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Everything posted by tallslenderguy

  1. Ha, yeah, two fairly recently, but after years and a few thousand cocks, only twice is a surprise? Guys i work with, and both on Recon. i don't meet many guys on Recon, to many instadoms/instasubs. For me, D/s is a complex process that requires getting to know each other pretty intimately. One of the guys tried to go there, the other one was more demure, but didn't hook with either. i talk to the 'demure' guy at work fairly often. He's flirty, but hasn't made any advances and i'm not really sexually inclined with him.
  2. BootmanLA beat me to this one. Here's a bit more info. The human body is about 60% water. Normal Saline (NS) is made by boiling water and adding sodium chloride ( that's what table salt is), using a mixture of about 250mL of water with a teaspoon of salt. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is a water attractant, one molecule of NaCl will attract seven molecules of water. The way it works as an enema is it pulls water out of your body through and into your colon, thus affecting stool softening and evacuation. Since it pulls water from your body, NS enema can dehydrate you and that can lower your blood pressure. Fleet enemas use Sodium Phosphate, which is different from a NS enema, not the homemake NS type. Overuse can result in too much phosphate (hyperphosphatemia) and too much sodium (hypernatremia) in the blood stream. People with kidney disease should consult their doctor before using a sodium phosphate product. Over use by anyone can cause an electrolyte imbalance. Over use of either can end up affecting electrolyte balance. Even plain water can result in "water poisoning." Without the added sodium, tap water can be absorbed by your colon instead of drawing water out if you hold it in for long periods and one can become hyper hydrated, diluting the blood, and throwing off electrolyte balance. Most of us here are not using any of these things so much as an enema as we are using them as a douche. Douching the rectum is different that a colonic enema. I douche, and yeah, sometime that involves some of the tale end of my colon if water goes into the sigmoid. But i (and i suspect most of us cleaning out) am not holding the water in, i am flushing out. I have a shower shot and water goes in and i pretty much instantly expel it, so i'm not absorbing much if any water. Enema fetish is a whole different ball game, and depending on what one is using, can have profound effects on the body. i'm notta doctor and not giving medical advice here, but i think the safest method is just plain water quickly in and quickly out to avoid absorption and simply flush out waste. Try and avoid going deep, the more colon you involve, the greater the effects on your body. None of this stuff is without side effect, so i'd suggest minimizing is key. Healthy, high fiber diet is the only one of these things with a positive side effect, promoting a healthy gut micro biome and maybe balancing out some of the other stuff we put up in there lol.
  3. Rectums are like bodies in general, 'one size does not fit all.' I.e., You have to learn your own size. i've read things like guys who insert and count to 3, but then that doesn't say how high the water is if it's a shower shot. That said: "Rectal balloon volume and pressure at maximum tolerable sensation in comparison with age. (A) Rectal balloon volume. Almost all patients had an increased rectal volume suitable for their age and it can be seen that rectal volume increased with age. In accordance with our unpublished data and previous studies, the normal values of rectal volume at maximum tolerable volume for a child of 6 years is 135 mL and for an adult it is 240 mL. 25,26 (B) Rectal balloon pressure. Although the volume of the rectum increases with age, pressure remains relatively stable. Rectal pressure is a sensation and it is, therefore, not influenced by the existence of dyssynergic defecation. " [think before following links] https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Rectal-balloon-volume-and-pressure-at-maximum-tolerable-sensation-in-comparison-with-age_fig1_272198218#:~:text=In accordance with our unpublished,age%2C pressure remains relatively stable.
