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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I think the main point is that we are talking about it. It's just a publicity stunt to include it in the DVD. They are not stupid at TIM.
  2. Having blood in a scene puts porn into a different category. I'm surprised to see it. Not hot.
  3. Ok, Poptronic, you said let you know when I was ready to quit smoking again. I am. Today is day one. I'm using the patches. I tried last week and failed but I'm determined to be a non-smoker again. Anyone else want to join? Here are some good reasons I found today while reading up on smoking as it relates to those with HIV. Last time I quit I didn't have to think about this, but now it is a real concern. http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/staying-healthy-with-hiv-aids/taking-care-of-yourself/smoking-tobacco-use/
  4. Deep inside. No porn theatrics in real life please.
  5. Ditto that. Amsterdam seem to hold their punch longer than most.
  6. Took nine loads one after the other at Leather Fetish Pride event. The story is on my blog. What a night! The feel of nine loads of fresh cum at one time is amazing. Check it out.
  7. My doctor is in Orlando. It is a three hour drive for me but worth it. I live in a small coastal town south of there where HIV treatment is five years behind the times. Private message me for his contact info.
  8. I've never had one come back abnormal but I applaud you for doing it and sharing it. As bottoms it is part of our duty to maintain our assholes just the same as a woman would see a gynecologist. There are so many things that can be treated and cured but only if you test for them. Anal cancer is higher among HIV positive men and that is my biggest fear. I stay on top of my health and that includes regular anal pap smears. I do it for my health but I also want my men to know that I am a well maintained hole. I think most men appreciate it.
  9. Welcome aboard. You will find this forum to have a very diverse group of participants and readers, so expect anything. But overall, we are all just a bunch of horny men looking to do what it is that we do. We do have the common thread of wanting it raw.
  10. A conservative slut? Thats a good one. Until two years he had had one guy cum inside him. That is no slut. I was intrigued by this thread but as it deteriorated, I think RawTop nailed this one. Poor self-loathing man has issues. Very hostile. Oh, and I think your militant destructive views on sex are smokin hot, RT. Keep forcing them down my throat. Or up my ass, whichever you prefer.
  11. I find I have the best luck when my posts and profiles are down and dirty. The sluttier the better the responses. The men who are freaked out by bb ads are pussies anyway. Don't botther unless you are willing to take condom fucks, which I do. Lots of men like dirty sluts, even the condom types. Not putting what you want in your profiles and posts makes it a waste of everyones time. To me the worst line in a profile is "looking to meet a hot guy and see what happens." WTF does that mean? It means no one will be the aggressor and it will probably be a boring fuck at best. You need to know what is going to happen and you need to be able to verbalize it. See what happens? No thanks.
  12. I get regular swabs as well as Pap Smears which will show irregular cell growths which could be cancer or polyps. These tests are not standard procedure because they are specific to guys who bottom. A total top doesn't need a Qtip up his ass.
  13. This is simple. Is it important to him to stay negative? If so, he needs to go on prep. It has nothing to do with you or your relationship.
  14. I discussed my fear of Hep C with my Immunologist at my regular 3 month visit. He told me that just this week a new drug was approved for Hep C and the treatment is now only 8 weeks. His advice was to not live in fear. Go out and enjoy life he said. He also said that if it does happen he will take care of me. Talking openly to your doctor about your sexual activity is so important. I always feel good about my self when I leave his office. That is a good doctor in my opinion and I feel lucky to have such a good one.
  15. I have been concerned about Hep C recently and I asked my Immunologist about it this week at my regular visit for bloodwork. He told me that Hep B would be worse to get and treat. I've had the Hep A and B vaccines. He also told me that just this week a new drug was approved for Hep C and the treatment is only 8 weeks with it. He also told me not to live in fear. He said if it happens he will take care of me. Go out and enjoy life was his advice. This is why it is so important to have a good doctor that you can speak openly about your sexual activity and get realistic advice. I really appreciate not hearing about condoms when I go for my HIV visits. Condom clinics are so out of touch with this community. My doctor even sends me home with doses of antibiotics to take after I binge on sex at a club or bath house or sex party. That way I can take loads all weekend, assume I picked up an STI and take the meds on monday. Saves me a lot of hassle and worry. And I don't leave his office feeling like a piece of garbage. The director of the clinic I first went to asked me why I drive so far for care when they are right nearby. My response to him was that they make me feel like I am going to be OK where his clinic made me feel like a dirty whore. He had no words. So I went out and took 8 loads the next night. It was awesome.
