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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. Nothing is better than making love with a man that you feel some connection with. This kind of sex can go on for hours for me. I get into the whole anonymous scene and all it's built-in limitations, partly because it is easier to come by. That passionate and mutually pleasurable type of sex is not, unfortunately the kind of thing one finds online. I will say that I get plenty of pleasure from getting fucked no matter what the scene, so I can do the role playing thing and I'm fine. I love having a man inside me. Period.
  2. I finally got to the bottom of this. Twice I emailed them and twice they responded that they had corrected the issue. They corrected my name on the heading on my profile, but that is all. Everywhere else my name appears as ***** Milner because the word Tiger is now a banned word, like the word kids or child. Do people really look for porn with actual Tigers? WTF
  3. Married men make great fuck buddies. Just don't get attached. Sometimes it is hard since they tend to be repeaters. I'm seeing a new one next week. Handsome latin man with an amazing 9" uncut cock. He said he wants me to be his side bitch. Classy, huh? Everything I know tells me to stay away from him, but that beautiful cock is all I can think about.
  4. if you didn't feel it, it wasn't 8.5". It sounds like you had a good time either way. He want's it man, go out with him again and make sure he fucks you good.
  5. For me it's not about handsome versus not, it's all in a man's attitude about fucking. Quasi Moto could fuck me if he goes about it in a confident and manly way. Or his attitude could make him a dud. Same goes for the VGL guys.
  6. Those female condoms are the worst! I've never actually inserted one and I won't. Not hot.
  7. Anyone doing professional porn signs a Non Disclosure agreement. Details violate that contract. I don't think you are going to get much on this thread. I did some scenes for a major porn company two years ago, partly so I could blog about it, and then I learned that I would violate my contract if I did so. Mum is the word.
  8. Yes and I have a FB who I turned to condoms with before I was undetectable and he used to get off on stuffing the used condom up my ass. lol.
  9. You must be referring to Lito Cruz. Do all HIV positive men have 11" cocks? No.
  10. You worry about being you and let him worry about being himself. It is not your place to change him.
  11. It boils down to whether you want the cock or the cum. I never turn down a hot fuck over a condom. I often find that guys think condom use is expected and will often either bust it fucking or will take it off any way. And if they don't, I still get the load in the condom. It's like a doggy bag. To go. Win/win. Yes, condoms cause more friction and can leave my hole feeling raw and sore, but that just makes the next fuck more intense. I still want to make the guy cum.
  12. Any guy ever trys to stick a toothbrush up my ass will get my douche nossle up his nostrils on the way out the door. It's just plain stupid.
  13. Sounds to me like when things settle down for you your next move should be to move. Your post reads like you have an underlying unhappiness that is unrelated to HIV or sexuality. And I don't blame you. Get the hell out and get on with a life worth living. It's your life. Live it your way.
  14. It took 32 years and more men than I can count to poz me. But it still only took one hot fuck to do the job.
  15. It should also be said that your buddy's doctor is an out of date idiot. "Doesn't need to be on meds"? What is this, 2001? No, it's 2014. Test positive, get on meds asap. Got exposed, get meds asap.
  16. Check out RawTop's RaunchyFuckers.com It's free and has links to lots of the hottest nastiest porn on the web. Keep it in the family.
  17. I could help you out. I'm two hours south so we would have to plan it. PM me.
  18. I would like to clarify that my comment about not being a controlling little bottom was not meant to imply that bottoms should have no say nor be treated without respect. You can be in control of yourself without being controlling. You can even be in control of the situation without being controlling. Although my own life does not really support that, I am not a controlling little bottom. Maybe I should have said, "Don't be a little bitch." That is what I meant. In my opinion, guys who let a man fuck them raw but insist that he pull out are probably guilt-ridden control freaks. And if they think they are protecting themselves against any kind of infection, they are wrong.
  19. TigrMilner on Dudesnude. Tigertail on BBRT Banned4good on xtube
  20. I don't like seeing men pull out to shoot in porn and I sure don't see any need for it in real life. If you have a problem with taking his load you shouldn't be fucking raw. Make a commitment. Don't be a controlling little bottom.
  21. Don't use the same photos on your adult sites that you use for real life. I always do a save as and rename the jpeg for my adult profiles, blog, etc. That way a photo search won't come up.
  22. As a bottom I really hate how condoms feel to me. They pull the hairs around your hole, create un-natural friction, and you can't feel the warm wettness of a mans load. I don't turn down guys who want to use a condom because I like to fuck, but it is so much better without. I often get them to remove it at some point anyway. Worse case scenario, I get fucked raw by a rubber coated dick and I use the condom to save his load.
  23. I'm not usually focused on the mechanics of fucking. When I am getting fucked I'm totally in tune with the Universe. I feel a wonderful sense of "rightness" of being. I really love the synergy of the fact that some men are tops and some are bottoms. When we find each other, even for a five minute anonymous fuck, I feel validated that I am doing exactly what I was meant to be doing and so is he. It is really a beautiful thing. The rest is instinctual.
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