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About curmud

  • Birthday 04/26/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    okahumpka area, FL. 34748
  • Interests
    velvety folds n my cushy colon suck hot seed up thru t membrane:
    chem-free swallow-freak 4 full well grown hrny blokes
    that don't smell like aftershave, flowers r soap.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    whatsup, hangouts, Ymssngr
  • Looking For
    dirty-minded Fbuds makin sure i eat their buttz bb4 smother-BBuk installing w/their hot churnin nutz

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  1. welcum Ez4me. great name

  2. damnit CowboyDallas20, U sure do have a delicious lookin ass. would eat it out, thoroughly, + climb right up inside U 2 loosen more then cum lickung Ur ears + t back of Ur neck

  3. may i respectfully request a slot on your itinerary as soon as our proximity is apropriately convenient

  4. like Ur style, focus + wish list. 

  5. it was a convenience mart w/1 urnal + 2 stalls. one guy stood at the pisser while a guy waited in t crapper. a gospel tract that looked like a tenspot was on t floor behind the pisser. when i bent over 2 pick it up, the crapper door opened and he showed hard saying "here". i sucked him off as i got my head n shoulders splattered with warm gushing piss.
  6. if i cum 2 you, 

    will you cum in me? 

  7. tyvm 4 following + love Ur stats: all of em. 

  8. thank-you  


  9. thank-you Bicycledude ! should one of us ever find ourselves in t other's back forty i will yield to your itinerary. 

  10. love your torso, hips + butt crack

    1. Bicycledude


      Glad u like them! I luv to please! ?

  11. tnx 4 following rawbbpozbtm. we have quite a lot in common and although opposites attract im sure we could get along 4 at least one evening at your nearest motel 


    1. rawbbpozbtm


      i bet we could... i'd enjoy that very much

  12. hi bbBillyT. so awesome U would follow me. you're magnificent and TYVM 

    1. bbBillyT


      @curmudThat is very kind of you to say! And Thank you for following me!  I think you are magnificent too.  :-) ^_^

  13. s'pose U install churnin marbles' asap


    1. MTWTFSS


      what is that?

    2. curmud


      Ur nutz load: want that sperm-canon o yours roarin deep

    3. MTWTFSS


      Fuck yeah bud --  it's yours

  14. welcum demonboy 


  15. hot fucker. wanna eat Ur poz shitting azz out fucker 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. curmud


      yah hell yah 

      will tongue scrub Ur rectum even as it starts slidin right outta U POZCUNTBOI

    3. pozkuntboi


      ye will empty my shitty kunt in ur gob as ur tounge work my pussy deep.;)

      then slide ur fat cok deep till u fill m with hot spunk, then I clean ur hot sht covered dick :P

    4. curmud


      ...enjoy Ur bitter texture n swallow muscles as climb rt up on U nside U cum n U full up on U n sprrm U good swallowin it down 

      yah lick + suck it off yah

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