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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. They are currently recruiting for volunteer subjects in Washington, DC (George Washington U) and San Antonio, TX (U of Texas Health Science Center), with additional sites not yet recruiting in Atlanta, GA and Seattle, WA. Contact info for the researchers is at the bottom of the clinicaltrials.gov page for the trial: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05001373 This is only a Phase I study, and the target number of participants is small (56). The primary goal is to demonstrate safety, and the secondary goal is to evaluate immunogenicity (whether the vaccine produces an immune response). It is open to people of either biological sex, ages 18-50. They are not accepting (for Phase I) people who test positive for HIV and people who are at risk for HIV exposure (this makes sense - they need to make sure that any health results observed and any antibodies generated are from the vaccine and not from the virus).
  2. Looks to me like he went pro. Check Goodreads.
  3. I think you're looking for this one here:
  4. It will show up as a positive result, because they have antibodies to HIV, even if the actual virus is at an undetectable level. From the package insert:
  5. Thanks for the follow!

    1. rawscruff


      My pleasure, sexy!

  6. Hey, are you still interested in this? I'm in the area, vers and willing to top. Also interested in the possibility of making JFF content for a possible page there of my own. Would love to hear more about your experience with it. PM me here (or BBRT, growlr, etc)
  7. End of Part #27 (the original planned ending point)... "It seemed like a good idea at the time" LOL
  8. A lovely start! Sounds like I quite have a bit in common with the protagonist.
  9. Can't believe I missed this one, or maybe only read the first few chapters. Truly ART! Just finished part 20, and I've really admired nuance in the different attitudes of the characters to HIV over the last 4 or 5 chapters. Excellently done!
  10. Yet... LOL Such wonderful writing!
  11. Got up this morning at 10-ish and popped on to Grindr while I was brewing the coffee, since it's a weekend and many of the guys in the area seem to be more likely to be looking. Got hit up almost immediately by a cute cubbish type with whom I'd chatted before at a time I wasn't free. Well, he was hosting till 12, and wanted to know how early I could get there (I think his mom was probably expected back from church, but he didn't say). I said 11:15 and he pushed for earlier, so I said I'd try. Popped a half a Cialis, attempted a quick clean out (in the dark because the light bulb in the bathroom decided to burn out), put the coffee in a travel mug and launched... leaving behind said coffee, the lube, the cock ring, and the poppers. Thought, "Oh, well, it's a first meeting, I'll just see how it goes." 20 minutes later I pulled into his (rather rustic) drive and he was standing there in his shorts (it's actually warm today for early March, but was still only about 45 F at that point. He said the house was really messy (not that I cared) but we could do it outside if I bent him over in the back of the station wagon. Heck, yes! Outdoor fucking on a lovely spring day - sign me up! So I bent him over and rimmed him a bit - his first time ever! Then started in to fuck him, but he complained about pain - his fattest dick ever! So we played some more and I fingered him full of baby oil (fortunately he had some) and tried again. No problemo - eased it in and then filled him up. Before long he was begging "daddy" to pound him and fill him up. Oh yeah!! I stretched it out a bit (not super long, since we were on the clock) and then sank it in to the hilt and held it there while I pumped him full of daddy seed. He was on cloud 9... I sucked him off afterward, and played with his balls and fingered him until he came. He's definitely down for a repeat, and said something about wanting to get more sex now that he's adult... and that he will turn 20 in the fall. Right. I thought I was cradle robbing when I had a few playmates half my age, but I guess I was wrong. Because this summer, my numerical age will be three times his. 😯😈
  12. You can get 20-30 characters or so into a QR code without trouble. Beyond that you need a pretty big one to encode the info. Though you can make web addresses very short these days, because of abbreviated address providers. However, I'd vote against QR code. The last thing you want is to encourage people under 35 to pick up their phones. You want their attention firmly on the task at hand. Pun intended.
  13. Thanks for the follow!

    1. Toploader56


      You’re welcome sexy man🐷😈

  14. ^^^ So much this! I am coming up on 4 years in my current place in a small town in eastern West Virginia. It's a cute and gay-friendly town, but except for visiting tourists, it's always the same dozen faces, and I've already done the three of them where there's a mutual interest (none of those turned out to be lasting, but I have a long-distance BF elsewhere). The nearest major metro is DC, with a pretty happening gay scene and just close enough that I can see some of the guys there on the usual apps, especially bbrt. It is 106 miles from my apartment to Crew Club (chosen as a reference point), which with traffic is about 2 hours. Each way. I have been to DC for sex exactly twice in those 4 years.
  15. If you're referring to your reply to the post (the one that begins "Mine works .... but oddly, when I reply to a post,"), I believe that behavior is intentional (at any rate, I see it, too). You are the author of the response. You wrote it, so you don't get to rate it.
  16. @Shotsfired mentioned in another thread the appearance of a new Syphilis variant, I'd like to have more information about this, as I had not heard of it before. I did some Googling but was unable to find anything that matched that description. Were you referring to the Finnish variant that appeared around 2019?
  17. LOL reminds me of my college years - one year the house I lived in tried to list a Rush activity in the schedule thusly: "Workshop in applied onanism. Hands-on demonstrations." Sadly, the censors caught it.
  18. Wow, yes! Been ages (longer than I even care to mention) since I did RPGs - tabletop through secondary school, then LARP all the way through college (enough that my grades suffered perceptibly for it, though sex might also have had something to do with that). Just recently rediscovered board gaming and having a blast with old friends on Boardgamearena.com. Would definitely be up for some of any of the above - PM me if you want to set something up!
  19. Thanks for the follow!

    1. Kster18


      No worries, nice profile, and the Bbrt one too. Very grrr…

  20. Fuuucck I'm hard!
  21. Thanks for a delightful read, as always! I came buckets 🙂
  22. @rkj1978 I have wondered that about him before - looked once and couldn't find him. TSo I looked again, and after flipping through a slice of the IAFD all the way from A to S, I did find him - that's Johnny Oliver aka Sam Swift. He was in Lucasfilms' Hard and Wet back in 2011 and a lot of smaller-name stuff around that same time (2006-2013 or so). I could cum buckets just looking at his face, and his body is about perfect for me, too, at least in that shot. The biohazard tatt is just icing on the cake.
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