  16. Excellent thread guys. Hep C is to me what HIV was to me when I was negative, my biggest fear. I still get into bareback sex and every so often a sex party or a night at Slammers so I know I live with the possibility of getting. I hope not.
  17. Good question. For me, The Joy of Gay Sex was my guide book. I have always recommended it. It's been around forever, and has been updated. It covers alot more than just bottoming. Should be required reading for anyone just coming out.
  18. I was at my old house the past two days doing some painting. I recently bought a condo and moved so I'm getting the house ready to sell. One of the things I miss about my previous residence was my mailman. I saw him yesterday and today and it reminded me of how we met. Almost six years ago I went to a sex party in a nearby town. Immediately I noticed this handsome Brazilian man who seemed equally taken with me. Within minutes we were in a bedroom naked. He's hairy and dark complected with a handsome face and a beautiful smile. His fat cock was a thick 8" uncut. He was an aggressive fuck, always pushing me to take his cock further down my throat or deeper up my ass. He was a great fuck. Before I knew it we had been fucking for over an hour and a half. Other guys wandered in and out of the room we were using but we were so into each other that we didn't even acknowledge them. When we were finally spent and needing a drink we went out the living room where several guys were partying and hanging out. "Wow, we thought you two were in another world" said one of the other guys. Suddenly my Latin lover asked me where I lived. I told him. He then said, "oh, what street?" "What? Are you coming over?" I asked jokingly but a little creeped out by the specifics of his question. "No, I'm your Mailman." he announced in his Portugese accent. I recognized him only after he said it. I had always noticed my Mailman was a hot, but I didn't think for minute he was gay. Well anyway, he and I have had many good times since then. Not just sex. We go to the beach together, movies, dinners, we even took a roadtrip once. I just went to the beach with him about three weeks ago. He's become one of my closest friends. If I had a boyfriend, he would be it. This sexually charged memory made me wonder. Has anyone else fucked with their Mailman? The UPS guy? FedEx?
  19. I find it more of an issue to get a guy to go first than anything else. Most men love that slick silky feeling of sliding in a cummy hole. Everyone wants to go second, or third, or fourth. Hit up the guy who wants it dry first, then once he's loaded you, move on to the rest of the pigs. Everyone is happy.
  20. I prefer a vocal or animated top to a silent cummer. As long as it is not fake porn talk. A man should make some noise when he cums, though it can be extremely hot to fuck in situations where silence is required, such as public restrooms or when someone is in the next room. Even then, I want to hear some heavy breathing.
  21. My biggest pet peeve is getting stood up. It doesn't happen to me twice. Ok, well one FB I've had for six years stands me up when he feels like it, but as soon as his 9" uncut cock is inside me again I get over it. But no one else can. lol.
  22. I am in the I'd do what I want and let things happen group. That said, If I were negative today I'd be on PrEP and try in that way to stay neg. But I know myself well enough to know that any other answer would be meaningless. I love to feel a man cumming inside me.
  23. In my experience all men cheat. You may be doing it for the reasons you touched on or you may be subconciously sabotaging a relationship that isn't working. I've also seen that relationships that work include some type of agreement on sex with other men. The arrangement may be a "don't ask don't tell" approach or it may be playing together. I think the point is that for a relationship to work, there has to be honest communication. I'm not suggesting you reveal the details of what you have been doing, rather that you are honest with him about your desires.
  24. I hooked up last night with a fuck buddy from my pre-poz past. We always had hot sex before and he is a very hot professional type latino and is very passionate. We sort of lost contact because he had a boyfriend and when I tested positive in April of 2012 I cut off all but one of my regular buds. I just didn't want to have to tell him because he and I know so many people in common. We recently reconnected on Grindr and I knew I still wanted it. I was nervous about disclosing my status change since he always knew me as a neg bottom. Shortly after I got to his place he received a text. He asked me if I was up for making it a threesome. We've done that many times in the past. I said sure. He then asked me if I was poz friendly. I said "I'm glad you brought that up". All he said was "Me too". It was that easy. Then we had incredible sex for two hours. Disclosure doesn't have to go badly.
  25. I always put my status in my profiles, posts and ads so that notification can't be disputed. I don't talk about it in the circumstances you described unless it comes up but that way my ass is covered if anyone comes back claiming I didn't tell them. It's in black and white. I'm not going to jail over it that is for sure. You can't be too careful.
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