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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. My most loyal fuck buddy bred my ass once last week, but he got it again today so at least he's consistent.
  2. Mine is a sheet of plywood cut down to just larger than the door frame. I don't think the ones made from sheets or tarps are real glory holes. You need to be able have the guy you are working on be able to lean and push into it. Fabric ones just don't cut it for me. Though they seem to be a simple substitute for the real thing.
  3. I admit to being a watersports newbie. In fact this guy is the only guy I've really done it with. We fucked tonight so I guess we are good. I did learn tonight that I actually bit the tip of his cock when I threw up. lol. It was still sore. I made it up tonight though.
  4. I always insist on a pap smear when I go in. Lots of infections don't have symptoms that are obvious when it is in your ass. The pap smear is for unusual cell growth but when he goes there he always does a swab as well to test for STIs.
  5. I like both scenarios, just depends on the timing, the setting and the man. Ideal scene is for a man to pop one out inside me pretty quickly then have a slow and sensuous second round with his first load lubing me up and leading to another load. Best of both worlds.
  6. Good for you Bearbandit. Now that you have posted it, you are committed to it. I understand that. There were a few times (including last friday night when partying) when I thought about "just one won't hurt" but I didn't want to have to post that I failed. Especially two days before my six month anniversary. The accountantability does help. Keep it up. I'll do the same.
  7. Six months without a cigarette today! I have to admit to smoking my share of weed, but no cigarettes. Six months! That means I've saved nearly $1,000 too! Fuck yeah.
  8. That is hilarious! Thanks for adding a bit of humor to what is at this point one of my all time most mortifying sexual experiences, if you can call throwing up on a man a sexual experience. lol. Obviously it was a major buzz kill and all I wanted to do was leave (after I cleaned up). We've spoken today and he too had a sense of humor about it. Now I'm afraid he's never gonna let me live it down. I know he will think twice before jamming that fat uncut 9" cock to the back of my throat too far. Damnit. Fucking gag reflexes. And thanks FelchingPisser for adding the experience of a piss top. You were encouraging in that you seemed to take it stride. We talk about our "limits" from time to time. I think I found a new one.
  9. I was having a super hot time the other night with a hung fuck buddy who was really turned on my feeding me his piss. We had been doing it for a few hours, him feeding me some piss then skull fucking me for a bit then pulling out and putting it away leaving me wanting more. The taste was especially strong this time. But I kept at it. Then something awful happened. I don't know if I was just full or what but I just remember having a feeling that it was too much and trying to oull off his cock when all of a sudden I threw up all over the guy. I didn't feel it coming on or have any warning. Just boom. I mean I vomited all over his dick, boxers, shorts, shoes and the floor. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Mortified, I came back to find him just waiting to get in the shower. Obviously the moment was ruined. It is very hard to recover from throwing up on a guy. I have been fuck buddies with this guy for 6 1/2 years so I'm sure I'll see him again, but damn. I'm sure we will laugh about it one day but at this point I'm afraid hell be afraid to put his big fat cock in my mouth again. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
  10. Well just think about the angles. Missionary means you are on your back, legs up with a man between them. He is up over you. He can dive in and hard and deep as he wants to. It makes me feels very vulnerable to be in this position. I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any means, just not the easiest position for a newbie who is trying to learn to relax and take a cock. I find I need to be very comfortable with a man to do this position. I guess the face to face is also more intimate, and thus more scary if you are not really into the guy. If it is just a quick anonymous fuck this too much for me. You really have to let a guy in when you are face to face and on the bottom. You have no control at all. That is what I am referring to. I think the lack of control makes it harder to relax when you are just learning to fuck. Missionary is gonna hurt. It's psycological, but it is real.
  11. Besides making sure that you are cleaned out, the main thing is learning to relax the sphincter muscles. Tension translates as pain so it is critical that you learn to control these muscles. The process of douching relaxes both sphincters. Also takes away the the feeling of having to "keep it tight to keep it in". Knowing you are clean allows you to let go. I agree with the previous comments about poppers and pot helping. Really once you learn to relax and get fucked you will never be the same. But you are right it is a learned experience. The body often experiences sensations that are intense as pain and getting fucked is very intense. You may not actually be feeling pain but may just be overwhelmed with the sensations combined with the tensions of not relaxing properly. I also found that sitting on the cock was the was the easiest for me in the beginning and is still the best way to take a really large cock. Missionary is probably the worst for the newbie as it makes you feel the most vulnerable.