  4. As others have noted: "diet." Like @lker80, i eat mostly Whole Food Plant Based. i make my own granola that is really good, but also adds a ton of fiber to my diet. Being real here, so close your eyes if you get grossed out lol (as if). A proper diet means your stool should come out large and formed, when you wipe nothing should be on the toilet paper. Both of those are indicators of fiber in your diet. Fiber is the parts of food we eat that our body doesn't use, but feeds our gut microbiome. It's a vast topic and i get very nerdy about it, i'm a critical care nurse with certification on reversing disease through diet, so you don't want to get me started on this lol. As to drying out and bulking up the stool, which makes for a much cleaner colon and rectum, and much easier to clean, is all about fiber. There's both soluble and insoluble fiber... soluble means it absorbs fluid and makes the stool dryer, insoluble is the opposite. In healthcare, when someone has diarrhea, we put them on a diet with rice...i've also found Quinoa also has a very drying effect. The granola i make has Oats, puffed millet, puffed rice and ground flax as the 4 grains, and a bunch of other stuff to make it both healthy and taste good, but the fiber is so much that it almost constipates me eating only a cup a day (i eat it dry, which makes it very absorptive). The other side of this is knowing some anatomy. The colon is about 4 feet long. The rectum is what gets fucked, and some Tops are long and will get through the so called "second hole," which is really the sigmoid curve (see the pic). What can defeat you with clean-out is when water goes beyond the rectum, past the sigmoid and gets into the colon. The colon is always moving stool out, but putting water in (or anything else for that matter) stimulates movement. If your colon has stool in it, and water goes there, you're stimulating it to move down and out... which can result in an extra long cleaning session. Also, eating stimulates movement. If you've been a practicing bottom for awhile, you've likely experienced all of this over time. A diet with lots of soluble fiber dries out and bulks up making for a sort of self cleaning colon. Diets without enough fiber result in a wet, pasty consistency that is much harder to clean ("pasty"=paste). Even if you go past the sigmoid when douching, what's in there makes a lot of difference.
  5. Yeah, have had lots of sex "in nature" (aka "out doors" lol). Parks and preserves can be cruisy. When i lived in Virginia, Grandview Beach on the Chesapeake Bay was a very popular sex spot. You had to hike back in, a long beach on the bay. i've been walking that beach and have seen a hetero couple fucking as i walked by. Was really popular with gays. i'd lay on a blanket ass up and naked and guys would come by and fuck me, it was a great isolated place for sex. As to the PNW? Rooster Rock Beach near Portland Oregon has a "clothing optional" beach where sex happens... it's a known gay cruising location.
  6. Not any studies i can find of the effects of semen on men, but there is some with heteros that semen has bonding powers effecting the brain of the person who absorbs their Tops semen. One can speculate that the colon is also absorptive and a man absorbing his Tops semen may experience similar bonding effect as well. "Human Semen This list makes one wonder whether some of the many proteins in human semen could also have such manipulative effects. If they do, then this would be one way to explain the results of a study by Gordon Gallup and Rebecca Burch. In this study, they had almost three hundred female students fill out questionnaires relating to sex and mental health. The results showed that women who always use a condom — and so are protected against the effects of proteins in the semen — score almost 50 percent higher on a scale of depression-related symptoms than women who never use condoms, which might indicate (but doesn’t prove) that substances in semen interfere with the female nervous system." [think before following links] https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/semens-chemical-cocktail-can-hijack-a-mates-brain
  7. Last Friday and Saturday (i had to work yesterday and Sunday). i had contacted my FB on Thursday and invited Him. He said He didn't know if we could fuck anymore because He found out He had herpes and got panicked. He's Bi and has had sex with a lot of women, He tells me i'm the only guy He's been with. Not sure that is true, but it doesn't really matter to me. i gave Him some healthcare info about herpes and how it hides in the body, 50 million people just in the US are estimated to carry the virus, etc. etc. i advised Him to research and read up on the topic. i also told Him it didn't matter to me that He has herpes, that i really like being with Him and i would not choose to stop having sex with Him just because He's a carrier. Turned out He had a sore in the mouth, which He pretty much never uses with me, and He'd been taking medication, so the outbreak passed. i was pretty surprised when He contacted me on Friday and wanted to breed. We talked some more, and i reassured Him how much i like Him and want Him. He bred me Friday, then again on Saturday.
  8. Another thing that happens is some Tops like to pump air in Their bottom, that usually happens when a Top continuously pulls out all the way and re-enters when fucking. That air can put a lot of pressure to expel, but i have found if i lie on my back and finger my hole, i can let the air out and keep His cum inside. It takes practice, but it can be done.
