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Everything posted by NYCBlack34

  1. That's fair. I only responded because it just seemed like your first post was aggressive as anything! But there were some good things that were learned in this conversation, so it's cool.
  2. Could people try responding to cumdrainer4u without attacking him? My gosh! I didn't know that the religious right had infiltrated this website. A lot of people on this thread are acting as intolerant as anything! What does scaring cumdrainer4u accomplish? You are allowed to disagree with him without shouting him down. A really good opportunity for discussion (and even education on BOTH sides) has been lost. My issue is that some of the responses to cumdrainer4u were practically censorship. People use this site as an outlet and a way to express themselves freely. Please don't make them reconsider.
  3. I agree that we decide as a society what is legitimate and it is not objective. Personally, I could also spend years of training and achieve the height of physical endurance in order to walk on my hands from here to NJ while wearing a Speedo and a smile. The fact that what I mentioned is not a sport and mountain-climbing IS a sport is just chance, like the way that some countries eat dog and others eat cow. One is no better than the other. As for doing it for charity, you can do anything for charity. The bareback Olympics would not have charity as a primary motive anymore than mountain-climbing does. And I don't think that mountain-climbing OR barebacking need to "raise awareness and perform charity work" in order to make them acceptable. Why can't people just have vices or thrills anymore?! Everything has to be categorized as good or bad and that gets so boring! Even drugs and alcohol can now have excuses tacked on to make them into "healthy" endeavours. People are allowed to be a little naughty.
  4. Damn, that is pretty miserable! Lots of men (gay and straight) cheat but not all men. There is nothing that all men do, other than breathing, eating and sleeping. We are more interesting than that You have to realize that not everybody has the same libido and some people have way less sex drive than others.
  5. Wow, Fucksurrey! How do you feel?
  6. I am on the fence with this topic. On one hand, it is unrealistic to think that you will NEVER touch another man again for the rest of your life if you are in a relationship. Just address your natural biological needs at the very start. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with being single! Why does somebody need to be in a relationship if it cramps their style? The problem with trying to have it all is that you end up having nothing. I cannot express this strongly enough: A life partner and a roommate that you occasionally sleep with are 2 different things. Many gay men in relationships have the latter and try to pass it off as the former. It's like somehow many gay guys don't have best friends anymore and their boyfriends become their only close friend And I do have to throw in a bitchy comment on the sly, so I apologize in advance. Open relationships tend to be situational and not philosophical! Many guys who are in open relationships would be fine with monogamy if the man that they REALLY wanted came along! It is no fun to be a placeholder while your man auditions other men for the role of boyfriend. But if a guy ONLY wants open relationships in general, now we're cooking with gas! Those guys are being true to themselves in relationships, rather than giving half a loaf to a guy that "will do for now". Yes, this was a long post but the whole monogamy/open relationship thing is a favorite topic among my friends and I.
  7. They are my absolute favorite! Hairy tops get me so hard that I can't even walk
  8. Yes, but these meds are still serious business. It is not like taking half an aspirin each night for heart health. I was just talking about this with a guy i met last year who is poz and he was talking about all of the side effects and the constanting up-and-down adjusting of the drugs. Those commercials where they make meds once-a-day, manageable and still sexy are just that, commercials. A lot of people go through this same issue who DON'T have HIV but have some other chronic illness that requires daily medication that wreaks havoc on your liver and/or kidneys long-term. Guys who have herpes deal with the same thing when they have to decide whether to go on Valtrex full-time or not.
  9. It goes both ways. There are also many poz men who died from meds long before ever getting full-blown AIDS. And there are other poz men have never gone on the meds and are still alive 20 years later. It depends on the situation and a guy would have to talk with his doctor to figure out what is best. Just automatically taking the drugs if you find out that you are poz is a TERRIBLE idea! Just like you would not automatically take rounds of chemo if you are diagnosed with cancer. It would depend on the type of cancer and the situation.
  10. BreedingBear, you are hot, so trust this culling mechanism All the crappy people do things like this and get themselves weeded out. The flakes can fuck with other flakes. If you haven't guessed it already, dating sites like Craigslist and A4A suck in regard to hookups. If guys on there were serious about meeting up, they would actually be out in the world and you would meet them there. At least if you met a guy from this common-interest site (breedingzone), you actually have something in common with them and have a better chance of success!
  11. I think you've got a stalker on your hands! Though, he clearly still wants your dick. Maybe you should teach him a lesson and give it to him.
  12. As long as the guy can get it up, there is no such thing as too old!
  13. I use IE 9 and I have the same problem.
  14. HungLatinDom, you got pozzed without EVER bottoming?
  15. I would suggest a sex party. But if it is gonna be a bathhouse, make it the East Side Club. http://www.eastsideclubnyc.com/welcome.html
  16. Jacks of Color Monday night parties, no question! http://www.jacksofcolor.com/home.html Those parties are quickly getting the reputation of being the best sex party in NYC, period. You will get lots of raw black cock at that party!
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