  12. A new study just came out showing that a daily dose of 100mg of Doxycycline can prevent Chlmydia, gonoreaha, and syphillis. My doctor gives me a 10 day dose of Doxycycline to take after a night at the baths or a night at Slammers or a sex party, so I don't think I'll go for a daily dose since I don't take loads on a daily basis but this is very good information for those of use who are at high risk of picking up and passing along pesky infections due to high risk behaviors such as bareback sex. http://betablog.org/daily-antibiotic-protects-against-chlamydia-gonorrhea-and-syphilis/
  13. I've been trying to get pregnant for years.
  14. I just want to clarify that the poz talk I mentioned was one comment and it took place before cameras were rolling and is not part of the scene that is in Cream N Daddies. I do not want to mislead or mis-lable the film nor do I want to get in trouble my first time out as a "porn star" for saying too much. Jayson and I were genuinely into each other and were having sex within 10 minutes of meeting and that is when the comment took place. At one point one of the directors came in and told us not to cum and to "save it for the scene". So when you see him breed my hole in the scene you are seeing him deliver what he promised me, just a little later on. But for the record, I did not mean to imply that Cream N Daddies is a poz talk film. I was just giving a little breeding zone back story. Here is a link to the video. It is hot. http://www.tigermilner.com/2015/03/cream-n-daddies-launch.html
  15. Disgusting is a strong way to put it. You either get it or you don't. I admit I didn't use to get it either. In fact, up until Jayson looked me in the eyes and said "I'm going to recharge your hole", I never had gotten it. But I got it then. And I wanted. And I shared that because for those who do "get it", it is hot to know how intense that moment was for me.
  16. Not from what I've seen in the previews it didn't, but it sure will be implied by those who keep up with the DNA lines of porn stars. I mean by taking a load from Jayson I just got pretty much the DNA of most of the poz tops in the business lol. And I mean that with pride and respect to Jayson. Good start I'd say for a first professional porn load. Tiger doesn't mess around. lol.
  17. FYI, an update to this story. The scene we shot is coming out March 20. 2015 on Hot Desert Knights new release "Cream N Daddies". It is hot. My porn debut.
  18. Taking a friend along to a sex club or a bath house is a terrible idea. Guarantees you will not get laid. You will both have a miserable time together. Go alone.
  19. A man's wealth has absolutely no bearing on how good he is in bed. None. It might buy him a better bed.
  20. You have to look at it like you are serving them when you are out there supporting your self because in doing so you are making it possible to be available to them next time. You have to have a roof over your head and to meet your basic needs and that is a part of being a good slut. Do not feel that you are neglecting your duties when you are taking care of yourself because they need you which means you need to take good care of you in order to please the men in your life. So do a good job of it. Be a good whore in every aspect of the word. And do it with pride.
  21. I really don't don't expect to go into graphic details about all my escapades nor am I looking for validation of my choices, but I am looking for a judgement free environment like I had with the doctor I just lost. I mean when the intake nurse told me I could expect a syphillis test anually as part of their routine care I said "ANNUALLY?" I said "I expect that every time I come in here". She said if you are using condoms annually is sufficient. I replied, "Exactly". That is not a judgement free conversation in my book. I think it should be assumed by people who work in HIV clinics that we don't use condoms. Get over that rhetoric and move on. Treatment as prevention is so much more enlightened. And much more realistic.
  22. Sorry to hear about your hassles. You must share the details when the time is right. Hospitals have us all curious and concerned.
  23. I recently learned that my Immunologist has abruptly left the practice that he helped found 25 years ago. I really had an amazing rapport with him and valued this relationship and am upset at having to find a new doctor for my HIV care. Today I went for an intake appointment at a new clinic. I sat thru a 10 minute lecture on condom use that sounded like a badly written pamphlet. I found it an annoying waste of valuable time. I told the nurse that I did not have unprotected sex because I was unaware of the risks. I told her I did it because it was hot. I thought she was going to faint. She asked me if I thought that sounded logical? I asked her if skydiving was logical? Snowboarding? Riding a wild bull? No. You can get killed doing that kind of thing. But the rush makes it worth doing. Same thing. I explained that I'd rather be upfront and honest about my habits so I can get the care I actually need than waste both our time talking about condoms when I have no intention of using them and after 30 years of raw sex, I'm not likely to start. My question is how open are you with your healthcare provider? Do you just listen and take the free condoms and throw them away or do you feel it is important to tell them you take anonymous loads and go to sex parties and expect a syphillis test on every visit? Am I crazy? Are my expectations unrealistic?
  24. I'm going on 3 month's smoke free and glad to see someone has finally joined me. Way to go Whorepig! Keep it up.
  25. I agree completely. Too much porn is "Formula" driven. And that is as much the fault of the consumer as it is the producer. They think we want 3-5 minutes of sucking followed by 3-5 mins of rimming followed by 5-7 minutes of fucking culminating in pulling out to shoot then sticking it back in all done to the sounds of zombie like moans and canned talk that is more to fill the silence than to be hot. When they try something other than that it doesn't sell or gets complaints. TIM is a perfect example of that. When Paul Morris did all his own videos they were edgy, hot, and new. Real men fucking. Then TIM got famous and big and started having memberships to live up too. Now they crank out the same formula crap as all other studios. They have to because they committed to their subscribers to provide new content on a regular basis. No one can be creative on a schedule. They have deadlines and demographics to keep up with. We tell them what to produce with what we buy. Personally, I think the membership website is worst thing ever to happen to porn for the above reasons. Amatuer porn is free from that and is real guys having real sex. Which is way hot. Usually.
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