  9. The colon is about 4 feet long, but a lot of cum doesn't get there if the Top doesn't breed beyond the 'second hole" (i.e., the sigmoid curve). It's the seed that stays in the rectum that can trigger sensors in that part of the body to expel. i fight those and clamp down like i do when squeezing a Mans Cock when He is inside of me and eventually those feelings to expel pass. They come and go, and just have to repeat the process. It can be hard, and crampy, but i've done it for hours and usually if i sleep with His seed in me overnight, it gets absorbed. i have also woken up with a wet mattress too though, so sometimes His seed comes out when i sleep.
  10. Fun question. To me it's the other ingredients in semen that matter, the ones that can get absorbed and facilitate bonding... but i did a look up on the topic, looking for some real info beyond speculation, this is what i found... answer from a medical doctor with link, not sure how reliable the source is. "I see you have inquired – “How long can semen live in the anus before dying, and what's the possibility of getting pregnant if some seamen leak into the vagina from the anus?” Please see, the sperms in the semen can live for some time where ever there is some moisture and warmth etc, and the ansus provides both moisture and warmth so sperms can live there for some time. The actual duration they may remain alive in the anus may vary from situation to situation or person to person but they can remain alive there for few to several hours." [think before following links] https://www.justanswer.com/medical/hz7yl-semen-live-anus-dying-what-s.html
  11. In the absence of gays on this site giving their reasons for voting for Trump (not just voting republican, but voting for Trump?), just read the results of this AP pole along with the article writers take: "It isn’t just Trump’s margin of victory that shows his dominance of the party. It’s that most Republican voters in South Carolina share his entire worldview. The Associate Press’s “VoteCast” voter survey showed, at least in its early results, that around six in 10 GOP voters in the Palmetto State oppose continued U.S. aid to Ukraine. That was bad news for Haley, and striking in a state with a strong military tradition. Around seven in 10 GOP voters in the state accept Trump’s argument that the various investigations into his conduct are attempts to undermine him, according to the survey. Given those numbers, it’s no surprise that around 6 in 10 Republicans here consider themselves to be supporters of the MAGA movement. The GOP, for good or ill, is Trump’s party now." [think before following links] https://news.yahoo.com/five-takeaways-south-carolina-gop-032128253.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=0_00 The hardest part of me to wrap my brain around (and it's all hard) is Trumps comments about Putin and the Ukraine. Trumps recently reiterated comments that he'd actually encourage Putin to invade any country, let alone an ally, is just so categorically insane to me. It also strikes me as un conservative and un republican? i can still hear Regan saying: "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall." It seems to me the new sentiment is to allow Putin to rebuild it. It does remind me of another war in another era where Republicans were more isolationist, WW2. FDR had to be sideways in his efforts to support the efforts against Hitlers attempt possess and subjugate Europe. To me, Putin has from the beginning copied many of Hitlers strategies, almost like he has Hitlers play book in his back pocket for reference. It wasn't until Japan devastated Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on the US (because of Japan), that the US even ventured into the war. i do not understand the isolationist ideals that so many republicans hold. How would a Putin take over of Ukraine possibly benefit the US? Pulling support from a country that wants independence and seems so contrary to American ideals, but even if one takes an "America first' attitude, it still seems against our self interest to encourage dictators to have their way in the world.
  12. Yep... i think with many, "raunch" is often code for feces. To me, his "deflection" would be further evidence of that. i believe 'Scat' is still pretty universally gross and disgusting to most, and he's likely feeling insecure about disclosing that info. i wouldn't include any of the things the OP mentioned as "raunch." Well, maybe strong smells, man musk multiplied? Spit also comes to mind, and some are into vomit. i was at a gay resort in PS a couple of years ago and was playing with a guy. He asked if He could spit in my mouth, and i demurred, that has not appeal to me and strikes me as gross and aggressive (vs assertive). It's obvious to me that my response is emotional when i consider where my mouth and tongue will go and where they have been lol. He sort of proved that when He spat on His cock and offered me the 'package' deal, and i didn't hesitate to put the whole thing in my mouth with desire.
