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Everything posted by RotzBBengel

  1. Being in one of their movies is definitely a fantasy of mine, but honestly I don't think that, still being negative, I really stand a chance. Of course they state to be all "don't ask, don't tell", after all that's part of their image and what makes their flicks so exciting, but sometimes I doubt that ANY of those bottoms was still negative while getting bred or even gangbred in front of their cameras. Not to mention the tops. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that Paul Morris prefers to leave taking risks to others and having a young man converted on one of his shoots and getting sued for it afterwards would be too much of a risk for him... And insisting on getting fucked by negative tops only would noticeably limit the selection of suitable partners...
  2. Hey guys, didn't mean to ruin the atmosphere What i was trying to say was: if you feel like shooting your pozcum into a young teen boy, than just say it. I know a lot of you would like to. And I'm sure there's more than one boy out there (or on here?) that would be happy to spread his legs for your hot pozcocks
  3. That's the way EVERY boy should have his hole ruined. The younger the better...
  4. Fuck, never thought this could get any better than parts one and two. But it did for sure. Got me drooling big time. :drool:
  5. Congrats, rawrawraw!!! That's some fucking hot stuff!!! Can't wait to read PART III. And I think I'm not the only one Love, Felix
  6. Fucking hot! Love poz fiction, don't get me wrong, but good to know those things happen in real life, too
  7. Fuckin hot! I need a cock!! Now!!!
  8. Considering that this site is all about "breeding", I guess that most of you guys are either POZ or on your way to becoming POZ. In that case, "your dick" equals "your POZ dick". That established, would you really fuck a naive 13y.o. boy's virgin throat with your grown up POZ cock, reaming it out and getting it all sore before flooding it with your (at least potentially) contagious cum? Sure, there are a lot of curious boys out there (and I was one of them), but some if not most of them aren't even aware of the risks they are taking. As a kid of 13 I would have gladly sucked any grown man's cock waved into my direction, but still I believe it's too easy to say "The kid wanted it.", when expecting a responsible decision from a hormone driven underage boy is obviously expecting way too much of him. When the kid is not able to calculate the consequences, you as an adult should do on his behalf. Just my opinion.
  9. I've always been a BIG fan of T.I.M. and I check out their homepage regularly. I was surprised (to say the least) to find that they have a new (and kinda irritating) model application form. Now they not only ask for your HIV status, Hep and other STDs, they also wanna know whether you "Are[...]comfortable engaging in sex acts with partners who may have a different HIV status than yourself?" or not. But I almost laughed my ass off, when I found this one: "Do you perform bareback? [] Yes [] No" Right now I feel like I spent the last year under a rock. Can anybody tell me what's happened at T.I.M.? Have they been sued or something? So if anyone has some background information on this, please let me know. I'm really confused and have no idea what to make of this. Love,...Felix
  10. Hi there,

    wish I could be your twink to breed - over and over again :P

    Into daddies a lot, and stocky, hairy, goateed daddies like you turn me on most.

    Fingering my neg boyhole right now, imagining it was you, getting my tight pussy ready to take your fat daddydick...

