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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. I think it would be more ethical to tell people your views of the pros and cons. That said, including your views about the psychological and quality-of-life components of the pros and cons, as well as the medical ones, would not be unreasonable. After all, PrEP is a "lifestyle drug" - people don't take it to cure any disease, so it's only appropriate to compare it to the alternative approaches to managing the risks of sex. Not everyone has the same psychological reaction to the reality of taking a drug regularly to ameliorate one particular risk of an optional (though highly desirable) activity. Personally, I find that PrEP does not change my perception of the risk of bare sex, but it does lower that risk to a level with which I'm comfortable. This is from the point of view where my sexual relations have been bare almost all the time for nearly 20 years now, and those risks have manifested more than once... though in truth, they also did a time or two before all the sex was bare, which is perhaps among the more educational experiences I've had.
  2. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/verbal-tall-ginger-daddy-knocks-up-my-brown-pussy-44906851 Exactly as the title suggests! Verbal and nasty and HOT as fuck!
  3. Actually, in many places they get pretty insistent on contact tracing if you turn up positive for syphilis at all. Depends on your state's laws, but a lot of them have that. It's possible that the law is from before it was curable with antibiotics, I don't know. Irritating. The time I had to deal with that, I assured them I'd do my best to contact everyone, but refused to give the contacts for privacy reasons, and they were OK with that. But really, what's one to do if half one's contacts were anonymous at bookstores? Nada. Which is pretty much why STIs are still so prevalent.
  4. That is certainly cruel and IMO over the line into abusive. You may think (with your rational mind) that she is "not trying to be mean," but you obviously feel abused by it ("utterly humiliating"), and (alas) some part of her probably is trying to be mean. You might want to consider getting some counseling to dig a little deeper and explore your inner feelings about it. In my experience, that's something you can't easily do in the direct presence of an abusive partner.
  5. I know that story... and boy, does it get old! I'm always tempted to respond, "Well, let's see... can you read?"
  6. Why so? Because of the context, or because of the profession, or something else I haven't thought of?
  7. You certainly can't always tell, but having about that much experience myself, I can say that it does help. But what really helps is what you said at the beginning of your post: "his connection to me". It is vastly easier to tell if a man is about to cum if one is really paying attention to him (and not to one's own ass, or one's own dick, or the neighbor's dog...). Experience also teaches that really paying attention to one's partner is a recipe for absolutely dynamite sex! I highly recommend it as a skill to pursue.
  8. I'd hazard a guess that the fire marshal told them none of it would fly the way it was. In my experience with them (with a house in Boston over the last 30 years), there's a decided tendency for fire codes to get more and more strict as time goes on, until you almost have to tear the damn house down in order to comply (and all that renovation gets frickin' expensive, too!). I'll definitely be interested to check this place out, though I might wait until Covid gets a little further along in its arc. Love a good sex club, and I've been missing them since I left the west coast.
  9. I've occasionally entertained this fantasy. It always gets me very hot. FWIW, this is theoretically possible now by uterine transplant. It has been done for women, and there's no reason that it would not work for men (genotypically male people AMAB, who don't have a uterus and ovaries) as well. [think before following links] https://www.bbc.com/news/health-29485996
  10. Have to say, the upgraded site drives really well! Awesome job, @rawTOP Looks like the double drop down caret in the top nav is because there is one coming from the anchor/link element class ("nav-arrow") and one explicitly inserted with FontAwesome - here's a snip of the live HTML:
  11. Cross-posting this one, thanks @bluecollarotter! Super hot verbal with really sexy guys. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph55bc64a50289d&pkey=31667541
  12. One VERY enthusiastic bottom taking his sixth load [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a00de75dd772
  13. Thanks for all you do, sexy!! Things look pretty good on my system (Firefox 80.0.1 on Windows 10). Everything seems to be working fine. A couple of tiny cosmetic annoyances I've noticed: The base font sizes are so much larger that the number of items that can be shown on the screen is rather small. This is probably great for using the site on a mobile device, and not so much on my desktop. It might be nice if the base font size dropped down a notch when the multi-column display kicks in on the responsive design. There are duplicated dropdown carets in the "Other" and "Activity" menu bar items. In the page selector bar, the selected page number is obliterated (white on white):
  14. Here's one that meets that description, though I don't know if it's the one you saw before: [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jp6lcntBBiLx
  15. Exactly. The typical BZ member (and even more so the typical BZ member who actually posts much!) is very far away from the typical gay male. I'd hazard a guess (based on quite a lot of experience) that the average gay male (including all the closeted ones in that average) is a lot closer to your position than he is to the "norm" on BZ.
  16. LOL such a great (and sadly accurate) way to put it!
  17. Enjoying this one very much. Thank you for the excellent story, and excellent writing!
  18. You might want to provide a little more information about where it is and what you are worried about and what you've been doing... That said, it looks like some kind of contact dermatitis or abrasion.
  19. Thanks for the follow!

  20. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/park-bathroom-breed-29684131
  21. Saturday, @MattDillan came by my place on the way to his Pittsburgh hotel ... ... turned out we were wearing matching jockstraps. He took my 8 incher out of mine and sucked it hard (which didn't take long). Then I took it off - his stayed on - and he bent over the bed while I railed him righteously. My thick meat looked so hot sliding in his raw hole. Told him all about how I was going to breed him with my dirty daddy load. That drove him wild, and it couldn't last... I blew a huge load up his chute. It looked sooooo hot oozing out of his pretty pink pucker. Got him on the road without delay (it's another few hours from here to Pittsburgh). That was hot. 🙂
  22. I think this is somewhat true, but part of what you're describing is simply a failure of categorization. My take on that is that while putting people in boxes is perhaps a useful way to trim the field to something manageable, it is inevitably error-prone and leads to false generalizations. Human beings are unique and even if all I'm looking for is a half hour romp, it pays to remember that and judge each one on his (or their) own merits. That said, there's also a component of our own perspective shifting as we get older, more experienced, and (hopefully) wiser. I am very much aware that I am a lot less tolerant of BS in the hookup arena than I was 20 years ago - I know what I like, but even if a guy fits that description (which isn't crazy narrow) I won't put up with endless chatting to no purpose (are we gonna fuck, or just talk all day?), people with neither pic nor stats, people who cannot converse in sentences of more than one word... the list goes on. As a result, I probably have a lot less sex than I could, and I certainly have a lot less than I'd like. But my sanity and equanimity suffer a lot less, and I waste less time online.
  23. Not that I know of. I fervently wish I did - I LOVE sex in the woods!
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