  13. but still has an authentic voiceover. [think before following links] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGOmqfMKhXk
  14. About a half hour ago. my regular FB Who breeds me a couple of times a week for going on 4 years. We're really fortunate, we simply have great chemistry. Usually we're done in 30-40 minutes, but for some reason He was full of fire today. He's a Muscle Guy and pounds hard, so i'm usually gaped and sloppy at about the 15 minute mark, then i fluctuate between conquered and squeezing HIs Cock with my hole. Holes totally sloppy now and will be for most of the night. i don't know, He's super vocal when i'm giving Him oral, but i'm the one making all the noise when He's fucking me... can't help it, so i don't know how much He likes fucking a sloppy hole? So i go back and forth between just giving in and squeezing, giving Him both. We're obviously doing it right, because He keeps coming back and i'm feeling the bliss of having my ass pounded for an hour.
  15. It's a shame this kind of conservative isn't prominent, or as influential as those against gender identity in the Republican party. May i ask what are some of the conservative factors that cause You to choose to be Republican?
  16. You state "I'm not super informed...." i appreciate your honesty and openness, i believe this is a complex topic and i believe oversimplification leads to conflict, not negotiation that leads to compromise. Here's some information and i'd be interested to know your sources when you state what "D" is actually doing and what "R" is actually doing? I.e., substantiation. "Biden's infrastructure law has begun 40,000 projects. ...more than $400 billion in projects has been announced, covering 40,000 projects in more than 4,500 communities in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Native American tribal areas." [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-infrastructure-law-has-begun-40000-projects-will-it-help-him-2024-2023-11-10/ "How Trump's $1 Trillion Infrastructure Pledge Added Up? Donald Trump campaigned on a $1 trillion infrastructure plan. “We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals,” he said in his 2016 election night victory speech. “And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.” ...But the subject “just never seemed to be the priority it was indicated it would be,” Adler said. The Trump administration’s record on infrastructure is marked instead by over-hype and under-delivery. The $1 trillion (later $1.5 trillion) package boiled down to a series of White House budget sketches, proposing to use $200 billion as an incentive for private investors, states and localities to put up the remaining $800 billion. ...“I think we’ll look back on these four years as a missed opportunity,” said Adie Tomer, a fellow at the Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program. “This administration has been a major letdown for nearly all state and local officials and advocates.”" [think before following links] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-16/what-did-all-those-infrastructure-weeks-add-up-to?embedded-checkout=true Comments like this from a presidential candidate do not make me feel the least bit "secure." "Addressing crowds during the rally in South Carolina, Mr Trump said he had made his comments about Russia during a meeting of leaders of Nato countries. He recalled that the leader of a "big country" had presented a hypothetical situation in which he was not meeting his financial obligations within Nato and had come under attack from Moscow. Mr Trump said the leader had asked if the US would come to his country's aid in that scenario, which prompted him to issue a rebuke. "I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?'... 'No I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You gotta pay.'"" [think before following links] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68266447
  17. Some of us live in smaller towns or areas where sex is not as available. Palm Springs is a go too for me, several gay hotels, clothing optional, never have to leave the site if you don't want to. Though half the population of PS is gay lol, so the whole city is great. Ft Lauderdale , to me, is the east coast equivalent of PS. i also have wanted to venture into Mexico, but as a total bottom i have concerns about douching with the water in a country where the water may make you sick. i've read of some guys getting sick that way, so wherever a bottom goes, that should be a consideration.
  18. To me, a Man has two "cocks," His inner cock and His physical Cock. The one that matters the most to me is His inner Cock. His need/desire to penetrate, fuck, orgasm, inseminate are all a part of His Cock, His inner Cock drives His physical Cock, and can make all the difference in the world.
  19. Idk, depends of what Your friend is looking for? Off the cuff, i'd go to a major university that has an arts department dedicated to film/media production and talk to some hungry students pursuing careers and need a project?