    Love, Felix

  11. Hi rawTOP, I think you really have a point there. But still I wonder, if (at least with some of those young boys seeking anonymous, unprotected sex with total strangers sometimes four or five times their own age) it could be just the other way around? We (i.e. the society) always talk about poor, innocent boys getting molested by "predatory older men" that selfishly push those kids into a direction they would have never taken on their own. But what if some boys (and I believe myself to be one of those few) are not forced into anonymous promiscuous sex by circumstances, but actually born with that urge that drives them into the arms of bearded, hairy, muscular "Daddies". As for myself, I know that I embarassed my mother again and again by climbing onto the lap of each and every (male) stranger that visited our house, cuddling up to them, even at an age where I was supposed to be "too old for that". But I just liked their male scent, the way their furry forearms felt against my smooth skin and I kept wiggling around on their lap, not to find a comfortable position, but because of the condition it brought some of those guys into, or I would steady myself on their thighs, just to "accidently" brush against their bulges. And some of them obviously knew what they had in hands with me. So maybe those boys (or at least some of them) have not been dragged into perversion by the "predatory older men" you mentioned, but actually just found a fatherly friend who saw their potential or what they were meant to be, maybe from the day they were born, and helped them to find their way in life. I know this is a controversial point of view, but still it might be worth thinking it over. All I can say is that I never felt "abused" when sucking much older strangers cocks as a young boy.
  12. Great story, hotload84!!! Had my boycunt twitching instantly
  13. Hey rawemobttm, hope you're not through with Adam already. I can tell that the boy needs more - more drugs, more cocks, more loads, especially charged ones. Maybe Dean and Jack should not only play with his hole but also manipulate his mind until the kid can no longer imagine a life without POZcum dripping from his ravaged boycunt!
  14. No harm done, I'd say. After all it's about your health, not theirs. And if you do that regularly, it won't matter anymore soon enough, anyway.
  15. Depends on the quality of the loads you and your friend(s) left inside his closeted mancunt ;-) "POZ" would be nice, the "O" replaced by a biohazard-symbol. You could place the "P" on his left asscheek, the "Z" on the right one and the bio-symbol inbetween, his knocked up fuckhole serving as the center of it...
  16. Hairy Muscle Bears, for sure. Always been attracted to those really masculine guys that seem to ooze testosterone. Maybe because from a very young age, around 4 or 5 years old, I knew that I'd never be one of them. It's the difference in our bodies that turns me on most. I'm quite small and slender, blond and blueeyed, smooth all over with a rather small, boyish cock. The guy that will have me drooling almost instantly is the total opposite of that: at least twice my age, tall, muscular, bearded, lots of dark or salt-and-pepper bodyhair (the more the better) with a fat, swarthy, uncut, veiny, purpleheaded Daddydick to abuse my holes. Sometimes I feel like I deserve to be abused for not living up to my dads expectation of me becoming one of them and that to get fucked and bred by those guys is my only chance to get inside their world, if only for a short time.
  17. I was 15. Messed around with some buddies before that, but they wouldn't fuck me, because they thaught that was too gay. But I lived close to a big sex shop. They had two entrances, the main one at the front, next to the counter, and one in the back, where you could enter from the parking lot, that led directly to the porn cinema and a row of video booths. And though they had video surveillance, if you were quick enough, with a lot of luck you could get inside and slip into one of the booths without anyone knowing you were there. Once inside, I would leave the door ajar, insert some coins, search for bb porn, get out of my shorts and start fingering my hole. Usually it wouldn't take long, until a guy was spying into the booth, rubbing his crotch and waiting for me to ask him inside. And from the porn I was watching it wasn't hard to guess what I was up to...Of cause, most times I didn't get that far, they caught me and threw me out, but the few times I got lucky, I went home with an ass full of mancum...
  18. @2young2horny: Wow, that sounds like loads of fun, LOL No doubt you enjoyed yourself to the max )) Wish something like that happened to me... Never had problems with that age-issue? Found that many (esp older) guys love the thought of breeding a really young one, but when they actually saw how small and slender and, well, young I was, most shyed away and told me to get back to them a couple of years later...
  19. I think this is way too much connected to a guy's personal taste to generalize. As for myself, I'd never go for a guy younger than 40 (which is more than twice my own age) and I had the best bare sex of my life so far with a furry salt-and-pepper daddy in his early sixties. But I didn't want to get fucked by him just because of or despite his age, but because he was tall and muscular and hairy and goateed and had a fat, uncut 8incher. I guess at the end of the day we're all superficial one way or the other. In my opinion, age is just a number - a number among many others, and it's up to you, whether you go for age, or cocksize, or weight, or bodyheight, or...
  20. Hi, thanx for adding.

  21. Thanx for asking, I'm doin fine. My boicunt keeps nagging me to find it some fat daddycock though ;-)

    Oh btw, thanx for adding me. What a shame ur so far away, you look sooo hot!

    Greetz, Felix

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