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Everything posted by RotzBBengel

  1. To me, going on PrEP feels like a sign of irreverence: if a guy was kind enough to flood my neg boyhole with his AIDS cum, it would seem downright insulting to turn down this generous GIFT...


    1. Fistulike666


      .... gift on its way ... 

      Fresh fruit.jpg

      Kiss it.jpg

    2. bareall77


      Very well said and oh so true!

    3. versbbguy


      No Prep for me

  2. Thanks for the hot tip, man! I'll give it a try for sure - eager to see what I'll find...
  3. Good advice! But though nifty doesn't seem to have any problems with this whole age thing, I don't think you'll ever find the words HIV, POZ, AIDS, GIFT-GIVING or BUGCHASING in one of their stories. While here it's just the other way around. So it's either the one or the other... And a site allowing authors to combine both is not in sight...
  4. Hey drscorpio, there obviously seems to be a gap between what's allowed by law and can be openly talked about here at BZ and what's actually going on out there. But that's not the point - if there's a law you have to obey it, whether it makes sense to you or not! I've had troubles myself discerning what I can/can't write here, so I sent you a PM today asking for your help. Then I realized that my question may be of interest to others too and that I might just as well post it here in this thread. So here's my question: what if I describe an anonymous hook up situation (and I'm not talking about my own memories but a purely fictional story) with an older top and a bottom boy a lot younger than his sex partner. The boy's actual age is never mentioned, but the top expresses his suspicions/doubts that he might not be legal yet, writing something like "When I entered the clearing, seven other guys were already busy taking turns fucking the handcuffed boy who was lying spread-eagle on the cum-encrusted mattress. I asked the kid if he was already 18 years old, but with the ball-gag blocking his mouth, he couldn't answer me. The other guys laughed and said something like 'If he's old enough to spread his legs, he's old enough to take our loads! Of course he's 18, isn't that right, kiddo?' But to me the boy looked a lot more like...(14/15/16/17)." or "Of course I knew that officially he had to be 18 to get into this bathhouse, but to be honest he looked a lot younger than that/ he looked more like...(14/15/16/17)." or "Somebody had handcuffed the boy's wrists behind his back and placed a black hood over his head. So without being able to see the kid's face I can't tell for sure if he was really 18, but just judging by his smooth boyish body, I wouldn't have guessed him to be a day older than...(14/15/16/17)." or maybe "The boy told me he was 18, but given his slender, hairless body and almost girlish sweet face I didn't believe him for a second. Not that I cared much - young age had never prevented me from breeding a boy and I would have fucked him anyway, no matter what he told me." So if I don't write "He's younger than 18" but imply that he might be or at least looks to be younger, would that be okay for me to write or not?
  5. Fuuuck, that's hot! Any taboo you didn't break?!? You're just the kind of perverted older bro every young faggot boy should have while busy exploring his newly discovered sexuality... Thanks for sharing, have been missing your sleazy posts - hope you don't get banned for posting this twisted shit right away again...
  6. Great as always - formidable writing, caliboy...
  7. Fuck yeah, just read the latest installment of "Jayden's Dark Journey" and it's so hot! What a shame they don't allow the posting of POZ content on their site - would love to see little Zephra's boybutt gangbred by huge black AIDS cocks...
  8. Very HOT. Hope the next load goes up the kid's tight negative boyhole...
  9. ...where all of us faggots belong: on all fours with cum oozing out of our wrecked cuntholes and running down the back of our thighs, men we've never met before and we'll never see again lining up to take turns raping our worthless faggotcunts...
  10. Yeah, don't let this shit get to you and just keep posting your hot, depraved stories. You know how much we love them. There are so many more young, innocent boys out there who need a dose of your toxic spooge badly! Pleeease, Daddy!!!
  11. Now that's a way to lose your virginity - never been touched before and then out of a sudden two fat POZ cocks in one night. And that night is still young!!! Can't wait for the john's buddies to work his toxic cum deeper into the kid's formerly negative boycunt and add their own venomous loads to the mix... Good to have you back, Caliboy!!! This story definitely deserved a continuation - and what a great sequel you delivered... :clap:
  12. Awesome story! So fuckin' intense!! Leaves me feeling so empty inside and in need of something long and hard and throbbing to fill that void, be rammed up my boyhole hard and deep and make me beg for them to pull out - knowing well that they won't stop!!!
  13. Wonder what's going to happen next?!? Guess it's only a matter of time until young Calvin takes the next consequent step... Now that I think about it, it must be very liberating when together with your intelligence all your fears and worries and hang-ups are gone as well - simply because you can't really grasp the underlying concept anymore... Maybe if I was just a little dumber, I would be poz by now - knocked up at the tender age of 12 or 13...
  14. God yeah! What you write is so true! When a guy tells me he's going to squirt his ☣AIDS☣cum into my neg boycunt, my pussywalls start to quiver as to squeeze every last drop of toxic dicksnot out of his diseased ☣AIDS☣cock...
  15. ...and I think he got a souvenir he doesn't know about yet. Time for him to pass on what he recieved that night at the Four Seasons...
  16. Phew, that sounds like an exhausting week for sure! Wouldn't mind to be Jerry's and Jeff's Boy though... But what a shame the Boy already was POZ when he started his trial week...I mean, what a way to get pozzed this week-long orgy would have been...
  17. 15 Dollars and an old burger?!? Sounds fair to me... God, that kid's smooth lil boycunt will be ruined in no time at all. Love to read more...
  18. So he still doesn't know who you are? I'd say go for it. But tell him you're his biological son before the two of you get it on! I think he deserves to know. And it will make this experience even more memorable, as both of you can fully appreciate the double taboo of your perverse mating... Don't know if you're into verbal, but Dad/Son Poz talk would drive me insane for sure...
  19. and you're not the only one with a raging boner, bareall77. same here...
  20. FUUUCK, that's hot! More pleeease!!!
  21. No need to hurry! Most of us prefer quality to quantity (though it doesn't always show, I'm afraid...). And until now your works have always been quality material. But that takes time. So please take your time and I'm sure you'll come up with something spectacular... =Felix=
  22. Don't they all, Jay?!? And rightly so, Daaarling...
  23. Only God (or whatever you want to call that intellectual conception) knows why you can't write S A T A N here on BZ. So whoever's friend Seb may be, I sure like his way of catalysing young boys' sexual development... "But don’t worry, I very much suspect you will find a new career soon enough. I wish I could stay to watch…” I wish we can too...
  24. One million and still rising? Sounds...uh...promising... Can't wait to read more about Kevin's pozzing antics! Judging by that backstory, you seem to have something BIG in the pipeline. And with a hot 'n' horny twentysomething jock like Kevin that can't seem to keep his pants zipped up, you shouldn't run out of material any time soon...
  25. Fuck, that was HOT! To wallow in AIDS cum like a pig in the mud...just the thought of it...FUUUCK
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