, then started jerking him under the water with both my feet. Nice cock, actually, with really loose foreskin that dragged along the shaft as I stroked him under the suds. Long story short, after about 5 mins he stood up out of he water and shot his cum into my open mouth. I can still see the fucked up smile on his homely face when he finally got someone to take his nut. I never hooked up with him again, and we never talked about it, not even once. (I heard he died of a heart attack about 5 years ago.) But he was always in a much better mood after that when he came to the bar, at least when I was working. I had sucked off and even gotten fucked by a *lot* of random guys before then - and not many of them were super hot, but I think this was the first time I realized the true value of being the sort of dude who would milk the old and ugly guys. Now I take nothing but pride in being a public service cumdump - so much so that sometimes the guys I like getting off the most are the guys who turn me on the least.
  19. Just took #850 at a sleazy bookstore gloryhole.
  20. I lost track sometime in the spring so I decided to sit down (on a cock) and do my best to reconstruct the numbers. (Seriously, I was getting fucked while doing the math in my head.) What I came up with is just over 800 so far this year, possibly close to 850. At the rate I've been taking cum lately, I should be well over 1,000 by the end of July. But just to be safe, I'm going to start the counter at 800 as of now. I'm heading to a local gloryhole tonight, so hopefully that number will start ticking up in just a few hours.
  21. Curious: Has anyone had any success on the network? I'm a total no-load-refused cumdump who gratefully takes sperm from absolutely ANY dude who needs to dump his seed, no questions asked. So I love the idea of being on call as a cumhole. But I'm pretty lucky with craiglist, bbrt, etc. which I access via my phone for tops who need to reach me right away, and I'm a little wary of putting a phone number out there for anyone (other than tops) to access. So for the guys who've done it, is it worth it? (Regardless, major thanks to rawTOP for setting the network up.)
  22. Happens to me all the time at bathhouses and sex clubs. The solution there is to be who you are and put your ass up in a very public place - proudly showing that your hole is for getting fucked will usually put the bottoms off and always put the tops on notice. As for online, the solution is to say you're a total bottom. If you ever decide you want to fuck an ass, most bottoms won't say no simply because you have 'bottom' instead of 'versatile' in your profile (whereas a fair number of tops - esp. the kind of tops I suspect you're looking for - may avoid hitting you up if your profile does anything other than identify you as a total bottom).
  23. Five more: 1. When I pull into a new motel parking lot for the first time and I can tell that tops are going to love the easy access. 2. When a top emails me and asks me how late I'm taking loads, so that he know when my hole will have the most possible cum for lube. 3. When the door opens while a top is pounding me. 4. When the new guy asks if it was good and the last guy says "oh yeah." 5. When a the last guy asks me to text him with my load total as the night goes on.
  24. Five more: 1. When I have so much cum in my ass that some of it pops out with just from the force of new cock pushing into my puckered hole. 2. The sight of a new email from an another anonymous top asking if I'm still taking loads. (Of course I am.) 3. When a guy tells me he's about to cum in my ass. 4. When he doesn't. (Silent cumshots rock!) 5. When the guy at the front desk gives the a knowing smile. And dumps a load in me at the end of his shift.
  25. When I'm stuck at work, like I am pretty much this entire month, I'm always wishing I was ass up in a seedy motel taking one load after another in my cunt instead of doing what I'm doing. I end up daydreaming about being spermed by anonymous cock to the point that I can't get anything done. So to try to get back on track, every time I think of something I like about being a cumdump, I'm going to jot it down and publish it in a list here, 5 at a time, so that can try to get and get back to work. Feel free to comment and/or add a few of your own favorite things, top or bottom. SOME THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MOTEL PUMP AND DUMPS: 1. The sound of the cracked door being pushed open. 2. The sound of a belt being unbuckled. 3. The heat of my own breath as I keep my face buried in a pillow. 4. The feel of a stiff cock against the inside of my thigh as a top starts aiming for my hole. 5. The smell of cum that starts to fill the room after the 5th load or so. That's just for starters ...
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