  20. "Breeding" is a term used from hetero culture. Like many terms we borrow from straights, there is common meaning, and some meaning that doesn't fit. Like some others, the meaning of breeding goes well beyond the physical for me. Sometimes when i am looking at a Tops profile and Cock pic on a site, i can feel penetrated and bred just looking at His Cock. i'm obviously deeply aware of and into 'mind fuck' (and mind breeding). i think a Man can inseminate another man with more than His physical seed. There's even evidence (from hetero research) that absorbed semen has a bonding effect on the brain. Though i extrapolate and speculate here, i believe that a man can also absorb a Mans planted semen and that it can have a bonding affect the bottoms brain as well. But beyond the physical, i have felt both penetrated and bred by some Mens desire/need/intent. i have felt them plant a part of Their Self in me and have felt impregnated by some Men, even without physical sex.
  21. One of the things i despise about politics in general is pandering for power. Very few elected on either side of the divide are immune, more often than not it seems their compass and tiller follow the wind that fills their sails. People from either 'side' can come up with plethora examples where an elected official does not represent them, even if they voted for them. i sure can. Politics, and people, are not simply blue or red. i really do believe that most politics come down to voting for the person who at least leans towards some of ones individual ideals, and/or against ideals one may find unacceptable, or even reprehensible. i'm not voting for Joe Biden (i think the democratic party could offer better), i am voting against Donald Trump. i wish things were more simple, clear cut. They are not. Since BZ is a largely gay forum below is an offering of evidence substantiating how Biden came out in favor of gay rights... and also notes how he apparently, priorly, opposed them. Biden's length of time in office covers a time span where homosexuality went from being listed as a psychological disorder by the APA in 1973. It's noteworthy that our national (political) legal system took another 30 years to decriminalize homosexuality through a supreme court decision Lawrence vs Texas. It took almost 40 years for that to translate into equal rights. One could argue that Biden was a hypocrite, or one could argue that Biden changed along with society... that he actually was a representative of gay people in this respect. i lean towards the latter. But either way, i have rights today that i didn't have, and he supported those rights at the highest level. "Few living Americans have spent as much time under the cameras of political talk shows as Joe Biden, but no pre-presidential broadcast appearance of his is as memorable as one visit to NBC’s “Meet the Press” ten years ago this week. Biden was asked by anchor David Gregory on May 4, 2012, whether he had rethought his longstanding opposition to same-sex marriage. “I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties,” Biden responded. “Who do you love? And will you be loyal to the person you love? And that’s what people are finding out is what all marriages, at their root, are about, whether they’re marriages of lesbians or gay men or heterosexuals.” The world took notice in a way it rarely does when a vice president speaks. Biden told Gregory he was not setting new White House policy, but regardless, what he said appeared to undermine his assertion in a 2008 vice presidential debate that “Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage.” Now as the two men sought reelection, Biden had placed the ticket in a vise with no appealing escape. Obama could force Biden to back down from heartfelt comments made on national television. He could embrace the position his running mate had intrepidly staked out first on his own, at the risk of appearing he was following rather than leading. Or he could acknowledge that he was at peace with the idea of his governing partner being to the left of him on the era’s most fraught social issue." [think before following links] https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/06/joe-biden-gay-marriage-00030367
  22. lol, yeah, shoulda been clearer on that one
  23. Maybe i misunderstand Your question? This is what i wrote: "Personally, i don't see Trump as one putting on calculated heirs and acts. i think he's a loose cannon and that he shoots from the hip." i meant i see Trump as a loose cannon at best, not Biden. Possibly a cognitive assessment should be part of any medical examination for someone running for office. i was pretty stupid at age 21 lol. There is a common misconception that age is a cause of cognitive decline. While age is not an uncommon correlation it is not causative. There are 80 year olds who can run circles around 30 year olds and vice versa (consider Professor Noam Chomsky, still an intellectual giant at age 95... i sure wouldn't want to match wits with Him. It's an ageist cultural stereotype.
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