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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Two years in... HELL, yes!
  2. Anyone know who these guys are (and what scene this capture is from)? I think all three of them are smokin' hot, though the scene, to my personal disappoinment, ends in a lot of cum all over rather than inside.
  3. Sexy pic! Would love to have crossed paths with you when I lived out there (though of course perhaps we did)

  4. Interesting. I used to go there pretty regularly back in the late 90s, mostly because it was a lot more convenient than SoMA or Berkeley. Just at a guess, I'd say they are putting their bets on the tourist and travel market as opposed to the locals, who are far less concentrated in the Castro area than they were a few decades ago. The current location is pretty invisible from the touristy part of the Castro anyway, so it's neither obvious enough (in the heart of the Castro) nor convenient enough (near the downtown hotels) to have good pull in that market.
  5. Trying to load an individual image from the User Gallery, I get no joy - blank white page at the URL [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/gallery/image/91572-69b824f8-e387-49b6-baf0-453747fb0772jpeg/?lightbox=1 (though it appears to work fine when it gets embedded here). My purpose was to leave a reaction and/or comment, but maybe one cannot do that there? FWIW, when I use the browser back arrow from there, the gallery page loads blank white also, and must be reloaded to work properly.
  6. Thanks for the follow!

    1. noladude


      i love your viewpoint

  7. I agree with 10/10. I'll add that my agreement with #10 would be significantly stronger if it were tweaked to include the idea of consensual risk (one that is surely familiar to most members of this forum!) Raised in Colorado, living in West Virginia.
  8. That ratio certainly adds verisimilitude!
  9. WOW! I came like a fountain at "...left a mark on his face" - and while I sprayed my mind jumped ahead to the reveal without even reading it. Well done!
  10. Yes... I could teach them that real woodsmen do it bare and they need to lose the condom if they really want to experience it naturally.
  11. Super sexy pic, man!

  12. Thanks for a great story! I really enjoyed following it.
  13. You're sexy! Love the ink.
  14. Cuts off before the money shot, but it's 8 minutes of nice verbal (if you can stand the background music). Teaser for an instagram [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/daddy-bear-breeding-a-hungry-hole-9706479
  15. Snakes are very popular tattoo subjects (as are most venomous creatures) way beyond our little sub-subculture here, and have been for centuries. Snakes in general are a very old symbol with quite a few powerful meanings, and so the symbology of the tattoos can cover quite a lot of different topics. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpent_(symbolism)
  16. The CDC has a tool that will help you get an estimate of risk based on your sex choices and risk reduction practices: [think before following links] https://hivrisk.cdc.gov/risk-estimator-tool/#-sb Bottom line is that based on what you stated above, your risk is pretty low and the chances that you are currently HIV+ are slim to none (way less than 1 in 1000). That's assuming your BF is negative, of course. But it's extremely easy to find out: Just get tested already! If you decide that your risk is low enough that you choose not to use PrEP, I'd strongly recommend getting regular screening for HIV and other STIs, especially if you play outside the relationship. Because (1) the others are much easier to catch than HIV, (2) they increase your odds of contracting HIV if you are exposed and most importantly (3) if you do pick up something, you'll be passing it on (whatever it is) until you get it treated.
  17. Excellently written - delightfully hot!!
  18. Awesome! Intense! Kudos!
  19. Bummer! I missed you by a day. HMU on your way back if you're interested.
  20. This site actually has excellent moderators and a seriously responsible webmaster/site owner. You might like to read the actual rules of the forum before dishing out criticism: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/12285-read-this-before-you-post/ [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/64867-read-this-significant-change-in-rules-effective-31/ Also, if no one reports a post that is against these rules, they have to read all of the posted content in order to catch it. They have lives outside the site, so that's an unreasonable demand on them (though they do read an amazing amount of it!).
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