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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. On the original topic... even if all of those encounters had been with detectable poz guys, the math was still probably on your side. Using the 1/900 number for insertive partner (from @BootmanLA's reply), and assuming you fucked 300 guys, you would still only have a 28% chance of infection.
  2. Great avatar pic! Woof!


  3. I would expect that the proportional increase in the risk would be the same, but the base level of risk would still be enormously decreased by the PrEP. As @BootmanLA says, I don't know that there are any studies on it. Typically, the more different factors that can affect the measured outcome, the more difficult it is to get statistically significant results in that kind of study. That is a completely different issue from the one under discussion, or did you mean to say "...risk of acquiring HIV"?
  4. It has been conventional wisdom for quite some time that it does so, especially in the case where it actually causes ulceration (syphilis e.g.). Whether it is causative or merely correlative is less clear. I did a bit of online research and found these pages informative: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/hiv/stdfact-std-hiv-detailed.htm [think before following links] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7848598/
  5. Bush River books & video is on I-40 in Maryland north of Baltimore, a short distance from I-95. Very cruisy every time I have been there, at any hour. [think before following links] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bush+River+Books+%26+Video/@39.4591468,-76.2589035,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c7e8658342c485:0xcb39b74996cc3fb0!8m2!3d39.4592384!4d-76.2567904
  6. Thanks for the follow!

  7. Wow! Really not my favorite theme, but damn, the writing is set-the-page-on-fire HOT!
  8. Thanks for the follow, hot stuff!

  9. Thanks for the follow!

  10. My... such an impetuous young man! 😈
  11. You are being somewhat rude in competing for the tops - other bottoms like to get fucked, too... You are being seriously rude in competing for the sling, unless they have a bunch of them. You're not the only guy who paid to get in.
  12. Well. Opened Xtube today to see if anything was happening. Got a pop-up saying it's being discontinued at the end of the month. Guess that was pretty inevitable after they dumped all of the best content. RIP xtube.
  13. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/29554/amateur-deep-breed-n-seed/
  14. Loving this story, it's awesome fun! Keeping me hard and dripping! Thanks for writing it. BTW seems like there's a little continuity bump in this latest chapter (CH11), where Chris guesses that he fucked his dad (and tells him so), before curiously asking him whether he was there. I'm not complaining, just pointing it out in case you want to tweak it.
  15. First I have to find someone who doesn't roll over the minute he sees my dick. That doesn't happen very often. Now that I have someone actually willing to top, he has to want a condom. That hasn't happened in a long time... maybe 4 years was the last time. So, it's a problem that seldom occurs. But it is a problem for me, as I really prefer my bottoming bare - in fact, it may make more difference to me as a bottom than as a top (where I also prefer it bare, because rubbers can squeeze my dick soft awfully fast these days 😞 ). I just hate the frictiony feel of latex, or worse, that nasty stuff they make femidoms out of. So if I'm online, I often avoid chatting up guys who explicitly say they want condoms. Once I'm with a guy (who wants to use it) I generally try to talk him out of it first. If I'm really into him, I may acquiesce to his desire for a condom. But I'll admit I have on at least one occasion stooped to sabotage. As I said, it's a rare problem these days.
  16. Thanks, all! Because my clinic has multiple docs, they could renew the old Rx before I actually meet with my new primary. And the GoodRx brought the price down from $700ish to about $13, so that's totally awesome! Now all I need is some ass... but that's easier to find around here than dick.
  17. Nice amateur one, outdoors in the park. "Yeah, I'm clean..." [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bf33ab342c0f
  18. Many will appreciate it if you tag these as amateur or teaser (the latter being teaser vids for pro companies or pay video sites like OF/JFF). I'll kick it off with this one, which is a short teaser for paid vids on PH, but is pretty hot: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e2bce951fd95
  19. Bumping this thread because I find myself in need of some answers. I'm temporarily without a primary care provider (the old one left the practice, and it is taking months to get an appointment with the new one) and simultaneously in want of some ED meds. The old prescription has also expired. I've got some price sensitivity, and it's probable (in the US here) that my plan doesn't cover these. Anyone here have an online provider for tadalafil that they like? Less expensive would be better, but also, some transparency in the ordering process as to what you're actually getting would be desirable. I went through a rather long session filling out forms at forhims.com only to find they were planning on charging me $240/mo for a daily 5mg dose, which really seemed like a bait and switch. Thanks in advance!
  20. Nope. You're just being self-critical. It's far from the worst story on here. And more importantly, you actually invested the time, courage, and effort to write it, which is farther than a lot of people here ever get. So give yourself the credit you deserve!
  21. They are (almost certainly) still good. The major causes of deterioration in drugs (or any other chemicals or materials) in storage are air, moisture, light, and heat. If the package is still sealed, air and moisture aren't an issue. Unless you've been keeping the bottle in a rather unusual storage place, light isn't either. That leaves heat. As long as it's been kept at room temperature or below, you're well within the margin of error for the storage life. Former chemist here, so this is all based on substantial knowledge about stability of such things.
  22. I find it extremely interesting (and kind of disturbing TBH) that at the critical moment for which the story is titled, Daddy is actually LYING. Not just a little bit, either - a flat-out bare-faced denial of what actually happened as described earlier in the story. Did anyone else notice this?
  23. I'm curious: What med were you taking for PrEP and what are you on now? What were the PrEP side effects that you are no longer getting?
  24. In theory, it is possible (there have been a very small number of cases of that happening). In practice, you are more likely to be struck by lightning.
  25. So, a mid-read comment, off the cuff as I got to the bit about Sam: This is truly marvelous writing! Beautifully crafted. Thank you!! ...and it was indeed so FUCKING AWESOME that I couldn't stop, and read through all the rest of it before the edit period expired. Kudos for some truly excellent writing, and thanks again!
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