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About SDPartyPig

  • Birthday 06/15/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Rubber gear, PnP, piss, filthy jocks, pigs, slam, a man's scent, raunch, POZ, uninhibited, twisted, chasing-swapping-gifting, nasty, perv, POZ slamming EVERYTHING goes kind of fun… OiNK!
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    5’ 11”, 190, Avg
    Proud POZ Pig
    Full Blown AIDS pig
    Rubber & Leather gear, piss pig, bug chasing, swapping, gifting, uninhibited for twisted nasty raunch, groups, pnp, raunch, no deodorant or cologne, bb (should be obvious), slam, pos slam... anything for fun…

    Into generously sharing everything
  • Porn Experience
    Watch it fairly frequently
  • Looking For
    PIGS. POZ... neg... fun... HepC ! Okay, been quasi-chasing HepC for a while now & within the past year decided to go for it with real purpose like I did with HIV. Did my first POZ slam with a bug-bro last week who has HepC.

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  1. Hey, i live in Texas if u want to convert me with your AIDS

  2. I so want to feel your AIDS cum inside me so bad. Very ok with you sharing me with other AIDS tops. 

    I can’t ignore this anymore...I need to be used as a cum dump for POZ / AIDS tops 



  3. I'm a pig here. Use your urinal anyway you like, public urinal. Chem piss up my ass is hot too.
  4. So fucking HOT. Best bugs
  5. Fucking animal, why did i not cross you when i visit SD! Would love to take your aids

  6. Same here. Being a POZ pig is the best
  7. Always drunk piss straight from a piss pig's cock. When I drink Red Bull & Vodka I get comments that my piss tastes sweet. That's no an answer to your question though. Just horny & left a mess. OiNK! Let us know how those recipes work. Sounds hot.
  8. Congrats man I hope it takes.  Swapping bugs is very hot 

  9. It's nearly a year later, hopefully time flew for you, I know that mine did even with its low points. While I'm not an expert I recall reading an article a while ago about people who have been on med holidays. It sounds like once the meds were restarted HIV largely returned to its pre-holiday state. The VL is the lesser concern since an AIDS diagnosis is reached when the tcells fall below 250. After receiving my HIV+ test result it was another 5 years before I saw a doctor. While I was diagnosed with full AIDS the meds quickly began reversing that trend. Would be nice to hear how you are getting along. Cheers!
  10. Fuck, that's hot. Yeah, I'd definitely be up for helping an addict out in exchange for his body & mind
  11. From a bug chaser's perspective, testing POZ was expected & my sex drive multiplied. I recently learned that I have HepC (chased) & I'm much more horny now because of this news. I've always been a top & still am. Would love to be taking loads of poz cum, but still working on that, seriously. Used to hang with a total bottom bug chaser since we were both chasing. A few years later we had a brief chat online & learned that since being POZ he has topped only. That's fucking hot. Back to my poz cock, cheers!
  12. HOT! POZ Pride is a fun weekend in San Diego.
  13. Thanks for following!

  14. From reading the portion below your posting it looks like neg guys are plenty desiring the grand passage to POZ. You might want to offer incentives
  15. Great profile 

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